BREAKING: Assassination of Iranian IRGC Colonel | Prof. Mohammed Marandi with Richard Medhurst

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Richard MedhurstSeyed Mohammad Marandi

BREAKING: Assassination of Iranian IRGC Colonel | Prof Marandi with Richard Medhurst

Seyed Mohammad Marandi ( born 1966 in Richmond, Virginia) is an Iranian American academic and political analyst. He is the son of Alireza Marandi, a physician who has served in Iran's government as Minister of Health as well as a Member of Parliament. Marandi is a graduate of the University of Tehran and Birmingham University (UK), where his PhD thesis was entitled Lord Byron, his critics and Orientalism, described as a "response to Edward Said's Orientalism". Marandi is a professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran


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The Subtleties of Anti-Russia Leftist Rhetoric

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Edward J. Curtin

Chomsky: Master of the half-truth. Often blaming and rescuing the empire in a single breath. “A plague on both your houses"—as practiced by him and others of similar public stature—remains a devious posture, typical of liberals, not genuine anti-imperialists.


While the so-called liberal and conservative media – all stenographers for the intelligence agencies – pour forth the most blatant propaganda about Russia and Ukraine that is so conspicuous that it is comedic if it weren’t so dangerous, the self-depicted cognoscenti also ingest subtler messages, often from the alternative media.

A woman I know and who knows my sociological analyses of propaganda contacted me to tell me there was an excellent article about the war in Ukraine at The Intercept, an on-line publication funded by billionaire Pierre Omidyar I have long considered a leading example of much deceptive reporting wherein truth is mixed with falsehoods to convey a “liberal” narrative that fundamentally supports the ruling elites while seeming to oppose them. This, of course, is nothing new since it’s been the modus operandi of all corporate media in their own ideological and disingenuous ways, such as The New York Times, CBS, the Washington Post, the New York Daily News, Fox News, CNN, NBC, etc. for a very long time.

Nevertheless, out of respect for her judgment and knowing how deeply she feels for all suffering people, I read the article. Written by Alice Speri, its title sounded ambiguous – “The Left in Europe Confronts NATO’s Resurgence After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine” – until I saw the subtitle that begins with these words: “Russia’s brutal invasion complicates…” But I read on. By the fourth paragraph, it became clear where this article was going. Speri writes that “In Ukraine, by contrast [with Iraq], it was Russia that had staged an illegal, unprovoked invasion, and U.S.-led support to Ukraine was understood by many as crucial to stave off even worse atrocities than those the Russian military had already committed.” [my emphasis]

While ostensibly about European anti-war and anti-NATO activists caught on the horns of a dilemma, the piece goes on to assert that although US/NATO was guilty of wrongful expansion over many years, Russia has been an aggressor in Ukraine and Georgia and is guilty of terrible war crimes, etc.

There is not a word about the U.S. engineered coup in 2014, the CIA and Pentagon backed mercenaries in Ukraine, or its support for the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and Ukraine’s years of attacks on the Donbass where many thousands have been killed. It is assumed these actions are not criminal or provocations. And there is this:

The uncertain response of Europe’s peace activists is both a reflection of a brutal, unprovoked invasion that stunned the world (sic) and of an anti-war movement that has grown smaller and more marginalized over the years. The left in both Europe and the U.S. have struggled to respond to a wave of support for Ukraine that is at cross purposes with a decades long effort to untangle Europe from a U.S.-led military alliance. [my emphasis]

In other words, the article, couched in anti-war rhetoric, was anti-Russia propaganda. When I told my friend my analysis, she refused to discuss it and got angry with me, as if I therefore were a proponent of war. I have found this is a common response.

This got me thinking again about why people so often miss the untruths lying within articles that are in many parts truthful and accurate. I notice this constantly. They are like little seeds slipped in as if no one will notice; they work their magic nearly unconsciously. Few do notice them, for they are often imperceptible. But they have their effects and are cumulative and are far more powerful over time than blatant statements that will turn people off, especially those who think propaganda doesn’t work on them. This is the power of successful propaganda, whether purposeful or not. It particularly works well on “intellectual” and highly schooled people.

