A Lover Of Death Gets His Wish :  Neocon Charles Krauthammer Dead At 68

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Fox News contributor, Washington Post columnist and neoconservative thought leader Charles Krauthammer has died of cancer, and there is a mad media rush of establishment eulogies scrambling to canonize him as a great man in the eyes of the public before anyone can step back and take stock of what this man’s legacy actually is. This is perfectly understandable, because if social consciousness cements into history what a wheelchair full of toxic human waste Krauthammer actually was, it will make things much more difficult for them to manufacture support for their neoconservative wars going forward.




In April of 2003, Charles Krauthammer christened the Iraq invasion he had loudly and persistently advocated the “Three Week War“. As part of his arguments about how easy the war would be and how soon it would be over, the time-challenged Krauthammer bizarrely asserted that the war in Afghanistan had taken nine weeks.

In October of 2003, after the Three Week War had been raging on for seven months, he penned an article for the Chicago Tribune titled “The problem with armchair pundits“, which was essentially one long whine about all the criticisms the Bush administration had been receiving for its disastrous intervention.

“If in a year or two we are able to leave behind a stable, friendly government, we will have succeeded,” Krauthammer wrote. “If not, we will have failed.”

In February of 2004, after the Three Week War had been dragging on for nearly a year, Krauthammer received an Irving Kristol Award (essentially the exact opposite of what a Nobel Peace Prize is supposed to be), during which he gave an influential speech about the wonders of unipolarity, a popular term he coined that is now a popular term commonly used in reference to neoconservatism which describes America’s dominance over the world following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The speech laid out a framework for how the US government can best use its ability to to unilaterally effect change throughout the post-9/11 world.

In May of 2006, after the Three Weeks War celebrated its three year anniversary, Krauthammer was named by the Financial Times as the single most influential commentator in all of the United States. He would go on to sell the lie that “Voices around the world, from Europe to America to Libya, are calling for U.S. intervention to help bring down Moammar Gaddafi,” and then to advocate regime change in Syria. On top of the terror, destabilization, and million deaths caused by the Iraq invasion, Krauthammer used his immense influence to help manufacture support for tens of thousands of dead Libyans and hundreds of thousands of dead Syrians caused by US interventionism in those nations.

And still he remained gainfully employed. As Obama prepared to leave office toward the end of Krauthammer’s career, he excoriated the outgoing president for insufficient hawkishness and interventionism with Syria, Iran, Russia, and Iraq, all in the same article. One of his final Washington Post op-eds called for the US to re-place nuclear weapons in South Korea, leaving one to wonder if his cancer left him lucid enough to see the steadily progressing peace talks proving him wrong one last time.

To the very end of his career, Charles Krauthammer was shoving the world as hard as he could toward death. He loved death. Now he has it. May all other neoconservative death cultists soon get their wish as well.



In spite of overwhelming and repeated mountains of evidence to the contrary, Charles Krauthammer claimed to believe that wars were easy, expedient, and good. He spent decades promoting death and destruction in the name of this perverse ideology, and allowing the world to make a saint of him now would be paving the way for more Charles Krauthammers in the future. He was evil, he served evil, and it is good that he is now dead. Hopefully McCain, Kissinger and Cheney soon follow, with increasingly great disdain shown to their infernal legacies.

The American supremacist vision of unipolarity Krauthammer based his worldview upon has led to entire nations being collapsed under the false pretenses of spreading freedom and democracy, when in reality they were first and foremost geared at preserving that very unipolarity as a goal in and of itself. US-led wars of aggression are about power and dominance; believing that the most powerful empire in the history of civilization isn’t driven primarily by a hunger for power is like believing that Jeff Bezos is uninterested in money or Kim Kardashian is uninterested in fame. This insatiable power hunger is what Krauthammer dedicated his life’s work to feeding, no matter how many lives it cost.

And now he is gone. Finally. Good riddance. Let us remember him for what he was, and not for the fake image of him that the establishment war propagandists are scrambling to create.

Charles Krauthammer is dead. May he rest in war. Amen.


Here's the uber corporado "wonderbread" edition of the establishment praise for this intellectual criminal, provided by CBS. Observe how the scrupulously "correct" wording avoids tipping off the unwary reader/watcher about the true nature of this man and his nefarious role in recent history. The CBS material is encased in special box below to limit contamination of the page.—PG

Published on Jun 22, 2018

Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and cable news pundit Charles Krauthammer died Thursday. He was 68 years old. Friends and colleagues at Fox News and the Washington Post remember him as one of his generation's leading conservative voices. Anthony Mason reports.


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About the Author
Caitlin Johnstone
is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician.

 Creative Commons License  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 

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Norway: Just Withdraw From NATO


The Scandinavian countries are proving that nothing can be trusted in this world as long as the corrupting presence of the imperial Hegemon remains powerful. Now Norway is indicating it is more of  an abject vassal state than previously assumed. Shame. 

Norway has announced that it has invited the U.S. to expand the contingent of Marines it sent to the country last year to 700, and to post troops closer to the Russian border. Russia protests that this undermines trust between Oslo and Moscow. Why is this important?

