Global South Sees U.S. Congress Hail Israeli Killer of 39,000 of Their People Mostly Women and Kids   

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Jay Janson

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Netanyahu addressing a joint session of U.S. Congress on Wednesday (C-Span screenshot)

The Health Ministry in Gaza reports that as of the end of July, 2024, more than 39,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been slaughtered in Gaza by the Israeli military using hegemon U.S.A.'s mighty weapons of mass destruction.[1]

A good deal of people in the awakening Global South have learned that those tens of thousands precious Palestinian lives of mostly women and children were ordered taken by the criminally insane Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This week billions of majority Humanity watched on TV or heard of the obnoxious killer Netanyahu being welcomed by the assembled entire U.S. government that provides Israel with the bombs, missiles, guns, planes, tanks, ships, munitions, and diplomatic and military protection that has made the murder of those 39,000 fellow Global South men, women and children possible.[2]

Yes, those 39,000 dead Palestinians are now seen in the ever more sensitive awakening Global South as their fellows, fellows within the nations of the grand Global South of Africa, Asia and the Americas that were once conquered, colonised, enslaved and exploited by racist Europeans, and their overseas offspring.

Global South Lives Matter

Today, Global South lives are still considered less important than the lives of white descendants of the conquering colonialists, who have retained a substantial amount of hegemony over most of the planet largely through powerful international reach media.

This difference in the value and importance of lives is apparent in the Middle East now. For example, the lives of a hundred Israeli hostages certainly are being given much more importance than the lives of 39,000 Arabs and the 90,000 injured, including thousands of amputees, and another thousand buried under the ruble of what was the cities of Gaza.

The CIA overseen Western entertainment/news & information conglomerates [3] emphasise this difference with their coverage of the suffering of the families of the hostages, interviewing the family members at length, while rarely interviewing Arabs, many of whom have lost their entire family, and rarely if ever, mention the thousands of Palestinians, including women and children in Israeli prisons the hostages were taken to exchange with.

Whether watching British BBC, German DW, Tokyo's NHK, French TV, or NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, or PBS, the loss of thousands of Palestinian children's lives is only occasionally  mentioned within a numerical report of the ever rising statistic of dead Palestinians.

Those of us who get our news from the Internet have been reading for nine months Aljazeera's morning report of another 40 or 60 or 80 Palestinians killed overnight during an Israeli bombing of a school or other structure where hundreds of families made homeless had taken shelter with their children. One receives such horrible news with pathos, but as the killing keeps going on and on and on regardless of all outcries (in this writer's case publishing many articles about it), one fights a feeling of hopelessness frustrated without any way to stave off the horror and pain of the pitiless attacks of tomorrows stretching out into the future seemingly forever.

Netanyahu Before the U.S. Congress Emphasises the Hostages Without Mentioning the 39,000 Massacred Palestinians [2]

The genocidal level of cruelty of the American government is made clear by its having invited this bloody madman, for whom the UN International Criminal Court has asked for his arrest for crimes against humanity.[4]

The Gaza genocide, so proudly ignored in Washington, will cause the citizenry of the nations of the Global South to remember the U.S./NATO deadly destruction of oil rich Iraq and Libya, the latter having had a higher quality of living standard than nine European countries; the grim perishing of a million Syrians at the merciless hands of Islamic terrorist organisations secretly provisioned by CIA arrangements;[5] in Somalia the never ending regime change war for a warlord regime replacing a popular Islamic courts government; the decades of U.S. led occupation war in Afghanistan; the millions murdered in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; the massive bloodshed brought about in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, the bombing obliteration of all North Korean cities, and U.S. invasion of the South when the civil war was already over with the North easily prevailing for meeting little opposition; the bombing and invasions of Panama, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Grenada; the ruthless murder of the first President of a free Congo initiating 70 years of hellish civil wars. Not to mention CIA homicidal machinations overthrowing governments in Iran in 1953 and Chile in 1973.

