Crimea Loses Power Temporarily, Ukraine Loses Crimea Forever

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=By= Tony Cartalucci

destruction of Crimean powerline

In an under-reported incident in which Russian Crimea’s power lines were severed from Ukraine, leaving the peninsula and over 2 million residents in darkness for over a week, it has become clear to the world the tenuous grip Kiev and its NATO backers actually have over the “Ukraine” they claim they preside over.

It would be Russia through an underwater cable that would begin restoring power to Crimea. While rhetoric regarding Crimea is still strong on both sides, it is the actions of both Ukraine and its NATO backers versus Russia that appear to finally be answering the “Crimea question” if there even was such a question.

Russia Restores Power, Asserts Sovereignty 

In the first week of December, the International Business Times would report in their article, “Vladimir Putin inaugurates Crimea energy bridge during surprise visit,” that:

President Vladimir Putin has inaugurated the first leg of a power line between the Russian mainland and Crimea in a surprise visit to the peninsula. His visit to the strategically important territory comes after the region plunged into darkness over widespread power outage. 

Crimea, which Moscow claims to have been hit by Ukraine’s energy blockade, will start receiving power supply from Russia once the “electricity bridge” is completed. The undersea cable project was scheduled to have been completed by the end of December but it has been brought forward after Crimean power supply was knocked off.

While Crimea’s dependency on Ukraine for power and other necessities could have been used as a means of proving that the peninsula exists as an integral part of Ukrainian territory, by cutting power and being unable to rein in the terrorists who for over a week blocked repairs from the Ukrainian side, Kiev has all but proved it has no interest or ability to administer the region.

That the terrorists in fact are backed by not only special interests now occupying Kiev, but by NATO and the United States in particular, illustrates the punitive measures Ukrainians and their neighbors face for falling on the wrong side of NATO and its proxies in Kiev. It also illustrates once again the impetus that drove the people of Crimea to wisely choose ascension into the Russian Federation rather than to remain a part of Ukraine in the first place.

US Insists on the “Return” of Crimea

In a pattern that is becoming all too familiar, the United States continues to make statements contrary to reality. US Vice President Joseph Biden was reported to have called on Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine – despite the obvious act of terrorism carried out against the people of Crimea and Kiev’s clear role behind the terrorism.

Bloomberg in its article, “Biden Says ‘Illegal’ Russian Occupation of Crimea Must End,” would report that:

Vice President Joe Biden called Russia’s annexation of Crimea “illegal” in a demonstration of solidarity with Ukraine’s government that signaled the U.S. won’t bargain away its support for the country to win Russian cooperation in the fight against Islamic State in Syria. 

“The United States stands firmly with the people of Ukraine in the face of continued — and I emphasize continued — aggression from Russia and Russian-backed separatists,” Biden said in Kiev on Monday, following a meeting with Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko.

Papers like the Moscow Times with deceptive headlines like, “Activists Block Crimea Power Line Relaunch,” would reveal in the bodies of their articles that these “activists” were in fact the heavily armed, Neo-Nazi paramilitary organization Right Sector, notorious for its front line role in NATO’s proxy war on eastern Ukraine.

Image: The heavily armed fanatics of the Neo-Nazi Right Sector, when not intimidating political adversaries in western Ukraine, or killing them in eastern Ukraine, have more recently been implicated in cutting power to some 2 million civilians residing in Russian Crimea. 

The Moscow Times would report:

Activists have prevented Ukrainian repair crews from relaunching one of the four power lines supplying Crimea with electricity from the mainland, despite Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stating earlier that Kiev would allow power flows to resume, Russian and Ukrainian media reported Monday.

Members of the far-right paramilitary Right Sector group blocked the first attempt at re-activating the Kakhovskaya-Titan line on Sunday night, the RIA Ukraine news agency and news site wrote the following morning.

Either Kiev has no control over what takes place in its own territory or it has ordered Right Sector and other groups to initiate the blockade of Crimea. Either way, Vice President Biden’s calls for Russia to return Crimea to Ukrainian control appear irresponsible at best. With literal Neo-Nazis cutting power to 2 million civilians – a blatant war crime – seems only to further vindicate Russia’s actions regarding Crimea and the decision of the people of Crimea themselves to seek a place within the Russian Federation.

Sovereignty Games  

The illegitimacy of not only the regime in Kiev, but of NATO who created it and to this day perpetuates its existence, has helped erode the very principles both are now trying to appeal to in order to maintain the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Beyond Ukraine, similar scenarios are developing across all of Eastern Europe, where as NATO attempts to expand closer and closer to Russia’s borders, it is finding it increasingly difficult to find allies who are not extremists with ties to fascism and/or Nazism.

By allying itself with these radical elements, those populations subjected to their NATO-backed domination of politics, economics, and security are more likely to turn toward Russia either as Crimea did, or as the break-away republics of Donetsk and Lugansk have.

Beyond Eastern Europe, the continual violation of Syria and Iraq’s sovereignty by NATO is making it exponentially more difficult to appeal to sovereignty and territorial integrity in regards to Ukraine. The West has repeatedly called for the “Balkanization” of Syria into several weaker regions. As the balance of power turns in the region, and even globally, the West may find this contempt it has shown toward national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of existing nations backfire on it when its own allies face the same prospect of being carved up.

Some may argue that Crimea’s ascension into the Russian Federation itself  was only possible because the NATO-driven lawlessness that it occurred in the midst of. As this lawlessness continues, it is all but guaranteed that Crimea will only be driven deeper within the Russian Federation.


Tony Cartalucci is a geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, Thailand. His work aims at covering world events from a Southeast Asian perspective as well as promoting self-sufficiency as one of the keys to true freedom. He writes for New Eastern Outlook and other publications. His website(s): Land Destroyer Report.

Article: Land Destroyer
Lead Graphic: Crimean power line cut. Photo via Ilya Kiva on Facebook


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How the Richest Man in the World Rules the U.S. from Riyadh

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=By= Eric Zuesse

Saudi Arabia Leads the Jihadist Nations; U.S. Assists Them

Bandar bin Sultan greeting fellow criminal Tony Blair. Scum of a feather flock together.

Bandar bin Sultan greeting fellow criminal Tony Blair. Scum of a feather flock together.

Did you know that Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States, the Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud (affectionately known in the U.S. as “Bandar Bush”), had donated millions to Al Qaeda before the 9/11 attacks, according to the sworn court testimony  of the man who had served as Al Qaeda’s bookkeeper and as the bagman who personally collected the mega-donations to Al Qaeda, all in cash? 

How come you didn’t read about that in newspapers and magazines, and hear about it on TV ’news’-reports; and why was this stunning and crucially important testimony published only at small independent news-sites, such as here? (Evaluate it for yourself there, and figure out for yourself why the man there testifying is still kept hidden away in a U.S. super-max prison, and why his testimony has been hushed up. Even though American Presidents have changed, America’s international policies haven’t. Barack Obama protects George W. Bush, who previously had protected “Bandar Bush.” Obama, who publicly condemns torture, even privately protects Bush’s agents who perpetrated tortures.)

bandar bin Sultan

“The Syrian regime is finished as far as we and the majority of the Syrian people are concerned…” Says who? You?

Americans, like the citizens of some other countries where elections are held, are told by the ‘news’ media that it’s a ‘democracy,’ even if it’s actually not. Is the U.S., really  a “democracy”?

