U.S. Virus Cases Are Off The Scale – But Its People Can Build A Movement From This

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This article is part of an ongoing series of dispatches from Moon of Alabama

The latest Financial Times graphic for covid-19 cases per country shows that the U.S. case numbers are now literally off the scales.

Source: FT

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen John Burn-Murdoch created that daily updated chart he did not anticipate that any country would have more than a 100,000 total cases. That was a reasonable assumption as China, with 1.4 billion inhabitants, stopped the epidemic with less than 85.000 total cases even when it was surprised by the outbreak.

As of now the U.S. has 164.435 known cases. It will reach a total number of several dozens of millions and will have several hundreds of thousands of dead caused by the covid-19 disease.

Most but not all of those who will die from it will have one or more co-morbid diseases. The number of death in the U.S. will likely be higher than elsewhere because obesity, diabetes and heart problems are more prevalent in the U.S. than in most other countries.

Another reason why the U.S. will have a larger than necessary outbreak is wide mistrust into the authority of the state. A significant number of people will reject stay at home orders or other measures the authorities will have to take.

Then there is this:

Pouya Alimagham پويا عالي مقام @iPouya - 0:48 UTC · Mar 31, 2020

The regime doesn’t want to antagonize the religious classes. Thus, it isn’t doing anything about the fact that some religious sites remain open & clerics are encouraging worshippers to come & pray. These gatherings risk exploding #COVID19.

I’m talking about the US, not #Iran.

The U.S. also has many people without health insurance. The many newly laid off people will additionally lose theirs. These people will avoid to see a doctor or to go to a hospital as the enormous costs would ruin them. The for-profit health system will reject sick persons who are unlikely to be able to pay their bills. The cases of people who die from such circumstance should be put into the death by lack of money category instead of being blamed on something else.

Congress has failed to take the necessary measures and to give everyone access to free tests and free care. This will come back to bite everyone as it makes sure that the disease will circulate longer and stronger than in other rich countries. Even the rich, who will gain most of the money Congress passed out, will be affected by this.

The reasons that the U.S. will have very high numbers are obvious and they have nothing to do with China.

When the SARS virus broke out the world united in defeating it. It did that by isolating all cases and by aggressively tracing anyone who had come into contact with them. The fight was successful. The SARS virus no longer exists outside of high security laboratories.

But when the SARS-CoV-2 evolved there was no united response. China did its very best to defeat the virus. It won the fight against the virus within its country but other states did not join in the effort to eradicate it. SARS-CoV-2 is more infective than SARS and we will never know if an eradication attempt could have been successful. There is no glory in prevention. But it is sad that we did not even try.

The Center of Disease Control botched its creation of a test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the disease. The German designed test model the World Health Organization recommended was rejected by the CDC. It wanted to do its own test and failed. U.S. testing started too late and it then tested too few to get a grip on the size of the emerging epidemic.

U.S. President Donald Trump did not believe that the virus would be a problem. U.S. media likewise played down the danger. Most of its reporting from China had a racist undertone. The nativist freakout only helps to hide the real origin of the crisis. Other conservative leaders in other countries, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Boris Johnson in the UK, Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus and others, similarly ignored the predictable consequences of outbreaks in their countries.

It is now guaranteed that the virus will stay with humanity until someone finds a vaccine that is effective, safe to use and cheap. The task now is to reduce the speed of new infections so we do not overwhelm our healthcare systems.

A lot has been learned about the virus and how it behaves. SARS-CoV-2 is three to four times more infectious than the flu. The virus is transmitted by droplets which are then inhaled by other people. It then attacks cells in the upper throat and starts to replicate there. Two days later the infected person itself becomes infectious. Each time it speaks, coughs or sneezes it will release fine droplets which carry a high load of viruses. Symptoms, which only 75% of all infected persons will feel, usually start on day 5 or 6 after the infection. The main symptoms are a dry cough and general weakness. In some patients the symptoms may look like a heart attack. A person stays infectious until day 8 to 10.

