Twitter Partners with UK Govt-Backed, CIA-Linked Reuters to Censor Alternative Views

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This is an article from our series on septic media

By Ben Norton

Social media giant Twitter has announced that it will work with Reuters and the Associated Press to censor supposed “misinformation” on the platform, while actively promoting news stories that they deem to be “credible.”

Both of these media outlets are reliable mouthpieces of Western governments, but Reuters takes the cozy relationship a step further.

During the first cold war, Reuters was funded by the British governmentto spread anti-Soviet propaganda and to disseminate misinformation that served UK foreign-policy interests in the Middle East and Latin America.

Today, Reuters still works closely with the British government. Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal revealed how the media company has participated in a covert UK Foreign Office information warfare program aimed at creating “attitudinal change” in Russian journalists, “weakening Russia,” and advancing NATO geopolitical goals.

It was, in fact, the publication of that factual report that led Twitter to place an unprecedented warning label on all tweets that linked to Blumenthal’s article, warning users that the materials proving Reuters’ collaboration with the British government “may have been obtained through hacking.”

Reuters’ shady activities don’t stop there. A top former official who was tasked with “the responsibility of advancing Thomson Reuters’ ability to meet the disparate needs of the U.S. Government,” Government Global Business Director Dawn Scalici, had previously served as a CIA agent for at least 33 years.

The AP is also close to Western governments, boasting a long history of echoing their dubious talking points. The newswire published numerous articles in the lead-up to the US invasion of Iraq falsely claiming that leader Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” (WMDs). A decade before, it similarly ran fake news stories on supposed Kuwaiti babies being removed from incubators by Iraqi soldiers.

This May, the AP fired its reporter Emily Wilder over her tweets criticizing Israel and her past student activism in support of Palestinian rights.

US government uses “disinformation” excuse to censor independent media
Twitter’s partnership with these thoroughly compromised institutions is part of a wider trend in which Silicon Valley tech companies align with Western governments to crack down on independent media and alternative sources of information.

Twitter’s top executive responsible for curating Middle East-related content on the platform simultaneously works with the British Army’s psychological warfare unit, the 77th Brigade, which specializes in information warfare, as Middle East Eye first revealed.

The supposed threat of “disinformation” or “misinformation” has become a key pretext for censoring independent news outlets. Hawkish, government-funded think tanks in Washington have seized the talking point to justify de-platforming and silencing voices that challenge Western corporate and foreign-policy interests.

Top US government officials and their de facto spokesmen in these think tanks have endlessly reiterated that “disinformation” poses a “national security threat.”

Under FBI orders, social media corporations have removed pages run by alternative media outlets that the US Department of Justice accused, without any evidence, of being foreign state-backed disinformation. The US government has even gone as far as unilaterally seizing their web domain names.

As The Grayzone reported, Twitter partnered with right-wing lobby groups funded by the US and European governments to censor foreign media outlets. US government propaganda organs like CIA-created Voice of America also pay Twitter to spread disinformation against Washington’s adversaries.

Twitter spreads nonstop US gov't paid propaganda, while falsely claiming it bans state media ads

Google (which owns YouTube), Facebook (which owns Instagram), and Twitter have collaborated with Western governments to censor accounts run by citizen journalists in Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and other countries targeted by Washington for regime change and destabilization.

The transparent hypocrisy of Silicon Valley corporations teaming up with compromised media outlets to censor independent voices was clearly demonstrated when Facebook brought on the neoconservative website The Weekly Standard to serve as a “fact-checker.”

RELATED CONTENT: Twitter’s Attempt to Suppress Grayzone Reporting Backfires as Warning Label Becomes Meme

Founded by pro-war lobbyist Bill Kristol, The Weekly Standard was branded the “neocon bible” for publishing fake news to sell the Iraq War and advance maximalist US foreign-policy goals. (Another unaccountable Big Tech conglomerate, Wikipedia and its corporate-backed Wikimedia Foundation, lists The Weekly Standard as a “reliable” source on par with top newspapers, while allowing a coterie of politically motivated editors to blacklist The Grayzone.)

With the backing of increasingly authoritarian Western governments, these Big Tech institutions have waged a systematic war on freedom of press and speech, censoring alternative viewpoints – especially when they challenge Washington’s bipartisan foreign-policy consensus.

UK government funded Reuters to spread cold war propaganda
On August 2, Twitter announced that it “is collaborating with The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters to expand our efforts to identify and elevate credible information.”

The Silicon Valley corporation explained that it has a “Curation team” that “sources and elevates relevant context from reliable sources” to “add reliable context to conversations” and “debunk misinformation.”

The Big Tech giant admitted that it works with large corporate media conglomerates to tweak its algorithm to prevent certain talking points from going viral.

What Twitter did not mention in its press release is that Reuters has a history of receiving direct funding from the United Kingdom to spread propaganda. Reuters itself admitted this fact.