Read the following, click onto the links here for the evidence, and you will know why the U.S. government supplies Al Qaeda and even ISIS, and who the key individuals are behind Islamic terrorism, otherwise known as jihadism. Read the following, and its linked sources, and you will see clearly through the trashy ‘news’ reports that are little more than stenographic reports of what’s being said by officials who are actually lying through their teeth, partly in order to cover up their own guilt, but also because their ultimate paymasters demand these lies.

Bandar bin Sultan and his buddy, G.W, Bush. The Bush clan is particularly close to the Saudi kleptocrats, but all US president kiss their rumps, and so do the British.

Bandar bin Sultan and his buddy, G.W, Bush. The Bush clan is particularly close to the Saudi kleptocrats, but all US president kiss their rumps, and so do the British.


Charles paying his respects with Camilla, in tow. There’s no dignity when it comes to power alliances.

Bandar with Putin. We wonder how hard Putin had to struggle not to puke.

Bandar with Putin. We wonder how hard Putin had to struggle not to puke. Ah. The requirements of state. In reality Russia and the Saudi mafia are mortal enemies.


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he great investigative historian F. William Engdahl headlined December 9th at SOTT, “Investigating Saudi Arabia’s sponsorship of Turkish politics, terrorism, and the frenzied conflict in Syria,”  and he put together the pieces of the type of major news report about the Saudi-run U.S. operation, that I had been preparing and hoping to present on this matter, but he did it faster, and so everyone should see it there, because what he is showing (and all of his factual allegations are true though he failed to provide the links to the evidence, as I would have done if I had written it) is that the top priority of America’s foreign and military policies is to serve King Salman al-Saud of Saudi Arabia (the world’s richest person), and to conquer his major oil-and-gas competitor Russia, by removing heads-of-state who are allied with Russia. Russia competes with Saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil-and-gas producer, and it’s the #1 power for all natural resources combined. And the Saudi-U.S. alliance, which rules NATO and “the West” (Europe and Japan), are determined to conquer and grab those Russian assets for themselves, so that the aristocracies which are allied to the U.S. aristocracy will control these assets, and aristocracies which aren’t U.S.-allied won’t. But the U.S. is really just a ‘democratic’ front for the Saud family, in the final analysis. And the Sauds were aristocrats even before the United States existed.

Further evidence confirming the same view as Engdahl presents is provided by Joe Giambone’s superb article at International Policy Digest on 29 November 2015, “Why ISIS Exists: The Double Game.” One of the articles linked-to there quotes Saudi Prince Bandar as saying, “The Syrian regime is finished as far as we and the majority of the Syrian people are concerned. [The Syrian people] will not allow President Bashar al-Assad to remain at the helm.” That’s a bald lie, a knowing falsehood from him, as is documented here. Even Western polls show that in a free and fair, internationally monitored election, the Syrian people would overwhelmingly choose Bashar al-Assad over anyone else to lead Syria. That’s why U.S. President Obama opposes any such election in Syria, and why Russian President Putin insists that it be held. The non-sectarian, secular (though officially Shiite) President of Syria had held that country peacefully together for more than a decade until CIA and other Western and Sunni-royalty operations in Syria brought thousands of rabid Sunni jihadists into Syria to topple the secular Shiite Assad from power.

epa04577262 (FILE) A file picture dated 11 December 2013 shows then Saudi Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud listens to the closing statement at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit meeting in Kuwait City, Kuwait. Saudi state TV has announced on 22 January 2015 that Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, who was admitted to a hospital in Riyadh with pneumonia, has died and named Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud as his successor. EPA/RAED QUTENA *** Local Caption *** 51139483

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud listens to the closing statement at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit meeting in Kuwait City, Kuwait. (2013)

Here is a brief historical account of how this Saudi-U.S. scheme to conquer Russia started, under George Herbert Walker Bush (a Bush by birth who was informally adopted by the world’s richest family, the Sauds). And here is the type of people they are. In fact: they’re the biggest block against an effective global policy to restrain global warming. Their trillions of dollars of private wealth is more important to them than the continuation of a livable planet after they die

They care more about their private past than about the entire world’s future. This past means a great deal to them. The Saudi dynasty goes back to the contract that was agreed-to in the year 1744 between the gangster Muhammad Ibn Saud and the fundamentalist-Islamic cleric Muhammad Ibn Wahhab to create a Saudi-ruled, Wahhabist-religious, extremist-Muslim kingdom, first by exterminating all Shiia Muslims, and then by all Muslims conquering and converting all non-Muslims.

When the U.S. allied with the Saud family back in 1945, no one — except perhaps the Saudi King himself — thought that the Sauds and not the U.S. would end up in the driver’s seat. But that seems to be the way things have worked out, because the U.S. aristocracy have been and are willing to do anything to conquer and control Russia. And the Saud family have used them very skillfully to achieve this goal. But this also means that the U.S. is likewise joined-at-the-hip with the Sauds’ goal, of conquering and controlling Iran and other Shiite-ruled nations (including even poor Yemen). 

So, this is how it came to be that the U.S. is allied with the Sauds and their fundamentalist Sunnis, and that Russia is allied with Iran and all Shiites — both fundamentalists and not. The U.S. is now a handmaiden to international jihadists. But all the lies are to the contrary, and it’s the lies that are stenographically reported and broadcast in the West as ‘the news.’

Jimmy Carter was right: the U.S. is now a dictatorship.

A democracy deals with its public as citizens. A dictatorshship treats them instead as suckers. How is the U.S. leadership relating to the American people — as citizens, or as suckers?

 Eric ZuesseInvestigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Fascism in the 21st Century: Part II, A 21st Century Adaptation



Steven Jonas, MD, MPHpale blue horiz

Special to The Greanville Post | Commentary No. 25: Fascism in the 21st Century: Part II, A 21st Century Adaptation

As I said in beginning the first column in this series, “fascism” is a term we hear from all sorts of folk these days, ranging from some of those on the Left over occasionally to some on the Right.  I then presented a “classical” definition of the term (and there surely are a number of useful ones):

“A politico-economic system in which there is: total executive branch control of both the legislative and administrative powers of government; no independent judiciary; no Constitution that embodies a Rule of Law standing above the people who run the government and the executive, legislative and judicial bodies through which they do so; no inherent personal rights or liberties; a single national ideology that first demonizes and then criminalizes all political, religious, and ideological opposition to it; the massive and regular use of hate, fear, racial and religious prejudice, the Big Lie technique, mob psychology, mob actions and ultimately individual and collective violence to achieve political and economic ends; a capitalist/corporate economy; with the ruling economic class’ domination of economic, fiscal, and regulatory policy.”

Fascism has almost always appeared in advanced or moderately-advanced capitalist countries which were hitherto ruled by some sort of “parliamentary democracy.”   Fascism has always been imposed upon a country by the dominant sectors of its capitalist ruling class when that class has come to the conclusion that it can no longer retain control of the political economy through “parliamentary” means.  Note that in the definition above I did not include as part of it the ultimate control of state power by one person, usually known as the “dictator” or “leader”.   Of course it happened that in the two principal 20th century examples of fascist states, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, there was one such person.  As noted in the first column in this series:

fuhrerWeFollow“Because of the roles that Hitler and Mussolini played in leading and ruling their respective countries it is often thought that fascism requires such a singular leader/dictator and the cult-of-personality that was built around each.  In fact Hitler and Mussolini both adopted the term ‘leader’ to describe themselves, ‘
führer’ in German and ‘Duce’ in Italian.”