As people in the Global South learn of monster killer Netanyahu receiving great applause during a special session of the U.S. Congress while the horrific genocide continues in Gaza, one or more other American crimes against the humanity that is the Global South will come to mind.

Global South Lives Will Soon Matter

In our now multi-polar world led by a remarkably productive China, the lives of the majority of humanity in the Global South, (until recently disrespectfully called The 'Third' World or The 'Developing' World, earlier, The 'Underdeveloped' World and still earlier The 'Undeveloped' World), are restored to the level of the ingenious human species they never were otherwise.

It would appear that the so-called Caucasian race might be thought to be on the back foot for much considering  itself of superior worth.

The lands of the non-White Global South contain the ancient empires of high civilisations of Egypt, China and India, conquered by the more primitive arising empires of the marauding Europeans, whose inhumane racism as practiced for more than five centuries, will become as non-existent as it was before the farm boy soldiers of Portugal, Spain, Holland, France and England, got to be wonder the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Temples of Egypt, Aztec Tenochtitlan and other sights of higher civilisations than their own.

But with the ancient non-recriminatory attitude inherent in Chinese culture soon to be influencing life throughout the world, peace and reciprocal admiration should replace today's and yesterday's era of confrontation.

End Notes
1. Israel-Hamas war latest: Israeli military orders evacuation of part of humanitarian zone in Gaza - Associated Press, July, 22, 2024.

2. We’re protecting you: Full text of Netanyahu’s address to Congress, Times of Israel, July 25, 2024

3. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times

4. UK won’t challenge ICC arrest warrant request for Netanyahu, Gallant, Aljazeera, July 26, 2024.

5. Wayne Madsen, John-Paul LeonardWashington’s Blog, Syrian Girl Partisan. ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth: Behind the Army of Terror, Progressive Press, October, 2016, a panel of cutting-edge researchers tell what ISIS really is, Paperback –

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Israel Goes Rogue

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Israel Is Now Powerless – Palestine Is Inevitable


OpEds | By Mikhail Osherov, Fort Russ Network

Israeli soldiers, West Bank, doing what they normally do: shooting unarmed people.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he current military-political doctrine of the Israeli leadership is based on the continuation of the occupation of the Syrian and Palestinian territories occupied by the state of Israel, which requires constant violence and acts of international aggression and state terrorism against the population of the occupied territories of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Syria and Iran.

Also, the military-political doctrine of the leadership of Israel requires impunity, and no losses. Israeli society is not prepared for any losses. Israeli moms love when their children dress in a beautiful green uniform, eat in army canteens and kill Arabs, but they don’t like their children being killed in a war.

From a historical point of view, when citizens of a state are not ready to die for their country, such states die (as an example, Byzantium, whose walls could no longer protect them, and had only mercenaries).

In order to commit unpunished acts of aggression without loss, considerable, if not absolute, military-technical superiority is required. Until recently, the state of Israel had such superiority. But in recent years and months the situation has begun to change.

During the Israeli aggression against Lebanon in 2006, the latest Israeli Merkava tanks were destroyed and damaged by the usual old Soviet anti-tank systems of the 1970s.

After several days of fighting with absolute air supremacy and after the loss of a significant number of tanks for Israel, all the Merkava tanks were no longer used as assault tanks in the first line of attack, and were diverted to the second line and later used as self-propelled artillery guns.

Casualties in Lebanon forced the Israeli army to retreat back into Israeli territory. If the Israeli leadership had any goals in this war, they were not met. The Israeli army suffered a defeat in this war, and Israeli society began to demand even more military operations from its government.

Recently, Syria saw the end of many years of Israeli aggression. After the tragic death of the Russian [crew] in the Il-20 aircraft, which occurred because of an Israeli air raid on Latakia, and the transfer to Syria of S-300 air defense systems by Russia, Israeli air raids on Syria ceased due to fear of losing the aircraft and the pilots.

Syrian and Russian air defense systems now “see” the entire north and center of Israel. Israeli aircraft now use airfields in the Beersheba area for reconnaissance missions.