For example, in a recent printed interview, Noam Chomsky, after being introduced as a modern day Galileo, Newton, and Descartes rolled into one, talks about propaganda, its history, Edward Bernays, Walter Lippman, etc. What he says is historically accurate and informative for anyone not knowing this history. He speaks wisely of U.S. media propaganda concerning its unprovoked war against Iraq and he accurately calls the war in Ukraine “provoked.” And then, concerning the war in Ukraine, he drops this startling statement:

I don’t think there are ‘significant lies’ in war reporting. The U.S. media are generally doing a highly creditable job in reporting Russian crimes in Ukraine. (sic) That’s valuable, just as it’s valuable that international investigations are underway in preparation for possible war crimes trials.

In the blink of an eye, Chomsky says something so incredibly untrue that unless one thinks of him as a modern day Galileo, which many do, it may pass as true and you will smoothly move on to the next paragraph. Yet it is a statement so false as to be laughable. The media propaganda concerning events in Ukraine has been so blatantly false and ridiculous that a careful reader will stop suddenly and think: Did he just say that?
So now Chomsky views the media, such as The New York Times and its ilk, that he has correctly castigated for propagandizing for the U.S. in Iraq and East Timor, to use two examples, is doing “a highly creditable job in reporting Russian crimes in Ukraine,” as if suddenly they were no longer spokespeople for the CIA and U.S. disinformation. And he says this when we are in the midst of the greatest propaganda blitz since WW I, with its censorship, Disinformation Governance Board, de-platforming of dissidents, etc., that border on a parody of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Even slicker is his casual assertion that the media are doing a good job reporting Russia’s war crimes after he earlier has said this about propaganda:

So it continues. Particularly in the more free societies, where means of state violence have been constrained by popular activism, it is of great importance to devise methods of manufacturing consent, and to ensure that they are internalized, becoming as invisible as the air we breathe, particularly in articulate educated circles. Imposing war-myths is a regular feature of these enterprises.

This is simply masterful. Explain what propaganda is at its best and how you oppose it and then drop a soupçon of it into your analysis. And while he is at it, Chomsky makes sure to praise Chris Hedges, one of his followers, who has himself recently written an article – The Age of Self-Delusion – that also contains valid points appealing to those sick of wars, but which also contains the following words:

Putin’s revanchism is matched by our own.

The disorganization, ineptitude, and low morale of the Russian army conscripts, along with the repeated intelligence failures by the Russian high command, apparently convinced Russia would roll over Ukraine in a few days, exposes the lie that Russia is a global menace.

‘The Russian bear has effectively defanged itself,’ historian Andrew Bacevich writes.

But this is not a truth the war makers impart to the public. Russia must be inflated to become a global menace, despite nine weeks of humiliating military failures. [my emphasis]

Russia’s revanchism? Where? Revanchism? What lost territory has the U.S. ever waged war to recover? Iraq, Syria, Cuba, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc.? The U.S.’s history is a history not of revanchism but of imperial conquest, of seizing or controlling territory, while Russia’s war in Ukraine is clearly an act of self-defense after years of U.S./NATO/Ukraine provocations and threats, which Hedges recognizes. “Nine weeks of humiliating military failures”? – when they control a large section of eastern and southern Ukraine, including the Donbass. But his false message is subtly woven, like Chomsky’s, into sentences that are true.

“But this is not a truth the war makers impart to the public.” No, it is exactly what the media spokespeople for the war makers – i.e. The New York Times (Hedges former employer, which he never fails to mention and for whom he covered the Clinton administration’s savage destruction of Yugoslavia), CNN, Fox News, The Washington Post, the New York Post, etc. impart to the public every day for their masters. Headlines that read how Russia, while allegedly committing daily war crimes, is failing in its war aims and that the mythic hero Zelensky is leading Ukrainians to victory. Words to the effect that “The Russian bear has effectively defanged itself” presented as fact.

Yes, they do inflate the Russian monster myth, only to then puncture it with the myth of David defeating Goliath.

But being in the business of mind games (too much consistency leads to clarity and gives the game away), one can expect them to scramble their messages on an ongoing basis to serve the U.S. agenda in Ukraine and further NATO expansion in the undeclared war with Russia, for which the Ukrainian people will be sacrificed. Orwell called it “doublethink”:

Doublethink lies at the very heart of Ingsoc, since the essential act of the Party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality one denies – all this is indispensably necessary….with the lie always one step ahead of the truth.

