Israel’s Downfall: The Shocking Truth No One Wants to Admit!

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Israel’s Downfall: The Shocking Truth No One Wants to Admit! | Scott Ritter

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Nyet Means Nyet

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Billy Bob's Blowback Roundtable

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The Lies of Burns and Moore

The Chiefs of MI6 And CIA Publish A Statement of Lies.

(This article was first published on New Eastern Outlook on September 12, 2024. It is reposted here since it has been removed from Facebook by the American censors.)

On September 7 the British and American chiefs of their secret intelligence services, Richard Moore and William Burns, released an op-ed piece in the Financial Times and, on that day took part in a live talk hosted by the same journal.  They had one common objective, to lie to their peoples and the world about the real causes of the violence and insecurity in the world, to provide them with the pretext for their attempt to rule the world.  In other words they openly displayed the conspiracy of their governments to commit aggression against anyone in the world who resists them, the supreme war crime.

Criminal actions ignored by the ICC

The criminal case for conspiracy to commit aggression can be built easily against the USA and UK from their op-ed and their interview. So let’s examine what they wrote and said for they condemned themselves out of their own mouths.  But they began their op-ed piece with this strange statement,

The facts of history distorted and denied.

Which branch of US intelligence was working with British intelligence in 1909 is not stated, but it is a complete mystery what state-on-state violence in Europe these two are referring to that occurred in 1909.  History reveals none.  But it is with this historical fantasy that they begin their propaganda piece. It gets worse from there.

They go on to refer to the close collaboration between Britain and the USA in WWI, WWII and the so called war on terrorism, in fact, their war of terrorism to try to take over the oil and other mineral supplies of the middle east and central Asia. History tells us that in fact the British and Americans were just as much rivals all through those wars as collaborators, and were often at odds on how to conduct those wars and to reap the benefits. Since Britain lost its empire right after WWII, and the Americans took over their dominance of the world, the British have been subservient to the Americans. American forces are still stationed there. They were not liked in Britain during WWII and they are not liked now. The common saying in Britain about the Americans during WWII, which reflected public feeling at the time, was that, “There are three things wrong with Americans. They are over paid, over sexed, and over here.”  That is still the opinion of many.

As for the hard struggle against terrorism, they really refer to their wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, wars against sovereign states and peoples to steal and loot their resources and markets.  The terrorism was theirs.

Their war against Ukraine and Russia, the World

They continue with this statement,

“The CIA and SIS stand together in resisting an assertive Russia and Putin’s war of aggression (sic) in Ukraine. We saw it coming, and were able to warn the international community so we could all rally to Ukraine’s defence. We carefully declassified some of our secrets as a new and effective part of this effort.”

Of course they saw it coming. They were the ones that engineered the war against Russia by expanding their NATO alliance east towards Russia in betrayal of their promises made to Russia not to do so, an obvious act of aggression, and then attacked Yugoslavia in 1999, to remove a potential Russian ally and to place their large military base, Camp Bondsteel in the Serbian heartland of Kosovo-Metohija. The attack on Yugoslavia, a brutal act of aggression, during which they also attacked China, was a phase of their war against Russia.

Their wars of aggression continued with the NATO organised coup in Ukraine of 2014, in which they overthrew the elected president and installed a gang of Nazi cutthroats in his place which immediately began an armed attack on the peoples of the eastern regions of Ukraine who refused to accept the coup or the Nazis who seized power.  The UK and US and their allies, fuelled this conflict, promoted it, provided arms and encouragement for it and are complicit in all the war crimes committed against those peoples all through the ten years since.  It was put an end to this aggression against those peoples and the threat is represented to Russia itself that Russia finally decided to enter into the conflict to put an end to it.  This is the aggression, of the US and UK, not Russia.

Secrets Revealed

As for the secrets they revealed, they must be referring to Victoria Nuland’s admission that the British and Americans told Zelensky to renege on the peace deal Ukraine and Russia had concluded in Istanbul in the spring of 2022 and to carry on the war against the Russians.  Zelensky seemed to have been carried away with his campaign promise to bring peace to Ukraine and had to be brought into line. Or maybe they are referring to Angela Merkel’s admission that the Minsk Accords, which were backed by the UN Security Council and in which President Putin put so much effort to make work, was just a ruse used to fool the Russians while NATO built up Ukraine’s army to attack Russia.

Their Propaganda

They continue with this,

“Staying the course is more vital than ever. Putin will not succeed in extinguishing Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence. Russia’s actions are a flagrant breach of the UN Charter and global norms.”

It is the UK and the USA that have extinguished Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence with the overthrow of democracy in Ukraine reducing it to their puppet state. All their actions were and are illegal and in violation of the UN Charter, whereas Russia’s actions were and are in conformity with Article 51 of the UN Charter.

