If You Fire a Fascist, You’re a Fascist

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No one should get fired for his political beliefs.

Not even a Nazi.

I am disturbed by the news that some of the white nationalists who attended the violent “Unite the Right” hatefest in Charlottesville last weekend are being outted on social media. Attendees have been on the receiving end of threats and doxxing. It was reported that a restaurant worker in Berkeley was canned after he was exposed on Twitter.

Needless to say — it ought to be, anyway — I hate Nazis, Klansmen and the like. Their politics and values are exactly the opposite of mine. Still, no one should get fired for parading around with torches like it’s Germany in 1933.

This isn’t a First Amendment issue. Nothing in our outdatedconstitution prevents an employer from firing you on account of your politics. In 2004 an Alabama company even fired a woman for having a John Kerry for President bumpersticker on her car.

It is a free speech issue.

A business has the right to control its employees’ behavior in order to protect its image. Particularly in a liberal stronghold like Berkeley but anywhere really, no one wants a waiter wearing a swastika tattoo or spouting racist views.  But if Top Dog restaurant can fire a racist dude for racist views he expresses thousands of miles away, there’s nothing to prevent Google from firing a software engineer for sexism — or you for whatever you happen to believe.

Firing a worker for their politics — especially when those politics are expressed outside the workplace — is McCarthyism. McCarthyism is wrong, McCarthyism is immoral and McCarthyism ought to be illegal.

As usual during episodes like this, many of my comrades on the left are gloating over what they see as righteous payback against violent, racist, anti-Semitic thugs. This makes me very uncomfortable, and not just because it feels more like the “human flesh search engine” online vigilantism that occurs in China than the United States, where the MYOB ethos ruled pre-Internet.

I don’t deny that this is personal. My political views have gotten me targeted by a cyberstalker/identity thief, fired by a publication over a cartoon that appeared elsewhere in another venue, and defamed by a newspaper as a favor to the local police chief who’d cozied up to the paper’s publisher. I’ve been working long enough to observe that what’s popular today gets censored tomorrow, and vice versa. Top Dog gets plaudits for firing a fascist; next time the victim could be a garden-variety Democrat.

“Historically it’s more dangerous as an employee to be associated with racial justice and the NAACP, than it was to be affiliated with the KKK,” notes Walter Greason, a historian and professor at Monmouth University.

A sign posted by Top Dog management reflects a common view: “We do respect our employees’ right to their opinions,” the sign read. “They are free to make their own choices, but must accept the responsibilities of those choices.” The question is, should those “responsibilities” include being deprived of a livelihood?

I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve read some variation of “You have the right to be a fascist/racist/sexist/jerk/communist, but XYZ Corp. has the right to fire you too.” Or, as Oli­ver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote in 1891: “A employee may have a constitutional right to talk politics, but he has no constitutional right to be employed.”

True, that’s the law. What I’m arguing is that free speech will always be meaningless until the constitution is amended. Workers should be protected from retribution for what they think and say.

We live in a capitalist society. Except for those born rich, we must work or else starve. The U.S. is the only nation with at-will employment. And jobs are hard to find. Under these conditions, without workplace free-speech protections, employees must think twice before they attend a rally, post a controversial memo, join a party or slap a bumpersticker on their vehicle. Are you willing to risk unemployment, poverty and perhaps homelessness — not just you, but also your spouse and children? If the answer is “yes,” God bless you. History is made by people like you.

For many others, though, the answer is “no, I can’t afford free speech.” The upsides of free expression are intangible while the downside risks are terrifyingly brutal. A 2016 Harris poll found that 33% of U.S. employees are afraid to talk about politics at work. Increasingly workers have to worry about losing their jobs as the result of talking about politics outside of work too.

The American workplace is a fascist state. It’s time to overthrow the millions of little Hitlers who think the fact that issuing a paycheck turns their employees into slaves subject to thought control.

Just don’t talk about this around anyone who knows where you work. 

About the Author
 Ted Rall, syndicated writer and the cartoonist for ANewDomain.net, is the author of the book “Snowden,” the biography of the NSA whistleblower.

For many others, though, the answer is “no, I can’t afford free speech.” The upsides of free expression are intangible while the downside risks are terrifyingly brutal. A 2016 Harris poll found that 33% of U.S. employees are afraid to talk about politics at work. Increasingly workers have to worry about losing their jobs as the result of talking about politics outside of work too.

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Sweet Irony...
Amazon will donate a commission for every purchase you make using this app

We all know that Amazon is an uber-capitalist octopus swallowing ever more industries and openly collaborating with the CIA. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, probably the #2 richest man on earth, is no friend of radicals, or socialist revolution, that's for sure. But this app, ironically, promises to donate some money to whoever uses it to search and make a purchase on Amazon. Since many people will go on using Amazon due to habit or convenience, make it kick back a few dollars our way to continue our pro-peace and anti-imperialist work. Our financial situation leaves us no choice at this point. So consider it. A boycott of Amazon by lefties at this point is hardly going to register on their radar. But any funding we get, at our puny level, will keep us going. Simple as that.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 

Netanyahu’s Pro-Nazi Lie: ‘Hitler wanted to expel the Jews.’


“Netanyahu: Hitler didn't want to exterminate Jews”

RT published Oct 21, 2015

Netanyahu (0:25-): “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time [28 November 1941]; he wanted to expel the Jews.”
This statement by Israel’s Prime Minister is profoundly false; the record is clear on this matter: Hitler merely played along with Hjalmar Schacht and others who favored expulsion of Jews in preference to annihilating them; Nazis who expected all Jews ultimately to leave Germany were a significant part of Hitler’s constituency, and Hitler wanted their full cooperation at least until the “final solution” was beyond being any longer denied; he needed the services of all Nazis and of all Nazi-supporters, until he was ready to spring his trap (the extermination-program for Jews). 
Here is how I had discussed this matter, on pages 218-219 of my 2000 book Why the Holocaust Happened:
The consensus with which he started was only for the elimination of the Jews, which could mean either expulsion or extermination. (Sterilizing the Jews was ruled out by Hitler: as an alternative to extermination, it might have drawn too much support.) Expulsion obviously had to be presented as having been tried but failed; only then could the entire hierarchy unite behind Hitler’s plan to carry out God’s “admonition finally to put an end to the permanently continuous original sin of a race poisoning and to give the Almighty Creator beings as He Himself created them.” Mere expulsion could provide no such assurance. But a display nonetheless had to be made.


