Why Don’t We Call Sieges ‘Sieges’?

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indi.ca • Views from the third world. Earth.

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Gaza mosque destroyed

(TGP screenshot-IslamiCity)

One of the curious things about the Hypocritical Hegemon (America) is that it never declares war and never uses the word ‘siege’. But it’s always at war, and always besieging people!

Right now, to take just one example, Gaza is under siege. That’s a simple historical fact, buried in the news. What else do you call cutting off a population from food and water, launching missiles at them, and slaughtering them in the streets? This is what the proxy ‘Israel’ is doing, and what they could not do without full imperial backing. The Embarrassed Empire, however, doesn’t like the word ‘siege’. They call it self-defense, among other mendacities. But it is what it is. It’s just a siege.

All that is happening in Gaza is a ‘medieval’ siege of a walled city. Invaders would surround a city, cut off and/or poison food and water supplies, hurl projectiles over the walls, and wait for the population to submit, starve, or die of disease. Ideally all three. Once you got in the walls, you could go door to door, slaughtering men, women, and children. This is precisely what ‘Israel’ is doing, only with modern weapons. The imperial media use the fact that we live in modernity to imply that a ‘medieval’ siege simply isn’t possible, even though it’s obviously happening. A modern siege is the same as a medieval siege, just with more technology and hypocrisy.

Gaza has, in fact, been under siege since 2007. It has been walled in, blockaded by sea, and anyone that tried to break the blockade was boarded and killed. For decades, ‘Israel’ tightly controlled inputs into Gaza to provide the bare caloric minimum for human life. After people broke out of this open-air prison in 2023, however, ‘Israel’ abandoned that pretence and is openly trying to kill everybody. The long, slow siege became a rapid genocide, as the invaders streamed over the gates (they put up) in F16s.

In its bombing of everything, ‘Israel’ has paid special attention to water supplies, food stores, hospitals, and human shelter. Classic siege warfare, just with modern technology. The point of a siege is to make a place so unlivable that people either sicken, die or surrender (preferably all three). All of ‘Israel’s’ modern siege machinery comes from America, the colonial White Empire at large. They are nor merely complicit, they are the causal factor behind both ‘Israel’ and the genocide it necessarily causes. These carbon crusaders are not passively ‘supporting’ a genocide, they’re doing it. They’re the active party, ‘Israel’ is just their dog on a long leash.

The even more pointy end of a siege is armed men going into the walled city and slaughtering everybody. Since ‘Israel’ built the walls, they can come and go (generally) as they please, and they have been executing, kidnapping, torturing and simply killing people in the streets. Their troops have continued the secondary siege work of destroying hospitals, homes, pharmacies, water supplies, and food stores, and also simply killed and maimed people en masse. Entire ‘engineering’ crews are devoted to blowing up civilian homes, universities, public records, etc. They’re stealing gold and savings, old-fashioned looting and pillaging. Snipers are shooting people through hospital windows.‘Soldiers’ are tying men up and murdering them in front of their families, then throwing grenades at their families. It’s as brutal as any medieval siege, but we somehow don’t see it that way because they’re not using knives and bare hands. But to the people dying, what’s the difference?

This is a classic ‘medieval’ siege in that ‘Israel’ is razing the place, and they’ve been quite open about it. Israel’s Prime Monster has called the Palestinian people “Amalek,” meaning a biblical population that was killed man, woman, and child. He has also said that they’ll reduce Gaza to rubble, which is precisely what they’ve done. This is historically very simple and only complicated by the ‘news’. It’s just a brutal siege, using all the industrial might of modernity, backed by the largest empire in human history, and all of its treachery.

One of the most brutal modern siege weapons is bureaucracy. ‘Sanctions’, blockades, starvation by writ, sieges without moving a ship. Now for example, America and its vassals have cut off funding the the refugee agency (UNRWA) serving the Palestinians, just as most of the population of Gaza has become refugees. They continue ‘Israel’s’ work of killing these people, just with benign bureaucracy, and bullshit ‘investigations’.

This is all made to seem very complex in the news but, again, just look at it historically. A population is being starved and infected into submission and providing aid to those people necessarily breaks the siege. So the people providing the aid must be broken. This is again the White Empire’s direct participation in the siege of Gaza. Their hands are not clean and, indeed, their hands are pulling the strings. The deeply cynical fact is that the White Empire pushes the Jews in front of them to do the dirty work of colonizing the Middle East, and taking all the heat. They can bloodlessly direct the siege of Gaza from far away, but make no mistake, they are directing the whole bloody scene.

This is the nature of the Hypocritical Hegemon. Ancient Empires were proud of conquering, slaughtering, and enslaving people. Sieges were just another weapon in their arsenal, and they often advertised their brutality. They wanted the next city to see, and see clearly. This Empire, however, likes to hide in plain sight, or behind pliant proxies, or in a constant fog of ‘debate’. The first casualty of war is truth, and this Empire has been at war throughout colonization. Truth hasn’t had a chance to breathe for centuries. That’s why we don’t talk about ‘sieges’ anymore. Not because they don’t happen. Because words themselves are under siege.

This Empire calls conquest ‘intervention’, they call slaughter ‘self-defense’, they call slavery ‘freedom’, and they expect us all to believe and repeat. They call ‘sieges’ sanctions, and punish rebellious provinces for generations. If you piss off the hegemon, they’ll make sure your children’s children don’t have medicine. This bashful hegemon nonetheless bashes in brains and starves children to death worse than anybody in human history. They have merely industrialized siege warfare and applied modern marketing to it but it’s the same damn thing.

At this point, their lies are falling apart, but it’s still a challenge to name what you see. But just look and apply words logically. ‘Israel’ and Empire itself are cutting a population off from food, water, and medicine, throwing missiles over the wall, and sending in armed men to kill them. A siege by any other name would still reek, and that’s all that’s happening in Gaza, and all the places the Empire is ‘sanctioning’.