Revealing while concealing and interjecting inoculating shots of untruths that will only get cursory attention from their readers, the writers mentioned here and others have great appeal for the left intelligentsia. For people who basically worship those they have imbued with infallibility and genius, it is very hard to read sentences carefully and smell a skunk.  The subterfuge is often very adroit and appeals to readers’ sense of outrage at what happened in the past – e.g. the George W. Bush administration’s lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Chomsky, of course, is the leader of the pack, and his followers are legion, including Hedges. For decades they have been either avoiding or supporting the official versions of the assassinations of JFK and RFK, the attacks of September 11, 2001 that led directly to the war on terror and so many wars of aggression, and the recent Covid-19 propaganda with its devastating lockdowns and crackdowns on civil liberties. They are far from historical amnesiacs, of course, but obviously consider these foundational events of no importance, for otherwise they would have addressed them. If you expect them to explain, you will be waiting a long time.
In a recent article – How the organized Left got Covid wrong, learned to love lockdowns and lost its mind: an autopsy – Christian Parenti writes this about Chomsky:

Almost the entire left intelligentsia has remained psychically stuck in March 2020. Its members have applauded the new biosecurity repression and calumniated as liars, grifters, and fascists any and all who dissented. Typically, they did so without even engaging evidence and while shirking public debate. Among the most visible in this has been Noam Chomsky, the self-described anarcho-syndicalist who called for the unvaccinated to “remove themselves from society,” and suggested that they should be allowed to go hungry if they refuse to submit.

Parenti’s critique of the left’s response (not just Chomsky’s and Hedges’) to Covid also applies to those foundational events mentioned above, which raises deeper questions about the CIA’s and NSA’s penetration of the media in general, a subject beyond the scope of this analysis.

For those, like the liberal woman who referred me to The Intercept article, who would no doubt say of what I have written here: Why are you picking on leftists? my reply is quite simple.

The right-wing and the neocons are obvious in their pernicious agendas; nothing is really hidden; therefore they can and should be opposed. But many leftists serve two masters and are far subtler. Ostensibly on the side of regular people and opposed to imperialism and the predations of the elites at home and abroad, they are often tricksters of beguiling rhetoric that their followers miss. Rhetoric that indirectly fuels the wars they say they oppose.

Smelling skunks is not as obvious as it might seem. Being nocturnal, they come forth when most are sleeping.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many decades. He is the author of the recent Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies (Clarity Press) and is a former professor of sociology and theology. His website is




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Offramps and Blind Alleys: NATO is Reduced to Directing Traffic.

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Donna Goddard
The New Kremlin Stooge

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit.
For what every man wishes,
that he also believes to be true.” —Demosthenes

“Stupid is as stupid does”—Forrest Gump

Mick Jagger taught the world that it can’t always get what it wants. But if I could get what I wanted, just once, I would hope for a moment of clarity in which the western ‘democracies’ looked back upon the events of the past decade with absolute objectivity – if necessary, viewing their own actions and reactions as if they had been carried out by someone else – and appropriately judged them with candor and responsibility. Once I would have hoped these executions and maneuvers would be assessed with a generous dose of “What the fuck were we thinking?” But I’ve grown a touch cynical since then, and I’m pretty confident much if not all of it was deliberate, planned. What in the name of God are we turning into?

Such a moment of clarity, too, might reveal the grotesque misjudgments which prevailed in the quickening events that resulted in Russia entering Ukraine upon a military operation. For months a substantial force of Russian military equipment and personnel remained near the Ukrainian border with Russia, within Russia but in plain sight of observers. The purpose of this seemed clear to everyone, not least the Ukrainians – we see you, and we know what you’re thinking. Don’t do it. Because unremarked by many and almost exactly a year ago, President Zelensky had issued a decree that Crimea was to be recaptured by Ukraine, and began to deploy his forces along the borders of the rebel eastern provinces. Most thought – I among them – that the Russian forces arrayed within easy striking distance would deter the Ukrainians from anything foolish. In this, NATO was in exactly the kind of no-lose position it relishes after months and years of careful plotting and instigation – if the Russians reacted, it would be an unwarranted invasion of Ukraine, exactly as NATO had been warning of with increasing stridency, because it was provoking just such a development. If it did not, the Ukrainian forces would inexorably roll over the eastern provinces, all the way to Crimea, and bring it back under Ukrainian control while Russia raged from the sidelines, impotent.