In January 2020, the media outlet published a report acknowledging, “The British government secretly funded Reuters in the 1960s and 1970s at the behest of an anti-Soviet propaganda unit linked to British intelligence and concealed the funding by using the BBC to make the payments, declassified government documents show.”

“The money was used to expand Reuters coverage of the Middle East and Latin America and hidden by increased news subscription payments to Reuters from the BBC,” the company wrote.

RELATED CONTENT: Twitter Suspends Incoming Venezuelan Parliament Account

Reuters received money from the Information Research Department (IRD), which it described as a “British anti-Soviet propaganda unit with close ties to British intelligence.”

An internal document shows London knew it was getting its money’s worth: “HMG’s [Her Majesty’s Government’s] interests should be well served by the new arrangement,” it said, adding that Reuters “could and would provide” what London wanted.

And this is not Reuters’ only link to Western spy agencies. Reuters also has close ties to the CIA.

From 2015 to 2018, Reuters employed longtime CIA agent Dawn Scalici as “the company’s first Government Global Business Director.”

Reuters said Scalici was “charged with the responsibility of advancing Thomson Reuters’ ability to meet the disparate needs of the U.S. Government,” adding that “she develops strategic relationships with government sector constituents and key decision-makers, develops campaigns to promote Thomson Reuters’ business growth, and works with the company’s senior executives to determine relevant strategic goals and plans.”

The media outlet continued: “Prior to joining Thomson Reuters, Ms. Scalici served 33 years with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In her last federal assignment, she served as the National Intelligence Manager for the Western Hemisphere within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). In this role, she was responsible for overseeing national intelligence for an area of responsibility spanning from the Arctic to the tip of South America, including the US Homeland.”

In 2019, Scalici moved on to CIA contractor McKinsey & Company, where she currently serves as “Head of Diligence.”

Reuters helps run secret UK Foreign Office information warfare operation
When it announced its formal partnership with Reuters and the AP, Twitter listed a series of tools that it has in its information curation arsenal. One of these is the use of “labels” to tag content it dubs “misinformation” or claims needs “informative context.”

Ironically, the world saw exactly how this new form of soft-censorship-by-label works when The Grayzone reported on Reuters’ secret work with the British government.

In February 2021, The Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal published an investigation titled “Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to ‘weaken Russia,’ leaked docs reveal.”

Leaked internal documents from the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, published by a group calling itself Anonymous, showed how Reuters and the other media outlets are instruments in a British information warfare operation explicitly aimed to “weaken the Russian State’s influence.”

The documents revealed that the Thomson Reuters Foundation “was in constant communication with the British Embassy in Moscow, to assess levels of risk, including reputational risk to the embassy.”

As part of its agreement with London, Reuters helped to create and manage a network of anti-government reporters and media activists inside Russia. The program sought to create “attitudinal change in the participants,” while also promoting a “positive impact” on their “perception of the UK.”

In response to The Grayzone’s factual reporting, Twitter decided for the first time ever to put a warning label on all tweets that link to Blumenthal’s article, claiming “These materials may have been obtained through hacking.”

The censorial warning label triggered a mini-scandal on Twitter, and inadvertently transformed into a meme. Hundreds of users have posted the article with unrelated images, comically labeling them potentially hacked materials.

Twitter’s burgeoning relationship with the subjects of the Grayzone investigation it soft censored, however, is no laughing matter.

Featured image: File Photo

(The Grayzone)

Ben Norton is a journalist and writer. He is a reporter for The Grayzone, and the producer of the Moderate Rebels podcast, which he co-hosts with Max Blumenthal. His website is, and he tweets at @BenjaminNorton.
The views expressed herein are solely those of the author completely endorsed  by The Greanville Post. 

—The Editor, The Greanville Post
—The Editor, The Greanville Post

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Western left intellectuals and their love affair with the attempted ‘color revolution’ in Cuba

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Analysis by Josh Bergeron`

July 26, 2021 

Cuban cartoon lampooning foreign support for counter revolutionaries

Chicago, IL -
Noam Chomsky, Gilbert Achcar, Paul Le Blanc, Suzi Weissman, Tithi Bhattacharya, Charlie Post, Robert Brenner, Gayatri Spivak, Alex Callinicos, Ashley Smith, Eric Toussaint, Marc Cooper, Etienne Balibar. These are a handful of the over 500 signatories on an open letter directed to the blockaded Cuban government on July 12 demanding "respect for the democratic rights of all Cuban people" and the release of "dissident Marxist" Frank García Hernández and his comrades from jail after the protests of July 11.

These signatories are high-profile academic socialists in the U.S. and Europe, featured prominently in the publication catalogue of Verso and Haymarket Books, or on the editorial boards of online journals like New Politics, Tempest, Spectre, Socialist Worker, and other ex-International Socialist Organization (ISO)-now-Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Socialist Equality Party, or UK Socialist workers Party related outlets. Their work also frequently appears in more mainstream left outlets, such as Jacobin and the Nation. Their opinions on the left reach a wide audience and, in some cases, carry significant weight.

