For 5 Months Evil USA Sent Bombs to Kill Palestinians and Let Israel Block Food to Starve Them 

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by Jay Janson

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For five long months world hegemonic USA stood by it’s beloved Israel ‘fellow’ ‘democracy’ and with its veto prevented the UN Security Council from ordering Israel to stop annihilating its captive, entrapped and outdoor imprisoned Palestinian population of Gaza, all the while America continued to supply Israel tons of bombs, missiles and shells and was quiet about Israel blocking food and water fuel and electricity from entering Gaza with obvious intent to bring about starvation.

Even now, as many children have begun to die, America still does not force Israel to allow the hundreds of trucks filled with food to enter Gaza.  Instead USA makes a show of air dropping some food and sending some food by sea, at the same time continuing to provide the bombs and missiles so Israel can keep on killing more thousands of starving Palestinians entrapped in Gaza. (At the same time illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank kill and steal more Palestinian land with impunity, as from time to time the officials of colonialist nations of the West occasionally make innocuous statements of disapproval.

On March 19, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhri, says the United States is ‘complicit’ in the Gaza starvation, and as other UN officials have clearly stated, hostilities between an illegally military occupied nation and it’s illegal militarily occupiers cannot be called a war. Starving a militarily occupied population is a crime against humanity as stipulated in the UN adopted Nuremberg Principles of International Law first used to prosecute high officials of Nazi Germany,

Americans watching and listening to CNN ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and FOX selection of news are indoctrinated to accept Israel’s brutal, often murderous, generations long illegal military occupation of Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. The watchers, listeners and readers of CIA overseen U.S. dominated Western media [1] are made to believe that the Palestinians have no right to fight for their freedom, but…

China at the World Court said: 

“Palestinians have the right to ‘armed struggle’ against Israelis”

On the fourth day of public hearings at the International Court of Justice on Palestinian representatives’ accusation that Israel is creating a permanent and illegal occupation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, China argued that Palestinians have the right to engage in “armed struggle” against Israel.

Chinese Foreign Ministry legal adviser, argued that “in pursuit of the right to self-determination” the Palestinian people have the right to the “use of force to resist foreign oppression and to complete the establishment of the Palestinian state.”

Citing examples of “various people [who] freed themselves from colonial rule” through armed resistance, (for example. Americans from British rule.)

China argues that acts of violence against Israelis by Palestinians are not terrorism but rather legitimate armed struggle. [Times of Israel,March 18, 2024] [2]

Israel’s made-in-America bombing of the homes and city infrastructures of Gaza into ruble while creating starvation that is killing first of all, the more vulnerable surviving children, has enjoyed the full support of the American government, as well as many of the same U.S. corporations that had supported Adolph Hitler’s poor and disarmed Nazi Germany with the investments and joint venturing that built Hitler’s military up to world’s number one war machine in six short years.

US UK reps vote against ceasefire at UNO

DRIPPING BLOOD: UK and US representatives vote against ceasefire at UN. Shameless operatives. But the rest of the West, especially the EU, is equally guilty.

Israel critic Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela, who happens to be of Jewish descent, recently put this succinctly, which was of course ignored by media of the West.

“Modern Israel enjoys “the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support” of the collective West like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before the World War II. The Western elites kept quiet because they were preparing Hitler for him to launch his military power against the Soviet Union, ultimately, Hitler was a construct, a monster created by the collective West.

The criminal military apparatus of the State of Israel also has the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support of the West,”Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who urged Jewish people who are still true to their roots to end the ongoing “massacre” of the Palestinians.[Nexus Newsfeed February 20, 2024]

And for its part: ever since its founding, the State of Israel has been in bed with a US business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments had made possible. [see Further Reading below]

That wars investing business elite still controls, through its enormously wealthy and broad based CIA, the three branches of the U.S. government, Western media [1] and U.S. military and varying degrees of control or influence over NATO nations and governments of other nations across the world. In 2024, the US has 750 military bases in 80 countries.[4] May God save the Palestinians and the rest of us!

All this is to say that the American government’s complicity in crimes against humanity like genocidal bombing and forced starvation in Palestine is nothing new. The permanent war policy of the Deep State rulers of America can be expected to continue on during the immediate future just as it is ongoing now and has been prevalent in much of the history of the United States of America. American capitalist imperialism has taken the lives of many many millions following in the foot steps of its parent Great Britain, which after the second world war collaborated in U.S. regime change wars protecting their mutual economic interests – read plundering.