The virus can be detected after it started to replicate. A swab test is taken (it feels like it looks) and processed. If the result is positive the person must be quarantined to protect others.

Swab test

The way the disease develops is the reason for my repeated urging to wear a masks. You have no real way to know if you already carry and spread the disease. The mask may not help to prevent you from getting infected but it can definitely help to prevent that you infect others. Wear a mask out of courtesy towards the people around you.

In many Asian countries wearing a mask is a social rule that everyone follows. These countries, light blue in the above chart, had way less ravaging covid-19 epidemics than 'western' societies where wearing a mask is seen as suspicious or as a sign of weakness. This attitude will now surely have to change.

After replicating in the throat for a few days the virus migrates from the throat into the lower lungs where it replicates more rapidly and begins to create real havoc. The immune system of most healthy people will defeat the virus after some 10 to 18 days. But the fight is often difficult. Some of the symptoms during that phase are not from the virus but from the way our immune system reacts to it.

It destroys the many cells that are infected by the virus and thereby rips holes into the lung tissue. The body then starts an inflammatory response to repair the destroyed cells. The whole process can cause pneumonia. Artificial breathing support will then be needed for people who have already other conditions that cause breathing or circulation problems. Some patients may also develop heart problems. If their lungs become unable to provide enough oxygen to the circulating blood the person will die.

Survivors of covid-19 will have developed immunity for at least a year. While the SARS-CoV-2 virus has developed into several strains it has not mutated into a different form as some common flu viruses often do. That increases the likelihood that a once acquired immunity will continue to protect against a reinfection.

Every crisis is also a chance. Congress has used it to again loot the people and to push more money to the rich. At the same time the powers that be have denied universal healthcare and paid sick leave to those who need it. The covid-19 epidemic is a chance to change that.

There are already a number of strikes at Amazon and similar companies over work safety, health care and pay. Rent strikes must now follow. When the bills come in for families with covid-19 cases many more people will get more interested in medicare for all. A movement can be build from these issues. The Sanders campaign should provide a (virtual) platform for it.

The U.S. has enough money to pay for the security of its people. Security is not a military issue. A hugely expensive aircraft carrier with sick sailors is worth nothing. Pandemics are a real security issue and the U.S. has left its people defenseless against them. Cut the aircraft carriers and other insane military spending and invest it in the health of the people.

That message will soon be widely understood. We can all help to reinforce it.

Previous Moon of Alabama posts on the issue:

Posted by b on March 31, 2020 at 17:48 UTC | Permalink

Comments Sampler

Thanks b... the capitalists and 'conservative types' are not going to like your message.. i agree with you here-> "Cut the aircraft carriers and other insane military spending and invest it into the health of the people." i look forward to reading the yasha levine article and other links you've shared.. the issue of the masks is also in an article today from cbc - here..

and on a lighter note , some guy klucevsek accordion music for anyone interested...here..

Posted by: james | Mar 31 2020 18:05 utc | 1

when many authorities are politicians, how much trust is deserved?

Posted by: Twinker | Mar 31 2020 18:05 utc | 2

The first thing they do is sacrifice all our money to the bankers to appease the money gods. Then they sacrifice the little children. Do they really care about us? Har har har har har!!!

Posted by: blues | Mar 31 2020 18:09 utc | 3

How realistic is “universal health care” in a population that has little incentive, education or sense of personal responsibility to take care of their own health? Obesity, diabetes, etc. The law says Emergency rooms cannot turn ANYONE away.

Posted by: Twinker | Mar 31 2020 18:13 utc | 4

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About the author(s)

"b" is Moon of Alabama's founding (and chief) editor.  This site's purpose is to discuss politics, economics, philosophy and blogger Billmon's Whiskey Bar writings. Moon Of Alabama was opened as an independent, open forum for members of the Whiskey Bar community.  Bernhard )"b") started and still runs the site. Once in a while you will also find posts and art from regular commentators. You can reach the current administrator of this site by emailing Bernhard at MoonofA@aol.com

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Living Clean and Reducing Risk of Infection

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[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e are living in a dangerous time, dealing with something the majority rarely, if ever, even consider – Fighting a contagious, and possibly deadly, microbe. It is a virus known as Covid-19. Many will be sickened, few will escape unscathed, and some of us will die. How many don’t die largely depends on their being able to protect themselves, but more importantly, it depends on the vigilance of everyone else. If you are in my place (the highest risk group) your heart just sank. And every time you watch/read/listen to the news your heart drops a bit further.