By January 1939, Hitler’s official policy was for the expulsion of all Jews. By June 1940, it was for their expulsion specifically to Madagascar — a goal even less practicable than expulsion itself, since the “Madagascar Plan” required as prerequisites the defeat of both France and England, and could thus realistically not even be considered as a short-term measure which is what it was presented as being. Hitler knew better. And along the way, he skillfully set up numerous highly visible public displays of the unwillingness of foreign nations to accept the flood of dispossessed Jews that he was offering as refugees. (As Rudolph Binion noted in his 1976 Hitler Among the Germans, pp. 29-30, Hitler had even fired Reichsbank chief Hjalmar Schacht early in 1939 because Schacht had been too effective in promoting the expulsion of Jews; and both Binion, and Richard Breitman’s 1991 The Architect of Genocide, pp. 50-1, documented that even Hitler had acknowledged that expulsion of Jews was really intended as nothing more than “exporting anti-Semitism.”) Hitler gleefully observed the embarrassment of other countries that proclaimed their opposition to anti-Semitism but that turned a cold shoulder to these desperate refugees. Hitler was trying expulsion; other nations just refused to receive what he was offering them. The United States, for example, not only did not increase its immigration-quota for Jews; it failed even to admit as many Jews as the official quota permitted. David S. Wyman’s 1984 The Abandonment of the Jews documents (pp. 100, 365, 410) the repeated refusal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to meet with Jewish leaders to deal with the problem, and also establishes the President’s own personal knowledge of the Nazis’ anti-Semitic exterminations. For Hitler, such international response was itself part of the “sleepwalking” toward genocide. By the time of the Wannsee Conference on 20 January 1942 to coordinate the actions of all state agencies involved with the “final solution,” all participants were reading their respective roles from a playbook written by none other than the Führer himself. And by that time, they were all prepared for those roles — knew them by heart, actually. When three days later, on 23 January, Hitler in his Secret Conversations (Table-Talk) addressed Himmler sarcastically about the matter, Himmler understood very well what he meant by saying of his policy toward the Jews, “I’m extraordinarily humane. . . . But if they refuse to leave voluntarily, I see no other solution than extermination.”
The Jews never were to be expelled; the entire world was to be made Judenrein.
Here is how universal Hitler’s anti-Semitism was: As recounted in Gerald Fleming’s 1984 Hitler and the Final Solution (p. 104), Hitler on 28 November 1941, promised the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem that, following the defeat of Britain, the Nazis would take care of “the Jews living in” Palestine. Obviously, those Jews were not in Germany, and not even in Europe.
The universalism of this policy was, itself, a sign of its religious origin: Hitler, like any fundamentalist, was convinced of the universality of the moral principles that motivated him. This universalism was shared by the medieval Crusaders who had sought to win the world to God. For Hitler, it was not enough merely to “purify” Germany; his vision was global because it was universal, founded upon the bedrock moral principles with which he had been raised. Adolf Hitler was a Crusader.
One might reasonably be uncertain, however, regarding the extent to which Hitler was actually concerned with anyone’s welfare but his own; after all, the Holocaust was his personal ticket to salvation — an eternity in heaven rather than in the Jews’ hell where he would be surrounded by other “people of the devil.” If the cost of his ticket of eternal membership was to be the deaths of millions — not only Jews, but others that he viewed as imperfect, diseased, defective, and not such as to “give the Almighty Creator beings as He Himself created them” — then so much the better; for all these were “people of the devil”; Hitler’s God would smile upon his great service in carrying out upon them the vengeance of the Lord. The more horrifying that vengeance, the better.
One possible hypothesis to explain Netanyahu’s false assertion there, would be sheer ignorance of history on his part, but for Israel’s long-serving head-of-state to be that ignorant of why the Holocaust happened, would mean he’s a fool, and Netanyahu is a highly intelligent person.
Another possible hypothesis would be that he’s driven by hatred of Muslims. This hypothesis is consistent with all the evidence regarding him, including that video-clip. The full video-clip shows Netanyahu saying (in this speech, which was delivered on 20 October 2015: “[This attack and other attacks on the Jewish community in 1920, 1921, 1929] were instigated by a call of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was later sought for war crimes, in the Nuremberg trials because he had a central role in fomenting the final solution, he flew to Berlin, Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews and Haj Amin al-Husseini said, ‘If you expel them, then they’ll all come here. So, what should I do with them,’ he asked. He [Hitler] said, ‘Burn them’.” Netanyahu was there blaming the Holocaust on Muslims, not on Christians (even though it was actually planned and carried out not only by German Christians but by Christians in many other countries, which the Roman Catholic Hitler was leading in this entire vast enterprise). The idea that the Mufti, whom Hitler had never even met until so late as 28 November 1941, inspired him to commit the Holocaust, which had already actually started before that meeting, is ludicrous. A person as intelligent as Netanyahu, is almost certainly lying to assert it. Either that, or else he’s insane.
According to the only surviving official record of what transpired at the Mufti-Hitler meeting, which was that of the Reich Chancellory, Hitler and the Mufti actually discussed many things on that occasion, not only Jews, and there is no indication whatsoever that the promise for “the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere” after the anticipated Nazi win of WW II, came from the Mufti; it was instead, as described there, offered by Hitler to, and greatly appreciated by, the Mufti. Netanyahu’s assertion that Hitler was asked by the Mufti, “What should I do with them,” and that Hitler instructed him “Burn them,” is pure fabrication, without basis in the only surviving record that was made at the time. The Christian Hitler had planned the Holocaust, and his plan for it included various stages; it didn’t just appear to him all at once or as just one idea or one act — nor did the Mufti give the idea to him on 28 November 1941, nor ever.
Netanyahu’s Minister of Justice is his long-time close friend and former aide, Ayelet Shaked, who is a blatantly racist hater of Palestinians, hardly different in her beliefs than Hitler was in his, except for what the target is, and what the surrounding system of constraints is within which to be a successful politician, not only nationally, but also internationally. Netanyahu might himself be as racist against Palestinians as is his chosen Justice Minister. But, in any case, he’s certainly a liar: Hitler, and not the Grand Mufti, planned and initiated and carried out the extermination of Jews.
Victoria Richards wrote in Britain’s Independent, on 21 October 2015 (the same day as RT’s video of that excerpt from the speech which had been delivered the prior day), an excellent article placing into a broader context Netanyahu’s blaming the Holocaust on Muslims, headlining, “Netanyahu's claims that a Palestinian leader was to blame for the Holocaust have been debunked before: In 2012, he described Haj Amin al-Husseini as 'one of the leading architects of the Final Solution' in a Knesset speech.” In that speech, on 24 January 2012, Netanyahu had said:
Haj Amin al-Husseini was one of the architects of the Final Solution. He traveled to Berlin. He lobbied and implored Hitler, as was stated by Adolf Eichmann's deputy at the Nuremberg trials, and this is documented in other sources, and persuaded him more than anyone else to carry out the Final Solution. Not to allow the Jews to leave lest they come here but to annihilate them, to incinerate them.
