All Power to the Banks! The Winners-Take-All Regime of Emmanuel Macron

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Photo by Blandine Le Cain | CC BY 2.0

A ghost of the past was the real winner of the French presidential election.  Emmanuel Macron won only because a majority felt they had to vote against the ghost of “fascism” allegedly embodied by his opponent, Marine Le Pen.  Whether out of panic or out of the need to feel respectable, the French voted two to one in favor of a man whose program most of them either ignored or disliked.  Now they are stuck with him for five years.

If people had voted on the issues, the majority would never have elected a man representing the trans-Atlantic elite totally committed to “globalization”, using whatever is left of the power of national governments to weaken them still further, turning over decision-making to “the markets” – that is, to international capital, managed by the major banks and financial institutions, notably those located in the United States, such as Goldman-Sachs.

The significance of this election is so widely misrepresented that clarification requires a fairly thorough explanation, not only of the Macron project, but also of what the (impossible) election of Marine Le Pen would have meant.

From a Two Party to a Single Party System

Despite the multiparty nature of French elections, for the past generation France has been essentially ruled by a two-party system, with government power alternating between the Socialist Party, roughly the equivalent of the U.S. Democratic Party, and a party inherited from the Gaullist tradition which has gone through various name changes before recently settling on calling itself Les Républicains (LR), in obvious imitation of the United States. For decades, there has been nothing “socialist” about the Socialist Party and nothing Gaullist about The Republicans.  In reality, both have adopted neoliberal economic policies, or more precisely, they have followed European Union directives requiring member states to adopt neoliberal economic policies. Especially since the adoption of the common currency, the euro, a little over fifteen years ago, those economic policies have become tangibly harmful to France, hastening its deindustrialization, the ruin of its farmers and the growing indebtedness of the State to private banks.

This has had inevitable political repercussions.  The simplest reaction has been widespread reaction against both parties for continuing to pursue the same unpopular policies. The most thoughtful reaction has been to start realizing that it is the European Union itself that imposes this unpopular economic conformism.

To quell growing criticism of the European Union, the well-oiled Macron machine, labeled “En Marche!” has exploited the popular reaction against both governing parties.  It has broken and absorbed large parts of both, in an obvious move to turn En Marche! into a single catch-all party loyal to Macron.

For decades, there has been nothing “socialist” about the Socialist Party and nothing Gaullist about The Republicans.  In reality, both have adopted neoliberal economic policies, or more precisely, they have followed European Union directives requiring member states to adopt neoliberal economic policies.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he destruction of the Socialist Party was easy.  Since the “Socialist” government was so unpopular that it could not hope to win, it was easy to lure prominent members of that party to jump the sinking ship and rally to Macron, who had been economics minister in that unpopular government, but who was advertised by all the media as “new” and “anti-system”.


Weakening the Republicans was trickier.  Thanks to the deep unpopularity of the outgoing Socialist government, the Republican candidate, François Fillon, looked like a shoo-in.  But despite his pro-business economic policies, Fillon still cared about preserving France, and favored an independent foreign policy including good madtomadnessrelations with Russia.  It is unknown who dug into old records to come up with information about the allegedly fake jobs Fillon gave to his wife and children in past years, and how they were passed on the weekly Canard Enchainé to be revealed at a critical moment in the campaign. The uproar drowned out the issues. To an electorate already wary of “establishment politicians”, these revelations were fatal.  The impression that “politicians are all corrupt” played into the hands of Emmanuel Macron, too young to have done anything worse than make a few quick millions during his passage through the Rothschild Bank, and there’s nothing illegal about that.

In France, the presidential election is followed by parliamentary elections, which normally give a majority to the party of the newly elected president. But Macron had no party, so he is creating one for the occasion, made up of defectors from the major defeated parties as well as his own innovation, candidates from “civil society”, with no political experience, but loyal to him personally.  These “civil society” newcomers tend to be successful individuals, winners in the game of globalized competition, who will have no trouble voting for anti-labor measures. Macron is thus confirming Marine Le Pen’s longstanding assertion that the two main parties were really one big single party, whose rhetorical differences masked their political convergence.

The Macron victory demoralized Republicans. Weakening them further, Macron named a Republican, Edouard Philippe, as his Prime Minister, in a government with four Socialist and two Republican, alongside his own selections from “civil society”.

Transforming France

Macron won in part because older voters in particular were frightened by his opponents’ hints at leaving the European Union, which they have been indoctrinated to consider necessary to prevent renewal of Europe’s old wars.  But only the hysterical anti-fascist scare can explain why self-styled leftist “revolutionaries” such as François Ruffin, known for his successful anti-capitalist movie “Merci Patron”, could join the stampede to vote for Macron – promising to “oppose him later”. But how?