I am not an expert, but I have been living with a double-lung transplant and suppressed immune system for going on 9 years. I also once worked for one of the largest sterilizer companies in the United States earlier in life. So here are my ideas, and what I am practicing, in these perilous times.

  1. Assume that the virus is everywhere and that everyone is a carrier.
  2. In environments you think are safe – your home and car, etc. you still need to clean surfaces regularly and stop the virus from entering.

To Mask or Not Mask

To mask or not to mask. Everyone who is out in public should be wearing a mask if they can (in my opinion). The only reason I can see for the recommendations to NOT wear a mask is that they are in short supply (like the tests).

I am so outraged about the testing, and the drumbeat of “if you feel sick” … What we now know from China is that of folks who tested positive for the virus 4 out of 5 (80%) were exposed by contact with people WHO THOUGHT THEY WERE HEALTHY!! This was discovered by tracing the contacts of those who were initially tested. This means that you can be positive for Covid-19 and be spreading it to everyone you encounter, without feeling ill. The current restrictions on testing are because the government has totally failed to get enough tests where they are needed, or to even test front line workers and those who are seriously ill. Therefore, I assume that everyone is a carrier unless I am intimately aware of the precautions they are taking.

Going shopping

Rather than detailing every possible scenario, I am just going to do one in detail – a (safer) trip to the grocery store.

Getting ready

  • Get a bucket of soapy water (with a bit of bleach if you have it) and a rag of some sort and put it outside your home (or apartment), or just inside your door. You can alternatively use some sort of disinfectant (carefully). This is for cleaning your groceries (and shoes) when you get home.
  • Get a clean box or bags to leave at home. You will place your cleaned groceries in these.
  • Get dressed in a double layer of clothes as you are going to strip off the outer layer outside when you get back.
  • If you have cloth grocery bags, then bring them with you.
  • If you have rubber or exam gloves, stick them in your pocket.
  • If you have a hat, scarf, or dew rag, wear it. (Or sweatshirt with hood)
  • If you have a mask, take it.
  • You should always have hand sanitizer with you
  • If you are driving, take a sheet to throw over your car seat

Arriving at the store

  • If there are a ton of folks there, try a different store or come back another time.
  • Put on a mask, head covering, and gloves. Grab your bags (if you have them)
  • Get your cart and clean the handle (if you can).
  • Try to keep your distance from others
  • Do your shopping
  • At the checkout, don’t rest anything on the check-writing stand, and if they have a separate person bagging, bag your own groceries (to reduce others handling them). Most times I would argue against self-checkout, but during this emergency, I recommend self-checkout to reduce the number of people handling your groceries.

Back at the car. The goal here is to not contaminate your car.

  • Remove ONE glove, or sanitize your hands, BEFORE you touch your keys or car.
  • Use the clean hand to get your keys and open your car.
  • Load your bags with the gloved hand and close the car
  • Put the cart away
  • Remove the other glove (or re-sanitize hands) and head for home.