In 1949 Norway joined NATO pledging to the USSR that it would not accept the stationing of foreign troops in the country unless threatened with attack. However, last year 330 U.S. troops were stationed there and there are now plans to more than double the number. Moscow wonders why. Why the relentless expansion of NATO, to include even little Montenegro last year? Why the provocative exercises in Poland? Why the enduring mutually damaging sanctions on Russia?

Norway is losing billions on lost seafood exports to Russia, and oil and gas deals in the Arctic are held up by the sanctions. Norwegians indeed don’t necessarily agree that events in Ukraine in 2014 warranted the ongoing sanctions.

So why now, does Norway—a progressive, peaceful, affluent nation of well-educated rational people—break with the long time understanding with Moscow and send such an unfriendly signal to its powerful neighbor, with which it shares a 120-mile border?

I shouldn’t feel this personally. But nevertheless. I feel embarrassed.

My mother was half-Norwegian, half-Swedish. My paternal grandmother half-Norwegian. (That makes me 3/8 Norwegian.) I know how to make lefse. I am proud of my Viking heritage, and the mainly Norwegian-led campaigns that led to the settlement of Iceland and Greenland, and the “discovery of America” by 1000; produced the Viking-ruled province of Normandy in France in the 910s; led to the Norman invasion of England in 1066 establishing the House of Normandy dynasty, and to the Norman conquest of Sicily from the 1060s. (It was those amazing dragon-headed longships that didn’t just ply the North Sea, Atlantic and Mediterranean but the rivers of Central Asia, trading peacefully with many peoples.)

I am proud of the global sweep of my ancestors, brutal that I assume they were (if I am indeed descended from Vikings, as opposed to mere thralls or full-time peasants). I am proud of the very progressive playwright Henrik Ibsen (The Doll’s House), the tenderly psychological painter Edvard Munch (The Scream, The Sick Child, Madonna), and the romantic nationalist composer Edvard Grieg (Peer Gynt, based on Ibsen’s play).

My wife and I named our son Erik, with a deliberate K since a C would be Anglo-Saxon and wimpy.

I am proud of that fact that while no coffee is grown in Norway and it was only introduced in the late seventeenth century, and was intensively opposed by the Lutheran clergy, its consumption became prevalent in the 19th century and now Norwegians drink more coffee daily than any people on earth. I remember the strong smell of perk coffee every morning at my Grandma Nelson’s apartment in Minnesota in my childhood. Park of ethnic identity, like lutefisk. All of this good and positive.

In my youth Scandinavia meant some sort of “socialism” or at least welfare state; distance from the U.S. on foreign policy, especially the Vietnam War; rational secularism in the face of a declining Lutheran establishment; and ideals of sexual liberation. The Sami liberation movement made progress, led by people like the amazing joik singer Mari Boine. The Nordic countries had a reputation for charitableness and disproportionate donations to aid organizations. They had an independent often joint foreign policy; for example, all Nordic countries including Norway recognized the DPRK in 1974 and established embassies in Pyongyang. Norway has played a role in negotiations between the DPRK and Washington. And between Israel and its backers and the Palestinians; remember the Oslo Accords of 1993 and 1995?

By tradition the NATO Secretary-General (as opposed to its military chief) is not a U.S. officer. Since the establishment of the position in 1952 it had been held by four Italians, three Netherlanders, three Britons, two Belgians, one German, and one Spaniard up to August 2009. Then the former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen became the first Scandinavian to hold the post. He was followed in October 2014 by the former Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg. Meanwhile, the Norwegian/Finnish aerospace and “defense” group Nordic Ammunition Company (Nammo) has become one of the world’s top 10 weapons exporters, mostly supplying NATO.

Suddenly the Nordic peoples are embracing the beast with new fervor. The Nordic countries have grown closer to the U.S. in terms of common response to Russian behavior (which is to say, Russia’s response to NATO expansion). Rather than note that U.S. policy in the Balkans and the Middle East for the last three decades have produced horrible suffering for the world, readily apparent on the faces of the 300,000 refugees currently in Norway, they cozy up further to the source of the problem. Oslo says; send us more troops to defend us against Russia!

Uff da! as my mom and her mom would said. (This means WTF in Norwegian.)

Sweden and Finland are of course not members of NATO. But as a NATO website notes: “Sweden is one of NATO’s most active partners and a valued contributor to NATO-led Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan and the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS/Daesh – it is one of five countries that has enhanced opportunities for dialogue and cooperation with NATO.” And: “Finland is one of NATO’s most active partners and a valued contributor to NATO-led operations and missions in the Balkans and Afghanistan – it is one of five countries that has enhanced opportunities for dialogue and cooperation with NATO.”

This is not good. What has NATO ever done for Norway? Or maybe one should ask, what has Norway ever done for NATO?

In 1999, in the first-ever deployment of NATO forces in war (something that had never occurred during the Cold War), the Royal Norwegian Air Force dropped bombs on Belgrade from F-16s. Norwegian troops were the first of the NATO forces to arrive at Pristina (following the Russians). Norway has had about 500 troops in Afghanistan since 2001. Norway contributed 150 soldiers to the criminal attack on Iraq in 2003 withdrawing them three years later, but 50 Norwegian military but officers are again in Iraq, working as trainers. In March 2014 after NATO had decided to destroy Libya, the Royal Norwegian Air Force deployed six F-16AM fighters in conjunction with Danish fighters, carrying out about 10% of the bombing missions during the campaign, dropping about 600 bombs and attacking Gaddafi’s residence in Tripoli.

