LIVE INTERVIEW: Prof Marandi on Israel’s Bombing of Iranian Embassy, Resistance, and More

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LIVE INTERVIEW: Prof Marandi on Israel's Bombing of Iranian Embassy, Resistance, and More

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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America’s Stupid World War

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Views from the third world. Earth.

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‘Israel’s’ six-front war is just one theatre in the American multiplex of horror. America is fighting multiple wars, and constantly trying to start new ones. I know they’re only called ‘World Wars’ when white people are fighting each other, but I don’t know what else to call this. America is at war across the whole world and losing on all fronts.

To the north, America has already lost to Russia. To their south, they’re facing their own uncompleted genocide — pesky brown people still walking the earth, not respecting colonial borders. Then, to the East, we have ‘Israel’s’ incomplete genocide of Palestine, which has turned into a regional rebellion against America. Finally, to the west there’s China — which America actually wants to fight — but they can’t even get to that side of the bar without ten other guys punching them. 

Meanwhile, within America, they are deeply divided internally (ie, they hate themselves) and the climate is collapsing atop everything (the gods hate them too). America’s World War is not just fighting everyone in the world, but also fighting weather. All losing propositions.


Let’s start with the northern front, which America trying its best to bury under 50,000 Palestinian bodies. I call it north because North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Instead of disbanding after the Cold War, NATO kept pushing closer and closer to Russia, until Russia finally pushed back by invading Ukraine. After the first (and second) Ukrainian armies were destroyed, a NATO-trained and equipped army was destroyed as well. Now the money, bullets, and recruits are running out, as has the American attention span. Empire has moved onto something it’s more comfortable with, dropping expensive bombs on poor civilians. 

The Ukraine war, which was supposed to teach Russia a lesson, has instead made Russia militarily, economically, and geopolitically stronger. While NATO essentially ran out of bullets, Russia’s military industry is still firing. While Europe is deindustrializing without Russian energy, Russia’s economy is thriving. While America tried to isolate Russia with sanctions, it is now leading BRICS, an alternative coalition with nearly 50% of the world’s population, and most of its natural resources and manufacturing. By picking a fight with Russia, America has thrown them, China, North Korea, and Iran together. They have united their enemies and sacrificed their allies. A true masterclass in decline.


On the southern front, Americans have just made up an invasion of people coming to pick their fruit. Non-native Americans unironically talk about a ‘migrant’ crisis, with no self-awareness at all. Bitch, you’re the crisis! Humans have been walking up and down Turtle Island for 10,000 years, but these interlopers set up fences, fenced the land, and think they can defenestrate people whenever they want. The ‘border crisis’ is really America’s original war — the genocide of the native population — and it’s still ongoing. 

This is an entirely manufactured war, because America ruins conditions in the South, demands a cheap/slave underclass of labor to feed/clothe/care-for itself, and then attacks people for responding to the conditions it creates. In fact, the only invasion is America, and it’s unfortunately still killing and caging humans, whatever the administration. Literally the only choice they have this election is whether you want to kill brown people here or there, and in what proportion.


In the East, the center of the ‘problem’ is Empire’s uncompleted genocide of Palestine. While ‘Israel’ is laser-focused on completing that, America has to deal with the regional fall-out. Now America has lost control of Syria and Iraq to the north, the Red Sea to the south, and is genuinely menaced by Iran to the east. To the west, none of this helps its European vassals, and America’s own population doesn’t enjoy watching children being murdered every day. 

‘Israel’ is winning the genocide and losing the war, and America is actually too weak and overstretched to help them. America can no longer stage large ground forces like in the Iraq Wars and are in fact talking about withdrawal. Their Navy has already been defeated by Yemen and has no hope against Iran. All they have is air power and bombs, but those are finite quantities that they have to allocate to every other war zone. And this isn’t even the war they want to be in! 

One week before the Al Aqsa Flood, National Security Idiot Jake Sullivan said, “the Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.” Which was dead wrong. In a since-scrubbed article, he said, “This disciplined approach frees up resources for other global priorities,” which obviously didn’t work out as planned. America has sent three Hiroshimas worth of explosives to Gaza which makes it harder to bomb Asia, like they really want to.


For years if not decades, American foreign policy ‘thinkers’ have been talking about pivoting to Asia, AKA China. America, however, can’t even get to that end of the bar without spilling a drink on someone and getting into some other fight. It’s a comedy of terrors. In the meantime, China is doing what America successfully did in World War I and II. Staying the fuck out of world wars for as long as possible, and profiting. Napoleon said, “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake,” and America is making dozens. 

