The American Farce Unravels: Shreds of January 6th

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Jim Kavanagh

Trumpers storming the US Capitol building. Whatever they were, calling them terrorists or putschists is to cynically mislead the public.

The storming of the Capitol on January 6th by Trump supporters was an acceleration in the unraveling of the American political regime and the fantastic ideology that sustains it. Unfortunately, the likeliest result, in the short term at least, is that the regime will knit itself a tighter coat of control, with the help, sadly, of a large number of professed “progressives” who are rushing to bolster an imperial center that cannot, and should not, hold.

This event, which featured a cast of costumed characters that turned the Capitol into the Mos Eisley Cantina for a couple of hours, was the culmination of five years of farcical politics increasingly unhinged from the ability to think reasonably about, let alone effectively address, the real dangers and injustices accumulating in our country and the world, The ground work of that was decades of the Fox vs. CNN/MSNBC universe of mutually-assured ideological degradation

That Was the Year That Was

Since the last smack in the face of status quo politics—Trump’s election in 2016—Donald Trump has been the not-so-still point in the center of a political-media universe that was all too happy to revolve around, and define itself about, him, at the cost of vast swaths of American people and politicians losing their damn minds.

For four years, his “leadership” consisted of tweeting about how great he was, and what a genius he was, and what wonderful people racists are, and how he was going to drain the swamp, and telling it like it is about the rotten establishment, and how great he was. Somehow this was enough to nourish a cult of personality among a swath of people who saw how great he was because he was so hated by the Clintonite Democratic and RINO establishment they hated, and he was surely going to drain the swamp, and QAnon knew the plan. This, even though he did nothing but surround himself with tax-cutting, ultra-wealthy, American-exceptionalist and uber-zionist swamp creatures who did nothing to keep most people from sinking further into the muck, except give the arms manufacturers and Netanyahu everything they wanted. But he tells it like it is. Delusional.

During the same four years, the “opposition” party mounted a #Resistance based on the proposition that Trump was an agent of Vladimir Putin, who, along with Julian Assange and Susan Sarandon, had stolen the election from Hillary by hoodwinking a mere 80,000 people in three states with Buff Bernie memes and true “disinformation” (DNC emails). This was buttressed by a deluge of memes, jokes, and songs about Trump the “Russian whore” who is “busy blowing Vladimir,” and charges of treason against the (per Hillary) “illegitimate president” who, “stole,” and “knows” he stole, the election. And, of course, the interminable Russiagate/Muellergate saga, which was going to prove the “elemental, existential fact” that Trump was “a puppet, put in power by Vladimir Putin.” That fantasy football own-goal was followed by Ukrainegate and impeachment, because Trump was too slow in delivering lethal weapons to the fascists who overthrew the elected government of Ukraine, and because “all roads lead to Putin.” Delusional.

The "Trump derangement syndrome" among masses of clueless liberals suited the "Deep State establishment" fine. The presstitutes kept the hoax alive—to this day. 

Having, as Matt Taibbi says, delivered Trump “a juic[y] campaign issue, and an eas[y] way to argue that ‘elites’ don’t respect the democratic choices of flyover voters,” the Democrats capped off 2020 with a primary campaign in which their establishment candidates, abetted by their allied media, trashed the most popular, and, in the context, inarguably necessary, reform imaginable: Medicare-for-all, which most of them had previously pretended to champion. To ward off the softest of social-democratic reforms represented by Bernie Sanders, they coalesced around the guy who had been all but counted out because he couldn’t come in better than fourth in the early primaries—also because he couldn’t distinguish his wife from his sister, couldn’t keep his nose out of women’s hair or his hands off little girls’ chests, and couldn’t stop lying about his record on advocating the Iraq War, cutting Social Security and Medicare, and getting arrested on his way to meet Nelson Mandela.

To make sure the pandering, opportunism, and general phoniness of Democratic neoliberal identity politics was unmistakable, the party paired him up with a woman of color who had trashed him during the primaries on pretend “bedrock principles” that she later laughed off (“It was a debate!”), who couldn’t win a single delegate for herself, and who had turned from for to against Medicare-for-All on the dimes the oligarchy, “rejoicing” at her pick, threw at her. Hey, it’s a fwee country.

Fortunately for the Democrats, there was this whole Covid-19 pandemic thing. It accelerated the inevitable denouement of Bernie Sanders’ campaign, with his submission to the “coalescing” ploy orchestrated by Obama and the Clintonites. It also glaringly highlighted the dangers of Trump’s narcissism and incompetence, as he, with nary a pause in his Twitter braggadocio, utterly failed to manage either the health crisis or the devastating economic crisis that blossomed in its wake, with tens of millions thrown out of work, off their health insurance, and out of their homes.

Of course, what was not glaringly highlighted, though exceedingly obvious, was the disgraceful lack of a real public healthcare system or of a socio-economic order that isn’t contemptuous of people’s needs, which made it near impossible for anyone to manage such a crisis. Everyone was flailing around, and many Democrats (e.g., Cuomo) did as bad or worse. Having ruled out the obvious and effective—Medicare-for-all, job, income, and housing guarantees, etc.—the Democrats had nothing better to offer. But Trump was in charge nationally and certainly deserved criticism, and it was easy for the Democratic-allied media to again make it all about him.

Covering Losses

This was the succession of ludicrous political choices and abject failures that led to the political apotheosis of the year: Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in the presidential election, by a mere 42,000 votes in three states.

Oh, yes, a very narrow victory: ~10-12K in GA and AZ, 22K in WI For some reason Democrats and their allied media do not highlight this, the way they raged about the “illegitimate” twice-as-many-votes difference that accounted for Hillary’s defeat in 2016.

But that 42K is the farcical standard as decreed by our sacred founding fathers’ democracy that all our brave soldiers died for, yada, yada—faith in which, according to the Democrats, we must not undermine by challenging the result.

This year, at least.

Before saying a word about January 6, 2021, I would suggest that people take a breath to understand the history and political relevance of the crucial issue that was the professed cause of the demonstration that day, and that has been obviously haunting our “democracy” for twenty years at least.

In 2004, Democrats, activists, and civil rights groups raised concerns “about various aspects of the voting process, including whether voting had been made accessible to all those entitled to vote, whether ineligible voters were registered, whether voters were registered multiple times, and whether the votes cast had been correctly counted.” As the great Warner Wolf used to say, Let’s go to the videotape, to take a look at January 6, 2005, and the certification of a presidential election in which George W. Bush got three million more votes than John Kerry, but would have lost without Ohio’s 20 electoral votes:

Alleging widespread "irregularities" on Election Day, a group of Democrats in Congress [led by Barbara Boxer] objected Thursday to the counting of Ohio's 20 electoral votes, delaying the official certification of the 2004 presidential election results….

"How can we possibly tell millions of Americans who registered to vote, who came to the polls in record numbers, particularly our young people ... to simply get over it and move on?" 

"This is my opening shot to be able to focus the light of truth on these terrible problems in the electoral system," Boxer told a press conference.

"While we have men and women dying to bring democracy abroad, we've got to make it the best it can be here at home, and that's why I'm doing this."…

Republicans dismissed the effort as a stunt, noting that specific allegations of voting problems in Ohio have been investigated by journalists and, the Republicans said, found to be untrue.

"But apparently, some Democrats only want to gripe about counts, recounts, and recounts of recounts," said Rep. Deborah Pryce, an Ohio Republican….

White House press secretary Scott McClellan dismissed the challenge as "partisan politics."

"The election is behind us," he said. "The American people now expect their leaders in Washington to focus on the big priorities facing this country." (CNN)

The move turned what would have otherwise been a polite ceremony into a political and historical drama. Mrs. Boxer said she had acted "to cast the light of truth on a flawed system which must be fixed now."…

"This is a travesty," said Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, a member of the Republican leadership …

"I think this is the first time in my life I ever voted alone in the United States Senate, and I have to tell you, I think it was the right thing to do," Mrs. Boxer said afterward, adding that she believed she forced the Republican leadership to listen to concerns about voting rights…

the debate came about because of the relentless efforts of a small group of third-party activists, liberal lawyers, Internet muckrakers and civil rights groups, who have been arguing since Election Day that the Ohio vote was rigged for Mr. Bush…

Ms. Jones, a former prosecutor and judge, said she was bringing the challenge "on behalf of those millions of Americans who believe in and value our democratic process and the right to vote."…

Mrs. Boxer said that in retrospect "it was a mistake not to object four years ago." (New York Times)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote a comprehensive article in Common Dreams, “Was the 2004 Election Stolen?” saying: 

Republicans derided anyone who expressed doubts about Bush's victory as nut cases in ''tinfoil hats,'' while the national media, with few exceptions, did little to question the validity of the election. The Washington Post immediately dismissed allegations of fraud as ''conspiracy theories,'' and The New York Times declared that ''there is no evidence of vote theft or errors on a large scale.'' But despite the media blackout, indications continued to emerge that something deeply troubling had taken place in 2004.

And, of course, Democrats did not hesitate to denounce, and call for investigating, the “illegitimate,” “stolen” election of 2016.

So there is an issue here that has been festering for decades and will get worse, and everyone—especially people on the left—needs to talk about this issue with intellectual honesty and consistency, and without being captivated and blinded by the orange sun of Donald Distraction Trump. That issue is the absence of fundamental democratic electoral integrity in the U.S., and why we accept so many elements of our elections—from voter suppression, to electronic voting machines, to the Electoral College—that make our elections untrustworthy.

And, yes, including absentee/mail-in voting—about which “there is a bipartisan consensus that voting by mail … is more easily abused than other forms” and “the largest source of potential voter fraud.” Because it breaks the chain of custody, undermines secrecy, allows ballot-harvesting, and depends on “witchcraft” AI signature-matching algorithms, both parties have agreed that “votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised and more likely to be contested than those cast in a voting booth.” (See also here and here.) No matter how necessary it might have been this November, it is bad faith to pretend that all of those concerns never existed and/or did not apply to this election’s unprecedented scale of mail-in voting. (And it’s a terrible idea to dismiss these concerns for elections going forward.)

It all makes for a voting system that is farcically un-democratic and designed to enable fraud, and we should be asking why, though everybody knows that, nothing has been done about it.

Really, as the Democratic senator said, it was a mistake not to object twenty years ago, because then it happened again sixteen years ago, and then four years ago. But, though Trump lost the same way Hillary did four years ago—by a small number of votes in a few states, a number that could easily be manipulated—the Democrats now decree it to be crazy, unhinged, a mark of sedition and the very destruction of democracy to think it could have happened in this election.

Even this guy knows that you can “manipulate the [voting] machines, manipulate records”:

I know, one will say, “But it was investigated!” Sure, just as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Republicans decreed that it was “investigated” in 2004, and only tinfoil-hat “conspiracy theorists” could doubt that the result was absolutely correct. Except declarations are not investigations. Some specific allegations are refuted, but it was not investigated in any real sense, not in 2004 or 2016, because, for all intents and purposes, it can’t be.

What the losers have in these situations are complaints about policies in 50 different states and hundreds of different voting precincts that were already argued about and decided on before the election, and clues about possible cheating in the election itself—extreme statistical anomalies, voting machine irregularities, suspicious ballot handling and counting procedures, etc.—that mayhave affected the outcome. There’s also the inconvenient fact that some methods of cheating, like the ones Biden mentions above, are undetectable.

It is effectively impossible, in a national election with 150 million voters, to actually do a thorough forensic investigation of all that between election day and January 6th, when Congress counts those Electoral College votes (the only ones that matter). And, absent indisputable smoking-gun evidence of fraud in a specific jurisdiction that indisputably changes the result (or even with such evidence, which was arguably the case in Ohio in 2004), it is hardly conceivable that any court would cancel 150 million, or even 20 million votes and order a do-over. It’s a very high bar, as it must be.

The losers are left with their evidence, and the winners, echoed by all the institutions that do not want to admit there could be such serious problems with American democracy will, by conflating “evidence” with “proof,” declare that their evidence doesn’t exist, and they are just sour-grapes “conspiracy theorists.”

You can’t make these complaints the day after the election, the day after your side loses. You will be seen, with reason, as not really interested in election integrity but only in protecting your candidate. That is what is said right now, and I agree, about the Republican election challengers and the January 6th protestors, most of whom were wrapped up in a foolish cult of personality with Donald Trump and just wanted to keep him in power. Neither he nor the Republican Party cared a whit or did anything about election integrity until two months ago.

Yup, just like the Democrats, who complained about “stolen” elections when their candidate lost in 2000, 2004, and 2016, but did nothing about it for twenty years. Apparently, people are stealing elections left and right, and neither the Republicans nor the Democrats do anything that makes them other than opportunistic hypocrites on this issue. If you have an electoral system where that keeps happening, and you keep letting it happen, well, then, you just don't care that much about which party wins, and whether people’s votes are cast and counted fairly—you know, all that democracy you say we have here and our soldiers “bring abroad.” Any party or politician who is serious about such things will have to work on them consistently, in all the years between elections.

How much time and energy over the past twenty years did the Democrats muster to focus on the Electoral College, the only thing that “stole” two presidential elections from them. Too busy with Russiagate.