Anyway, I have no intention of simply lifting all the references from Jacques Baud’s seminal post, “The Military Situation in the Ukraine”; it is a dramatic departure from The Narrative, and I’m sure the Wikipedia Patrol is already hard at work painting him as some sort of compulsive loon, who occasionally escapes from the asylum long enough to expound a crazy conspiracy theory before the white coats seize him and hustle him back to medicated slumber. No matter – his work speaks for itself, and is impeccably referenced using official UN and national reports and documentation. Although it provides powerful substantiation for what we have been arguing here for years now, and could not have appeared in a more timely fashion unless it could have averted the crisis altogether; although I enthusiastically urge that it be shared widely – it’s not the piece I came here today to talk about. This is.

Putin needs an off-ramp.

Yes, that’s The Thinking Westerner’s position as laid down in The Atlantic: NATO has been handed the puzzler of how to make Putin think he won, while displaying to the entire rest of the world that he lost, convincingly. And it’s what makes Baud’s exposé so serendipitous, because he recounts how the west has completely lost its mind, to the extent it believes – or affects to believe – its own Hollywood nonsense.

And in precisely the moment of clarity and reflection I described in the beginning of this effort, the dedicated observer might note that western think-tanks were occupied with how they might rescue Putin from his crazy bad self, only three weeks into an invasion the Ukrainians were supposed to be winning on sheer guts.

How could that be? I guess we should take a closer look.

Well, that didn’t take long; first sentence – Putin must be stopped from colonizing Ukraine. Yes, yes; and punished for his barbarism, bla, bla, goes without saying. But my interest was immediately piqued – where did Putin say, ever, that he intended to colonize Ukraine? Has nobody at The Atlantic noticed that at least a third of Ukrainians speak Russian as their daily communication, and nearly everyone in Ukraine can understand it whether they choose to use it or not? That many Ukrainian families have relatives in Russia, and vice-versa? That before the west started its eternal meddling, Russia was Ukraine’s biggest trading partner by far – a situation whose western tampering has resulted in a drop of more than $36 Billion in national GDP since Yanukovych was in power in 2013, while the population today is about the same as it was in 1963, according to the World Bank. Ukraine is already, to a large extent, of a common culture with Russia, and there would be no need to colonize it.

Well, maybe I spoke too soon – The Guardian’s premiere Russia analyst, Shaun ‘I Hate Dill’ Walker informs all that newspaper’s readers that not only did Putin plan to remove Zelensky and his government and replace them with subservient pro-Russian stooges, he failed shockingly at it. Look, there’s no use beating a dead horse; I’m sure you see my point. It ‘seems’ to noodniks like Walker and McTague and Murray that a government coup in Kiev was Putin’s plan, and since that didn’t happen, it was a shocking failure. The possibility that it didn’t happen because it was never a Russian plan to do it is not entertained. Of course he meant to do it – that’s what the west would do.

Just before we go back to the Putin Offramp, I was struck again – in the last reference quoted – by Zelensky’s assumed arrogance and Bush-like syllogisms.

“Zelenskiy said Ukraine was “waiting for meaningful steps” from the Nato, EU and European Council meetings today, and listed some so far unheeded requests, such as a no-fly zone, aircraft and tanks. “At these three summits we will see: who is a friend, who is a partner, and who betrayed us for money.” Zelenskiy, who will speak to Nato members by video on Thursday, said he is asking the alliance to provide “effective and unrestricted” support to Ukraine, including any weapons the country needs to fend off the Russian invasion.”

Anything we want. No restrictions. If you don’t give us what we want, you betrayed us for money. You’re either with us, or you’re with the terra’ists. Spoken like a man whose country has gotten used to living on handouts as if it had earned them with honest toil. Maybe he’s said that ‘Ukraine is the front lines of Yurrup’ canard so often that he has begun to believe it.