By being such ineffective assholes, America has thrown China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran into an effective military alliance. By sanctioning most of the world, they have made even more countries into economic allies. America has united all its enemies while ruining its allies (Europe). This is why I put ‘thinkers’ in scare quotes. There’s precious little strategic thinking going on. How is America going to ‘pivot’ to China now? They’ve run out of bullets on the northern front, lost naval supremacy in the east, and have their own problems in the south. China doesn’t even have to do anything. They win by default.


America can only sanction so many countries before they’ve sanctioned themselves into a corner. They can only weaponize the dollar so long before it becomes a two-edged sword. They can only attack so many people before, as Malcolm X said, chickens come home to roost. They can only bail out (their rich) for so long before the whole country drowns. 

Indeed, it’s already happening. The number one cause of death in the US military is suicide. Children bring assault rifles into their schools and use them on each other. Deaths of despair — largely through drugs — are rising. Somewhere in their hearts Americans know their country deserves to die, and they’re doing it.

more people are hungry, 40% of people face financial hardship, and poverty increased by 60% since 2021, the human suffering goes on and on. These are not healthy vital signs, no matter what the topline numbers say. America’s GDP numbers are just a measure of waste, graft, and inequality, not a functioning economy. Just ask its people, who are not doing well at all. 

Americans are still dying in a plague, their infrastructure is falling apart, they can’t make stuff anymore, and their education system is a con. The whole colonial enterprise was the mafia bust-out of a continent which is now nearing the end, where it goes bust. This is not an Empire that is long for the world, which would be comforting if the world itself was not ending also.


America is the worst historical polluter and the American military is the single worst polluter in the world. These are not coincidences, these are consequences. Even before its founding as an unchecked oligarchy, America has been an entropy machine, chewing up resources, spewing out waste heat, and calling it profit. Now the pollution of this local colony has spread globally and is finally reaching its planetary carrying limits. The climate itself is collapsing. 

As I said in the ‘Israel’ piece, it doesn’t matter if ‘Israel’ improbably solves its problems. ‘Israel’ is in American Empire, and can’t survive the collapse of its host. In the same way, it doesn’t matter if America impossibly wins a world war and ‘makes itself great again’. When the climate collapses, America is toast. It’s collapse within collapse within collapse, cubes within cubes within a sphere. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what causes what, but the effects are clear. 

The ancient gods of weather are obviously furious, and bombing the homeland of Jesus, defiling Muslim holy sites, and associating Judaism with this carnage doesn’t help with the new ones either. Gods move slow, but they move heavy, which is precisely what’s happening. If America can avoid defeat in all directions, if it can avoid its own internal fractures, it’s still gonna get death from above. The gods are angry and their justice is surely near. 

World War Stupidity

Collapse is a fractal, and wherever you look you’re going to see fractures. If you start, as I have, with the colony of ‘Israel’, that certainly looks fucked in all directions, but if you zoom out it’s even worse than that. ‘Israel’s’ six-front war is just one of two hot wars America is fighting, and it’s got at least two cold and ready to go. 

North, south, east, west, at home, in the heavens, wherever you look, America has pissed someone off, and learned nothing from the experience. On every front, America is its own worst enemy, determined to lose at any cost. America is determined to leave the world the way we come into it, naked, covered in blood, and screaming.

America — running on some sort of autopilot of incompetence — has started World War III, whether you call it that or not. It’s war and it’s happening all over the world, what else do you call it? ‘Israel’ is just one front in this war, and for once, world war is not even our biggest problem. Literal storm fronts are coming in, of biblical proportions. That’s what we’ll discuss next episode. The climate collapse on top of everything, which makes all other collapses tremble. 

Previously: ‘Israel’s’ Six-Front War
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The World’s Gyre

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Alastair Crooke

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Iraq's Kataeb Hizbullah forces, now part of Iraq's army.

The U.S. is edging closer to war with Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Forces, a state security agency composed of armed groups, some of which are close to Iran, but which for the main are Iraqi nationalists. The U.S. carried out a drone strike in Baghdad, Wednesday that killed three members of the Kataeb Hizbullah forces, including a senior commander. One of the assassinated, al-Saadi, is the most senior figure to have been assassinated in Iraq since the 2020 drone strike that killed senior Iraqi Commander al-Muhandis and Qassem Soleimani.

The target is puzzling as Kataeb more than a week ago suspended its military operations against the U.S. (at the request of the Iraqi government). The stand down was widely published. So why was this senior figure assassinated?

Tectonic twitches often are sparked by a single egregious action: the one final grain of sand which – on top of the others – triggers the slide, capsizing the sandpile. Iraqis are angry. They feel that the U.S. wantonly violates their sovereignty – showing contempt and disdain for Iraq, a once great civilisation, now brought low in the wake of U.S. wars. Swift and collective retaliation has been promised.