That is, Norway has committed war crimes for NATO. Norway has paid deference to Washington, despite the fact that its trade is overwhelmingly with the EU. It has a strong economy and reasons to strengthen ties with neighboring Russia rather than provoking Moscow with a dumb gesture.

At a certain point the Viking leader Rollo broke with his brother Ragnar Lothbrok, to free himself and assert his own identity. I am not suggesting that Norway invade France as Rollo did, or anywhere else, but that it do the opposite, and tell the U.S. that Oslo won’t bomb for you anymore. And why host U.S. troops?

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 Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion, (AK Press). He can be reached at: gleupp@tufts.edu 

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 


Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

Empire Files: Chris Hedges & Abby Martin – Trump, Fascism & the Christian Right


The American Infidels MC, displaying colors in Washington DC in 2013. (Credit: S. Crowley)

Published on Feb 27, 2017



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

Venezuela’s Narrowing Options


“¡Patria o muerte!” (fatherland or death) is the traditional slogan of Latin American revolutionaries. It is also the grim choice that the US government is imposing on the people of Venezuela, as the Washington consensus (e.g., Foreign Policy) screams “it’s time for a coup in Venezuela.”

Washington Rejects Electoral Transition

The runner-up in the May 20 Venezuelan presidential elections was Henri Falcón, who campaigned to replace the Venezuelan bolivar with the US dollar, institute a severe regime of International Monetary Fund austerity on the populace, and auction off the country’s assets at fire-sale prices to foreign bidders.

So what is there not to like about this neoliberal dream for the Trump administration? Answer: it does not go far enough. A far more radical final solution is being promoted by the Colossus of the North.

Instead of embracing Falcón as would be expected on account of his economic proclivities, Washington demanded that he not even run in the presidential election and went as far as threatening to impose personal sanctions on him and his family. The US lie that Venezuela is a dictatorship was exposed by Falcón showing just the opposite by running.

As it turned out, Maduro was affirmed with a landslide 68% of the vote compared to Falcón’s second place showing of 21%. But Falcón faced the dual challenges of opposition from the left and boycott from the extreme right.

A year ago, a rightwing campaign might have had legs had a democratic electoral strategy been chosen. But there were obstacles to such a constitutional transfer of power, besides the popularity of the Bolivarian Revolution started by Hugo Chávez and carried on by Nicolás Maduro. Instead the US and its Venezuelan rightwing allies ultimately opted to achieve by extra-legal means what they could not achieve democratically.

Although the Venezuelan economy was showing every sign of tanking, the opposition after it got a majority in the National Assembly in December 2015 demonstrated it had few solutions or even interest in solutions other than dismantling the popular social welfare programs of the chavistas, such as privatizing the 2 million housing units for the poor (subsequently overturned by the courts).

Ever fractious, the opposition was divided between a moderate electoral wing and a dominant, more extreme tendency. They could not unify around a single candidate in 2018 no matter how much “democracy promotion” (actually the opposite) dollars were lavished upon them by their US sponsors. And after unleashing the violent guarimbas(protest demonstrations) taking over one hundred lives and destroying billions in public property in the period 2013 to 2017, the opposition did not endear themselves to the swing voter by calling for yet more punishing sanctions on their fellow Venezuelans.

Yet all these obstacles for the opposition might have been overcome had their US handlers so chosen. But the chosen course of action from the US is no soft landing for chavismo.

Illegal US Sanctions

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]tarting in 2015 under Obama, the US unleashed sanctions on Venezuela as a form of economic warfare. These sanctions are illegalby international law because they impose a collective punishment on the people of Venezuela for the actions of their government. Likewise, the sanctions are illegal by the charter of the regional Organization of American States. And the sanctions are illegal by US law, because they are based on the obvious lie that Venezuela is an “extraordinary security threat” to the US, when the opposite is manifestly the case. Venezuela is not conducting multi-national military exercises on the US’s southern border in a rehearsal for an invasion, while the US has done precisely that on Venezuela’s border.

Furthermore, the US sanctions are not designed to change some policy to steer the Maduro government in a more advantageous direction as are the sanctions on, say, Iran or North Korea. The sanctions are designed purely and simply to immiserate the people and force the democratically elected government of Venezuela to roll over and die. There is nothing Maduro can do but resist.

Prior to the Venezuelan elections, the White House had made noise about imposing an oil embargo if the Venezuelan people dared to ignore the imperial dictate to boycott the election. In a petro-economy such as the one that Maduro inherited from Chávez, who inherited it from the ancien régime, cutting off oil revenues is tantamount to puncturing the aorta. Petrodollars account for 96% of Venezuela’s exports and over 40% of government revenues.

Nearly half of the Venezuelan electorate went to the polls on May 30, defying the emperor in the Oval Office and the rightwing boycott. Trump, true to his word, imposed enhanced financial sanctions the day after the election. But he stopped short of directly attacking Venezuelan oil revenue, probably due to concerns about the upcoming mid-term Congressional elections in the US. The Republican base likely knows little about Venezuela and cares less; same for the Democrat faithful who also get their news from the corporate media. But a price spike at the gas pump from a US oil embargo on Venezuela would get the US electorate’s attention.

