Something Lost in Translation

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Russell "Texac" Bentley

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I spent the night in our house in Petrovsky last night, for the first time in more than a year. Although the nazis have been officially moved out of Maryinka, the shelling in Petrovsky (going both ways) is loud and steady, but not as loud and steady as the internet clamor about Sergey Lavrov's recent interview with RIA News.

Of course, what most people who are up in arms and condemning Minister Lavrov don't know is what he actually said and the meaning that can be inferred from his words. It is a far cry from the less-than-ideal headline written by RT, and the subsequent outright lies by Western propagandists, including, and especially, in Israel itself. Which just goes to prove, once again, that it is almost always well worth the effort to go to the actual source, and find the words verbatim.

There is, of course, the actual video of the interview in question, but this is not useful for those around the world who do not speak Russian. A more useful source of the words for this audience is the official transcript of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the text of which can be easily translated using Yandex, DeepL, or any other quality online machine translators. The specific words at the heart of the controversy can be found in Lavrov's answer to a question about Gaza close to the end of the interview. Here is the quote -

"Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that Hamas must be destroyed entirely and as a military force. This is similar to demilitarization. He also said that extremism must be eliminated in Gaza. This is similar to denazification. Moreover, I don’t really understand why the previous Israeli government, when Lapid was Prime Minister, reacted so much to the start of our special military operation. His reaction was surprising to me. Like, how dare Russia use force against the civilian population and annex Ukrainian territories."

Unfortunately, these words are somewhat ambiguous - they can be misconstrued to mean that what the IDF is doing in Gaza (and now also in the West Bank) is comparable to what Russia has done in Ukraine. Nothing could be further from the truth, both in reality, and in the intent of Lavrov's words.

No honest or serious person could in any way compare Israel's genocidal attacks on Gaza, (in which more than 70% of the homes have been destroyed, over 56,000 people have been wounded, and almost 21,000 people have been killed, the vast majority civilians, and the majority of those civilians, women and children) with the limited military operation of Russia in Ukraine, where Russia has tried every diplomatic approach to avoid or reduce the violence, and taken great pains to avoid destruction of civilians, and non-military infrastructure, even in the face of constant escalation and provocations by the Kiev regime and their Western masters. It is simply not credible in any degree to infer that this comparison was what Lavrov intended.

Lavrov's words were taken out of context and their meanings intentionally twisted. To understand what Lavrov actually meant, the quoted text above should be read along with the other words Lavrov said in response to the question about Israel and Gaza. He also mentioned "conspiracy theories" such as 9/11 and the faked moon landings, in relation to the theory that the Hamas attack on October 7th was actually allowed to happen by the Israeli regime, in order to "justify" the absolutely overwhelming and disproportional response.
(It should be noted that there is credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, and that the US moon landings never actually happened, as well as that Mossad and the IDF knew the Hamas attack was imminent, and let it happen.)

Lavrov also noted the shared anti-nazi history of Russia/USSR and Israel, saying, "We need to be very careful about our shared history with Israel. And above all to the history of the fight against Nazism... The Holocaust and the extermination of the multinational Soviet people are things of the same order, except for the numbers. 6 million people – Holocaust, and more than 20 million people - peoples of the Soviet Union."  He also went on to point out the hypocrisy of Israeli support for the Kiev regime, in spite of the fact that Kiev openly glorifies S. Bandera, R. Shukhevych and other Nazis, and uses and honors their symbolism, not to mention their methods.

Lavrov is one of the top diplomats and statesmen in modern history. Compared to his Western counterparts, he is a veritable giant among pygmies. Sometimes, in diplomacy, it is required to say things without saying them openly or directly, to say them without actually saying them. Lavrov is a master of his craft, and clearly, this is what he has done here. He is not paid to speak his mind, or even uphold the truth. His job is to do with diplomacy that which protects the Russian Federation and advances its geopolitical objectives.

The relationship between Moscow and Tel Aviv is complicated. Israel is a small but extremely influential player on the world stage. They also possess nuclear weapons and the so-called "Samson Doctrine". They must be treated gingerly. Perhaps I can say what Lavrov cannot - All decent people in the world stand against the massacre of the people of Palestine, just as they stand against the nazi regime in Kiev. These people stand on the right side of history and morality, and so does Russia. And Sergey Lavrov stands with Russia, so I see no reason not to trust and support him.

Good luck to all good people. May God protect the innocent and their defenders, and may the rest of us get everything we got coming.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and best regards from Petrovsky District of Donetsk.


Russell Bonner Bentley, aka “Texac”, is an American-born writer and onetime volunteer soldier with the Novorossiyan Armed Forces (NAF), as the young republics in Eastern Ukraine confronted the assault of the US-created and nazi-dominated Kiev regime.  Russell incarnates the spirit of the Lincoln Brigades, and Jack Reed. Besides his former duties as a frontline fighter, Russell also works as a war correspondent. His chronicles about the situation in that strategically critical region, featured as “War Diaries” on The Greanville Post, are also distributed to other leading left publications, reaching a global audience.