Interestingly, on that occasion, Netanyahu had alleged that the idea to “burn” or “incinerate” the Jews didn’t come from Hitler but from Husseini himself. At least, Netanyahu softened that lie, when he repeated it three years later.
However, even the racist-fascist (or ideologically nazi — meaning not necessarily a member of Germany’s Nazi Party, but any follower of the racist-fascist ideology it represented, and this ideological term “nazi” refers also to KKK, etc., including bigoted Jews, such as) Netanyahu — even Israel’s current racist-fascist Prime Minister — doesn’t allege that Hitler and Husseini had ever met together prior to 28 November 1941. And, Hitler’s mass-killing centers were already operating prior to "Weimar, Nov. 25, '41 8:58 a.m” (that’s three days prior to the Mufti-Hitler meeting) when Dr. Friedrich Mennecke, at Buchenwald, wrote, to his wife, telling her that the killing of “1200 Jews” had been done in Buchenwald that day, November 25th, without even examining the “patients,” but instead as “a purely theoretical job” (i.e., on the basis of racist-fascist ideology); and, that, in addition, “After the Jews come about 300 Aryans as 3rd portion, who again will have to be ‘examined’,” before they, too, might (perhaps the next day) be declared unfit to live, and sent directly to slaughter.
Whereas the famous Hitler-apologist David Irving says that Hitler wasn’t to blame for the Holocaust because Goebbels had somehow inspired him to do it if it had been done at all, Benjamin Netanyahu says that Hitler wasn’t to blame for the Holocaust because the Mufti had somehow inspired Hitler to do it. 
Netanyahu is almost certainly not as stupid as he pretends to be, but he apparently knows that his voters are — and, for an extremely successful far-right Prime Minister, this is (based upon the available evidence) all that really matters to him. It’s a successful tactic to help whip-up, amongst Israel’s Jews, the hatred of Muslims, that had earlier been expressed by Netanyahu’s now chosen-and-serving Minister of Justice, Ayelet Shaked. This is Netanyahu’s way of spreading to other Israelis his own type of nazism (against Muslims, especially in Israel), which is already common enough in Israel to have gotten him elected as that nation’s leader.
On 21 October 1941, a month prior to meeting with the Mufti, Hitler, in the privacy of his bunker, concluded a long tirade against Jews (as transcribed in his Table-Talk) by saying: “By exterminating this pest, we shall do humanity a service of which our soldiers can have no idea.” Hitler’s buddy, Himmler, stated, in a speech to top SS leaders, two years later, when the Holocaust was in full swing, on 4 October 1943, that this extermination was necessary for them to carry out, in order to have “exterminated a bacterium because we do not want in the end to be infected by the bacterium and die of it.” Hitler had stated, on various occasions, that the “Jewish infection” or “Jewish bacterium” or “blood-poisoning by Jews,” was transmitted to non-Jews in their “blood,” and so Jews must be entirely eradicated like plague-carrying rats — not only in Germany, but beyond. Hitler said, on 24 February 1943: “This fight will not end with the planned annihilation of the Aryan [which to him meant the descendants of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3] but with the extermination of the Jew [which to him meant the descendants of the snake in Genesis 3] in Europe. Beyond this, thanks to this fight, our movement’s world of thought will become the common heritage of all people.” Hitler had gotten his idea of the “Thousand-Year Reich” from Revelation 20:1-7. To him it came from “The Bible — Monumental History of Mankind,” which told this “History” not merely past, but also future, even beyond the next thousand years. One could say that it was Hitler’s sect of Christianity, but nothing really was original in it. And it certainly wasn’t Muslim (such as Netanyahu repeatedly suggests it to have been).
To Hitler, Palestinians were fighting the good fight, regardless of what their motivation for it was. He didn’t care what the Mufti’s motivation was (and it was far different from Hitler’s on this matter), but only that the Palestinians would keep up, and be determined to win, their war against that territory’s Jews. 
False statements are common from all fascists, including Netanyahu, but the history here is clear. The history on this matter is incontrovertible. It is not in dispute. All that is even in question is whether Netanyahu is a liar, or whether instead he’s insane. 
However, whatever he is, his apologetics for Hitler are especially understandable from him if he, Netanyahu, is seen as being an ideological brother-in-arms of Hitler — two racist-fascists — and consequently as Netanyahu ‘justifying’ himself thereby, and not only as his expressing a surprisingly sympathetic view regarding the actual initiator, planner, and overseer, of the anti-Jewish Holocaust. 
There is no reason why a Jew cannot be also a nazi — but only an uncapitalized one, only an ideological nazi. There can be (and are) racist fascists in all ethnicities, religions, and nations, and against any ethnicity, religion, or nation. Actual good and evil aren’t properties of any of them. The claim that they are, that some groups are morally superior to other groups, is a basic part of their common Big Lie, because all truthful evaluations are about individual persons instead of about any groups they belong to. And that Big Lie — the allegation that some groups are better than others, that moral attributes (“better than” or “worse than”) belong to groups instead of only to individuals — might be as common today, as it was then. Israel’s current Prime Minister is merely an example of it. Hitler thought that non-Jews are better than Jews. Netanyahu thinks that Jews are better than non-Jews. But it’s all false. And the lie was common enough in 1930s Germany, and in today’s Israel, to have gotten both Hitler and Netanyahu elected to lead their nation.
Thus, too, the Nazis who tried to kill Hitler were heroes, and the Jews who try to shift Hitler’s blame onto others are the opposite — simply Jewish nazis — regardless of whether they are liars, or insane.
Victims and perpetrators of nazism — racist fascism — can be of any ethnicity, religion, or etc. No one is safe from nazism, and all nazis need to lie in order to succeed, because racist fascism simply cannot be based upon truth. It’s not just Hitler and other racist Christians against Jews, and Netanyahu and other racist Jews against Muslims. For example, another lying far-right Christian, Stephen Bannon, of Donald Trump’s campaign and Administration, is explicitly bigoted against Muslims, not against Jews — he is a Roman Catholic like Hitler, but an anti-Muslim like Netanyahu, and this was shown on 11 August 2017 by Peter Maass at The Intercept, headlining “Steve Bannon Said He Learned to Fear Muslims When He Visited Pakistan. Except He Was Probably in Hong Kong.” And, to cite yet another religion, Hinduism: on 13 July 2017, Prem Singh, of the Socialist Party of India, bannered “The Implications of Ramnath Kovind’s Presidency”, and he noted that India’s conservative BJP party and the RSS Hindu-nationalist movement were uniting, and Singh wrote that:
The governor of Tripura recently tweeted that Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, founder of Jan Sangh, had suggested that Hindu-Muslim strife could only be resolved through civil war. A civil war for a Muslim-free India may seem far-fetched right now; but … the way educated, well off/cultured Hindus are falling easy victims to Islamophobia, it doesn’t seem like they have learnt any lessons from the tragedy of Partition. Emotional claims about family and children will not hold against civil war. Hasn’t Modi left his family, and even his wife, for the ‘Hindu Rashtra’? As the noose of neo-imperialism tightens, the hate-mongering against Muslims and Christians will also rise. Other minority religious communities will also get caught in this hate mania. The failure to become either modern or world citizens, will be compensated by BJP-RSS by installing ‘Hindu president’, ‘Hindu prime minister’, ‘Hindu government’, ‘Hindu development’, ‘Hindu technology’, ‘Hindu knowledge’ and so on, in the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. … The RSS will gun for its long-awaited agenda of dispossessing the Muslims, already dispossessed of democracy.
The lies, and the targets, and the victims, differ; but the ideology is the same: racist fascism. It’s common in many countries. 

