EDITORS—Joti tracks the reasons for the Dems’ recent embarrassing defeat at the polls, and the UK Laborites’ dismal performance.
TOPICS: UK/US working class apathy and alienation from the political establishment and taking part in elections, a fact that worries the ruling elites as elections serve to legitimate their rule. • Trump’s MAGA people may represent the last contingent of true believers in the US promise of an actual popular democracy, notes • Joti describes in detail how WOKISM (identity politics) is nothing but a shameless ruling class tactic to disarm the working class by introducing issues that serve to divide it, while presenting the state (in the hands of one or another wing of the plutocracy) as their saviours. Insofar as identity politics replaces the actual class struggle, in which economic factors play the preponderant part, it buries the possibilities for revolutionary social change. This is seen in issue after issue. Radical bourgeois feminists, for example, taught women in the 1980s that their “natural” enemy was men, not the ruling elites. Bourgeois feminism ended up subverting women’s power. • Same with the “woke” anti-racist movement. Capitalism, in fact, needs racism; it is one of the ideologies fuelling and justifying colonialism and the ruthless expropriation of people around the globe, often using racist imperial soldiers who come from the exploiting country’s working class.
Israel’s War on Lebanon, Iran and Palestinians—Jim Kavanagh on PressTV
by Jim Kavanagh2 minutes readEDITOR—Jim paints a bleak picture for the region as Israel, confident of extensive Western support—military, diplomatic, financial, and media.—especially by the US, the UK and much of the EU—goes all out to complete its long-held dream of a “Greater Israel” via the expulsion or extermination of Palestinians and any other population standing in its way. The choices facing the Resistance (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Hamas, the Palestinians, Hezbollah, the people of Lebanon, etc.) are grim, as full-on regional war could devastate the whole region, cost millions of lives, and possibly inflame WW3. The forceful and intelligent intervention in this conflict by new players—Turkey, Russia, China, etc.—may be the only hope for containing an even larger tragedy.
Nasrallah Warns Israel: ‘Your Short-Lived Laughter Will Soon Turn Into Bitter Tears’
37 minutes readNASRALLAH—These four points must be detailed as they determine our stance. This was an act of aggression, but it was presented as a reaction, and it had been announced in the days leading up to the aggression that there would be an Israeli response, and that we should all await it. Various countries intervened, many hypocritical, stating that Israel had the right to respond. Respond to what? To the falsification I am about to address.
We completely reject this assessment and characterization: this was an act of aggression. It’s part of the ongoing battle since the creation of this entity, since the massacres of 1947 and 1948 in occupied Palestine, southern Lebanon, Hula, and other parts of southern Lebanon. It’s all part of the Israeli-Zionist-American war against Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and the peoples of the region.
Children of Gaza (CBS Sunday Morning—Jul 21-2024)
50 Mins readEditor’s Note: The depraved behaviour of Israel has been—and continues to be—so revolting, so beyond the pale, that its usual protectors, the corrupt Western political class and their media, have been forced to recognise this fact from time to time, if only to maintain a measure of legitimacy. Biden for example, pretended to intervene to force Israel to act with less brutality; the media, charged after all with reporting on basic reality, faced with such a colossal crime already discussed on the Internet, a crime already recognised by even the international tribunals, have also begun to present portions of the truth, obviously much too late and with great reluctance, while cushioning their narrative with all possible qualifiers (“Hamas brutal attack…yada yada, etc.).
MARK TAYLOR—On this night of a “debate” between two of the most vacuous, vapid, morally devoid and intellectually empty sock puppets in the country, the only voices Americans need to hear tonight are of the screams and sobs of the children we and our NeoNazi Israeli owners are systematically shredding, dismembering and killing in Gaza.
We need to contemplate the shrieks of their grieving parents and devastated grandparents and the stunned silence of their traumatized siblings.
We need to hear the horror of our murderous foreign and military policy and endless echo of our 2,000-pound and illegal fragmentation bombs ripping through tent camps of innocent homeless, starving refugee families … our 21st Century National Anthem.