At home

  • Re-glove and haul groceries to your door, or place where you can clean them
  • Grab the sheet as well. It will need to be washed and you can also put your outer layer of clothes in it.
  • If the cleansing water and clean grocery containers are not outside, then grab them.
  • Strip your outer layer (you can put in your empty bag(s) shortly, and these you will wash)
  • Wipe down each item thoroughly and place in your clean box/bag
  • Set aside fruits and vegetables to clean separately. (Unless prepackaged)
  • When all groceries (except fresh) are washed, wipe your door handle and then either remove your shoes or wash the soles of your shoes (they have been in contact with the most likely disease vector – the floor and parking lot)

Fruits and veggies

  • You will need to clean fruits and vegetables. I have been putting solid fruits and veggies in a soapy water bath, rinsing thoroughly, drying, and then bagging if going in the fridge. Veggies like artichokes, broccoli, and greens are rinsed thoroughly, let dry, and the bag sealed. These are for cooking only.
  • If you have bought prepackaged fresh veggies, wash the containers outside and then clean as usual before use.

Your home – however humble or grand

The goal is to make and keep, your home a safe environment. That means regularly cleaning all surfaces, handles, switches, and devices. It also means cleaning EVERYTHING that comes into your home. Shoes and hands are the most easily contaminated and they must be cleaned. The message of “wash your hands” is everywhere, but those shoes need to be wiped down – especially the soles.

People are a problem. If they have been out in the world in the last two weeks, then they are possibly carrying the virus —whether they feel sick or not. If you feel they have been as cautious as you have been, then let them in. If they haven’t then visit by video chat.

Many people are having things shipped to them, and most get mail. Assume it all packages are contaminated and the items inside are contaminated. I carefully open all mail and packages outside. I then putt all boxes and envelopes directly into the recycling and clean all packages (and my hands) before bringing them inside.

In Closing

Many are going to see the directions above as either over the top or obsessive. Unfortunately, keeping a clean space and avoiding contamination is exactly that. It requires focus because it is so easy to cross-contaminate. At one point in my life journey, I had a medication that was delivered under the skin with a pump. I followed an equally long list in preparing to refill the pump and set the subcutaneous patch. It was a written list and I used the buddy system with both of us checking each step. If one of us dropped something off the clean area, or unconsciously scratched our nose, then we’d call a halt and change gloves.

All of us are now dealing with a pathogen that has a long incubation period which continues even after a person is “well”. Many who come in contact with it will not experience symptoms or only mild symptoms, but who are carrying the virus and can both shed it and spread it. Seemingly healthy people are the biggest threat of contagion (in my opinion). Lastly, the virus should be assumed to be everywhere or everything.


Rowan WolfRowan Wolf, PhD • I am a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. My research and writing include issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. I taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintain my own site Uncommon Thought Journal. I may be reached by email at rowan@uncommonthought.com. On a personal note, I am also a survivor of pulmonary hypertension by the gift of a donor’s lungs in 2011. I do my best to honor that gift by trying to be my best self and give to the world what small gifts I have. Among those is a deep passion for life, and the lives of all those with whom I share the planet.

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Of possible interest: Remdesivir Changes Access Outside of Clinical Trials

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Caveat: Below we reproduce a press release from Gilead Sciences, one of Big Pharma's more notorious firms for their aggressive marketing of extremely expensive drugs such as Harvoni to treat, for example,  the Hepatitis C virus. Indeed, this is the company's chosen turf, antiviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and influenza, including Harvoni and Sovaldi.  In 2018 the company had a net income of $5.5 billion, on an admitted total revenue of $22.1 billion. This is a very high profit margin, but we believe that this firm, like all of Big Pharma units, hides its true level of profitability for public relations reasons. The CoronaVirus epidemic is giving Big Pharma firms such as Gilead a chance to clean up some of their well deserved image as unprincipled price gougers. That is why this press release reads so much like a p.r. handout. Still, read it for what it's worth. Eventually, it may dawn on most still massively confused and benighted Americans that the time has come to nationalise the entire healthcare sector. 

Gilead Sciences Remdesivir GS-5734 shows antiviral activity against single-stranded RNA viruses such as coronavirus

March 23, 2020 – The expanding patient-demand for the experimental medication remdesivir motivated its producer to change its availability.

On March 22, 2020, Gilead Sciences announced they are transitioning from Individual Compassionate Use requests for remdesivir to Expanded Access Programs. This change should enable accelerated access to remdesivir for severely ill coronavirus patients. 

