Earth Day Denial that War Causes Climate Change


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George Orwell wrote about the mind control effect of conformist demonstrations.  They let the public blow off a little steam without any risk, and they reinforce the status quo.  It also gives the Thought Police an opportunity to take names of anybody that does not conform.

 Dateline: April 26, 2017

The liberal middle class is brain dead about the wars.  They do not want to hear about war, speak about war or see war protesters.

The liberal middle class has emotionally numbed out.  They have a complete lack of empathy for the millions of people that the USA has slaughtered, the nations that the USA has bombed to piles of rubble, and the suffering the USA has caused to tens of millions of people. 

Out of sight and out of mind, the USA has destroyed millions of minds, bodies, homes and lives forever.  The indifference of the liberal middle class is mind boggling.  Some sadistically see the war images as entertainment and even beautiful displays of power.

I am still reeling from Earth Day and the March for Science.  Where was the message that war is destroying the Earth?  The Pentagon is the number one consumer of fossil fuels and the number one polluter of the Earth.  Why was the Pentagon given a pass on Earth Day? 

Do scientists deny that war causes global warming?  The liberal middle class should not feel superior to Republicans and Donald J. Trump about climate change.  They have their heads stuck in the sand too.  At least the Republicans are honest in their stupidity of denial about climate change. 

The liberal middle class’s dishonest stupidity is to lie by omission and not confront war as the number one polluter.  The Pentagon and militarism are the greatest danger to the Earth and every living creature on it.  The world is racing headlong towards nuclear war and the liberal middle class is in deep denial.


Earth Day and the March for Science were more hypocrisy and feel good faux solidarity of concern for the Earth.  Earth Day was carefully stage-managed to not offend or affect any change. 

Earth Day was just a fun day.  Those that attended appeared to be mostly liberal middle class families, couples, singles and students.  It was a sterile showing of solidarity, with the bonus activity of hugging science.  Science is worth hugging, but scientists were mum on Earth Day that the Pentagon, militarism and war are the number one threat to the Earth.

The liberal middle class’s dishonest stupidity is to lie by omission and not confront war as the number one polluter.  The Pentagon and militarism are the greatest danger to the Earth and every living creature on it.  The world is racing headlong towards nuclear war and the liberal middle class is in deep denial.

There were very few speeches, posters or demonstration against war.  None of the “Top Ten Posters” were antiwar.  Talking about war was a conversation stopper and spoiled the fun for others who just wanted to enjoy organic snacks, browse among sustainable gadgets and grandstand.

A day in the sun: activism without risk or any serious implications for the status quo.

George Orwell wrote about the mind control effect of conformist demonstrations.  They let the public blow off a little steam without any risk, and they reinforce the status quo.  It also gives the Thought Police an opportunity to take names of anybody that does not conform. 

Earth Day was like Orwell’s two minutes of hate.  Climate Change is the liberal-middle class’s hated Emmanuel Goldstein.  Big Brother and the mainstream media know how to co-opt dissent and make it meaningless, while letting the people feel relevant and powerful.  Real protests and real power of the people are brutally crushed by the police state.           

Any act considered unpatriotic was discouraged during Earth Day.  There was no mourning for the millions of people the USA has slaughtered in the past couple of decades.  There was no mention of the USA poisoning South Asia with uranium and burn pits billowing out a smorgasbord of carcinogenic chemical pollution. 

There was no scientific discussion of the poisonous ingredients in the Mother of All Bombs and the pollution caused by war.  No discussion of nuclear winter, radiation sickness, and mass starvation from a nuclear war.  Nor were there any pledges by scientists not to work for the military industrial complex.   

Like Mark Twain said about the weather:  everybody talks about climate change but nobody does anything about it.  And they won’t until there is a stop to war.  Until then there will be no budget for doing something about climate change.  Nor will there be any budget for healthcare, education, mass transportation and relieving suffering and ignorance.  Lacking is a massive anti-war movement.

I had the personal experience of being a spoiler on Earth Day.  I belong to St. Pete for Peace in Saint Petersburg, Florida.  It is an anti-war group that has been able to survive the peace drought after the USA invasion of Iraq in 2003.  We thought it would be a good idea to take an anti-war rally to Williams Park in downtown St. Petersburg where there was an Earth Day fair.  Our reception was anything but warm.  It was like a cold bucket of Agent Orange. 

We were warned not to take our anti-war posters into Williams Park.  It was not the police that warned us, it was the organizers of St. Pete Earth Day.  They told us to stay on the corner across the street and out of sight or they would have us arrested.

Thinking that I had a Constitutional right to do so, I walked through the park anyway with an upside down American flag as a freedom of speech statement.  I was immediately accosted and told that no demonstrations were allowed.  I thought Earth Day was supposed to be a demonstration, and a protest against the continued destruction of the Earth and all its living creatures.

Florida is one of those “Stand Your Ground” states.  So we stood our ground with open carry of anti-war signs.  We were not going to go quietly.  As we walked through the fair with our anti-war signs we said “Happy Earth Day” to the vendors and attendees.  Their responses were a few polite “thank you’s”.  Mostly we got cold stares or avoidance of eye contact.  My upside down flag of distress got a few hoots and confrontations.  But few people wanted any dialog about war. 