About the author

EricZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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False statements are common from all fascists, including Netanyahu, but the history here is clear. The history on this matter is incontrovertible. It is not in dispute. All that is even in question is whether Netanyahu is a liar, or whether instead he’s insane. 

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Charlottesville and Venezuela


Their common threat is right-wing extremism – fascist viciousness stalking a city like many others in America and a Latin American nation, targeted from within and abroad by Trump and bipartisan neocons infesting Washington.

Peaceful Charlottesville residents are threatened by violent white nationalists in their city, police not intervening to stop them. On Saturday, clashes between them and counter-protesters left one woman dead, many others injured.

Nazis' torchlight parade in Charlottesville: What would Jefferson think? 

Removal of a Confederate monument was a thinly veiled pretext for what happened. Anything could have ignited it. The reality is right-wing extremism in America.

Street violence in Charlottesville is symptomatic of longstanding US culture – hard-right federal, state and local authorities at war with political dissidents; anti-war, environmental, human and civil rights activists; Latino immigrants; refugees of color or the wrong religion; and the nation’s most vulnerable, inner city minority communities turned into battlegrounds.

America’s military/industrial/media complex fosters permanent war against one nation after another, aiming for unchallenged power and profits. Conflicts rage in multiple theaters. Others loom, including possible nuclear war on the Korean peninsula, Russia, China and Iran threatened.As president and military commander-in-chief, the buck stops with Trump. A White House statement said the following:

“President Trump reiterated to President Macron the United States’ commitment to stop the North Korean nuclear menace.”

RT.com has one of the most complete videos of the event

“President Trump stated that the United States is ready, along with its allies, to apply the full range of diplomatic, economic and military measures to achieve that goal.”

“President Trump and President Macron pledged to work together with allies and partners to enforce United Nations sanctions and achieve denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

Hypocrisy defines US politics. In response to Charlottesville violence, Trump said the following:

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.”

It’s one-sided – in Charlottesville pitting violent white nationalist extremists against peaceful counter-protesters. Trump failed to lay blame where it belongs. Nor in Venezuela, blaming victims, not perpetrators for months of street violence, saying:

“We have many options for Venezuela. And by the way, I am not going to rule out a military option.”

“This is our neighbor. You know, we are all over the world, and we have troops all over the world in places that are very, very far away.”

“Venezuela is not very far away, and the people are suffering, and they are dying. We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option if necessary.”

KKK and Neonazis in Charlottesvlle. Despite the noise and the menacing mobs fascism is unlikely in America unless the establishment decided it wants to give it the green light.

CIA operatives and US-supported fascists in Venezuela bear full responsibility for what’s happening. Made-in-the-USA street violence caused over 120 deaths, more than 1,200 injured, and thousands arrested to try restoring order. A violent US-orchestrated color revolution attempt is ongoing, aiming to replace Bolivarian social democracy with fascist tyranny. Tactics include shootings, roadside bombs, arson and other vandalism against state facilities, barricades of burning rubbish, blocking roads, destroying a food storage depot, holding a maternity hospital under siege, in late June using a helicopter to attack the Interior Ministry and Supreme Court, along with other disruptive tactics.

Trump, other US officials, and media scoundrels disgracefully blame government authorities for criminality perpetrated by CIA-enlisted street thugs. In response to Trump’s threat, Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza responded, saying “(t)he US administration reaffirms its imperialist and neoliberal policy against the Venezuelan people.”

Threats against its sovereignty “violate the principles of the United Nations and the norms of international law.”

Constituent Assembly president Delcy Rodriguez said the body intends working with President Maduro to “defen(d) our beloved Venezuela.” She denounced Trump’s “insolent and vile threats.”

Charlottesville’s violence is symptomatic of fascist US war on humanity at home and abroad. Washington’s bipartisan criminal class bears full responsibility for endless horrors ongoing worldwide

 Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. His new site is at http://stephenlendman.org

horiz-long grey

uza2-zombienationWhat will it take to bring America to live according to its own self image?

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Buried History: 27 Million Died in Russia Because Wall Street Built Up Hitler’s Wehrmacht to Knock Out Soviet Union 

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With criminal corporate monopoly media masking the US created prosecutable genocide ongoing in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan by focusing attention on Russia, fantasized as a dangerous enemy needing military confrontation, it might be a good time to review past US planned, facilitated and at times perpetrated genocidal crimes in Russia. Article recalls those after WW I and before WW II.

With criminal corporate monopoly media masking the US-created prosecutable genocide ongoing in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan by focusing attention on Russia, fantasized  as a dangerous enemy needing military confrontation, it might be a good time to review past US planned, facilitated and at times perpetrated genocidal crimes in Russia. History in context kind of puts to rest all the hype about evil Russia seeking to expand when it already is the largest country in the world spanning nine time zones with only half the population of the US to fill it. 

Operation Barbarossa: Germans and their allies invade Russia in 1941. More than 7 million massed on the Eastern Front.

In 1900, Russia and America were allies invading China along with the rest of the capitalist empires, but from September 1918 through to July 1919 the US had two armies in Russia shooting Russians, one in Archangel, the other in Vladivostok, The aim wasn’t called ‘regime change’ back then, but it was. 