And while these signatories differ among themselves over their characterization of the Cuban government and its revolutionary tradition - ranging from the view that Cuba is a “state capitalist” entity that harbors no revolutionary potential, to the view that the once-revolutionary state has become an intransigent bureaucracy that is still preferable to the neoliberal model - all seem to find common ground with co-signer Gilbert Achcar’s warning about “the anti-imperialism of fools.”

Their petition circulation effort drew major support on social media in the days after the initial protests in Cuba, helping to stitch together a left-reinforcement to the edifice of the mainstream press, which described the event as an uprising by "political dissidents'' against an "oppressive bureaucratic regime" in the pursuit of democracy and freedom of expression. The definition of “freedom” pursued and the political orientation of the protesters in question differed between the tales spun by the New York Times and those of the Socialist Worker, but the story was the same: Repressive government arbitrarily detains political dissidents.

Gilbert Achcar —thankfully he's already known as a fifth columnist. The classical anti-anti-imperialist.

And while these signatories differ among themselves over their characterization of the Cuban government and its revolutionary tradition - ranging from the view that Cuba is a “state capitalist” entity that harbors no revolutionary potential, to the view that the once-revolutionary state has become an intransigent bureaucracy that is still preferable to the neoliberal model - all seem to find common ground with co-signer Gilbert Achcar’s warning about “the anti-imperialism of fools.”

Achcar condemns those who oppose U.S. imperialism no matter its target, because he believes this misses the “nuanced” view that U.S. imperialism might be instrumentalized by popular movements in the pursuit of their own liberation. Our “knee-jerk” rejection of the notion that any positive could ever come from the machinations of empire, in Achcar’s formulation, puts us in the camp of “defending murderous regimes.” Ostensibly, sharing co-signature real estate with the likes of Achcar would suggest that the other petitioners agree with him that anti-imperialism is not always a principled position and the events in Cuba are an example of a situation in which they do not want to end up on the side of “fools.” So without further investigation, they and 500 others signed an open letter condemning the Cuban government for its “repression and arbitrary detentions” of “critical communists.”

An alternate view from the ground

On July 17, a different narrative emerged from the mouths of Frank García Hernández's Cuban colleagues themselves. The Comunistas collective Editorial Board, of which García Hernández is a founder, published an account of events that was much more balanced and far less negative in its appraisal of the Cuban government and its response to the protests than the narrative that was promoted by the petition’s signatories. Rather than a repressive response to an organic anti-state uprising, they portray the events of July 11 as unprecedented protests with a variety of origins and compositions, some legitimate and others manufactured. In their account, the protests were composed of three flanks: a small group of U.S.-funded counterrevolutionaries with massive reach and influence, a small group of anti-state intellectuals with legitimate grievances that were co-opted by the reactionaries, and a much larger group of "non-political" demonstrators demanding an end to austerity and shortages a crisis which the Comunistas Editorial Board attributes, with some reservations, almost entirely to the exacerbating U.S. blockade and global pandemic. In short, the most explicitly anti-government slogans and orientations were crafted and carried by the U.S.-funded counterrevolutionaries, whereas the majority of the demonstrators lacked a cohesive political consciousness and simply wanted a reprieve from their very real material hardships. As the Editorial Board asserts, "The protests did not represent a majority. Most of the Cuban population continues to support the government."

Notably, this closely mirrors the public address of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who stated, “The protests involve many revolutionary citizens who want an explanation for the current situation in the country, but are also contaminated by groups of opportunists who take advantage of the current crisis to undermine order and generate chaos.” And while Díaz-Canel expressed full faith in the Cuban people to engage in productive dialogue to resolve the present crises, his calls for revolutionaries to take to the streets to defend the nation against opportunistic attacks and U.S.-financed subversion campaigns was met with scorn from the self-described “anti-campist” or “third campist” Western left.

For these Western left critics of the Cuban state, Díaz-Canel’s calls for popular defense of national sovereignty represented a cynical demand by the Cuban state for its supporters to engage in vigilante violence against dissidents like Frank García Hernández. The fact that Frank’s comrades - who engage in frequent criticism of the Cuban government themselves - did not subscribe to this narrative of events nevertheless did not discourage the petitioners from propagating the perspective that Frank García Hernández’s arrest was the smoking gun evidence of Cuba’s authoritarian roundup of “critical communists.”

Arbitrary detention or safeguarding the revolution?