Very strong cults of personality were carefully built around the two men by their respective propaganda apparatuses. For example, after 1938 or so, in Nazi Germany if one did not substitute “Heil Hitler” for the usual “Good Morning,” etc. throughout the day, one might be looked upon with suspicion.  Furthermore, a singular characteristic of 20th fascism was that its institutionalization in a given country was accomplished by the use of violence, of one form or another.

When we are looking at 21st century fascism, in the context of what is happening in certain of the capitalist states, at the present particularly in the United States, it should be noted that it is entirely possible that wholesale violence will not be required for its introduction.  Nor will a maximum leader necessarily be required.  Like the fog in the famous, ultra-short poem by the U.S. person Carl Sandburg, it may well come in “on little cat feet.”

As the history of the last 150 years or so shows us, in most capitalist countries the ruling class would much rather retain its private ownership of the means of production and control of the State apparatus through the aforementioned form of “parliamentary democracy” (as long as it can control it).  There are a variety of reasons for this, one being that it maintains the fiction that the non-owning classes have some real say in the governance of the economy as well as of the State. 

But the principal contradictions of capitalism eventually begin to settle in, as is happening right before our very eyes in the United States: the export of capital and the resulting de-industrialization; the declining rate of profit, the necessity of the creation and expansion into unorthodox profit centers like prisons and the educational system; increasing numbers of workers languishing outside of the labor market, and so on and so forth.  Under such conditions—all inherent in capitalism’s dynamics—it becomes less-and-less easy for the ruling class to maintain control.  At that point, some sort of fascism starts to become ever more attractive.  But how to get from A to B?  In a nation like the United States, with Constitutionally-split government authority, that’s easy: through the Constitution.  And so, in the 21st century, in the United States at least, I believe we will eventually arrive at what can be called Constitutional Fascism.

Prominent Repubs in 2015: they lead the charge toward "constitutional fascism" with little or no opposition. Who needs goons in the streets?

Prominent Repubs in 2015: they lead the charge toward “constitutional fascism” with little or no opposition. Who needs goons in the streets? Hitler would be envious.

[dropcap]U[/dropcap]sing the increasingly corrupt electoral system, which the Republicans have been deliberately undermining by gerrymandering, voter suppression, and outright vote-count cheating, they have been taking total control of an increasing number of state governments, upwards of 2 dozen after the 2015 elections.   For the same reasons they will control the House of Representatives for the indefinite future.  If they retain their Senate majority in 2016, they will very likely do away with the filibuster on Jan. 3, 2017.  For a variety of reasons, if they somehow manage to choose the right candidate, they could very well win the Presidency in 2016, for they have managed the very clever trick of forcing President Obama to accept many of their economic/fiscal policies and then getting to blame him for the negative outcomes of same.  Finally, the other side of the Duopoly plays right into this because the Democrats—the other face of the deep corporate state and international imperialism— rarely fight back on the real issues, the issues that matter from a class perspective.

“In the 21st century, in the United States at least…wholesale violence may not be required. Gradually, step by unnoticed step, I believe we will eventually arrive at what can be called Constitutional Fascism.”

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o, as we have seen, in this cynical Kabuki, it is the Repubs who take the lead toward the slaughterhouse, while the Democrats simply follow, by passively assenting to most policies proposed by the “party of business.” Thus, in a systematic way, more and more, the Repubs. are running on and/or intent on implanting most of the central elements of the definition of fascism offered above, through the use of the electoral system, which they can do because A) as mentioned earlier, the limp opposition of the Democratic Party, and B) the non-existence of any sort of mass labor union movement, following the Repubs.’ successful campaign to destroy it, a process that has been going on since the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947. (Again a bipartisan project).

None of this would be so outrageously easy in the presence of a functioning, autonomous media that took its duties seriously. That, however, does not exist in the US any more, if it ever did. The American media, conceits aside, in the complete hands of the corporate plutocracy, are simply one more propaganda platform—perhaps the most effective—to bolster and disseminate the prevailing capitalist ideology.  The true left, minuscule in its media presence, forever fragmented and improvident in strategic regards, has nothing to respond with, no instruments with which to access the public debate. That is why the fascism mongers will achieve their goals “constitutionally.”  What they will do to the Constitution by amendments (that they are already talking about) once they get full control of the Supreme Court, 40 state governments, 2/3’s of the Congress, and the Presidency will then play itself out.  And the nation will have become fully fascist functionally, without violence, without a maximum leader, with, on paper two political parties offering “choice.” A perfect Orwellian democracy.

Not really needed, since the state will have the army and police on their side—and the media to cover their crimes. Still, they could be used to carry out "boutique murders" of select opposition and activists.

American Nazis. Not really needed, since the state will have the army and police in its pocket—and the media to cover their crimes. Still, they could be used to carry out “boutique murders” of select opposition activists.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you would like to see how this may well play out, please see my book, The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022 (Punto Press Publishing, 2013).  The original edition was published in 1996, and believe me I didn’t make up any of it.  “The 15% Solution” in the title comes from a voter-suppression program designed by an organization called the “Christian Coalition” in the late 1980s.  I just looked at what the Republicans and their soul-mates in the Religious Right were telling us, back into the 1980s, what they would do if they ever got significant control over the levers of government.  And they are doing it.  Indeed, as the overall economic conditions continue to worsen, and as racism, homophobia, and misogyny, all underlain by religious determinism continue to expand in their domination of Republican politics, fascism will creep in like Sandburg’s fog, on little cat feet.  But it will be a highly poisonous fog.




JonasSteve-BOND1Senior Editor, Politics, Steven Jonas, MD, MPH is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University (NY) and author/co-author/editor/co-editor of over 30 books.  In addition to being Senior Editor, Politics, for The Greanville Post, he is: a Contributor for American Politics to The Planetary Movement; a “Trusted Author” for Op-Ed; a contributor to the “Writing for Godot” section of Reader Supported News; and a contributor to From The G-Man. He is the Editorial Director and a Contributing Author for  Further, he is an occasional Contributor to TheHarderStuff newsletter, BuzzFlash Commentary, and Dandelion Salad.

Dr. Jonas’ latest book is The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S., 1981-2022: A Futuristic Novel, Brewster, NY, Trepper & Katz Impact Books, Punto Press Publishing, 2013, and available on Amazon.

In Prague You Get Beaten for Defending Refugees

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When respected philosophers get attacked in the middle of the street, you know that something is going terribly wrong with the nation.

The Czech Republic (and before, Czechoslovakia) was always a tough, racist place. It had its shameful share of anti-Semitic pogroms (Franz Kafka wrote, after one of them, that he would never be able to feel that he belonged to Czechoslovakia, anymore). It voluntarily exterminated a great number of its Gypsy (Roma) population during the Second World War. And it kicked out millions of Germans right after the war, following a shameless orgy of rape, murder and looting. “Shameless”, because the Czechs generally collaborated with the Nazi occupation regime, and therefore had no moral mandate to “settle scores” with its German minority.

“Czechs were always outrageously racist, and low”, I was once told by my dear uncle who, during the Communist era was helping to build industry in the Middle East and elsewhere. A true internationalist and Marxist, he fell in love with the Arab culture and the Arab people, and he despised the bigoted attitudes of his colleagues towards them: “You would not believe what Czechs were doing in the Middle East. To make extra money, Czech workers were pimping their own wives, but then they were calling the Arab people names, despised them.”