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US Imperialism & Sanctions Are Driving Venezuela Migrant Crisis, NOT COMMUNISM: RBN’s Nick Cruse

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editors log bluePATRICE GREANVILLE

I'm reposting this video, first published about a year ago (Sep 22, 2022), because of its permanent didactic power.  Here's Biden's press secretary, the regularly rude Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP), twisting history to school her captive audience on "the horrors of communism." Most people know little about KJP, besides the fact she replaced the mediocre Jean Psaki for the post, which makes KJP little more than another hack and Democratic operator serving one of this century's most virulently imperialist and corrupt administrations. But surely there's more than the condescending facade. So who is this Karine Jean-Pierre? The Wiki's mildly adulatory page offers a few  explanatory details:

political campaign organizer, activist, political commentator, and author.  She is the 35th White House Press Secretary since May 13, 2022.[1] She was the White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary from 2021 until 2022. She is the first black person and the first openly LGBTQ person to be Press Secretary.[2]

Jean-Pierre was the chief of staff for Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris on the 2020 United States presidential campaign and was the first Black woman, and the first lesbian, to ever hold that position.[3]


The Wiki forgets to mention that Jean-Pierre, besides being an overqualified WOKE specimen given her racial and LGBTQ creds, is also an accomplished red-baiter. This makes Jean-Pierre something of a traitor to the political faith of her parents, reputedly members of Haiti's Lavalas party. For those with no knowledge of Lavalas, or the alarmingly tragic political history of Haiti, all of it underwritten by French and later US imperialism, suffice it to say that Lavalas was led by the genuinely progressive Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a socialist / liberation theology priest who in 1990 became the first democratically-elected president of Haiti.

As a textbook example of what it means to be close to the US (a fate also shared by the Dominican Republic and other nations in the hemisphere, and about which Simon Bolivar duly warned Latin Americans), Aristide's desperately needed reforms, example and great popularity, soon proved  too much for the US oligarchy which promptly organised a series of coups and economic sabotage to get rid of the annoying priest. This didn't prove as easy as expected so eventually the empire resorted to abducting Aristide in broad daylight, later dropping him in a "forced exile" in the Central African Republic. Though the usual Haitian right-wing goons and military were involved, this was actually a case in which the whole imperial establishment, foreign and domestic was involved.

American meddling in Haitian affairs goes back at least a century. As even the CIA-redacted Wikipedia notes, "between 1957 and 1986, Haiti was ruled by the family dictatorships of François 'Papa Doc' and Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier, [regimes world-known for their institutionalised thuggery]. The misery endured by Haiti's poor made a deep impression on Aristide himself, and he became an outspoken critic of Duvalierism."

The above details inform my disgust with Jean-Pierre, putting her in the squalid category of probably being a Haitian gusano by choice, gusanos being notorious for their vicious anti-communism and counter-revolutionary obsessions. Not surprising, then, that Jean-Pierre chooses to inflect her political speech with frequent invocations of that old chestnut about people "fleeing Communism" (due to its supposedly repressive nature). It's clear that KJP knows little or nothing about communism, nor why Haiti could benefit enormously from a genuine revolution.  Unfortunately, traveling in the privileged circles she does, she has zero chance of learning much about these vital subjects. The always astute Nick Cruse could teach her a thing or two about political reality, but I'm afraid she wouldn't listen. Dommage! —PG

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About the author
Garland Nixon is a leading cultural and political analyst and radio talk show host. An anti-imperialist, he resides in the Washington DC area.

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Fox News Leaked Videos Intended To Smear Tucker BACKFIRES!

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Tucker's text to a Producer
Note: While many right-wingers (who call the Democrats and rightwing-corporatist-imperialist liberals "the Marxist left", thereby showing their mind-boggling confusion) are closing ranks behind Tucker for anything he expressed in that message, some have argued he was perfectly justified in his hatred for Antifa, "after they terrorized his wife in their D.C. home back in 2018." If they did, that's not cool man.

The Murdochs may have succeeded in shooting the Golden Goose...
The comeuppance comes sooner than expected

4 May 2023

Megyn Kelly is joined by the hosts of the Ruthless podcast, Comfortably Smug, Michael Duncan, and John Ashbrook, to discuss Fox News losing to CNN and MSNBC as viewers continue to leave, the panic setting in and if viewers will come back, who's really behind the continued leaks, and more.

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Law & Order: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Law & Order: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

NOTE: Oliver is of course right. The judicial system is broken, it reflects the larger society with its myriad unfixable flaws, inequalities and pervasive corruption. And TV, until recently the most potent medium to control the masses (now equaled but not surpassed by social media), has always been in the business of selling us lies and conformity with the status quo. A big part of that job is to sell the public the notion that the repressive agencies are impartial, "class blind", or on their side; or that they are benign, or, at worst, just incompetent but never evil. In that sense, Law & Order is part of a large and enormously profitable roster of shows dedicated to burnishing the US capitalist "security" machine. Besides Law & Order we can also mention The FBI, a show which ran for a decade and then went on to TV heaven to tell its lies on syndication forever. Next we have the military/police shows, an insidious species that grows like fungus, the most prominent being the CSI franchise, with convenient location hooks (Miami, Las Vegas, NY, all inaugurated on the security-worshipper network CBS). The genre's wildly successful  military version is NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service), with pods in Hawai, Los Angeles, etc. Other shows carrying the same sanitising message about establishment spooks and cops are Blue Bloods (idealizing NYPD), and the far more sinister 24, whitewashing sordid "intelligence" operations. This is just a sample of what Hollywood cranks out in this field for TV consumption. They also have many big movies of the same ilk. Any wonder why the US and world publics are so dumb or plain brainwashed about America and her motives? 
The Editor

John Oliver discusses the wildly popular television franchise, what it’s been teaching us about law enforcement, and some tricks for how to get to sleep in two minutes flat.

S9 E22 · Episode 22
30 min · Sep 11, 2022

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