Besides the already in-place US sanctions have cumulative effects that will only increase the pain in Venezuela even if the empire just stays its present course. Venezuelan capital reserves are being exhausted. Already oil production in Venezuela has fallen as access in the international market to replacement parts is cut off, crippling productive capacity.

The US is trying to precipitate a “humanitarian crisis” as an excuse for intervention, all the while hypocritically lamenting the consequences of its own policy. If Venezuela were really a failed state, as the US claims, then there would be no need to impose sanctions to make it fail.

The Colombian Card

Another factor boding against Venezuela is its hostile neighbor to the west and Washington’s main Latin American client state, Colombia. This country is distinguished as the largest source of illicit drugs into the US yet is the largest recipient of US aid in the hemisphere. That is, the country most materially damaging to the US is the one most favored, despite (or really because) of its record as the worst human-rights abuser in the Americas.

Sharing a 1378-mile border with Venezuela, Colombia just joined NATO as the first “global partner” from Latin America. And that was under the moderately rightwing Santos government. Colombia will have a presidential runoff election on June 17 pitting the far-right Iván Duque against the left-of-center Gustavo Petro, with the former favored to win.

The Model of the Other 9-11

Don Salvador Allende: Chile's martyred president remains a painful memory in the continent's struggle for sovereignty. An object lesson in the perfidy of local elites allied with Washington.

A US-backed coup in Chile overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973. Preceding the coup, which took Allende’s life, was a US-orchestrated economic destabilization effort, a prequel to what is now being visited upon Venezuela. Succeeding the coup in Chile, thousands of leftists and suspected leftists were rounded up and summarily executed to root out insurgency.

The Chilean coup and its aftermath is the template for the US and the sycophantic domestic Venezuelan opposition for the extermination of the Bolivarian Revolution. That is, a violent takeover, the elimination of their enemies, and the blitzkrieg imposition of neoliberal shock therapy.

Only in Venezuela, this reactionary political cleansing could be much uglier than Chile. Allende was in power for only three years; the Bolivarian Revolution is nearing its second decade. The social-democratic Allende government made important changes, but they pale in comparison to the depth and breadth of the accomplishments of the socialist administrations of Chávez and Maduro.

Venezuela Resists

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]aduro won reelection on the promise that he would right an economy that has been spiraling downward with decreasing production, runaway inflation, chronic corruption, pervasive shortages of consumer goods and medicines, and a dysfunctional currency exchange system. This could be the best and last chance for the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela to meet this daunting challenge in the face of US and domestic hostility.

Maduro, riding on back-to-back electoral chavista victories (presidential, municipal, gubernatorial, and Constituent Assembly) has taken the initiative to seek a peaceful solution by convening a national dialogue.

In the last week, Maduro met with Apostolic Nuncio Aldo Giordano, the Andean Development Corporation, the National Banking Association, private and public media outlets, and even RepublicanBob Corker, chair of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Some 80 opposition activists, jailed for violent actions, were freed. Maduro also met with third-place presidential candidate Javier Bertucci, major opposition COPEI party leader Pedro Pablo Fernández, and opposition governors. Meetings with the popular sectors including left intellectuals and communards are in progress as well.

Polls indicate the vast majority of Venezuelans oppose the sanctions and outside military intervention. The over 6 million poor and working people, who have suffered most from the sanctions, are the ones who reelected Maduro and remain militantly identified with the Bolivarian Revolution, which has empowered them.

The poor and previously dispossessed chavistas literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain by resisting an extra-parliamentary rightwing takeover of their country. If Trump were to prevail in his present course for Venezuela, the bloodletting could be horrific. Maduro’s election slogan – juntos todo es posible (together everything is possible) – must be embraced by the international peace community in rejecting outside interference in Venezuela.

  Roger Harris will be observing the Venezuela presidential election on a delegation with Venezuela Analysis and the Intrepid News Fund.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

On the intentionally murky face of Israel, the monopolising of the Holocaust, and other matters


Patrice Greanville

With Israel again in the headlines, and not for good reasons, we are compelled to take another look at Zionism and the near-magic ability of Israel to consistently evade opprobrium. 

The nature and history of the state of Israel, and Zionism itself, continue to be a difficult and contentious topic to analyse with proper depth and balance. Much of the history consumed by the mass public has been hidden and deformed to suit the agenda of the current winners. Critics of Israeli policy, including many Jews, are frequently if not always tarred with the stigma of anti-semitism (itself a curious, sloppy label since many critics are seeking justice for Palestinians who, as Arabs, are also semites), and denied platforms of influence such as the media or academia, as well as political power.

Aside from its virulent and demonstrably criminal treatment of Palestinians, a form of virulent Apartheid mixed with ethnic cleansing, Israel is also taken to task for its role as a regional and even global sub-imperialist power, often working in cahoots with Washington to advance mutually advantageous schemes in the Middle East and elsewhere. It is no secret that Washington, perennially bathed in hypocrisy, has often used Israel as its willing proxy and accomplice to stir up trouble in some designated places (i.e., Eastern Europe, Central America, the Middle East), or provide technical, propaganda, and military support to brutal regimes justly regarded as pariahs by the world community. In that sense, Israel, which competes with the US for the number of violated UNO resolutions, has gradually earned the image of a ruthless and cynically amoral state. The US-Israel partnership has reached such depth and interpenetration that many now argue it is the Israeli tail that wags the American dog, a case of "malignant symbiosis."