I experienced Czech racism on my own skin, first hand. During my childhood, I was beaten after each class at my elementary school, simply for having a half Asian and half Russian mother. “You have Asian ears”, I was told, after having my shoes pissed into during cold winter days, with urine freezing fast in a bitter cold.

Those Roma (Gypsies) who survived the war, and those who were later “imported” in cattle cars to settle the border regions that were left empty after the deportation of the German minority, had it, of course, much worse.

There have been millions of excuses and justifications for racism against the Gypsies. Most of them were outrageously and outrightly bigoted: “We are supporting them and they do not want to adapt, ungrateful lot.” To be a Gypsy meant that you had your children sent to some terrible “special schools” for retarded minors. It meant that you would never find a decent job. You were sidelined, insulted and left totally unprotected, because the entire society was against you, from those thugs at the street corners, to the Euro supremacists in the Parliament.

Zuzana Brejcha, a Czech-Austrian film director, wrote to me: “Discrimination and racism against the Czech and Slovak Gypsies (Roma) is absolutely horrifying.”

And now the refugees!


[dropcap]C[/dropcap]zechs have collaborated with any power that bothered to penetrate their land. And they are collaborating now, more shamelessly than ever.

They collaborate with the West, and with its horrific imperialist onslaughts all over the world. After all, Czechs are proud members of NATO.

They are more “Catholic than the Pope”, attacking and provoking arrogantly all the great countries that are resisting Western fascism, including Cuba, China and Russia. They do it, as always, cowardly, knowing their backsides are being covered by the United States and Western Europe. They bark only if it brings some rewards. They do nothing for free.



Of course it all began with Vaclav Havel and his era. That arch darling of the West, and a member of one of the richest Czech families, immediately cashed on his dissident-ship and after the Czechoslovak people opted for their new (and richer) master, he went to Washington in order to perform a thoroughly embarrassing intellectual prostration in front of the US leadership, religiously and publicly licking the rectum of the most violent imperialist country on Earth.

“Czechs have collaborated with any power that bothered to penetrate their land. And they are collaborating now, more shamelessly than ever…with the West, and with its horrific imperialist onslaughts all over the world. After all, Czechs are proud members of NATO.”

Naturally, a “pragmatic” nation like this prefers not to see the big picture: not to understand how the refugees actually became refugees.

It only sees “a menace, a bother, and a discomfort” that arrived with those millions of destitute people whose countries were colonized, fooled and robbed by the West.

And on top of it, they complain, those refugees are mainly “black and brown and yellow” and “not like us, and absolutely unwilling to assimilate and accept that superior Christian Western culture.”

And so the Czech public opinion is now predictably totally against those devastated human beings, whose countries were royally screwed in order to make the West, including the Czech lands, so rich.

Consequently, the Czech army is deployed, and the concentration camps are being erected.

My friend, my fellow philosopher, Milan Kohout, has been threatened on the street only because he dares to defend the refugees; only for showing a mirror to the nation.

The line had been crossed. Outraged, I went to Prague, in order to add at least a few words to what was already said by Milan.




[dropcap]D[/dropcap]eath treats against Milan Kohout are unbelievably colorful. Milan himself sometimes jokes, sadly: “During Communism, Czechs used to be very educated, a bookworm nation. Not anymore, of course, but their command of the language is still very advanced. This shows, unfortunately, in their intimidations:

“After we kill him he could perform in the Smichov Tunnel. His performance could be called: ‘Compositions and decomposition of the body’.”

“We will wait for you at night with fire torches, and burn your face.”

“I want to cut the hands and feet of your family members and let them bleed to death.” (Milan has a three year old daughter)

“I would love to use pliers and pull out all your teeth.”

“I will first cut off your dick and then exterminate the rest of your family.”

“We will sent all immigrants and Kohout to gas chambers!”

“99.99 percent of the Czech people would love to chop your body to pieces.”

“Let us kick his ass not from the back but from the front.”

“I want to hang you on the tree, then use acid so your body would decompose, and then burn it and throw it into some sewer as food for rats.”

Milan is unrepentant. Now he carries a big knife and pepper spray in his pocket, while applying for a firearm license. He has no doubt where the Czech racism and wrath against “the others” really comes from:

“The identity of the Czech nation is very weak. Historically, it is a nation of collaborators”, he explains. “It is a tremendously frustrated nation, which is not at all at peace with itself. And after the so-called ‘collapse of Communism’ here, the Christian religion, both Protestant and Catholic, began raising its ugly head, once again. And Christianity is almost synonymous with the racism and intolerance. On top of it, there is this overall European culture of intolerance and racism all around the continent.”

Milan Kohout is mainly hated here because he defends the refugees and because he dares to demonstrate, as a thinker and as a political performer, that the West in general and Europe in particular, have been busy destabilizing and looting countless countries all over the Middle East, Africa and Asia, forcing millions of people to flee their homelands, becoming refugees. He does not think that accommodating refugees is an act of charity: he thinks it is Europe’s obligation.

He holds Europe responsible for the crises, claiming that the continent is morally liable for all horrors the refugees are fleeing from, and therefore has to open its doors and accept millions of people that are seeking asylum at its shores. The Czech Republic, a member of NATO and one of the most eager allies of the United States, should take at least 1 million of migrants, he demands.


[dropcap]B[/dropcap]ut Prague is quickly turning into one of the main centers of anti-immigrant sentiment, with people like Lutz Bachmann from German anti-Islam PEGINA movement often giving fiery and bigoted speeches here.

As AFP recently reported:

“Czech President Milos Zeman has come under fire for his fiery anti-migrant broadsides, earning sharp criticism from the UN’s human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, who has also accused Prague of systematically detaining migrants in “degrading” conditions to deter others from entering the country.”

Mr. Milan Kohout recently confronted Milos Zeman, the Czech President, on several occasions. He also accused the Czech nation of racism. He managed to ‘infiltrate’ the most notorious “refugee camp” in the country, in Běla pod Bezdězem, which he described as “not too different from the concentration camps from the Second World War”.

President Zeman fired back, accusing Milan Kohout of hypocrisy: “Go take some refugees to your own home, if you are so concerned about their fate.”

Milan accepted the challenge. He loaded his wife and baby into a car, and drove to Běla pod Bezdězem, in order to “pick up a few refugees and take them home”.

What awaited him was a nightmarish camp, and extremely aggressive guards. “Have you fallen from Mars?” he was told. “Taking the refugees home?”

He got smuggled into the camp by a Syrian NGO employee. And what he saw was a horror. People stripped of all dignity, their passports and money “confiscated”.

“Refugees looked like some dangerous criminals, like detainees; they were living behind bars and some terrible barbed wire”, explained Milan. “They robbed them of everything, their rectums were checked, fingered, even the rectums of little children. Money was confiscated. I spoke to one family from the destroyed Iraq. A man used to be a journalist. He had to leave, with his wife and small children. They were all detained, near the border, and they were handcuffed, humiliated and interrogated, before being sent to the camp… Only because, by a mistake, they stepped a few meters into the country, on Czech soil, while moving through Austria.”

“Fuck the refugees”, I was told on board a train from Prague to Pardubice, by a teacher! “Those niggers should stay where they are.”