One act, and a gyre can begin. The Iraqi government may not be able to hold the line.

Did the White House think this through properly, or was its latest assassination viewed as a ‘sacrifice’ to appease the ‘gods of war’ in the Beltway, clamouring to bomb Iran?

Whatever the motive, the Gyre turns. Other dynamics are running that will be fuelled by the attack.

The Cradle highlights one significant shift:

“by successfully obstructing Israeli vessels from traversing the Bab al-Mandab Strait, the Ansarallah-led Sanaa government has emerged as a powerful symbol of resistance in defence of the Palestinian people – a cause deeply popular across Yemen’s many demographics. Sanaa’s position stands in stark contrast to that of the Saudi and Emirati-backed government in Aden, which, to the horror of Yemenis, welcomed attacks by U.S. and British forces on 12 January”.

“The U.S.–UK airstrikes have prompting some heavyweight internal defections … a number of Yemeni militias previously aligned with the UAE and Saudi Arabia, consequently switched allegiance to Ansarallah … Disillusionment with the coalition will have profound political and military implications for Yemen, reshaping alliances, and casting the UAE and Saudi Arabia as national adversaries. Palestine continues to serve as a revealing litmus test throughout West Asia – and now in Yemen too – exposing those who only-rhetorically claim the mantle of justice and Arab solidarity”.

Yemen military defections – How does this matter?

Well, the Houthis and AnsarAllah have become heroes across the Islamic World. Look at social media. The Houthis are now the ‘stuff of myth’: Standing up for Palestinians whilst others don’t. A following is taking hold. AnsarAllah’s ‘heroic’ stance may lead to the ousting of Western proxies, and so to dominate the ‘rest of Yemen’ they presently do not control. It seizes too, the Islamic world's imagination (to the concern of the Arab Establishment).

In the immediate aftermath of the assassination of al-Saadi, Iraqis took to the streets of Baghdad chanting: “God is Great, America is the Great Satan”.

the Gulf. There are 5 billion smartphones extant today. The ruling class do watch the Arabic channels, and view (nervously) social media. They worry that anger against the Western flouting of international law may boil over, and they will be unable to contain it: What price the ‘Rules Order’ now since the International Court of Justice upended the notion of a moral content to Western culture?

The wrongheadedness of U.S. policy is astonishing – and now has claimed the most central tenet in the ‘Biden strategy’ for resolving the crisis in Gaza. The ‘dangle’ of Saudi normalisation with Israel was viewed in the West as the pivot – around which Netanyahu would either be forced to give up on his maximalist security control from the River to the Sea mantra or see himself pushed aside by a rival for whom the ‘normalisation bait’ held the allure of likely victory in the next Israeli elections.

Biden’s spokesperson was flagrant in this respect:

“[We] … are having discussions with Israel and Saudi Arabia … about trying to move forward with a normalization arrangement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. So those discussions are ongoing as well. We certainly received positive feedback from both sides that they’re willing to continue to have those discussions”.

The Saudi Government – possibly angry at the U.S. recourse to such deceptive language – duly kicked the plank out from beneath the Biden platform: It issued a written statement confirming unequivocally that: “there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognized on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and that the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip stops – and all Israeli occupation forces are withdrawn from the Gaza Strip”.  The Kingdom stands by the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, in other words.

Of course, no Israeli could campaign on that platform in Israeli elections!

fit together as an interlinked whole: First, through taking a “strong and resolute stand on Iran” the U.S. would signal to “our Arab and Muslim allies, that it needs to take on Iran in a more aggressive manner … that we can no longer allow Iran to try to drive us out of the region; Israel into extinction and our Arab allies into intimidation by acting through proxies — Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Shiite militias in Iraq — while Tehran blithely sits back and pays no price”.

The second strand was the Saudi dangle that would inevitably pave the path into the (third) element which was the “building of a credible legitimate Palestinian Authority as … a good neighbour to Israel …”. This “bold U.S. commitment to a Palestinian state would give us [Team Biden] legitimacy to act against Iran”, Friedman foresaw.

Let us be plain: this trifecta of policies, rather than gel into a single doctrine, are falling like dominoes. Their collapse owes to one thing: The original decision to back Israel’s use of overwhelming violence across Gaza’s civil society – ostensibly to defeat Hamas. It has turned the region and much of the World against the U.S. and Europe.

How did this happen? Because nothing changed by way of U.S. policies. It was the same old Western bromides from decades ago: financial threats, bombing, and violence. And the insistence on one mandatory ‘stand with Israel’ narrative (with no discussion).

the (self-destructive) inconsistency within Zionism: How to maintain special rights for Jews on territory in which there is an approximately equal number of non-Jews? The old answer has been discredited.