Now, the Democrats and their allied media are creating a new template for dealing with election complaints from the losing side: Punish anyone who even saysanything like what Boxer, Pelosi, and Hillary have said about the possibility of an election being “stolen” or “illegitimate.” Declare there can’t be a problem. Try to force people to shut up about it. Have everyone who does keep talking about it deplatformed and fired, if not arrested and charged with "sedition" and "domestic terrorism."

Having lost 13 seats in congress, the Democrats, with AOC in the lead, make the argument that any congressperson who expressed doubts about the election is engaged in seditious conspiracy to overturn an election, and therefore we must overturn their election! That logic will go over well with those 75 million voters the Democrats think are too stupid to notice how phony it is, though perhaps not as well as with those who are so smart they can convince themselves it isn’t. It’s just the ticket for “democratically” stopping the hemorrhaging of popular support from the increasing number of voters who despise what they see as the Democrats’ sanctimonious hypocrisy.

(By the way, one of the points of suspicion in this election is precisely the anomalously high number of voters in crucial swing states, who only voted for Biden and not for down-ballot Democrats.)

That the Democrats, and even some people to the left of them, think that such measures will a) work to restore democracy, b) never be applied to them, and c) won't, with reason, cause an enraged backlash in the name of democracy, is a mark of how farcical American political thinking is, well across the board.

To be clear, my considered opinion on whether the Republicans’ complaints about this election are valid is that I do not know, and I seriously doubt most of the people rejecting them out of hand know either. I have not looked into them in any depth and I’m just not going to, as I suspect is also the case with most of the people rejecting them out of hand.

That’s not just because I don’t care very much about which right-wing liar actually won, and it’s certainly not because I don’t think the issue is important. I have been haranguing about the importance of election integrity since 2012 (here, here, here), and think a transparent, trusted voting process is an indispensable element of any polity that wants to be democratic, and that the left should be at the forefront of fighting for it.

Nor do I refrain from going into the weeds on this because I think it’s crazy to suggest that 42,000 votes in three states could have been manipulated. I do know that is child’s play. And though I can’t say I know, from the various challenges and the rebuttals I have seen, I doubt that all the significant allegations have been refuted. Most of the attempts to present non-dispositive but suspicious evidence were simply declared false and censored because they were not proof. I also doubt the challengers could meet the high bar of indisputable proof necessary to change the result.

(By way of farcically blundering political tactics and unintended consequences, we might notice that the result of January 6th was that the Republicans were not able to present their case in Congress, and the result of the Democrats impeaching Trump is that he will now have the chance to present that evidence publicly in the Senate trial.)

What’s worse than the impossibility of rectifying significant fraud after the fact is the lack of political will to find and rectify the systemic problems that would be revealed, whether they would change the outcome or not.  

I mean, really, what are we arguing about? What democracy? We have an electoral system with multiple arcane, opaque, and inconsistent procedures, designed and known to enable error and fraud, in which the person who got millions more votes sometimes loses. And instead of addressing that, we argue and riot over a few tens of thousands of votes in special places that actually determine the winner. Not only do we not have what could be respectably called a “democracy,” we cannot even think (or fight) about it. It’s like having a car with a constantly failing engine and transmission, and all you repeatedly argue about is whether there was enough air in the left front tire. Farcical.

Nobody noticed, but Mitch McConnell gave away the game when he opposed the Republican challenge to the vote because, he said, picking at it risked putting the Electoral College in focus, and without the anti-democratic Electoral College—the actual source of ridiculous outcomes and attendant arguments—the Republicans couldn't win a presidential election. Could it be that the Democrats, who also refuse to go after the Electoral College, agree with McConnell on the imperative of preserving what in his and their understanding is the single biggest impediment to their electoral success, and to actual one-person-one-vote democracy?


Lines Crossed

In fact, it is because the rule of the game, as produced by the ruling class, is that both Republicans and Democrats will gladly lose an election—even if they think they’ve been cheated out of it—before they will raise challenges that might reveal the profound deficiencies of our constitutional, undemocratic electoral process and “undermine faith” in it.

Until Donald Trump.

Because the ultimate riposte to everything I’ve said is: “OK. The Democrats are as hypocritical about this as the Republicans. They flip the discourse about ‘stolen’ elections as it suits them. But the Democrats—Boxer in 2004, Clinton and Pelosi in 2016—didn’t call people out in the streets, didn’t bring thousands to Washington to protest militantly, let alone to storm the Capitol.”

True that. To which I say: “Why not?”

If an election was "hijacked," "stolen,” "illegitimate" as the Democrats have charged a number of times, with reason, why didn’t they organize militant demonstrations with activists, internet muckrakers, and civil rights groups, up to and including storming the Capitol? There is no political crime worse than stealing an election. It's the person/party who gets away with that that has succeeded in a coup. Again, if you just keep letting it happen, then you don't care that much democracy and free and fair elections. And you should. That much.

Because, guess what? Sooner or later, someone will lead people into the streets about it. Donald Trump broke the rule. He crossed the red line by doing what Gore, Kerry, et. al. had obediently refrained from doing: He stubbornly refused to concede and instead brought a lot of angry people in the streets to protest the result of an election, “undermining faith” in the electoral process itself. From the ruling class’s point of view, that is anathema.

That it all ended up in a riotous incursion into the Capitol that had the legislators cowering under their desks only made it worse. That result was probably not—and, based on what he said, couldn’t legally be proven to be—his intent, but, politically, from the Democrats’ and the ruling class’s point of view, it was his fault.

And the retribution was fast and furious. As the New York Times put it Corporate America Flexe[d] Its Political Muscle.” In an absolutely unprecedented theater of discipline, Donald Trump, still the sitting president, was cancelled with prejudice by a full roster of the corporate and financial elite from Silicon Valley to Wall Street: Dow Jones, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, the Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Business Roundtable, the PGA, etc.—i.e., the ruling class. Even Fox turned against him. In many cases, this cancellation extended to halting donations to “any member of Congress” who opposed certifying Biden’s electoral victory. Clearly, this was serious business to business.

The ruling class is outraged at Donald Trump for one reason: Pitchforks. Angry people invaded the office. Trump always talked like he was an anti-establishment bull; this time he actually broke some china. He brought thousands of angry people into the streets and didn’t keep them within the red lines of acceptable, non-threatening, protest. The “mob”—the very thing the anti-democratic Founding Fathers evoked to gain acceptance for their anti-democratic constitutional and electoral system—overran the Hallowed Halls of Congress.

Unlike Obama, who assured the oligarchs that he was standing “between you and the pitchforks,” Trump brought the pitchforks to the castle. Which is why Obama is being lavishly rewarded, and Trump severely punished, by the ruling class. Trump is being treated as a class traitor.

Let’s not pretend we don’t know this. Whatever leftists—and certainly those who identify with the revolutionary socialist position—want to say about the January 6thaction, the ruling class’s comprehensive rage, and fear, about it is for no other reason than that thousands of angry people, out of their control, breached the seat of power and scared the asses sitting there.

The popular anger that was on display on January 6th is what they are afraid of and will not forgive Trump for inciting—not because, in this instance, it was in any way threatening a "coup" or "insurrection" that would have overthrown the government, or even "prevented the transition," but because they are afraid of the example of popular anger being mobilized as a political and historical force by anyone they don’t control. They were and are not afraid of Trump, whom they wrangled into submission during his tenure, who demonstrated his subservience again by denouncing the demonstrators with the establishment’s framing, and whom they have now publicly humiliated. They are afraid of popular anger that might be mobilized by a competent (maybe even left) political leadership to storm the institutions of the state for reasons that really do threaten their wealth and power—which is a goal every revolutionary socialist should embrace.

Excuse me, but while I was watching January 6th unfold, my overwhelming thought wasn’t: “How terrible that they’re breaching the security of our sacred institutions!” It was: “Why aren’t we doing that?” By “we,” I mean the people who need healthcare, jobs, homes, and a decent and secure social life, mobilized by a theoretically and organizationally prepared left leadership; by “that,” I mean every tactic of militant protest we saw on January 6th and many other times in the United States—including forcing our way into government and legislative buildings (Wisconsin, 2011), fighting the cops (George Floyd protests last summer and too many others to count), and (the best so far) making them cower under their desks.

(Yes, I oppose gratuitously beating a cop or anyone else, or killing someone climbing in a window, but I do not think discrete incidents like these define the political point of mass actions.)

Can leftists who are rushing to join the entire ruling class in legally and politically criminalizing Donald Trump’s speech as actionable “sedition” and “domestic terrorism” be forgetting that the modern history of anti-racist, anti-war, and anti-capitalists struggle is filled with speeches ringing with calls to fight injustice “By any means necessary!? Often followed by fighting cops and burning shit down. Can they think the apparatuses they are reinforcing won’t be criminalizing those orators? Can they imagine that any of the hundreds of millions of adults in the United States who are not in their bubble will fail to see the hypocrisy in play?

And it wasn’t just Malcolm X:

Really, if, on January 6th, Bernie Sanders had given the same speech as Trump (substituting “healthcare” when necessary) to a demonstration of thousands of angry people he had mobilized, enraged that they went bankrupt or their children died for lack of Medicare-for-All, and they had stormed the Capitol to force passage of it, my response would have been: “Right on!” I certainly wouldn’t be pearl-clutching about how “the mob” was “desecrating” the sacred institutions that enact imperialist wars and capitalist austerity. It’s hard to fathom that any self-described revolutionary socialist would.

By all means, Storm the Capitol! For the right (left) reasons. It depends on what you’re fighting for.

Yes, I know, that organized working-class “we” doesn’t exist. Bernie did not, and would not, do that. Unfortunately. But if and when that “we” does emerge, it better be prepared to do that. Because that kind of militant action is the only thing that is going to get us the most basic social-democratic reforms. As Bernie’s reticence demonstrates.

“Progressive” reformers will never get the radical change we need by making better arguments that will eventually convince their Democratic colleagues. They don’t care if you’re right; they have the power. That cohort of the “left” is incapable of thinking about, let alone fighting for, power. The way, the only way, to get the substantive change the oligarchy and their political minions don’t want to give is precisely to scare the fuckers, to make them afraid of something worse—some worse physical violence or some worse political or economic defeat. That’s a revolutionary socialist left.

Watch. If, after twenty years of doing nothing, there’s some serious action on making elections more transparent and trustworthy before 2024—and there better be—it will only be because of what happened on January 6th. There will not be serious action on Medicare-for-All.

It’s a shame that it takes the January 6th event to throw into relief the entire political trajectory of 2016-21 and the farcical state of “left” politics in the U.S.—especially, but not only, among Democratic-Party-aligned “progressives.”

So, excuse me again, but I cringe at now seeing the torrent of liberals, “progressives,” and some real left socialists, reacting to January 6th by joining with the ruling-class, and adopting its sanctimonious constitutionalist framing of the event, in order to reinforce the repressive apparatuses of the state. There’s nothing more telling than watching “progressives” go from "defund the police" to “except the police that are protecting me.

And demonstrating their commitment to free speech by trying to make sure no one ever strays outside the Overton window sees or hears any seditious conspiracy theories again. I'm sure that'll work. I’m sure it won't cause an enraged backlash, with reason, at all.

(As I write, I am very glad to see that 135 Civil Rights Groups Oppose New Domestic Terrorism Statutes.)

Is it Fascism Yet?

Here’s the big one: “But it’s fascism!” The January 6th event wasn’t a demand for Medicare-for-All or any progressive purpose; it was a fascist insurrection to keep Donald Trump and his brand of white supremacy in power.

I would not call it an “insurrection.” It had not the slightest possibility for overturning the government—no leadership, political organization, program, or discipline, mass support, or support from any faction of the ruling class or armed element of state or powerful foreign government that would be necessary for such a thing. If there were a few people in it who thought it could, they were delusional. The crowd mostly wandered around for a couple of hours taking selfies (sometimes with cops!), smoking doobies, shoplifting, and vandalizing, and then left. For all the talk of “armed insurrection,” the only shot fired was from a cop’s gun. For “fascist” and “insurrection,” see Ukraine, 2014.

One might generously say that the full demonstration (from 10-30,000 people, accurate numbers hard to get) included many who did believe the populist save-democracy-from-the-cheating-elites framework, and it certainly included a cacophony of factions from Iranians for Trump to Zionists brandishing Israeli flags. But this demonstration was about the electoral process like Godzilla was about nuclear radiation. The ostensible concern for any election cheating was overwhelmingly subordinate to the dominant right-wing goal of keeping Donald Trump in power, which, for many was because they saw Trump as the hope for some Make America White Again Reconquista. In 2021, parading around under Confederate battle flags really can’t mean anything else.

The storming of the Capitol by a particularly militant cohort of about 800-1200 people (according to media estimates, which seem low)—ranging from proto-fascists and “Confederate” white supremacists to cosplay lunatics to neo-yippie potheads—was especially an action that we all should oppose. They were fighting for crap, and I would have been glad to see the Capitol police contain them.

Though not at the cost of 20 more dead protestors. Stopping the embarrassment of the empire that this demonstration was would not be worth that cost. The police should have been able to contain it as they have every other, and we should definitely question why they were unable to do that. Why wasn’t there the massive preventive police presence or repressive police reaction that there would have been for a less militant BLM or left demonstration? Why were there so many instances of seeming cooperation with these right-wing rioters, etc.? There are reasonable suspicions about incompetence and collusion that deserve investigation.