Many in the Czech Republic are now suggesting that immigrants should be gassed. I first thought it was part of some shade of the infamous “black” Czech humor. But it was not. It was Golden Dawn, like in Greece and the rest of Europe.

Now people in Czech Republic are alert and very edgy. When we discussed the topic of racism with Ms. Infidelius, a middle-aged man, who was obviously upset with us, approached the table:

“You are talking bullshit!” He shouted at me.

“How do you know?” I replied. “Were you spying on us?”

“Yes, I was listening!” He replied aggressively. “You think you can hide by speaking English? Defending those Arab niggers!”

“What is next?” I asked. “Are you going to start gassing the Muslims?”

He backed up. He intuitively realized that I was going to fight him. Right there, in the pub, the old fashioned way. One more word he would utter, and it would be a fist in his muzzle. How else with the Nazis?


Later, Ms. Mara Infidelius, commented:

“Mainstream Czech musician Daniel Landa who used to sing in the racist band “Orlik” in the 1990s (and has distanced himself from it ever since) recently had a huge concert (50,000 attended) where he sang several Orlik songs such as “Bily Jezdec” (White Knight). He also told the audience that we are “at war.”

Czech racism seems to have always been about hating the underdog (the Romany). Now the mass media is full of hateful quotes against the refugees from the President, politicians, and other prominent figures. Threatening ‘race traitors’ with nooses at demonstrations and spewing hatred on the Internet is the new normal.

There are anti-refugee and pro-refugee demonstrations, but no one seems to see the big picture. Who caused the crisis? Why aren’t we demonstrating in front of the Embassy of the United States or Saudi Arabia?”

But the sentiments do not seem to follow logic.

“In a Moravian village where I come from, you would not find one single Muslim in a radius of 20 kilometers”, my Czech publisher (Broken Books) once told me. “But they all hate Muslims there. It is simply racism. I cannot stand it here, anymore. I myself am thinking about leaving this country, about emigrating. But I still don’t know where to go.”

Internationalists during the Communist era, the Czech people now seem to be under the spell of the lowest mass culture, under the most vulgar form of European and Christian racism, and a superiority complex, all that Carl Jung, after World War II, called “a pathology.’

Was it really worth overthrowing the socialist government for this, a quarter of century ago?

The Czechs really “returned home”. But their home is not some ”freedom and democracy” as the arch collaborator Vaclav Havel used to claim, but the Western oppressive imperialist regime, savage capitalism, as well as the two dreadful twin sisters: ignorance and racism.


Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.

First iteration at Journal NEO, a fraternal publication. ( )



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Texac Chronicle No. 5: Odessa—A Fate Worse Than Death

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  =   War Diary by Russell “Texac” Bentley  =


Azov swearing in. The Nazi evocations are intentional.

Azovs swearing in. The Nazi invocations in emblems and gestures are intentional. (Click on images for best resolution.)

If you are under 21, do not read this. If you are over 21, you have a moral obligation to read this, and view the photos, to look into the depths of human depravity, into the face of pure evil, to ponder it, to understand it, because if you do not understand it, you cannot fight it, and if you do not fight it, you cannot defeat it.  And if we do not defeat it, it will defeat us…


“Nazi slaves”. Painting hanging in Donetsk museum. (Courtesy of the author. Be sure to click on image for best resolution.)

When I was on my way to Donetsk, I stopped in Rostov for a few days. I became friends with Mikael, the owner of the hostel I stayed at. He was a big, tough guy, a real Russian badass, tall, bald and muscular. He was also a veteran of the Russian Army, and a combat veteran of both Chechen wars. When I told him I was going to Donbass to fight fascists, he said ” War is bad”, and he meant it.  I replied “Fascism is worse than war”. The story I am writing today explains what I meant by that…

Fascism is the philosophy of masters and slaves. Ukrainian fascists want to enslave the Russian people of Donbass, and to exterminate the ones who refuse to be slaves. If the Nazis were to take over Donbass, the men and boys here would be worked to death in the coal mines, and for the women and girls, the fate would be even worse.

I was recently speaking with a friend, a soldier in the NAF who fought at Debalsevo. He told me that during the battle, he came across a wounded Pravy Sektor Nazi with swastika tattoos and a shirt that had “Мастер”, “Master”, emblazoned across the front. The “Master” was begging for mercy. My friend finished him off, and I would have done the same. Do you think that is bad? Well, if you have been in battle against Nazis, you are entitled to an opinion about it. If you haven’t, then you’re not. Either way, read the rest of this article before you decide.

Azovs at a staging point prior to deployment.

Azovs at a staging point prior to deployment.


[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen I first got to Donbass, I heard the rumors about girls being plucked off the streets of cities under fascist control and never being heard from again. I was a soldier then, and tried not to think about it much. The NAF was not in a position to liberate Mariupol or Odessa, so I felt there was nothing I could do. Now, I have the proof that the rumors are true, and I have to share this information with you and with the world, to get the truth out about what the fascists are doing to our people, and why we will die before we surrender.

And why you should too…


Igor Kolomoisky, the cherubic bastard who happens to be co-owner of Ukraine’s largest financial institution, the Privat Bank, and one of the oligarchs controlling one of Ukraine’s notorious private armies, the neoNazi thugs of the Azov Battalion. A billionaire Jewish capitalist employing a fierce Nazi formation: go figure. Only in a chaotic state like today’s Ukraine.

Azov's emblem.

Azov’s emblem.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here have been at least 31 documented cases of good looking teenagers, (some as young as 11 years old) who have disappeared off of the streets of Odessa in the last year. (See links below.) Not street urchins or orphans, but kids from normal families, or rather, what used to be normal families, because how can any family ever be normal again after a child from that family is kidnapped by Nazis, and the best you can hope for is they only want the organs. But judging from the age and the looks of these kids, the Nazis who stole them from their families, want to do to those kids what they will do to all of us left alive, if we let them… Make us into slaves.

What is a slave? You are a slave if you can’t say “no”. You can’t say “no” regardless of how cruel or wrong or absolutely evil your masters, the guys with the whips and the guns, are.

And no matter how twisted or depraved the orders, you will obey or you will suffer, or you will die. That is what it means to be a slave, and these little boys and girls are now slaves.

“Ukrainian fascists want to enslave the Russian people of Donbass, and to exterminate the ones who refuse to be slaves…”

And as utterly horrific as it is to imagine what those kids are going through, take a moment to consider what their parents and siblings are also going through. To know what has happened, and probably what is happening, at any given moment you think about it. And to know that the cops and the government and media aren’t going to say a goddamned thing about it, much less actually DO ANYTHING about it, because it is THEM, and their friends and flunkies who are doing it. And you can’t do shit about it. And if you try, you’ll end up in a shallow hole, with a few holes in the back of your head, or even worse…  Like your kid did.

The Obamas feast Mikheil Saakashvili (then President of Georgia ) and his wife, Sandra Roulofs, in 2009. All the vultures know each other after a while. (Click to max resolution.)

The Obamas feast Mikheil Saakashvili (then President of Georgia ) and his wife, Sandra Roelofs, at the White House in 2009. All the vultures know each other after a while. (Click to max resolution.)