These US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) programs are currently under rapid development in conjunction with national regulatory authorities.

Throughout this program transition period, Gilead is unable to accept new individual compassionate use requests due to overwhelming demand.

As an exception, compassionate use requests for remdesivir may still be made for pregnant women and children less than 18 years of age, with confirmed COVID-19disease, and severe manifestations of the disease.

Gilead is working to rapidly assess the safety and efficacy of remdesivir as a potential treatment for COVID-19 through multiple ongoing clinical trials. 

Clinical trials are the primary way to generate critical data that informs the appropriate use of investigational medicines.

On February 25, 2020, a randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of remdesivir in hospitalized adults diagnosed with COVID-19 began at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) in Omaha. 

This is the first clinical trial in the USA to evaluate an experimental treatment for COVID-19, the respiratory disease first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

This disease is caused by the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.  

Gilead’s statement says ‘We recognize that there are severely ill patients who are unable to enroll in clinical trials and for whom no approved treatment options are effective.’ 

‘Gilead has been working with regulatory agencies to provide remdesivir to these patients where feasible.’ 

‘To date, we have provided emergency access to remdesivir for several hundred patients in the United States, Europe, and Japan.’

‘In recent weeks, there has been an exponential increase in compassionate use requests for emergency access to remdesivir, related to the spread of the coronavirus in Europe and the United States.’

‘This has flooded an emergency treatment access system that was set up for very limited access to investigational medicines and never intended for use in response to a pandemic.’

‘We are focused now on processing previously approved requests and anticipate the expanded access programs will initiate in a similar expected timeframe that any new requests for compassionate use would have been processed.’

‘We recognize the urgent need and are working to implement expanded access programs as quickly as possible, with the continued support and collaboration of regulatory agencies.’

Remdesivir (GS-5734) is a novel antiviral drug in the class of nucleotide analogs. It was developed by Gilead Sciences and has been found to show antiviral activity against other single-stranded RNA viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus, Junin virus, Lassa fever virus, Nipah virus, Hendra virus, and the coronaviruses.

SARS-CoV-2 outbreak news is published by Coronavirus Today.

COVID-19 disease medication development news is published by Precision Vaccinations.


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False Claims About The Novel Coronavirus And How To Debunk Them

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Moon of Alabama

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]oday China reported zero new domestic cases of novel coronavirus infections. It has beaten the epidemic just as we predicted early on. Other countries with still expanding epidemics will have to adopt all the measures China has taken to also win the fight.

Our extensive reporting about the novel cornonavirus has attracted many new commentators to this site. Unfortunately some of these, as well as some of the regulars, continue to spread disinformation and myths about the current pandemic and its causes.

To keep some level of quality at this site requires an aggressive countering of such comments. But our capacity to do so is limited. We do delete comments that are nonsensical or have been debunked and we do block people who insist to post or repost nonsense. But there are now many more comments per day than we can read. We therefore have to ask other commentators to counter the bad false ones.

Here are some of the false claims that are made about the pandemic and the facts needed to debunk them.


The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a Chinese virus that comes from bats. It infected people because Chinese people eat bats.


The source of the virus is actually not known. The patient number 1, the person who first carried the virus, has not been found. The Wuhan wet market where exotic animals are sold was not the source of the outbreak:

The paper, written by a large group of Chinese researchers from several institutions, offers details about the first 41 hospitalized patients who had confirmed infections with what has been dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). In the earliest case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market, the authors report. “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases,” they state. Their data also show that, in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace. “That’s a big number, 13, with no link,” says Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease specialist at Georgetown University.

While the novel corona virus might be one that was originally carried by bats it is unlikely to have jumped from a bat to a human. The older SARS virus, which is somewhat similar to the novel coronavirus, originated from bats but first spread to other animals before mutating from there into a form that infects humans.

The only place where bats are used as regular food is the Pacific island Palau which is more or less a U.S. colony. Videos showing Chinese citizens eating fruit bat soup were actually filmed on that island.