Later, after five years of Macron, opposition may be harder than ever.  In recent decades, as manufacturing moves to low wage countries, including EU members such as Poland and Rumania, France has lost 40% of its industry.  Loss of industry means loss of jobs and fewer workers.  When industry is no longer essential, workers have lost their key power: striking to shut down industry.  Currently the desperate workers in a failing auto-works factory in central France are threatening to blow it up unless the government takes measures to save their jobs.  But violence is powerless when it has no price tag.

Emmanuel Macron has said that he wants to spend only a short time in political life, before getting back to business. He has a mission, and he is in a hurry.  If he gains an absolute majority in the June parliamentary elections, he has a free hand to govern for five years.  He means to use this period not to “reform” the country, as his predecessors put it, but to “transform” France into a different sort of country.  If he has his way, in five years France will no longer be a sovereign nation, but a reliable region in a federalized European Union, following a rigorous economic policy made in Germany by bankers and a bellicose foreign policy made in Washington by neocons.

As usual, the newly elected French president’s first move was to rush to Berlin to assert loyalty to the increasingly lopsided “Franco-German partnership”.  He was most warmly welcomed by Chancellor Angela Merkel, thanks to his clear determination to force through the austerity measures demanded by the Frankfurt budget masters.  Macron hopes that his fiscal obedience will be rewarded by German consent to a European investment fund for stimulating economic growth, but this implies a degree of federalism that the pfennig-pinching Germans show little sign of accepting.

First of all, he has promised to complete the dismantling of the French labor code, which offers various protections to workers. This should save money for employers and the government. For Macron, the ruin of French industry and French farming seem to be welcome steps toward an economy of individual initiative, symbolized by startups.

The Macron program amounts to a profound ideological transformation of the French ideal of égalité, equality, from a horizontal concept, meaning equal benefits for all, to the vertical ideal of “equality of opportunity”, meaning the theoretical chance of every individual to rise above the others.  This is an ideal easily accepted in the United States with its longstanding myth of the self-made man.  The French have traditionally been logical enough to understand that everyone can’t rise above the others.

Horizontal equality in France has primarily meant institutional redistribution of wealth via universal access to benefits such as health care, pensions, communications and transportation facilities, allocations for families raising children, unemployment insurance, free education at all levels.  These are the benefits that are under threat from the European Union in various ways.  One way is the imposition of “competition” rules that impose privatization and favor foreign takeovers that transform public services into profit-seekers.  Another is the imposition of public budget restrictions, along with the obligation of the State to seek private loans, increasing its debt, and the loss of tax revenue that all end up up making the State too poor to continue providing such services.

Very few French people would want to give up such horizontal equality for the privilege of hoping to become a billionaire.

Macron is sufficiently Americanized, or, to be more precise, globalized, to have declared that “there is no such thing as French culture”.  From this viewpoint, France is just a place open to diverse cultures, as well as to immigrants and of course foreign capital.  He has clearly signaled his rejection of French independence in the foreign policy field.  Unlike his leading rivals, who all called for improved relations with Russia, Macron echoes the Russophobic line of the neocons.  He broke tradition on his inauguration by riding down the Champs-Elysées in a military vehicle. A change of tone is indicated by his cabinet nominations.  The title of the new foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who served as defense minister in the Hollande government, is “Minister of Europe and of Foreign Affairs”, clearly giving Europe preference in the matter. Sylvie Goulard, an ardent Europeist who has remarked that “she does not feel French”, has been named Minister of Armies and Minister of Defense. Clearly national defense is an afterthought, when the main idea is to deploy the armed forces in various joint Western interventions.

The Divided Opposition

Unless the June parliamentary elections produce stunning surprises, the opposition to Macron’s catch-all governance party appears weak and fatally divided.  The Socialist Party is almost wiped out.  The Republicans are profoundly destabilized.  Genuine opposition to the Macron regime can only be based on defense of French interests against EU economic dictates, starting with the euro, which prevents the country from pursuing an independent economic and foreign policy. In short, the genuine opposition must be “souverainiste”, concerned with preserving French sovereignty.

Two strong personalities emerged from the presidential election as potential leaders of that opposition: Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen. But they are drastically divided.

Mélenchon ran a spectacularly popular campaign, leaving the Socialist Party far behind (the party he personally left behind years ago).  Initially, as he seemed to be taking votes away from Le Pen as well as from the Socialists, he got friendly media coverage, but as he came closer to making it to the decisive second round, the tone started to change.  Just as Le Pen was finally knocked out as a “fascist”, there is little doubt that had Mélenchon been Macron’s challenger, he would have been increasingly denounced as “communist”.