Normally I do not write about myself, but Earth Day has been eating away at me.  It left me angry and dumbfounded.  I keep asking myself, “is the liberal middle class braindead?”  Is it possible for people to want to do something about climate change and not see the connection to war, militarism and empire?  They just don’t get it:  war, climate change, war, climate change, war…

The liberal middle class is as stuck in the American mythology as conservative Republicans.  They still think that capitalism is the best of all possible worlds; that America is the best country in the world; that America cares about democracy and human rights; and that being anti-war is unpatriotic.   

Like Obama in the White House: all symbol and no substance.

The liberal middle class are too comfortable in their isolated world of high rise condominiums and SUV’s.  What will it take to bring them down from their ivory tower in the mostly white Northside of St. Petersburg?  Do they ever think about the mostly black Southside of St. Petersburg and its lack of basic social services?

During the rainy season in Florida, the Southside is flooded with raw sewage because the city closed the Albert Whitted sewage treatment plant for lack of funds.  The city saved $32 million a year by letting raw sewage flood the black neighborhood and flowing into Tampa Bay where it pollutes the water.

What has happened in St. Petersburg has happened in cities all over America.  It is called austerity.  Funding that should be going to education, housing, mass transportation, healthcare, poverty programs and infrastructure are being sucked out of the economy.  The money is going for militarism, war making and war profiteering.  The money spent by the Department of Defense, Homeland Security and the Police State are making us less secure, less safe, and less free. 

Empire building, imperialism and war are perverting the domestic economy, sucking out its resources and denying citizens of the socialist programs that the Bernie Revolution talked about.  Even Bernie Sanders does not take on the military industrial complex. 

Either Bernie is just another politician or he suffers from cognitive dissonance.  His supporters made excuses for him that being anti-war during his 2016 presidential campaign would be “political suicide”, and that secretly Bernie was anti-war.

If being anti-war would be political suicide, then how did Bernie’s supporters think that the country could pay for popular social programs like healthcare for everyone and free college?  There is not enough money for Bernie’s boondoggle F-35 that doesn’t fly right, never ending wars that cannot be won and popular socialist domestic programs? 

In a recent CNN interview Bernie said:  “Assad has got to go. ISIS has got to be defeated, but I do not want to see the United States get sucked into perpetual warfare in the Middle East.”  Bernie is part of the problem, not the solution.

“Assad has to go and ISIS has to be defeated” is magical thinking without “getting bogged down in perpetual war”.  Thinking so is unconsciously letting the warmongers continue the status quo.  It is saying more war, more destruction, more death and more climate change.  Bernie’s revolution has melted like the Arctic ice.

Nothing.  Absolutely nothing of significance is going to improve in America until the dogs of war are leashed.  Education will not improve.  There will be no single payer healthcare, no mass transportation, no free college, no antipoverty programs, no reparations for the oppressed, and no progress made against climate change until we stop the wars.  Foreign wars and empire mean more austerity at home.

We can be relevant, powerful and do something about climate change and save millions of lives.  We can hit the streets with mass protests against war.  Support whistleblowers and those that refuse to obey illegal orders.  Refuse to cooperate.  Be disruptive.  Use non-violent civil disobedience to sabotage the war machine. 

Otherwise, wars have doomed us to the ravages of climate change.  Nuclear war is a real possibility that the public is in denial about.  A group of scientists just advanced the Doomsday Clock to 2 ½ minutes until midnight at which time we are doomed permanently.  Is anybody listening to these scientists?    


About the author

David William Pear is an unpaid Senior Editor for OpEdNews (OEN). All of his articles and comments are his own, and are not the responsibility of, or reflect the editorial opinion of OEN. David is a progressive columnist writing on economic, political and social issues. He is a regular columnist and commenter on OEN. His articles have been published by The Real News Network, Truth Out, Consortium News, Russia Insider, Pravda and many other progressive publications.  David is a member of Veterans for Peace, St Pete for Peace, CodePink and International Solidarity Movement. In February of 2015 he was part of a people-to-people delegation to Cuba with CodePink. In November of 2015 he was a delegate with CodePink to Palestine to show solidarity with Palestinians. In 2016 David spent 10 weeks in Palestine with the Palestinian non-violent resistance group International Solidarity Movement (ISM). David frequently makes extended trips to Russia as a private citizen. After retiring from finance in 2009, David earned a certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. David is a Vietnam veteran having served as a member of the 5th Special Forces Group as a combat advisor to the Army of the Republic of (South) Viet Nam. David resides with his wife and three cats in Clearwater Beach, Florida.


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David has a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the University of Maryland and attended classes at George Washington University to receive his Certified Financial Planner certification. He also attended courses at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for his certification as a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA). He has volunteered for public health service, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, emergency medicine and needs of the homeless. His hobbies include boating, fishing and motorcycle touring. He is also a licensed skydiver (USPA-inactive).