The Biden Administration, rather than help Israel look truth in the eye, has discarded the task of obliging Israel to face up to the contradictions in Zionism, in favour of restoring the broken status quo ante. Some 75 years after the founding of the Israeli state, as former Israeli negotiator, Daniel Levy, has. noted:

‘[We are back to] “the “banal debate” between the U.S. and Israel over “whether the bantustan shall be repackaged and marketed as a ‘state’”.

Could it have been different? Probably not. The reaction comes from deep in Biden’s nature.

None of these objectives can be achieved without U.S. help. Yet, where is Biden’s limit: Support for Israel in a Hizbullah war? And were it to widen, support for Israel in an Iran war too? Where is the limit?

The incongruity, coming as it does, at a moment when the West’s Ukraine Project is imploding, suggests that Biden may see himself needing some ‘grand victory’, as much as does Netanyahu.

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Alastair CROOKE is a former British diplomat, founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum. 

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The Video Israel Doesn’t Want You to See (Among Many!)

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A Palestinian Voice

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Thank God for social media, the Achilles heel of sociopaths and tyrants. 

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“The ‘Reality’ Around Us Is Constructed By Liars “Journalists are war criminals” Julian Assange Explains

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Jay Janson

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“The ‘Reality’ Around Us Is Constructed By Liars “Journalists are war criminals” Julian Assange Explains

Assange at the "New Media Days 09" in Copenhagen, November 2009

Assange at the "New Media Days 09" in Copenhagen, November 2009. The thugs hadn't caught up with him yet. 

Albert Einstein argued that, 

“private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands”, resulting in “an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organised political society”.

Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). (Bold ours)

It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.” [May 1949 edition of socialist magazine Monthly Review]

Thomas Jefferson wrote of Newspapers Lies


—vested interests journalism made the killing, capturing, transporting and slavery of Africans acceptable in colonial times and during the early United States of America.

—corrupted journalists drummed up hate against Native Americans and later desire for war and pillage of Mexico.

  • Hearst newspapers’ journalists convinced enough Americans to war on Spain, Cuba and the Filipinos 
  • journalists working for President Wilson’s established Committee on Public Information created a public desire for entering the First World War.

— journalists made U.S. corporations arming of Hitler’s poor Nazi Germany acceptable as a ‘bulwark’ against Communist Soviet Russia [2]

— Julius Streicher, Nazi newspaper publisher was convicted of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials and was executed by hanging on October 16, 1946

  • cooperating journalists made a U.S. genocidal war in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia appear necessary as was war in Korea before, and neo-colonial U.S. wars in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East thereafter.
  • Journalists reported non-existent popular demonstrations fired upon in Libya, which the UN had cited for its higher standard of living than 9 European countries. Journalists hail US/NATO bombing and terrorist army, slander Gaddafi – did not covera near million Libyans wildly demonstrating in support of their wealthy and democratic Green Book Arab Socialist government. [3] . 

—All mainstream journalists ridiculed Gaddafi’s wonderful address to the UN General Assembly in which he, as no one had done before, described how the UN has sanctified US-NATO invasions and bombings in falsification of its charter from its very beginning, and labeled the UN Security Council correctly, a ‘council of terror.’[4]

  • The CIA currently maintains a network of journalists around the world, who influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda, and provide direct access to a large amount of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.”[5][6]


At London’s Trafalgar Square, on October 8, 2011 during the U.S. U.K. genocide in Iraq, Australian editor, publisher, activist and founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange spoke encouragingly about how “peace can be started by truth”:                                           

What there is is a transnational security elite that is busy carving up the world using your tax money.

We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value which can challenge those strengths and self-interested values of the warmongers in this country and in others that have formed hand in hand an alliance to take money from the United States, from every NATO country, from Australia and launder it through Afghanistan, launder it through Iraq, launder it through Somalia , launder it through Yemen, launder it through Pakistan and wash that money in peoples blood.

I don’t need to tell you the depravity of war, you are all too familiar with its images, with the refugees of war, with information that we have revealed showing the everyday squalor and barbarity of war.

Information such as the individual deaths of over 130,000 people in Iraq. Individual deaths that were kept secret by the US military who denied that they ever counted the deaths of civilians. [The actual toll, as several sources have snce noted, is much higher, exceeding 1 million.—Ed]

                      “Wars Can Be Undone!”

Instead I want to tell you what I think is the way that wars come to be and that wars can be undone.

                          “Wars Are a Result of Lies.”