After suffering more dead that the other empires in colonial powered Europe’s First World War, Russians had overthrown their Tsar and their capitalists, and had declared a socialist government. Immediately, fourteen armies from twelve capitalist countries had invaded Russia in order to overthrow the new Russian socialist government with a civil war that would cause millions of deaths, three million from Typhus alone. The US, as well as the other nations invading, had been Russia’s WW I allies only a few months before. There are official US Army photos of Americans standing over dead Bolsheviks* posted in the margins of Wikipedia’s articles, Polar Bear Expedition and the American Expeditionary Force Siberia (*‘bolshevik’ in Russian means ‘majority’ referring to past voting results).
The capitalist nations backed civil war carnage failed to overthrow the socialist government in Russia, but the most monstrous plan ever conceived was to follow and is succinctly reviewed in the few quoted paragraphs below by Irish journalist Finian Cunningham. 
“The Western public, inculcated with decades of brainwashing versions of history, have a particular disadvantage in coming to a proper understanding of the world wars...
A very different 'version' of history has been concealed, a 'version' that puts the Western rulers in an altogether more pernicious category from their ordinary citizens.
European fascism headed up by Nazi Germany, along with Mussolini in Italy, Franco in Spain and Salazar in Portugal, was not some aberrant force that sprang from nowhere during the 1920s-1930s. The movement was a deliberate cultivation by the rulers of Anglo-American capitalism. European fascism may have been labeled "national socialism" but its root ideology was very much one opposed to overturning the fundamental capitalist order. It was an authoritarian drive to safeguard the capitalist order, which viewed genuine worker-based socialism as an enemy to be ruthlessly crushed.

This is what made European fascism so appealing to the Western capitalist ruling class in those times. In particular, Nazi Germany was viewed by the Western elite as a bulwark against possible socialist revolution inspired by the Russian revolution of 1917. 

Stalin's scorched earth policy denied the German forces vital supplies to expand their offensive.

It is no coincidence that American capital investment in Nazi Germany between 1929-1940 far outpaced that in any other European country, ... The industrial rearmament of Germany (despite the strictures of the Versailles Treaty signed at the end of World War One, which were ignored) was indeed facilitated by the American and British capitalist ruling classes. When Hitler annexed Austria and the Czech Sudetenland in 1938, it was ignored. This was not out of complacent appeasement, as widely believed, but rather out of a far more active, albeit secretive, policy of collusion.

According to Alvin Finkel and Clement Leibovitz in their book, The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion, British Conservative leader Neville Chamberlain and his ruling cohort were intent on giving Nazi Germany a "free hand" for eastward expansionism. The real target for the Western sponsors of the Nazi war machine was an attack on the Soviet Union in order to destroy, in their view, the source of international revolutionary socialism. In the 1930s, the very existence of capitalism was teetering on the edge amid the Great Depression, massive poverty and seething popular discontent in the US, Britain and other Western countries. The entire Western capitalist order was under imminent threat from its own masses.

This is the historical context for the Western-backed rise of European fascism. Look at some of the undisputed figures from the Second World War... Some 14 million Red Army soldiers died in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany, compared with less than 400,000 military each from the US and Britain. These Western armies lost less than 4 per cent of personnel of the Red Army's casualties.

 These figures tell us where the Nazi German war effort was primarily directed towards - the Soviet Union, as the Western imperialist rulers had hoped in their initial sponsoring of Nazi and other European fascist regimes during the 1930s.  [Quoted from Finian Cunningham’s article World War II Continues... Against Russia, PressTV, 5/10/2014 (underlining added)]
There is simply no way impoverished Nazi Germany could have on its own built its Armed Forces up to number one military in the world during the first seven years of Hitler’s rule without the colossal and crucial investments in, and joint venturing by, top US corporations in low wage Nazi Germany- in outright evasion of the Versailles Treaty prohibition of German rearmament. There is no way Hitler could have begun a world war and multi-nation Holocaust when he did without the mega enormous financial help he received from the USA. 

In a world deep in the chaos of the Great Depression, a dismal failure of rule by the banks of the capitalist colonial powers, Nazi Germany was to be a loaded gun pointed, and eventually fired, at the intolerably successful socialist Soviet Union. Good to remember that all this investment and joint venturing took place while Hitler ranted publicly about his intentions regarding communists, socialists and Jews. If no investing in Hitler’s Nazi Germany, there would have been no World War Two, no multi-nation Holocaust and no million plus Holocaust survivors mercilessly refused refuge and used to produce a Western enclave in the midst of the oil rich Muslim Middle East.


Below are excepts from British American Anthony B. Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,’ Chapter One - ‘Wall Street Paves the Way for Hitler.’ (Anthony Sutton was research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973.) 
The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal. It was certainly crucial to German military capabilities. For instance, in 1934 Germany produced domestically only 300,000 tons of natural petroleum products and less than 800,000 tons of synthetic gasoline; Yet, ten years later in World War II, after transfer of the Standard Oil of New Jersey hydrogenation patents and technology to I. G. Farben, Germany produced about 6 1/2 million tons of oil — of which 85 percent was synthetic oil using the Standard Oil hydrogenation process. 
Germans were brought to Detroit to learn the techniques of specialized production of components, and of straight-line assembly. The techniques learned in Detroit were eventually used to construct the dive-bombing Stukas .... later I. G. Farben representatives in this country enabled a stream of German engineers to visit not only plane plants but others of military importance. Contemporary American business press confirm that business journals and newspapers were fully aware of the Nazi threat and its nature. 

The evidence presented suggests that not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Naziism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism wherever possible (and profitable) —with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States. 

Sheer hubris led the Germans to underestimate the obstacles to a successful blitzkrieg on the Russians. As the summer quickly passed and resistance stiffened, the Russian winter with its punishing snow, cold and mud began to take a toll on the inadequately clad soldiers and the delicate machinery.

Synthetic gasoline and explosives (two of the very basic elements of modern warfare), the control of German World War II output was in the hands of two German combines created by Wall Street loans under the Dawes Plan.