The virus is related to HIV, the virus that causes aids.


Some Indian researchers found four genome sequences in the novel coronavirus that can also be found in the HIV virus. They self published their findings in a paper that was not peer reviewed. We discussed that paper in detail on February 1 in our second post on the virus and we strongly expressed our doubt about its veracity. A few days later the paper was retracted by its authors after other scientists had pointed out that the lengths of each of the four sequences they had compared were way too small to be of statistical significance.


Asian people are genetically more receptive for the novel coronavirus.


The virus enters human cells by binding to the ACE-2 receptor on the cells hull. There were assertions that people in Asia have more ACE-2 receptors than people elsewhere. But detailed studies of various genome sequence databases have found no statistical basis for such claims. People of Asian, Caucasian or African heritage all have the same numbers of ACE-2 building elements and receptors. The virus will effect them equally.


The virus originated from a military weapon research laboratory.


There is zero evidence that the virus is from a Chinese or U.S. or other (weapon) laboratory and the claim actually makes no sense. The genome of the virus consists of more than 23,000 'letters'. It is significantly different that the genome of other known viruses. To artificially create such a complex entity and to test all its variants would have been a program of the size of the Manhattan project and would have cost billions.

Weapon researchers are sane people with a limited budget. They look for methods to defeat an enemy. A virus that affects all humans indiscriminately but kills mostly very old ones would have no military value.


Moon of Alabama has downplayed the danger of the virus.


Our first post on the issue was headlined The Coronavirus - No Need To Panic. It discussed the infectiousness and fatality rate of the novel coronavirus disease in comparison to other virus caused diseases. We pointed out that it is less infectious and less deadly than for example SARS but never said that it is not dangerous at all. In fact the numbers we pointed out said the opposite.

The piece simple set the current epidemic into perspective. We have since posted a total of 15 detailed pieces on the pandemic. To claim that this is a downplaying of the issue is nonsensical.

Previous Moon of Alabama posts on the issue:

Posted by b on March 19, 2020 at 12:19 UTC | Permalink

Comments Sampler 

I think China showed what an effective state action is, but the west seems to be acting now, and I doubt the number of cases will surpass 1 million in most European countries.. Which, given China's relative 10x size, would mean China would have performed 100x better by the end of this probably.

Posted by: Ilya G Poimandres | Mar 19 2020 12:28 utc | 1

Freedom-lovers here, are you happy now?

Admonition letter to Dr. Li Wenliang 'improper': investigation

The letter of admonition that deceased doctor Li Wenliang received from police after he warned about a SARS-like virus in the central Chinese city of Wuhan was an "improper law enforcement procedure," an investigation into Li's case has found.

The investigation was carried out by the National Supervisory Commission, an anti-corruption body.The results were published on Thursday.

The ophthalmologist raise an early alarm in social media platform and the messages were widely circulated online. He was reprimanded by police, who accused him of spreading rumors.

Li later tested positive for the new coronavirus and passed away of the infection on February 7. His story prompted public outrage and an investigation into the case.

The commission advised supervisory authorities in Wuhan to guide the public security organ to punish officers involved in the case and withdraw the letter.

Justice is done, rule of law was applied.

However, as we delve deeper into the story, the case for a "CCP covered the epidemic for two months" gets weaker and weaker: as the article states, dr. Li Wenliang was an ophtalmologist. Ophtalmologists are not pulmonologists, therefore not experts in exotic respiratory diseases. Earlier news highlighted the fact that he thought it was common SARS, and he didn't seek the authorities. Instead, he chated with ten friends and told them not to tell anybody.

This was far from the hollywoodian doctor crying out loud ignored by the evil authorities cliché.

Posted by: vk | Mar 19 2020 12:40 utc | 2

Recent tweet from Kim Dotcom

This study says: “...the evidence shows that Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is not a purposefully manipulated virus...”
it refers to very recent (as in now) article from Nature mag
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2

to which i replied:
there is much obfuscation currently going on regarding this virus, so it is nice to see you referring to an article where we can cut through the disinformation currently doing the rounds.