In democracies, or the pseudo-democracies that we are evolving into [or have always been], wars are a result of lies. The Vietnam War and the push for US involvement was the result of the Gulf of Tonkin incident . . . a lie. The Iraq War famously is the result of lies. Wars in Somalia are a result of lies. The Second World War and the German invasion of Poland was the result of carefully constructed lies.     

“Average death count attributed to each journalist?”

That is war by media. Let us ask ourselves of the complicit media, which is the majority of the mainstream press, what is the average death count attributed to each journalist?

When we understand that wars come about as a result of lies peddled to the British public and the American public and the publics all over Europe and other countries then who are the war criminals?                        

“Journalists Are War Criminals!”

Gaza as a flagrant example:

First, a Description of  An Ongoing Unmitigated Glaringly Obvious Horrific Criminal Unbearably Cruel Genocide in Gaza and the October 7 Lethal Hamas Attack (Julian Assange said “truth can be started, peace can be started by truth.”)  

Is followed by, The ‘Reality’ of Gaza Reconstructed by Western Media’ Wars Enabling Liars as ‘Acceptable,’ ‘Excusable,’ and/or a ‘Reasonable and ‘Proportionate’ ‘Necessary’ Defensive Reaction,’ and Not Seen as Genocide. Also a ‘Reconstructed October 7 ‘Reality’

Babies beheaded lie-anglo papers

The fake "40 beheaded babies" story made a huge splash on Anglo-American media, usually the vilest when it comes to warmongering.

(“Wars Are a Result of Lies.” ( and wars kept going by lies)

Second, a basic reality never mentioned in Western media is that Israel has been killing its own imprisoned Palestinians, imprisoned in its generations long, UN declared illegal, military occupation, while international law regarding military occupation has the occupying power responsible for the well being of its militarily occupied population. Also, Israel’s settling half a million Israelis in occupied Palestinian territory displacing the local population contravenes fundamental rules of international humanitarian law. [7]

Since October 7, in Israeli militarily occupied and blockaded Gaza, more than 27,000 Palestinians,[8] mostly women and children, have already been killed by Israeli Air Force bombings with U.S. supplied warplanes and bombs. Over 66,000 have been wounded,[8] Sixty-six percent of the homes and buildings in the cities of Gaza are estimated tp have been destroyed completely or in part, and thousands of people are believed to be still buried in the rubble.  According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), of the thousands of maimed and crippled children, hundreds have suffered amputations of limbs, many without anaesthesia.[9] Since October 7, Israeli attacks have killed 11,500 children in the Gaza Strip.[10] Thousands more are missing under the rubble, most of them presumed dead.

This grim toll means that one Palestinian child is killed every 15 minutes, or that about one child out of every 100 in Gaza has perished, leading the UN to say that the Gaza Strip is a “graveyard for children“.[11]

Half a million residents are starving with very little food and water and no electricity and most humanitarian aid blocked from being imported.[New York Times Jan. 31] Tens of thousands trying to escape the indiscriminate bombings have been forced into intensely crowded together refuge with little or no toilet facilities, now rampant with disease.

Report: Israel burns down hundreds of homes in Gaza:

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports it has obtained exclusive information saying that Israeli army commanders have been ordering their troops to destroy unoccupied Gaza homes. The commanders have been doing this without obtaining proper legal approval, the report says. “After the structure is set on fire along with everything inside it, it is allowed to burn out until it is rendered useless,” Haaretz wrote. The newspaper cited three Israeli army officials who have been “spearheading” Gaza operations, who confirmed that this is common practice.[12]

The UN Court of Justice is still hearing the great amount of evidence of Israeli committed genocide. US State Dept said “not seeing acts of genocide” in Gaza.[13]. Some Israeli leaders and rabbis have engaged in genocidal talk praised ethnic cleansing operations, one minister suggesting nuclear bombing of Gaza.[14] Western media keeps quoting Isreal’s right to defend itself. All the above mentioned death, suffering and destruction is continually excused by Isreal to be necessary because Israel must kill Hamas to defend itself from future Hamas attack.[15] Western media never questions why Israel could not just defend itself with it vast arsenal of U.S. supplied weapons instead of claiming It has had to kill 10,000 children among more than 27,000 Palestinians in order protect Israel from Hamas (an acronym of its official name), the Islamic Resistance Movement, an elected Palestinian Sunni Islamist political and military organisation governing the Gaza Strip of the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. 

The Oct. 7  Hamas Attack

It has been widely reported that at the end of a Jewish holiday on October 7, hundreds of Hamas fighters, and other militants, broke through Gaza’s militarised border, crossed into Israel by land, air and sea and reportedly (with some amount of documentation), killed civilians in the streets, in their homes and at an outdoor rave party.[16]

Israel’s latest official estimated death toll of soldiers and civilians during the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion is 1,200.[17] 

UN Secretary General Guterres stated on October 25.