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EDITOR’S NOTE: No material by this author or any other author published on this site should be read as a defense of Donald Trump and his policies. Trump, the GOP and the Democrats are all part of the same malignant threat to World peace, all life on this planet, democracy, and truth in public affairs afflicting the US and the rest of the world, and emanating from the irrepressible dynamics of global capitalism, protected by the political, media, cultural, and military power of the United States of America.




THE GREANVILLE POST contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues, and the furtherance of peace and social justice, the defence of our planetary ecosystems, and the prevention and eventual elimination of human abuse, exploitation,.and cruelty toward any and all non-human species The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.

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Is Trump threatening an attack on North Korea? (Part 2)



Dispatch from Beijing
With Jeff J. Brown 

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US Some of the backdrop pieces and maneuvers are detailed below.

As of today, Baba Beijing is continuing to pressure the US to dismantle THAAD, a weapon which the South Korean population is likely to oppose, too, since it guarantees their involvement in a US-China-Russia conflagration:

(1) China urges US, ROK to stop THAAD deployment immediately

As well as sending an ominous message to both Kim and Trump:

FM Wang Yi (left) warns that whoever provokes an outbreak of hostilities on the Korean peninsula must take ‘historic responsibility’ for the action

And this:

(2) New Korean War may break out ‘at any moment’ – Chinese FM

New Korean War may break out ‘at any moment’ – Chinese FM

People watch a television news showing file footage of a North Korean missile launch, at a railway station in Seoul on April 5, 2017. © JUNG YEON-JE / AFP

The extraordinary warning comes amid massive US military buildup near the Korean Peninsula, with the carrier strike group ‘USS Carl Vinson’ heading towards the region. While US President Donald Trump is threatening to “take care” of the North Korean “problem,” Pyongyang says it is ready to repel any military action.

Washington’s arrogant policies over decades have left North Korea no alternative between all-out war and surrender and vassalage, which Pyongyang is not going to accept.

‘We will go to war if they choose’: N. Korea warns ‘aggressive’ Trump not to provoke Pyongyang

“Lately, tensions have risen with the US and the ROK [South Korea] on one side, and the DPRK [North Korea] on the other,”Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters on Friday, adding that “One has the feeling that a conflict could break out at any moment.”

He cautioned both sides that “if a war occurs, the result is a situation in which everybody loses and there can be no winner,”and that whichever side provoked a conflict “must assume the historic responsibility and pay the corresponding price.”

Earlier in the day, Wang said both Washington and Pyongyang must refrain from “provoking and threatening each other, whether in words or actions, and not let the situation get to an irreversible and unmanageable stage,” as cited by Reuters.

In an apparent attempt to cool down the US administration’s bellicose rhetoric, he added: “Force cannot solve the problem – dialogue can be the only channel to resolving the problem.”

China, North Korea’s close ally and main trading partner, does not welcome Pyongyang’s nuclear program, but advocates finding political solution to the crisis. For its part, Russia, which also shares a land border with the reclusive state, expressed deep concern over the mounting tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

The tension on the Korean Peninsula was one of the topics Wang Yi discussed with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in a Friday phone call.

Moscow stands for “politico-diplomatic reconciliation” and urges all parties to show patience and refrain from “any actions which might mean making provocative steps,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday.

From 1950 to 1953, the US fought against North Korea’s troops in the Korean War. After the US-led coalition forces crossed the 38th parallel dividing the two Koreas, China deployed troops and entered the war, while the USSR rendered military and logistical support to their socialist allies. The conflict, which quickly became a war of attrition, claimed the lives of over 33,000 American and 400,000 North Korean soldiers.

According to some media reports, the ongoing US military buildup close to North Korean waters may go far beyond an ordinary show of force. On Thursday, American intelligence officials told NBC that the US has sent two destroyers capable of launching Tomahawk cruise missiles in the region, with one just 300 miles (some 480 km) from the North Korean nuclear test site.

American long-range bombers have also been positioned in Guam to hit North Korean targets. In turn, North Korea warned on Tuesday it would retaliate to any sign of American aggression with all means available.

“If the US dares opt for a military action, crying out for ‘pre-emptive attack’, [Pyongyang] is ready to react. We will hold the US wholly accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions,” North Korea’s deputy foreign minister said in an interview with AP.

“The US introduces into the Korean Peninsula, the world’s biggest hotspot, huge nuclear strategic assets, seriously threatening peace and security of the peninsula and pushing the situation there to the brink of a war,” the North’s General Staff said in a statement carried by KCNA.

(3) While making a harmless symbolic protest to the North: North Korea’s airplanes will fly to and from Beijing fuller now.

(4) More stage set PR for Western consumption, on the part of Beijing:, since kilometres of (covered) rail cars move weekly between China, Russia and North Korea: Westerners love to tell me what a crazy crackpot Kim Jong-un is. Their gullibility proves the point: he is very smart, astute and knows exactly what he is doing. All great leaders are consummate actors and Kim loves cinema. Not to mention that he and his staff are in contact with Beijing 24/7.