Lieberman with Netanyahu: The former resigned essentially because Netanyahu was not being bloodthirsty enough. No matter the level of Israeli violence, the reckoning is approaching and the insanity must end.

During the last Israeli conflict with the [tremendously lesser equipped – ed] Gaza Strip, which occurred on November 11-12 due to another Israeli attempt to conduct a terrorist operation in the Gaza Strip by Israeli special forces, which was discovered and partially eliminated, another war of the State of Israel with the surrounded and he blocked the Gaza Strip.

Israeli missiles destroyed 160 objects in the Gaza Strip. From the Gaza Strip towards Israel, 460 missiles were fired, of which only 106 were intercepted by the iron dome’s vaunted Israeli air defense systems.

It turned out that these systems cannot intercept salvo launches of unguided rockets and shells. This can be compared with the actions of the Syrian air defense systems “Pantsir” and “Thor” in Syria, which reflected the simultaneous attack of hundreds of maneuvering American cruise missiles. After the threat of the leaders of the Gaza Strip to strike at the Israeli Ben-Gurion airport, hostilities between Israel and the Gaza Strip were stopped.

In the near future, the state of Israel will inevitably lose its military superiority over neighboring countries, which is actually happening today. This means that further unilateral and unpunished Israeli aggressive actions against Syria and the Palestinians will be impossible in the future.

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]aving embarked on the path of supporting Syrian and international gangsters fighting against the legitimate Syrian government, the State of Israel only reduced its diplomatic capabilities and tainted itself with the shame of working with bandits and murderers.

The endless Israeli provocations against the Gaza Strip and violence against the Palestinian population of the Israeli-occupied West Bank cannot last forever. The hands of the clock of history are approaching the final mark for the state of Israel.

The leadership of the State of Israel now needs to think not about the war, but that it’s better and more beneficial for the State of Israel to end the occupation of the Palestinian and Syrian territories, conclude a comprehensive peace agreement in the Middle East and create an independent Palestinian state today, with Israel’s relative superiority than later, when it will be done ultimately on Iranian, Syrian and Egyptian conditions alone.


The author is a Russian citizen specializing in geopolitical themes and the Middle East.

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Words from an Irish patriot—


American ‘Lone Soldiers’ reflect on fighting for Israel: they seek escape, devotion, or ‘just want to shoot’

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

on September 25, 2018  • Appearing on Mondoweiss


“You always find that a lot of Lone Soldiers tend to be a little crazier,” Yosef, 23, told me in an American accent over the telephone using the slang term for young enlistees in Israel’s army who have no family in the country.

I met “Yosef” after posting an advertisement on one of the many Facebook support groups for Lone Soldiers. Dozens were eager to talk about their personal reasons for voluntarily joining the Israeli military. My Facebook inbox flooded with current and veteran soldiers from the Israeli military. I spoke with eight Americans who left their lives in the U.S. behind to fight for Israel. Because all asked to remain anonymous, their names have been changed for publication.

Yosef was one of the most candid interviews.

Interview after interview it became clear that most saw themselves as de facto Israeli spokespersons. They related positive images of Israel and underscored an existential need to defend it.

Some talked about how their perceptions of Israel stemmed from their families and the broader Jewish community in the U.S. All of the interviews were conducted over the phone with current or veteran soldiers who were either in Israel or the U.S.

“My parents and everyone else talked about there being very little chance of peace in Israel because no matter what is given to the Palestinians, they will request more and will not rest until Israel is not on the map” another lone soldier, a combat commander in his 20s from Illinois, said.

Others said they did not have an extensive grasp of Israel’s history and the conflict with Palestinians before enlisting.

“I really did not know anything about Israeli history – how this place was founded, what happened, what was really going in the conflict – apart from random news pieces,” said Rachael, a 25-year-old combat researcher from New York. “I really hate reading the news.”

