Everything you need to know about Washington’s (Perfidious) Plans Against China

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Brian Berletic

May 27, 2022

The New Atlas

 Below :

The New Atlas / May 25, 2022

The US government and the Western media are opposed to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet traveling to Xinjiang, Chine to investigate claims made by the West of “genocide” against Xinjiang’s Uyghur population. For years the US has accused China of carrying out “genocide,” yet has produced no evidence at all - even after an 80+ hour “tribunal.” The US is spreading lies about China regarding Xinjiang just as the US spread lies about Iraq regarding “weapons of mass destruction” for the sole purpose of advancing US foreign policy objectives - not in pursuit of human rights, peace, and prosperity in China but deliberately at its cost.

The Guardian - UN human rights commissioner criticised over planned Xinjiang visit: https://www.theguardian.com/world/202...
Reuters - U.S., others object to U.N. counterterrorism chief visit to China's Xinjiang: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ch...
UN - Mr. Voronkov visit to China: https://www.un.org/counterterrorism/s...
Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC): https://ipac.global/ I
PAC - IPAC MPs warn of ‘sham’ Xinjiang investigation ahead of UN visit https://ipac.global/ipac-mps-warn-of-...

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Celebrities Are Such Scumbags Because They’re Invested In The Status Quo

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Caitlin Johnstone

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Have you ever wondered why a famous person whose work you’ve enjoyed has such a myopic perspective on world events? How someone can stir you at your most intimate depths with their words or their music and yet have a blinkered mainstream political worldview that is manufactured by think tanks and spinmeisters?

Celebrities have been particularly odious empire sycophants these last few days, and it’s probably worth taking a moment to reflect on what’s going on when that happens.

Bette Midler has been drawing headlines for her recent let-them-eat-cake remark about baby formula shortages, taking to Twitter to tell Americans, “TRY BREASTFEEEDING! It’s free and available on demand.”

There are of course many reasons why parents might be unable to consistently provide breast milk to their baby, including but not limited to the very health problems and long working hours that the US status quo often creates. More than this, telling individuals what to do in response to a systemic problem created by the wealthy and the powerful serves to divert attention away from criticisms of those people and those systems.

Midler often uses her Twitter account to broadcast her indifference to the struggles of the less fortunate, like in March when she tweeted “I’d happily pay more for gas for her” with a picture of a child holding a Ukrainian flag. Midler has an estimated net worth of a quarter billion dollars.

While we’re on the subject of Ukraine, U2’s Bono and the Edge recently played a concert in Kyiv in support of the world-threatening US proxy war against Russia, because of course they fucking did. Bono, who says he has “grown very fond” of war criminal George W Bush and praised capitalism at the World Economic Forum and teamed up with warmonger Lindsey Graham to promote US empire narratives about Syria in 2016, would of course be seen singing “Stand by Ukraine” in support of US empire narratives in a Kyiv subway in 2022.

The immensely popular Indian spiritual leader known as Sadhguru Jagadish Vasudev recently tweeted “May Israel inspire the world” in praise of the apartheid ethnostate’s farming practices even as its tyranny and bloodshed draws international headlines. Few of the enlightenment merchants on the spiritual marketplace have anything worthwhile to say about individual awakening, and virtually all of them are fast asleep when it comes to consciousness about the external world.

Horror author Stephen King made the bizarre decision to tweet “I stand with Nina Jankowicz” the other day in support of the freaky shitlib who will be leading the Department of Homeland Security’s Ministry of Truth. Nothing really to say about that beyond what it is.

This kind of thing happens so often because within an empire that is held together by propaganda, capitalism and mass military violence, those who are elevated to prominence within that empire have a symbiotic relationship with those things.

Someone who is worth a quarter billion dollars is unlikely to support the end of capitalism and the elimination of vast wealth inequality. Someone whose wealth and status come from Hollywood is unlikely to oppose the imperial propaganda machine of which Hollywood is a crucial part. Someone who benefits from status quo politics is unlikely to promote meaningful opposition to them.

And it goes both ways. The imperial machine is not going to elevate people who seek its death. Anti-imperialist journalist Aaron Maté will never win a Pulitzer. Antiwar comic Dave Smith will never star in a mainstream Hollywood movie. Chart-topping songs will tend to glorify money and affluence and will never amplify any opposition to the mechanisms which make them possible.

You don’t generally become rich and famous without the cooperation of people who have the power to facilitate your doing so. Those people will always be invested in the continuation of status quo systems, because they are intimately intertwined with those systems. If you seek the end of capitalism or empire or Israeli apartheid or US sanctions or cold war brinkmanship, you are unlikely to be helped toward the top by any of those people.