Mélenchon is intelligent enough to have realized that the social policies he advocates cannot be achieved unless France recovers control of its currency.  He therefore took a stand against both NATO and the euro.  So did Marine Le Pen. Mélenchon was embarrassed by the resemblance between their two programs, and contrary to other eliminated candidates, refrained from endorsing Macron, instead calling on his movement, La France Insoumise, to choose between Macron and abstention.  Finally, 25% of Mélenchon voters abstained in the second round, but 62% voted for Macron – almost exclusively motivated by the alleged need to “stop fascism”.  That compares with the final total results of 66% for Macron and 34 % for Le Pen.

That vote confirmed the impossibility of forming a unified souverainiste opposition and allows Marine Le Pen to strengthen her claim to be the leader of a genuine opposition to Macron. She has admitted her own mistakes in the campaign, particularly in her debate with Macron, who beat her hands down with his arrogant performance as the economic expert.  But despite her mere 34%, she retains the most loyal base of supporters in a changing scene.  The problem for Mélenchon is that his electorate is more versatile.

Despite his loud appeal to “youth”, Macron was elected by France’s huge population of old people.  Among voters over 65, he won 80% against 20% for Le Pen.  Marine Le Pen did best with the youngest age group, 18 to 24, winning 44% against Macron’s 56%[1].

The differences were also significant between socio-professional categories.  Macron won a whopping 83% of the votes coming from the “superior socio-professional categories” – categories where the “winners” in competitive society are largely ensconced.   But in what are described as “categories populaires”, a French term for ordinary folk, with less education, the vote was 53% in favor of Le Pen.  And she confirmed her position as favorite candidate of the working class, winning 63% of workers’ votes.

Note that the “superior socio-professional categories” are where the significance of these results will be defined.  Individuals from that category – journalists, commentators and show business personalities – are all in a position to spread the word that this vote indicates that the workers must be “racist”, and therefore that we have narrowly escaped being taken over by “fascism”.

One of the many odd things about the latest French presidential election is the rejoicing among foreign “leftists” over the fact that the candidate of the rich roundly defeated the candidate of the poor.  It used to be the other way around, but that was long ago.  These days, the winners in the competitive game comfort themselves that they morally deserve their success, because they are in favor of diversity and against racism, whereas the less fortunate, the rural people and the working class, don’t deserve much of anything, because they must be “racist” to be wary of globalization.

The fact that Paris voted 90% for Macron is natural, considering that real estate prices have pushed the working class out of the capital, whose population is now overwhelmingly what is called “bobo” – the bohemian bourgeoisie, many of whom are employed in various branches of the dominant human rights ideology fabrication business: journalists, professors, teachers, consultants, the entertainment industry.  In these milieux, hardly anyone would even dare speak a positive word about Marine Le Pen.

What if Marine Le Pen had won?

Since politics is largely fantasy, we may as well try to imagine the unimaginable: what if Marine Le Pen had won the election?  This was never a realistic possibility, but it is worth imagining.

It could have had one, perhaps only one, extremely positive result: it could have freed France from its paralyzing obsession with the nonexistent “fascist threat”.  The ghost would be exorcised. If the word has any meaning, “fascism” implies single party rule, whereas Marine Le Pen made clear her desire to govern by coalition, and selected the leader of a small Gaullist party, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, as her prospective prime minister. Poof! No fascism. That would have been an immeasurable benefit for political debate in France.  At last genuine issues might matter. Real threats could be confronted.

Another advantage would have been the demise of the National Front.  Since Marine Le Pen took over the notorious party founded by her reactionary father, it has kept a precarious balance between two opposing wings. There is the right wing in the southeast, along the Riviera, the bastion of the party’s founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, a region represented in the outgoing parliament by his conservative granddaughter Marion Maréchal Le Pen.  In the old industrial northeast region, between Arras and Lille, Marine Le Pen has built her own bastion, as champion of ordinary working people, where she won a majority of votes in the presidential election.

This is not the only time in history when an heiress has gone away with the heritage to join someone of whom her father disapproves. All those who want to cling to their comforting hatred of the left’s official Satan have trouble believing that Marine Le Pen broke with her reactionary father to go her own way (just as U.S. hawks couldn’t believe in Gorbachev).  This change owes everything to her encounter with Florian Philippot, an intellectual who gave up on the ability of the Socialists to face the real issues.  Marine has the personal qualities of a leader, and Philippot provided the intellectual substance she needed.  Marine has decisively chosen Philippot as her advisor and co-leader, despite grumblings by Jean-Marie that she has been led astray by a gay Marxist.  Had Marine won, her left wing would have been strengthened enough to enable her and Philippot to scrap the National Front and found a new “Patriot Party”.  However, by scoring below 40%, she has weakened her authority and must try to hold the troublesome party together in order to win seats in the new parliament – which will not be easy.

