Caitoz: Shitlibs Literally Think Jimmy Dore Is Causing The Apocalypse

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Caitlin Johnstone

Konst: the arrogant semi-smart leftist can be just as bad for political progress as the mean-spirited rightwinger.

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Oh dear god please let this be the peak of Jimmy Dore Derangement Syndrome.

Progressive commentator and journalist Nomiki Konst has a tweet out that honestly needs its own article to unpack, not because of its own intrinsic insanity but because of what it says about what’s happening to left-wing punditry and the western left in general.

That tweet reads as follows:

“I feel like we are on the verge of the end of humankind and the Koch brothers, the Christian Coalition, big oil, the private military contractors, big real estate, Manchin, Sinema, Biden and Dore are responsible. Who else am I missing?”

One of these things is not like the others.

Yes, Nomiki Konst literally believes that comedian and left-wing YouTube personality Jimmy Dore is causing the end of the world, in the same way big oil, the military-industrial complex, and the most powerful elected officials of the most powerful government on earth are causing the end of the world.

This was not a joke, nor was it some ill-considered tweet made in a drunken haze or momentary lapse in judgement and quickly regretted. Hours later Konst was adamantly arguing with people who criticized the inclusion of Dore in her Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Ah yes it’s not like media is powerful or it’s not like the far right hasn’t used comedians to gain power globally,” Konst told one such critic.

Have you looked at the far right wing Comediens who built movements globally and got into government lately? Off of splitting the left? You think media isn’t powerful? Mmkay,” she told another.

The dude sucks up oxygen and splits the left,” she told another.

To be clear, Konst is referring to a moderately popular podcaster whose YouTube channel has under nine hundred thousand subscribers. Relatively few people outside of extremely online Americans on the political left know who he is, and she’s talking about him like he’s some kind of powerful “media” mogul like Rupert Murdoch (who did not make the Horsemen of the Apocalypse list).

I mean, my god.

The absolute bat shit hysteria that has consumed progressive punditry about Jimmy Dore hit what looked like fever pitch intensity some three months ago when Dore stepped forward to defend journalist Aaron Maté from despicable McCarthyite claims by The Young Turks that he is paid by dictators and works for the Kremlin, causing an absolutely freakish meltdown which got so insane that even Glenn Greenwald did a full segment on it.

And yet, somehow, it keeps getting crazier.

While there is no level of manipulativeness I would put past a TYT alum like Konst, I don’t actually think she was being manipulative in her inclusion of Dore in the world’s deadliest power structures. I think Dore actually consumes that much oxygen in her mind, and her obsessive hatred is validated so thoroughly and continuously by her peers in progressive US punditry, that she actually does see him as a central gargantuan figure in the global power dynamics that are leading human civilization to its collapse.

To understand my point, I need you to watch this three-minute video clip made earlier this year by Matt Orfalea featuring Majority Report’s Sam Seder continuously uttering Dore’s name in discussions with his associates (including Konst) instead of actually talking about the powerful people who are destroying our world:

This is pure madness. If you sincerely believe as I do that our species is being driven to its doom by ecocidal capitalism and omnicidal imperialism and that this is the single most important subject in the world, then there is no legitimate reason for you to be spending this period in history obsessing over a comedian making YouTube videos in his garage. How is this not completely obvious to everyone?

Everybody’s got their opinions about Dore; he’s loud and blunt and unapologetically goes against the grain of the leftist commentariat whenever he feels like it, and that will lead to people having strong opinions about you (I personally love that shit). But this inability to set disagreements with Jimmy Dore aside as a distant background issue in the face of humanity’s current plight is entirely because garden variety egotism has caused these people to lose sight of what made them care about leftist causes in the first place.

And really this isn’t about Dore, and it isn’t about Konst. It’s about the tremendous amount of success the powerful have had in manipulating, sabotaging, undermining, fragmenting and diverting the left in the Global North to keep us all turning the gears of capitalism and empire for their benefit. We’ve been so effectively neutered and nullified and our movements so removed from real-world consequence that our “leftism” is increasingly relegated to online influence, giving rise to the false impression that some lefty podcaster acting naughty is the most significant matter on the table.

Replacing capitalism and imperialism with equality, justice, peace and harmony is what our world needs if our species is to survive into the future, but the agenda to make that transition sets us directly at odds with the largest power structures in the history of civilization. For this reason there’s been a generations-long campaign of psyops, infiltration and propaganda to keep the left down which surely continues to this day in online circles, but even if it didn’t the chaos, paranoia and confusion created on the left over the years by programs like COINTELPRO would be enough to significantly hinder our efforts to organize and overturn the status quo.

Something big is going to have to change if we’re going to win this thing, and that change isn’t going to come from the powerful. It’s going to have to come from within us. Not until we as a collective have enough inner clarity not to get bogged down by ego and manipulation will we be able to stand up to our oppressors at our full height and shrug off the shackles they have placed on us. 

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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

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The Great Game: Trotsky’s Cybernetic Revenge and Putin’s Arctic Flank

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Matthew  Ehret

In this week's episode of the Great Game, we discuss the good, the bad and the ugly developments of world history and modern events. The discussion unpacks the positive developments surrounding Russia's Eastern Economic Forum (Sept 2-4) which is unleashing a new multipolar development dynamic onto the world in total synergy with China's Belt and Road Initiative.

We then look at the strange death of Germany's ambassador to China and the historic case studies of western ambassadors who died on duty while intervening into the British great game. The first example we explore is US Ambassador to Afghanistan Adolph Dubs whose 1979 murder played a major role in the Trilateral Commission's program to suck Russia into a bloodletting in the 1980s and whose backchannel diplomacy with President Amin ran in total opposition to Brzezinski’s fanatical desire to expand drugs and Islamic terrorism onto the world.

