The summer of living dangerously

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Pepe Escobar

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So Le Petit Roi in Paris was predictably crushed in the European polls. He has called parliamentary snap elections, dissolving the Assemblée Nationale in an act of blind, puerile revenge on French citizens, de facto attacking French institutional democracy.

That doesn’t mean much anyway, because the lineaments of “liberty, equality, fraternity” have long been usurped by a crass oligarchy.

The second round of these fresh French elections will be on July 7 – nearly coinciding with the British snap elections on July 11, and only a few days before the slow-burning urban catastrophe which will be the Olympics in Paris.

Paris salons are ablaze with intrigue on why the little Rothschild stooge with a Napoleon complex is throwing all his toys out of the pram now because he’s not getting what he wants.

After all what he really craves is to become a “War President” – together with the Cadaver in the White House, Starmer in the UK, Rutte in the Netherlands, the Toxic Medusa von der Lugen in Brussels, Tusk in Poland, without having to answer to the French people.

Bigger things though are in play. Following the – auspicious – game-changing messages to the Global Majority coming out of the St. Petersburg forum last week, anchored on openness and inclusiveness, the BRICS 10 meeting of Foreign Ministers in Nizhny Novgorod carried the baton early this week.

Foreign Minister Lavrov stressed three key points:

  1. “The countries of the Global South no longer want to be dependent on the double standards of the West and its whims.”
  2. “Everyone knows that the BRICS countries already serve as the locomotive of the world economy.”
  3. “We [at the BRICS FMs meeting] stressed the need for consistent efforts to create a new world order, where the equality of independent states will be the key.”

Now compare it with the shrinking G7 meeting later this week in Puglia in southern Italy: the same old song, from a “tough new warning” to Chinese banks (“Don’t do business with Russia or else!”) to vociferous threats against the China-Russia strategic partnership.

As for U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell – the man who invented the defunct “pivot to Asia” during Harpy Hillary Clinton’s tenure in the early 2010s – he had already advanced that Washington will sanction Chinese companies and banks over Beijing’s relations with Russia’s military-industrial complex.

False flags and perfect symmetry

By several metrics, Europe is about to implode/explode not with a bang but an agonizing whimper anytime within the next few months. It’s crucial to remember that the snap elections in France and Britain will also coincide with the NATO summit on July 11 – where Russophobia-fueled warmongering will reach paroxysm.

The fact remains that the only way these “leaders” across NATOstan plus their lowly MI6 agent in a green sweaty T-shirt in Kiev will survive is by manufacturing a casus belli.

October will be too late: too close to the U.S. elections.

So be prepared for the Summer of Living Dangerously.

Meanwhile, The Bear is not exactly hibernating. President Putin, before and during the St. Petersburg forum, elaborated on how “symmetric” Moscow’s response will be to attacks by Kiev using NATOstan missiles – already ongoing.

There are three NATOstan members which are supplying missiles with a range of 350 km and more: U.S., UK and France.

So a “symmetric” response would imply Russia providing Global South nations with advanced weaponry – capable of causing serious damage to nodes of the Empire of Bases.

And here are the top candidates to receive these weapons – as extensively debated not only on Russian TV channels but also in the St. Petersburg forum corridors.

Central, Northeast, Southeast Asia: Afghanistan, Myanmar (these two were present in St. Petersburg) and North Korea.

Latin America: Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua (just look at the current Russian foray in the Caribbean).

Africa: Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Southern Sudan and Zimbabwe (just look at Lavrov’s recent African tour).

Mr. Zircon says hello

And that brings us the jolly matter of a Russian naval force hangin’ out in the Caribbean, headed by the hypersonic missile-armed frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the Kazan nuclear submarine.

The indispensable Andrei Martyanov has noted how the Gorshkov “carries 32 Onyx, Zircon, Kalibrs and Otvet. These are the most advanced and deadly cruise missiles in history, with a serious combat pedigree. Kazan, which is Yasen-class SSGN carries also 32 VLS and, in addition, has 10 torpedo tubes which can shoot not just torpedoes.”