Marine Le Pen would have tried to enact measures to save French industry and the jobs it provides, provide various benefits for low-income people, withdraw from NATO, and even promote a peaceful world, starting with friendly relations with Russia. She would even have begun to prepare her compatriots for escape from the euro.

But not to worry, none of this “fascist” program would ever have come to pass. If she had won, bands of protesting “antifascists” would have invaded the streets, smashing windows and attacking police. The outgoing Socialist government was preparing to use the resulting chaos as a pretext to stay in power long enough to manage the parliamentary elections[2], ensuring that President Marine Le Pen would be held in check.  A “color revolution” was ready to be stirred up. The deep state is vigilant in NATOland.

Diana Johnstone is co-author of “From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning”, by Paul H. Johnstone, her father. She can be reached at


[1] According to poll of 7,752 representative voters by Le Figaro/LCI,

[2]Si Le Pen avait été élue… le plan secret pour ‘protéger la République’”, Le Nouvel Observateur, May 17, 2017

About the Author
 Diana Johnstone is co-author of “From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning”, by Paul H. Johnstone, her father. She can be reached at 

If Marine Le Pen had won, bands of protesting “antifascists” would have invaded the streets, smashing windows and attacking police. The outgoing Socialist government was preparing to use the resulting chaos as a pretext to stay in power long enough to manage the parliamentary elections[2], ensuring that President Marine Le Pen would be held in check.  A “color revolution” was ready to be stirred up. The deep state is vigilant in NATOland.

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uza2-zombienationIf people had voted on the issues, the majority would never have elected a man representing the trans-Atlantic elite totally committed to “globalization”, using whatever is left of the power of national governments to weaken them still further, turning over decision-making to “the markets” – that is, to international capital, managed by the major banks and financial institutions, notably those located in the United States, such as Goldman-Sachs.


Remembering Victory Day

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It was first inaugurated in the 16 republics of the Soviet Union following the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (after midnight, thus on 9 May Moscow Time). The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin.

Let us pause for a moment to remember the incredible heroism of the people of the Soviet Union, who defeated the Nazi Wehrmacht, the combined forces of all of German-occupied plus fascist volunteers from Spain, Italy, and France, and other non-occupied countries.

To help us understand this heroism, here are a few quotations from a recent book: Wendy Z. Goldman & Donald Filtzer (eds), /Hunger and War. Food Provisioning in the Soviet Union//
//during World War II/. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2015.

[F]or four years, the Soviet civilian population walked to work, shivered in rags and broken shoes,
spent long hours in machines and freezing shops and turned out the armaments that beat the Fascist
armies on the Eastern Front. *By 1944, male defence workers, the country’s best-fed civilians, were  *beginning to die of starvation*. The preciousness of the victory over Fascism lies not only in the defeat of the Nazis’ murderous colonial fantasies, or in the Red Army’s military achievements, but also in the daily actions of millions of hungry, even starving people. The truth does not cheapen the victory, it only makes it all the more remarkable. (p. 43)

In the book’s final conclusion, mirroring an earlier statement, the authors pay tribute to the ‘endurance’ of the millions of Soviet men and women of the time:

*[P]eople on the Soviet home front labored and lived for nearly four years under impossible deprivation, enduring cold, filth, exhaustion, ill health and malnutrition so acute that it cost many of them their lives. Yet somehow this workforce, as weak and ill as it manifestly was, managed to produce the weapons, the vehicles, the airplanes, and the ammunition needed to crush the Nazis and drive them out of Soviet territory. The motivations that drove the people to endure such sacrifices are still largely unknown, and not everyone was willing to make them. For the millions who did, their persistence and endurance were themselves acts of enormous heroism. (p. 332)

Fine statements! But I would like to disagree with one sentence: “The motivations that drove the people to endure such sacrifices are still largely unknown…” For in fact we do know the motivations of a great many, probably the majority, of the Soviet workers who made these almost superhuman efforts.

Tens of millions of them were fighting not just to defend their homes and families, but to defend socialism. They were fighting under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, led by Joseph Stalin.

Tens of millions of them, and hundreds of millions around the world, had faith in the worldwide communist movement. History proved that they were correct! Today we know that the horror stories spread by anticommunists, by Leon Trotsky, by Nikita Khrushchev and Mikhail Gorbachev, are lies.

The communist movement of the 20th century did not build communism. Of course it is our duty to study this history, to discover what these millions of heroic communists and their supporters did that led to its collapse.

But today, let us remember some of the great many things that these valiant communists, and those who supported them, did that was *correct, *that was *right*, and *heroic.*

They beat the fascists.

We too, and our children, will one day have to beat the fascists again. We need to learn what the communists of the past, particularly of the USSR, did that was right, so we can do it when it is our turn.

Long live Victory Day, May 9!