No such roundup took place. The arrests that did occur followed outbreaks of violence and vandalism after mostly peaceful and unharassed protests in a number of cities, which the Comunistas collective describes as: "Violent groups carried out acts of vandalism, attacking communist militants and government supporters with sticks and stones." The Cuban police and defenders of the revolution engaged in kind. In other words, according to this collective of Cuban critics of the state, the violence was largely carried out by counterrevolutionary forces against government supporters and other communist partisans. This resulted in scattered arrests.

The Trotskyist paper LeftVoice was quick to jump into the anti-Cuban camp. This is par for the course for Trotskyist factions, grouplets on the ultraleft perennially disapproving of "Stalinist regimes". The sensationalist report on García Hernández' arrest followed the same distorted script as encountered on the NYTimes or CNN, and the rest of the bourgeois press.

This is a far cry from the narratives emerging out of the U.S. corporate media and academic left circles, which characterized the violence as a one-sided repressive crackdown by an intransigent bureaucratic "regime" and its paid supporters against dissidents striving for freedom and plenty.

Nevertheless, Frank García Hernández and some others were arrested - the catalyst for the petition. Frank's comrades at the Comunistas collective address this too. It turns out, García Hernández was not arrested for being a "dissident" participant in the protests. In fact, García Hernández is a member of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) who merely watched but did not partake in the protests and was arrested by “confusion” as he put it. Frank García Hernández and another intellectual named in the petition, LGBTQ activist Maykel González Vivero, who did participate in the protests, were picked up after a nearby act of counterrevolutionary violence resulted in injuries and vandalism late in the night. By García Hernández’s own admission, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The next day they easily proved their innocence and were released without incident. According to his colleagues at Comunistas collective, "During his little more than 24 hours of detention, Frank affirms that he did not receive physical abuse, nor any type of torture." No other person associated with the publication was arrested or targeted.

But here a key detail emerges. Frank's release actually preceded the publication of the open letter demanding his release by his "comrades" in the U.S. and Europe. And while Comunistas collective maintained their own criticisms of the Cuban government, their characterization of the genesis of the protests, the response of the government to the protests, and the appraisal of the revolutionary process in general, differ significantly from the ostensibly "progressive" critics of the Cuban government in the U.S. and Europe who organized the petition to release their friend who had in fact already been released. Again, these significant discrepancies have not been addressed by any of the prominent signatories and circulators of the petition.

In fact, on July 17, the day that the Comunistas blog collective published their retrospective of the protests and arrests, some of the U.S.-based petition endorsers republished the original petition in Tempest Magazine without mention of any of the above critical divergences from on-the-ground reports. Further, the editorial board of Tempest broadened the appeal to a call for the release of “all detainees in Cuba.” Even the Comunistas collective demanded only the release of the detainees “as long as they have not committed actions that have threatened the lives of other people.”

In the week that followed the July 11 protests, the Open Letter left were confronted with an excess of evidence and investigative research documenting the existence of U.S. alphabet agency subversion projects, tens of millions of dollars funneled into counter-revolutionary activities, coup-propagating social media bot farms and other examples of hybrid warfare that served as the backdrop of the unrest. And yet, they maintained their political line that all arrests were arbitrary and illegitimate. One signatory even asserted that the duty of the left in the West is to support all such protests, “whatever people's politics involved in these struggles - against whatever states and ruling classes, even those who falsely claim the mantle of ‘socialism.’” This is, of course, a tacit endorsement of the reactionary tail that wags the dog of these astroturfed “color revolutions,” disguised as they are as organic movements of workers and oppressed peoples.

Whither opposition to empire?

Taken in isolation, a charitable reading could view signing such an open letter as a political slip-up brewed in the fog of war that is a developing foreign event. But for many of the most prominent left signatories, this was the only public statement or call to action made regarding the unprecedented events in Cuba. Too few matched their outrage of the arrests with equal outrage over the ongoing illegal blockade of the island by the U.S., and even fewer (close to none) circulated open letters or petitions calling for anti-imperialist solidarity with Cuban sovereignty against the now well-documented imperialist provocations that played an important role in the outbreak and international media coverage of the protests in Cuba.

Even after statements of support for the gains of the Cuban revolution came from all corners of the world, demanding an end to the illegal blockade and hybrid warfare, the signatories spared little attention for the very real threat of escalating imperialist intervention. When the mayor of Miami called on the U.S. government to bomb Havana, none of the open letter endorsers change their tune. None came to the defense of Black Lives Matter after the organization’s condemnation of the U.S. blockade brought them heavy backlash. At most, as in the petition itself, the blockade and imperial provocations were mentioned as an almost unrelated preamble to the real point, despite their absolute centrality. No open letter was signed and circulated by this group of Western academic leftists demanding an end to the blockade after the 29th consecutive UN General Assembly majority vote to end the economic siege in June, and neither was there an effort on their part to circulate the campaign to send millions of much-needed syringes to the island to help put Cuban-made COVID vaccines into Cuban arms. When President Joe Biden announced that he would not change course on Cuba and called the nation a “failed state” without reference to the blockade, they issued no scathing open letter. They did not collectively come to the defense of a patriotic Cuban woman who was censored on Twitter after she demanded that the UN Human Rights Council stop using her image as the symbol for the anti-government protesters, when in reality she was in the streets of Cuba defending her revolution. Similarly, their silences on the ongoing violent U.S.-backed state repression of a months-long popular uprising in Colombia, or the years-long popular uprising in Haiti, grew more pronounced with the circulation of this petition. Their priorities were laid bare.