Posted by: chris m | Mar 19 2020 12:44 utc | 3

ps i think we can all hope and say that Nature magazine is the nearest we can get to acting as a reputable source of information (fingers crossed)

Posted by: chris m | Mar 19 2020 12:48 utc | 4

Correction - bats are also eaten in Seychelles.

Posted by: teeb | Mar 19 2020 12:52 utc | 5

“b” is the nom de guerre of Moon of Alabama’s founding editor.

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We Have Met the Enemy: It May Turn Out to be Us and Not a Virus

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Maple Glen, PA.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]’m writing this article from my home in Montgomery County, PA, a large suburban, exurban and rural county of 900,000 people which is kind of wrapped around three sides of the city of Philadelphia. At the moment, we are in “lock down,” after PA Gov. Tom Wolf announced that MontCo is the “epicenter of the pandemic.” 

Wolf yesterday ordered all elementary and secondary schools in the county closed effective today for at least the next several weeks, and ordered all colleges, including Montgomery County Community College and the Ambler campus of Temple University to end classroom teaching, switching over to online teaching. He also asked all retail stores to close their doors for a few weeks, with the exception of food stores, pharmacies and gas stations.

The suddenness of the lockdown caught residents by surprise. Parents have been forced to scramble to make arrangements for their young children — not easy since child care institutions are also being shuttered, and help or sitters can be hard to find, especially on no notice.

There is an element of panic, since it’s becoming clear that this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic is looking potentially much worse than people up until now had been led to believe. In this so-called “epicenter,” for example, the number of “presumptive” cases of COVID-19 infection is currently 17 (since testing kits are scarce in the US, only six of the PA cases have been tested and they were all positive). That’s just about half the state’s total of 33 as of today. One MontCo resident has died so far, in a hospital in Philadelphia.

What is finally being made clear in the media is that because the Trump administration cut staffing for epidemic control at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) over the last two years, making the CDC very slow to develop and start producing COVID-19 test kids, only 5 people per million have been tested nationally so far. (That compares to 3600 tests per million in S. Korea!). Since then testing has been rationed, with many who report symptoms and ask to be tested being turned away by health care providers. Tests can also cost more than $1000 while in Montgomery County, as across the nation, about a quarter of the population is either uninsured or has a cut-rate insurance plan that doesn’t pay any benefits until the insured person has paid the amount of the annual deductible. Those deductibles can often be thousands of dollars or even as high as $10,000.

As a result we are only now learning that the true number of infected people in a state the size of Pennsylvania, rather than being tallied in double digits, could be as high as 100,000 already as in Ohio, with the vast majority of those infected not knowing if they have, or are contagious with, the disease. State health officials in Ohio and Washington have stated this openly, but most states are not being so forthright, perhaps fearing that being honest will sow panic.

As in indication of how widespread the virus spread is, when we were shopping in our local Giant store today, we learned from a woman in the checkout line that her friend, a nurse, had learned three people who had been in that store earlier had later been diagnosed with Coronavirus infections. You wouldn’t get that kind of thing happening if the whole county only had 17 infected people!

For this reason, it seems clear that the restrictions being imposed now in MontCo will not be temporary, ending in a few weeks, but will if anything become stricter and much longer-term.

Until test kits are readily available it is impossible for residents of the county to know if they have contracted the virus, or if they are a asymptomatic carriers and a risk to the others in their household or at their workplace.

For now my family, which includes five people, aged 7 to 70, are hunkered down, trying to keep our house as sanitary as possible and washing hands after every excursion outside, whether to shop for food or to take in the mail from the mail box.

It’s nerve-wracking because, for example, I’m  approaching my 71st birthday and according to the CDC, my chance of dying if I contract the disease in my 70-79 age bracket is 8%,. That’s disturbingly bad odds. Moreover, I have a lung condition that makes me more prone to complications if I get a case of pneumonia or even bronchitis, so probably my risk level of a fatal lung infection is significantly higher than just 8%.