About the author
Grover Carr Furr III is an American professor of Medieval English literature at Montclair State University, best known for his books on Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union. Born in Washington, D.C., Grover Furr graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1965 with a BA in English. He received a Ph.D in Comparative literature from Princeton University in 1978. Since February 1970 he has been on the faculty at Montclair State University in New Jersey, where he specializes in medieval English literature.

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Vladimir Putin blasts western hypocrisy while standing next to Angela Merkel

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President Putin lambasted European leaders for their total lack of concern for the victims of the Odessa Massacre which took place three years ago today.

Standing next to Germany Chancellor Merkel, The Russian President reminded Merkel that,

“Ukrainian nationalists forced helpless people into the Trade Unions House and burned them alive. ..The international community should never forget about this incident and never allow anything like it to happen in the future”

Angela Merkel’s government helped draft the infamous 21 February agreement in 2014 which immediately led to an illegal coup against President Viktor Yanukovych. Her credibility on the wider Ukrainian problem is therefore deeply tarnished.

Putin reminded Merkel that it is the post-coup regime in Kiev which has pushed Donbass away, not Russia which has somehow lured the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics to Moscow. Putin detailed how in terms of currency, utilities and vital supplies, the Kiev regime has isolated Donbass and that it was only natural for Russian aid and other services to fill this void.

Putin also told Merkel that Russia practices a steadfast policy of non-interference in the affairs of other nations, although western nations have frequently meddled in internal Russian political matters.

This came after a German reporter asked if Russia planned to meddle in forthcoming German elections.

The Russian President responded,

“We never interfere, either in political life or in the political processes of other countries. We would also like that no one would interfere in Russia’s political life…

Unfortunately, what we see is precisely the opposite. We have seen attempts to interfere in internal political processes in Russia for a very long time.

Realising how harmful and futile these efforts are, we have never even thought of meddling in the political processes in other countries”.

Putin described his relationship with Merkel as ‘businesslike’ which is often a political code word for ‘cold’.

Merkel was once something of a bridge between the hostile, Russophobic nations of Eastern Europe and Russia. But since 2014, she has adopted a policy of ideologically driven opposition to Russia, this in spite of the fact that Germany is dependant on Russian gas supplies.

The meeting will not be remembered as a success for Germany, nor personally for Mrs. Merkel.

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Americans Are No Different Than Germans Were (and Are).

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Daniel Goldhagen blamed the Holocaust on “the Germans” (by which he meant the German people), and said that they perpetrated the Holocaust because they positively enjoyed murdering “the Jews.” But, as has long been well understood by historians (except when they fail to point to it as being a disproof of Goldhagen’s bigoted and indefensible anti-German thesis), Hitler had to work long and hard in order to bring about a consensus, first amongst his own leadership group, and then in the population as a whole, favoring the extermination-option. Hitler, Der Fuehrer, “The Leader,” clearly was the catalyst turning the chemical mixture into the chemical reaction known as the Holocaust. Without Hitler, it would not have taken place. Thus, the issue that has always been failed by ‘historians’ is not why “the Germans” did it (which Goldhagen botched), but why the Nazi leadership did it, and ultimately why Der Fuehrer did it. 
David Bankier, in his 1992 The Germans and the Final Solution: Public Opinion under Nazism, documented this — that the Holocaust came from the top of German society, its leaders, not from the bottom, the masses (such as Goldhagen said). Bankier showed the difficulties that Hitler had to overcome in order to bring the public with him on his anti-Semitic policies. While Goldhagen did deal cursorily with Bankier’s evidence, he never really came to grips with it, perhaps because Bankier brought Hitler back to center-stage and Goldhagen was committed instead to viewing German cooperation with the Holocaust as having been essentially spontaneous, which Bankier proved not to have been at all the case. It really was a Fuehrer-state. It really was not a democratic state. The Holocaust was a dictatorial phenomenon, not a democratic one. Aristocrats hire and fire the ‘historians’ (such as Goldhagen), but blaming things such as the Holocaust upon any public, is not history; it is myth.
In my own 2000 book about the subject, Why the Holocaust Happened, I addressed, in more detail than has elsewhere been done, why Hitler did it; I documented, from his own statements, the gradual development, in Hitler’s mind, of his idea for the Holocaust-to-come, beginning from the motivation’s original inception in the Fall of 1919, through to the closing words of his final statement, his “Political Testament,” at 4 a.m. on 29 April 1945: “Above all, I enjoin the government and the people to uphold the race laws to the limit and to resist mercilessly the poisoner of all nations, international Jewry.” Even when about to commit suicide, completing the Holocaust was his main concern. For Hitler, WW II was a means to an end: a Jew-free world. Even at his suicide, he still hoped that, somehow, the job would be completed successfully. He now recognized that he would lose the war, which war he had always thought would be the essential means in order to achieve his ultimate goal, but he did not lose all hope for that goal. Hitler’s goal was not merely that Germans would control the world (victory in WW II), but was also that the world they would control would have no Jews in it. At first, he had to deceive almost everyone about what his goal was; and part of the reason for this was that (unlike Goldhagen) he understood quite well that the German people needed to be manipulated toward this end — only a small minority of Germans would have voted for him if they had understood what he really had in mind. 
This same misconception exists today with regard to Americans, though in a modified form. America’s shames are instead that America is today the world’s most aggressive, rabidly invasion-prone and coup-perpetrating country; and, in our past, slavery used to be accepted here. But, likewise, here as there, the shames are not against the general public: slavery was brought to this country and enforced by King George III, and polls generally show that the American public is far more inclined to avoid invasions than to seek them. In this country, just like in Germany, the atrocities come from the leadership-class, not from the public (regardless of what the aristocrats who own the publishing-houses might prefer to publish as constituting ‘history’ on the subject).