Despite having no family in Israel, and most of them without any functional knowledge of Hebrew upon entry, the number of Lone Soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is growing. Since 2013, new immigrant recruits have been increasing between 5 and 10 percent each year. Last year more than 1,200 enlisted. Currently 2,800 foreign nationals serve in the Israeli military, of whom 25 percent are from the U.S.

Types of Lone Soldiers

Lone Soldiers are, “a lot more ‘run at em’ type… they have that fire…” Yosef said, hesitating to add that he’s not sure if this “fire” has to do with a specifically American attribute or if these young fighters are just excited about serving in the Israeli military. “But you see a little bit of that, I don’t know, spark of crazy.” 

Some talked about how their perceptions of Israel stemmed from their families and the broader Jewish community in the U.S. All of the interviews were conducted over the phone with current or veteran soldiers who were either in Israel or the U.S. “My parents and everyone else talked about there being very little chance of peace in Israel because no matter what is given to the Palestinians, they will request more and will not rest until Israel is not on the map” another lone soldier, a combat commander in his 20s from Illinois, said. Others said they did not have an extensive grasp of Israel’s history and the conflict with Palestinians before enlisting.
Yosef is from New York, but today in Israel he serves as a combat soldier. He said he initially moved to escape his family life in the U.S. “A lot of Lone Soldiers will tell you either that [they] wanted something meaningful to them or that they wanted to get away from America.”

While enlisted, Yosef interacted with other Lone Soldiers. There are a few in his army unit and he met more from the many Lone Soldier support groups, like the Lone Soldier Center.

Yosef explained, there are three broad categorizations of young people from abroad who chose to enlist in Israel: “Type A” he said are purely motivated by Zionism. They are not running from turmoil in their home countries and personal lives. This type of soldier is, “just coming to Israel to draft because he thinks that it’s the right thing to do,” he said.

The second, “Type B,” Yosef continued, are soldiers who have problems in their home lives and they “kind of like Israel.” To them, enlisting “sounds like a really cool experience.” This is more of a “why not?” group and Yosef said this classification applies to him.

“Then there’s ‘Type C’ which is like, ‘I’m crazy and I kind of just want to go shoot some stuff,’” Yosef stated bluntly.

Feeding into stereotypical narratives

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ordechai, a 26-year-old veteran Lone Soldier from Ohio, joined the IDF in 2012. His decision was made back when he was eight years old and visited Israel, which happened to be during the second Intifada. An experience of being in Jerusalem the same day a bomb went off in the city convinced him Israel needed defending.

When asked who Israel needed defending from, he said, “I think that every person who calls himself a Palestinian is making themselves an enemy of Israel.”

When asked the same question Yosef spoke of threats from the Arab world. “These are people that their idea of a peaceful country is something else.”

“These are the countries that surround Israel. These are the countries that Israel deals with on a daily basis,” he said, adding Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, and the only Middle Eastern country where its citizens have equality.

Not giving up without a fight

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]one Soldiers gained notoriety about a decade ago when Michael Levin, a 22-year-old paratrooper from Philadelphia, was killed in combat in Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon in the 2006 Lebanon War. His death initiated the creation of the Lone Soldier Center in 2009, an Israeli non-profit organization focused on supporting Lone Soldiers during their service.

More recently, during the war on Gaza in 2014, a Lone Soldier from Los Angeles, Max Steinberg, was killed in Gaza while serving in the Golani brigade. Although he was initially rejected from the elite unit his mother, Evelyn Steinberg, explained at a Memorial Day ceremony in Jerusalem earlier this year that he was persistent. She said that when a recruitment officer asked him what other unit he wanted to enlist in, he said “nothing,” adding, “stop asking me the same thing. Send me home or send me to jail.”

Apparently it isn’t always easy to just up and join the military, but for American Lone Soldiers who have their heart set on fighting in a particular unit they don’t give up so easily. “A Golani warrior he became,” Evelyn Steinberg said of her late son.