They then meander off to talk about how technology is changing the war in Ukraine. What this has to do with their intentions and objectives is not clear nor why they made this frankly absurd statement since Russia has demonstrated its superiority in technology on the battlefield and has revealed that NATO weapons are just so much junk to be destroyed as soon as they are used.

NATO Sabotage

Next they state,

“Beyond Ukraine, we continue to work together to disrupt the reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe being waged by Russian intelligence, and its cynical use of technology to spread lies and disinformation designed to drive wedges between us.”

Such cynicism and outright lying is difficult comprehend when the entire world knows that it was the USA and UK that blew up the Nord Stream gas pipeline cutting off Germany and Europe from cheap natural gas supplies, an act of sabotage unequalled anywhere and they do not refer to any Russian sabotage for which there is no evidence whatsoever. As for lies and disinformation, well we know where the lies and disinformation come from.

The Threat Against China

Then they state that,

“In the 21st century, crises don’t come sequentially. While significant attention and resources are being deployed against Russia, we are acting together in other places and spaces to counter the risk of global instability.”

It is true that they are throwing everything they have short of nuclear weapons against Russia, and even threaten to use them as well. The claim they are countering global instability is unconscionable when it is they that have caused most of the wars in the world since 1945 and are causing them now.  But the real meaning of their statement appears in the next paragraph of their op-ed when they state,

“For both the CIA and SIS, the rise of China is the principal intelligence and geopolitical challenge of the 21st century, and we have reorganised our services to reflect that priority. Meanwhile, counterterrorism remains core to our partnership, and we work closely with others to protect our homelands and thwart the resurgent threat of Isis.”

What can one say about such a preposterous statement?  China is a challenge? To who, and in what way? They don’t tell us, because China is a threat to no one except the US industrialists and financiers who seek to dominate the world. British industry is declining fast, and not because of the success of China in rebuilding its economy, but because of internal contradictions in Britain, its loss of empire and cheap resources and labour power. The Americans constantly talk about free enterprise and competition in the market, but they don’t believe a word of it. It’s all dust to obscure the fact that they do not want any competition, and free enterprise to them means the complete dominance of the world economy by their companies.

As for the “resurgent threat of ISIS” again what are they talking about? It is an open secret that they created and controlled ISIS and use its vaporous existence as a pretext to invade and occupy Syria and Iraq, both illegal and brutal occupations in defiance of international law which continue to this day.

Phony Peace in the Middle East

But they continue with their lies when they claim they are seeking peace in the Middle East, while supporting the on-going Israeli genocide against the Palestinians. But Israel was partly their creation, their cat’s paw in the region. Its existence is essential for their attempt to dominate the region and they could care not care less how many people are killed by the Zionist war machine so long as that dominance is maintained. And so they push for a greater war with Iran. They are not seeking “de-escalation” but escalation, just as they are in Ukraine.

After more chaff about artificial intelligence, thrown in for no other reason but to make the op-ed piece long enough to be published and to obscure the lies that fill the rest of it, they end with,

Their Threat To Global Security

“There is no question that the international world order — the balanced system that has led to relative peace and stability and delivered rising living standards, opportunities and prosperity — is under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the cold war. But successfully combating this risk is at the very foundation of our special relationship. Trust, openness, constructive challenge, friendship. These characteristics can be relied upon into the next century, as can our shared determination to remain champions for global peace and security.”

What balance system are they talking about? They have both engaged in one war after another throughout the world since they stepped onto the world stage. Their constant aggressions against the peoples of the world have been a catastrophe for human development and progress. It is they and their wars that have held back the development of world society.  And living standards in the West are declining and have been since the fall of the Soviet Union, since the capitalists of the West found it no longer necessary to offer their workers something to make their lives easier to award off the threat of socialist revolutions in the West.

They Must Be Held Accountable

And what is their “world order” but a structure of war and violence, of chaos, of brutality, maintained by more wars and threats of wars, a destruction of international law, of the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. These men and their governments are not champions of global peace and security. They are the architects of world destruction, and it is clear they are willing to risk another world war and the death of us all to get their way so irrational have they become. They use deception and smooth words to try to fool humanity but they have failed.  They are exposed. They must be condemned, and held accountable for their crimes, before it is too late and there is no one to hold them accountable.

Christopher Black is a widely respected Canadian lawyer and activist involved in international law issues, free speech and human rights defence, and peace activities. 

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Billy Bob is a dedicated anti-imperialist activist and blogger. He hosts the Blowback roundatable.  You can reach him at his Facebook page HERE.

