U.S. and Allies Vote For Nazism at U.N.

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Annually, each year, since 2005, the U.S. Government has been one of only from 1 to 3 Governments to vote in the U.N. General Assembly against an annual statement by the General Assembly against racism and other forms of bigotry — an annual Resolution condemning it, and expressing a commitment to doing everything possible to reduce bigoted acts. For the first time ever, on November 4th, America was joined not only by one or two voting against it, but 55 nations, and almost all gave as reasons that Russia was for it and has invaded Ukraine. Ukraine is the only country that has almost always been joining America in opposing such resolutions; and many countries now vote against the resolution because Ukraine always does, and thus vote in solidarity with Ukraine against Russia — condemn the resolution because Russia supports it.

This year’s Resolution particularly offended America and its allies because “Nazism” is mentioned and condemned specifically in it.

No specific nation is ever mentioned in such resolutions.

The U.N. makes its documents and voting records as difficult as possible for the public to find, but, after many hours I have been able to find the following records regarding the 4 November 2022 resolution and vote.

The Resolution was completed in draft on 29 September 2022, and here it is (though the U.N. tends to change URLs in order to make documents unfindable, and also this and many other documents at the U.N. are designed so as not to be copyable into web archiving services; so, this document might soon become unfindable:
https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/N22/607/22/PDF/N2260722.pdf. I made the first copy of it at the main web archive, and that archived image is very different, not the document itself. This is typical for the U.N. But, anyway, if you can see it, then at least you will be able to know the Resolution’s text.

The U.N likewise makes its voting records as difficult as possible for journalists to be able to report the specific votes of specific nations — the U.N. provides photo-images (such as in this case) of the nation-by-nation vote so that journalists will need to type everything out character-by-character instead of do copy-pastes, and journalists on rapid deadlines won’t typically retype an entire document. I have done it in this case, and here that is:

VOTE: https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1667720971034020.jpg
Item 66(a) draft resolution A/C.3/77/L.5
Combating glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and …
DATE: 4 November 2022
IN FAVOR (105): Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Dem. PR [N.] Korea, Djirbouti, El Salvador, Equatorial Gunea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, St. Kitts, St. Vincent, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Solomon Islands, S. Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Surinam, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Trinidad, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, UAR, United Rep. Tanza, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
AGAINST (52): Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, N. Macedonia, Norway, Papua, Poland, Portugal, Rep. Moldova, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, UK, U.S.
ABSTAIN (15): Antigua, Congo, Dominican Rep., Ecuador, Egypt, Mexico, Myanmar, Palau, Panama, Rep. of Korea, Samoa, Serbia, Switzerland, Tonga, Turkiye
ABSENT: Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Comoros, D.R. Congo, Dominica, Eswatini, Gambia, Grenada, Iran, Morocco, St. Lucia, Sao Tome, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, S. Sudan, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Venezuela

Here is the U.S.’s explanation of its vote against the document.

Here is Austria’s.

Since Austria backs the EU’s statement on this, here is that statement from the EU.
The U.S. Government seems to be having remarkable success making even nazism fashionable among its allies.

Note: This is a cCrosspost with the Duran / https://theduran.com/u-s-and-allies-vote-for-nazism-at-u-n

About the author
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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Russia will mobilize about 1.2% of her mobilizational potential (UPDATED!)

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Andrei Raevsky

A few comments about this decision:

  • It will take Russia a few months to gather and retrain (refresher courses) these forces and they will not be immediately available to protect the Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhie and Kherson regions during the upcoming referendum on whether to join Russia or not.  The 3rd volunteer army corps is already deployed in the south and could greatly assist in this.
  • Putin and Shoigu gave several reasons for this decision, including the very long line of contact, the direct involvement of NATO personnel who are now running the Ukronazi regime in Kiev and the threats by the West to dismantle Russia.
  • Shoigu indicated that the UAF lost about 50% of its personnel (over 100’000 soldiers out of a total potential of about 200’000).  He also added that most of the Ukrainian weapons systems, which were of Soviet origin, were mostly destroyed.  Russian KIAs are just under 6000 soldiers.
  • Shoigu also clearly spelled out that “we are not so much fighting against Ukraine but against NATO plus the united (collective) West“.
  • Shoigu also mentioned that all of the NATO satellite capabilities (70 military and 200+ civilian satellites) are used against Russia right now.
  • Finally, Shoigu added that NATO high-precision weapons are deliberately used by NATO commanders to terrorize civilians.

In other words, Russia is preparing for an escalation of this war in the coming months.  She is basically augmenting her forces to a level that could deal with a major NATO escalation in the Ukraine (and elsewhere as not all mobilized forces would have to be combat units; deploying more C4ISR capabilities, logistics/supply forces or civil affairs and counter-terrorism units would also make sense).