Empire is always at war and always besieging people. The words are nowhere, but the facts are everywhere. This should be obvious, but it actually takes quite an effort to break out of the wall-to-wall news cycle and see that our minds themselves are besieged.Thus the first thing to break is this wall of wrong language and endless detail that they put around our eyes, to keep us from seeing what we’re seeing. Men, women, and children, walled in, being slaughtered by swords, starvation, and deprivation. On purpose, by Carbon Crusaders who have no business in that place or any place, besides their filthy business of looting and pillaging.

This is the modern siege of Gaza that we are living through, and that they are dying in. It all seems very complicated in the news, but it’s quite simple historically. It’s a just a siege.

My name is Indrajit Samarajiva and I'm a writer. People also call me Indi or Jit. I was born in Canada, raised in America, and live in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.



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‘Israel’ Has Lost The Ground War In Gaza

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A Son of the Global South


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Views from the third world. Earth.

First a shattered ‘Israeli’ battalion retreated from Gaza, then multiple brigades fled. Now a whole division has turned tail and run. What else do you call this? A retreat by any other name still spells defeat. A full 25% of ‘Israel’s’ Army has retreated now. They’re turtling.

‘Israel’ calls this retreat a ‘phase change.’ Unless you’ve set your phasers to dumb, this just means failure. ‘Israel’s’ military objectives were to:

  1. kill as many Palestinians as possible (future Hamas)

  2. kill Hamas (present Hamas)

  3. stop the rockets (past Hamas).

Like the Ghosts of Christmas, however, these three problems are still haunting they ass. For one, Israel still has 98% more Palestinians to kill, for two, Hamas is even stronger as a military now, and — for thirds —even more missiles are coming in, from all over.Militarily ‘Israel’ has made all their problems worse, and so failed at all their political objectives. Their (corresponding) political objectives were:

  1. Break the Palestinian will

  2. Get some trophy kills

  3. Deter anyone from fucking with ‘Israel’ ever again

I won’t even mention the hostages because ‘Israel’ has killed more hostages than it saved (zero). On all three political objective, ‘Israel’ has lost. The Palestinians are still stubbornly existing and fighting, ‘Israel’ has killed zero top leaders in Gaza, and — far from being deterred — the entire region has joined in.

In all cases, ‘Israel’ is in a worse situation than October 6th. Thousands of their soldiers are dead or disabled, the rest are obviously incompetent, they are fighting on at least six fronts, and everybody in the world hates them. As Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz would say, they’re completely fucked. Let’s go through how’ve they’ve lost, one by one.

1. Palestinians still here

A brigade of the Israeli army. (Photo: Israel Defense Forces, via Wikimedia Commons)

If you’re a sociopath, the logical solution to the Palestinian ‘problem’ is simple. Get rid of the Palestinians. Problem solved. This is that actual Israeli strategy, which much of their leadership and public openly states. It’s understandable, in a way. Israel is founded on taking Palestinian land, so taking all the land is the logical conclusion. They feel like they cannot live with these people (in equality), so these people must die or leave. That’s why they openly say they’re doing a Nakba again (the original catastrophe of Israel’s founding). Genocide has a simple if sociopathic logic. In addition to being evil, however, genocide is also wildly impractical.

The supposedly invulnerable Merkava IV is being shot to pieces by a lightly armed force.

It simply takes a lot of time and resources to genocide millions of people. At the current rate of killing 30,000 people every 100 days, it would take 20 years to kill everyone in Gaza. And then they still have the West Bank, which is even bigger. Israel simply ‘can’t kill ’em all’, though that doesn’t stop them from trying.

The other option is ethnic cleansing, literally sending people into the Sinai Desert. But all the exits are sealed, either by Egypt or ‘Israel’. Palestinians can’t leave if they want to, and they don’t want to. This ethnic gambit will just not wash out. The only option left, if you’re an asshole, is breaking everyone’s will, but how’s that working out? Palestinian people are still resisting by existing, and their fighters are still fighting. These people won’t be killed, they won’t be cleansed, and they won’t be cowed.

The Palestinian spirit is unbroken. Their bodies are broken and amputated and infected but their spirits are unbroken. Their sacrifice has been an example to the world, the passion of the Palestinians. Through social media, billions of people feel like they know Palestinians, some very personally, and we have seen people we know, like Refaat Al-Areer, die in front of us. An isolated problem for the Israelis has become global. The entire global spirit (at least in the global majority) has awoken. Israeli has made over 30,000 martyrs, most of them women and children, and those people go on fighting forever. Most Resistance brigades are named after martyrs. ‘Israel’ is fighting the literal spirits of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, Abu Ali Mustafa, etc, and those spirits are unbroken.

When it comes to fighting spirit, Resistance fighters are more motivated than ever. For one thing, Israel is killing their families, which gives them even more reason to fight harder. Israel is also losing street battles, which only emboldens them. They’re blowing up tanks and skipping away.  And people all across the region are watching this on Telegram and satellite TV. Morale is unbroken and motivation has never been higher.

As Al Qassam spokesman Abu Obeida said:

O our great, patient, and steadfast people, 100 days, and the resolve of the fighters did not falter, nor did they relent, nor did they weaken or submit to what befell them in the path of Allah.

For 100 days, our great, legendary people stand tall on their land despite the pain and wounds, writing the most wonderful epic of steadfastness, defiance, and pride, stationed on the shores of Sham [Levant], entrenched at the border of Asqalan, inspired by the prophecy of our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sheltered under the wings of the angels of the Most Merciful.

So blessed are you, O people of Gaza, and blessed are you, O land of Gaza, the best of Allah’s lands, to which He has sent the best of His servants.

Await Allah’s imminent victory and His promise of the great conquest and certain entry into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, with certainty in Allah and trust in Him. The dawn of freedom for all our people is approaching by Allah’s command. Allah will not let the effort, blood, and pain of our families and our people go in vain, for “Allah is victorious over His command, but most people do not know.”

Indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

These are religious people, in the land of their religion, and Allah is with them. I truly believe this. I’m a Sinhala Buddhist, but I definitely fear God, and I think I will be judged. I certainly would not wear shoes in the third-holiest site of Islam, and abuse worshipers. I’m a god-fearing person and that’s just asking for trouble. I also don’t think Allah would see what’s going on and not being on the side of liberation. They may move at the speed of another lifeform, but They’re always on time. This is expressly a holy war across the Resistance — for their holy places — and that’s the sort of motivation that does not weaken. Even after generations. Palestinian morale is unbroken, and their fighting spirit is breaking ‘Israel’.

2. Hamas still here

It is puerile to support a people’s freedom and condemn their freedom fighters. It’s colonizing to say that the religion of a region should have nothing to do with its governance. Of course I support Hamas. I’ve read and written extensively about this, and I think they’re a perfectly reasonable and incredibly brave organization. The Palestinians, of all people, need an army, and Hamas built one. They have inflicted strategic defeat on not just Israel but America and the White Empire at large. More power to them.

And Hamas has only gotten more powerful. They are more popular both regionally and internationally, have seen no decline in fighting capacity (you can watch videos yourself, every day), and have lost only one top leader, Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri. And this is what he had to say about his own death:

Our heroic martyrs, when they are from the leadership and from the first ranks, they awaken all the ranks of our people to be part of the Resistance. This is the indication of sincerity: when the leaders and first ranks come forward to martyrdom. We affirm in a categorical and definitive way that our blood and souls are not greater nor dearer than that of any martyr. We are equal. The martyr that preceded us by one day is better than us. Better than us.

Al-Arouri was assassinated in Lebanon. None of the top leadership in Gaza have been hit. After 100 days of killing, they don’t have a single trophy scalp to show their bloodthirsty people, or to break their enemy’s morale. Meanwhile, the Resistance has knocked out Israeli brigade commander after brigade commander. They decapitated the vaunted Golani Battalion twice, and made them retreat in dishonor. Now entire brigades and divisions have retreated also. Israel has enough conscripts to commit enough war crimes, but their leadership keeps getting sniped and their morale has broken. Far from destroying or at least intimidating the Resistance, the Resistance is laughing at them. For an occupation army that survives based on intimidation, this is not survivable. As Al-Qassam spokesman Abu Obeida, who’s notably not dead, says:

Our fighters return with shocking testimonies about the weak faith and motivation of the Zionist soldier and the gathered mercenaries. And how they are dragged into battle, and how they cry in fear and alarm, and how they show this in front of our fighters, despite all the weapons, equipment, and huge fire cover they carry. And what the enemy army is showing and what it is announcing of imaginary heroism of his soldiers is the subject of mockery to the youngest Palestinian child.

Israel’s conscript army is a bunch of literal baristas and account managers sent on a Birthright: Genocide tour with a few months training. They’re not doing well and they’re not enjoying it. Meanwhile the Palestinian Resistance army is a bunch of orphans that have been living in tunnels, thinking about nothing else for years. It’s like Batman meets the Teenage Teenage Mutant Turtles vs some influencer war criminals. The soft conscripts are getting fucked up royally, and can only trash homes and lash out at civilians. The IOF bomb hospitals from the air, but they’re getting beaten by Hamas on the ground, and it’s being filmed. They’re neither killing nor breaking the enemy combatants' morale which is the actual Clausewitzian point of war. As Carl said, “War is thus an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will.” And Israel can’t compel Hamas to do shit.

Israel can’t make them die, can’t make them leave, and they can’t force them to release hostages. During the brief ceasefire, Hamas dictated terms, and then they popped up in areas that IOF said they ‘cleared’. The IOF brags about occupying land, but what’s the point if the militants are underground? They’re just bragging about being encircled in three dimensions. The Palestinian fighters just pop up at will and snipe these noobs. It’s actually embarrassing.

That’s why Israel is retreating. Not cause they won anything. Cause they failed at every strategic objective. The official story is that they’re withdrawing a full division (six brigades) to rest and redeploy them on the northern front, but that’s another joke. Hezbollah is laughing even harder! As their leader Sayyed Narsullah said,

Who are they threatening us with? With tired, terrified, and psychologically shocked brigades? Brigades that lost a large number of their soldiers and officers killed in Gaza? Those that were defeated in northern Gaza? 
They are threatening us with this? Look at this threat. 
Welcome and greetings. Welcome and greetings.

An army can survive getting killed, getting captured, but once they start laughing at you, you’re in trouble. The greatest value of an army is deterrence, scaring enemies so you don’t have to fight at all. But ‘Israel’ has been revealed as ‘weak as a spider’s web’ and more rather than less people are attacking them now. They’ve shown weakness to the entire region. Israel took a blow on October 7th, and then 100 self-inflicted blows every day since. Now they, and not Hamas, are retreating. Hamas are still here, and they’re leaving.

3. The opposite of deterred

Hamas is just one military ‘Israel’ is fighting. Off the top of my head I can name 7 militaries in the Axis of Resistance — Iran, Yemen, the Popular Mobilization Forces of Iraq, Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade — and they’re all fighting. Not only has Israel failed to destroy Hamas, they’ve created dozens of new enemies (state and non-state), all working together. These enemies comprise hundreds of largely independent groups and are impossible to knock out with one, two, or even a thousand assassinations. Israel has gone from fighting Hamas to fighting hundreds of Hamas’s. HAMAS is literally just an acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement, and that movement has only multiplied.

These people are the opposite of deterred. This is what Brigadier General Abdul Salam Jahaf of Yemen said, after America hit Yemen with $500 million worth of missiles. He’s talking about defeating not just Israel but America, they’re emboldened to fight the whole White Empire. He said:

We swear, even if we turned into atoms scattered in the air, we will not leave Gaza. We will continue to target Zionist ships and those going to the Zionist entity. We will confront America, make it kneel, burn its warships, all its bases, and anyone who cooperates with it.

No matter what it costs us, we will not leave Gaza. Let the great war ignite, for we are its people and its men.