Anyway, that was a lot of discussion considering we didn’t get past the first sentence. The incongruity I wanted to highlight was that only three weeks after launching a military operation that is supposed to be an embarrassing failure, the west is already talking about rescuing Putin from himself. Unless the Western Fans of Putin Club has started to give away free Keurigs, I am guessing the membership still numbers in the dozens. Such generosity of spirit seems a little…off. It’s almost like the west wants to wrap things up with a conclusion that everyone can live with before Russia wins.

Now, see, I’m having a harder time with this that I expected. I mean, consider this:

“What makes this situation even more dangerous is that Ukraine is (legitimately and sensibly) being armed and supplied by the very military alliance Russia most fears, NATO. Meanwhile, Russia is being squeezed by an ever-tightening economic blockade designed to force its defeat. On top of all this are credible claims that if this campaign ends in humiliating defeat for Russia, it will prove terminal for not only the country’s national prestige and power, but Putin’s regime itself.”

So supplying Ukraine with weapons so that it can absorb even more of a beating over a longer time by a much larger and stronger opponent is now just legitimate and sensible. Kind of like giving a punch-drunk fighter amphetamines so he can go back in the ring and get his head torn off by the gorilla he’s fighting. And who, pray, was the source for these ‘credible claims’? Alexey Navalny? Stas Belkovsky? The Riddler? Any of the dozen or so ‘Kremlin-watchers’ the west regularly calls upon for ‘analysis’ that later proves to be about as accurate as it might have been had it been foretold by groundhog shadows?

Ukraine is not going to ‘win’, and the west knows that. It could give Zelensky nukes and Ukraine would still lose, and that is kind of foreshadowed by its willingness to capitulate to Russia’s demands for Ukrainian neutrality and a pledge to not join NATO, expressed nearly a week ago. Whoops! Surprise! Even though Ukraine is willing to formally renounce its NATO aspirations, western eggheads tell us that joining NATO is written into Ukraine’s constitution, and it cannot change its mind in wartime! That would require a constitutional amendment or a referendum. So it has no choice but to go on taking punishment until it has to surrender unconditionally, because the west wants a return on its weapons-and-money investments, and won’t let it quit. The fact that the intent was written into the constitution without holding a referendum– so that there is no real appreciation for how much public support in Ukraine joining NATO enjoys – seems not to matter. That was back before Zelensky put on his Serious Green T-Shirt, so there’s no reason to pay any attention to what he said then.

Mariupol, the third-largest city in Ukraine is pretty much conquered, cleansed of Ukrops forces, with just a small bunch of Azov Nazis and probably NATO "advisers" holed up in the deep entrails ofthe gigantic Azovstal Metallurgical plant. Having refused to surrender under generous terms (especially for despicable Nazis and foreign mercs) now they will face the unelenting pounding of Russia's formidable aviation and stand-off weapons.

“Britain’s defense secretary has said that Putin “is a spent force in the world.” His French counterpart has declared, “Ukraine will win.” A consensus is building in Western capitals that Russia’s calamitous handling of the conflict means it may already have lost—indeed, that its political goals may never have been realizable in the first place, given the size of Ukraine and the opposition of its people to Russian control.”

A consensus is building in Western capitals. Based on what? How obviously Ukraine is ‘winning’ when it has offered to give the enemy what he asked for, but is not allowed by its western backers to stop fighting? I don’t think the UK Defense Secretary’s assessment needs be regarded with any degree of seriousness – he’s probably already planning a Wikipedia reversal of Ukraine’s surrender. And France’s Florence Parly can’t tell jihadists from wedding celebrants; I don’t think her forecast of who will win should count for much. But those factors aside…doesn’t it seem like there is a bigger issue here than Ukraine, considering how eager the west is to resolve the situation on its own terms – so eager that it offers to “write off Putin’s bloodstained debts” before the conflict is even over? Is there something in this of “just let our boy win, and we’ll see you right”?

“Putin appears to preside over something like a Mafia state: corrupt, kleptocratic, and violent, based on networks of loyalty and territorial claims that have nothing to do with popular will and that must be opposed.”

This is the guy you ‘may have to forgive’? And he ‘appears to preside over something like a Mafia state’ to who? Yes, Luke Harding, I know, it was the title of one of his deathless pulp novels. But who else? This is Russia’s annual GDP adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) during ‘kleptocrat’ Putin’s tenure.