(6) This is all timed for three of the North’s biggest holidays, happening in quick succession in April: Echoes of the Tet Offensive or the Yom Kippur War?

(7) Beijing comments on the US’s use of its near-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan, with rational conclusions. We reproduce the text in toto (bold ours):

Will ‘Mother of All Bombs’ scare NK?

Global Times Published: 2017/4/14 

This bombing is clearly aimed at testing the weapon in real combat and provides a new gimmick in US military deterrence. North Korea must have felt the shock wave traveling all the way from Afghanistan. It would be nice if the bomb could frighten Pyongyang but its actual impact may just be the opposite. 

Kim Jong-un is weighing his options. The message sent by the US military is not conducive to helping Pyongyang make a reasonable decision.  

The US seems to enjoy a privilege to do whatever it likes. To the world, this could bring more danger than security.

(8) This just in and surely timed for similar reasons:

(9) One of the possible secret Citrus Summit quid pro quos is now official:

US Treasury does not label China currency manipulator, keeps on monitor list


One interesting possibility is this could all be staged to allow Trump and Kim to meet, and it may be one of the Citrus Summit quid pro quos. Trump is a Washington outsider who could pull this off: The Bush-Clinton-Obama War Party would never consider it. Here’s an excerpt:

If a nuclear war is to be avoided, the US should not set any preconditions for direct talks with North Korea.

The United States should not insist on any preconditions for direct talks with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and China's "suspension for suspension" proposal could serve as the basis for further negotiation, a US expert said in a recent interview with Xinhua.

Joel Wit, senior fellow at the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said the recent increased tensions at the Korean Peninsula seemed puzzling. Tensions on the Korean peninsula are rising as the DPRK on Friday warned of "toughest counteraction" in response to what it called "reckless miliary provocation" after the United States sent USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier group to waters near the Korean Peninsula in what it called a "reaction to provocations" by the DPRK with recent missile tests. "I don't see why tensions are going up," said Wit. "There's nothing that has happened in the past month that necessitated sending a carrier battle group there, or increasing tensions."

Tensions could heat up if the DPRK conducts a new nuclear test, but right now nothing had happened that could really change the situation dramatically, he added. Long before joining the Johns Hopkins University, Wit served as senior advisor from 1993 to 1995 to Robert Galluci, then chief US negotiator with the DPRK during the Korean Peninsula nuclear crisis of 1994. Later, Wit became the US official in charge of implementing the 1994 US-DPRK Agreed Framework from 1995 to 1999. He told Xinhua that the main lesson from dealing with the DPRK in the past two decades is to realize that the DPRK is not irrational as the United States would think.

"They keenly understand their own national interests, and act on those interests. Right now their main national interest is to build nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. That's very clear to them," said Wit. The main reason for the DPRK to move forward with its nuclear weapons program is "to defend itself against what it feels is a threat from the United States and US allies in the region, South Korea and Japan," said Wit.

"In the past, there have been times when they thought their national interests required better relations with the United States, and as a result of that, they were willing to limit their nuclear weapons program, or even get rid of it," said Wit. "We need to keep that in mind as we try to find a way out of this problem." In his first trip to Asia in March, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said there would be no negotiation until the DPRK agreed to dismantle its nuclear programs. However, Wit said that there should not be any preconditions for establishing an "informal get-together" between the United States and the DPRK to explore whether formal talks are possible. "At that first get-together, or maybe more than one meeting, we shouldn't have any preconditions," Wit told Xinhua. "It should just be a discussion about issues each side is concerned about."

Is all this surreal Kabuki theatre, carefully planned out by Xi, Trump and Kim? Is a pending fake “Syrian airport bombing” false flag in the works, above the 38th parallel? Is this all to bring tensions to a fever pitch for a miraculous, cliffhanging, white knuckled US-Korean détente?

We must remember FDR’s refrain that everything happens at this level of (geo-) politics, at a particular time, for a reason, meaning prior knowledge and planning. Or, as John R. Hall detailed recently, we should adopt Hunter S. Thompson’s “180 Degree Theory”: everything (in politics) is exactly the opposite of what it appears to be

Fasten your seatbelts, boys and girls. Oh, joy!

Jeff in China


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jeffBusyatDesktopJeff J. Brown—TGP’s Beijing correspondent— is the author of 44 Days  (2013), Reflections in Sinoland – Musings and Anecdotes from the Belly of the New Century Beast (summer 2015), and Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). He is currently writing an historical fiction, Red Letters – The Diaries of Xi Jinping, due out in 2016. In addition, a new anthology on China, China Rising, Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations, is also scheduled for publication this summer. Jeff is commissioned to write monthly articles for The Saker  and The Greanville Post, touching on all things China, and the international political & cultural scene

In China, he has been a speaker at TEDx, the Bookworm Literary Festival, the Capital M Literary Festival, the Hutong, as well as being featured in an 18-part series of interviews on Radio Beijing AM774, with former BBC journalist, Bruce Connolly. He has guest lectured at international schools in Beijing and Tianjin.