While prominent Jews such as Elie Wiesel (and of late the Neocons) often spoke about the Holocaust and denounced crimes (real or imagined) of repression and suppression in states regarded by Washington and NATO as foes and competitors in their quest for global domination, they rarely if ever raised their voices to condemn Israel, while helping to paint anti-Zionism as anti-semitism. Despite this pervasive and intentional slander, Israeli crimes have been so depraved, persistent and horrific in magnitude (abetted by Washington's and the EU's unconditional support for Tel Aviv) that the wave of global resistance has continued to grow, ironically giving legitimacy and succor to genuine antisemites, and in passing assisting the growth of a new generation of right wing parties.  To its shame, a substantial segment of the US Jewish-American intelligentsia, typified by Saul Bellow, have also kept their silence about the Zionist state crimes, when not actively defending it. (See more on this below)

Today, Israeli policy critics comprise a distinguished and varied lot ranging from orthodox Jews, who oppose Israel on religious grounds (Neturei Karta), to secular critics such as Noam Chomsky, Lenni Brenner (Zionism in the Age of the Dictators), Phil Weiss (Mondoweiss), Glen Ford, Ilan Pappe (expatriate Israeli historian), Gilad Atzmon, Uri Avnery, Steve Gowans, Norman Finkelstein, and others of similar stature. And with each new Palestinian martyr killed by some IDF sniper, their ranks are bound to grow.

Denouncing Zionism not for the faint-hearted: the case of Norman Finkelstein

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ew activists and scholars have caught as much notoriety and excoriation as Norman Finkelstein, author, among other works, of the provocatively titled, The Holocaust Industry (2000). Finkelstein, with formidable intellectual and even genetic creds (child of Holocaust parents) is a nightmare to the Israeli propaganda machine. From the very start of his academic career he has sought to peel off the multi-layered self-flattering mask hiding the true face of Israeli policies. In that sense, Finkelstein's efforts remind us that although Israel is a much younger and smaller entity than its allies and protectors in the West, particularly the United States, Britain, France and Germany, all of these entities derive their legitimacy from a carefully constructed falsified historiography and a nonstop, ubiquitous propaganda machinery dedicated to silencing critics and pacifying their subject populations.

Finkelstein's first major foray—embarrassing to many of the top intellectual lights of the time— involved the so-called From Time Immemorial controversy.  The Wiki presents a useful summary:

Finkelstein at the University of Leeds, England in 2009.

In Finkelstein's doctoral thesis, he examined the claims made in Joan Peters's From Time Immemorial, a best-selling book at the time. Peters's "history and defense" of Israel deals with the demographic history of Palestine. Demographic studies had tended to assert that the Arab population of Ottoman-controlled Palestine, a 94% majority at the turn of the century, had dwindled towards parity due to massive Zionist immigration. Peters radically challenged this picture by arguing that a substantial part of the Palestinian people were descended from immigrants from other Arab countries from the early 19th century onwards. It followed, for Peters and many of her readers, that the picture of a native Palestinian population overwhelmed by Jewish immigration was little more than propaganda, and that in actuality two almost simultaneous waves of immigration met in what had been a relatively unpopulated land.[citation needed]

From Time Immemorial had been praised by figures as varied as Barbara Tuchman, Theodore H. White, Elie Wiesel, and Lucy Dawidowicz. Saul Bellow, for one, wrote in a jacket endorsement that: "Millions of people the world over, smothered by false history and propaganda, will be grateful for this clear account of the origins of the Palestinians."[18]

Finkelstein asserted that the book was a "monumental hoax".[19] He later opined that, while Peters's book received widespread interest and approval in the United States, a scholarly demonstration of its fraudulence and unreliability aroused little attention.

Is there an Holocaust Industry?

Let's get this straight first: The fact there is an Holocaust industry does not negate there was an Holocaust.

Even a cursory read of The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (2000) leads to uncomfortable and seemingly irrefutable conclusions.

Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon". The purpose, writes Finkelstein, is to enable the State of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [to] cast itself as a victim state"; that is, to provide Israel "immunity to criticism".[27]

As fully expected by all parties, the book aroused a fiery controversy. The very notion that something as painful and sacred as the deliberate mass murder of millions of Jews could be transformed into an engine for profits, self-promotion and political propaganda, struck many as heretical if not downright ethically shabby. Of course, most of the critics were already perched on the very stratum of opinion makers that Finkelstein denounces as part of the pro-Israeli claque.

The book received a hostile reception in some quarters, with critics charging that it was poorly researched and/or allowed others to exploit it for antisemitic purposes. The German historian Hans Mommsen disparaged the first edition as "a most trivial book, which appeals to easily aroused anti-Semitic prejudices". Israeli Holocaust historian Israel Gutman called the book "a lampoon", stating "this is not research; it isn't even political literature... I don't even think it should be reviewed or critiqued as a legitimate book."[citation needed] The book was also harshly criticized by Brown University Professor Omer Bartov[31] and University of Chicago Professor Peter Novick.