So, “fascism”?

I want to resist the way “fascism” has come to mean “absolute evil” in a way that displaces the historical materialist understanding of that socio-political phenomenon. I would say January 6th was a proto-fascist event that demonstrated a simmering threat of fascism, and also demonstrated what is missing and needed for that threat to become critical.

There’s a checklist of pernicious characteristics typically used to identify fascism—strict authoritarianism, cancelling of democratic processes and civil rights, worship of a great leader, militarism, scapegoating and ultimately attacking some “inferior” ethnic, racial, national, or religious group. A lot of these are present in American politics, and by no means limited to Trump, the Republicans, or right-wing militias.

Missing in this kind of definition is the understanding of fascism as a dimension of class struggle. The essential task of historical fascism was to defeat the strong working-class socialist and communist movements that threatened the rule of capital, within countries and internationally. All the nasty attitudes and policies were means to that end.

The fascists came—were allowed to come—to power in Germany (and elsewhere in Europe) with the support of strong elements of ruling-class finance and media, when, and because, there was a very strong mass, socialist working-class movement that was a threat to the ruling class and had to be brutally crushed, and because there was the international “Bolshevik” threat to European capitalist rule that had to be defeated militarily. Not because Germans were essentially and irredeemably racist and anti-Semitic—a construal that precisely disappears the role of capitalism and class.

The reason there is no imminent threat of fascism in the U.S. is because there is no working-class socialist threat. There is no fascism, in the apocalyptic sense being evoked, independent of the ruling class and its need to prevent socialism, working-class power.

There are always proto-fascist elements simmering in capitalist society that can be called upon if necessary. Indeed, as the historical materialist analysis understands it, capitalism engenders incipient fascism, just as it engenders incipient socialism. They are siblings in the womb of capitalism, the less unwanted of which capital will call upon to eat the other if it starts kicking its way out.

But those elements need to be called upon. Fascism can only come to maturity as an instrument of (and socialism only independent of) the ruling class. Proto-fascism will be fascism when the ruling-class gets behind it, just as “democratic socialism” will be socialism when the working-class gets in front of it.

So while we certainly have some of the pre-conditions for fascism in the United States today, what we don’t have, what’s completely absent, is a strong, left working-class political movement. In the absence of that, what kind of “fascism” does the ruling class want or need? They already have complete control of the economy, the political parties, and the media—not yet all internet expression, but they’re working on it. What more can “fascism” do for them? What “white supremacist” program do they need or want that does any better in keeping black people crushed and coopted than the mix of mass incarceration, integrated militarized policing, and rainbow bourgeois governing they’ve had going for forty years. Is there a powerful faction of the ruling class that wants or would allow some Turner Diaries-inspired mass extermination of black people? The reinstitution of slavery or Old Jim Crow? What is the “fascist” program that does something the ruling class needs, and isn’t doing for itself already?

Because if the ruling class doesn’t want it, fascism isn’t happening. Only if they become scared enough of a left working-class movement that threatens their control of society will the capitalists turn to the fascists. Until then, “fascism” exists as a frightful lure to get the liberals and the self-mutilated left to go along with various forms of repression that will mostly be used against them. This is the state of preemptive counter-revolution—the state in which the left eats itself in advance,, ‘Cause Fascism!

For four years, it’s been, “You can’t stray from the neo-liberal, imperialist consensus, ’Cause Trump! That’s now becoming, ’Cause Fascism! i.e., Absolute evil—an ahistorical, apolitical, idealist diversion from historical materialist understanding of fascism within the dynamics of capitalism and class. And a political trope that buttresses the regime and actors that are most responsible for the re-emergence of actual fascism in the world.

By playing this game, the left isn’t “getting in front” of fascism; it’s getting in front of itself. The only “fascists” the Democratic Party is going to denounce are working-class people and Republicans. Anyone who advocates deplatforming and disenfranchising people on an expansive notion of "fascism," better start with Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, and their former boss, Barack Obama, who have done more to bring explicit Hitlerian fascism back into governance in the world, via the violent insurrection that overthrew a freely-elected government in Ukraine, than anyone who was in D.C. on January 6th.

Whether you’re a Democrat, leftist, socialist, antifa, anarchist, Trotskyist, Marxist-Leninist, or Bukharinist, if you’re calling for some state-enforced repression against anyone who attended or expressed support for the demonstration in Washington on January 6th, and you’re not always and explicitly calling for the same state-enforced repression to be visited first of all against those specific actors, your “anti-fascism” is in the service of U.S. imperialism, and is only helping to build up the state of pre-emptive counter-revolution.

We are not in a revolutionary situation, we are in a counter-revolutionary situation, and the expression of that is not what happened on January 6th, but what happens every day in those hallowed halls.

January 6th did not happen because there wasn’t enough censorship or anti-terrorism law. It happened for a number of reasons: because there are racists, and also because there are a lot of people who are angry about a socio-economic crisis that has devasted their communities, and angry at a political and electoral system, which has been coalescing around the Democratic/NatSec/media establishment, that they do not, and should not, trust.

Denouncing them, and all 75 million people who voted for Trump, as fascists, and calling for more censorship and anti-terrorism repression, will not stop it from happening again. Nor will it do what is necessary to defeat any critical fascist threat that may arise—build a mass working-class movement of the left.

Please register the horrible fact that we do not have a left movement of any political strength, so it’s not the dictatorship of the proletariat, but the repressive and ideological apparatuses of the American capitalist state—FBI, the DHS, the Atlantic Council, et. al.—that will be empowered to hunt down and censor “fascists.” It’s a bit incongruent for leftists to attack the U.S. state for colluding with fascists, and in the same breath call on that state to be the anti-fascist police. It’s literally the ruling class—the indispensable enabler of fascism—whose muscles you are helping to flex. Guess who ends up getting punched in the face?

The most important reason to be wary of misrepresenting or inflating the threat of “fascism” is that it prevents the organization of a left movement of the working class, which has been shrinking in the womb of U.S. capitalism for 40 years.

For the U.S. left to build a working-class socialist movement, it must become what it decidedly is not, and hasn’t evinced much interest in being—a pole of attraction for millions of people who are not socialists, do not agree with many of the motley commandments that have become the dogma of the “woke” American left, and are still largely held as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” (Steinbeck actually said “capitalists”) in capitalist ideology. Given the enormous ideological work done by the Fox-MSBNC, Breitbart-NYT media universe, which is the primary source of political education in this country, what else could you expect?

As I’ve said before, “For socialists, solidarity is not a matter of prior agreement. You don’t have to agree with me for me to defend your interests.” Want to reduce the number of people ready to storm the Capitol in support of a right-wing grifter? Want to maybe even start gathering enough people to storm the Capitol for good reasons? Which kind of approach works better: “I’m here to tell you you’re a fascist, kick you off Facebook, and get fired from your job,” or, “I’m here to help you fight for your job, your healthcare, and your pension.” Which is the better basis of the only effective "anti-fascist" strategy—building a revolutionary left working-class movement?

Think January 6th was “fascism”? Think impeaching Donald Trump and trying to disenfranchise everyone who voted for him is going to stop something worse from happening? The populist right has already woken up to the fact that Donald Trump is a “shill,” “extraordinarily weak,” and “a total failure.” Wait ‘til you see the movement that arises under a smart and competent right-wing leader, strengthened by the inevitable backlash from many of those seventy-five million people, who presents him/herself as a defender of civil liberties, and of the dignity and security of every person against the newly-enhanced authoritarian state of “two political parties that do not care about you, so deeply incestuous with corporations that they’re indistinguishable from each other,…a government that has bombed villages overseas my entire life for my supposed safety here,” and like that:

Should any leftist be arguing that this be banned from the public forum, while Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s blatherings aren’t? Can anybody think that’s going to work?

Here’s our choice: “They’re fascists, and if you listen to them or watch them on Facebook, you’re a fascist, too, and I’m going to silence you, sic the FBI on you, and get you fired from your job,” or, “They’re saying some true things. Now, are they going to help you fight for your job, your healthcare, your pension, and take control of the wealth of society? ‘Cause here’s how I think we can do that.”

I do not agree with the contrarian entryist strategy that Russell Dobular suggests in his provocative article, “Why Progressives Joining the Republican Party Isn’t as Crazy as You Think,” but I can’t refute his two points: “[Y]our chances of reforming the GOP into a party that’s less culturally conservative than it is now, while being populist on economic issues, is better than your chances of turning the Democrats towards meaningful reform,” and “If the people won’t come to you, you have to go to them.  Our people aren’t in the Democratic Party any longer, and it’s only going to get worse.”

Choke on that. With tens of millions of people without jobs, income, or healthcare, the time is absolutely up for election cycles, progressive primaries, and constitutionalist gradualism. We’ve got to do something else. By any means necessary.

I am very glad to see Donald Trump get out of the White House. And I hope soon he gets out of the many minds he still inhabits. I am terrified and depressed at seeing the Biden administration take power with the full backing of the ruling class, at seeing the rapturous reaction of Democrats and liberals who think that’s going to save us from something, and at seeing the misplaced revolutionary fervor of so many leftists who seem eager to join the ruling class on its “anti-fascist” hunt in which they are the prey. I see no end in sight to the disaster enveloping us.

I’ve lost count of whether this is the second, third, or nth time, but it is a farce and a tragedy.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Third Discussion with Charles Dunaway on His Wider View Radio Podcast (1/25/2021) This is an almost hour-long conversation I had with Jim Kavanagh on January 24, 2021.  We talk about the storming of Congress, populism of the left and right, keeping the pitchforks away, and various other topics. 

JIM KAVANAGH, Senior Contributing Editor • Jim Kavanagh, a native and denizen of New York City, is a former cab driver and college professor. His articles have appeared on Counterpunch, The Greanville Post, The Unz Review, Z, and other leading counter-establishment sites around the net. He blogs at his website,, from a left-socialist perspective. His Twitter location is

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All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 
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Should art be judged on the basis of race and gender?

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Classic Essays

Lecture at San Diego State University

Posted below is a slightly edited version of a talk given at San Diego State University on April 18, 2017.

We are living at a very dangerous, fraught moment in world history. The Trump administration, fully backed by the Democratic Party and the media, has launched a violent and illegal attack on Syria. It dropped a horrific bomb in Afghanistan, the largest bomb since the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. Ultimately, the target here is Russia in the case of the Middle East, where nuclear-armed powers face each other in the region. Meanwhile, Trump threatens to launch an attack on North Korea, which is aimed at China—and that too would find universal support in the American establishment. The ruling classes everywhere are hurtling toward disaster.

Should art be judged on the basis of race and gender? - A lecture by David Walsh

A great deal depends on the political development of the international working class, its political, social and cultural consciousness, as the only force that can stop the imperialist war drive, which threatens the future of humanity.

We are taking up tonight’s subject in that context. What are the great questions of our time? In our view, social inequality, the threat of dictatorship, the drive to war. The unification of the working class across all ethnic and national lines, politically directed against this rotting system, is decisive.

However, if you were to go by the media and large portions of the academic world in the US, and not only the US, when they are not repeating lies about Syria or Russia or Iran or North Korea, every important question of social life revolves around—or reduces itself—to either race or gender. This is a deliberate and reactionary attempt to divert attention from the most burning questions and channel sections of the middle class in particular in the most selfish and self-pitying directions.

Moreover, there is a profound connection between the emergence and “flourishing” of upper middle class identity politics, race and gender politics, and the growth of a new constituency for imperialist war. These layers, newly or not so newly wealthy, turning to the right, to the defense of their wealth and the system, are especially susceptible to propaganda about—or, in some cases, the most aggressive advocates of—neo-colonial invasions and wars in the name of “human rights,” “women’s rights,” “gay rights” and so forth. The exposure of this ideological and political trend is thus vital to the struggle against war and imperialist barbarism.

In regard to the dishonest and politically-driven fixation with race in particular, the New York Times, the newspaper of record, one of the most influential big business media outlets in this country, sets the tone in this regard on a daily basis.

Recent headlines include:

* The Real Reason Black Kids Benefit From Black Teachers
* A History of Race and Racism in America, in 24 Chapters
* Race in America: Racial Progress or Racist Progress?
* Girls Go Missing, and Washington’s Racial Divide Yawns Wider
* What Racial Terms Make You Cringe?
* Fighting Racial Bias on Campus
* How Should Parents Teach Their Children About Race and Racism
* Racial Progress Is Real. But So Is Racist Progress
* Affluent and Black, and Still Trapped by Segregation
* Are We Raising Racists?
* No Racial Barrier Left to Break (Except All of Them)
* NYT Employees Ponder What Racial Terms Are Offensive

This is a small sampling of recent articles. This is not innocent. This is not the honest concern of a democratically inclined publication with the fate of the African-American population. This is a publication that speaks for major sections of Wall Street and big business, that has been a leading, lying propagandist for neo-colonial war and violence in Iraq, Libya and Syria, resulting in the deaths of millions … and the publication that now ferociously pushes the anti-Russian campaign that threatens the world with a nuclear war.