Jeff grew up in the heartland of the United States, Oklahoma, and graduated from Oklahoma State University. He went to Brazil while in graduate school at Purdue University, to seek his fortune, which whet his appetite for traveling the globe. This helped inspire him to be a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tunisia in 1980 and he lived and worked in Africa, the Middle East, China and Europe for the next 21 years. All the while, he mastered Portuguese, Arabic, French and Mandarin, while traveling to over 85 countries. He then returned to America for nine years, whereupon he moved back to China in 2010. He currently lives in Beijing with his wife, where he writes, while being a school teacher in an international school. Jeff is a dual national French-American.  

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Why contributing to the Greanville Post is urgent and makes sense.

Among the many progressive and left-wing on-line journals that rely on the commitment of its writers, you may wonder what makes TGP especially worth supporting.

The answer is that we pay attention to the entire world, not just to the “me-centered" US.

Our contributors have spent a good portion of their lives among other peoples—roaming the world, or reporting from Beijing, Shenzhen, Rome, Paris, London, Lima, Wroclaw, and other important venues—gaining the kind of insight that can only come from a life-long commitment to understanding ‘the Other’.

Our dispatches are therefore always focused on the other side’s story, and as unprecedented changes come to Washington, and therefrom, across the globe, you will want to know what under-reported or under-analyzed events are driving US policy. You won’t have to wait weeks to read our columnists’ take on what’s going on, by which time, sixteen other major events will have taken place.

Because they have been watching the Big Picture literally for decades, they are able to locate daily events in both time and space, making it easier for you to sort out reality from imperialist fantasy. And the world of difference between our reporting and that of the mainstream media is magnified when it comes to backstories and forecasts.

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THE GREANVILLE POST contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues, and the furtherance of peace and social justice, the defence of our planetary ecosystems, and the prevention and eventual elimination of human abuse, exploitation,.and cruelty toward any and all non-human species The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.

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Russian Spies Behind Every Christmas Tree

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COVER IMAGE: Russian hackers more numerous than previously thought. Image credit to } Crossposted with 

The mainstream propaganda media has been on an anti-Putin, anti-Russian propaganda binge for years, and the Guardian (UK) is one of the leaders of the pack.

One has to wonder if it has anything to do with the Guardian’s shady dealings with George Soros’ secretive Open Society Foundation. Soros makes a fortune from U.S. sponsored regime changes and financial disasters. A regime change in Russia could make him Billions of dollars.

If anybody should be blamed for “election hacking” it is the DNC, Clinton-2, and the entire establishment including Obama.

For years the Guardian was a captain of journalism in a sea of corporate monopoly media. No longer and many of its renowned journalists have abandoned ship or been thrown overboard. Their alleged crimes were mutiny against the establishment?

The first storm at the Guardian came when award winning editor in chief Janine Gibson was forced to walk the plank (May 2015). Gibson was widely expected to become the Guardian’s Senior Editor. Instead Gibson was deep sixed after she navigated the Guardian through the treacherous course of revealing the Edward Snowden leaks.

The Guardian was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the Snowden story, but the U.S. and British spy agencies were not amused. They had been caught red-handed hacking everybody’s computers, spying on US citizens and even listening in on the private phone conversations of heads of state (here). The polish on their crimes was lying to Congress.

The U.S. spy agencies use the information they get from spying to interfere with the politics and elections of foreign governments, allies as well as foes. The storm at the Guardian over the Snowden leak resulted in the editors of the Guardian destroying their own computers, while notorious British GCHQ spies stood by and watched (here).

The many fans of the Guardian had been popping Champaign corks and feeling secure that the Guardian was watching over the establishment and reporting abuses of power, fraud, corruption and wrongdoing. Readers trusted the Guardian for its honest reporting for years.

Unbeknownst to most readers, the Guardian was in deep financial trouble. The Scott Trust that owns the Guardian needed a white-knight. It has been hemorrhaging money for years (here) and there were rumors that the Guardian might have to shut down its presses (here).

George Soros (born  György Schwartz) is a Hungarian-Jewish-American business magnate with interests and shady operations in all continents.

A white knight did not come forward, but a vulture capitalist did: George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. The financial arrangements and quid pro quo are unknown, since both the Scott Trust and Open Society are secretive.

Coincidentally or not, at the same time the Guardian launched its anti-Putin crusade, the Guardian joined in a new partnership, called the New East Network, with murky NGO’s, shady Eastern blogs, unknown sources and an outfit called Eurasianet (here).

The managing editor of Eurasianet is Justin Burke. At the time that the Guardian made the announcement of its new partnership, Justin Burke was and still is the chief editor. A link to Eurasianet had Burke’s email address listed at Soros’ Open Society Foundation (June 2014).

The Guardian and Soros-connected New East Network run anti-Putin and anti-Russia propaganda daily. There is no shortage of pro-Ukraine propaganda either. That propaganda spills over onto the Guardian website. This is a sinister conflict of interest for the Guardian. It should make a full disclosure of the financial arrangements between itself and Soros.