The other big news of the day is, of course, that Russia will back and accept the outcome of the referendums in the four regions mentioned above.

Frankly, I have mixed feelings about this decision, but I understand that the Kremlin simply had no other option for the following reasons:

  • This decision put away the thorny issue of “will the Russians stay or leave”?  Once the four regions vote to become part of Russia (which most opinion polls say will happen), they will forever retain that status.
  • With all the rumors in the West about a limited use of nuclear forces, by making these four regions part of Russian proper, not just de facto but also de jure, Russia extends her nuclear umbrella over them (Russian military doctrine allows for the use of nukes if the territorial integrity and safety of Russia are under threat).  Here I will quote Putin:

They have even resorted to the nuclear blackmail. I am referring not only to the Western-encouraged shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which poses a threat of a nuclear disaster, but also to the statements made by some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO countries on the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction – nuclear weapons – against Russia.  I would like to remind those who make such statements regarding Russia that our country has different types of weapons as well, and some of them are more modern than the weapons NATO countries have. In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff.

  • Furthermore, I have always said that for all my total support and sympathy, the LDNR republics have major issues (including security issues!) and I am immensely relieved that the Russian state organs, including security services, will now directly take over the management of these republics.

Of course, we can expect the usual hysterics and doubling-down from the western ruling class which already promised never to recognize the outcome of any referendums.  Russia understands that and she has now taken the measures needed for a long conflict.

As for the Ukronazis, we can be sure that they will do everything in their power to try to disrupt the referendums.  Furthermore, the NATO commanders in Kiev fully understand that the Russian forces will only become more powerful over the next few months, so they will be in a hurry to score as many victories (including the murder of civilians and strikes against the civilian infrastructure) as possible.

I fully expect an increase in NATO+Ukronazi attacks in the coming weeks and months.  These attacks will only stop when a) the West runs out of resources and b) when their outcome will bring no tangible results whatsoever.

For the consolidated West, this has been mostly about optics: PR, PSYOPs, propaganda, you name it.  With this latest Russian reaction, it will become even MORE crucial for the rulers of the consolidated West to convince their serfs that Russia is losing and the West winning.

Since the western ruling classes know that time is running out (both militarily AND economically) they are desperately trying to conceal this by vociferously proclaiming that the Russian “field negros” will get punished (lynched!) for their audacity in disobeying the Great Masters of the Universe.

I want to note here that this mini-mobilization will have an important psychological effect upon Russian society: the “business as usual” mindset is now clearly obsolete.  The Russian MIC has received a direct message that it is now also “mobilized”.  The rest of the Russian economy will take notice, I am sure.  As will the people.  I welcome that “change of tone” very much.

Anyway, I will conclude with a few short items.

Some trolls have constantly been begging me to “show them the bodies”.  Okay, I found a Telegram channel with enough bodies to, hopefully, satisfy them: https://t.me/ZLOIORK

Next, the Poles have already threatened to conduct their own referendum in western Ukraine.  Who would have doubted that the Hyena of Europe will bite off a little morsel of Ukraine for itself (especially one which did belong to Poland historically?).

In the meantime, Armenia has threatened to leave the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a decision which, if that happens, I will fully support and celebrate!  The CSTO needs a good cleaning, to put it mildly.  Russia saved the sorry asses of Lukashenko, Tokaev and Pashinian, and yet all three are still playing that wannabe smart-ass policy of “multi-vectors” which, in plain English, means “we want Russia to protect us while we sell out to the USA”.  The truth is that Russia has much better partners than most of her immediate neighbors and the likes of Lukashenko, Tokaev and Pashinian need to learn things the hard way.  That is what Armenia is experiencing right now.  Maybe Lukashenko and Tokaev will get the message and learn the lesson.  As for Armenia, it will just get what it deserves…

In sharp contrast to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran and even Turkey have been much more responsible partners for Russia (though Turkey also needs a “reminder” from time to time to behave).  And since now the Armenians have “security guarantees” from no less than Pelosi (!) they can now sleep in peace with no need for Russian protection, right?  😆

As for the City on the Hill, the world's Sole Superpower, it is busy with nonsense like this: “Unexpectedly, the USAF Finds Itself With a Critical Shortage of Pilots While It Says It Has Too Many White Officers“.  As the French like to say, the more things change, the more they remain the same…

On a more personal note, we now have almost 1000 commentators who signed up.  Thank you all for taking the time to do so!  The comments section is already showing clear signs of improvement (already much fewer trolls/idiots than in the past).