When confronted on social media about this unfortunate discrepancy between stated ideological commitments and real political actions, many of these prominent signatories responded by blocking, unfriending, ignoring, or dismissing criticisms and questions. When they did respond, it was often full of slanders against “tankies” and “Stalinists” and strangely even one reference to Assad. Those that disagreed were accused of supporting “repression” and “ignoring voices on the ground.” No intellectually honest reference was made to the voices on the ground of the 100,000 Cubans who took to the streets of Havana in defense of their revolution. No mea culpas were issued after even Reuters was forced to admit that the media had fallen for lies and manipulations about the protests and the repression that ostensibly followed. Their perception of events, one must assume, remains the same as it was on July 12. Their own political orthodoxy, it seems, left little room for "dissident Marxists" engaging them in criticism among comrades.

On July 22, U.S. President Joe Biden announced a new round of sanctions on Cuba, which he promised were “just the beginning.” The Biden administration’s intransigence - and its cynical hypocrisy in denouncing “mass detentions and sham trials” in Cuba that presumably does not describe the U.S,-run torture camp known as Guantanamo Bay - saw a rapidly organized response in the pages of the New York Times on July 23. In a full-page advert, the People’s Forum, Code Pink, the ANSWER Coalition and over 400 “former heads of state, politicians, intellectuals, scientists, members of the clergy, artists, musicians and activists from across the globe,” issued an open letter to the U.S. government demanding the end to its economic warfare against the Cuban people. Here is an example of the kind of public statement with prominent endorsers that places the responsibility for human rights abuses at the feet of U.S. imperialism and that expresses solidarity with the working and oppressed people of the globe who resist empire. A rare few signatories of the July 12 petition directed against the Cuban government did sign the “Let Cuba Live” letter in the New York Times, including Noam Chomsky. One can only wonder what the political priorities are of those who condemn the imperialism of their own government only after first making demands and criticisms upon the targets of that imperialism.

Beware the “anti-anti-imperialist left”

File this away as one more example of Western academic socialists and progressives being captured by the ideological manipulations of U.S. State Department propaganda and their own internalized colonial chauvinism toward revolutionary projects in the Global South. Other targets of these petitions and open letters in recent years and months have been Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Bolivia. Notably, all are targets of ongoing and well-documented subversion operations, economic sanctions and electoral interference by the United States, something that is rarely remarked upon by the signatories. The outraged open letter from prominent leftist intellectuals making demands upon anti-imperialist counties and other targets of Western imperialism is one of the most insidious and effective propaganda efforts by non-state actors in the imperial core, as it serves to confuse and disorient the broader left within the belly of the beast, weakening our capacity to collectively undermine and resist the U.S. empire, thus relegating the burden of the struggle against imperialism to the revolutionary peoples of the Global South alone. This is a dereliction of our revolutionary duties.

As progressives and revolutionaries living within the empire, we must express an unqualified and unwavering solidarity with Cuba and all targets of U.S. imperialism, and we must organize to put an end to U.S., aggression, political interference and economic strangulation so that Cuba and all working and oppressed peoples of the world can breathe.

In Sum:
Beware the “anti-anti-imperialist left” As is customary for the pseudo left that rejects all really existing socialist states, on the usual charge of "authoritarianism", far too many Liberals, socdems, Trotskyists and anarchists of various stripes piled on the anti-anti-imperialist wagon to accuse Cuba of human rights violations, thereby providing credibility to the spurious claims of imperialist disinformers. This is simply shameful.

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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Keith Olbermann Wants Jimmy Dore Banned From All Platforms

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Caitlin Johnstone

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Proving once again he doesn’t care who he has to step on to claw his way to rock bottom, fallen liberal media hero Keith Olbermann has called for the complete removal of left wing comedian and podcaster Jimmy Dore from all internet platforms.

“Time to ban this feral succubus Jimmy Dore from Twitter and other platforms,” Olbermann told his one million Twitter followers on Friday.

Olbermann’s wrath was incurred by a short video clip bizarrely described as “misogynistic” in which Dore portrayed out of touch liberal elitist Emma Vigeland as an out of touch liberal elitist, saying that if people like her ever tried to bring their esoteric university Marxist wankery around actual working class people they’d get punched in the face and told to go back to their cul-de-sac. It probably also didn’t help that Dore has done multiple segments on Olbermann’s slide into flag-draped gibbering lunacy following the election of Donald Trump, including his public apology to war criminals George W Bush and John McCain, his demented Russia hysteria, and his support for NSA surveillance of US media figures.