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he governor of Odessa Oblast (region) is Mikael Sakashvili. He was appointed by Petro Poroshenko and granted Ukrainian citizenship, in spite of being wanted on criminal charges in his former country of Georgia (where he was president!). Sakashvili and his wife, Sandra Roelofs, have long been rumored to be major players in the international illegal human organ trade, based in Israel.  Roelofs’ wikipedia page states that “SOCO” the privately financed “charity” she founded, has, since 2007, “been actively taking care of reproductive health and child welfare in Georgia.” Probably the same way they have been in Odessa. Odessa Oblast is under the military control of the “Azov” battalion, one of the most ruthless, criminal and openly neo-Nazi units in the AFU.  Members of the Odessa police not only allowed the mass murder at the Worker’s Union Hall to take place last year, they were active participants in it. What help do you think they will give to these missing children or their families? Criminal government, criminal army, criminal police. THAT is what it means to live under Fascism.

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The Azov Battalion

Colonel and Member of Parliament Andriy Biletsky, commander of Azov Battalion. The unit's actual strength is a matter of dispute, but most observers put it between 300 and 1,000 members.

Colonel and Member of Parliament Andriy Biletsky, commander of Azov Battalion. The unit’s actual strength is a matter of dispute, but most observers put it between 300 and 1,000 members.

(Ukrainian: Батальйон Азов) is a far right neo-Nazi[1][2][3][4] all-volunteer infantry military unit forming part of military reserve of National Guard of Ukraine.[5][6][7][8] The unit is based in Mariupol in the Azov Sea coastal region.[9] It saw its first combat experience recapturing Mariupol from pro-Russian separatists forces in June 2014.[7] Initially a volunteer militia, formed as the Azov Battalion on 5 May 2014 during the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine, Azov has since been incorporated into and is armed by Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.[10] All members of the unit are under contract of National Guard of Ukraine.[11] More than half of the Battalion members are from eastern Ukraine and speak Russian,[12] and many of its recruits come from the eastern cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.[13] The regiment’s commander is Andriy Biletsky.


In its early days, Azov was the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ special police company, led by Volodymyr Shpara, the leader of the Vasylkiv, Kiev, branch of Patriot of Ukraine and Right Sector.[14][15][16] Patrons of the battalion included Oleh Lyashko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada,[17] and billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi.[18] Many members of the unit were labelled “neo-Nazi” or “a far-right Ukrainian militia”.[19][20][nb 1], an accusation that Ukrainian ministerial adviser, Anton Geraschenko has denied [10][21][nb 2][nb 3]. Its polished English-language social media pages and far-right ideology have attracted fighters from other locations in Europe.[2]


On 11 June 2015 the US House of Representatives passed amendments blocking any training of Azov by US forces, citing its neo-Nazi background as the reason.[24] On 26 June, Canadian defense minister declared as well that training by Canadian forces or support would not be provided to Azov.[25]


OUR COMMENT: The above statements are so much hot air, of course, the usual “plausible denials” tendered by the empire’s “clean faces”, the politicians babbling public relations lies about the dirty tricks that come to the surface from time to time. But you can bet the empire will find ways to fund the Nazis or whoever they want to employ to carry out their filthy agenda in Eastern Europe anyway, behind the people’s back. That’s what the CIA and a multitude of other sordid secret channels do, all day long.



[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here has been no action or comment by Odessa authorities about the mass disappearances of children in Odessa. A single case has been solved – a criminal gang, driving around Odessa in a BMW, one member dressed in a police uniform, kidnapped an underaged girl and demanded a $20,000 ransom for her return. According to the news report, while waiting for the ransom, the gang repeatedly “raped the underaged girl in unnatural ways”. The gang was captured, and the girl rescued when they tried to collect the ransom. Note the BMW, note the police uniform, note the fact that the gang thought the family could actually pay a ransom of $20,000. They picked the wrong kid, that time, one with a family whose power and connections to the government were stronger than theirs.

Not just the children and their families, the entire society of Odessa has also been terrorized. Because if the Nazis can take the kid down the street, they can take yours too. Think for a moment what that would be like. The Horror… THAT is what we fight against here. So, pull your boots on, lock and load, and no mercy for Nazis. Victory or Death.

Russell1Russell Bentley is an advocate of the victims of the Novorussian War, and war correspondent for many media outlets, especially for The Greanville Post, the online magazine“New Eastern Outlook”, and a select number of other leading political sites. 

This is a simulpost with Journal NEO

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(Some of these materials are in Russian.)

Photos of 31 missing kids
News story about Odessa kids missing

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The following is a compilation of related materials. More will be added at a later date. 

The point here is that while prostitution did exist in the USSR, it was a matter of choice for women looking for some luxury items in return for sexual favors. As a social problem it was minuscule, since everyone was assured some social security, however modest. In the post-Soviet era, as mentioned earlier, these issues became magnified, in some regions and sectors of society reaching epidemic proportions.

Now with the advent of a broken, failed, Fascist-controlled state in Ukraine, the same problems have reached yet a new level of virulence, making the safety of ordinary citizens, especially the young, who have some value in the sexual markets, not to mention people mired in poverty, the primary targets. It is precisely this tragedy that Texac addresses in this dispatch.—PG

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Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine


Israeli Organ Harvesting: From Moldova To Palestine

By Alison Weir

In this photograph taken March 22, 2007, Vasile Dimineti holds a picture of his 24-year-old son, who died a year after selling his kidney. The family lives in the impoverished Moldovan village of Mingir, where about 40 of its 7,000 residents are thought to have sold a kidney. AFP photo/Daniel Mihailescu/Files

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n August Sweden’s largest newspaper published an article suggesting that Israel had been taking Palestinian internal organs. The article, by veteran photojournalist Donald Bostrom, called for an international investigation.

Israel and its partisans immediately cried “anti-Semitism,” and Commentary’s Jonathan Tobin asserted that the story was “the tip of the iceberg in terms of European funded and promoted anti-Israel hate.”

The fact is, however, that Israeli organ harvesting—sometimes with Israeli governmental funding and the participation of high Israeli officials, prominent Israeli physicians, and Israeli government ministries—has been documented for many years. Among the victims have been Palestinians.


Alison Weir executive director of If Americans Knew and is on the board of the Council for the National Interest.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes is Chancellor’s Professor of Medical Anthropology at the University of California Berkeley, the founder of Organ Watch, and the author of scholarly books on organ trafficking. She is the pundit mainstream media call upon when they need expert commentary.

While Scheper-Hughes emphasizes that traffickers come from numerous nations and ethnicities, including Americans and Arabs, “Israel,” she states, “is at the top. It has tentacles reaching out worldwide.”

In a lecture last year she explained that Israeli organ traffickers “have a pyramid system at work that’s awesome…they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.”

But this is no ordinary business. Organ traffickers prey on the world’s poorest, most desperate citizens, promising them what seem like astronomical sums of money ($1,000 to $10,000) in return for vital internal organs. As Scheper-Hughes points out, organ trafficking consists of “paying the poor and the hungry to slowly dismantle their bodies.”

Organ sales have been illegal in most countries for years, and the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime includes in its definition of human exploitation the extraction of organs for profit. Until very recently, however, the Israeli government not only permitted organ trafficking, it funded it.

Israelis are the leaders in “transplant tourism”—traveling to other nations to buy internal organs. While affluent individuals from numerous countries engage in this practice, Israel is unique in several ways.

First, Israelis partake at an extraordinarily high rate. According to a 2001 BBC report, Israelis buy more kidneys per capita than any other population.