Considering the country has been under the most vehement sanctions by all the NATO countries since 2014, Putin must be pretty damned good at corruption if he can make it pay on a national scale. Describing it as a ‘mafia state’ sounds a little like jealousy.

Now here’s the UK’s annual GDP adjusted for PPP over the same period. Obviously the UK, by way of contrast with Russia, sucks at corruption, because its citizens are currently experiencing the same purchasing power per pound as they had in 2009. The obvious qualifier there is that nobody – well, except maybe for Boris Johnson – is trying to ruin the UK and wreck its economy. The developed world is not raining sanctions on its head and it is supposed to be some sort of haven for dirty banking thanks to its lax laws. ‘Lax’ rhyming with ‘tax’. The figures are ranked by the same authority, the World Bank, so forget about confirmation bias. But Russia’s economic performance under the strictest and most far-flung sanctions on record, plainly trying to ruin the country and all its citizens, is far more stable and equitable than that of the UK. Think I’m joking? Check this out:

“The independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said the spring statement had given back only a sixth of the tax increases announced by Sunak during his two years as chancellor and that even after these measures, living standards would fall by more than 2% this year – the steepest drop since records began in the 1950s. It comes as some vulnerable people using food banks decline items such as potatoes because they cannot afford the energy to boil them, according to the boss of the supermarket Iceland.”

Of course, that’s the lurid British press, with its penchant for flamboyant exaggeration and seeing poison spies under the bed. Take no notice.

“Second, the West must not close off potential compromises that the Ukrainians themselves would be willing to negotiate. If Putin is to accept a negotiated defeat, he will require a fig leaf to hide the reality that he has failed to subdue Ukraine. There has been speculation, for example, that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky might be prepared to formally renounce his pursuit of NATO membership, one of a number of pledges that could be made to serve as a pretext for Russian de-escalation. Zelensky could also promise not to send troops into the Donbas, for example, or seek to retake Crimea—or even to seek nuclear weapons, or allow them to be stationed on Ukrainian territory. In other words, he could use Russia’s absurd propaganda to his advantage by formally pledging not to do things that he or any of his successors would have considered doing anyway.”

So there you have it. If Zelensky offers to renounce his pursuit of NATO membership – which he was pretty clearly told was not going to happen anytime soon by authorities who know that ‘joining NATO’ is not as simple as holding a national referendum and, upon a successful vote, assuming membership – it is because the clever west already thought of letting Putin have that one so he could feel like he was a winner. Despite Zelensky’s presidential decree that Crimea be recovered by the Ukrainian military, sending troops into Donbas was ‘absurd Russian propaganda’ that Zelensky would not have considered doing. Welcome to the parallel universe; mind that first step, now.

“The situation today is not the same as it was then. Unlike Khrushchev, Putin has not simply walked up to a line, but crossed it, unleashing a terror for which he should be held accountable. The horrible reality, though, is that the best option for the West might involve finding a way for him to not be held as accountable as he should be—but then to never forget what he has done.”

Now I can die: I’ve seen everything. Putin unleashed terror beyond anyone’s imagining, but it might be best if the west just pretends it never happened, although they must secretly remember it but are honour-bound not to bring it up in conversation. And that’s before it is even anything close to over, is very much ongoing and the only scale of measurement by which Russia is suffering a calamitous defeat is through making up objectives which are not part of Russia’s plans, and then ridiculing it for failing to achieve them.

“Although uncomfortable, embarrassment is a necessary pre-runner to recognising one’s mistakes and making progress on the path. Speaking openly about our faults, in a well-intentioned but direct manner, is often humorous because we all tend to know the truth about people even though it is usually not stated outright.”

—Donna Goddard

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.


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Coverup: Israeli forces kill Palestinian man in West Bank as tensions rise

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the establishment media is an enabler of endless wars and illegitimate oligarchic power


Mohammad Hasan Assaf, the 34 year-old Palestinian who was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus (photo by Wafa news agency)

Israeli military forces have shot and killed a young Palestinian man in the occupied West Bank, amid an escalation of violence across the occupied Palestinian territories.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, the 34 year-old victim, identified as Mohammad Hasan Assaf, succumbed to his injuries after being shot in the chest by Israeli forces during a military raid on the city of Nablus on Wednesday, Palestine's Wafa news agency reported.