This is part of a larger process. To cite a couple of recent incidents of the racialization of American culture, two out of dozens:

First, the attack on Free State of Jones, a 2016 drama, directed by Gary Ross and featuring Matthew McConaughey, about a white man, a small farmer, in Mississippi who led a revolt against the Confederacy in the midst of the Civil War. It is an extraordinary story. In fact, Southern small farmer and artisan opposition to the Confederacy and slavery was far more extensive than we know.

Still from Free State of Jones, with Matthew McConaughey playing Knewton Knight, the hero of an unlikely rebellion.

This film provoked widespread anger in the identity politics crowd. The film was condemned as a “white savior” work. Charles Blow in the New York Times led the charge against the film, writing that it “emphasizes white heroism and centers on the ally instead of the enslaved. It tries desperately to cast the Civil War, and specifically dissent within the Confederacy, as more a populism-versus-elitism class struggle in which poor white men were forced to fight a rich white man’s war and protect the cotton trade, rather than equally a conflict about the moral abhorrence of black slavery.

“Throughout, there is the white liberal insistence that race is merely a subordinate construction of class.”

We wrote a lengthy reply, in which we noted, “Blow … is offended by Free State of Jones because it argues that great historical events cannot be explained in racial or ethnic terms. On the basis of the Times columnist’s outlook, one simply cannot understand why hundreds of thousands of white people died to end slavery.”

Second, there is the attack on Dana Schutz’s painting of Emmett Till.

A recent controversy involved a painting at the Biennial, a major art event, at the Whitney Museum in New York City. The painting is based on a photograph of Till, the 14-year-old black youth savagely murdered in Mississippi in 1955 for allegedly flirting with a white woman. Till’s mother insisted on an open casket, so the world could see what was done to her son. This was one of the episodes that outraged millions and spurred the development of the Civil Rights movement.

Protests began at the Whitney because the painting of Till was done by a white woman, Dana Schutz. An open letter was circulated by Hannah Black, a video artist living in Berlin, demanding the painting be removed and destroyed.

The letter contended that Open Casket “should not be acceptable to anyone who cares or pretends to care about Black people because it is not acceptable for a white person to transmute Black suffering into profit and fun, though the practice has been normalized for a long time.”

We wrote: “Schutz is clearly responding to and seeking to direct the attention of the public toward an appalling crime. Her effort is an entirely legitimate and admirableprotest against racist violence, with obvious political connotations in the present circumstances of anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim bigotry whipped up by the Trump administration. …

“Hannah Black and her co-signatories see the world entirely through the prism of race. This blinds them to the decisive social realities. They echo those extreme Zionists and similar tendencies who use a history of racial or religious oppression to justify their own reactionary communalism.”

This is typical of the racialist commentary on the Whitney controversy:

“In the latest case of habitual boundary overstepping and [cultural] appropriation, painter Dana Schutz’s work Open Casket has sparked controversy and outrage at the Whitney Biennial in New York City. The medium-sized painting depicts the battered face of 14-year-old Emmett Till, who was lynched in 1955, as it appeared in photographs and news reports. The artist used smudges of paint and cuts in the canvas to reflect the brutality of Emmett’s death mask, because obviously, what the commentary surrounding a 62-year-old brutal murder of a 14-year-old needs is the voice of a white woman from Brooklyn.” (Michael Harriot, The Root)

What’s astonishing—and telling—is that the writer is so saturated with racialism that nothing about this final sentence makes him pause. Why shouldn’t “a white woman from Brooklyn” have something to say about the Emmett Till killing? “Stick to your own lane” is one of the most noxious possible slogans. If artists, or revolutionaries for that matter, had followed that advice, there would be no world culture or modern society.

And this:

“Why do white artists think the only way you can discuss race is through the suffering of people of color?

“Dana Schutz’s painting Open Casket in the 2017 Whitney Biennial highlights this phenomenon: Schutz, a white woman, attempted to stir our collective empathy by painting the disfigured body of Emmett Till. But her identity—and, likely, her experience—is actually closer to that of Carolyn Bryant, the white woman whose lies led to Till’s murder.” (Ryan Wong, Hyperallergic)

The smugness and ignorance of such circles is almost beyond belief. If I were Schutz, I might consider suing for slander. These layers of the population are soaked through with racialism. And when we raised the comparison of this type of view, from its ideological and political point of view, to the Nazi racialist outlook, we were not speaking lightly.

The Nazis banned “Un-German,” “non-Aryan” music and art. They prohibited Jewish musicians from playing “German music.” There is a sinister and inescapable logic to racial politics.

We made the point that the program of ethnic or racial particularism in art and culture, which insists that the various peoples and nationalities are incapable of communicating with and understanding one another, is thoroughly repugnant. It is part of the “anti-Enlightenment” tradition, which rejects rationality, democracy, egalitarianism and universality. I will go into that somewhat later.

All of this is circulating, in the art world, in the music business, in Hollywood—hence the controversies about the lack or not of black and other minority nominees for the Academy Awards. Of course, in the academic world there is much talk about “white privilege” or “male privilege,” “cultural appropriation.”

Racism remains a serious issue in America, but the New York Times and the American ruling elite are not concerned with combating racial prejudice and backwardness of every sort, but with encouraging and exacerbating racial and ethnic tensions to divide the working class and weaken it. No one should be a bit surprised that the people in power, the people who monopolize the wealth, should want to see the working-class population fighting amongst itself. Nothing would please the rulers of this country more than the open eruption of ethnic or racial or religious conflicts.

Gender plays a somewhat different role for fairly obvious reasons. To argue for the complete separation of males and females presents certain economic, social, not to say, biological difficulties. Gender plays more of a divisive role in the academic world, in the professions, where a bitter conflict for advancement is under way. It also plays a role in the efforts of the Democratic Party to present itself as a “progressive” party—after all, it had a woman as its presidential candidate! That she was a warmonger in the pocket of Wall Street made no difference to certain elements.

Gender, like gay rights, plays a cynical role in American foreign policy. To justify its unending and bloody military interventions, the US ruling class attempts to cloak its ruthless, predatory policies. It proposes to change this or that regime, any regime that stands in its way, and often on the grounds of its “human rights record.” That the new regimes are no better at democracy than the old ones never receives attention in the American media, or the fact that one of the central allies of the US in its conspiracies is the foul, medieval government of Saudi Arabia, one of the most oppressive on the face of the earth.

In fact, the United States is a country deeply divided, above all, along class and economic lines. A handful of billionaires control the overwhelming majority of the wealth.

As we have noted on the WSWS:

A report published in December 2016 by University of California at Berkeley economists Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman revealed unprecedented levels of social inequality in the United States.

The report documented an immense redistribution of wealth over a period of several decades from the working class to the rich. The bottom 50 percent’s pre-tax share of national income has fallen from 20 percent in 1980 to 12 percent in 2014, while the income share of the top 1 percent has almost doubled to 20 percent. The wealthiest 1 percent now owns over 37 percent of household wealth, while the bottom 50 percent—roughly 160 million people—owns almost nothing, a mere 0.1 percent.

Eight billionaires, six of them from the United States, own as much combined wealth as the bottom half of the world’s population, some 3.6 billion people, according to the latest report on global inequality from the British-based advocacy group Oxfam.

The circumstances of every section of the working class are worsening. The conditions in the inner cities are disastrous and have only gotten worse since the early 1970s. Millions of people in American cities have simply dropped out of the statistics. Police killings, brutality are facts of everyday life.

At this point, the position of young and middle-aged white workers is deteriorating the most rapidly. Of course, they are falling from a somewhat higher level, on average. Job losses, the destruction of pensions and health care benefits, the horrifying drug overdose epidemic, the overall decline in life expectancy … these are all features of America under Donald Trump, and the legacy of America under Barack Obama.

But, according to the media, race and gender are everything.

The socialist movement stands, and has always stood, for opposition to every kind of oppression and injustice. We exert ourselves on the World Socialist Web Site in publicizing and encouraging opposition to every instance of abuse and violence.

The socialist movement, throughout its history since the mid-19th century, has opposed slavery, colonialism, imperialism and racism. There is no political tendency on the face of the earth with a comparable history. Every major dispute in our movement has ultimately arisen between those who have surrendered to nationalist pressures, succumbing to their own ruling class, and those committed to internationalist and egalitarian principles.

This passage comes from the Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, published in February 1848.

“The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.

“The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got. … National differences and antagonism between peoples are daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world market, to uniformity in the mode of production and in the conditions of life corresponding thereto. The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish still faster. … In proportion as the exploitation of one individual by another will also be put an end to, the exploitation of one nation by another will also be put an end to. In proportion as the antagonism between classes within the nation vanishes, the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.”

This was written in 1847!

In relation to the condition of women in society, the historical record is clear.

“One of the first great heralds of the socialist ideal, the Frenchman Charles Fourier, wrote these thought-provoking words a hundred years ago: ‘In every society the degree of female emancipation (freedom) is the natural measure of emancipation in general.’” (Rosa Luxemburg, “Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle,” 1912)

We are currently marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

“The October revolution honestly fulfilled its obligations in relation to woman. The young government not only gave her all political and legal rights in equality with man, but, what is more important, did all that it could, and in any case incomparably more than any other government ever did, actually to secure her access to all forms of economic and cultural work.” (Leon Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed, 1936)

The Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution in 1917 introduced the most advanced laws in world history on questions of marriage, divorce, abortion, joint responsibility for children and so forth. The first workers state also decriminalized homosexuality and permitted cohabitation.

In the US, there is a long history of left-wing struggle, conducted by revolutionary elements within the trade unions, by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), the early Socialist Party, later the Communist Party, and the Trotskyist movement itself, against racist violence, lynchings and frame-ups. From the case of the Scottsboro Boys in 1931 to the civil rights movement, the intellectual backbone of the struggle against Jim Crow racism was provided by left-wing thought and left-wing activists.

Racism, discrimination, bigotry, sexual violence and every form of abuse can only be fought through getting to their source in class society—the division of society into exploiter and exploited, the frictions and tensions, and toxins, produced by the crisis and decay of capitalism—and by unifying the working class against the entire system. Single-issue protest movements have a disastrous and disorienting history in the US, always leading masses of people back to the stranglehold of the Democratic Party and bourgeois politics.

It can be confusing, of course, and confusion is very much the aim, but it would be wrong to mistake the current obsession with race and gender in the media and on college campuses for a genuinely democratic or progressive struggle.

Rather, in many cases, what we are seeing is the increasingly unbridled ambitions of various layers of the upper middle class, seeking to leverage past or present abuses, to advance their own selfish interests.

There is an objective, economic basis for this striving. While broad layers of the working class, black and white, male and female, have seen a steady worsening in their conditions of life … at the same time, a narrow layer of African Americans and women, as part of the larger upper middle class, has done very well.

This is from a comment by Antonio Moore in the Huffington Post, May 2016. He notes that, according to Federal Reserve figures, the median net worth of the top 1 percent of white households is 74 times that of the average white household. “This is among the highest levels of income stratification between classes in the developed world. Yet, the wealth difference between the American black household in the top 1 percent and the average black household is several times worse. As reported by MSNBC the median net worth of the few black households in the top 1 percent was $1.2 million dollars, while according to the Census median net worth for all black households was about $6,000 in total.”

“A black family in the 1 percent is worth a staggering 200 times that of an average black family. If black America were a country we would be among the most wealth stratified in the world.”

And there is the issue of inequality among women. These are selections from 2013 articles by Alison Wolf, Professor of Public Sector Management at King’s College London:

“Inequality among women is growing very fast indeed. In both the UK and the US, the percentage of total female earnings that goes to the top female 1 per cent has doubled since the 1980s. In America, almost 200,000 women are earning a quarter of a million dollars a year, or more: and the average income, within that group, is a breathtaking $475,000.

“Among younger men and women with equal education levels, who have also put in equal time in the same occupation, there are no gender pay gaps left. Inequality in average earnings isn’t caused by glass ceilings. It reflects, instead, two things. First, the lives of non-professional women, the vast majority, the ‘other’ 80 percent, whose lives are very different. And secondly, it reflects the dilemmas faced by women when they have children, and the choices they make.”

These newly affluent elements want more. They see as their rivals more entrenched white or male rivals in various fields and professions. A bitter internecine conflict is going on in the academic world, in various professions, in the media, in the arts and entertainment, a sort of “ethnic cleansing,” a conflict between upper middle class layers over whatever pieces of the capitalist pie they can grab hold of. We’ve written recently about the Black Lives Matter movement, to which the Ford Foundation has promised to channel $100 million over the next six years and which has announced plans to issue what it calls a “black credit card.” This is the reactionary program of Black Capitalism.

We stand opposed, as a party of the working class, to all these sordid maneuvers. We are hostile to all sections of big business, whether white or black, male or female. We do not consider the election of black or female capitalist politicians a step forward. We are utterly indifferent to the percentage of males or females, black or whites or Latinos, on the boards of giant corporations, or whether there is a woman in the White House or an African American presiding over the bombing of defenseless people in Syria or Yemen.

Again, there are these striking figures on wealth and poverty:

In 1960, there were an estimated 25 black millionaires. That number has grown 1,400 times. Today there are 35,000 black millionaires in the U.S.