The five centuries old militarily colonising of the entire world by the European empires and their colonial offshoots like the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel is coming to its bloody end in places like horrifically unfortunate Palestine and Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, South-Sudan, Haiti and Ukraine, wherein the erstwhile Great Powers appear to be stymied as to what to do next – although at the same time making a ‘confident’ show of their wanting to precipitate a war with China over its province Taiwan.

As a person, who had the good fortune to have lived and worked in China for some very pleasant years, and some good amount of time in other Asian countries and cultures, yours truly feels pretty confident that a happier future awaits us all. I especially believe a better life will take shape for Americans, who presently offer up war. I believe  the older, deeper, and more intelligent culture prevalent in the Orient will make a counter-offer of a richly rewarding peace alternative to U.S. debilitating belligerent confrontation. 

When this might happen depends I believe on the eventual enervation of our present CIA-overseen U.S. and Western entertainment/news conglomerate corporations which will be less able to continue to delude, distract, lie, deceive, twist and distort, select what is news and black out news items, information and history that reveals conspiracy. I foresee a contest, and battle for the minds by a concerted and heavy investment in alternative media from the East.  

Post Script

In our age of instant worldwide communication capability, it’s hard to believe the U.S. supported grotesque, macabre, eye rebounding sickening horror ongoing in Gaza can go on without causing some sort of retribution.

End Notes

  1. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times.                                             

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Zionists SLAM Oscar Speech

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Sabby Sabs

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Palestine is in Africa, and Arabic Peoples are Africans

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Laith Marouf
Black Agenda Report

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13 Mar 2024

Palestinian people and  African/Black people share more than a common struggle. They share a history dating back thousands of years.

Much has been written about the historical comradely relations between Palestinian and African liberation movements, as well as the similarities between the colonial histories of the two.; I don’t intend to address these facts. What you will read below is the undisputed fact that Palestine is part of Africa. This may sound like a rhetorical statement, or one of international solidarity, but truly it is geographically factual that Palestine is in Africa.

Let us take a look at the African Continental Plate. It is clear that all of Palestine, Lebanon and the coast of Syria are part of Africa. Meaning Palestinians are Africans, so are Lebanese and Syrian people.

Arabic peoples are African

Much effort has been spent by the “White Man'' to defame the Arabic peoples and their ancestors, while simultaneously appropriating their heritage as his legacy. Notice I use the term Arabic peoples, denoting their belonging to a cultural-linguistic group and not a pseudo-science Race category of “Arab”. Although there are Arabian peoples, denoting their belonging to a geographic location, i.e. those who live in the Arabian Peninsula, like Yemenis, Omanis, etc.

Geography and topography are the greatest shapers of culture and the course of history. In that sense, Arabic people are a product of their lands and, more specifically, of their location at a crossroads between continents and the center of all geographically peripheral cultures, and of the fact that prior to the 1490s they and their lands were the primary conduits of culture, trade, travel, and transit between Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Bringing up this issue of “race” at this point is crucial to understand who are [the] Arabic peoples, and what is their relation to Africa and its peoples. Firstly, the regions of North and East Africa, and the Arabian peninsula, and their peoples have always been a transient space, with many old connections built through this human movement. The ease of movement of peoples within this space, meant that Yemenis could travel all the way to the Atlas mountains 3000 years ago, and settle with their archaic Arabic alphabet and become what we know as Amazegh today. How Canaanites from Syria could rule Pharaonic Egypt. Or how coastal Cannanites, i.e. Phenicians and Philistines, could ride their boats to Tunis and Algeria, and found the Empire of Carthage.

Similarly, the ease of movement of culture and language within this geographic space, meant that singular accents of proto-semitic could dominate the whole of this space, with or without a forced political unification. The accent of the economic center within North Africa and the Arabian peninsula, defined the lingua-franca of the day. When Mesopotamia was the dominant cultural and economic center, the Assyrian accent was spoken and written in Yemen and in Tunis, but when the center shifted to Damascus, the Arameic accent was heard in Morocco and Oman. In fact, Arabic as an accent was alive at the time of Assyrian and Arameic, but it was written in their alphabets. Essentially Arabic is just the accent of the desert dwellers, and more precisely Mecca. I say all of this to make one final point, Arabic speaking people did not colonize and force their accent in North Africa, they did not genocide and forcefully displace, they just were the latest wave of movement within a natural geographic space and common peoplehood that had thousands of years of codevelopment. Finally, only because of the success of Islam in liberating the peoples of North Africa and the Arabian plate from foreign occupation and domination did Arabic become the lingua-franca.

Free Palestine! Free Africa!

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Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. And that's a fact. 