Hamas issued on Jan. 21, an 18-page document with its official explanation for why it launched its attack on Israel October 7, saying that it was aimed at stopping the expansion of West Bank settlements and bringing an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip. 

Western media journalists keep citing the hostages Palestinian Hamas is holding as one of the reasons for war. [A racist posture that implicitly values Israeli lives 10 or 100 times more than those of Palestinians—Ed] But the thousands of Palestinians who are currently in Israeli prisons are never mentioned. And how many of them are children? First the figure mentioned was 7,000, a month later 9,000. (Since 1967, when Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, it has arrested an estimated one million Palestinians, the United Nations reported last summer. One in every five Palestinians has been arrested and charged under the 1,600 military orders that control every aspect of the lives of Palestinians living under the Israeli military occupation. That incarceration rate doubles for Palestinian men — two in every five have been arrested.)[20] 

Forces of five other militant groups, Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, Al-Azsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Omar Al-Qasim Forces, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Mujahideen Brigades also invaded on Oct. 7, and three groups – PIJ, the Mujahideen Brigades and Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades – claim to have seized Israeli hostages, alongside Hamas, on that day.[21] Hamas says its October 7 attacks in southern Israel were a “necessary step” against Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. But the Islamist group admitted in its 16-page report justifying the attack that “some faults happened” due to the rapid collapse of the Israeli security and military system, and the chaos caused along the border areas with Gaza.” [22] The Palestinian source said through the memorandum, Hamas was sending a message to the International Court of Justice in The Hague that Hamas should not be judged solely by the events of October 7 without examining Israel’s conduct in the West Bank and Gaza over the past decades.[16]

Hamas pointed to the historical origins of the conflict, saying “the battle of the Palestinian people against occupation and colonialism did not start on October 7, but started 105 years ago, including 30 years of British colonialism and 75 years of Zionist occupation.” [16]

The group said it wanted to “hold the Israeli occupation legally accountable” for the suffering it had inflicted on the Palestinian people. Hamas said the attack was “to confront all Israeli conspiracies against the Palestinian people.” The militant group urged “the immediate halt of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, the crimes and ethnic cleansing committed against the entire Gaza population.”

The group blames Israeli helicopters for killing “many” of the 364 civilians massacred at the Nova music festival, saying that Hamas “had no prior knowledge of it.” [23] The document alleges hypocrisy on the part of those who would accept civilian casualties as collateral damage in Gaza while condemning Hamas’s actions during its "massacres" on October 7.

The document calls for an investigation by the International Criminal Court to look at “the broader context” of the October 7 attack as part of the “struggle against colonialism, as a “national liberation and resistance movement.” The document refers to several clauses in Hamas’s updated charter from 2017, alleging that the conflict is not with the Jews, but rather with Zionism. The section condemns “what the Jews were exposed to by Nazi Germany and praises Muslim nations for having provided Jews a “safe haven” for centuries.

The document says that Hamas receives their legitimacy from the “Palestinian right to self-defence, liberation and self-determination,” claiming that according to “all norms, divine religions and international laws,” as well as the Geneva convention, parties are granted the right to resist when facing “the longest and brutalist colonial occupation,” as well as “massacres” and “oppression.”

It calls on all countries around the world to back “Palestinian resistance” and support the Palestinians’ “struggle for liberation.” Calls on its allies to “support… the Palestinian resistance,” to charge Israel with crimes, to mobilise against “Israeli aggression” on Gaza, and to stop governments from providing further aid or arms to Israel.[22][23]

“Israel has destroyed our ability to create a Palestinian state by accelerating the settlement enterprise,” Hamas said, blaming the United Nations for failing to stop the process. “Were we supposed to continue waiting and relying on the helpless UN institutions?” the document asked. [24] [16] The organisation claimed that Gaza had “been turned into the world’s largest open-air prison” and that the war “was necessary to end the blockade.

And it said it rejected any international and Israeli efforts to decide Gaza’s post-war future. “We stress that the Palestinian people have the capacity to decide their future and to arrange their internal affairs,” the report said, adding that “no party in the world” had the right to decide on their behalf.[19]

Unknown to most western audiences, there has been a steady trickle of evidence from Israeli sources over the past two months implicating Israel’s own military in many of the killings attributed to Hamas. A police investigation shows Israeli Apache helicopters opened fire on attendees of the Nova music festival during the 7 October Hamas attack. [25] Israeli recent investigations have found that a large fraction of the bodies recovered had been charred beyond all recognition. Since the Hamas fighters had only been carrying rifles, Kalashnikov rifles and other small arms, all those victims must have been killed by explosive tank shells and Hellfire missiles. Indeed, newly released video footage revealed that hundreds of Israeli cars had been incinerated by such munitions, suggesting that many if not most of the Israelis killed fleeing the dance festival had probably died at the hands of trigger-happy Apache pilots.

