The Iskander missile—Russia’s tactical weapons that can fill strategic aims

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By Combat Approved

Episode 121.The Iskander-M: an equal to nuclear weapons / Focus on newer Russian missiles

Some new weapons in the Russian arsenal, although tactical in strict classification, are also capable of strategic missions. Of particular importance in this class are the many types of rockets and missiles Russia has developed, for both offensive and defensive tasks, including the Iskander (featured in this report), and the still newer Kalibr, Kinshal, the BrahMos missile, one of the fastest supersonic cruise missiles in the world, and the still faster Avangard hypersonic system, reputed to reach speeds exceeding 20x the speed of sound. The Avangard is a new type of ICBM, a "glide vehicle" distinguished not just by its speed and reach, but maneuverability. Military experts regard missiles in this category as unstoppable. It must be noted the Russians have attained significant advances in the field of rocketry and air defence due to their need to neutralise Western, and especially American, air superiority. Thus, it was the Soviets and later the Russians who developed the now world-famous S300 and S400 (Triumf) missile system, an anti aircraft weapon still unmatched in Western arsenals. And it was the Soviet Union that, through its advanced rocket technology, put the first cosmonaut (Yuri Gagarin) in orbital trajectory in the Sputnik in the late 1950s, and continues to this day to occupy a prominent place in the cutting edge of space technology. Unfortunately, the semi-deranged imperialist policies pursued by the US ruling class, and its quest for a nuclear first strike capability, leaves countries like Russia no option but to develop advanced defensive and deterrent systems to maintain mutual assured destruction. That's the kind of insane world the imperialists impose on the rest of humanity.
—The Editor
—The Editor

Premiered Apr 17, 2021

Combat Approved is a Russian Military TV show by TV Zvezda
It's weekly show and was launched 5 years ago by TV Zvezda and finally they decided to translate them into English.

In this super-modern television show a famous journalist Alexey Egorov checks out Russia’s most advanced military equipment. Together with him, we will take the opportunity to look over the secret production plants, closed training grounds and the world’s latest military hardware being put through its paces under extreme conditions on land and sea, as well as in the air.

In this episode of Combat Approved, we’ll tell you about a Russian weapon that NATO countries consider no less dangerous than nuclear weapons: the Iskander-M missile system. Thanks to its unique aeroballistic missile, it is capable of penetrating any missile defense system of any Western country. The thing is that in flight this missile reaches hypersonic mode (speed over 6 Mach) and the extreme 35G overloads! And what is important, such flight is following a completely unpredictable trajectory, which is why it is impossible to intercept such a missile with modern defense means. To prove this, together with the brigade of the Iskander complexes, Combat Approved will visit the exercises and take part in the preparation of complexes for firing. Viewers of the program will see exclusive footage of missile launches in combat, see how the races across the frozen steppe on Iskander look like, learn what a missile hotel on wheels looks like and understand why the NATO tried to deprive Russia of this unique weapon. #Russianmilitarypower #Russianmilitary #military #CombatApproved #Zvezdatv #army #russianarmy #CombatApproved #Zvezdatv #Iskander-M #NATO #MissileDefenceSystem #Iskander


"It heads to target like a meteorite, like a fireball," Russian President Vladimir Putin said back in 2018 when it was initially unveiled. 

#DefenseUpdates #AvangardMissile #AvangardHypersonicGlider


Jan 6, 2019

Russia has claimed that it has successfully tested Avangard hypersonic weapon. The Kremlin said during the test on 26th Dec, the weapon successfully hit a target at a distance of 6000 km. Viewers may note that Avangard was one of the several new weapons first mentioned by Russian President Putin on March 1, 2018, in his State of Nation address before Russian lawmakers and other senior government officials. During that speech, Mr. Putin had said “ Putin said the hypersonic intercontinental rocket was capable of traveling 20 times the speed of sound and could 'strike like a meteorite'. It’s like a fireball guided to its target.” After watching the live feed of the launch of the Avangard Mr. Putin said, “It had been a great success and an excellent New Year’s gift to the nation.” He added, “The Avangard is invulnerable to intercept by any existing and prospective missile defense means of the potential adversary”. He further mentioned that the weapon will be in service with Russian military’s Strategic Missile Forces by 2019. In this video Defense Updates, analyzes Russia’s Avangard hypersonic weapon.


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Our main image motif: Painted by famed Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, Glorious Victory is a critical and condemnatory view of the 1954 CIA coup of Guatemala’s democratically elected president Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán. The United States removed Árbenz from power and replaced him with a dictatorial military commander because Árbenz threatened the landholdings of the United Fruit Company with his agrarian reform laws.

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