To our people, our brothers, our sons, and our fathers in Gaza, we are with you. You are not alone. Our blood for you is cheap, and we are with you until our last breath.

God refuses for us to be submissive and humiliated while your blood is spilled. What will God say to us when we meet Him?
You have let down Gaza.
No, by God, we will not let her down, no matter what it costs us.

The world must prepare to hear of America’s defeat. I say this with all pride, we will trample America under our feet. The battlefield will teach those who do not know us about our might and severity.

America has been unloading on Yemen for nearly ten years now, and they have only gotten stronger and more defiant. Now Yemen has blocked the Red Sea to ‘Israel’, as is their right under maritime law, and as a decent country should be doing under the Genocide Convention.

America has tried to ‘deter’ Yemen by arms-length bombing, lost at least two soldiers themselves, and Yemen still rules the waves. The might of the whole White Empire has been defied, and continues to be defied. They cannot make Yemen do their will, they cannot make Iran do their will, they cannot make Iraq do their will, they cannot make Syria do their will, they cannot make Hezbollah do their will, and they definitely cannot make Palestine do their will. On every front, in every direction, they are failing. Flailing out, they can kill millions, but they cannot accomplish any strategic objectives. Genocide is not a strategy. You have to defeat and deter your enemies, and on counts one, two, and three, Israel is just failing.

1, 2, 3

Israel had three broad strategic objectives to ‘get back to normal’. Kill, terrorize, and intimidate enough natives to ‘be at peace’. But after 100 days of killing, terrorizing, and intimidating people, they’re in a much worse position! And they’ve dragged the whole White Empire down with them. All of their military power and media propaganda is discredited.

Israel may have killed over 1% of Palestinians in Gaza, but that means 99% more to kill! They may have traumatized an entire generation, but that just means more motivated fighters forever. Finally while they may have deterred hospitals from existing, Hamas is more emboldened than ever. In fact, every other native in the region is fighting back, and this ain’t the 1800s. These natives have RPGs, and hypersonic missiles. Palestinians may be dying, but Israel is dead. Dead on the ground against Palestinians, dead in the water against Yemen, even dead in the air if they fuck with Iran.

It’s taking the signal a while to reach the brain, but Israel is dead, and America along with it. Israel has accomplished nothing strategic for 100 days, and America doesn’t have a strategic brain cell left, just bombs firing randomly from a senile President and War Minister in a hospital bed. America is a visibly dying Empire and ‘Israel’ is its graveyard. Israel has lost every ground war since 2002 and the Battle of Al Aqsa Flood is no exception. These fuckers are losing and they deserve to lose. Allahu Akbar. God is great. Israel is losing. That’s why they’re retreating.

My name is Indrajit Samarajiva and I'm a writer. People also call me Indi or Jit. I was born in Canada, raised in America, and live in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Location: Sri Lanka

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Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands. We can win this. But you must act.
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Violent explosions rock US occupation base in Syria

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The Cradle
News Desk

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News Desk mobile rocket launcher

(Photo credit: AA)


A series of violent explosions rocked the military base in the US-occupied Conoco oilfield in north-east Syria on 12 January, following a large rocket attack, Sputnik’s correspondent reported. 

According to the correspondent, the attack “destroyed the base and its surroundings. American air defenses tried to confront the missile attack with their ground and air anti-aircraft weapons, to no avail … the American occupation army’s air force and helicopters, in the meantime, began flying over the skies of the towns surrounding its bases” in the oilfields of Conoco and Al-Omar. 

The attack comes just days after US forces carried out live drills near the Conoco base, aimed at training for potential attacks on the facility. 

The Iraqi resistance has yet to confirm the attack. 

On 11 January, the Iraqi resistance announced an attack on the US base of Al-Shaddadi in north-east Syria.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a coalition of Iraqi resistance factions which banded together in October, have been striking US bases with drones and missiles in both Iraq and Syria. The attacks come in solidarity with the resistance in Gaza and in rejection of US support for the Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip. 

They also aim to speed up the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, which the government of Mohammed Shia al-Sudani is trying to facilitate diplomatically. 

However, Washington continues to show no intention of withdrawing from Iraq, and has responded to the attacks on its occupation bases with violent airstrikes on Iraq and its capital. Several have been killed in the US strikes

130 attacks have targeted its bases in Iraq and Syria since October. 

The Iraqi resistance has also carried out strikes on Israeli territory, including the occupied Golan Heights. The latest Iraqi attack on Israel was announced on 12 January, just shortly after the rocket attack on the Conoco base in Syria. 

“The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, using appropriate weapons, attacked at dawn today, Friday, a Zionist military target in the occupied territories, near the Jordan River Park (north of the Sea of Galilee),” the Islamic Resistance in Iraq coalition said on Friday afternoon via its media channel. 

“The Islamic Resistance confirms that it will continue to destroy enemy strongholds, and we promise you more,” the resistance coalition added.

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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

Since the overpaid media shills will never risk their careers to report the truth, the world must rely on citizen journalists to provide the facts that explain reality. Put this effort to use by becoming an influence multiplier. Repost this material everywhere you can. Send it to your friends and kin. Discuss it with your workmates. Liberation from this infernal and mendacious system is in your hands. We can win this. But you must act.
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What Arab states can do to punish Israel

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Karim Shami
The Cradle

DATELINE: NOV 30, 2023

So far, the most powerful Arab countries have largely sat on their hands while the savage murder of Gazans goes on with impunity. (Photo Credit: The Cradle)

On 10 November, barely a month after the launch of the Palestinian resistance's Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the onset of Israel's brutal assault on Gaza, the Saudi foreign ministry announced an extraordinary joint Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in Riyadh. 

Originally scheduled separately, the decision to combine the meetings was reportedly due to a lack of consensus among Arab states on how to collectively respond to Israel’s wildly disproportionate aggression against Gaza's 2.3 million civilians. 