According to a Pew Research Study, 35 percent of black households have “negative” or “no net worth.” Another 15 percent have less than $6,000 in total household worth. That is nearly 7 million of the total 14 million black households that have little or no wealth.

This was the compensation of top-paid female CEOS of S&P 500 companies in April 2015, according to USA Today:

Yahoo, Marissa Mayer: $42.1 million
Oracle, Safra Ada Catz: $37.7 million
Lockheed Martin, Marillyn Hewson: $33.7 million
TJX, Carol Meyrowitz: $28.7 million
PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi: $22.5 million
Xerox, Ursula Burns: $22.2 million
Mondelez, Irene Rosenfeld: $21 million
Hewlett-Packard, Margaret Whitman: $19.6 million
General Dynamics, Phebe Novakovic: $19.3 million
IBM, Virginia Rometty: $19.3 million
Sempra, Debra Reed: $16.9 million
General Motors, Mary Barra: $16.2 million

What is the significance of these trends and developments for art and culture?

One of the issues I’d like to discuss this evening is this: Is it possible, referring back to the issues I raised before, for one gender or ethnicity or nationality to successfully create artistic works about another? Is such a thing even permissible? In other words, to put it more bluntly or concretely, because this is the issue that more often comes up at this point, is it legitimate or even possible for men to write or make films about women (and vice versa, to a certain extent)? Is it possible, or legitimate, for whites to write about blacks (and vice versa, to whatever extent this comes up)? And what are the implications if these efforts are not possible or permissible? Is there a racial or gender criterion in art?

Moreover, what is the history of claims about ethnic or racial particularism—claims, in other words, that different peoples are incapable of communicating with one another, and that each national culture is separate and distinct?

Our answer is not a mystery, and I’ve already given some indication of it. The artist, in our view, has the responsibility to strive for the broadest, most universal truths. The genuine artist has the interests of humanity in mind, not this or that nationality or tribe, or gender, certainly not in the modern era. There is no “national” ideal that can bring forth art of the highest quality or importance in our day. We have long since passed the heyday of the “national epic,” even in countries oppressed by imperialism.

I don’t mean of course that the artist should avoid treating the most concrete, particular, details of life, that is essential to his or her work, but the fleeting and immediate have to point beyond themselves toward the more general human condition. Significant art work has always endured for that reason, because it transcends the immediate circumstances, grasps and rises above them, and speaks to the generalized conditions—social, psychological, moral—that exist within class society. This is why we still read Homer or Shakespeare, or whatever other examples you want to provide.

It would be impossible to write a novel or play today, for example, that would genuinely enlighten or move masses of people if it were steeped in American patriotism or nationalism, if such a work argued that Americans from every social class and background should unite against the common enemy, let’s say, the Chinese or the Russians or the Iranians, or perhaps the Germans. Such a work would not be effective because it would be so obviously untrue, so counter to the real interests of the population, it would not be convincing—and, in any case, no seriously talented person would undertake such a work.

Of course, we have militaristic, jingoistic, pro-CIA films:

The Hurt Locker (2008)
Act of Valor (2012)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Lone Survivor (2013)
American Sniper (2014)
The Interview (2014)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
13 Hours (2016)

These works, by and large, do not have an impact, or, if they do, they have an impact only on susceptible, less conscious social layers and appeal to their worst instincts. But none of the militaristic works about Iraq and Afghanistan, like American Sniper, or a pro-CIA film like Zero Dark Thirty, will survive.

There are two related questions: Can one culture or gender understand another? Does it have the right to make artistic representations of another?

I need to digress to make one point. We need to distinguish, first of all, between absolute and relative truth, between understanding someone relatively well, even very well, and understanding him or her absolutely. There is never a complete identity between our thinking and the object we are thinking or making art about. Our thinking or imaging is always an approximation. The task is to make the approximation as accurate and profound and evocative as possible.

Not every human experience, of course, can be grasped by every other human being. A friend of ours recently had a child and spent 18 or 20 hours in labor. That is one experience I and at least half the population will never know. But even then, the general idea presumably is available to me.

Significant cultural, national, linguistic, even regional distinctions obviously exist and will continue to exist. To a certain extent, these distinctions make life interesting. We all search out people and experiences different from those familiar to us. But they are relative differences, differences within a species we recognize as our own. In fact, we could not register the differences if there were not an underlying sameness, a profound point of connection. They wouldn’t be intriguing or enjoyable or accessible in any way. Truly, nothing human is alien to any of us.

We are all made of the same basic substance, have many of the same physiological and material, and psychic needs. Especially at this moment in history. Economic processes have leveled the differences enormously.

Each of us is unique in the specific manner in which the different physical, cultural and social elements are arranged.

This is the significance of Trotsky’s brilliant comment in Literature and Revolution (1924):

“Even if individuality is unique, it does not mean that it cannot be analyzed. Individuality is a welding together of tribal, national, class, temporary and institutional elements and, in fact, it is in the uniqueness of this welding together, in the proportions of this psychochemical mixture, that individuality is expressed. …

“So it can be seen that what serves as a bridge from soul to soul is not the unique, but the common. Only through the common is the unique known; the common is determined in man by the deepest and most persistent conditions which make up his ‘soul’, by the social conditions of education, of existence, of work, and of associations. The social conditions in historic human society are, first of all, the conditions of class affiliation. That is why a class standard is so fruitful in all fields of ideology, including art, and especially in art, because the latter often expresses the deepest and most hidden social aspirations.”

In any event, are there such things, for example, as entirely distinct Black and White cultures in America? I would dispute that. Of course, there are distinct sources and interests, histories and features, but blacks and whites have been painfully, tragically intertwined since the very earliest days in America.

There is hardly a significant political document, either of a progressive or reactionary character, in the first century of the country’s existence that did not, directly or indirectly, take up the African American presence. From the Declaration of Independence, with its earthshaking claim about the equality of men—which was only a promissory note, given the existence of slavery, and inevitably had to be fought out over the next 85 years—through all the debates and conflicts of the first part of the 19th century, to the Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s Second Inaugural speech.

If you turn to American literature, the democratic, almost orgiastic fluidity of peoples is one of the major themes of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, with the slavery question certainly in the background, as it was in the entire American Renaissance of the 1850s, in Emily Dickinson and in Thoreau and Emerson, and later—very much in the foreground—in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn.

There is the vast intellectual and cultural impact of the Civil War on figures like Theodore Dreiser, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, etc. They were produced by an intellectual and cultural universe in which the Civil War and the subsequent rise of modern industrial American capitalism were the central and pivotal features.

This holds true for every aspect of cultural life, literature, music, drama.

And there is the obvious, unavoidable impact of European culture on African American culture.

“Black literature must necessarily be a mixed mode, growing out of European language and European literary models. The example of the spirituals, which derived largely from European hymns, should indicate to us that authentic black models can develop from European models. Similarly, Sidney Bechet, Coleman Hawkins, [Charlie] Parker, and [John] Coltrane took the instrument patented by the Frenchman Antoine-Joseph Sax in 1846 [i.e., the saxophone] and made it into an instrument that is now inseparably associated with jazz. Black musical expression is not limited to forms or instruments created in Africa, and this need not be the case for black literature either.” (David L. Smith, “The Black Arts Movement and Its Critics,” 1991)

It need not be, and cannot be, frankly, even if it wanted to be.

I would like to speak briefly about the history of ethnic or racial particularism, the notion that there are absolute differences between peoples, and that they are incomprehensible to one another.

The current racialist trends, those who argue that whites cannot understand blacks, and that Jews should not make films about Italians, and that men and women can never produce successful artistic works about one another, have a very bad pedigree. In fact, they are taking up ideas that were associated with reactionary thinkers of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, thinkers associated with the “Anti-Enlightenment” or “Counter-Enlightenment.” The only difference today is that this type of reactionary racialist and ethnic communalist politics is presented as something “left-wing” and “progressive.” We want to demonstrate that it is no such thing.

An important starting-point is the Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries, the great intellectual movement that reflected the rise of the bourgeoisie within the old feudal society, based on great economic upheavals, major scientific developments, and the exploration by Europeans of the Americas and other parts of the globe. Frederick Engels, the co-founder of the modern socialist movement, commented, “In its theoretical form, modern Socialism originally appears … as a more logical extension of the principles laid down by the great French philosophers of the 18th century. …

“The great men, who in France prepared men’s minds for the coming revolution [of 1789], were themselves extreme revolutionists. They recognized no external authority of any kind whatever. … Reason became the sole measure of everything.” ( Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, 1880)

Of course, the great thinkers of the 17th and 18th century could not, any more than anyone else, “go beyond the limits imposed upon them by their epoch.” The “kingdom of reason” they helped bring about was nothing more than the idealized kingdom of the bourgeoisie. Bourgeois property and bourgeois equality before the law were the inevitable result. However, this is not to diminish their accomplishments or the implications of their thinking. On the question of the equality of human beings and equality among cultures, here are a few examples:

From Baruch Spinoza, the Dutch-Jewish philosopher, one of the great rationalists of the 17th century: “But all men have one and the same nature: it is power and culture that mislead us.” (Theological-Political Treatise, 1670)

Another figure of the early Enlightenment, Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle, argues in “Digression on the Ancients and the Moderns” (1688) that men have been the same in all times and places, that “the materials nature has in her hands are always the same; she forms and re-forms them into a thousand shapes … The centuries have caused no natural difference to arise among men … Here we are, then, perfectly equal, the ancients and the moderns, Greeks, Romans, and French.”

The great 19th century Russian revolutionary democrat, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, makes this comment about the Enlightenment:

“Are we entitled then to say that all races of people are identical not only in their physical structure, but also in their mental and moral qualities? In the eighteenth century the opinion was widespread among progressive people … They spoke of the unity of human nature in very broad and strong terms.” (“An Essay on the Scientific Conception of Certain Problems in World History,” 1887-88)

This is from a recent work on the subject: “If the people of the Enlightenment had an awareness of the pluralism of cultures, they retained a sense of the unity of the human race. People should be seen in their historical context, but humanity was one, people were rational individuals, and their weaknesses were a product of their environment and not of their nature.” (Zeev Sternhell, The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition, 2009)

One of the greatest figures of the Enlightenment, Denis Diderot, renowned as the co-founder, chief editor and contributor to the Encyclopédie, had this to say: “Therefore, everything goes to prove that humankind is not comprised of essentially different species. The difference between whites and browns arises from food, morals, customs, climate; that between browns and blacks has the same cause. Therefore, originally, there was only one race of humans.” (Human Species, 1765)

This is a comment by Frederick Douglass, the former slave and abolitionist, a man steeped in Enlightenment thought: “I adopt the theory that in time the varieties of races will be blended into one. Let us look back when the black and the white people were distinct in this country. In two hundred and fifty years there has grown up a million of intermediate. And this will continue. You may say that Frederick Douglass considers himself a member of the one race which exists.” (Remark to a journalist, 1884)

Enlightenment thought was generally animated by universalism, secularism, egalitarianism, belief in rationality and science, hostility to superstition, confidence in progress and the ability of human beings to eventually bring their lives under their conscious control. Men and women were not wicked, the social conditions in which they lived represented the principal obstacle to human happiness.

There is another current worth considering. “Anti-Enlightenment” thought, which arose in response to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution and in defense of the old order, tended to be national-minded, ethnic-based, traditional, religious, irrationalist, it defended prejudice, focused on what divided humanity and was hostile toward and fearful of the people, anti-democratic. At first, this current defended the old feudal order, later it became integrated into the apology for capitalism and, in the 1920s and 1930s, some of these conceptions became part of the fascist ideological arsenal.

In the counter-Enlightenment we find a celebration of tradition, fear, submission, obedience. Initially at least, this trend is rooted in religious conceptions: We are Fallen Creatures, due to Original Sin, and efforts to remedy social ills will fail because human nature is essentially rotten.

We can begin with Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821). Born in the Duchy of Savoy, in present-day France, de Maistre was a violent enemy of the French Revolution of 1789, an equally violent proponent of the monarchy, the Pope and the state repressive apparatus.

He is notorious for his infatuation with the executioner. “All greatness, all power, the hierarchy as a whole rest upon the hangman: he is the terror and the mainstay of human society. Remove this misconstrued factor from the world and instantly order will yield to chaos, thrones will shake, and society perish. God, who created authority, also created punishment.” (St. Petersburg Dialogues, 1821)

In regard to the specific question we are discussing tonight, de Maistre made this famous pronouncement: “The 1795 [French] constitution, like its predecessors, was made for man. But there is no such thing as man in the world. During my life, I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, and so on; thanks to Montesquieu, I even know that one can be Persian; but I must say, as for man, I have never come across him anywhere; if he exists, he is completely unknown to me.” (Considerations on France, 1795)

It is not for nothing that one commentator makes the case that de Maistre was one of the first “multi-culturalists.”

Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882) is considered “The Father of Racist Ideology.” He was the author of An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, a four-volume work published in 1853-55. The work was in part a fierce response to the 1848 revolution, which saw one of the first serious efforts by the working class to rise up against bourgeois society. Revolted by the rootless, urban masses, Gobineau only felt, as he said, “horror and disgust at equality and democracy.”