However, preeminent Holocaust scholar[32][33][34] Raul Hilberg said the book expressed views Hilberg himself subscribed to in substance, in that he too found the exploitation of the Holocaust, as Finkelstein describes, "detestable". Asked on another occasion if Finkelstein's analysis might play into the hands of neo-Nazis for antisemitic purposes, Hilberg replied: "Well, even if they do use it in that fashion, I'm afraid that when it comes to the truth, it has to be said openly, without regard to any consequences that would be undesirable, embarrassing".[35][36]

Hilberg is rare for his honesty, but as he points out, the truth is the truth and it's useless to deny it: sooner or later it will surface to the embarrassment of many, albeit not necessarily those who profited most from hiding it. Which leaves us pretty much where we are at present, facing a huge machine of disinformation prepared to keep cranking out lies in the service of Israel, even as her crimes and dysfunctions mount with each passing day—again, a curious mirror to the trajectory exhibited by her own principal champion, the United States.

Anti-Zionism, anti-semitism, and the shameful passivity of too many American Jews

The brutish age of Trump, as many foresaw, with Zionism literally in the first family's bosom, has brought Israel's lawless impudence to a new height. The bizarre spectacle on May 15, of a crowd of worthies celebrating the opening of a new US embassy in Jerusalem, in defiance of practically every international norm and convention, such act underscored by Israel's savage repression of protesting Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, prompts the question that many Jews throughout the West and especially the US are loath to ask themselves: how long can I remain silent and passive in the face of Israeli crimes? Am I not responsible for these outrages, which, incidentally, are giving (as pointed earlier) a new lease on life, a new respectability, to fierce anti-semites everywhere?

Obviously, some will say with some reason on their side, that American Jews cannot be held responsible for the crimes and excesses of the Likud zealots, and Netanyahu in particular, nor can they be held fully accountable for the crimes and plots of the Neocon gang sitting atop US foreign policy, many of whom also happen to be Jewish. Some things simply escape the control of ordinary citizens, and most Jews living in America, like the rest of the population, are not exactly shapers of policy but helpless recipients of policy. This despite the fact that Jewish-Americans are well known for outranking almost all other ethnicities and subcultures (only ascending Asians have recently surpassed them in that regard) for their accomplishments in almost all fields of social interaction, from the professions, to media presence (few can match Jews as communicators), entertainment, the arts, and the rarified (and often suspect) world of big business and high finance. But the fact is, embarrassing as it may sound to Jews themselves, there are plenty of poor Jews out there, some outstanding for their mediocrity, oxymoronic as it sounds. Schmuck, shlemiel, and shlimazel, after all, are all Yiddish words. (And irreplaceable, too.) So there's no escaping the responsibility of American Jews for at least trying to reign in Israel's colossal disregard for lawful, let alone moral behaviour.

Proving, perhaps, that genetic intelligence and political acumen are two separate things, or that idiotic ignorance is pervasive, even among US Jews, Jerry Seinfeld—an Obama worshipper, to boot—recently took the family to Israel, where they spent some time at a grotesque Israeli-style Disneyland, a place where IDF commandoes are trained to control Palestinian "terrorists."

While turning a blind eye may be secretly justified as giving Israel—the country of last recourse in case of trouble—a pass to survive and prosper, this is also now accelerating the growth of general anti-Jewishness in many quarters, and creating, too, via Israel's own reckless and arrogant policies (as seen in its constant warmongering in Syria and Iran) the conditions for its own unraveling, nuclear-tipped missiles or not. Israel's left, such as it is, must be given support, and that support starts with speaking out on Israel's crimes, the sheer arrogance and wrongheadedness of Likud chauvinism, and America's cynical and utterly corrupt blind subservience to Tel Aviv's actions, a policy far more likely dictated by a commonality of oligarchic class interests dominant in both countries (as well as the EU) than the ostensible question of protecting "the only democracy in the Middle East" and similar drivel.

Bad karma on the rise

The silence of American Jews regarding Israel is compounded by their tacit approval, or insouciance, of what prominent Jews in government and media—from the notorious russophobes Adam Schiff, a demagogic Democrat from California, and Rachel Maddow, an MSNBC disinformer— have been doing to stir up trouble with Russia on the basis of groundless allegations first concocted by the Hillary camp in conjunction with CIA operatives, former and current.

The cynical promotion of Russiagate, a form of induced national psychosis with a view to prepare the populace to accept the possibility of all-out war (of late joined by the EU's two most notorious vassal states, France and Britain) has reached truly reckless dimensions, driving two heavily nuclear-armed superpowers ever closer to a catastrophic confrontation—all on the basis of outrageous lies.

Everyone with a passing knowledge of recent US history and foreign policy knows that the leading drivers of the anti-Russia obsession and perennial wars of choice (they gave us already the Iraq war, remember?)—all predicated on the PNAC doctrine that America must remain the global hegemon, the sole superpower, at any cost—are the neocons deeply embedded in the highest echelons of policymaking. But here's the rub: most top neocons are Jewish, some holding dual Israeli/American papers. (Russiagaters should look into that, as a form of right-under-their-noses suspect meddling in the affairs of the United States.).