At Kampala, Uganda, on Jan 17, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres addressing a summit of the Group of 77 (G-77) and China, with more than 130 countries– the largest grouping of the global South, representing 80 per cent of the planet’s population, denounced Israel for the “heartbreaking” deaths of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and called it unacceptable to resist statehood for the Palestinian people.[Reuters]      

(Julian Assange said “truth can be started, peace can be started by truth.”)


The Reconstructed ‘Reality’ of Gaza Reconstructed by Western Media’ Wars Enabling Liars to portray the annihilation in Gaza as ‘Acceptable,’ ‘Excusable,’ and/or a ‘Reasonable and ‘Proportionate’ ‘Necessary’ Defensive Reaction,’ and Not Seen as Genocide. 

(“,,wars can be started by lies,”then kept going by lies)

Hamas “beheading 40 babies” – headlines and the front  pages of countless western news outlets. U.S. President Biden claimed to have seen “confirmed photos of terrorists beheading babies,” and that “Israeli women were raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies” 

This is journalism that projects thinking the wholesale destruction of Gaza to eliminate Hamas is morally justified.

Hamas is pictured as bloodthirsty savages. 

Gaza 40 murdered babies

As mentioned earlier, eventually, but much too late for the damage already inflicted on the public psyche, it was shown this story was a hoax.

Israel's atrocity propaganda out of control

Hamas beheaded 40 babies, baked another in an oven, carried out mass, systematic rapes, and cut a foetus from its mother’s womb. (None of this is true, first of all because Hamas fighters are highly religious, and the Quran strictly prohibits inflicting harm on women, children, and non-combatants in general. Can anyone, except for a fool, believe that fighters, in the heat of a chaotic battle, with their own lives hanging by a thread, are going to stop to capture women and commit rape?—Ed)

An Israeli first responder to the October 7 terror attack has claimed that Hamas terrorists roasted a baby in an oven in shocking video testimony. Asher Moskowitz, of the United Hatzalah first responder group, published a video of himself speaking to a camera, delivering his witness account.[26] 

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken even describing in graphic detail – and wholly falsely – a Hamas attack on an Israeli family: “The father’s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed. Then their executioners sat down and had a meal.”[27] Hamas beheaded 40 babies, baked another in an oven, carried out mass, systematic rapes, and cut a foetus from its mother’s womb.

Efforts by the United Nations to investigate these claims being obstructed by Israel go unreported.[28]

Israel’s president, Isaac Herzog, set the tone as he spoke about October 7. “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. This rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true. They could’ve risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime,”

In different ways, the sentiment that the Palestinians are collectively responsible for the actions of Hamas in killing of about 1,200 Israelis and abduction of over 200 – and therefore deserve what is coming to them – has been echoed far beyond Israel’s borders. [29] In the US, Senator Lindsey Graham called for the wholesale destruction of Gaza.

Worldwide reaching colonial media journalism will not report the truth that Israel admits Apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival – even when Tel Aviv Ynet reports it to Israelis.[30]

Western media readiness to re-examine 7 October long after those events took place.

“Israel has the right to defend itself!” Israel has the right to defend itself!” Each and every time Western media conglomerates consider it necessary to report the number of thousands killed in Gaza, media journalists repeat words to the effect that this is “a response to October 7 attack by Hamas — considered a terrorist group by the United States and European Union.” Hamas is a terrorist group!

Blacking Out of Unfavourable News Indicting U.S. led West

This section regarding criminal journalism’s reconstructed ‘reality’ of Gaza and Hamas is perforce quite short, brief because simply not reporting reality is the most major crime in Western entertainment/news conglomerate journalism in hiding 90% of reality. Never mentioning for example, the reality of the immense and deadly suffering of the Palestinians, which is the motive for the very existence of the Hamas militant group. Recently, many news hours have been begun simply covering other world and local events to the exclusion of any mention of the extermination of Palestinians in Gaza

In Conclusion  

White supremacy colonisers always getting away with mass murder both in real time and for generations thereafter has been for some time the accomplishment of the war-investor-controlled CIA-overseen journalists of [6], giant entertainment/news conglomerates, which have been allowed to usurp the use of public owned broadcasting frequencies. This is a government collaboration with war investors, which can and must be challenged, at the same time as taking down the credibility of the war enabling journalists of criminal mainstream media.