In his “Essay,” he wrote: “Passing from one induction to another, I was gradually penetrated by the conviction that the racial question overshadows all other problems of history, that it holds the key to them all, and that the inequality of the races from whose fusion a people is formed is enough to explain the whole course of its destiny.”

He attributed the decline of various civilizations to the dilution of blood. A race degenerates “because it has no longer the same blood in its vein,” because of race mixing, miscegenation. He established a crackpot hierarchy of races—white, yellow, black. He argued, “The human race in all its branches has a secret repulsion from the crossing of blood.”

Gobineau developed a theory of natural inequality, which he devised to justify his aristocratic stand against the encroachment of egalitarian ideas, which were not only racially but also socially unnatural. Needless to say, he was an enemy of socialism.

Gobineau had a strong influence on later, reactionary thinkers, including Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Oswald Spengler, and through them, on Hitler and the Nazis, although he was not a raving anti-Semite.

Various apologies for racism emerged in the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries on the grounds that whites and blacks were utterly distinct and no rapprochement was possible. In his ground-breaking work, The Strange Career of Jim Crow (1955), C. Vann Woodward noted that the influence of such works “was to encourage the notion that there was something inevitable and rigidly inflexible about the existing patterns of segregation and race relations in the South; that these patterns had not been and could not be altered by conscious effort.”

This is from Folkways (1906), by Yale University social scientist William Graham Sumner (1840-1910): “In this way folkways arise. The young learn them by tradition, imitation, and authority. The folkways, at a time, provide for all the needs of life then and there. They are uniform, universal in the group, imperative, and invariable. As time goes on, the folkways become more and more arbitrary, positive, and imperative. …

“In our southern states, before the civil war, whites and blacks had formed habits of action and feeling towards each other. They lived in peace and concord, and each one grew up in the ways which were traditional and customary. The civil war abolished legal rights and left the two races to learn how to live together under other relations than before.” This kind of academic rubbish justified the racist political set-up in the South.

The conceptions of French novelist and politician Maurice Barrès (1862-1923) are especially instructive on this score. A fanatical French chauvinist, anti-Semite and anti-Dreyfusard (“That Dreyfus is guilty, I deduce not from the facts themselves, but from his race”) and a strong influence on the subsequent development of French fascism, Barrès said he was unable to understand the Parthenon or Plato because he had no Greek blood in his veins. As far as he was concerned, the Greek genius was impenetrable to a Frenchman. All that remained of truth was a multiplicity of national truths: Barrès spoke of a French truth and a German truth, a French justice and a German justice.

Then there was Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), the author of The Decline of the West, an anti-Communist and proponent of “national socialism,” a German nationalist. Spengler was generally supportive of Hitler and the Nazis, although he was not a biological racist. He had criticisms of the regime, but it tolerated him, and he tolerated it.

Spengler wrote: “Each culture possesses its own standards, the validity of which begins and ends with it. There is no general morality of mankind. … Truths are truths only in relation to a particular human group.”

Spengler thought that “any attempt at understanding between nations” or any possibility of such an understanding was a sign of decline. For men who come to a different culture, its customs and morals are “a deep secret and a source of continual and pregnant error.”

In recent decades, postmodernism, which employs its own extreme relativism, has had a major influence on bourgeois thought and the academic world. Postmodernism emphasizes “micro-politics,” and “difference”—each individual or people has its own, equally valid “narrative.” Rooted in particular in German subjectivist and reactionary philosophy, the postmodernists have launched their well-known assault on objective truth, on the study of history, on Marxism and the revolutionary role of the working class.

As two authors explain: “In the past two decades, the foundational claims of modern politics have been challenged by postmodern perspectives. … The Marxian project of revolution, worldwide and global in scope, has been replaced in some quarters by more localized struggles and more modest and reformist goals. …

“Within the mode of theory, the democratic [I would question that term—DW] turn involves a shift toward more multiperspectival theorizing that respects a variety of sometimes conflicting perspectives rather than, as in modern theory, seeking the one perspective of objective truth or absolute knowledge. In opposition to discourses of the unity of absolute truth, postmodern micropolitics stresses difference, plurality, conflict, and respect for the other.” (Steven Best and Douglas Kellner, Dawns, Twilights, and Transitions: Postmodern Theories, Politics, and Challenges, 2011)

There is an evident connection between this outlook, and the growth of ethnic, racial and identity politics. These tendencies in the upper middle class reject the ability to make sense of the world objectively and base one’s views and politics on that objective assessment.

To conclude:

This history, and the recent history of postmodernism in particular, through which many of these reactionary tendencies flow, helps account for the very poor current state of arts and culture. There are many interrelated factors, but the emphasis on self, personal identity, ethnicity, gender—and the hostility to universality, rationality and historical and social generalization—has had a significant and damaging impact.

The artist who begins from the conception that large areas of life are forbidden him or her, and that he or she is restricted to “staying in your own lane,” is virtually done for from the outset. Art is inevitably and correctly drawn toward the broadest questions that concern human beings, toward the universal features of life. Imagine telling an astrophysicist or a mathematician that such and such aspect of the field was off-limits. Art too, in its own particular manner, is involved in objectively knowing the world.

There has not been a single work in recent decades that one could point to, and say, “This sums up the period, or life in the US, or any country. This is a picture of life that will endure for decades. This provides the whole, or important parts of the whole.” Not one. The postmodernists and identity politicians have had several decades to show what they can do. And there is very little artistically to come out of it. This has been the worst period in the modern epoch, in my view, from the artistic point of view.

I just came from the San Francisco film festival. There were numerous honest, sincere efforts, but for the most part these are self-consciously small and largely passive. The artists, more than at any other time in modern history, are unprepared for, uncomfortable with anything but immediate, or subjective conditions. Where is the rich social or historical drama? We live in a period of extraordinary, perhaps unprecedented, global drama and tension and upheaval. Where is that represented by artists?

Believe it or not, artists once stuck their necks out. Leo Tolstoy wrote a novel ambitiously entitled War and Peace, 1,400 pages long, a work intended to sum up European and Russian history over a considerable period of time. He wrote and re-wrote it seven times. Today, by and large, artistic presumptuousness and ambitiousness find expression in technological invention or bombast.

One of the problems today, along with a terribly low level of social and historical knowledge, is the degree of skepticism and pessimism that prevails in artistic circles. We are entirely confident, and insight into historical experience is vital here, that the conditions that have accumulated will provoke a mass social explosion. Every social class hesitates before making a great advance. However, shock and dismay, and the temporary paralysis produced by the rottenness of the trade unions and all the existing leaderships and organizations, will give way to anger and action. The ruling elite understands that, that’s why it’s arming itself to the teeth and trying to direct that social anger outward at other countries and peoples.

Self-pity and pettiness and selfishness have always been poor starting points for art, or anything else. The lives and thoughts of most artists at present, one has to be honest, are not that intriguing. We would say: put yourselves in your back pockets for a moment, and look at life more broadly, and more deeply.

This is the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in 1917. We are marking it and studying it from the point of view of the revolutionary explosions to come. We make our appeal to the artists and those present in this room on that basis.



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Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit of American Liberalism

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David Penner

The Russians have an expression: words are deeds. Indeed, words contain a mesmeric power, and while this power can be used for good, it can also be used to harness dark and pernicious forces. For as Orwell understood all too well, words can be hijacked by a corrupt ruling class and used to indoctrinate, manipulate, and deceive.

In order to understand how the liberal class has come to be so beguiled by the forces of reaction, one must take note of the unprecedented liberal hysteria over racism, sexism, and homophobia. Indeed, the more liberals remain transfixed with this unholy trinity, the more indifferent they become to the terrible suffering inflicted by capitalism, as they are drawn further and further to the right, and pulled ever more deeply into a vortex of amorality.

This is not to suggest that racism, sexism, and homophobia do not exist, but rather, that these words have been co-opted by a ruling establishment which has succeeded in duping the faux-left into embracing policies that are deeply antithetical to the interests of American workers, patients, and students.

In politics either one believes in unions, single-payer, and public education or one doesn’t. Either one opposes imperialism, or one does not. The problem with anchoring a political discourse around who opposes racism, sexism, and homophobia and who (allegedly) doesn’t, is that these words are inherently ambiguous to the point where they can be manipulated to mean almost anything. All too often, the racists, sexists, and homophobes can simply comprise anybody who has the temerity to challenge liberal orthodoxy.

In an article in U.S. News and World Report titled “The Problem with Hillary-Hate,” Joanne Cronrath Bamberger bemoans the criticism of her hero, arguing that, “Pundits and journalists alike continually refer to her as corrupt and untrustworthy, even though the things people point to for support either are false or they can’t say why they use those words because, well, it’s just a feeling they have”. “We came, we saw, he died,” Hillary famously blurted out when asked about the brutal murder of Gaddafi. While this may never be mentioned on CNN, Libya was a country that had a high standard of living, and had attained a sound nationalization of its health care and education systems. Gaddafi infuriated the Western elites by attempting to establish a gold-backed dinar, leading NATO to unleash a barrage of merciless savagery and violence on a country that is now in a state of complete and utter lawlessness, yet this fails to elicit even so much as a shrug from the sanctimonious imaginary left. For these acts of barbarity pale in the decaying liberal mind with an accusation of sexism.

Bamberger continues:

Disagree with her policies all you want. Propose different plans that are better. But continuing hate-based commentary about Clinton implicitly says to us all that it will also be acceptable to throw the next woman presidential candidate – viable or not – under the bus with detestable accusations and made-up charges. To let that kind of hateful disrespect for any woman continue allows it to become our cultural norm.

This lamentable mentality is illustrative of how the sexism card can be used to stifle criticism – not only of an extremely corrupt politician – but of foreign policies that are nothing short of genocidal.

In an equally inane article in the HuffPost by Maya Dusenbery, titled “Medicine has a Sexism Problem, and it’s Making Women Sicker,” the author (who has rheumatoid arthritis and a female rheumatologist), writes:

While I’ve been a feminist writer for years, before I got sick, I hadn’t given much thought to how sex and gender bias has skewed what we know and don’t know about health and disease and how it affects the quality of medical care that patients receive. But after my brush with the autoimmune epidemic – an epidemic that seemed strangely off the radar of both the public and the medical system – I started to explore it. What I’ve discovered is that a lack of knowledge about women’s health, and a lack of trust in their reports of their symptoms – entwined problems that have become remarkably entrenched in the American medical system – conspire to leave many women misdiagnosed, dismissed and sick.

Hospital errors are the third leading cause of death in this country, and thousands of Americans continue to file for bankruptcy due to medical bills they cannot pay, while little Cuba has had constitutionally mandated single-payer since 1959, yet these are mere trivialities. The real problem with our health care system is that it is sexist.

If sexism is the son, racism is the father, and no one loves talking about racism more than liberals. Regrettably, they know nothing whatsoever about it. Last April, Milo Yiannopoulos was driven out of a New York bar by a pack of vituperative liberals who repeatedly yelled “Nazi scum get out.” That Milo is a flamboyant homosexual, married to a black man, and has a Jewish maternal grandmother surely makes him the strangest Nazi that ever lived. Whether one agrees with what he says or not, is neither here nor there. The point is that it is simply far too common for anyone who disagrees with fundamentalist liberal dogma to be beaten with the truncheons of racism and sexism. That the real Nazis are in Kiev, and that they violently seized power in a coup which was wholeheartedly backed by the Obama administration is, to quote John Pilger, beyond irony.

In an article in The Washington Post titled “The Racist Backlash Obama Has Faced During His Presidency,” by Terence Samuel, the author writes, “From the very beginning, Obama’s ascendance produced a huge backlash that was undeniably racist in nature….” This was an administration that destroyed Libya, Yemen, Ukraine, supported death squads in Syria that led to the destruction of over half the country, slaughtered thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan, passed the National Defense Authorization Act, set aside a trillion dollars to modernize our nuclear weapons arsenal and brought relations with Moscow to their nadir. Moreover, these genocidal polices were paid for with trillions of dollars, while a vast swath of American society is either uneducated, unemployed, or without decent health insurance. Yet these acts of brazen criminality and barbarity are incidental. So let’s ignore the content of Obama’s character, and just talk about the color of his skin.

At a lecture at Trinity College Dublin in June, Hillary said, “Vladimir Putin has positioned himself as the leader of an authoritarian, white-supremacist and xenophobic movement….” What is striking about these remarks is that much of Hillary’s presidential campaign was anchored in Russophobia – undeniably one of the most dangerous forms of racism – and which contributed to an ideology that led to the murder of twenty-seven million Russians during the Second World War.

Liberals wield an extraordinary amount of power in the public schools, and regard themselves as valiant crusaders against racism. Yet while they repeatedly and vociferously maintain that the ethnic studies programs and the multicultural curriculum are the antithesis of racism, they are actually the quintessence of it. For these policies have fomented an unprecedented degree of segregation in our schools and in our society. Indeed, virtually any attempt at elevating the level of education for poor students of color – especially in the humanities – will invariably land a public school teacher in the doghouse with a liberal administrator. In this schizophrenic order that would make Orwell blush, the real racists are now holier-than-thou anti-racists.

Accusations of homophobia have also become quite useful when it comes to duping insouciant liberals into embracing reactionary policies. In an article in The Guardian titled “Iranian Human Rights Official Describes Homosexuality as an Illness,” the author bemoans the fact that, “An Iranian official whose job is to protect human rights has described homosexuality as an illness, after a UN special rapporteur expressed concerns about the systematic persecution of Iran’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.”