Why do we mention this? Because it was the neocons who, among other things, embroiled the US in the Ukraine (on Obama's watch) (1), first in pursuit of a regime-change color revolution and eventually an outright coup in 2014, in which Neonazi elements were first enlisted by the US, and continue to wield extraordinary influence in what is now a clearly failed state. The upshot of this cynical act is that Kiev and Lviv—two major Ukrainian cities—are crawling with Neonazis these days, and anyone can see them, or bump into them, as they are everywhere and have rarely tried to hide their presence or nasty political predilections. The only ones who apparently rarely manage to see them are those who should be seeing them or looking for them as part of their metier: Western journalists, especially American.

A key player in the making of this mess was former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who, with husband Robert Kagan, are both Jewish and prominent neocons.

The fact that powerful Jewish neocons support Neonazis is certainly more than embarrassing, it goes against the official narrative that all Jews, and America along with them, must support Israel at any price as a last bastion against the feared resurgence of such malignancy on the world stage.  So where is Rachel Maddow here, when we really need her? Why isn't she and her ilk whipping up some furor among her loyal followers that US officials are actually abetting the empowerment of Nazis in an strategically critical nation, all because it suits America's designs to check Russia's emergence as as fully sovereign nation, and one also capable of playing a decisive role in world affairs?  In fact, why is Maddow not frothing at the mouth (as she does when it comes to evil Russia) when denouncing the betrayal of Jewish oligarchs in Eastern Europe, and, again, particularly in the Ukraine, where they have shamelessly stepped forth to actually fund and lead Neonazi formations? Igor Kolomoisky (dual citizenship, Ukrainian/Israeli) is notorious for fomenting and supporting Neonazi militias, virtually private armies, which he has used on various occasions to protect his extensive private assets.

Writing on Vox.com, Amanda Taub notes that,

Igor Kolomoisky

Kolomoisky, an oligarch who is also the governor of Ukraine's Dnipropetrovsk region, is a significant backer of the pro-Kiev private militias fighting in the country's east. He funds the Dnipro Battalion, a private army that, according to the Wall Street Journal, has 2,000 battle-ready fighters and another 20,000 in reserve. Newsweek reported that Kolomoisky has funded other militia groups, as well.  (We just got a glimpse of how oligarch-funded militias could bring chaos to Ukraine, vox.com, Mar 23, 2015)

So Jewish Ukrainian oligarchs are openly in bed with Neonazis and no one seems to mind, including the self-assigned champion of Zionist honor and Jewish welfare, the blowhard B. Netanyahu.

The Holocaust—a brand worth monopolising

As discussed above, critics of Israel and Zionist posturing like Norman Finkelstein have questioned the cynical use of the Holocaust for less than honorable purposes. Finkelstein has no use for "professional Holocaust survivors," a brand in which E. Wiesel excelled, with the not quite disinterested help from middlebrow cultural megaphones like Oprah Winfrey (the latter saw career benefit in further ingratiating herself with powerful Jewish barons in the media and entertainment industries, you can never prove your fealty often enough), while Wiesel, ever the manipulator, saw no insurmountable ethical problem in allowing himself to be so used, since he too was deriving profit from the association. The duo sealed their mariage de convenance with their visit to Auschwitz, synonymous with Hitlerite mass murder.  I suppose the visit—besides its cloying sentimentality—was useful to open the eyes of the last guys who had been living under a rock for the last 90 years, and who'd never heard of Nazi crimes, but then again, at least in America, basic knowledge of history can never be taken for granted. I'll give them that.

Inevitably, the Wiesel/Oprah pilgrimage to Auschwitz (incidentally while horrible and lethal, not the worst the Nazis actually deployed in their nightmarish network of death camps) stirred the blood of various anti-semites, who found the occasion opportune to begin clobbering the public mind, or whoever would listen, with one of their pet historical revisionist lines: the Holocaust never happened.

Why dyed-in-the-wool folks "Jew haters" would go to such ludicrous lengths to discharge their venom is beyond me, since, like it or not, the fact of the Holocaust cannot possibly be denied. East is East, you know. Maybe such people are cut from the same cloth of those who believe the US won World War II single-handedly, more or less; or who think Russia meddled in America's sacrosanct elections in 2016, lustily bombed women and babies in Syria, or that it "took over" the Crimea (which belonged to them for centuries, by the way), and has repeatedly invaded the Ukraine, shot down MH17, and is now, right now, plotting the enslavement of all of Western Europe, starting with the subjugation of Poland and the ever-paranoid Baltic statelets, for no discernible gain...hence we can never be too careful and NATO must be preserved.