Reportedly, Arab nations could not agree on a number of contentious measures that some of their members had recommended. These included decisions to prohibit the use of regional US military bases to supply arms to Israel, suspend all Arab relations with Israel, and impose an oil embargo against the occupying entity. 

A very ordinary summit 
Despite widespread sentiment against Israeli aggressions across West Asia and the wider Islamic world, the summit, as many expected, concluded without concrete actions against Israel, underscoring the weakness and unwillingnessof 22 Arab leaders to confront Israel and its western allies.

The Arab world comprises an area about 20% larger than the surface area of the US.

It raises a pivotal question: In lieu of a collective decision by the Arab League, what can individual Arab nations do to support Palestine, and why haven't they done these things already?

To unravel the complexities of Arab geopolitics, and for the sake of simplifying the region's various world views and priorities, Arab states can be categorized into three main political groupings - each influenced by non-Arab actors: the US, Turkiye, and Iran.

The foreign policies of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, and Djibouti - most governed by hereditary monarchies - align closely with the US and the west. Despite hosting numerous US military bases, these states, paradoxically, could play a substantial role in supporting Palestine without resorting to conflict.

Morocco, the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Egypt, and Jordan all have economic, political, and security relations with Israel. Yet, unlike distant Latin American countries, none have severed ties, although Bahrain did suspend its economic ties. 

Instead, the Israeli embassies in Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, and Bahrain were evacuated by the order of Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and the Ministry's Director-General due to massive protests in support of Palestinians.

The most strategically important states in this grouping are Jordan and Egypt, both of which share borders with Israel, and have the longest-established relations with Tel Aviv.

Egypt, a key player since the Camp David Accords were signed in 1979, has the ability to immediately influence events in Gaza. But from presidents Anwar Sadat to present day's Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Cairo has instead worked overtime to safeguard Israel’s southern border and actively engages in energy dealsto boost their mutual economies. 

If it chooses to do so, Egypt can block Israeli ships in the Suez Canal, open the Rafah Crossing to Gaza to flood the besieged territory with essential aid, and halt intelligence cooperation - today, and bloodlessly. 

Jordan, which shares the longest border with the occupation state, lacks substantial means to counter Israeli influence. However, Amman could cut ties with Israel and threaten Tel Aviv that it will loosen its border controls - potentially allowing foreign fighters and weapons to infiltrate into the occupied West Bank - a scenario that Tel Aviv fears greatly.

The Persian Gulf monarchies
over 20 percent of global oil. A strategic move, such as embargoing oil exports to Israel and countries that do not support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, could exert considerable pressure on a Europe already struggling with diminished supply and soaring energy prices.

The 27 US bases in these Arab countries, including the crucial US fifth fleet headquartered in Bahrain, provide all the leverage they need with Washington.

The US keeps garrisons throughout the Middle East, especially in the highly sensitive Gulf area.

By recalibrating their collaboration with the US military so that the latter is forced to consider and respect their domestic and regional responsibilities too, these states could impact the US Central Command's  unquestioned arms deliveries to Israel's war machine.

Saudi Arabia's wealth and media empire have extended their sway across the Arab world and beyond, giving it critical influence in Arab decisions. In the 1980s, Riyadh rallied Muslim youth against the Soviets in Afghanistan, then repeated a similar scenario in Syria in the 2010s. 

The Saudis potential to mobilize millions in support of a cause is evident, especially considering Riyadh’s role in exporting Wahhabism as a form of foreign policy and soft power projection around the Muslim world - though this has waned in recent years under the modernizing, reformist leadership of de-facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

Although Israel receives 60 percent of its oil imports from Muslim-majority Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, as a major oil producer and OPEC heavyweight, Saudi Arabia can call for a halt in energy exports to Israel, which would have an immediate and debilitating impact on Tel Aviv's war effort. 

However, political decisions from Arab leaders remain elusive, with US Arab allies not impeding military aid to Tel Aviv or blocking airspace to Israeli and US aircraft. Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia have instead shot down missiles heading toward Israel to protect it from external attack, as its leaders would rather defend Israel's borders than lose their ruling power.

Turkiye’s Arab allies
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's longstanding ties with the Muslim Brotherhood have, in the recent past, cemented Ankara's influence in the Arab world. Qatar, as Turkiye’s primary Arab ally, shares common foreign policy outlooks and views on the Palestinian cause, despite Ankara’s formidable trade ties with Israel. 

Moreover, Hamas leaders move freely in the tiny Gulf country. Doha is one of the biggest sources of financial aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, and diplomatically has and continues to play a lead role in negotiating truces and prisoner swaps between the Palestinian resistance and Israel, as evidenced in the latest agreement facilitated by the Qataris. 

Actions speak louder than words, and Qatar, the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG), could significantly impact global gas markets, causing energy-dependent Europe to rethink some of its dated policies against Palestine. 

Nevertheless, in broad terms, Qatar remains aligned with the western camp, to which NATO ally Turkiye also leans. Despite its vast media empire openly championing the Palestinian cause and its steadfast opposition to normalization without Palestinian statehood, Qatar's support is still constrained and falls short of its full potential.

The Axis of Resistance
Today, Arab states and non-state actors aligned with Iran play by far the most crucial role in supporting the Palestinian cause, particularly where it counts the most – the armed struggle for national liberation. Despite challenges, they continue to resist and contribute to the region's broader Axis of Resistance. 

Since 8 October, the resistance in Lebanon, led by Hezbollah, has successfully executed a slow-boil military policy of diverting the Israeli military's full-scale attention away from Gaza and toward its northern border, marked by near-daily clashes. 

By strategically targeting and taking out Israel's communication and surveillance networks, Hezbollah has essentially forced a third of the occupation forces to man the northern border and depopulate entire settlements and military bases within a five-kilometer radius. 

Today, Syria, the main Arab-state member of the Axis of Resistance, is considered to be the weakest link in this alliance. Under an oppressive western sanctions regime since the 1970's, Syria's economic plight has worsened considerably since the onset of the 2011 foreign-armed, regime-change conflict that destroyed swathes of the country. 