The Israeli military did not immediately comment but said earlier that its troops were "conducting counterterrorism operations" in Nablus, as well as other cities and villages of the West Bank.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Palestinian Red Crescent Emergency and Ambulance Department, said 17 Palestinians were injured after Israeli forces stormed the towns of Beita, al-Lubban al-Sharqiya, and Urif, in addition to Nablus.

Jibril said five Palestinians had been shot with live bullets. And one was run over by an Israeli military vehicle.

Eight Palestinians also suffered breathing difficulties after inhaling tear gas fired by the Israeli forces during clashes near Joseph's Tomb on the outskirts of Nablus.  The Israeli forces also detained a number of Palestinian youths.


SIDEBAR: Unheard cries of pain. Palestinians are not "the right kind of victims"
The pain in their cries will send shivers down your spine ????????
The family of lawyer & activist, 34 year old, Mohammad Assaf who was shot dead by “#israeli” occupation forces in #Nablus city this morning, bid him a sorrowful farewell ????
Why does their grief not illicit the same reaction from people around the world that are so compassionate when it comes to the suffering of #Ukrainians?
Do #Palestinian lives just not matter to these selective humanitarians?

The latest development comes as Israeli forces have stepped up their acts of violence against Palestinians in the cities and villages of the West Bank, including al-Quds, with new arrests, injuries, and brutal assaults reported across the Palestinian territory.

On Monday morning, a young Palestinian died of wounds he had sustained the previous day when Israeli military forces raided the occupied northern West Bank city of Jenin and opened fire on dozens of people protesting against Israeli occupation and acts of aggression.

On Sunday night, a young Palestinian man was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the southern occupied West Bank town of al-Khader. Earlier on Sunday, two Palestinian women had been murdered by Israeli forces in separate locations in the West Bank.

The regime in Tel Aviv has escalated its crackdown on Palestinians since the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, arresting a number of Palestinians in occupied East al-Quds, desecrating al-Aqsa Mosque, issuing new restrictions on the Palestinian people’s entry into the mosque, and ordering the demolition of Palestinian homes and agricultural facilities.

The Israeli violence, repeated on a daily basis, has led to fierce clashes between Israelis and Palestinians across the occupied territories.

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And now, one word from our wannabe Masters about the Bucha false flag

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D.F. Laval

The probable truth about Bucha. Don't ask CNN or the NYTimes to tell you about this. Russian sources and independent observers contradict the Bucha "Russian massacre" false flag story.

Civilians of Bucha were shot by the Nazis "Boatswain"

Military correspondent "KP" Alexander Kots about who is behind the massacres in the suburbs of Kyiv
Alexander KOTS 

There are no bodies scattered around the city in the video footage of the National Police of Ukraine

The morning covers of Western newspapers, as expected, exploded with the headlines "Nightmare in Bucha", "Genocide", "Mass murder of the innocent". The meaning of the publications is reduced to one "axiom": "Russia must answer for the execution of civilians in the suburbs of Kyiv." The terrible footage was published by the Ukrainian side the day before, the Russian military was indiscriminately accused of torture and extrajudicial executions. The proof is only footage of the unfortunate on the streets, in basements, many have their hands tied behind their backs. Killer picture. And I’ll say right away that I have no doubt that in the photo and video there are really the bodies of the dead. There were enough of them in Bucha. But who shot the unarmed? Let's restore the chronology.

On March 30, Russian troops withdrew from Bucha as part of a regrouping. This is stated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. I was these days in the suburbs of Kyiv. In fact, the withdrawal of our units began even earlier. It's just that by the 30th there was not a single soldier from Russia left in Bucha. The enemy did not immediately realize this. And he continued to inflict artillery strikes on our former concentration areas.

On March 31, Bucha was visited by the mayor of the city, who pathetically announced the "liberation" of the settlement. At the same time, without saying anything about the corpses on the roads. On the same day the deputy and wrestler Zhan Beleniuk visited here . In the photo, he is smiling, which would look out of place against the backdrop of dead bodies. The statement of the mayor, in fact, was premature - I really wanted to hurry things up. But Ukrainian forces have not yet taken control of the entire city. Artillery continued to work in separate areas.