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HISTORY THEY HIDE FROM US: Jewish Scholar Ilan Pappe Reveals The Truth Of Modern Israel’s Origin — The 1948 Nakba Massacres

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HISTORY THEY HIDE FROM US: Jewish Scholar Ilan Pappe Reveals The Truth Of Modern Israel's Origin -- The 1948 Nakba Massacres

The horrors of the US/Israel genocide in Gaza — and now unfolding in the West Bank — are blowing the bloody mosaic of lies to pieces.

As I often note in these post, the depth of lies, myth and outright deception Americans have been subjected to about the origins and reality of the Israeli Zionist fascist state is one of the biggest PsyOps of all time. The horrors of the US/Israel genocide in Gaza — and now unfolding in the West Bank — are blowing the bloody mosaic of lies to pieces.

One of the first things for we in the United States and throughout the corporate empire of the West to do is educate ourselves about what really has happened to the Palestinians. To explore and come to grips with the extent and depth of control the fascist regime and the Zionist lobby has on our Congress — as we saw recently on cringey display with Netanyahu’s recent ‘State of the Union Address’.

We need to learn the truth and much of that truth comes from Jewish journalists, commentators and scholars like Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappe, who grew up in Israel.

Pappe has published several books on Israel and the fascist nature of Zionism. “Lobbying For Zionism” is his latest.

On 1948 | Ilan Pappe | Part I | 2018 interview

In the fascinating interview below, Pappe brings historical reality, context and perspective to the current crime of the US/Israel genocide in Gaza. The interview is from early March, so some of the facts of the genocide have changed, but his overall observations are not only valid, they are being proven out in real time.

We need to learn
We need to act.
We need to resist.

“I saw evidence that really challenged everything that I knew”

UNAPOLOGETIC / Middle East Eye (3/15/24)

Ilan Pappe shares how he came across historical documents back in 1978 that debunked Zionist myths and set him off on his journey to becoming an Israeli dissident, why what is going on in Gaza is a ‘genocide’ that is much worse than the Nakba of 1948, and why he thinks Zionism is near its end.

50-minute video

Episode Outline:
00:00 Introduction
00:30 What was the Nakba?
04:23 Zionist fabrications around the Nakba
09:15 Gaza compared to 1948 Nakba
12:12 Why did you decide to study the Nakba
14:34 Meeting Palestinian academics
17:00 False assumptions I took for granted
19:07 How did you approach the documents
21:10 how I became secure in my work and my findings
21:45 being forced out of Haifa University
24:40 life in Israel as a dissident
27:30 Getting sh*t parcels in the mail
29:30 Observations on Israeli society becoming racist
32:30 The Israeli education system indoctrinating a new society
36:25 Israel's ruthlessness in Gaza now
38:30 Gaza a strategic challenge to Zionist project
40:15 What happens in Gaza now
43:30 What Israel is doing now will lead to a strategic loss for Israel
45:00 Reasons why Zionism will come to an end

Israeli Filmmaker Eric Goldman's Documentary "Tantura" Puts The Cruelty Of The 1948 Nakba In Human Terms

(Editor’s Note: Back in early July I did a post on the documentary film “Tantura” by Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz. The film documents the horrors and crimes of the Israeli military and settlers in the Palestinian village of Tantura, during the 1948 Nakba. You can link to the post with more information on the film here. Unfortunately, the link to the full film apparently no longer works. Track it down, watch it and learn what the United States is helping to perpetuate. — Mark Taylor)

JBS (12/6/22)

Director Alon Schwarz discusses “Tantura,” his documentary as it investigates controversial events at the Palestinian village of Tantura in 1948, where survivors claimed to witness a massacre of civilians by Israeli troops.

34-minute video

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Global South Sees U.S. Congress Hail Israeli Killer of 39,000 of Their People Mostly Women and Kids   

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Jay Janson

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Netanyahu addressing a joint session of U.S. Congress on Wednesday (C-Span screenshot)

The Health Ministry in Gaza reports that as of the end of July, 2024, more than 39,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been slaughtered in Gaza by the Israeli military using hegemon U.S.A.'s mighty weapons of mass destruction.[1]

A good deal of people in the awakening Global South have learned that those tens of thousands precious Palestinian lives of mostly women and children were ordered taken by the criminally insane Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This week billions of majority Humanity watched on TV or heard of the obnoxious killer Netanyahu being welcomed by the assembled entire U.S. government that provides Israel with the bombs, missiles, guns, planes, tanks, ships, munitions, and diplomatic and military protection that has made the murder of those 39,000 fellow Global South men, women and children possible.[2]

Yes, those 39,000 dead Palestinians are now seen in the ever more sensitive awakening Global South as their fellows, fellows within the nations of the grand Global South of Africa, Asia and the Americas that were once conquered, colonised, enslaved and exploited by racist Europeans, and their overseas offspring.