The most invasion-and-coup-perpetrating of all of the major U.S. Presidential candidates was Hillary Clinton, who received overwhelmingly more money from America’s billionaires than did any other candidate: “Whereas Hillary got 53.27% of her total appx. $775M as direct individual donations of $200+, Trump got only 13.94% of his appx. $425M that way.” And Bernie Sanders (who would have won the general election if Hillary’s DNC hadn’t sabotaged the primaries) was even more of a “grass roots” candidate than Trump was. The U.S. aristocracy craves to conquer Russia, and toward that end has one-by-one overthrown the leaders of governments that are at all friendly toward Russia, but the public need to be dragged into the invasion-mode by the owners of the ‘news’ media and by the aristocracy’s many agents in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate — the American public don’t want World War III, but the top stockholders in corporations such as Lockheed Martin do.
If the U.S. aristocracy succeed in bringing about a war with Russia, the blame will rest upon the Americans who have purchased and are occupying their luxurious mulitimilliondollar nuclear bunkers (such as here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here), and not upon the Americans who had been given only a fake ‘choice’ between the fascist Hillary Clinton and the fascist Donald Trump, and who had ‘chosen’ either the one or the other poison. 
German democracy ended up being taken over by Germany’s aristocracy, and now American democracy has been taken over by America’s aristocracy, but in neither case is it the fault of the public, in either country. In neither country did the public want this — the aristocracy imposed it upon the public, in both cases. Bigotry pre-exists, everywhere, but genocides and other such atrocities are always the end-product of extensive organized and planned campaigns to deceive a mass of people into empowering some tyrant who is leading the dirty-work of his aristocracy. Almost all wars are between aristocracies; the public on the invading side need first to be deceived into invading — it’s not something that most people, anywhere, actually want to do.

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at

About the author

EricZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.




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uza2-zombienationWhat will it take to bring America to live according to its own self image?


Trillary’s Victory


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The Western media has launched a volley of sycophantic praise of Trump’s victory in the great American raid on a Syrian airport, which produced new dead, though fewer than what is now routinely accepted as a lugubrious normal.

Nevertheless, it seems that the US has dropped the pretense and decided to intervene directly in the Syrian conflict. A conflict it wanted and prepared, while hiding behind the mask of a civil war.

The astonished world now asks, is Trump a Coca-Cola cow-boy, is Trump the prisoner of a cabal that forces him to obey or be impeached, is Trump a supreme Machiavel, waging war and sacrificing a few dozens Syrians (military and civilians, who cares?) to consolidate his apparently waning power? Considering that war is the only factor bonding the will of the American “people,” or at least of those claiming to represent it.

For sure, the litany of imbecilic praise of Trump by the Western media, celebrates the conversion of a Trump into a Hillary and the consequent victory of Trillary.

Sometimes what history teaches us can be a curse, for it increases the anger at the hypocrisy dominant in the tragedies, now almost routine, caused by the geopolitical rogue. Including indignation on command for massacres of civilians attributed to others, while remaining dumb and silent at those of its own making.

The warped Western narrative on Syria matches the totally missing narrative on Yemen, for there the holocaust makers are the Saudis, supplied by the British and the Americans. And all this to establish an assumed preeminence of morality by the US and its “coalition of the puppets.”

Their barbaric invasions may kill millions, but when some particularly sub-human act is exposed, it is always a mistake, a fatality • though those who expose it can be severely punished (e.g. Bradley Manning).

The opponents, instead, always act intentionally, even when what they are alleged to have done goes against their interest • as clearly is the case with the event in question.

During the new US Secretary of State Tillerson’s visit to Moscow, Lavrov politely reminded him of some, quite recent US-invented narratives to justify wars. Tillerson answered sincerely, “Let’s not look at the past.” Translation, if we lied in the past it does not matter because we shouldn’t remember, and if we do not remember it follows that we didn’t lie. It’s pure Orwell, though I surmise that Tillerson does not know (or remember…).