This anomaly then launches us into a higher discussion of how the Trotskyites warred with Stalin's forces during the 1920s-1940s and took over control of Russian policy-making with Nikita Khrushchev’s ascension to power in Russia. This then allows us to appreciate how those same Trotskyites in the USA rose to positions of power within the USA itself becoming a right wing sect known as the neocons.


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation . Consider helping this process by making a donation to the RTF or becoming a Patreon supporter to the Canadian Patriot Review

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of  The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience. 

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Meet US govt-backed regime-change guru Gene Sharp, mastermind of soft coups

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Max Blumenthal

They talk about Sharp’s NED-funded Albert Einstein Institution; his explicitly neoliberal, pro-corporate, and pro-imperialist politics; and the manuals he wrote teaching people how to do so-called “color revolutions” (ie, soft coups) against Washington’s targets, from Yugoslavia to Venezuela to Hong Kong.

Renowned as a “nonviolent” political strategist, Gene Sharp declared in a lecture:

I say nonviolent struggle is armed struggle. And we have to take back that term from those advocates of violence, who try to justify with pretty words that kind of combat. Only with this type of struggle, one fights with psychological weapons, social weapons, economic weapons, and political weapons.

And that this is ultimately more powerful against oppression, injustice, and tyranny then is violence.

Change Agent: Gene Sharp’s Neoliberal Nonviolence” at Nonsite (May 2019).

Here at Rokfin, you can watch the censored part two of their discussion.

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of  The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience. 

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Jessica Ashooh: The Taming of Reddit and the National Security State Plant Tabbed to Do It

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This is an article from our series on septic media

by Alan Macleod

How and why did a hawkish young mandarin hothoused at elite universities and in the halls of state power end up an executive at an anarchic messageboard site with an anti-establishment reputation?

—The Editor, The Greanville Post
—The Editor, The Greanville Post

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The mainstream media ignored Trump’s efforts to attack Iran after he lost

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James North

Mondoweiss reminds us that the Trump mafia was pushing for an attack on Iran even in the waning days of the administration, but the mainstream journos simply ignored the story. The hostility toward Iran, however, is fully bipartisan. 
The New Yorker just reported that Trump nearly attacked Iran after he lost the election. But the threat was obvious, why wasn't it reported back then?

Afrightening report in the New Yorker has just revealed that Donald Trump nearly started a war with Iran after he lost the election — a story the mainstream media mostly missed back then. 

This site ran at least 4 different warnings at the time.

The New Yorker’s source is apparently General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who seems to be leaking all over the place. Susan B. Glasser reports that after the November 3 election “Milley believed that the nation had come close — ‘very close’ — to conflict with the Islamic Republic.” She writes that Milley’s “running concern” was “the prospect of Trump pushing the nation into a military conflict with Iran.”

Glasser, surely relying at least partly on Milley himself, says the general feared Trump would stage a “Reichstag moment.” In February 1933, Adolf Hitler, the newly installed German Chancellor, used a mysterious fire that destroyed the German Reichstag, or Parliament building, as the pretext to crack down. Hitler, blaming the fire on the German Communist Party with no evidence, suspended civil liberties, including freedom of the press and habeas corpus, banned publications, and jailed thousands of Communists, whose party was technically still legal.

Gen. Milley: No taste for more imperial adventures?

Glasser reports that Milley attended another high-level meeting, this time without Trump, at which his foreign policy advisers again “pushed military action against Iran.” She says that he later asked Vice President Mike Pence why they were so eager to attack Iran. “Because they are evil,” Pence responded.

To her credit, she does, at least briefly, also include Israel’s role in the warmongering. She reminds us that Trump 

was close with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who was also urging the Administration to act against Iran after it was clear that Trump had lost the election. 

It sounds like this kind of White House saber-rattling was an open secret. So why is the mainstream only telling us about the danger now — especially when alternative outlets were printing regular warnings?”

For instance, just a week after the November 3 election, this site ran the following post:

An unhinged Trump could still unleash violence against Iran — but the U.S. media downplay the danger.

Mondoweiss had no sources at high government levels. But we do know how to read — and analyze. An article in that day’s New York Times buried a single chilling sentence in paragraph 8 of its story about how Trump had just fired his Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper:

. . . Defense Department officials have privately expressed worries that the president might initiate operations, whether overt or secret, against Iran or other adversaries in his waning days in office.

But after that one sentence, the Times dropped the subject, and rattled on about the personnel changes at the Pentagon that might follow Esper’s firing, with all the urgency of a sportswriter covering a trade between two baseball teams.

Six days later, this site did another post. Our headline:

Trump was planning to attack Iran — and the mainstream media missed it until now.

But the mainstream continued sleepwalking though what could have become the worst crisis in many decades, arguably even more dangerous than the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. Thomas Friedman, the Mideast expert and twice-weekly Timescolumnist, ignored the war threat entirely, although his high-level contacts in both Washington and Tel Aviv must have told him about it.

The cable news networks barely said a word. We haven’t pored over the transcripts of Rachel Maddow’s show, for instance, but we don’t remember that she spent any time on the danger.

Why did the U.S. mainstream fail so badly — especially as it is clear in retrospect that military insiders, probably including General Milley himself, were leaking away? The clubby groupthink atmosphere among the Washington press corps is surely part of the explanation. The chronic reluctance to report on Israel’s efforts to instigate an American attack is another.  

Whatever the reason, the mainstream failure is yet another reminder that you often have to turn to alternative media to learn important truths.  


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