George Soros has made his fortune on currency speculation, regime change, coups and vulture capitalism. His current venture of destruction is Ukraine. Soros —along with the deep secret pockets  of the CIA and its associates around the world, including the Gulf despots— financed NGOs that fueled the US led coup against the elected government of Ukraine and installed a cabal of fascists. Soros is a major backer of anti-Putin NGOs in Russia. Soros constantly lobbies the US and the EU to bail out Ukraine with Billions of dollars, of which he would be a big beneficiary. Soros lobbies the US and the EU to destabilize Russia, which again would benefit him in Billions of dollars (here).

Soros has a sordid history. One of his most infamous coups was to break the Bank of England in 2002. The Telegraph called Soros “the man who broke the Bank of England; the arch villain of Black Wednesday” (here). Soros responded that if he did not do it somebody else would. A sociopathic capitalist, his only morality is derived from the market.

HORSEBACK BROMANCE. The level of malice deployed against Trump—however deserving he may be—via the ludicrous Putin/Russia connection has been extreme and dishonest. Now that the Deep State is getting results with Trump, it continues unabated toward Putin, where the nonstop barrage of slanders is  certainly groundless, hypocritical and dangerous. The unkindest cut is that America’s self-defined “left” and “progressives”, especially clueless Democrats, constitute the vanguard of this imbecilic and possibly suicidal witch hunt.

The latest brouhaha out of the Guardian has been a ridiculous allegation, based on flimsy-to-no evidence, that Putin fixed the 2016 US election. The mainstream media, including the Guardian, has brainwashed the impressionable public that there is some kind of scheme between Putin and Trump. It is made up guilt, by made up association: “Trump bad—Putin bad”—and vice versa. It is a cynical ploy.

The logic of a Trump-Putin connection is twisted. What did Trump do, get together with Putin and say: “Volodia, if you can hack the election and help me beat Hillary I will be your best friend forever? We can go horseback riding together without a shirt?” If the US and Russia have good relations, and Trump is so inclined, then that is a plus for peace. It does not make one pro-Trump to be pro-peace. The neocons, war profiteers and warmongers want the US public to hate Putin, to lay the foundation for a regime change or war. If they can get some of the hate for Trump to rub off on Putin then it serves their evil purposes.

The whole basis of the Putin-hacking story is that leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee proved that Clinton-2 nomination was rigged by the Democratic National Committee. The nomination was stolen from Bernie Sanders. It was election fraud in plain sight, but the media has faked the news, and fakes ignorance.

Instead of going after the real perpetrators of the election fraud of 2016, which is the Democratic National Committee and Clinton-2, Obama and the mainstream media put out smokescreens of Putin hacking the election. If anybody should be blamed for “election hacking” it is the DNC, Clinton-2, and the entire establishment including Obama.

Obama spent his last month in office poisoning the well between the U.S. and Russia, playing the “Russian hacking” farce for all the propaganda it was worth, and the mainstream media piled on obediently.

One reason Obama is pushing the propaganda is that he is trying to salvage his legacy. He was depending on Clinton-2 to keep his legacy going. He is also settling scores of a personal vendetta against Putin—and the birther Trump. The propaganda is immature, foolish, irresponsible and dangerous.

The propaganda has gotten so petty that the Guardian quotes “anonymous White House officials” as saying that as part of Obama’s new sanctions against Putin he is closing Russia’s “three-story Georgian mansion” retreat on the Chesapeake Bay.

According to the propaganda repeated by the Guardian, the Russian retreat is an “old-school-KGB den of spying iniquity and espionage”. In contrast, the Guardian describes a similar retreat that the US embassy has in Russia on the Moscow River as “a place where US diplomats can let their hair down. It has a pool table, dart board and picnic area”; no mention of any old-school CIA spies or espionage going on there.

The Guardian’s anti-Putin propaganda has gotten into the bizarre. The editors have lost touch with sanity. The Guardian even saw an ominous plot in a Christmas party at the Kremlin. Christmas Parties are part of the job of diplomats.

The Guardian though sees a sinister threat from the Russian Christmas party because “all the children of American diplomats were invited to an event to visit the Kremlin’s festive Christmas tree”.

The Guardian says that the “Russian’s code” behind the children’s Christmas Tree party is a “subtle reminder, for those who were able to decode it, that the FSB (the KGB’s successor) has precise information about the children of US embassy employees and diplomats (here).”

About the author
David William Pear is an unpaid Senior Editor for OpEdNews (OEN). All of his articles and comments are his own, and are not the responsibility of, or reflect the editorial opinion of OEN. David is a progressive columnist writing on economic, political and social issues. He is a regular columnist and commenter on OEN. His articles have been published by The Real News Network, Truth Out, Consortium News, Russia Insider, Pravda and many other progressive publications.  David is a member of Veterans for Peace, St Pete for Peace, CodePink and International Solidarity Movement. In February of 2015 he was part of a people-to-people delegation to Cuba with CodePink. In November of 2015 he was a delegate with CodePink to Palestine to show solidarity with Palestinians. In 2016 David spent 10 weeks in Palestine with the Palestinian non-violent resistance group International Solidarity Movement (ISM). David frequently makes extended trips to Russia as a private citizen. After retiring from finance in 2009, David earned a certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. David is a Vietnam veteran having served as a member of the 5th Special Forces Group as a combat advisor to the Army of the Republic of (South) Viet Nam. David resides with his wife and three cats in Clearwater Beach, Florida.