What a pity that the editors of a once respectable newspaper are happy to print anti-Iranian propaganda, so as to foment liberal bloodlust for yet another regime change. The author also fails to question why one of Washington’s best friends in the Middle East, the Saudi monarchy, a regime that delights in decapitating people as punishment for “sorcery and witchcraft,” is permitted to impose a theocracy infinitely more reactionary and medieval than the one in Iran, and can do so without even the faintest trace of rebuke from the Western media. And what of the Washington-backed jihadi death squads in Syria and Libya? What is their record on gay rights? Indeed, the same question could be raised regarding the rights of women living under the yoke of these barbarians. But they are “the good terrorists,” and so all is forgiven.

In an article in The Guardian by Peter Tatchell, titled “World Cup Fever, Gay Rights Abuses and War Crimes – It’s an Ugly Mix,” the author writes, “I’m here for the World Cup – but unlike thousands of fans, I won’t be cheering on this festival of football. LGBT+ people and many other Russians suffer state-sanctioned persecution and far-right violence. These abuses need to be challenged.” The decision of Washington to unleash Neo-Nazi and other far-right paramilitaries on the Donbass that have murdered thousands of ethnic Russians, Moscow’s military intervention in Syria that saved the country from the fate of Libya, and the fact that Russians enjoy free health care and superior education, are of no interest to Western propagandists. Russians are simply terrible people, and what better way to get liberals to embrace Russophobia (not to mention the annihilation of the planet), than to talk about the country’s lack of gay rights?

This is not to say that identity politics and multiculturalism have been a failure. On the contrary, they have been a resounding success. However, contrary to fundamentalist liberal dogma this success lies not unto the heart of the left, but under the iron heel of the right. Increasingly, those who have been indoctrinated to view the world through the warped prism of identity politics are incapable of seeing political reality for what it is, but for what the ruling establishment desires it to be. For they have been enshrouded in a veil of blindness.

That liberals have severed all ties with The Civil Rights Movement, unions, intellectual inquiry, and anti-imperialist sentiment is incontrovertible. The ongoing fervor and cultlike zealotry over racism, sexism, and homophobia has ushered in a new era of witch-hunts, and is indicative of a liberal class that is increasingly unmoored and unhinged. The psychosis of contemporary liberalism has defiled and contaminated our very language, and caused the national discourse to be paralyzed by a deranged political philosophy that has fomented a war of all against all, while allowing the elite to use liberals as attack dogs to vilify, intimidate, and silence all who oppose the machinations of capitalist power both at home and abroad.

Read other articles by David.


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As American Society Crashes and Burns, the Cult of Neoliberalism Marches on

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.


by David Penner

—William Seward, from the "Freedom in the New Territories" speech, March 11, 1850

Long after they have set fire to the values of the New Deal and the civil rights movement, neoliberals continue to regard themselves as a bulwark protecting civilization from barbarism. In reality, they have betrayed all the values that the New Dealers and the civil rights leaders courageously and nobly fought for. Indeed, a class that once espoused unions, public education, the Constitution, integration, and freedom of the press, while standing in unequivocal opposition to imperialism and McCarthyism, has been transformed into a cult which speaks in the trappings of a progressive-sounding language, yet which has come to be allied with the forces of reaction on each and every one of these issues.

The mass media have successfully convinced a vast swath of the population that Obama and Hillary stand in brave opposition to racism and sexism, while Trump personifies Racism and The Patriarchy. This inane view of politics, coupled with the fact that the education system has raised an entire generation on nothing but woke novels and immigrant memoirs that pathologize whiteness, has resulted in a crisis where Western Civilization and the values of the Enlightenment are in grave danger. The videos showing Hillary supporters sobbing as their beloved Class-A war criminal was defeated in the 2016 election signifies this dangerous rift with reality.

Let us posit that a cult is a social structure that embodies the following characteristics:

* A rejection of logic and reason
* A fanatical devotion to an irrational belief system
* A profound anti-intellectualism
* A rejection of history and objective truth
* A relentless vilification of those who are outside of the cult, especially those who attempt to challenge the cult’s dogma
* An Orwellian manipulation of language

That neoliberalism possesses each of these characteristics is self-evident; while all who attempt to question this creed are branded as “racists,” “fascists,” “Nazis,” “bigots,” “sexists,” or “conspiracy theorists;” i.e., mentally ill. Moreover, faux leftists continue to exhibit a blind faith in the holy texts of neoliberalism; and no matter how many times The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and The New Yorker lie and dissemble, they refuse to read these publications with even the faintest trace of skepticism.

A critical tenet of neoliberalism is that it “fights racism,” when in fact the opposite is the case, as evidenced by the fact that multiculturalism and identity politics relentlessly foment and exacerbate segregation, ghettoization, and tribalism. And despite the fact that the two parties have been doing essentially the exact same things since (at the very least) the inauguration of Bill Clinton, the cult of neoliberalism remains anchored in an uncompromising belief in the two-party system. The idea that it is “progressive” to dispense with the national identities of the West since they epitomize “racism,” is yet another putrefying pillar of neoliberal ideology. Following this line of thinking, Americans can get along just fine with vocational communities and tribal identities that break down along lines of ethnicity, language, religion and sexual orientation. 

A belief that the multicultural society is a meritocracy where everyone gets the job and income that they deserve; an insistence that “the left” should no longer concern itself with improving the lives of workers, students, patients, and prisoners but with “fighting racism,” are likewise foundational tenets of identity politics doctrine. In actuality, the fragmentation unleashed by the multicultural curriculum, identity studies, the multilingual media, and bilingual education has generated the very racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia that faux-leftists claim to combat, undermining their very raison d’être. In a curious historical irony, neoliberals have even backed the restoration of McCarthyite witch hunts, thereby facilitating attacks on those who remain outside, or in defiance of, this peculiar dogma.

The multicultural curriculum has been specifically engineered to deny black, Latino, and poor immigrant youth an education in American letters, British literature, and classics of Western Civilization. This underscores the sinister and bigoted intentions of liberal academic administrators. Jettisoning these books from public schools which are dominated by students of color has led to staggering amounts of illiteracy, from which sectarianism has arrived to insatiably and inexorably fill the void. Perhaps unsurprisingly, proponents of the anti-working class have birthed an anti-humanities curriculum. 

Multiculturalism subverts class consciousness without which there can be no political literacy, no understanding of history, and no progress. The anarchy, chaos, and atomization of the multicultural society (an oxymoron), turns workers into amoral automatons and interchangeable parts, while facilitating plutocratic pillage and authoritarianism, which its architects know full well.

In many ways, the demonization of Trump serves to deflect attention away from the fact that it is the ideology of neoliberalism which has betrayed the legacies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and Martin Luther King, turning the country into a failed state. Black nationalism and white nationalism are in fact two sides of the same coin. It is not possible to have one and not have the other. Indeed, anti-white bigots are no more interested in the restoration of unions, the Constitution, integration, good public education, demilitarization, and freedom of the press than their white nationalist counterparts. If these critical checks and balances are not restored, and the health care system remains privatized, our democracy will be lost. The political prosecutions of Julian Assange, John Kiriakou, Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner, Daniel Hale, Barrett Brown, and Jeremy Hammond mean nothing to these zealots, as the accused are white, and the reinstatement of habeas corpus is not a part of their agenda.

A country can have different ethnicities, religions, and languages, but it cannot survive competing and mutually hostile curricula, as a nation-state must have a cohesive canon and a common historical narrative in order to sustain itself. As things presently stand, we have one curriculum which portrays white people as the devil incarnate; the other, a conservative curriculum, portrays Americans as the Indispensable Nation, and inculcates its charges with an ideology anchored in jingoism and Manifest Destiny. Both courses of study denigrate American literature, and refuse to educate their students in the history of European and American imperialism. These two curricula are on a collision course, and it would be unwise to dismiss the possibility of serious sectarian violence.

James Madison was acutely aware of the vital importance of having a literate population. As he wrote in a letter to W.T. Barry, on August 4, 1822:

A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.

John F. Kennedy reiterated this fundamental truth when he stated at Vanderbilt’s 90th Anniversary Convocation Address on May 18th, 1963, that “Only an educated and informed people will be a free people.” 

Faux leftists continue to be fanatical supporters of illegal immigration and the importation of guest workers, and refuse to acknowledge the many problems this has wrought, particularly with regard to deunionization and the depression of wages, ghettoization, catastrophic overcrowding in public schools and hospitals; and the fact that mass immigration foments destabilization, which in turn facilitates the ruling establishment’s dismantling of due process and the rule of law. 

Are liberals truly “fighting racism” by allowing the poorest and most vulnerable Americans to wallow unaided in a hell of mass incarceration, mass illiteracy, mass unemployment, and appalling unmet health care needs while simultaneously clamoring for more cheap labor to be brought in from abroad? There are also large numbers of Americans with advanced degrees that struggle to find jobs, and yet are forced to compete with a seemingly endless arrival of immigrants that are hired to fill these very positions. Can a society survive if it routinely denies educational opportunities and job opportunities to millions of its young people while incessantly replacing them with indentured servants and more compliant foreign workers?

The taboo placed on criticizing these policies has made it a Herculean task to discuss extremely serious domestic problems with any degree of intellectual honesty. And while liberals have forgotten that the egregious economic inequality of the Gilded Age was inextricably linked with open borders, the ruling establishment has long been cognizant of the fact that this has always been capital’s most effective and devastatingly powerful weapon.

With regard to the nonsensical term “cultural Marxism:” Marx himself understood that mass immigration was used by the ruling elites of the US and UK to drive down wages and pit workers against one another. Furthermore, he would have understood that identity politics atomizes the working class, shattering it into a dizzying array of competing and antagonistic camps. Far from having anything to do with Marxism, the true meaning of “cultural Marxism” is unfettered capitalism. Indeed, there can be no progressive working class movement when the working class has ceased to exist.

For liberals and socialists it has long been anathema to suggest that bigotry can be anything other than a one-way street, yet upon closer examination this argument reveals itself to be mere casuistry. In the ‘60s, “fighting racism” was synonymous with fighting segregation. Today, “fighting racism” has devolved into calls for more “diversity;” i.e. less white people. In the neoliberal cult, the word “racist” has literally come to mean “evil white people,” which has in turn given birth to the idea that only whites can commit “hate crimes.” As towns, cities, and institutions that are predominantly white are denounced as “racist,” it is clear that the goal of multiculturalism is to make whites into a minority throughout the country, burn books by white people, and tear down statues of white people. (We need look no further than London where white British people are a minority in their own capital). Is this not what is meant by the growing calls to end “white privilege” and “white power?” Such an ideology can only lead to a growing state of acrimony between the cult of neoliberalism and the rest of American society. The ahistorical and knavish notion of “white privilege” is contradicted by the fact that there has never been a time in the history of the country when there weren’t significant numbers of poor white people. Furthermore, we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that while the white middle class is being systematically dismantled, the white oligarchs are richer than ever. Another mysterious feature of “white privilege” is that roughly 70% of all suicides in the US are committed by white males.

Liberals once fought segregation, ghettoization, and tribalism - now they fight for these things - a turn of history evidently lost on them. Irregardless of whether the multiculturalists succeed, or the political pendulum swings back to a traditional far-right element such as the Christian Right, the road to despotism has been paved by the liberal class. Martin Luther King’s dream, that Americans would one day “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” has met its inversion in identity politics. Hundreds of thousands of white Union soldiers died so that over three million black slaves could be free. Were they also “racist?” 

It is clear that the minions of multiculturalism have no more understanding of the historical significance of these events than the squirrels of Central Park. Nevertheless, it is also conceivable that the oligarchy understands this totalitarianization all too well, and that these events are part of a deliberate strategy to destroy the working class. 

Moreover, it is from precisely this very anarchic environment that a Mussolini, Pinochet, or Franco could seize power - and save the country from “the left.” 

The book burners do not even distinguish between The Scarlet Letter, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Mein Kampf. White authors are simply racist authors, and they are all alike. Thus have children of color been taught to internalize a variation on the very white supremacist ideology that was hegemonic in the antebellum South, where in addition to being kept in a state of abject ignorance, slaves were taught to be subservient to their masters, but antagonistic towards poor whites.

Speaking at the unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument (also known as the Emancipation Memorial) in Washington, DC, on April 14, 1876, which was paid for by freedmen, and which woke barbarians are champing at the bit to destroy, Frederick Douglass said of Lincoln:

Fellow-citizens, I end, as I began, with congratulations. We have done a good work for our race to-day. In doing honor to the memory of our friend and liberator, we have been doing highest honors to ourselves and those who come after us; we have been fastening ourselves to a name and fame imperishable and immortal; we have also been defending ourselves from a blighting scandal. When now it shall be said that the colored man is soulless, that he has no appreciation of benefits or benefactors; when the foul reproach of ingratitude is hurled at us, and it is attempted to scourge us beyond the range of human brotherhood, we may calmly point to the monument we have this day erected to the memory of Abraham Lincoln.

The multiculturalists are now denouncing this memorial as “a monument to white supremacy."