Second, Israelis have the lowest donor rate in the world—one-third to one-fifth that of Europe—due in part to beliefs that Jewish religious law prohibits organ removal as “desecration of the body.”

Third, the Israeli government has enabled it. In testimony before a congressional subcommittee in 2001, Scheper-Hughes described what she termed Israel’s “national ”˜program’ of transplant tourism.” For many years the Israeli health system subsidized its citizens’ “transplant holidays,” reimbursing Israelis $80,000 for medical operations abroad, with the remaining costs largely covered by government-subsidized insurance plans. In addition, Israel’s Ministry of Defense has been directly involved, as members of the ministry or those closely related to them accompany transplant junkets.

Israeli traffickers have utilized people from diverse locations—the West Bank and Gaza, the Philippines, Eastern Europe. A BBC report described the situation in Europe’s poorest country—homeland of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman—where 90 percent of the people earn less than $2 a day: “Hundreds of Israelis have created a production line that starts in the villages of Moldova, where men today are walking around with one kidney.”

In China not long ago an Israeli paid a broker $100,000 for a kidney transplant from an 18-year-old girl. She herself received $5,000, and died following surgery. In Brazil a legislative commission found that Israeli traffickers no longer were content with just kidneys; they had begun inquiring into additional body parts—lungs, livers and corneas.

In her testimony, Scheper-Hughes pointed out that “The sale of human organs and tissues requires that certain disadvantaged individuals, populations, and even nations have been reduced to the role of ”suppliers.’ It is a scenario in which only certain bodies are broken, dismembered, fragmented, transported, processed, and sold in the interests of a more socially advantaged population…of receivers.”

In a 2008 lecture Scheper-Hughes discussed the motivations of Israeli traffickers. One was greed, she explained. The other was “revenge, restitution, reparation for the Holocaust.” She said some Israeli brokers and doctors had told her: “It’s kind of ”˜an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.”

Organ Theft

At times traffickers coerce reluctant sellers. Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, the alleged trafficker recently arrested in an FBI sweep in New Jersey, reportedly carried a gun; when a potential organ seller wanted to back out, Rosenbaum would use his finger to simulate firing at the person’s head. Rosenbaum, believed to be part of a ring centered in Israel, is the first case of trafficking to be prosecuted in the U.S.

More often organ theft involves dead bodies—or those alleged to be dead.

Israel’s very first successful heart transplant, in fact, used a stolen heart.

In 1968 Avraham Sadegat unexpectedly died two days after being hospitalized for a stroke. When his family was able to retrieve his body (the hospital initially refused to release it) they found his chest covered with bandages—odd, they thought, for a stroke victim. Upon removing the bandages they discovered that the heart was missing.

During this time, the press was announcing Israel’s first heart transplant. The family began to raise questions, but the hospital denied any connection. After the family raised a media furor, petitioned three cabinet ministers, and signed a document that they would not sue, the hospital finally admitted it had used Sadegat’s heart.

An Israeli newspaper quoted Sadegat’s tearful wife: “From the moment he entered the hospital, they apparently saw him only as a potential source of organs and not as a man in need of treatment. They only thought about how to do the deed without us knowing.” Sadegat’s medical condition pre-organ removal is unclear. According to an Israeli media report, “Once a heart stops beating, it is no longer fit for transplantation.”

Sadegat’s family was Israeli. Had they been Palestinian, it is doubtful they would have been able to force a hospital confession—and suggestions that the first Israeli heart transplant utilized a stolen organ would, quite likely, be termed blood libels.

Yehuda Hiss, Keeper of the Morgue

Perhaps one of the most long-term and high-level cases of organ theft concerns Dr. Yehuda Hiss, Israel’s chief pathologist and, from 1988 to 2004, director of Israel’s state morgue, the Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine.

One of the first indications of malfeasance occurred in 1998 and concerned a Scottish tourist named Alisdair Sinclair, who died under questionable circumstances after being taken into Israeli custody.

His family brought his body home and found that it had been autopsied. They commissioned a second autopsy at Glasgow University and discovered that Alisdair’s heart and a tiny throat bone, the hyoid, were missing. The British Embassy filed a complaint with Israel.

A heart was then sent to Scotland, but when the family requested a DNA test to confirm its identity, Hiss refused, citing prohibitive cost. DNA tests were eventually conducted but proved inconclusive. According to several reports, a researcher had put in a request for a hyoid bone around the time of Sinclair’s death and eventually received a bill for shipping costs.

Over the following years Hiss was often the center of accusations. An Israeli newspaper published an investigative report charging that diverse body parts—“legs, thighs, ovaries, breasts and testicles”—had been removed without permission and sold to medical institutions. The bodies were stuffed with broomsticks and cotton wool.

Although government investigations confirmed the main facts, little was done, and complaints continued—often from parents of dead Israeli soldiers. Finally, in 2004, Israel’s health minister removed Hiss as director of the morgue, while retaining him as Israel’s chief pathologist.

Hiss had been involved in previous controversies concerning the Israeli government. In one he was suspected of falsifying a DNA test in an investigation into the “Yemenite Children Affair,” in which a thousand children of immigrants disappeared. (Many believe that some, at least, were adopted out, for pay.) Hiss has also been accused of falsifying evidence to the commission investigating the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Palestinian Victims

For decades Palestinians have charged Israel with taking organs from Palestinians its soldiers wounded or killed.

In her subcommittee testimony Scheper-Hughes stated, “Human rights groups in the West Bank complained to me of tissue and organs stealing of slain Palestinians by Israeli pathologists at the national Israeli legal medical institute in Tel Aviv.”

A 1990 article in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, for Middle East Affairs reported “widespread anxiety over organ thefts which has gripped Gaza and the West Bank since the intifada began in December of 1987,” and quoted a forensic physician: “There are indications that…organs, especially eyes and kidneys, were removed from the bodies during the first year or year and a half.”

Such statements were largely ignored, often portrayed as anti-Semitic exaggeration. According toThe Forward magazine, however, the Israeli government corroborated them in 2001. The Forwardreports that an investigation into Hiss revealed that he “seemed to view every body that ended up in his morgue, whether Israeli or Palestinian, as fair game for organ harvesting.”

Over the years a great many Palestinian bodies have “ended up” in the Israeli morgue.

Israeli forces have frequently taken custody of Palestinians they have wounded or killed. Sometimes the bodies were kept in Israel, buried in unidentified graves in what are known as “cemeteries of numbers.” In other cases they were returned late at night days later with crudely stitched naval-to-chin incisions, and Israel requiring the bereaved families to bury their children, husbands, and brothers immediately—sometimes with the electricity shut off—and Israeli soldiers overseeing the funeral.

In 2005 an Israeli soldier described a military doctor who gave “medics lessons” using the body of a Palestinian killed by Israeli forces. Haaretz reports: “The soldier said that the Palestinian’s body had been riddled with bullets and that some of his internal organs had spilled out. The doctor pronounced the man dead and then ”˜took out a knife and began to cut off parts of the body. He explained the various parts to us—the membrane that covers the lungs, the layers of the skin, the liver. ”˜I didn’t say anything because I was still new in the army. Two of the medics moved away, and one of them threw up. It was all done very brutally. It was simply contempt for the body.’”