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David has a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the University of Maryland and attended classes at George Washington University to receive his Certified Financial Planner certification. He also attended courses at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for his certification as a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA). He has volunteered for public health service, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, emergency medicine and needs of the homeless. His hobbies include boating, fishing and motorcycle touring. He is also a licensed skydiver (USPA-inactive).

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EDITOR’S NOTE: No material by this author or any other author published on this site should be read as a defense of Donald Trump and his policies. Trump, the GOP and the Democrats are all part of the same malignant threat to World peace, all life on this planet, democracy, and truth in public affairs afflicting the US and the rest of the world, and emanating from the irrepressible dynamics of global capitalism, protected by the political, media, cultural, and military power of the United States of America.




THE GREANVILLE POST contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues, and the furtherance of peace and social justice, the defence of our planetary ecosystems, and the prevention and eventual elimination of human abuse, exploitation,.and cruelty toward any and all non-human species The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.

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Media Promote Baseless Assertions By Government Officials Of Russian Interference As Facts

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The headline of a New York Times article published April 6, “C.I.A. Had Evidence of Russian Effort to Help Trump Earlier Than Believed,” misleadingly implies not only that there was an effort by the Russian government to help Donald Trump win the American presidential election but that it is a settled fact that the CIA was in possession of hard evidence to that effect. The text of the piece does nothing to substantiate either claim. There is not one mention in the 33 paragraphs that follow about the purported evidence. As has been true for months, no evidence of any actual Russian actions is presented – only unfounded assertions that such evidence exists. But the allegations have been repeated over and over so many times over the course of so many months that they have become established fact, as saying something often enough apparently makes it true.

Eric Lichtblau, the reporter whose byline appears on the piece (see cover image above), received a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on illegal and unconstitutional warrantless surveillance of Americans inside the United States by intelligence agencies during the George W. Bush administration. One would expect a journalist with such a history to be extra skeptical of government sources, but that is not the case. Lichtblau appears not to have done any due diligence at all. The article does little more than transcribe anonymous rumors, turning the New York Times into a conduit for intelligence officials to disseminate their narrative to the public.

The Times’ reports on Bush’s illegal spying campaign, first released in December 2005, are often presented as an example of the mainstream media practicing its intended role as the Fourth Estate in American society by acting in the public interest to hold government accountable for overreach and abuse. In reality, the warrantless spying story fits perfectly within the propaganda model of media developed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman. The propaganda model recognizes that media organizations will – with varying degrees of frequency – produce critical coverage of government actions. But their criticisms are framed as examples of rogue actors or misguided policies that are part of a political system that is fundamentally benevolent, despite mistakes and abuses that represent exceptions to the rule.

This overarching worldview is evidenced by Lichtblau’s deference to the fact-free rumors spread by anonymous intelligence officials. Having reported first hand about the CIA’s flagrant disregard for the constitution, Lichtblau would logically be expected to reflexively question the motives of Agency officials when they feed him information off the record. Instead, he takes for granted that they are being honest.

“The briefings indicate that intelligence officials had evidence of Russia’s intentions to help Mr. Trump much earlier in the presidential campaign than previously thought,” Lichtblau writes.

This logical fallacy assumes that if members of the CIA told something to Congress, then it must be true. Alternatively, the briefings could indicate that intelligence officials stirred up wild fantasies about foreign interference in the elections as a way of themselves intervening in the election much earlier in the campaign than previously thought.

The propaganda model recognizes that media organizations will – with varying degrees of frequency – produce critical coverage of government actions. But their criticisms are framed as examples of rogue actors or misguided policies that are part of a political system that is fundamentally benevolent, despite mistakes and abuses that represent exceptions to the rule.

A journalist wouldn’t take his sources at face value unless he internalized the belief that they had benevolent motives and were only interested in ensuring the public learned the truth. It doesn’t even occur to him that they might have their own agenda, and were manipulating him by leaking information selectively to advance that agenda. Naturally, these are the motives of foreign intelligence agents – like the Russians – but not ours. Because U.S. intelligence agents are different, naturally; they have only noble motives.

This type of thinking requires a special penchant for ignoring and apologizing for the CIA’s long history of misdeeds, from playing an indispensable role in overthrowing the elected governments of Guatemala, Iran and Chile; to meddling in the elections of more than 30 sovereign nations; organizing and operating death squads and torture chambers in South Vietnam; creating and sponsoring a terrorist army led by former security officials from the ousted military dictatorship in Nicaragua, looking the other way as the terrorists obtained funding for weapons by flooding the streets of Los Angeles and other American cities with crack cocaine.