Fortunately, there is declining trust in mainstream news outlets, pushing people toward alternative online sources and social media for information,  [31]

Do journalists feel the shame when they pass on deceptive info? Yes, of course some do on occasion, and there is always a segment of the citizenry of varying size that feels responsible for the crimes of its government.

The more info the public has makes it more difficult to pursue policies of war on innocent populations, so the public is a threat that needs to be countered. So whenever an invasion is planned, a  huge public relations campaign goes into gear. [see “Governments and Media roles in War Propaganda” | THE WAR YOU DON’T SEE | John Pilger Documentary YouTube.]

An Advisory Based on Julian Assange’s Counsel

So that is our task and it is your task, go and get the truth, get into the ballpark and get the ball and give it to us and we’ll spread it all over the world.”

Countering the CIA-overseen giant entertainment/news/information conglomerates wars enabling deceptive journalism with truth can be more effective than attacking the wars ordering high government officials, both those elected and those appointed, who in reality must take orders form the ‘deep state’ Financial-Military-Industrial-Complex ‘deep pocket’ war investors.[32] 

Julian Assange has brought to our attention the pleasant-looking evening news anchor who captivates TV audiences with alternating joviality and gravitas, asking whether they should be seen as insidiously evil as they generate support for horrific suffering, death, maiming and destruction.

Assange seems to have tasked us to awaken a critical number of decent but unwary citizens to the realisation that a trusted prime time personality of theirs is in fact a war criminal?

End Notes

1. [in a 14 June 1807 letter to John Norvell] The Founders’ Constitution
Volume 5, Amendment I (Speech and Press), Document 29
The University of Chicago Press Works 10:417–18 amendI_speechs29.html

2. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler/Antony Cyril Sutton British-American writer, researcher, economist, and Stanford U. professor.

3. There exists not one photo or video of a peaceful protest (CNN reported peaceful protests being fired upon by Libyan soldiers and police.) There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest, Just Murderous Gangs and Nic Robertson, Information Clearing House, June 20, 2011  – : Long time Italian Prime Minister says Libyans love Gaddafi as Italians P. Nearly one million Libyans, out of a total population of six million, wildly demonstrated in favor of their nation’s government with a mile long green flag while listening to Gaddafi’s voice even as NATO warplanes were bombing nearby in Tripoli.

4. Muammar Gaddafi Speech To United Nations. September 23, 2009 (Full)

5. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times

6. Mockingbird was a secret operation by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. Begun in the 1950s, organisation recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA’s views, and funded some student and cultural organisations, and magazines as fronts and also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns.

After 1953, Operation Mockingbird had major influence over newspapers and wire agencies, journalists and TV commentators throughout the media wire services and networks that were run by the same deep pockets who the CIA was beholden to for its extraordinarily lavish secret funding. The CIA and the Media – Carl Bernstein, leaving The Washington Post in 1977, Carl Bernstein spent six months looking at the relationship of the CIA and the press during the Cold War years. Newly Declassified Govt Docs Reveal Operation Mockingbird is Alive … ” Be The Change   

Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program – YouTube

1976, Senator Church live with his investigating committee re Operation Mockingbird.


8. Reports Gaza Ministry of Health and UN


10.Aljazeera, Feb. 2.

11. Aljazeera Jan. 25]

12. “Report: Israel burns down hundreds of homes in Gaza” Aljazeera,Feb. 1.

13. US ‘not seeing acts of genocide’ in Gaza, State Dept says, Reuters, Jan. 3, 2024


15. No, Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory


17. Israel-Hamas War Israel Lowers Oct. 7 Death Toll Estimate to 1,200, New York Times, Nov 10, 2023 


19. Al-Jazeera, Jan. 21]


21. source Telegram, BBC Research]


23. Hamas releases propaganda doc denying atrocities, blaming Israel for civilian deaths on Oct 7 Jerusalem Post

24. Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (

25. IDF combat helicopter targeting Hamas fighters at Nova festival massacre shot some partygoers by mistake, says Haaretz Rebecca Rommen Nov 19, 2023, 7:26 AM GMT-5 Haaretz reported on 18 November




30. Israeli Apache helicopters killed own soldiers, civilians on …New footage corroborates previous reports that say the Israeli military is responsible for many of the Israeli casualties during

31. American University…How Does the Media Impact Public Perception about War?

32. The awful crimes against humanity ordered by President Eisenhower in Laos, Guatemala, Congo and other places indicate that the president was under the thumb of the Military Industrial Complex he warned of on the day he left office.
See author's note below.

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