Global South Lives Matter

Today, Global South lives are still considered less important than the lives of white descendants of the conquering colonialists, who have retained a substantial amount of hegemony over most of the planet largely through powerful international reach media.

This difference in the value and importance of lives is apparent in the Middle East now. For example, the lives of a hundred Israeli hostages certainly are being given much more importance than the lives of 39,000 Arabs and the 90,000 injured, including thousands of amputees, and another thousand buried under the ruble of what was the cities of Gaza.

The CIA overseen Western entertainment/news & information conglomerates [3] emphasise this difference with their coverage of the suffering of the families of the hostages, interviewing the family members at length, while rarely interviewing Arabs, many of whom have lost their entire family, and rarely if ever, mention the thousands of Palestinians, including women and children in Israeli prisons the hostages were taken to exchange with.

Whether watching British BBC, German DW, Tokyo's NHK, French TV, or NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, or PBS, the loss of thousands of Palestinian children's lives is only occasionally  mentioned within a numerical report of the ever rising statistic of dead Palestinians.

Those of us who get our news from the Internet have been reading for nine months Aljazeera's morning report of another 40 or 60 or 80 Palestinians killed overnight during an Israeli bombing of a school or other structure where hundreds of families made homeless had taken shelter with their children. One receives such horrible news with pathos, but as the killing keeps going on and on and on regardless of all outcries (in this writer's case publishing many articles about it), one fights a feeling of hopelessness frustrated without any way to stave off the horror and pain of the pitiless attacks of tomorrows stretching out into the future seemingly forever.

Netanyahu Before the U.S. Congress Emphasises the Hostages Without Mentioning the 39,000 Massacred Palestinians [2]

The genocidal level of cruelty of the American government is made clear by its having invited this bloody madman, for whom the UN International Criminal Court has asked for his arrest for crimes against humanity.[4]

The Gaza genocide, so proudly ignored in Washington, will cause the citizenry of the nations of the Global South to remember the U.S./NATO deadly destruction of oil rich Iraq and Libya, the latter having had a higher quality of living standard than nine European countries; the grim perishing of a million Syrians at the merciless hands of Islamic terrorist organisations secretly provisioned by CIA arrangements;[5] in Somalia the never ending regime change war for a warlord regime replacing a popular Islamic courts government; the decades of U.S. led occupation war in Afghanistan; the millions murdered in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; the massive bloodshed brought about in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, the bombing obliteration of all North Korean cities, and U.S. invasion of the South when the civil war was already over with the North easily prevailing for meeting little opposition; the bombing and invasions of Panama, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Grenada; the ruthless murder of the first President of a free Congo initiating 70 years of hellish civil wars. Not to mention CIA homicidal machinations overthrowing governments in Iran in 1953 and Chile in 1973.

As people in the Global South learn of monster killer Netanyahu receiving great applause during a special session of the U.S. Congress while the horrific genocide continues in Gaza, one or more other American crimes against the humanity that is the Global South will come to mind.

Global South Lives Will Soon Matter

In our now multi-polar world led by a remarkably productive China, the lives of the majority of humanity in the Global South, (until recently disrespectfully called The 'Third' World or The 'Developing' World, earlier, The 'Underdeveloped' World and still earlier The 'Undeveloped' World), are restored to the level of the ingenious human species they never were otherwise.

It would appear that the so-called Caucasian race might be thought to be on the back foot for much considering  itself of superior worth.

The lands of the non-White Global South contain the ancient empires of high civilisations of Egypt, China and India, conquered by the more primitive arising empires of the marauding Europeans, whose inhumane racism as practiced for more than five centuries, will become as non-existent as it was before the farm boy soldiers of Portugal, Spain, Holland, France and England, got to be wonder the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Temples of Egypt, Aztec Tenochtitlan and other sights of higher civilisations than their own.

But with the ancient non-recriminatory attitude inherent in Chinese culture soon to be influencing life throughout the world, peace and reciprocal admiration should replace today's and yesterday's era of confrontation.

End Notes
1. Israel-Hamas war latest: Israeli military orders evacuation of part of humanitarian zone in Gaza - Associated Press, July, 22, 2024.

2. We’re protecting you: Full text of Netanyahu’s address to Congress, Times of Israel, July 25, 2024

3. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times

4. UK won’t challenge ICC arrest warrant request for Netanyahu, Gallant, Aljazeera, July 26, 2024.

5. Wayne Madsen, John-Paul LeonardWashington’s Blog, Syrian Girl Partisan. ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth: Behind the Army of Terror, Progressive Press, October, 2016, a panel of cutting-edge researchers tell what ISIS really is, Paperback –

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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GARLAND NIXON DISPATCHES: The End of Ukraine, with Scott Ritter, Andrei Martyanov

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Garland Nixon

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Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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