And then once you are granted your golden ticket to fame and fortune, you immediately find yourself surrounded by people who are deeply invested in the status quo systems which just elevated you. You go to their parties. You make friends with them because it’s difficult to form normal friendships with ordinary people when you’re very famous. Before you know it you’re in a tighty cloistered echo chamber of the status quo worldview.

So fame is a self-reinforcing feedback loop of support for establishment power in numerous ways, and it’s a major problem. It’s a major problem because it means that the people with the most influential voices in our society will always necessarily be people who have benefited tremendously from status quo systems. Their voices eclipse those countless millions who are suffering under those same systems, not because they are more valid or more truthful but solely because they are more amplified.

When you’ve got all the loudest voices talking about the world and their nation in a way that suggests that the system is working fine while all the far more numerous voices saying the opposite are going virtually unheard, what happens? It creates the illusion that the system is working fine. That status quo politics is getting the job done, and no massive, sweeping changes are needed.

In this way the contentment of celebrities with the current establishment order becomes a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, because it keeps enough of the population thinking that the status quo must be working. That any difficulties they are having making ends meet and keeping their head above water is a failure not of the system, but of themselves. That the answer is not revolution and change but self-defeating self-blame and learned helplessness.

To be a celebrity within the oligarchic empire is, with very few notable exceptions, to be an agent of that empire. The weird plastic-faced freaks who fill our screens and shape our worldviews are as much a part of the oppression machine as the Pentagon.

Just a useful thing to be aware of while navigating this mess.

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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

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All search-engines are effectively controlled by the U.S. Government.

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Bever since February 2014), many researchers have started using other search-engines, such as DuckDuckGo, which advertises on America’s neoconservative liberal National Public Radio (NPR) network as being an alternative to Google. However, on March 9th, DuckDuckGo’s CEO & Founder, Gabriel Weinberg, issued a tweet saying “Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. #StandWithUkraine. At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation.”

There was immediate blowback from researchers who hate Google because it does what DuckDuckGo had just admitted there that DuckDuckGo ALSO does: filter out information that the U.S. Government doesn’t want the public to know (such as that Ukraine’s nazis control Ukraine and are backed by the U.S. Government).

So, Weinberg quickly followed up with “In addition to down-ranking sites associated with disinformation, we also often place news modules and information boxes at the top of DuckDuckGo search results (where they are seen and clicked the most) to highlight quality information for rapidly unfolding topics.”

That didn’t quell the blowback; so, on April 17th he tweeted that “there is a completely made up headline going around this weekend. We are not ‘purging’ any media outlets from results. Anyone can verify this by searching for an outlet and see it comes up in results.”

That response from him was assuming what he undoubtedly knew to be false: that the users’ concern was whether or not a given “outlet” that’s being searched-for by a user will be found if specifically searched-for on DuckDuckGo. He’s not so stupid as to actually believe that that is what users are actually rebelling against — he knows that instead they are rebelling against having a search-engine, whether Google or DuckDuckGo or any other, pretend to be able to predetermine which allegations or types of allegations that are accessible through the Web are true, and which are false (or ‘low quality’). Obviously, no search-engine can do that; any that pretend to are committing fraud. But that sadly includes every search-engine.

Any intelligent user of the internet knows that ANY censorship on the Web is dictatorial, NOT democratic. It’s at least as dictatorial if it is coming from billionaires such as Gabriel Weinberg, or Jack Dorsey, or Mark Zuckerberg, or their agents, as it is if it comes from the Government itself — which the user can vote against at election-time without needing to purchase shares of stock in some corporation in order to become enabled to vote against its CEO and other officials. Corporate dictatorship is what Mussolini proudly advocated for in 1920s Italy and called alternatively “fascism” and “corporationism.” That’s what we’ve now got in the U.S. and its allied countries.

One of the U.S. Government’s mouthpieces, the neoconservative liberal website Slate (owned by the neoconservative liberal Donald Graham who had sold the neoconservative liberal Washington Post to the neoconservative liberal Jeff Bezos), headlined on March 15th “The DuckDuckGo Users Furious at Its Response to the War in Ukraine”, and tried to marginalize the opponents of censorship by pretending that all of them are far-rightwingers:

More than 30,000 users on Twitter have responded to Weinberg’s post with largely negative comments about the decision, accusing the company of engaging in censorship and injecting bias into search results. Breitbart ran a piece attacking DuckDuckGo as “Diet Google,” and high-profile libertarian YouTubers have also told their followers to stop using it.

DuckDuckGo’s executives have been trying to quell the unrest. “The whole point of DuckDuckGo is privacy,” Weinberg wrote back to one of his critics. “The whole point of the search engine is to show more relevant content over less relevant content, and that is what we continue to do.” The company also released an official statement, which read in part, “It’s also important to note that down-ranking is different from censorship. We are simply using the fact that that these sites are engaging in active disinformation campaigns as a ranking signal that the content they produce is of lower quality, just like there are signals for spammy sites and other lower-quality content.”