Palestinians, of course, are an unusually vulnerable population. Human rights reports have documented a situation in which Palestinians have few real rights: Israeli forces have killed civilians with impunity, imprisoned massive numbers without charges or trials, abused prisoners, and strip-searched children. And just as Palestinians have little ability to protect their bodies when they’re living, they’re equally unable to prevent their desecration when they’re dead. By Israel’s own admission, Israeli authorities cut open Palestinian corpses without permission of the families, without public transparency, and without, it appears, normal autopsy reports.

At the same time, some Israelis hold extremist views regarding organ extraction. In 1996 Jewish Week reported that Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, a leader of the Lubavitch sect of Judaism and the dean of a religious Jewish school in a West Bank settlement, had stated: “If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that.”

Ginsburgh elaborated: “Jewish life has infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”

While the Israeli government briefly arrested Ginsburgh, and most Israelis decry such beliefs, an Israeli scholar on Jewish scriptural views and ethnic chauvinism said: “The sad thing is, these statements are in our books.” He pointed out that while such Talmudic texts were “purely theoretical” at the time they were written, now they’re being cited “in circumstances where Jews have a state and are empowered.”

Dr. A. Clare Brandabur, an American professor, writes that information in the Swedish article resonated with reports she heard during the first intifada.

She described interviewing the head of the Red Crescent in Gaza, mentioning “reports of shootings of Palestinian children at times when there were no ”˜clashes’ going on—a solitary 6-year-old entering his schoolyard in the morning with his book-bag on his back. The soldiers abducted the wounded child at gunpoint, then his body would be returned a few days later having undergone an ”˜autopsy at Abu Kabir Hospital.’”

She asked the director “if he had considered the possibility that these killings were being done for organ transplant, since…it is not allowed to take Jewish organs to save a Jewish life, but it is allowed to take the organs of non-Jews to save Jewish lives.”

He had “suspected such things,” he replied, “but since they had no access to the records of Abu Kabir Hospital, there was no way to verify these suspicions.”

The Swedish newspaper’s call for an investigation into Israel’s treatment of Palestinian bodies is now being echoed by others. Such an investigation could dispel inaccurate suspicions, absolve the innocent, and discover the guilty.

Israel and its powerful advocates abroad are doing their best to prevent that from happening.

Alison Weir is executive director of If Americans Knew. An Internet petition calling for an investigation can be viewed at
<>. An expanded and footnoted version of this article can be viewed on the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,’s Web site


An Internet petition calling for an investigation can be viewed at:


  1. Bostrom, Donald, “Our sons plundered for their organs,” Aftonbladet, Aug. 17, 2009 , translated by Tlaxcala. (Original Swedish version at
  2. Israel Insider, “Netanyahu to press Sweden to condemn blood libel,” Aug. 23, 2009
  3. Tobin, Jonathan, “Swedish Anti-Semites Dig Up a Blood Libel,”, Aug. 20, 2009
  4. Cassel, Matthew, “Baseless organ theft accusations will not bring Israel to justice,” The Electronic Intifada, Aug. 24, 2009
  5. Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, “The Organ of Last Resort,” UNESCO,, July, 2001 University of California Berkeley Anthropology Faculty CV: Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Chancellor’s Professor in Medical Anthropology, Head, Doctoral Program in Medical Anthropology, Critical Studies in Medicine, Science and the Body, Director, Organs Watch
  6. Griffin, Drew and David Fitzpatrick, “Donor says he got thousands for his kidney,” CNN Special Investigations Unit, CNN, Sept. 2, 2009
  7. Scheper-Hughes Lecture, New York PBS 13 Forum
  8. Osava, Mario, “BRAZIL: Poor Sell Organs to Trans-Atlantic Trafficking Ring,” Inter Press Service (IPS), Feb. 23, 2004
  9. Yeshiva World News, “CNN: Israel a Leader in Organ Trafficking,” Sept. 3, 2009
  10. Chabin, Michele, “Organ Donation: Legal, But Still Controversial,” Jewish Week, April 9, 2008
  11. Rohter, Larry, “Tracking the Sale of a Kidney on a Path of Poverty and Hope,” The New York Times, May 23, 2004
  12. Shapira-Rosenberg, Efrat, “A mitzvah called organ donation,” Ynet News, June 10, 2007,7340,L-3388529,00.html
  13. Rohter, Larry, op. cit.
  14. Ibid.
  15. “Organs for Sale: China’s Growing Trade and Ultimate Violation of Prisoners’ Rights,” Hearing Before the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, 107th Congress, First Session, June 27, 2001, Serial No. 107–29
  16. Lloyd-Roberts, Sue, “Europe’s poorest country supplying organs to its neighbours,” BBC Newsnight, 9/7/01
  17. “BRAZIL: Poor Sell Organs to Trans-Atlantic Trafficking Ring,” Mario Osava, IPS, Feb. 23, 2004
  18. New York Times
  19. “Israeli organ traffickers shift operations to China,” BioEdge, June 4, 2004
  20. “CNN: Israel a Leader in Organ Trafficking,” Yeshiva World News, Sept. 3, 2009
  21. “Tracking the Sale of a Kidney on a Path of Poverty and Hope,” New York Times, Larry Rohter, May 23, 2004
  22. “40 years after Israel’s first transplant, donor’s family says his heart was stolen,” Dana Weiler-Polak, Haaretz, Dec., 14, 2008
  23. “40 years on, medical staffers from Israel’s first human heart transplant reminisce about the feat,” Judy Siegel, Jerusalem Post, Dec. 7, 2008
  24. “Shas swing vote pushes through organ donor law,” Shahar Ilan, Haaretz, March 25, 2008
  25. “With top rabbis’ blessing, Knesset approves organ donation law,” Shahar Ilan, Haaretz, Aug. 7, 2008
  26. “Scottish Tourist’s Family Rejects Out-of-Court Settlement,” Netty C. Gross, The Jerusalem Report, Jan. 29, 2001
  27. “Attorney-General lodges complaint against Abu Kabir coroner,” Dan Izenbert, Jerusalem Post, Dec. 11, 2003
  28. “Hiss fired for repeated body-part scandals,” Judy Siegel, Jerusalem Post, May 11, 2004
  29. “Infamous Chief Pathologist to Once Again Evade Punishment,” Ezra HaLevi, Arutz Sheva Israel National News, Sept. 26, 2005
  30. “Were the Children Sold?” Yechiel A. Mann,
  31. “The Missing Children,” Yechiel A. Mann,
  32. “Infamous Chief Pathologist to Once Again Evade Punishment,” Ezra HaLevi, Arutz Sheva Israel National News, Sept. 26, 2005
  33. “Infamous Chief Pathologist to Once Again Evade Punishment,” Ezra HaLevi, Arutz Sheva Israel National News, Sept. 26, 2005
  34. “Illicit Body-Part Sales Present Widespread Problem,” By Rebecca Dube, Forward, Published Aug. 26, 2009, issue of Sept. 4, 2009
  35. “Palestinian corpse used for IDF anatomy lesson,” Amos Harel, Haaretz, Jan. 28, 2005
  36. “The Swedish canard – not only smoke, but also fire,” Shraga Elam, Aug. 25, 2009 (posted Sept. 4, 2009) (Hebrew: )
  37. “Israeli lawyer sues Swedish paper,” JTA, Aug. 27, 2009
  38. “Israeli lawyer sues ‘Aftonbladet’ in NY Court,” E.B. Solomont, Jerusalem Post, Aug. 26, 2009
  39. “Israeli Reservists To Sue Swedish Newspaper,” David Bedein, The Bulletin, August 30, 2009

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