Even leaving aside the CIA’s history from more than a few decades ago, during the last 15 years alone the CIA has carried out illegal programs of kidnapping, torture and assassination. The CIA even went as far as hacking into the computers of Senate investigators – who nominally oversee them – while they were investigating the crimes. This was widely reported and even acknowledged by the Agency themselves.

When describing Trump’s assertion that he was wiretapped by Obama, Lichtblau notes that Trump made the claim “with no evidence.” One has to wonder why, then, he chooses to report completely unsubstantiated assertions from the CIA without qualifying them with the same caveat.

One could speculate that the CIA, in the absence of any real evidence of any Russian activities relating to the U.S. election, is using Lichtblau and the Times to launder their unfounded rumors. Instead of producing evidence, officials merely assert (off the record, of course, without explanation of why they refuse to attach their names to their assertions) that they have evidence. The press accepts these claims at face value without questioning their veracity, and gives them credibility by printing them as if there could be no doubt they are true.

In this way, intelligence officials are able to create a narrative stamped by the paper of record as historical fact based on nothing more than their own word. When government officials can shape the political discourse by substituting their own alternate reality for objective facts, there is no way a democracy can function. The media serve merely as an extension of government while simultaneously providing the facade of independence and oversight.

The picture that corporate media paint of the world would indeed be much different if journalists demonstrated the same skepticism toward their own government that they do without fail towards official enemies. And it would be much more difficult for the government to carry out their perilous game of demonizing foreign adversaries and leading the public towards a reckless, needless and possibly apocalyptic military confrontation based on grievances that have been manufactured out of whole cloth.

Why contributing to the Greanville Post is urgent and makes sense.

Among the many progressive and left-wing on-line journals that rely on the commitment of its writers, you may wonder what makes TGP especially worth supporting.

The answer is that we pay attention to the entire world, not just to the “me-centered" US.

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Our dispatches are therefore always focused on the other side’s story, and as unprecedented changes come to Washington, and therefrom, across the globe, you will want to know what under-reported or under-analyzed events are driving US policy. You won’t have to wait weeks to read our columnists’ take on what’s going on, by which time, sixteen other major events will have taken place.

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EDITOR’S NOTE: No material by this author or any other author published on this site should be read as a defense of Donald Trump and his policies. Trump, the GOP and the Democrats are all part of the same malignant threat to World peace, all life on this planet, democracy, and truth in public affairs afflicting the US and the rest of the world, and emanating from the irrepressible dynamics of global capitalism, protected by the political, media, cultural, and military power of the United States of America.

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Immigration: Gateway for Cheap Labor and Deliberate Disunity

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By Gary Brumback

A dear lawyer friend of mine for nearly 60 years recently posted a Facebook comment lamenting President Trump’s new, tightened immigration policy, saying that “immigration made America great.” My wife and I will be visiting him and his wife not long after this essay is published. It is, in effect, a long response to his lament, but I am leaving out here any elaboration on what I will also say to him, “Jim, face it, America has never been great.”

The land yet named “America,” after first being set afoot by voluntary immigrants thousands of years earlier was subsequently touched for the first time by another wave of voluntary  immigrants, but along with them came the forced “immigrants,” African slaves. Known if not suppressed by most Americans today is the misery these involuntary immigrants suffered under the tight and brutal yoke of the second landfall of voluntary immigrants, the blood thirsty, religiously fanatical, and imperialistically land grabbing White Europeans  who were imitating their mother land’s own forms of land grabbing, subjugation and incessant bloodshed throughout White Europe.

Why did America’s power elite, themselves once immigrants, foster continued immigration but included allowing a decidedly different class of peoples? The two answers are clear to me, making America a gateway for cheap labor and for dividing and conquering the powerless.

Cheap Labor

What could be cheaper for the slave holders than unpaid hands working the plantations and tending to household duties than slave labor? What could be cheaper for the tycoons of early industrialized America than immigrants toiling for pittance in mind numbing, grueling, hazardous factories and rail yards? And what could be cheaper centuries later than today’s illegal, undocumented immigrants who toil for pittance and no benefits on America’s corporate farms and factories, in the restaurant and hotel business, and as house maids for the upper crust?

While the labor is indeed cheap for the laborers’ employers, the costs to government are astronomical in absorbing the annual, multibillion dollar expenses of subsidizing public education and providing a variety of welfare benefits and services.

Deliberate Disunity

History’s power elite, vastly outnumbered by the powerless, soon learned that their best defense against them was to divide and conquer them. So it is to this day. The U.S. is a polyglot of ethnically diverse cultures, with their intolerances and prejudices toward each other. The “United” States” has never been united, and that suits the power elite perfectly. They designed it that way, and fostering immigration and its resulting divisiveness has been one of those ways.


Work them to the bone, pay them little, and in so doing divide and conquer mainstream America. That is and always has been the American way of her power elite.

Gary Brumback, PhD is a retired psychologist and Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science. He is the author of The Devil’s Marriage: Break Up the Corpocracy or Leave Democracy in the Lurch; and America’s Oldest Professions: Warring and Spying. His most recent book is Corporate Reckoning Ahead. Gary can be reached at:

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