The two largest tank producers in Hitler's Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A. G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit. The Nazis granted tax-exempt status to Opel in 1936, to enable General Motors to expand its production facilities.  Alcoa and Dow Chemical worked closely with Nazi industry.
General Motors supplied Siemens & Halske A. G. in Germany with data on automatic pilots and aircraft instruments. As late as 1940, Bendix Aviation supplied complete technical data to Robert Bosch for aircraft and diesel engine starters and received royalty payments in return.
In brief, American companies associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment bankers were intimately related to the growth of Nazi industry. It is important to note … that General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and the handful of U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were — except for the Ford Motor Company — controlled by the Wall Street elite — the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan.”
No one will regret the time spent in reading Anthony Sutton’s Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler 1976, available at [https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_Hitler.pdf]
Sutton was economics professor at California State University, Los Angeles and a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institute from 1968 to 1973
[dropcap]G[/dropcap]iven the general public ignorance regarding Wall Street responsibility for WW II, Sutton’s chapter headings invite our flabbergasted attention: 
2. The Empire of I.G. Farben; The Economic Power of I.G.; The American I.G. Farben;   
  1. General Electric Funds Hitler; General Electric in Weimar, Germany; General Electric & the Financing of Hitler; Technical Cooperation with Krupp; A.E.G. Avoids the Bombs in World War II;  
  2. Standard Oil Duels World War II; Ethyl Lead for the Wehrmacht; Standard Oil and Synthetic Rubber; The Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum A.G.; 
  3. I.T.T. Works Both Sides of the War; Baron Kurt von Schröder and I.T.T. Westrick, Texaco, and I.T.T.; I.T.T. in Wartime Germany;  
  4. Henry Ford and the Nazis; Henry Ford: Hitler's First Foreign Banker;  Henry Ford Receives a Nazi Medal; Ford Assists the German War Effort; 
  5. Who Financed Adolf Hitler? Some Early Hitler Backers; Fritz Thyssen and W.A. Harriman Company; Financing Hitler in the March 1933 Elections; The 1933 Political Contributions;  
  6. Putzi: Friend of Hitler and Roosevelt; Putzi's Role in the Reichstag Fire; Roosevelt's New Deal and Hitler's New Order; 
  7. Wall Street and the Nazi Inner Circle; The S.S. Circle of Friends; I.G. Farben and the Keppler Circle; Wall Street and the S.S. Circle
  8. The Myth of "Sidney Warburg;"Who Was "Sidney Warburg"? Synopsis of the Suppressed "Warburg" Book; James Paul Warbur's Affidavit; Some Conclusions from the "Warburg" Story; 
  9. Wall Street-Nazi Collaboration in World War II; American I.G. in World War II;
    Were American Industrialists and Financiers Guilty of War Crimes? 
  10. Conclusions: The Pervasive Influence of International Bankers; Is the United States Ruled by a Dictatorial Elite? The New York Elite as a Subversive Force; The Slowly Emerging Revisionist Truth.
Sutton makes it clear that his book “is not an indictment of all American industry and finance. It is an indictment of the "apex" — those firms controlled through the handful of financial houses, the Federal Reserve Bank system, the Bank for International Settlements, and their continuing international cooperative arrangements and cartels which attempt to control the course of world politics and economics.”
That WW II was a ‘good war,’ a clear fight against what a madman had brought about, has been a major and fundamental deception solidified in Wall Street owned media and movies. World War Two represented the most profitable investment ever made. When WW II ended, the only major industrial plant standing was that owned by Wall Street. Wall Street and the US government Wall Street controlled, had become the first single world superpower in history. A further boon for Wall Street was that the cities of Wall Street’s designated archenemy, socialist model USSR, lay half in ruins with twenty-seven million of its citizens dead, which represented nearly half of all the deaths during all of WW II in Europe, Africa and Asia. Seven years before the outbreak of WWII, during this rearming of Nazi Germany, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the last aristocratic insider US President, wrote to his confidant Colonel House “as you and I know, this government has been owned by a financial element in the centers of power since the days of Andrew Jackson.” (Jackson was US president a hundred years earlier).

Although many have seen in it an antiwar statement, Spielberg's Saving Pvt. Ryan is essentially a glorification of war and the American role in WW2. Most Americans have become convinced the US and the allies won World War II, on the Western front.

With the American public still captivated by the entertainment & hyped news on their TV screens, it’s easy for Wall Street owned media to drum up war against a devilish Russia in order to mask angelic America’s military destroying and exterminating whole nations with the help of US financed terrorists, some labeled freedom fighters. However, the rise of the emerging economies of the plundered nations of overwhelmingly majority humanity will cause predatory USA to soon lose its economic, political, and eventually even its military hegemony, and new sources of TV entertainment and news will number the days the US and NATO can continue getting away with prosecutable genocides by the dozen. 
Remember the days when the USA killed communists by the millions of men, women and children? An intelligently run, confident communist China is about to replace the capitalist USA as the world’s most influential nation (as it once was for two thousand years). 
Even before the US and Europe lose control of international institutions like the World Trade Organization and a reconstituted United Nations and its courts, its monopoly cartel of six giant entertainment and news conglomerate corporations will have lost its grip on even its US audience, which will have the choice of tuning in on multiple channels that will provide more interesting entertainment and more truthful news and information.
These new sources of entertainment and information will not be beholden to Wall Street investors in the US financial military industrial complex and not be tasked to defend the genocides Wall Street produces.
Post Script:

Germans smiling at the hanging of Soviet partisans. The Germans' brutality on the Eastern Front broke all records for depravity and sadism.

Why have Soviet leaders and writers, even during the onslaught of lies in anti-Soviet propaganda during the Cold War, never held the West responsible for WW II in having rearmed Germany, intending (as Hitler’s threatened) the destruction of the USSR? This has been a mystery to this archival research peoples historian. All the investments and joint venturing of US (and European) corporations building up Hitler’s Wehrmacht to the world’s number one military in only six years are documented in both business records and the tax records of US, German and other nations and are in great part located on the Internet with quite comprehensive statistics. 

The only plausible answer that occurs to those of us investigating, is the shame of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. However, given the obviousness of the colonial powers heavily arming Nazi Germany under such a pathetic excuse as to make Nazi Germany only a “bulwark against communist Soviet Union,”  and then refusing all entreaties of the Soviets to form an protective alliance in the face of Hitler’s ever increasing belligerence, Stalin’s surprise signing a non-aggression pact seems like a last resort defense of Russia.
Were the Soviets to wait for Hitler’s attack, openly prepared by US, UK and France’s rearming of Germany against the terms of the Versailles Treaty, while Hitler openly threatened anti-socialist, anti-communist, anti-Soviet plans, emphasizing Germany’s need for ‘Lebensraum’ (‘living space’) and threatening to make Germany’s 19th century motto ‘Drang Nach Osten’ (‘push to the East’) a term designating German expansion into Slavic lands, a reality. 
In 2009, Vladimir Putin, then the Russian Prime Minister, condemned the Nazi-Soviet pact as "immoral," but said France and the UK had destroyed any chance for an anti-fascist front with the Munich Agreement. On November 6, 2014, UK’s Daily Telegraph headlined "Vladimir Putin says there was nothing wrong with Soviet Union's pact with Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany"  Tom Parfitt, Moscow. At a meeting with young historians in Moscow, Putin urged them to examine the lead-up to the war. Mr Putin said that Western historians today try to "hush up" the 1938 Munich Agreement, in which France and Britain – led by Neville Chamberlain, the prime minister – appeased Adolf Hitler by acquiescing to his occupation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. ‘Compromise with an aggressor in the form of Hitlerite Germany was clearly leading to a large-scale future military conflict, and some people understood that.’"