DuckDuckGo didn’t originally set out to be a conservative-friendly “free speech” platform, even though many of its users seem to see it that way.

On March 10th, a thread was started at Reddit titled “Whelp no more DDG for me” and users were asking there for recommendations of search-engines that are NOT being controlled by agents of the U.S. Government. Allegations were made there that the Brave Browser’s Brave search-engine isn’t censoring its finds. However, I have consistently found that the Brave search-engine is just as cleansed of finds that are in sites that America’s billionaires and the Government they control blacklist as is Google and DuckDuckGo. Someone instead recommended — and it was seconded — “Yandex.” That is a Russian search-engine, but — at least in America — it rides on the back of Google and thereby excludes finds that U.S. billionaires and their agents blacklist. I have tried other search-engines as well, but never yet found one that doesn’t censor-out almost all of the sites that publish (or have published) my articles. In fact, I know that some excellent sites that publish or did publish my articles were closed down by the FBI, and that others have told me that they received warnings from Google to stop publishing articles from me. Almost all of the sites that publish my articles fail to show up in any search-engine when the article’s title is web-searched. Instead, mirror-sites that automatically republish from sites that publish me show up, and sometimes ONLY such mirror-sites show up in a web-search for an article from me. You can try it yourself (such as by web-searching the title — including the quotation-marks surrounding it — of the first linked-to source in the present article, “Zelensky’s Secret CIA-Nazi Ukrainian Government”). Most of the finds are mirror-sites, not sites that actually accepted and published the article that I had submitted. The U.S. regime doesn’t seem to be trying to crush mirror-sites, but only to crush independent publishers. And, so, independent publishers, in U.S.-and-allied countries, tend not to last very long, because they are blacklisted, by the billionaires and their Government.

As a 2008 scholarly article, “Search Results: A Censorship Case Study”, noted: “Censorship by search engines presents even greater problems for users. Search engines are essential in discovering new sources of information. Therefore, a censored search engine can hide that a blocked site even exists. How can you know what you’re not being shown?” And how can you evaluate what is being hidden from you? Of course, proponents of censorship present a multitude of bogus ‘justifications’ for what they are doing. But the truth is always that the only real reason for censorship is to enslave the public by deceiving the public — to enslave the public mentally, instead of physically.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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Who armed Ukraine and decided to expand NATO? Prof John Mearsheimer

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John Mearsheimer

Although mild, by imperialist/exceptionalist terms, and a valuable voice for reason in a situation where reason is at a premium, Prof. Mearsheimer still sees the world in terms of old-fashioned Machiavellian power competition. Apparently wrapped in some form of nationalist perspective, his implicit dislike and distrust of China is never properly explained. Why should the US play Russia against China, or oppose their alliance, as long as the Western set of imperialist values dominates policy in the West?
—The Editor
—The Editor

Who armed Ukraine and decided to expand NATO? Prof John Mearsheimer

Apr 7, 2022


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And now, one word from our wannabe Masters about the Bucha false flag

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D.F. Laval

The probable truth about Bucha. Don't ask CNN or the NYTimes to tell you about this. Russian sources and independent observers contradict the Bucha "Russian massacre" false flag story.

Civilians of Bucha were shot by the Nazis "Boatswain"

Military correspondent "KP" Alexander Kots about who is behind the massacres in the suburbs of Kyiv
Alexander KOTS 

There are no bodies scattered around the city in the video footage of the National Police of Ukraine

The morning covers of Western newspapers, as expected, exploded with the headlines "Nightmare in Bucha", "Genocide", "Mass murder of the innocent". The meaning of the publications is reduced to one "axiom": "Russia must answer for the execution of civilians in the suburbs of Kyiv." The terrible footage was published by the Ukrainian side the day before, the Russian military was indiscriminately accused of torture and extrajudicial executions. The proof is only footage of the unfortunate on the streets, in basements, many have their hands tied behind their backs. Killer picture. And I’ll say right away that I have no doubt that in the photo and video there are really the bodies of the dead. There were enough of them in Bucha. But who shot the unarmed? Let's restore the chronology.

On March 30, Russian troops withdrew from Bucha as part of a regrouping. This is stated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. I was these days in the suburbs of Kyiv. In fact, the withdrawal of our units began even earlier. It's just that by the 30th there was not a single soldier from Russia left in Bucha. The enemy did not immediately realize this. And he continued to inflict artillery strikes on our former concentration areas.