That’s it on my end.  Now I turn the comments section over to you.



UPDATE: Russian sources are reporting that western PSYOPs are actively spreading FUD all over the Russian Internet with all sorts of nonsense about the partial mobilization.  Hardly a surprise, so please try not to fall for this nonsense.

PS: The clueless Russian 5th column tried to organize some protests against this mini-mobilization.  The outcome? 364 people arrested.  96 is Saint Petersburg, 89 in Moscow and 45 in Ekaterinburg.  Which gives you a good idea of how utterly irrelevant the 5th column has become in Russia (except in the circles of power where Atlantic Integrationists are still hiding waiting for better times).

Here is a photo of Alexander Belik, the coordinator (while Navalny is in jail for fraud) of the “movement of conscientious objectors”.  I don’t think I need to comment about this 😉

Andrei Raevsky is the editor in chief (and founder) of the Saker network of sites dedicated to geostrategic analysis and commentary on the clash between "the West" and the emerging Eurasian bloc, led by Russia, China, Indian, and Iran.

Putin announces partial mobilization in Russia

Executive Order on partial mobilisation in the Russian Federation
In a nationwide address on Wednesday morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/uukz21"+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");


Rumble("play", {"video":"v1iah83","div":"rumble_v1iah83"});

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(Ed Note: The RT.com video has gotten almost uniform support and acclaim from the viewers. The usual contingent of trolls and Western idiots and robots seem to be momentarily, at least, absent.)

The President signed an Executive Order Declaring Partial Mobilisation in the Russian Federation.

As per federal laws No. 61-FZ On Defence, dated May 31, 1996, and No. 31-FZ On Mobilisation Preparations and Mobilisation in the Russian Federation, dated February 26, 1997, and Federal Law No. 53-FZ On the Military Duty and Military Service, dated March 28, 1998, the President declared a partial mobilisation in the Russian Federation as of September 21, 2022.

The Executive Order provides for calling up citizens of the Russian Federation for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as part of the mobilisation effort. Citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service as part of mobilisation will enjoy the status of military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under contract.

The Executive Order sets forth money allowances for the citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service as part of mobilisation, as well as the duration of the military service contracts signed by the military personnel, grounds for discharging military personnel serving under contract, as well as citizens called up for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as part of mobilisation.

Corresponding instructions have been issued to the Government of the Russian Federation and top government officials in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Under the Executive Order, citizens of the Russian Federation employed by defence companies will benefit from an exemption from the mobilisation draft for the period of their employment by these organisations. The Government of the Russian Federation shall define the categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who have the right to draft exemptions and the manner in which these exemptions shall be provided.

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North Korea’s Siberian Divisions

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Declan Hayes

North Korea’s offer to send 100,000 peace workers to Eastern Ukraine is as much a game changer as was the appearance of the Red Army’s Siberian Divisions during the 1941-2 Battle of Moscow when Hitler’s exhausted Wehrmacht seemed on the verge of victory. Irrespective of whether Russia takes them up on the offer or not, because North Korea’s offer to trade their brawn for oil and grain has changed the status quo not only in Ukraine but in Syria, Iran and all other front line states as well, their offer is worth studying in more detail than that Newsweek and other discredited NATO outlets gave it.

In doing some basic math, let’s treat this proposal like the path breaking 1981 win-win swap between IBM and the World Bank. We have, thus, two key sides to this transaction, North Korea, which has an impressive work force to offer in exchange for scarce resources Russia, thanks to NATO’s criminal sanctions, has in abundance. Working at a price of $100 for a mixed basket of oil and grain, we see that Russia would be contracted to supply 100,000 baskets per stipulated time period when the North Korea work force reaches its full complement in Donbas, Damascus or wherever else they are deployed.

Taking it from a different angle, North Korea could be contracted on a piecemeal basis, with per diem allowances and other such perks offered. Let’s take the farmyards of Latakia in Northern Syria as an important illustrative example. North Koreans could plant and harvest crops, with a substantial, stipulated amount being fermented for better nutritional effect before being shipped off to North Korea. Such agreements would have the added benefit of resurrecting Northern Syria’s agricultural sector which NATO’s murderous sanctions and ongoing thefts by the U.S. military have all but destroyed.

More to the point, with Chinese financial backing, this proposal would supply the necessary lubricant needed to allow Syrians and North Koreans to once more have full stomachs. Currently, Syrian farmers cannot hire staff as NATO dragooned many of the workers, who formerly did such work, into their terrorist proxy gangs and the farmers lack both the finances to hire replacement workers and the markets to sell their products into as NATO has destroyed all of that. North Korean labor and Chinese seed finance, to be repaid both in cash and in kind over time, would solve those problems.