“Someone got their feelings hurt and now they wanna censor their critics like a regular authoritarian fascist,” Dore responded to Olbermann’s post.

You can always count on the less reality-anchored pundits to say out loud what the rest are thinking in private. Support for internet censorship is now a mainstream position among the so-called “moderates” of the warmongering corporatist Democratic Party, not just for people to their right but for people to their left as well. If it were up to these freaks the entire internet would just be a bunch of Wall Street liberals agreeing with each other that Trump is bad and Jen Psaki is a strong yet sensual warrior princess.

The Emma Vigeland tweet that Dore was riffing on in the clip was more hand-wringing about a “red-brown alliance” that all grown adults should realize by now was never anything other than a narrative management campaign to keep leftists from moving too far from the establishment-authorized Overton window of acceptable opinion. For years a strain of western leftist thought has been shrieking hysterically about an impending alliance between socialists and fascists, and yet the only evidence they’ve been able to produce in all that time that this is happening are things like Glenn Greenwald going on Tucker Carlson, Dore interviewing an antiwar Boogaloo Boy one time, and me making some mistakes early on in my writing career. Only by the most determined mental gymnastics is this anywhere remotely close to the same universe as the Night of the Long Knives Strasserism fantasy that “red-brown alliance” fearmongers have been masturbating to, and it’s time for everyone to admit that they were wrong about this imaginary threat.

And while everyone was freaking out about the idea of imaginary fascism sneaking in through the back window, actual fascism strolled through the front door. More and more excuses are being invented to censor, deplatform and marginalize everyone outside the Overton window of war, oligarchy, ecocide and oppression, and more and more people within that window are becoming increasingly comfortable with the idea. Internet censorship, jailing journalists for telling the truth about the powerful, mind-warping mass propaganda campaigns and rapidly escalating authoritarianism are all becoming normalized throughout our society, and it can’t lead anywhere good.

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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 

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Jimmy Dore sounds the alarm (Must watch videos)

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Wherever and whenever you leave capitalism to its own devices, to follow its natural dynamic, it creates immense wealth for a tiny minority and increasing economic security and squalor for the vast majority. It also gives birth to a new beast, imperialism, and the endless wars this system inevitably generates. Only mass organizing by the 99% can ever hope to push back against this malignant anti-democratic force at the summit of our supposedly "democratic" societies. 
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Deconstructing Michael Harrington, Mr Faux Socialism


Our comrade Bruce Lerro is constantly seeking (and producing) materials to guide the struggle in the midst of the current global and historical emergency. His work as a scout is notable and invaluable. This is what he writes to introduce one of his latest recommendations, focusing on a man—Michael Harrington— the bourgeois press and establishment long sanctified as "Mr Socialism".  The fact they were so willing to lavish praise and publicity on Harrington (and his equally harmless predecessor, Norman Thomas) gives the game away, so to speak, at least for those who understand politics above the misleading superficialities peddled by the mainstream media. 
—The Editor
—The Editor

There are now almost 100,000 members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Because of this, the author of a critical biography of its founder is timely. The criticisms of Harrington are overwhelmingly true of the DSA today. Its anti-communism drives it to still support the Democratic Party in spite of the fact the party today is far more right-wing than it was in Harrington’s day. In Harrington’s day supporting Palestine was considered antisemitic. DSA’s support of Palestine today is more the effect of the brutal Israeli policy for decades than an internal change of heart on the part of DSA. —Bruce Lerro, Socialist Planning Beyond Capitalism

Michael Harrington’s Failure of Vision

Interview with Doug Greene, author of a new biography of Michael Harrington.

Harrington seemingly trove for the aesthetics but not the substance of real revolutionary socialism. The harried, embattled intellectual look was one he apparently cultivated.

Doug Greene, A Failure of Vision: Michael Harrington and the Limits of Democratic Socialism (London: Zero Books, 2022)

For readers unfamiliar with the name, who was Michael Harrington?

Michael Harrington was the most important American democratic socialist of the latter half of the 20th century. He was the author of 14 books on politics, history, and socialism. His most famous book was The Other America (published in 1962), which was an exposé of poverty in the United States. The Other America influenced the Great Society and War on Poverty programs of the 1960s. So Harrington’s impact extended very much into the mainstream of U.S. politics.