But, friends, Holocaust deniers, who are generally true anti-semites, should not be confused with people who merely resent the Jewish/Israeli monopolisation of the term "Holocaust".  Why? Because, as the case of Israel proves, claiming great victimisation usually gives the franchise holder immunity to commit great crimes. And if you are not into great crimes sans pénalité, then it grants you great sympathy all round, and who doesn't like that? I know I do. In this, Jews, in general, have been rather myopic about the consequences of their attempt at hoarding of this word.  They forget that such monopoly creates enemies, and that only fools can indulge in the wholesale spawning of enemies without fear of some untoward occurrence down the line. But even if we don't worry about the creation of enemies, Holocaust hoarders forget that any history book can puncture their conceit: long before there was a Hitler menace at large in the world, the Turks had engaged in the systematic, mass extermination of Armenians, one of the earliest 20th century genocides proper. The Wiki is again useful in this regard:

The Armenian Genocide (Armenian: Հայոց ցեղասպանություն,[note 3] Hayots tseghaspanutyun), also known as the Armenian Holocaust,[9] was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians,[note 2]mostly citizens within the Ottoman Empire.[10][11] The starting date is conventionally held to be 24 April 1915, the day that Ottoman authorities rounded up, arrested, and deported from Constantinople (now Istanbul) to the region of Ankara 235 to 270 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders, the majority of whom were eventually murdered. The genocide was carried out during and after World War I and implemented in two phases—the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labour, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly, and the infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian Desert.

Is that horrid enough? The Turks in this regard share the Israelis and Jews, in general, desire to keep the Holocaust as a private brand, in the family, so to speak. They just don't like it much when people begin to nose around that very dark chapter in their recent history.

And there are other claimants as well, with good titles to the terrible distinction of industrial scope victimisation.  The brutal treatment accorded Russians and other Eastern Europeans (untermenschen) by the Nazis  ended up costing the Soviet Union 27 million people: that figure included of course many soldiers and combatants, but it also included several million helpless civilians, whom the Nazis, without the benefit of herding them into death camps, simply massacred across vast expanses of Russia or liquidated by criminal neglect or denial of their means of basic sustenance.  Other respectable voices have also made a compelling case that greedy Western Europeans, by bringing their vaunted superior civilisation to the American shores, also unleashed a several-centuries-long genocide, costing the native populations (and those forcibly brought from Africa as slaves) tens of millions of people, not to mention unspeakable suffering inflicted by the new lords.

In conclusion

Talking about Jewish things is never easy. Jewishness is almost always synonymous with "complicated".  And Jews, in their complexities and contradictions are also ultra-sensitive to any perceived injury, to flesh or mind. And how could it be otherwise? Their long history is punctuated by external and self-inflicted horrors, almost calculated to creating a very schizoid, guarded inner personality (psychobabble, granted). Tales of conquest, submission to a higher power and wholesale death, followed by a reversal of roles, with Hebrews in the executioner's seat. The Bible, read impartially, like a Martian might, drips with crazy violence and bloodthirsty Gods, including their often ridiculous commands to sacrifice a loved one to prove fealty to the Almighty, who, by logic should scarcely need such offering; wage brutal war on some perceived enemy, or commit mass kidnapping of females (for this, the Jewish God was less than original; this practice was common in antiquity, as even Roman protohistory speaks of the kidnapping of the Sabine women).

For a refresher course in gentile barbarism toward Jews all we need is to read Barbara Tuchman's enthralling tome on the Middle Ages, A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century.  It's literally an eye-opener. It was for me, and I thought Huizinga was the last word. So if you think the Germans are (or were) unique in their ferocious anti-Jewish prejudices, read Tuchman, and, while in the neighborhood, take a look at Hugh Thomas's classic, Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire 1490-1522, where, among other nuggets, you'll find plenty of insight on why the Jews were resented in medieval Europe (spoiler: much had to do with the nobles and the Catholic Church, who used them for unpopular tasks).  Or maybe the whole thing is very easy. As Maimonides is reputed to have said,

The riddle of Jewishness is a mystery hiding in plain sight.

But whatever the true nature of Jews, and probably there is no such thing for Jews or any other segment of humanity, one thing is certain: In America they have a critical role to play now, for only they can reopen a general debate on the morality of Israel's actions, and the role played by many establishment Jews in the fomenting of wars in the Middle East and other latitudes, and the  further dismantling of an already largely eviscerated democracy. They can mobilise and try to stop the madness and the slide of humanity toward the abyss, or they can do nothing. Either way, Netanyahu and his ilk, those who make the wounds, have counted for much too long on the deafening silence of righteous American Jews.  In the interim, too much has happened.

The ball is now literally in their court.


(1) The Neocon mafia is certainly not all Jewish, although they constitute the majority at this point. That said, US foreign policy of confrontation with and/or destruction of Russia, or any competing power, is also a product of pure, 100% Anglo-Saxon protestant ruling class machinations: it was "Pappy" Bush— George H. W. Bush—who played a major role in betraying the promise to despicably naive M. Gorbachev that, if the Soviet Union was to be dismantled, the US would not roll NATO up to her frontiers.  In fact, the expectation by Gorbachev was that upon the dispersal of the Warsaw Pact, NATO, too, would be disbanded. Alas, we know that what Washington was planning was the exact opposite.

Unpopular Appendix
1933: Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement

Published on Jul 11, 2009
 Newscast about the launch of the controversial book about Nazi-Zionist collaboration. Admission that boycott of Jewish stores was for only one day, April 1, 1933!

Empire Files: Israeli Army Vet’s Exposé - “I Was the Terrorist”

A significant number of Israeli soldiers have come forth to denounce Israeli policy against Palestinians and refuse to obey further orders, a form of "conscientious objector" in IDF uniform. 

P. Greanville is the editor in chief of the Greanville Post.  

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License



Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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