North Korea’s offer to send 100,000 peace workers to Eastern Ukraine is as much a game changer as was the appearance of the Red Army’s Siberian Divisions during the 1941-2 Battle of Moscow.

To see how this would work in both Donbas and Syria, let’s consider hypothetical building projects in Syria where the cement and glass industries were such high priority targets of NATO’s rebel proxies that they were a major catalyst for early stages of their entire campaign. Under this proposal, China, the world’s biggest cement producer, and Iran, whose cement exports have been hard hit by NATO’s criminal sanctions, would supply the raw materials by both exporting them and reinvigorating local Syrian (Donbas) production.

Those houses, apartments and basic infrastructure the North Koreans build in Syria (Donbas) would be paid for by a mixture of cash and kind. The value of a house is, in communities like those of Donbas and Syria, in its rental value, which is determined by such factors as its access to employment opportunities and basic services, such as schools, shops and so on.

If we assume, for exemplary purposes, the monthly rental value of an apartment is $100, this can be decreased by government grants and the renter paying for some of the rent in kind. If, for example, Chinese retail outlets were to be given franchises in these developments, then war widows, war veterans and the like could be hired in their outlets, with some of their pay being in kind.

Although similar schemes have worked in post War Japan and other countries as well, the key point for now is to concentrate on the dynamics of North Korea’s proposal and let the various parties to its implementation hammer out the details as to who does what and for how much, which are crucial in all such joint ventures. That said, because North Korea’s proposal has advantages for all sides, it deserves serious consideration. Because it is based on barter and not on the U.S. $, it can act as a deflationary measure, a not inconsiderable attribute, given today’s current economic implosion of the NATO block. It also plays directly into China’s Belt and Road Initiative which, to be as successful as one might wish it to be, must lift all the boats, those of Syria, Donbas and North Korea included.

We have, of course, other noteworthy precedents. Sanctioned Cuba has earned crucial foreign exchange by sending medical teams overseas and the German Democratic Republic’s ‘Afrika Corps’ left a marked impression on the many African armies it trained. Perhaps the North Koreans, with Chinese logistical help, can do something similar.

Plus, if we are totally honest, North Korea’s proposal tweaks NATO’s tail in the most delightful of ways. Although the North Koreans will not be quite turning the swords of Iran, China and Russia into Syrian ploughshares, they will be showing that, for all NATO’s war crimes in Ukraine, Syria and Korea itself, there is an alternative, more civilized way to do things and those, like the Koreans, who have suffered the most from NATO criminality are still in the fight and will be until NATO gets off their backs.

Declan Hayes was Professor of International Business at Tokyo's Sophia University from 1997 to 2007 before returning to teach in Europe. He has previously worked in Australia, Ireland, and Mexico, and has written extensively on all three of those economies. He is the author of Japan's Big Bang.

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Only NATO Could De-Militarise Itself!

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By James Tweedie for the Saker blog


In a scene from the 1974 film The Four Musketeers, the second part of the previous year’s The Three Musketeers, the vain Porthos (Frank Finlay) shows the pious Aramis (Richard Chamberlain) his new trick: He draws his rapier and throws it into the bullseye of a target.

Aramis tells Porthos to try that again, but with himself as a live target. The musketeer easily parries Porthos’ hurled sword to one side. “Only Porthos could invent a new way of disarming himself!” Aramis mocks, before chasing his friend around the gymnasium.

NATO leaders obviously don’t watch enough classic swashbucklers. In their rush to arm the Ukraine since before the start of Russia’s ‘demilitarisation’ operation there, several eastern member-states have managed to demilitarise themselves without Moscow having to lift a finger.

Poland has sent 232 T-72 main battle tanks, almost half its entire tank fleet, over the border into the Ukraine. The Donbass militias have already captured some examples with almost no miles on the clock. Warsaw has ordered 1,000 K2 ‘Black Panther’ tanks from South Korea and 366 M1 Abrams from the US as replacements, but deliveries won’t be completed until 2026.

The Czech Republic has reportedly handed over all 15 of its Mi-24 helicopter gunships — one of the types Russia is using to pound the Ukrainian army — along with 56 infantry fighting vehicles, 40 self-propelled artillery vehicles and 20 Grad-style 122mm multi-launch rocket system (MLRS) trucks.

After donating an S-300 surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, neighbouring Slovakia is weighing up sending its one squadron of 11 MiG-29 fighter jets. The government is seeking guarantees from neighbouring countries that their air forces will defend its airspace until it can find replacements if it decides to give up its entire fixed-wing combat capability.