Harrington was, however, not only a public intellectual but also a political activist. From the early 1950s to his death in 1989, he was involved in a number of organizations. He was a member of the Socialist Party, becoming its chairman at the end of the 1960s. He was also the founder of both the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

Lastly, Harrington was not only a political activist but also a democratic socialist theorist. His theory of “democratic Marxism” was meant to supply a philosophy and strategy for the U.S. Left and the labor bureaucracy. The key to this was the idea of “realignment,” which, to put it simply, was meant to transform the Democratic Party into a social democratic party, one that would in turn create a welfare state and, finally, socialism. In reality realignment was a nonstarter. It has been nothing but a rationalization for reformism, opportunism, and apologetics for imperialism. In other words, the key word in “democratic Marxism” is “democratic,” since Harrington’s ideas lead to the death of revolutionary politics and subordination to the Democrats.

How did Harrington respond to the most important political questions of his day?

For the radical generation that came of age in the 1960s, Vietnam was a touchstone issue. Harrington was detested by radicals in the antiwar movement. Now, he sometimes gets accused of supporting the Vietnam War. If we look through his writings, however, we’ll find all sorts of statements opposing the war. What I think is key here is not whether Harrington supported the Vietnam War, but how he went about opposing the war.

As we know, Harrington focused his energies on the Democratic Party. That meant he saw liberals such as President Johnson as potential allies, and he was willing to play on their terms. For Harrington, an antiwar movement could not welcome communists, break the law, or advance any revolutionary politics. He refused to see the Democrats as complicit in the war. In other words, Harrington refused to consider any concrete action that could actually end the war. The antiwar movement had to stay respectable and within proper limits, lest it embarrass potential liberal allies. Only after 1968, when large swaths of the public and the establishment saw the war as unwinnable - and a Republican was in the White House - did Harrington come out against it.

When it came to Israel, Harrington supported Zionism going back to the 1940s. Harrington’s various democratic socialist groups, including DSA, have also supported Israel. Now, Harrington leaned toward a “socialist” Zionism represented by the Israeli Labour Party and Yitzhak Rabin. Harrington’s position on Israel was part and parcel of his democratic socialist politics, which generally aligned with NATO and “democratic” capitalists, and opposed to the forces of “totalitarian” communism.

Harrington was fervently opposed to the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Yasser Arafat, believing them to be anti-Semitic. With a few exceptions, Harrington opposed Third World national liberation movements, seeing them as potentially totalitarian and Stalinist. Ironically, he admitted that democratic socialism had little chance of becoming a viable option in the Third World.

Harrington’s project to establish social democracy in the U.S. was a failure, so he was little known beyond small circles of leftists. I think it’s safe to say that 10 or even five years ago, you would not have written a whole book about him. I certainly would not have read such a book. So why is Harrington becoming relevant again?

You’re right, I never would have written about Harrington just a few years ago. Both him and DSA were largely irrelevant to the U.S. Left. Since 2016, with Sanders’s first campaign and the election of Donald Trump, DSA has grown to nearly 100,000 members, becoming the largest nominally socialist organization in the United States since the height of the Communist Party in the 1940s and Students for a Democratic Society in the 1960s. For better or worse, DSA shapes a great deal of debate on the U.S. Left regarding politics, strategy, and socialism. And in that mix, Harrington’s legacy casts a very long shadow. So it is very important to discuss who Harrington was as well as his ideas and their damaging legacy.

How do you see Harrington’s ideas specifically informing the strategies of Jacobin magazine and the majority leadership of the DSA?

The founder of Jacobin, Bhaskar Sunkara, has acknowledged Harrington as a major influence on the journal’s politics. At times, Jacobin has welcomed more revolutionary voices, but their dominant politics are very much social democratic: advocating working inside the Democratic Party, championing Bernie Sanders, etc.

The ubiquitous AOC is a member of DSA, providing left credibility to the corrupt Democrats.

Most DSA members likely don’t know who Harrington is and probably haven’t read a line by him. There may be isolated exceptions, but his ideas of reformism and working inside the Democratic Party remain very much the common sense of DSA. The strategies today referred to as “party surrogate” or “dirty break” are just updated versions of Harrington’s realignment strategy. Basically, this strategy argues for building DSA as a party within the Democrats: its members will be elected inside the Democratic Party, and they will eventually gain enough strength to split off and form a new socialist party.

In practice, the party surrogate/dirty break strategy is nebulous. DSA members who are elected as Democrats, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, don’t seem to be in on it — they just consider themselves Democrats and act as such. Furthermore, many of the advocates of the dirty break, such as Eric Blanc, ended up campaigning not only for Bernie Sanders but also for Joe Biden. Like realignment, the dirty break was an excuse for kowtowing to the Democrats and surrendering socialist politics. In reality, the dirty break has ended up with all dirt and no break.

In Harrington’s time, what were revolutionaries’ most effective arguments against his reformist ideas?

I think the best were provided by members of the then Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party in the 1970s, particularly George Novack and Peter Camejo. Novack did an excellent job showcasing how Harrington took the revolutionary heart out of Marxism in terms of philosophy, economics, and politics.