As for the missile attack on Syria, it seems that, militarily, apart from the killings, it could hardly be considered a success. Apparently the airport was quickly back in operation and, allegedly, of the 59 missiles launched, only 23 reached the target.

But the following very short video is meaningful. It shows an MSNBC puppet presenter ecstatic at the view of the US missiles being launched. He defines them as “something beautiful,” in utter disregard of the deaths the missiles caused.

“Beauty” that, by extension, would also apply to the crashing towers of 9/11 • if the goon in question had had the decency to think about it.

Yet, we must seek in this mode of thought the root of the collective evil. It is an evil too diffused to be accidental and too deep to be individual.

Is there concern about the death of civilians? No, it is despotism in the name of freedom, and fanaticism in the name of reason. A will to believe the unbelievable, an upside-down revolution, where the enemies are those guilty of existing outside the scheme of worldwide dominance by the exceptional nation.

It’s XXI century Jacobinism, and the parallel with the French Revolution is not superficial. Between 1793 and 1794 the Jacobins delivered terror to France in the name of freedom and acted with great un-reason in the name of reason.

Today the terror is unleashed on foreign unbelievers • so far. Though the “National Security” machine has more than a superficial resemblance to the Jacobins’ “Committees of Public Safety.” Like them, the American Jacobins claim to have evidence of the enemy’s crimes but cannot disclose it for “public safety.”

Even the recent “Fake News” phenomenon follows a similar Jacobin script. Americans are told that information delivered by proscribed media channels is false. It is a small but remarkable step towards banning those who question the orthodoxy of the thought-unique, and the value of that great system of counter-truth, referred to as neo-liberal ideology.

Hopefully, we are still far from Erdogan’s mode of government, but the trail has been officially inaugurated. Though some feel that time is running out, and that the irreparable and the unimaginable lay around the corner.

Still, let’s for a moment forget (following Tillerson’s advice), the colossal US lies of recent yesterdays, and only consider the claims that “Assad did it” versus the claims that “Assad did not.”

Lacking factual proof, I rely on physiognomy and follow the theory (and the practice) of the Swiss Abbot Johann Kaspar Lavater. Who, in the 18th century and working at it for a lifetime, produced an enormous 5-volume manual, containing the drawings of 6,800 facial expressions. He concluded that they accurately describe all the possible character and character traits of any living man.

Applying Lavater’s method, Assad is more credible than Trump and, for that matter, than the last 6 US presidents. Even compounding their total credibility, and excluding macroscopic dishonorable episodes, such as Clinton’s “I never had sex with that woman” declaration, made without a blush of shame, in front of a public of millions, mesmerized by sex, scandals and sordidness.

Even the pleasantly plump president of North Korea appears inherently more credible than, for example, the sorry figure of the so-called US representative at the UN. A despicable woman with the soul of an excrement and who “is not worth the dust that the rude wind blows in her face.”

I watched several interviews given by Assad to the press. As readers will know, he is a physician, specialized in ophthalmology. He speaks to the journalist and answers his/her questions as a physician would respond to the questions of a patient. There isn’t the slightest pretense or affectation of authority. It is his demeanor that conveys authority. He meets the eye of the interviewer, while instinctively avoiding any gesture or expression that suggests an assertion of authority, and consequent intimidation. At the end of the interview, he thanks the journalist and wishes him well, in the same way a physician would end a visit with a patient.

From what we know of his life, Assad does not need to be president to have a job. I would surmise that Syria needs him more than he needs Syria. And in more than one interview, he stated that if the next elections produce another president, he will dutifully resign.

While…. on the other side of the pond, the few weeks of Trumps in office have been sufficient to shatter the fantasy, or the fancy, of those who believed that a billionaire of questionable background would fracture the fetish of the exceptional nation, and become the Che Guevara of a reformed country.

The fetish is alive and well • as is the prospect of billions in profits deriving from bombs, missiles, bullets, guns, tanks, planes, drones and sundry other tools of veritable mass destruction.

It does not matter that logic and common sense contradict the official narrative of the attack on Syria, as a rock falling on an instrument of precision and crushing it. The magnitude of the lie is sufficient, by itself, to show the magnitude of the interests that the lie is meant to protect.

The event is an occasion to remember the prophetic words of the despicable, diabolic and dishonored Karl Rove, second in command to Bush Jr., when attempting to pass for true an uncontestable lie, “We create our own reality.”

Now, though indignation is the natural response to the latest example of American exceptionalism, indignation is the enemy of curiosity. For the ordinary history of specific events produces explanations, but only curiosity about the complete history of a nation produces a verdict.