Israel uses this vulnerability to launch regular air and missile strikes against Syria, and has continued to do so despite being militarily bogged down on its southern and northern borders.  

The Syrians are by no means out of the equation, though. Missiles are fired occasionally into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, while anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) such as Russia’s Kornet, which are used against Israeli armored vehicles in Gaza and southern Lebanon, are provided by Damascus.

Syria also continues to be an essential route for the transfer, transportation, and storage of weapons and manpower throughout the Axis.

Yemen’s Ansarallah-allied armed forces have also been active in recent weeks in solidarity with Gaza, having fired missiles and drones that have reached southern Israel, some 1,200 miles (2,000 km) away. The Yemenis have also stepped up naval operations in the Red Sea, proving to be a menace to Israeli vessels operating in the strategic shipping lane. 

Five days later, an Israeli-owned Galaxy Leader was seized in the Red Sea - with its crew onboard - and taken to Yemen's Port of Hodeidah. Then, on 25 November, a drone attack targeted a cargo vessel owned by Israeli shipping company ZIM. 
Iraq, which has essentially been dismembered and occupied by the US since 2003, hosts multiple resistance factions backed by Tehran that pledged to target US interests and military bases across Iraq and Syria. The US announced that it has been attacked in Iraq 66 times since October. Additionally, missiles were fired from these groups into Israel, but were intercepted by Jordan.

A ‘Unity of Fronts’
The fear of a multi-front war, involving Hezbollah, Syria, and their allies, including Palestinian resistance groups in Syria and Lebanon, compelled the US and its allies to dispatch a formidable naval presence into the region. This included navy ships, aircraft carriers, destroyers, and submarines to the eastern Mediterranean Sea in a show of support for Tel Aviv. 

The heightened military deployment was triggered by the actions of a relatively small resistance group in crisis-stricken Lebanon. One can only contemplate the immense influence and pressure that could be wielded by a united front of Arab nations against Israel and its few avid supporters.

North Africa's Algeria, an outlier, vocalizes support for Palestinians and strictly opposes normalization with Tel Aviv. It is also one of the few Arab states to maintain positive relations with both Iran and Syria. As a major gas producer, the mere threat to halt gas exports could exert massive pressure from the EU on Israel. Although military action has not yet been taken, the Algerian parliament voted unanimously in favor of supporting Palestine through military means if necessary. 

EAST MEDITERRANEAN SEA (Nov. 3, 2023) The world’s largest aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) steams in formation with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) on Nov. 3, 2023. The official caption reads (in the usual hypocritical Orwellian lingo used by the Empire): "The U.S. maintains forward-deployed, ready, and postured forces to deter aggression (sic) and support security and stability around the world."  The Pentagon and the Neocons apparently have yet to accept that the days of intimidation and gunboat diplomacy are over.

The persistent bombardment and intentional targeting of civilians in Gaza are poised to sway Arab public opinion in favor of supporting the resistance, if such sentiments haven't already taken full root. In contrast, the inaction of US-allied Arab monarchies will almost certainly intensify scrutiny of these regimes and erode their domestic and regional legitimacy. 

The longer Israel wages its Gaza genocide, the more difficult their inaction becomes to explain. While a quick ceasefire may alleviate this problem for Arab monarchies and other pro-west Arab states, Israel - and its backer the US - instead look set to intensify their war on the Strip. This doesn't even take into account the war Israel has been quietly waging for weeks on the occupied West Bank, an area ruled by a pro-US authority, which is hemorrhaging credibility and support by the day.

The crucial solution is for Arab nations to overcome internal divisions and forge a unified front to collectively exert influence to halt the Gaza war. Just as key Arab OPEC states developed oversized clout when they defied Washington to cut oil production, they are likely to find that a hard, collective stand against Israel will only confirm their strength on the world stage.

Karim Shami works at The Cradle and is a walking encyclopedia on Yemen.

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Ben Tóth’s 24 November outline of the global zeitgeist is all you need to lead a discussion: US, EU, West Asia, Ukraine, BRICS, Argentina, economics + video clips!

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Jeff J. Brown • Ben Toth

Ben Tóth’s 24 November outline of the global zeitgeist is all you need to lead a discussion: US, EU, West Asia, Ukraine, BRICS, Argentina, economics + video clips!

This information package has been produced by Jeff J. Brown, associate editor of the Greanville Post, author, expert in Chinese and geopolitical affairs, and a founder of the Seek Truth from Facts Foundation. Please support Jeff's and the foundation's  invaluable work.
The hits just keep on coming from Ben Tóth. I’ve already printed out my copy. Watch the show he co-hosted on 24 November (2023):

Blowback: Exposing Imperial Decline Show

The Blowback Roundtable is hosted by Billy Bob.


COUNTRY 404 (Ukraine in NATO hands)| Bad to Worse : US abandons problem for Europe
“Increase your means or lower your goals? It’s only realistic to lower our goals” – Richard Haas, CoFR President

“You’ve heard us say a number of times that there is no silver bullet in a conflict like this” – Austin, US SecDef
Ukraine is now many light years away from the EU” – PM Orbán, Fidesz party congress
Lachlan Murdoch ( FOX chair ) > Timothy Snyder ( anti-soviet crusader at Yale)
404: Elensky spoke about ‘five or six’ assassination attempts on him ( Sun )
404: Elensky reveals Moscow‘s ‘Maidan 3’ plan for coup in Kiev ( Kyiv Post )
404: Elensky imposes sanctions against 400 companies from UAE, RUS, UZB, CYP, TÜR, CHI, MAL ( U-Pravda )
404: Ukraine Warns Russia ‘ally’ Hungary to stop blocking EU sanctions ( Politico
404: Ukraine will not make exceptions for Hungarian minority for EU membership – Deputy PM ( U-Pravda )
404: Russia is weaponizing time’ Ukraine tells NATO ( Defense One )
404: US sends new but meager army package to Ukraine ( Kyiv Independent )
404: Out of every 100 people mobilized last fall, 10-20 remain – Poltava Governor ( Strana )
404: Ukraine Air Force Su-27 Flight Commander defects to Russia, very hush-hush ( RT)
US: Announced $100m military aid package for Ukraine, incl. 1 HIMARS launcher ( DW )
US: As Ukraine war grids on, more troops needed – Not everyone is ready to enlist (CNN)
US: Redefining Success in Ukraine – A New Strategy Must Balance Means and Ends (Foreign Affairs )
US: Ukraine war : Selling stalemate and prolonging pain ( National Interest )
US: Ukraine’s struggle for arms and attention gives Putin an Opening ( Bloomberg )
US: AP-NORC Poll – Nearly half of Americans think US spending too much on Ukraine ( AP )