Novack showed that such revisionism would ultimately lead to forgetting the class nature of the Democrats:

Imagine Marx’s indignation at the spectacle of a so-called Socialist Party divided over which capitalist ticket to support in the most vicious capitalist country in the world! What a theme for satire!... The Democrats and Republicans represent capitalist ideology. That’s correct but it’s rather superficial. These parties are the major defenders of the interests of the big-businessmen, bankers, racists, and sexists who rule the United States. That’s what’s wrong with them. That’s what every socialist recognizes as the beginning of wisdom, as the beginning of action, as the beginning of organization. If you don’t understand this elementary fact of political life you can go astray very, very easily. If you’re hooked in by the argument of the lesser evil, which turns out to be the greater evil once these capitalist politicians are in office, you’ll not only go from bad to worse.

As for Camejo, I think he put it best when he told Harrington that you will never get to socialism by supporting a capitalist party:

I think Mr. Harrington, who’s a Democrat, who votes Democrat, supports the Democratic party, should call himself what he is: a Democrat.

And that means to defend capitalism. I know he doesn’t want to do that. I know that in his ideology he would like to see socialism. We will never get socialism by supporting capitalism. You will never win equal rights for women by supporting sexists. You will never win the end of racism by supporting racists — even if there are worse racists and worse sexists.

There are many other arguments that both Novack and Camejo make against Harrington, but I think these are the most important.

Are there any points where Sunkara and other students of Harrington have serious differences with the old versions of “democratic socialism” and realignment?

In terms of Sunkara and Jacobin, I think there is a difference in that they sometimes look nostalgically at the socialist and communist past. You can see this when they run articles commemorating the Russian Revolution and Lenin. That’s something Harrington really wouldn’t do. I should add, however, that Jacobindoesn’t let that nostalgia translate into any advocacy for revolution today. Rather, you can find plenty of articles in Jacobin advocating popular frontism, reformism, and work inside the Democratic Party. Maybe in the fine print, there’s talk about independent politics, but not in the here and now. In that sense, Jacobin really isn’t too far from Harrington.

Harrington was also revived in the debate about Kautsky. This was not really about Kautsky per se, but rather about whether socialists should support the Democrats. Considering the DSA’s historical anticommunism, a theoretical authority for supporting the Democrats cannot come from Stalin, Togliatti, Browder, or Dimitrov. Kautsky does provide such a Marxist authority for the new reformism, since he is untainted by communism. By 1914, if not earlier, Kautsky had broken with any semblance of revolutionary politics and come around to a reformist position.

Kautsky’s advocates in DSA use him as a stand-in to advocate a “democratic road to socialism,” which in practice means supporting Biden. Harrington’s actual politics are little different from what’s being promoted by the Kautsky champions now. Maybe the name of Michael Harrington has too much baggage or is just too obscure to make the case for the new reformism.

Do you think the Democratic Party of today is different from what it was in Harrington’s time?

My short answer is no. The Democrats were a capitalist party in Harrington’s time, and they still are today. They still defend the interests of the bourgeoisie, implement racist policies, and conduct wars. That hasn’t changed. What does make the Democrats slightly different from the Republicans is that they use their facade as the “party of the people” to gain popular legitimacy for carrying out imperialist policies. Both in Harrington’s time and today, the Democrats are quite successful in co-opting and deradicalizing any potential opposition that may develop, whether that be Jesse Jackson or Bernie Sanders. Harrington’s strategy of realignment will lead to the same end of transforming socialists into loyal foot soldiers of the Democratic Party. Working among the Democrats does not and will not work to advance the politics of socialism.

Harrington is still probably best remembered for The Other America. Now that you have studied so much of his work, is there anything you would genuinely recommend for young socialists to study?

A short answer is that Harrington’s work has been immensely damaging for socialism. While Harrington was a very good writer and popularizer, I don’t think there’s much value in the politics he popularized. In terms of Marxism, socialism, revolution, and reform, not to mention his positions on the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and Zionism, Harrington got practically everything wrong. So I think he can serve only as a negative example for socialists and communists today.

That being said, I think we should read and learn from those we disagree with. In terms of Harrington’s work, I think The Other America is actually worth reading since it is his most famous work. By reading it, you can see how he framed his understanding of poverty and how to combat it in a liberal way. I’d also recommend his 1970 work Socialism, which really does an excellent job explaining his revisionist understanding of Marx, Third World struggles, and the reformist road to socialism. His last book, Socialism: Past and Future, goes over much the same ground, but I think it’s more fleshed out earlier.

For criticism of Harrington, I’d recommend the aforementioned Novack and Camejo. I hope my book also provides a dissection and refutation of Harrington and his worldview. And call me old-fashioned, but I’d also suggest a reading of Lenin’s What Is to Be Done, State and Revolution, and Rosa Luxemburg’s Reform and Revolution to provide ammunition against the reformism Harrington represents.

Ultimately, communists need to understand Harrington’s politics so we can refute it both theoretically and practically.


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