The Nazi assault on the USSR cost that nation 27 million victims, the equivalent, at the time, of the entire population of the states of New York, Texas, and California. The mind-boggling dimension of the destruction and suffering absorbed by the Russian people is impossible for Americans to comprehend.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n his book, Mission to Moscow, (later a film as well), US ambassador to Russia from 1936 to 1938 Joseph Davies chronicles the desperation of the Russians in 1937, unable to get a defensive alliance with England and France, and fully aware that the rearming of Germany was directed at the Soviet Union most certainly not meant to be only a ‘bulwark.’ By the surprise non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, Stalin derailed for the moment the West's plan to have Hitler invade the USSR. This gained the Soviet Union the time to build the tanks in the East that would later defeat the Nazi invasion. What Hitler called “a war of extermination” in Western Poland began only one week after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Hitler would again call for “a war of extermination” with the German invasion of the USSR, June 22, 1941, and at the same time called for the eradication of Jews...All the German crimes, the crimes that were committed by Stalin and those committed by the US and Britain in fire bombing entire cities happened during the world war that was made possible by the enthusiastic rearming of Germany for a singular purpose. When we recall films and photos of skies filled with warplanes, of seas filled with warships and of thousands of tanks engaged in deathly conflict on land, we best remember a lot of upper class people in business suits were gleefully counting their profits from investments in the manufacture of weapons, uniforms, munitions and coffins. World War One was the same. World War Three wouldn’t be any different, and those trillions of dollars invested for years in incomprehensibly massive amounts of ever more high tech weapons of mass destruction, both nuclear and non nuclear, must be a force in itself driving everything and everyone before it, just as did those millions of dollars invested in war in 1914 and those billions of dollars invested in war during the Great Depression of the 1930s. 

‘A word to the wise could be sufficient’ if only there were enough people sufficiently interested in using the law to protect all the precious children in the world as their own. 

About the Author

Jay Janson, who lived and taught in Korea for six years, is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents in 67 countries; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, Sweden, Germany Vietnam and the US; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong’s Window Magazine 1993; is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign: (King Condemned US Wars) http://kingcondemneduswars.blogspot.com/ and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign http://prosecuteuscrimesagainsthumanitynow.blogspot.com/ featuring a country by country history of US crimes and laws pertaining.

More on the author
Jay spent eight years as Assistant Conductor of the Vietnam Symphony Orchestra in Hanoi and also toured, with Dan Tai-Son, Tchaikovsky Competition First Prize winner, who practiced in a Hanoi bomb shelter. The orchestra was founded by Ho Chi Minh,and it plays most of its concerts in the Opera House, a diminutive copy of the Paris Opera. In 1945, US ally Ho, from a balcony overlooking the large square and flanked by an American Major and a British Colonel, declared Vietnam independent. Everyone in the orchestra lost family, “killed by the Americans” they would mention simply, with kind Buddhist equanimity. Jay can be reached at: tdmedia2000@yahoo.com. Read other articles by Jay http://dissidentvoice.org/author/jayjanson/Jay Janson, spent eight years as Assistant Conductor of the Vietnam Symphony Orchestra in Hanoi and also toured, including with Dan Tai-son, who practiced in a Hanoi bomb shelter. The orchestra was founded by Ho Chi Minh,and it plays most of its concerts in the Opera House, a diminutive copy of the Paris Opera. In 1945, our ally Ho, from a balcony overlooking the large square and flanked by an American Major and a British Colonel, declared Vietnam independent. Everyone in the orchestra lost family, "killed by the Americans" they would mention simply, with Buddhist un-accusing acceptance. Read other articles by Jay

“The Western public, inculcated with decades of brainwashing versions of history, have a particular disadvantage in coming to a proper understanding of the world wars…A very different ‘version’ of history has been concealed, a ‘version’ that puts the Western rulers in an altogether more pernicious category from their ordinary citizens. European fascism headed up by Nazi Germany, along with Mussolini in Italy, Franco in Spain and Salazar in Portugal, was not some aberrant force that sprang from nowhere during the 1920s-1930s. The movement was a deliberate cultivation by the rulers of Anglo-American capitalism.

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Sweet Irony...
Amazon will donate a commission for every purchase you make using this app

We all know that Amazon is an uber-capitalist octopus swallowing ever more industries and openly collaborating with the CIA. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, probably the #2 richest man on earth, is no friend of radicals, or socialist revolution, that's for sure. But this app, ironically, promises to donate some money to whoever uses it to search and make a purchase on Amazon. Since many people will go on using Amazon due to habit or convenience, make it kick back a few dollars our way to continue our pro-peace and anti-imperialist work. Our financial situation leaves us no choice at this point. So consider it. A boycott of Amazon by lefties at this point is hardly going to register on their radar. But any funding we get, at our puny level, will keep us going. Simple as that.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 

The U.S.-Jihadist Alliance

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[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith America’s record-shattering $350 billion ten-year weapons-sale to the Saud family, the U.S. government’s alliance with the main family who funded and participated in the organization of the 9/11 attacks on the United States, and who have been protected now for 16 years by three successive U.S. Presidents — Bush, Obama, and currently Trump — reaches a higher level than ever before, and should finally begin to be recognized and widely discussed, no longer merely ignored, as it has been. 