Were it not for Lincoln and Grant, it is highly probable that the Confederacy would have successfully seceded. Heg was slain at Chickamauga, and gave his life fighting against the Slave Power. The iconic statue of Theodore Roosevelt in front of the Museum of Natural History, which I once gazed up to in wonder as a young boy, is also slated to come down. That Roosevelt was a complex individual who fought for things both progressive and reactionary means nothing to these philistines. Even Augustus Saint-Gaudens' exquisite Shaw Memorial, which took 14 years for the artist to complete, and which honors the all-black Massachusetts Fifty-Fourth Regiment, has not escaped the wrath of the mob. 

The rise in racial diversity and diversity of sexual orientation has coincided with an unprecedented demise in diversity of thought. As historian James Oakes said in an interview with the World Socialist Web Site on November 18th, 2019:

There was a time, a long, long time ago, when a “diverse history faculty” meant that you had an economic historian, a political historian, a social historian, a historian of the American Revolution, of the Civil War, and so on. And now a diverse history faculty means a women’s historian, a gay historian, a Chinese-American historian, a Latino historian. So it’s a completely different kind of diversity.

More dangerous than racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia, are those who use these words in intellectually dishonest and disingenuous ways.This is exemplified by the vitriol heaped on those who maintain that all public school students should be required to read American letters, British literature, and classics of Western Civilization. Denying these books to students of color isn’t “fighting racism;” but conversely, its quintessence. (Note how the euphemisms “respecting cultural differences” and “protecting diversity” serve to glorify segregation). Once these students are inculcated with the pernicious sophism that all white authors are racist they become unteachable. It is as though they have been injected with an anti-literacy vaccine.

There is little difference between students at an elite preparatory school on Manhattan’s Upper East Side and the sons and daughters of medieval kings, dukes, and barons. In this same vein, the polyglot rabble that are warehoused in the New York City public schools have much in common with the children of medieval serfs. The only difference is that the multicultural serfs are so dehumanized that they have been taught to despise the very books that they so desperately need, and without which they are destined to become second-class citizens. 

International students who hail from high schools where English is not the language of instruction should devote their time in the US to earning bachelor'sdegrees in American or British literature. Alternatively, they are destined to learn nothing more than the English language jargon of their field; an arrangement deemed advantageous, both for the for-profit universities, as well as to their future exploiters. The idea that it is “anti-racist” to sell an international student a graduate or undergraduate degree when they struggle to read John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, or write an essay with a single grammatically correct sentence, is indicative of what Gad Saad has called “an idea pathogen.” Again, this begs the question: who is the real racist here?

Arguing that foreign-born students should, at the very least, always be less than ten percent of any student body K-12, and that they should not be allowed to arrive after the sixth or seventh grade, is nothing more than basic common sense. This would help protect not only the integrity of the public schools, but also foreign-born students themselves, who frequently fail to become literate and articulate in English, either because they arrive too late, or because they are educated in schools where ghettoization has relegated academic standards to the lowest possible level. What are immigrant children to integrate into when they are literally hanging from the chandeliers? 

In Britain, faith-based schools continue to have a deleterious impact on native and foreigner alike, as this greatly exacerbates the problem of parallel communities. How can a Muslim child growing up in Luton become a literate British citizen if his education is predicated entirely on Islamic texts? Those who raise this issue are invariably met with accusations of “racism,” “xenophobia,” and “Islamophobia” - or most preposterous of all - “hate speech.” The first casualties of any cult are logic and liberty of thought.

The American canon has always been dominated by the so-called “dead white men.” Getting rid of these books cannot be done without destroying the entire society. (Do I have the right to go to Pakistan and complain that their education system is dominated by “dead brown men?”) The poor academic performance of many Americans of color is rooted in the fact that they have the black or Latino nationalist in one ear and the white neoliberal in the other, two Iagos essentially spewing the same venom: don’t have anything to do with white teachers, white students, or books written by white people. Indeed, all the great black writers and orators in the history of the country: Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Paul Robeson, Martin Luther King, Richard Wright, James Baldwin, and Langston Hughes, to name a few, would never have accomplished anything intellectually without having attained a solid foundation in classics of Western Civilization. Did Martin Luther King martyr himself so that black children could read Amy Tan, Edwidge Danticat, The House on Mango Street and be railroaded into African American studies departments?

Here is Du Bois from The Souls of Black Folk:

I sit with Shakespeare, and he winces not. Across the color line I move arm and arm with Balzac and Dumas, where smiling men and welcoming women glide in gilded halls. From out of the caves of evening that swing between the strong-limbed Earth and the tracery of stars, I summon Aristotle and Aurelius and what soul I will, and they come all graciously with no scorn nor condescension. So, wed with Truth, I dwell above the veil.

Above all, an education system must maintain and safeguard a particular national identity, as manifested by its unique humanities curriculum. Once this sacrosanct mission has been abandoned, education deteriorates into a collection of soulless vocational institutes that become technocratic factories for illiteratization. No multicultural curriculum can exist, because it is not possible to make children literate and articulate in hundreds of different languages. Notwithstanding neoliberal protestations, the multicultural curriculum is a psychopathic, nihilistic, and deeply reactionary curriculum. Nevertheless, it does what it was designed to do: foment tribalism and ignorance, while deflecting anger away from the oligarchy’s destruction of the country and towards white people. 

As Frederick Douglass said in his “Our Composite Nationality” speech on December 7, 1869:

Mankind are not held together by lies. Trust is the foundation of society. Where there is no truth, there can be no trust, and where there is no trust, there can be no society.

If white power is wrong, black power must also be wrong. If misogyny is to be denounced, misandry must also be denounced. It is unconscionable for the cult of neoliberalism to continue to indoctrinate American youth with extremist ideologies.

In the cult of neoliberalism white nationalism is everywhere, yet anti-white bigotry - even when it is at its most spiteful and vicious - is nowhere to be found. Black nationalism is romanticized, as it “fights racism;” while misandry is extolled, as it “fights sexism.” Identity studies and the multicultural curriculum (where classes are taught by demagogues and not by academics), have fomented unprecedented forms of sectarianism, and fueled the free market jihadis of black nationalism, Latino nationalism, and Feminisis, along with other anti-intellectual and anti-Western hordes which are tearing apart the cultural fabric of society. The absence of a legitimate progressive alternative to endless wars, austerity, book burning, the medical industrial complex, and mass incarceration, where one may choose only between a white right and a colored right, has straitjacketed us into a paralysis of analysis. Irregardless of who is victorious, there can only be one winner: the kleptocracy.

The Yellow Vest movement, presently crippled by the Covid-19 pandemic, is a traditional working class movement which seeks to protect social services, unions, and middle class jobs, and whose supporters understand that endless ranting and raving about race and gender is divisive and self-destructive, as this can only enhance the power of a rampaging bourgeoisie increasingly hostile to democracy. They also understand that the triumph of identity politics would constitute the triumph of alienation over camaraderie and solidarity.

Ultimately, multiculturalism is rooted in the idea that our national identity is illegitimate, a form of self-flagellation that is increasingly popular in Europe, notably Sweden. This humiliates and dehumanizes Americans of all ethnicities, and degrades and sullies the credibility of the left, while emboldening traditional reactionary ideologies.

Theodore Roosevelt was acutely aware of the dangers of tribalism. Speaking to the Knights of Columbus at Carnegie Hall on October 12, 1915, he warned:

The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic.

If the multicultural cancer continues to metastasize unchecked our civilization will disintegrate, leaving the younger generation with nothing but a desolate wasteland enveloped by amnesia, where those who cry “extremist” are the real extremists, and where the citadel of reason lies in ruins, as Old Abe’s “mystic chords of memory” fade into a broken hourglass forever.

Ever hubristic and increasingly deranged, the cult of neoliberalism continues to maintain that the multicultural society constitutes a revolutionary movement comprised of integrationists, whose disciples are the heirs to the civil rights movement and the New Deal, when these crusades are diametrically opposed to one another. That the acolytes of identity politics fail to see this is lamentable. Yet cults require only emotions and blind obedience - not cognition. As Paul Craig Roberts writes in “Education Is Offensive and Racist and so is America:” “The elite have worked long and hard to acquire a divided population that cannot unite against them. They have succeeded.” 


David Penner’s articles on politics and health care have appeared in Dissident Voice, CounterPunch, Russia Insider and KevinMD. Also a photographer and native New Yorker, he is the author of three books: Faces of The New Economy, Faces of Manhattan Island, and Manhattan Pairs. He can be reached at

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Freedom Rider: Liberal Sympathy for Trump



Ava Duvernay


“Maddow and Duvernay speak and act in defense of their class interests.”

f Ava Duvernay really believes Trump is a white supremacist, why wish him well?

Everyone reveals their true self in a time of turmoil. A crisis forces exposure which can no longer be kept hidden. The revelation that Donald Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 certainly proves this point. The phony resistance immediately showed that their opposition to Trump is no indicator of solidarity with the people. Their allegiance to the ruling classes always comes out whenever it is time for people to speak forcefully.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow (left) has made a career out of pushing the sketchy Russiagate narrative but she was suddenly overcome with concern for Trump . “God bless the president and the First Lady. If you pray, please pray for their speedy and complete recovery — and for everyone infected, everywhere. This virus is horrific and merciless — no one would wish its wrath on anyone.” 

Maddow’s reaction is not surprising. She is a propagandist after all, and not the journalist she pretends to be. Her objections to Trump in no way show support for popular needs. Like the Democratic Party she represents, she may scorn Trump by ginning up the false Russiagate narrative, but she doesn’t object to Democrats approving the establishment of a Space Force or giving him military budgets larger than the amount he requests. They are of one mind in waging hybrid wars against China, Venezuela or Iran. They support sanctions that create human misery all over the world. 

“Maddow is a propagandist and not the journalist she pretends to be.”.

What does one do when the target of phony outrage gets sick? For Maddow it means asking for prayers and even comparing him to a smoker friend who develops lung cancer . We don’t criticize the smoker, we do everything to support that person, says the object of liberal adoration. Interesting that Maddow sees Trump as a friend at all. Then again, she described the late Roger Ailes as her friend and mentor. His Fox News creation is anathema to the millions of Democrats who are obsessed with her program and see her as their spokesperson. Now they ought to know she doesn’t really care that much.

Maddow was not alone. Film director Ava Duvernay  also felt compelled to send Trump a rhetorical get well card. But she showed her hand after the presidential debate when she condemned Trump but also managed to throw in some Obamaesque scolding of black people for good measure. “For those who hadn’t been listening for the past 4 years, Trump just told you that he ain't leaving and that he is a white supremacist. If that doesn't get every American who is not white into overdrive to toss his ass -- we may actually deserve what happens next.” It seems that in her world view, if Trump and his fascist hordes do rise up to attack black people, the victims will somehow be at fault. 

“Ava Duvernay also felt compelled to send Trump a rhetorical get well card.”

Editor's Note: WE KNEW THE PHONY IDENTITY POLITICS CROWD IN WHICH AVA DUVERNAY TRAVELS WOULD GO WILD WITH THIS MOMENT IN THE "DEBATE" BETWEEN HARRIS AND PENCE. As usual it is all empty symbol, and says absolutely nothing about who Kamala Harris is, her true politics, or what she portends for the country. In fact, the Pence-Harris debate had two lying neocons trading barbs, and outlining a future for the United States and the world that, if anything, is even more despicable and possibly dangerous than Trump's tenure. 

Even after getting push back for her first dubious statement, Duvernay again tried to have it both ways  as she commented upon his COVID diagnosis. “I truly hope you get well as you’re infected with a life-threatening virus and are physically ill. Also, you are a disgrace and a liar. You’ve cost hundreds of thousands their lives. And you’re a white supremacist. Get well. Sincerely. And after that, we’re going to vote you out.” If she really believes Trump is a white supremacist why wish him well?  This is the same Ava Duvernay who announced that questions about Kamala Harris are off limits and are in her view an insult to our ancestors. The black misleadership class is made up of a larger group than politicians. Entertainers and other prominent people like Duvernay always try to limit the scope of black action and even of our thoughts.

Maddow, Duvernay and other well wishers have done us all a huge service. The real resistance, those who oppose neoliberalism, its racist structures, and its empire, are consistent. If they say anything about Trump and COVID they point out that he dismissed the severity of a disease that has killed 200,000 people in this country. The duopoly works together on giving meager help to millions of people suffering because of COVID’s economic impact. They lack the “socialized medicine” that Trump now enjoys. That is what needs to be said.

“The black misleadership class is made up of a larger group than politicians.”

These virtue signallers have signaled to us that they believe the little people should never complain too much. Only so much opinion is to be expressed and then we must fall into line and not disturb our rulers, even those they allegedly dislike. 

Anyone unwilling to show sympathy to Trump for any reason is showing righteous indignation and is to be applauded. The well wishers are phonies, either deliberately gas lighting to protect their own interests, or their anti-Trump politics are all for show. Both statements are true for the likes of wealthy opinion makers like Maddow and Duvernay. They speak and act in defense of their class interests. The rest of us must do likewise.


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About the author
 Black Agenda report's Senior Editor and Columnist Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly at the Black Agenda Report. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley (at) She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as at