EU: Around 190k military age Ukrainians live in Germany ( Welt )
EU: Eurostat reveals 650,000 military age Ukrainian men have fled to EU (VOA)
EU: Visegrád4 : Europe must prepare for high-int. conflict with RussiaCzech Pres. Pavel ( video )
EU: Europol sets up an OSINT task force to investigate Russian war crimes’ (Ukr. Pravda)
EU: ‘Anti-Islam, anti-migrant’ Geert Wilders wins Dutch Election ( BBC )
EU: ‘Nexit’ Geert Wilders is the EU‘s worst nightmare ( Politico )
EU: Mark Rutte is now front-runner for NATO ahead of Sandu and Kallas ( Politico )
EU: Switzerland approves sale of 25 Leopard 2A4 tanks to Germany – cannot  provide them to Kiev ( Swissinfo )
EU: How Ukraine could get another 2 dozen Leopards – cunning circular schemes of Rheinmetall ( Forbes )
UK: Depleted Ukrainian forces fear they cannot win Russian ‘war of exhaustion’ ( Telegraph )
UK: Ukraine : the new fissures in a society under strain – who left, who stayed. fought, didn’t ( FT )
UK: Putin is having his best month since invasion ( Times of London )


EU: Moscow triumphs, the West hesitates ( Gazeta Wyborcza cover )
EU: Ukrainians are dying en masse on order from the US and EU ( Mysl Polska )
EU: Moldova refuses to hand over Ukrainian draft dodgers – no mechanism ( RT )
EU: Farmers protest in Chisinau ( Moldova ) against wheat and sunflower imports from Ukraine ( video, RIA )
EU: Considers accepting Moldova and Georgia into Union, without dispute territories ( EU FP )
EU: Hungary’s Viktor Orbán threatens to blow up EU’s Ukraine policy ( Politico )
EU: Officials see Ukraine war as Fortnite – Hungarian FM Szijjarto ( Sputnik )
EU: Hungary blocks start of EU accession talks with Kiev ( Tagesspiegel )
EU: Hungary submits bill to create Sovereignty Defence Bureau ( Tuesday, Közlöny) Context: foreign funded politicians face up to 3 years in prison, organizations face closure! 
RUS: US offers ‘sedative pill’ to collapsing Ukraine – Ambassador to US Antonov ( RT )

WEST ASIA | A Humanitarian pause in Holy Land?

“Many of the people killed were terrorists. The majority were Hamas terrorists” – opposition leader Yair Lapid
“We need to help the Gazans who are suffering from the current events, this is our sacred duty”Putin
Current death toll : 14,800 | 6,150 children ( PHM, Friday )
GAZA: Israel, Hamas agree 4-day truce for hostage release and aid beginning Friday ( Reuters ) Context: Brokered by Qatar and Egypt, US tried to claim laurels. Delayed by Israel. 150 prisoners for 50.
ISR:Israel implemented ‘mass Hannibal directive’ on 10-7–IAF colonel Nof Erez (Cradle)
ISR: NatSec leader Giora Eiland makes case for epidemic genocide in Gaza ( Mondoweisss )
ISR: IDF Apache helicopters killed own soldiers, civilians on 7 October ( Haaretz )
ISR: Yemeni forces seize Israeli ship – Galaxy Leader – in Red Sea ( PressTV )
—ISR: Netanyahu blames Iran for attack on ‘international vessel’ ( official X )
ISR: Intelligence Min. calls for permanent resettlement of Palestinians abroad ( Jerusalem Post )
ISR: Israel reportedly ‘very concerned’ with US recruitment crisis ( Fox )
WA: Many in Middle East blame US for devastation in Gaza ( WaPo )
WA: Saudi crown prince MBS calls on all nations to stop weapons export to Israel ( Saudi Gazette )
WA: We do not want US and NATO in Black SeaTürkish Admiral ( Haberler, video )
WA: Türkish MFA Hakan Fidan received Zhai Jun, China‘s Special envoy to Middle East in Ankara ( Tr MFA )
WA: Erdogan in Germany shames Olaf Scholz – I’m not indebted to anyone, I can speak freely ( video )
US: Biden admin officials see proof their strategy is working in hostage deal ( Politico )
US: Biden prepared to impose sanctions on Israelis attacking West Bank ( Axios )
US: US sent Israel data on aid group locations ‘to prevent targeting’ but Israel bombed them ( Politico )
EU: Spanish President dismisses Minister Belarra, who called for Netanyahu arrest (El Pais)
EU: Spanish PM Sanchez ‘whitewashing war criminal Netanyahu’ by visiting Tel Aviv Belarra ( speech )
—BRICS | Peace is made in Beijing and Moscow, India turns towards US
BRICS: Holds extraordinary video meeting on Gaza – sans Modi  ( South Africa MFA )
BRICS: Modi hosts G20 leaders summit – Xi and Biden skip ( Bloomberg ) 
BRICS: Nigeria is ready to loosen ties with West, attempt to join BRICS ( Insider )
BRICS: Pakistan applies for BRICS membership in 2024 ( TASS )
BRICS: Nicaragua completes process of withdrawing from Organization of American States ( LA Times )
CN: Arab League, OIC meeting welcomed by Wang Yi in Beijing to stop war in Gaza ( videos, photos )
– CN: Vyacheslav Volodin meets Xi Jinping in Beijing ( TASS )
CN: DPRK puts first reconnaissance satellite in orbit ( Kyodo )
CN: Gaza cease-fire top priority as China assumes UNSC presidency ( GT )
CN: Ex-Philippine President Duterte says he may return to politics ( Bloomberg )
CN: Heroes Return : 25 Chinese soldiers killed in 1950-53 Korea return home in air ceremony ( GT )
– RUS: Arab representative head to Moscow ( from Beijing ) to continue talks with Lavrov ( TASS )
RUS: Vladimir Putin arrives in Minsk for CSTO summit ( TASS )
RUS: NordStream attack was State Terrorism – Putin ( RT )