Another Lone Soldier from the U.S., Rachel, also experienced difficulty in getting accepted into the military, for being “old,” she said. She was 24 when she enlisted and signed up for duty, the day after her plane landed in Tel Aviv. When she went to the recruitment office she was immediately turned away. She said, the “18- or 19-year-old in charge of processing immigrants laughed at me and said, ‘no, I know what your college is – what are you doing with your life? Go home, don’t waste your time here.’”

Undeterred every single day for the next month she went back, putting notes on the cars of the head officers and waiting for them to enter the office. “I was the famous crazy American there.”

Acting on misconceptions

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a mini-documentary about Lone Soldiers produced by the teen Israel advocacy group Write on for Israel, Retired Israeli Defense Forces Lt. Col. Mikey Hartman, Founder of the IDF Shooting School and retired Lieutenant Colonel, explains how he decided to join the Israeli military. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Hartman reminiscences about enlisting after watching an action film when he was in high school.

“I think it was the 10th grade. I saw a movie on TV called Raid on Entebbe,” Hartman said with a slight glimmer in his eye. “And this was great stuff. There’s heroes running and saving hostages. Seeing that, I said ‘That – I want to be that. I want to be a hero. I want to be a sniper in the Israeli army.”

The appeal of becoming a Lone Soldier, “also comes from a little bit of a misconception of what the Israeli army is,” Yosef, the lone soldier admits. Young Americans hear about the strength and prestige of the Israeli army and think it will be fun to go to war – to do something with their lives, he relates.

Some want to reenact a movie or video game. An 18-year-old American might think, “‘Oh, I’m gonna go to war and I’m gonna shoot this and I’m gonna play Call of Duty,’” Yosef mimicked. “And then you get to Israel and then all of a sudden you realize that it’s not that. It’s real.”

Constructing masculinity

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ccording to Dr. Dana Grosswirth Kachtan of the Sociology and Political Science departments at Open University, Israel, “The way that the Israeli military is conceived in the world, it [is] still regarded as a very unique and strong and competent military, so to be a part of this can be very appealing.”

Kachtan’s research focuses on the construction of military identity, specifically the combat soldier identity. Through her research she found an intersection between the organizational culture of the military brigades, ethnicity and masculinity.

According to Kachtan, military is still one of the main organizations in constructing masculinity. Kachtan explained that the discourse in Israeli society reinforces the strong and masculine concepts linked to the military. Israeli society perceives itself as better in part due to its “unique” military experience, even though there is a decline in the military status and rise in criticism in society, she added.

And Israelis thus perceive themselves as more mature and better equipped to start their lives than Americans — who “finish high school and they are going to college and they party… and they do not know what it means to experience something hard,” she said, “They didn’t go through this experience so they don’t know – their personality and their identity isn’t as strong as the Israeli’s personality and identity.”

Kachtan believes that this type of discourse has an effect on Americans who decided to join the Israeli military. “I believe that the United States disappointed them to some point.”

But the Israeli military service disappoints them after they are discharged, too, she pointed out.

This year the Lone Soldier Center stated that nearly half of all Lone Soldiers end up leaving Israel after their service. Despite the plethora of reasons young Americans leave their lives behind to join the military, Yosef explained, many decide somewhere down the line of their service that going home sounds much more appealing than staying in Israel.


We reproduce below some select comments from the original thread:

  1. Marnie


    September 25, 2018, 12:04 pm

    • Misterioso

      September 26, 2018, 9:10 am

      @Marnie, et al

      This is a feeble attempt to make up for the fact that ever increasing numbers of born in “Israel” youth are refusing to join the armed forces and many are choosing to emigrate.

  2. amigo

    September 25, 2018, 2:47 pm

    Once more into the breach Guys , the enemy is just a ragtag group of children and unarmed would be soldiers.

    Go get them and remember , God is on our side in this heroic battle.

    Can,t imagine any of these crazies volunteering for the FFL. That would involve taking on real enemy soldiers.No fun , or future in that.

    Disgusting deviants.

  3. pgtl10

    September 25, 2018, 3:20 pm

    So if a Palestinian-American joined a militant group would the US treat them with kid gloves? I doubt it.