In the instance, we may start with the declaration of independence, whereby all men are created equal, less the slaves because they were not human, the Indians because they were not Europeans, and the poor because they were not rich.

Then, in our curious search, we can add as reminders,

• The Shay rebellion that drowned in blood those who had actually fought the battles of the revolution and were made paupers after the continental dollar was declared worthless.

•The War of 1812, unsuccessful but intended to bring democracy to Canada by invading and annexing it.

• The extermination of the Indian nation.

• The Mexican war to annex the West (and Mexico, were it not that Mexico had abolished slavery and re-introducing it was deemed too difficult).

• The civil war begun to prevent a secession, but in the middle of which it was discovered that the war was fought to abolish slavery.

• The war against Spain to annex Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines, justified by the false-flag attack on the steamship Maine.

• The bankers’ war, that is the US participation in WW1 against Germany, a nation that had absolutely no claim against the US, nor ever even hinted at antagonistic postures.

• Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden**

• Korea and Vietnam

• Guatemala, Nicaragua, Granada, Panama, Afghanistan.

• Since the 80s, the “fourth generation” warfare, launched in Yugoslavia, but whose formal baptism was 9/11, the mother of all false-flags.

• The destruction of Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and (for all intents and purposes) of Syria

• The creation of ISIS, the first and best Orwellian enemy in human history

• etc.

History’s verdict declares itself. Even so, we may recover our cool when we will succeed in understanding the automatism with which the laws of the social machine operate.

When we will understand which selection and force-training the actors of the current crimes were subjected to. For the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas and the Trumps are the mechanical product of a collective operation begun long ago.

We may then, perhaps, cease to weigh the social product (American actions and policies) with the same scale with which we measure individual beings.

Then we will realize that we must understand more than we know already or think necessary to know. To understand in order to deplore, though maybe not to curse. A tall order when witnessing the events as they unfold.

For there is an unruly part of the soul, which refuses to heed all counsels and considerations • in the instance, to deplore but not to curse. It observes the crimes engineered by the current wretched few, and can hardly refrain from cursing.

They are crimes committed in the name of an abstract fiction called “the people.” For let there be no illusion • the people are great until they remain an abstraction. But the concrete individual, real though contributing to the abstraction, is shit.

Which brings to mind the reaction of a character in the Tempest, when he meets with the monster Caliban, “I do smell all horse-piss; at which my nose is in great indignation.”

Except that here we are not dealing with an individual Caliban-style monster, but with the evil soul of evil humans, pretending to represent the will of an abstract “people.”

*** The use of aviation as a means to provoke terror was first foretold during World War I by an Italian general. But another school of thought eventually prevailed • namely that fighter planes would neutralize the large and less maneuverable bombers.

This had a historically important consequence. The Americans and the British built their air-force based on bombers rather than on fighter planes. With the expressed purpose (at least in the mind of Churchill), to use them both for tactical bombing and for the mass elimination of people • “to depress their morale” were the terms used. Those interested may watch the (2) videos on the destruction of Dresden, carried out two months before the end of WW2, destruction that killed 135,000 civilians, almost twice as many as at Hiroshima ( part 1 and part 2).

Whereas the Germans, the Italians, the Japanese and the Russians were late in building large bombers with extended range. They only had small bombers, for tactical short-range use. Germany was too late in building a large bomber. When they finally did, it was not used for military purposes.

Thanks to an Italian journalist I am also reminded of an episode at the end of WW2. Near Milan there is a monument to the martyr children of a little town named Gorla.

The allied commander of the raid had made a mistake in calculating the route, and found himself off course, with the bombs still in the bay. Rather than waiting to drop them when he was at sea, or in a non-populated area, he dropped them on the little town, hitting an elementary school and killing 184 children.

Graphics. Courtesy of Vincenzo Apicella

About the author

Moglia: A natural teacher of complex topics.Jimmie Moglia is a Renaissance man, and therefore he's impossible to summarize in a simple bioblurb. In any case, here's a rough sketch, by his own admission: Born in Turin, Italy, he now resides in Portland, Oregon.  Appearance: … careful hours with time’s deformed hand,  Have written strange defeatures in my face (2); Strengths. An unquenchable passion for what is utterly, totally, and incontrovertibly useless, notwithstanding occasional evidence to the contrary. Weaknesses: Take your pick. Languages: I speak Spanish to God, French to men, Italian to women and German to my horse. My German is not what it used to be but it’s not the horse’s fault. Too many Germans speak English. Education: “You taught me language and my profit on it Is, I know how to curse.” (3); More to the point • in Italy I studied Greek for five years and Latin for eight. Only to discover that prospective employers were remarkably uninterested in dead languages. Whereupon I obtained an Engineering Degree at the University of Genova. Read more here.


Source: Your Daily Shakespeare.

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