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Pilger’s eloquent documentary on Israeli Crimes: Palestine is Still the Issue (2002)

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John Pilger

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Palestine is Still the Issue (2002) - John Pilger

The backstory to Palestine is Still the Issue: What the Zionist propaganda lobby tried to do to suffocate the documentary's unpleasant truths. As told by director John Pilger himself in an open letter publshed by the Guardian (UK) in 2002:


Why my film is under fire

The pro-Israel lobby intimidates journalists to ensure that most coverage remains biased in its favour

An unforeseen threat to freedom of speech in British broadcasting emerged last week. It was triggered by the showing of my documentary, Palestine is Still the Issue, on ITV. The film told a basic truth that is routinely relegated, even suppressed - that a historic injustice has been done to the Palestinian people, and until Israel's illegal and brutal occupation ends, there will be no peace for anyone, Israelis included.

Life in Gaza is very different—dangerous and precarious by design—than what Israelis experience behind their exclusionary walls.

Our historical adviser, Professor Ilan Pappé, the distinguished Israeli historian. He wrote to Carlton Television that "the film is faultless in its historical description and poignant in its message". None of this deterred the chairman of Carlton, Michael Green, a supporter of Israel's policies, from abusing the programme makers in the Jewish Chronicle, calling the film "inaccurate", "historically incorrect" and "a tragedy for Israel".

Not one of his accusations was, or can be, substantiated. Professor Pappé called the attack "an attempt to delegitimise any criticism of Israel". This was followed by an unprecedented rebuke of its chairman by Carlton's Factual Department, which stood by the film's accuracy.

Carlton's Michael Green

Israel apologist Green (TGP screenshot)

What is disquieting is that Green had actually seen the film before it went to air, and had not alerted the programme makers to his concerns, waiting until the Jewish Board of Deputies, the Conservative Friends of Israel and the Israeli embassy expressed their "outrage" at a film transmitted after most people were in bed.

A "pro-Israel" film is now being demanded by them and Green. What does this mean? My film was pro-Palestinian in as much as it was pro-justice. Most of those interviewed were patriotic Israelis, including the war veteran father of a teenage girl killed in a suicide bombing. He and others put the lie to the standard Zionist cry that any criticism of Israel is anti-semitic, a claim that insults all those Jewish people who reject the likes of Ariel Sharon acting in their name.

At the heart of this is a failure to acknowledge the overwhelming imbalance in the British media in favour of the Israeli point of view. ITV deserves great credit for funding and broadcasting my film, which sought to redress a little of this. The BBC would have never dared to incur the wrath of one of the most influential lobbies in this country, as Tim Llewellyn, the BBC's Middle East correspondent for many years, says in a letter in today's Guardian. He accuses the BBC of "continuing to duck" its public service duty to explain "the true nature of the disaster [of the occupation] and Israel's overwhelming responsibility for it".

This general bias is verified by a remarkable study of the television coverage of the Middle East, conducted last May by the Glasgow University Media Group. The conclusions ought to shame broadcasters. The research shows that the public's lack of understanding of the conflicts and its origins is actually compounded by the "coverage". Viewers are rarely told that the Palestinians are victims of an illegal military occupation. The term "occupied territories" is rarely explained. Only 9% of young people interviewed know that the Israelis are both the occupiers and the illegal "settlers".

The selective use of language is striking, says the study. Words such as "murder", "atrocity" and "terrorism" are used almost exclusively in relation to Israeli deaths. The extent to which broadcasters assume the Israeli perspective, says Professor Greg Philo, "can be seen if the statements are reversed ... We did not find any [news] reports stating that 'The Palestinian attacks were in retaliation for the murder of those resisting the illegal Israeli occupation.'"

For years, journalists have complained about Zionist hate mail and the pressure of the "regular call from the Israeli embassy" to current affairs editors. This can take a subtle form: pressure is applied to correspondents in Jerusalem, who then shape their reports accordingly in the interests of what they tell themselves is "balance", but is, in effect, censorship by omission. The system gets the Israelis off their backs and "makes life bearable".

If Michael Green and his vociferous friends succeed in intimidating ITV and the Independent Television Commission, the freedom of broadcasters to be more than mere channellers of "official truth" and to offer viewers suppressed facts and a true diversity of perspective, will be destroyed. No matter how big and powerful the corporate media, journalists and broadcasters have a duty to resist on behalf of the public we are meant to serve.


John Richard Pilger [October 9, 1939-December 30, 2023] was an Australian journalist, writer, scholar and documentary filmmaker. From 1962, he was based mainly in Britain. He was also a visiting professor at Cornell University in New York..

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UNBELIEVABLE : Jackson Hinkle DESTROYS Zionist British Hosts!

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Jimmy Dore Show
Jackson Hinkle

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