In Italy, nurses and doctors are reporting that hospitals are just letting some older patients with breathing difficulties die of the coronavirus because the country’s hospitals simply don’t have an adequate number of ventilators for those whose breathing becomes significantly impaired. They are giving the ventilators available to younger patients in a kind of unofficial triage.

The US is almost certainly going to end up doing much worse. At least Italy, with a nationalized health program, offers health care free to all its residents. That means everyone has ready access to primary care, even if the supply of specialized life-saving equipment may be in short supply.  In the US, in contrast, we have a system that almost seems to have been constructed to make dealing with a pandemic impossible. If it had been done deliberately, it would have looked like it does! : A quarter of the population of 320 million has no insurance or inadequate insurance. Another fifth of the country is covered by Medicaid, a health program for those with an income of less than double the poverty level. Medicaid is okay when it comes to going to an emergency room or an urgent care center, but when it comes to seeing a primary-care physician, it gets difficult. Most physicians don’t accept Medicaid because the reimbursement rates for an office visit are so low — typically 25% or less of what their billing rate is and what insurance companies pay them for seeing an insured patient.  As a result it is often hard for people on Medicaid to find a doctor in their area who accepts Medicaid patients, and those that do are hard to get an appointment with.

If people think things have gotten bad quickly in Italy, where the whole country is currently on lockdown in an attempt to try and slow the coronavirus pandemic’s spread, wait until the disease really gets going here in the US, where it arrived later. We ain’t seen nothing yet! 

The Novel Coronavirus disease is spreading at a rate that doubles the number of victims and carriers every week or less. If it’s true that there are actually over 100,000 cases in Ohio, a state of 12 million, then there are close to 2.8 million cases already nationally. Even if the official number of diagnosed cases, which is 1872 as of today, were correct, at a weekly doubling rate, that number would exceed that 2.8 million number in 11 weeks!  This is why the CDC is warning that through the course of this pandemic, as many as 160-214 million Americans could ultimately be infected. That’s half to two-thirds of the total US population! 

We’re in chaos now and this thing’s just beginning!

So for now, we’re at home in our house. It’s a sunny day, 69 degrees outside and the buds are swelling and starting to pop open — apple leaves, forsythia flowers, daffodils and the flowers on the maple trees. We’re all feeling healthy, but we get nervous every time one of us sniffles and blows a nose or coughs. There’s a feeling of constant foreboding that despite our best efforts to avoid contagion, this new deadly virus will slip past our defenses and get down one of our tracheas, and then we’ll all end up infected.

Everyone has this disquieting sense of doom just around the corner.

So far, there’s a lot of community camaraderie. The crowds packing and stripping the stores are friendly, despite the urgent desire to make sure they and their family get the supplies they need. But as we get to a more severe stage of the pandemic, with hospital beds, physicians, ICU rooms and ventilators in short supply as they all inevitably will be (US hospitals in total only have about 330,000 available beds above those normally in use for other reasons according to the American Hospital Association), and as it gets harder to get services as more and more people are laid up sick, that sense of solidarity is likely to fray.  This is especially so when the leader of the country these days is all about promoting an “I got mine” philosophy. Let’s remember too that it is urgently important in confronting a pandemic that the poorest people — the homeless, the immigrants, legal or not, the poor and uninsured, white, black or brown — all get the care and treatment they need. Again, although it should be common sense that if there are people not getting tests and treatment, they will spread disease among the rest of us, this argument will be a hard sell with a president and Senate Republican majority that have both been calling for cuts for the poor and deportation of the immigrants.

I’m not optimistic at all.

The lockdown of my community seems like a pathetic gesture really, though it does bring home the reality that this is really happening. We are all living in a Stephen King horror novel. We have met the enemy but it may not be the COVID-19 virus. It may be ourselves and the unequal, disunited and dysfunctional society we have created.



Dave Lindorff is a founding member of ThisCantBeHappening!, an online newspaper collective, and is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). 

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