    The American citizens should be tried for engaging war crimes and violations of international law.

    The most disgusting part of this article:

    “This year the Lone Soldier Center stated that nearly half of all Lone Soldiers end up leaving Israel after their service. Despite the plethora of reasons young Americans leave their lives behind to join the military, Yosef explained, many decide somewhere down the line of their service that going home sounds much more appealing than staying in Israel.”

    So after all their time making Palestinians lives miserable, they can just get up, leave, and forget they ever did anything wrong.

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In America’s news headlines, Palestinians die mysterious deaths


It is the peculiar fate of oppressed people everywhere that when they are killed, they are killed twice: first by bullet or bomb, and next by the language used to describe their deaths. A common condition of oppression, after all, is to be blamed for being the victim, and that blame gets meted out in language designed to rob the oppressed of their very struggle.

Such a situation has for decades been the tragic destiny of the Palestinians, who are themselves so routinely assigned the blame when they are killed by Israel – and not just by the Israeli government but by the American media and political establishment – that we have now basically come to expect it.

But we don’t have to accept it. By paying close attention to the language of the media, we can see how this double death of the oppressed occurs, and we can learn how to resist such an insidious way of framing the Palestinian struggle.

Consider the headlines. On Monday, the Israeli military killed more than 60 protesters in Gaza. The deadly violence was one-sided – no Israelis were killed – and disproportionate. In the midst of the carnage, the New York Times sent out a tweet about its story on the bloody events. “Dozens of Palestinians have died in protests as the US prepares to open its Jerusalem Embassy,” read the tweet.

Have died? Really? We should note how the virtually passive voice in this tweet hides the one performing the action, which is exactly what passive voice constructions can do. In this tweet, Israel is assigned no responsibility for killing protesters. On the contrary, Palestinians appear, simply and almost mysteriously, to “have died”.

The tweet was too egregious for many, including the director Judd Apatow. “Shame on you,” he tweeted. “This is like calling Trump’s lies ‘factual inaccuracies’. Please tell me an intern is running your Twitter feed.” Good for him.

To be fair to the New York Times, the headline in Tuesday’s physical paper (still a thing) was much clearer. “Israelis Kill Dozens in Gaza,” it read, though one is still left wondering who these “Israelis” are. Wouldn’t “Israel” be a more accurate noun? The military represents the state, after all, and not individual citizens.

But the Times is hardly alone in these obfuscating headlines. The Washington Post’s lead story on the massacre is headlined “Gaza buries its dead as death toll from protests at fence with Israel rises to at least 60.” Again, the headline leaves us wondering who killed the people of Gaza? Are we to assume that the protests – and not the Israeli military – killed these people?

The Wall Street Journal has a video on its website with the headline “Clashes Over New US Embassy in Jerusalem Leave Dozens Dead”. Frankly, this headline is even worse than the others. To label this massacre as “clashes” is not only disingenuous but also grossly misleading, as is the idea that the Palestinians were only protesting against the new US embassy in Jerusalem. Gaza’s Great Return March was organized in significant measure to draw attention to the plight of Palestinian refugees, who make up around 70% of the population of the Gaza Strip.

And then there’s the ever-present “leave dozens dead” in the headline, which again tells us nothing about who shot whom, suggesting instead that “clashes” rather than people kill while insinuating that Palestinians are, once again, basically responsible for their own slaughter.

It’s almost as if bullets just hang in the air, waiting for Palestinians to walk deliberately into them.

Headlines like these are the journalistic equivalent of US ambassador Nikki Haley telling the UN’s security council that “no country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has”. Such language works not only to buffer Israel from criticism but also and more fundamentally to shield Israel from accountability.

Over 70 years ago, George Orwell wrote that modern political language “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable”. It saddens me to see how nothing has changed. And nothing will change until we demand more from the purveyors of today’s political language. Palestinians deserve better. We all deserve better. And no one should have to die more than once.

Moustafa Bayoumi is the author of the award-winning books How Does It Feel To Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America.

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All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors.


Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report