The former bagman who personally collected each one of the million-dollar-plus cash-donations to Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda until the organization’s bagman was captured by the FBI, said in his sworn U.S. court-testimony on 20 October 2014, “Without the money of the — of the Saudi, you will have nothing” of Al Qaeda. 9/11 required additionally the cooperation of George W. Bush. At first, Osama bin Laden blamed the Israeli government for the 9/11 attacks, but the flow of funds to the attackers came actually from the Saud family and their friends including the other royal families in the Gulf Cooperation Council, who are the other royal oil-Arabs, especially in Qatar and UAE — all of whom are allies of the Sauds and thus of the U.S. government. No money from Jews or from Israelis had actually supported anyone involved in producing the 9/11 attacks. Furthermore, whereas anti-Semites, and also some anti-Zionists, picked up on bin Laden’s accusation that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks, and they spread the myth of ‘the five dancing Israelis' who allegedly had been somehow involved in or connected to the (supposedly unknown) perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, the FBI’s investigation into that entire question ended finally on 14 April 2004, when an FBI agent in Newark, NJ, closed the case, by saying, after exhaustive investigation into a possible link of those ‘five dancing Israelis' to the FBI’s PENTTBOM Investigation, which is the FBI's investigation into the 9/11 attacks, “the evidence related to the above-listed investigation was determined to be of no value to the PENTTBOMB investigation”. So, the FBI's three-year effort to find evidence that possibly might support bin Laden’s allegation against Israel, ultimately concluded that there was no evidence for it, at all. Actually, Osama bin Laden was a longtime agent of the Saud family to help the U.S. government to weaken the Soviet government, and he subsequently — after the end of the USSR and of its communism and of their entire Warsaw Pact military alliance — helped the U.S. government to weaken the lone rump remaining nation Russia, and to create the jihadist movement in the Chechnya region of Russia, in an attempt to break Russia apart. So, one might say that Osama bin Laden, like Saddam Hussein before him, had been a CIA asset whom the U.S. aristocracy later abandoned and killed, when the U.S. aristocracy concluded him to be no longer overall constructive for their purposes, but more of a detriment than an asset. 
Though there is a ceaseless song-and-dance by the U.S. government pretending to oppose Al Qaeda and the many other jihadist groups that are trained and sometimes also led by Al Qaeda, and though Barack Obama in his first Presidential term killed many of Al Qaeda’s top leaders, the U.S. government has been working behind-the-scenes, along with the Sauds and its Arab allies, in order to arm and train the jihadists in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Chechnya, and other nations and regions where allies of either Russia or Iran can be overthrown and replaced by allies of the U.S.-jihadist alliance.
The aristocracies that constitute ‘the Western alliance’ ‘for freedom and democracy’, are actually determined to bring the entire world under their control, and the American aristocracy claims to lead them, but if they were ever to succeed, and both Russia and Iran and their allies were to come under their control, then there would first be a war between the major parties to the alliance in order to determine where the global center of power will be — in the United States, or in Saudi Arabia — one having a Christian majority, and the other being a Sharia law fundamentalist-Sunni-Islamic dictatorship and the symbolic and physical center of the world’s second-largest religion on its way to becoming the largest religion: Saudi Arabia. Israel, the Jewish dictatorship over its non-Jews, is on good terms with both the Saudi and the U.S. aristocracy, and Judaism is a tiny religion except amongst the world’s aristocracies, where it constitutes a significant player. Israel’s dictators would be satisfied regardless of whether the world is led from ‘Christian’ Washington, or from fundamentalist-Sunni Riyadh. Either way, no Shia political force would remain.
However, remarkably little thinking is being devoted to how the world would even be able to reach that stage, a unified dictatorial world government, because both Russia and Iran would need to be conquered in order to reach that stage, and this would inevitably entail a nuclear war between Russia and the United States, which would soon thereafter end life on this planet.
Now, under U.S. President Donald Trump, V.P. Mike Pence, and the entire Trump team, as well as under the prior Obama regime, the old anti-Semitic charge about 9/11, that ‘the Jews did it’, is replaced by the lie that “Iran did it.”
President Obama had officially endorsed this view earlier than Trump did, when his Administration endorsed a U.S. court’s fining Iran, on 9 March 2016, $10.5 billion, for the 9/11 attacks.
President Trump, on 5 February 2017, was asked in a Super Bowl television interview, what his policies would be regarding Iran, and he answered (video here, transcript here): “They have total disregard for our country. They are the number one terrorist state.” This (boldfaced) phrase is the standard one that Israel uses to refer to Iran — which, unlike Saudi Arabia, does support terrorism against Israel (which itself is a terrorist state). So: the U.S. President there was representing actually the Israeli people (or, specifically, Jewish Israelis), and not at all the American people. Trump had changed his tune on that as soon as he became elected, when he appointed a team of anti-Iranian bigots to lead his foreign policies, and broke practically every promise he had made in his campaign to go against “radical Islamic terrorism” — which, except against Israel, is entirely fundamentalist-Sunni, not at all Iranian (nor Shiite). Even George W. Bush didn’t blame Iran for it; he blamed Iraq.
Trump, in Saudi Arabia, gave a speech on May 21st, which described Iran as being the way that Saudi Arabia actually is:
No discussion of stamping out this threat [“terrorists”] would be complete without mentioning the government that gives terrorists all three — safe harbor, financial backing, and the social standing needed for recruitment. It is a regime that is responsible for so much instability in the region. I am speaking of course of Iran. …  All nations of conscience must work together to isolate Iran, deny it funding for terrorism, and pray for the day when the Iranian people have the just and righteous government they deserve.
But what, then, about “Russia did it?” Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons, and in an environment such as this, maybe they should.
Iranians would be idiots not to recognize where all of this is heading. They are now in America’s cross-hairs. And for Iranians (or anyone) to trust the U.S. would be insanity, under these conditions.
The real questions here are: Why is 'the Western alliance’ ‘for freedom and democracy’ determined to conquer Russia and Iran? Why did U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, on 24 February 1990, secretly double-cross the then-Soviet leader— soon to be Russia’s President — Mikhail Gorbachev, so that the Cold War ended only on Russia’s side, and not also on America’s (NATO’s) side (such as GHW Bush promised but then secretly negated)? What, precisely, was GHW Bush’s actual plan? How did he see this ongoing war against Russia as ending? Was he simply obsessed with America’s global conquest? Why haven’t subsequent U.S. Presidents abandoned his secret plan, instead of carrying it out? Why haven’t the leaders and peoples of Europe, Japan, etc., abandoned the U.S government, and joined with Russia, in order to stave off a globe-ending nuclear war — or even just in order to put a stop to international jihadism? Will the public in at least one of the nations that claim to belong to ‘the Western alliance’ ‘for freedom and democracy’ need to overthrow their own government (not just its leaders) in order for freedom and democracy and peace to be able to return in even just one country?
The global dictatorship is already gripping pretty hard. Look at what has happened to the people of Syria. And of Iraq. And of Libya (now so bad that polling there is no longer being reported). And of Yemen. And of Ukraine. And that’s just for starters.
Douglas Valentine’s acclaimed new book, The CIA as Organized Crime, documents the shocking psychopathy of that organization; and, so, no one should be particularly surprised at the psychopathy of the organization that controls it.


About the author

EricZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity


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uza2-zombienationThough there is a ceaseless song-and-dance by the U.S. government pretending to oppose Al Qaeda and the many other jihadist groups that are trained and sometimes also led by Al Qaeda, and though Barack Obama in his first Presidential term killed many of Al Qaeda’s top leaders, the U.S. government has been working behind-the-scenes, along with the Sauds and its Arab allies, in order to arm and train the jihadists in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Chechnya, and other nations and regions where allies of either Russia or Iran can be overthrown and replaced by allies of the U.S.-jihadist alliance.
