KARL SANCHEZ—As for China wanting to have the largest economy, with 1.4 Billion people, it ought to have the largest economy and already does if honest measures were taken. And if there’s to be a “World Leader,” that person ought to be the United Nations Secretary General, not some national politician. The Era of Great Powers is over and with it the Age of Plunder. Those who are incapable of evolving will be left behind as the world moves to the cooperative basis Nature will dictate that humans will need to adapt to.
PEPE ESCOBAR—This naval force is obviously not there to launch WWIII. Martyanov explains that “while both can strike all of the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. and Canada, they are there not for that reason. God forbid if it comes to real WWIII there are plenty of Bulavas, Avangards, Sarmats and Yarses to deal with this horrifying business. No, both Gorshkov and Kazan are there to show that they can reach any combat ship or strategic sea lift vessel carrying any military combat set from North America to Europe in case of some nutjob deciding to try to survive a conventional war with Russia in 404.”
ERIC ZUESSE—So: a person’s circumstances tend to determine which club that person belongs to. The Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee both are clubs, and they both pretend to represent their voters, but actually they do not and never have. They represent the mega-donors who fund it. The billionaires who fund the Republican Party put up candidates who pretend to represent the self-interest of their voters, whereas the billionaires who fund the Democratic Party put up candidates who pretend to represent the nation’s interest.
Nick Cruse schools Cornel West & Briahna Joy Gray over Navalny and other CIA talking points
by Nick Cruse25 Mins readNICK CRUSE—A masterful deconstruction of Cornel West’s numerous deviations from the radical, anti-imperialist path to please the capitalist establishment. We really got under Cornel West’s skin Tonight I’m going to take his doctorate away after destroying all his horrific arguments that even made the entirety of Bad Faith commentators to turn on him.
JIMMY DORE SHOW—Dr. Pierre Kory was among the earliest members of the U.S. medical community to raise his voice in opposition to the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Now that he’s become something of a pariah for speaking the truth, he’s consolidated his experience and wealth of information into a new book, The War on Ivermectin. Jimmy talks to Dr. Kory about the calculated propaganda campaign waged by the medical and pharmaceutical establishment against the “wonder drug” Ivermectin.