On March 31, Bucha was visited by the mayor of the city, who pathetically announced the "liberation" of the settlement. At the same time, without saying anything about the corpses on the roads. On the same day the deputy and wrestler Zhan Beleniuk visited here . In the photo, he is smiling, which would look out of place against the backdrop of dead bodies. The statement of the mayor, in fact, was premature - I really wanted to hurry things up. But Ukrainian forces have not yet taken control of the entire city. Artillery continued to work in separate areas.

On April 2, the National Police of Ukraine enters the city. A long video of their work to clean up the city has been preserved on the Web. There is everything to understand the atmosphere there - crumpled cars, destroyed buildings, joyful locals, one of whom says that they wanted to shoot him for Ukrainian symbols, but for some reason changed their minds. There are no only bodies scattered around the city.
Video from the chat of Bucha residents on April 1: the streets are empty

On the same day, units of the Kiev Territorial Defense entered Bucha from another direction - to clean up. Among them is a detachment of a certain Boatswain. On the footage of their video chronicle, one of the militants asks the question: “There are boys without blue armbands, can they be shot at?” "And then!" - happily replies the other. And this is the key point.

"Boatswain" is a neo-Nazi Sergey Korotkikh , well-known in Russia by the nickname "Malyuta" . At one time, he was one of the leaders of the RNU and the closest associates of another far-right figure , Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich . Born in Togliatti, grew up in Belarus. Since 2014, he fought in the Azov battalion. In Russia, such neo-fascists do not take root, but Ukraine welcomes them with open arms. It was he who gave the go-ahead to fire on people without identification marks. The blue bandages on the sleeves are the identification mark of "friend or foe" of the Ukrainian forces. In order not to open fire on their own from afar. During sweeps, people's nerves are strained to the limit and any little thing is enough to pull the trigger. For example, the lack of an identification mark. Or the presence of another - enemy.
Bodies in Bucha with white bandages

Bodies in Bucha with white arm bands. Photo: Video frame

And now let's take a closer look at the video and photo materials published by the Ukrainian side. Yes, it is quite obvious from the not dried blood and not yet stiffened bodies (the nationalists pull them and move them from place to place) that they were not killed on March 30th. But most importantly, most of those killed have white armbands on their sleeves. Who has a ribbon, who has a bandage, who has just a rag. The white armband is the identification mark of the Russian forces. Nobody forced the locals to put them on, they did it themselves to designate themselves - "we are ours." One of the locals, blogger Vladimir Sklyarov , describes his experience with the Russian military: “They said: “Tell everyone that we will not hurt anyone. Let them hang white sheets on the windows so that we can see that peaceful people live here. Let them be calm. We only burn the Nazis and Bandera.”

This is so, a lyrical digression. What was going on in the city when the militants of the "Boatswain" and other Nazi leaders entered there? Natural cleaning.

They just killed people on the streets without knowing if they had weapons or not. And someone was captured and tortured. Footage from the basement, in which the Russians allegedly shot several people, confirms this. Among the dead are also people with white armbands. Most likely they were killed as "agents of the Russian troops" or "collaborators" who collaborated with the "occupation authorities."

Why didn't civilians take off their white armbands after the withdrawal of Russian troops? Because they didn't know about it. I repeat, for three more days after that, artillery strikes were carried out in the city, people sat in the basements, not sticking out. As soon as the cannonade subsided, they went upstairs and came under fire from their "zahisniks".

Frames with bodies appeared the next day - most likely, the Internet was given to the city, which disappeared during the fighting. At the suggestion of the Ukrainian authorities, the West began to disperse this great hoax of the “Buchan massacre”. As in the summer of 2014, when the Ukrainian front in Donbass was bursting at the seams and Kiev needed a breather, a passenger liner was shot down in the sky over the war zone. And Moscow was immediately blamed for the death of its passengers.

MURDER IN THE BASEMENT: One of the videos filmed by Ukrainian Nazis showing crimes supposedly perpetrated by the Russian army. But notice one of the victims clearly shows a white armband, the symbol for Kiev inhabitants who wanted to show their support for the Russian forces. The Russian soldiers obviously knew this and would not have arrested anyone showing sympathy for them. The video is a hoax, and it actually hides the identity of the real criminals. 

With the provocation in Bucha, it is quite possible that Ukraine, with the support of the West, which should put pressure on Russia, is trying to save its group in Mariupol, which is living out its last days.
"Corpse" came to life on video in Ukrainian Bucha


Why the "Buchan Massacre" is a fake

kp.ru special correspondent Oleksandr Kots explains what is wrong with the “Ukrainian Srebrenica” story (more)

Terrible secrets of the crippled city: how the Azov battalion surrenders Mariupol

KP special correspondent Dmitry Steshin - from the streets of the battle-torn city (details)
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