Meanwhile the defence ministry has ordered 14 F-16 multi-role fighters from the US — an aircraft from the 1970s that the MiG-29 was built to outfly — but the first aircraft won’t arrive until 2024. At least the Slovaks had the sense not to give up 30 T-72s after Germany only offered them 15 Leopard-2 tanks to replace them.

And just last week it emerged that North Macedonia, one of the newest balkanised statelets in the Balkans, transferred four Su-25 ground attack jets it bought from the Ukraine in 2001 back there, along with 31 Russian T-72s — disbanding its army’s only armoured battalion in the process. In return, the US will give the country’s army some Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, an oversized four-seat jeep with just enough armour to stop a rifle bullet.

If Russia really did decide to roll the tanks into the former Warsaw Treaty countries, like their increasingly-hysterical politicians claim Moscow is planning, they would likely face little more opposition than infantrymen armed with rifles and machine-guns. The battalion-sized ‘tactical groups’ of troops from the US, UK and other ‘big boy’ NATO members stationed in eastern Europe would make no difference. They’re only there to provide the pretext for ‘escalation to the nuclear threshold’, as Andrei Martyanov says.

Scraping the Barrel

In fact the stream of announced (if not yet delivered) “packages” of military aid is really starting to scrape the barrel of NATO inventories. The UK announced on July 21 it was sending 20 155mm self-propelled guns — although those had already been accounted for months earlier when they were bought from Belgium’s reserves.

The Ministry of Defence also pledged 36 105mm (four-inch) artillery pieces, not even more the much-vaunted six-inch (155mm) M777s partly made in the UK. The 105mm shells hold about a quarter as much high explosive as the 155s, and can reach a maximum 12 miles compared to 19 for the bigger guns.

The US has promised four more of the holy HIMARS, plus another 72,000 155mm shells for guns which have mostly been bombed already. Russia also claims to have hit six out of the 12 HIMARS launchers the US has already sent — and which have failed to turn the tide of the war.

The two really high-profile attacks launched with these “precision” weapons so far have been to blow holes in the roadway of a bridge across the Dnieper river to Kherson (which was swiftly substituted with a pontoon crossing) and killing 50 Azov Battalion members at a prison camp in Elenovka, just south of Donetsk city.

CBS News in the US has hurriedly pulled its ‘Arming Ukraine’ documentary that revealed that about two-thirds of Western military aid disappeared somewhere between the Polish border and the front lines, then replaced it with a text article claiming everything was OK now, honest. It doesn’t matter, because it had already been widely reported that all sorts of gear was turning up for sale on ‘dark web’ pages and out of the back of car boots all over Europe.

Meanwhile the New York Times, widely recognised as the official newspaper of the ruling party in the US, ran an op-ed on August 1 distancing the Biden regime in Washington from its Zelensky-ite client state in Kiev.

Up the Arsenal?

The US military-industrial complex has long styled itself “The Arsenal of Democracy”, but nowadays its more of a bottom-half Premiership team like Southampton. As the now-famous Royal United Services Institute article The Return of Industrial Warfare pointed out, Russia is out-producing the MIC several times over — and that really matters when you have a large-scale ground war in Europe that doesn’t rapidly go nuclear, like everyone expected since 1949.

The Pentagon has severely depleted its stocks of ‘Javelin’ anti-tank missiles, ‘Stinger’ shoulder-launched SAMs and 155mm shell as part of Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin’s vain plan to “weaken” the Russian armed forces — in a war of attrition to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. It will now take years for the arms industry to replace them, due to the shortage of microchips caused by… sanctions on Russia!

Back on the PR front line, crunching the numbers from the Russian MoD’s daily briefings has become increasingly meaningless, as they now claim to have destroyed far more of almost every kind of equipment than the Ukraine had at the start of the conflict or has received since.

The best one can do is look at overall trends in those statistics. The numbers of fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, SAMs and, to a lesser extent, tanks and other armoured vehicles, has noticeably topped out in the past few weeks. Either The Ukrainians are getting better at concealing them, or they’re keeping them far from the front in reserve (for the heavily-trailed but yet-to-materialise counter-offensive in Kherson), or they’re just running out of stuff for the Russians to blow up.

Kiev is finally admitting its army is taking hundreds of casualties a day, in line with the Russian claims, but only as emotional blackmail to the West to send unfeasible amounts of equipment and munitions.

It's almost as if The Two Vlads — Putin and Zelensky — conspired together to disarm the US-allied former Soviet and socialist states and make Ukrainian black marketeers a fortune in the process.

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