“The US debt has entered financial pyramid mode, with only 2 ways out: hyperinflation or default”Sergei Glazyev

CN: China and Saudi Arabia sign 3Y currency-swap deal worth $7B ( Bloomberg )
CN: Singapore “de-swifts” transactions with Indonesia ( Insider )
CN: US team retracts superconductor study after Chinese challenge findings ( SCMP )
CN: Taiwan’s export orders slashed by gloom in US, EU – 14 consecutive months of decline ( SCMP )
CN: Xinjiang foreign trade hits record despite Western sanctions ( Nikkei )
CN: BYD wins contract for California all-electric school bus ( Techgoing )
RUS: Russia and China agree to double gas supplies – 100b cm ( TASS )
RUS: Russia Set for $75 billion surplus despite sanctions ( Bloomberg )
RUS: Russia’s growth shows sanctions ineffective – Amundi fund manager CIO (Reuters)
GS: Venezuela backs oil embargo on Israel – FM Yvan Gil ( IRNA )
ISR: Financing for Israel‘s tech sector takes nosedive ( Cradle )
ISR: Israel raises $6bn in borrowing bonanza to fund war against Hamas ( FT )
ISR: Former Türkish PM accuses Erdogan of double standards over oil to Israel ( Arab News )
US: Biden‘s Energy Security advisor ( Amos Hochstein ) visits Israel to discuss Gaza gas ( Haaretz )
US: Ford to scale back $3.5b Michigan battery plant, demand disappoints, labor costs rise ( CNBC )
US: Sanctions on semiconductors have turned into a China success story ( Bloomberg )
US: IMF is seriously considering increasing loans to Egypt in crisis ( Reuters )
US: Occupation force loots 50 trucks of oil from Syria ( SANA )
– EU: France backtracks on EU-only ammo for Ukraine – will purchase abroad ( Politico )
EU: Germany freezes government spending as Budget Crisis Deepens ( NYT )
EU: German house building is collapsing – could drag economy – 20% GDP, 10% jobs ( CNBC )
EU: Germany to suspend Borrowing Limit again after budget shock ( Bloomberg )
EU: Germany: The West is in decline – the West believes – US protection, Chinese trade over ( Tagesspiegel )
– EU: EU Executive approves €900m in funds to Hungary ( Reuters )
EU: Gas was cheapest for Hungarians in 2023, electricity 2nd after Bulgaria ( Hungary Today )
EU: EV Investment surges in Hungary as Chinese BYD poised to set up factory ( Bloomberg )

THE HEGEMON | Panic across the board, chaos at home

“Whatever the polls say, the world needs Biden as president” – Politico

US: Young Americans are picking up the Qur’an to understand the resilience of the Palestinians ( Guardian )
US: 5 ways Democrats are coping with Biden‘s terrible polls – Polls don’t matter (Politico) US: Won’t back down from the challenge of Putin and HamasBiden ( WaPo )
US: Pentagon turns to press flacks and academics to help fight information wars ( Wa Times )
US: The West never had a chance at winning over the World ( Bloomberg )
US: Thwarts plot to kill Sikh separatist in US, issues warning to India ( FT )
US: Two die in explosion on Rainbow Bridge after high speed crash ( Sky )
US: Explosion – terrorist attack – on Rainbow Bridge, US-CA border ( Fox )
US: No sign of terrorism in blast over Niagara Falls – Governor says ( NBC )
US: Former Obama advisor Stuart Seldovitz arrested for hate crimes ( ABC )
EU: Dublin erupts in chaos / rioting after stabbing of 2 adults, 3 children ( Irish Times )

Appendix: Down goes Argentina – Read more here ( spanish ) or here 

MILEI to the Casa Rosada: Now it's time to cry again for Argentina. Instead of a genuine wise, patriotic leader, she gets a semi-deranged loud, libertarian demagogue.

Javier Milei wins Presidential run in Argentina ( all MSM )

Milei “anarcho-capitalist” program:

– Full privatization including medicine, healthcare and transportation
– Abolish 2/3rds of government ministries, legalize sextrade, sale of children, organs
– Abandon monetary sovereignty and adopt USD as national currency ( dollarize in 2023 )
– Cancel BRICS entry, align fully with US and Israel, cut off trade with China, Russia
– Believes climate change is a scam, therefore Stocks skyrocket after election.

Milei background: 

‘El Loco’ was crazy as a kid, from a broken family, a broken society. Abused and humiliated.
– As a young man, was isolated, broke off contact with family, called them ‘parent’ or just ‘dead’.
– Without outside contact, formed a public duo with wildcat sister Karina. Mystical, messianic duo.
– He is carrying out a divine mission, dictated to him by his dead dog, Conan.
– After finishing Economist degree, worked for oligarch Eduardo Eurnekian, who promoted him on his TV channels
– His fascination with Judaism ( real or fake ) may be because his patron – said oligarch – is Jewish


Bandera mobiles from UK :

Biden zones out at Gala:

Borrell on war crimes:

Yair Lapid on terrorists:

Milei and Yeltsin Parallel:

Milei screams his head off:

Elensky survives assassination attempts:


Kirby on Genocide Joe:

China reprimands Israel at UN:


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The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post. However, we do think they are important enough to be transmitted to a wider audience.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License