On April 2, the National Police of Ukraine enters the city. A long video of their work to clean up the city has been preserved on the Web. There is everything to understand the atmosphere there - crumpled cars, destroyed buildings, joyful locals, one of whom says that they wanted to shoot him for Ukrainian symbols, but for some reason changed their minds. There are no only bodies scattered around the city.
Video from the chat of Bucha residents on April 1: the streets are empty

On the same day, units of the Kiev Territorial Defense entered Bucha from another direction - to clean up. Among them is a detachment of a certain Boatswain. On the footage of their video chronicle, one of the militants asks the question: “There are boys without blue armbands, can they be shot at?” "And then!" - happily replies the other. And this is the key point.

"Boatswain" is a neo-Nazi Sergey Korotkikh , well-known in Russia by the nickname "Malyuta" . At one time, he was one of the leaders of the RNU and the closest associates of another far-right figure , Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich . Born in Togliatti, grew up in Belarus. Since 2014, he fought in the Azov battalion. In Russia, such neo-fascists do not take root, but Ukraine welcomes them with open arms. It was he who gave the go-ahead to fire on people without identification marks. The blue bandages on the sleeves are the identification mark of "friend or foe" of the Ukrainian forces. In order not to open fire on their own from afar. During sweeps, people's nerves are strained to the limit and any little thing is enough to pull the trigger. For example, the lack of an identification mark. Or the presence of another - enemy.
Bodies in Bucha with white bandages

Bodies in Bucha with white arm bands. Photo: Video frame

And now let's take a closer look at the video and photo materials published by the Ukrainian side. Yes, it is quite obvious from the not dried blood and not yet stiffened bodies (the nationalists pull them and move them from place to place) that they were not killed on March 30th. But most importantly, most of those killed have white armbands on their sleeves. Who has a ribbon, who has a bandage, who has just a rag. The white armband is the identification mark of the Russian forces. Nobody forced the locals to put them on, they did it themselves to designate themselves - "we are ours." One of the locals, blogger Vladimir Sklyarov , describes his experience with the Russian military: “They said: “Tell everyone that we will not hurt anyone. Let them hang white sheets on the windows so that we can see that peaceful people live here. Let them be calm. We only burn the Nazis and Bandera.”

This is so, a lyrical digression. What was going on in the city when the militants of the "Boatswain" and other Nazi leaders entered there? Natural cleaning.

They just killed people on the streets without knowing if they had weapons or not. And someone was captured and tortured. Footage from the basement, in which the Russians allegedly shot several people, confirms this. Among the dead are also people with white armbands. Most likely they were killed as "agents of the Russian troops" or "collaborators" who collaborated with the "occupation authorities."

Why didn't civilians take off their white armbands after the withdrawal of Russian troops? Because they didn't know about it. I repeat, for three more days after that, artillery strikes were carried out in the city, people sat in the basements, not sticking out. As soon as the cannonade subsided, they went upstairs and came under fire from their "zahisniks".

Frames with bodies appeared the next day - most likely, the Internet was given to the city, which disappeared during the fighting. At the suggestion of the Ukrainian authorities, the West began to disperse this great hoax of the “Buchan massacre”. As in the summer of 2014, when the Ukrainian front in Donbass was bursting at the seams and Kiev needed a breather, a passenger liner was shot down in the sky over the war zone. And Moscow was immediately blamed for the death of its passengers.

MURDER IN THE BASEMENT: One of the videos filmed by Ukrainian Nazis showing crimes supposedly perpetrated by the Russian army. But notice one of the victims clearly shows a white armband, the symbol for Kiev inhabitants who wanted to show their support for the Russian forces. The Russian soldiers obviously knew this and would not have arrested anyone showing sympathy for them. The video is a hoax, and it actually hides the identity of the real criminals. 

With the provocation in Bucha, it is quite possible that Ukraine, with the support of the West, which should put pressure on Russia, is trying to save its group in Mariupol, which is living out its last days.
"Corpse" came to life on video in Ukrainian Bucha


Why the "Buchan Massacre" is a fake special correspondent Oleksandr Kots explains what is wrong with the “Ukrainian Srebrenica” story (more)

Terrible secrets of the crippled city: how the Azov battalion surrenders Mariupol

KP special correspondent Dmitry Steshin - from the streets of the battle-torn city (details)
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