Well, this naval force is obviously not there to launch WWIII. Martyanov explains that “while both can strike all of the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. and Canada, they are there not for that reason. God forbid if it comes to real WWIII there are plenty of Bulavas, Avangards, Sarmats and Yarses to deal with this horrifying business. No, both Gorshkov and Kazan are there to show that they can reach any combat ship or strategic sea lift vessel carrying any military combat set from North America to Europe in case of some nutjob deciding to try to survive a conventional war with Russia in 404.”

What’s even more intriguing is that after spending time in Havana, the naval force will remain in the Caribbean for a series of exercises – and will be joined by other Russian Navy vessels. They will remain in these waters until the end of The Summer of Living Dangerously. Just in case some nutjob has fancy ideas.

Meanwhile, the possible escalation towards Hot War in Europe proceeds unabated, with NATO via its epileptic slab of Norwegian wood radically changing the established rules of proxy wars with one nonsense outburst after another.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are already capable, via NATO, to destroy both military and civilian Russian assets – oil storage, airports, energy facilities, railway junctions, even concentration of troops.

Everyone and his neighbor will be waiting for the “symmetric” responses.

For all practical purposes the crucial decision has been made by the rarified plutocracy which really runs the show: force Europe into war on Russia. That’s the rationale behind all the rhetorical kabuki about a “military Schengen” and a New Iron Curtain from the Arctic through the Baltic chihuahuas all the way to rabid Poland.

The plutocracy actually believes that afterwards they can buy the whole thing for a pittance while flies are still laying eggs in radioactive European carcasses.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

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Truth-Seekers versus Lie-Seekers

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Eric Zuesse

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Biden Pentagon CC

The "democratic" content of the plutocratic American republic—practically zero— does not change regardless of the party in charge.

Whereas truth-seekers apply the epistemology that’s known as science in order to understand how the world really works, lie-seekers apply the epistemology that’s known as faith in order to ‘find’ that it works in the way that the particular lie-seeker already believes that it works.

To understand is not merely to find but to learn the larger system in which any given finding functions: it’s to know about more than just a gear, but instead about the machine of which it’s a part, and (at the highest level of science) why that machine was designed the way it is. No one can know why it works who doesn’t know how it works.

On 17 March 2014, I headlined “Why Do Conservatives Soak Up Lies?” and wrote:

The evidence that conservatives crave lies is abundant.
Conservatives also loved Sarah Palin’s and Chuck Grassley’s lies about “Obama’s death panels” — loved these lies so much, that “politically knowledgeable Palin supporters” actually increased their belief in the death panels, after being provided proof that it was a lie.

However, liberals are just as much dedicated to their club’s lies. For example, take the war in Ukraine, which was created by Barack Obama, whom America’s liberals think to be a decent man, if not even one of America’s finest recent Presidents:

Ukraine was neutral between Russia and America until Obama’s brilliantly executed Ukrainian coup, which his Administration started planning by no later than June 2011, culminated successfully in February 2014 and promptly appointed a rabid anti-Russian to impose in regions that rejected the new anti-Russian U.S.-controlled government an “Anti-Terrorist Operation” to kill protesters, and, ultimately, to terrorize the residents in those regions in order to kill as many of them as possible and to force the others to flee into Russia so that when elections would be held, pro-Russian voters would no longer be in the electorate.

place a missile there a mere 317 miles or five minutes of missile-flying-time away from The Kremlin and thus too brief for Russia to respond before its central command would already be beheaded by America’s nuclear strike.

However, even after at least $360 billion in support of Ukraine’s war against Russia after Russia’s invasion, from the U.S. and its colonies and their IMF, Ukraine’s prospects of winning against Russia have been declining not increasing throughout the course of the war and are now close to nil.

found that the higher a person’s education is, the more conservative that person becomes — the more opposed to wealth-redistribution he or she is. The data suggest that because the more-educated people tend to be wealthier, and because most people are psychopaths (their main actual motivation is their own self-interest, not bringing about a better world — not producing a more just world), richer people tend to be Republicans, whereas poorer persons tend to be Democrats.

So: a person’s circumstances tend to determine which club that person belongs to. The Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee both are clubs, and they both pretend to represent their voters, but actually they do not and never have. They represent the mega-donors who fund it. The billionaires who fund the Republican Party put up candidates who pretend to represent the self-interest of their voters, whereas the billionaires who fund the Democratic Party put up candidates who pretend to represent the nation’s interest.

By contrast, a scientist has no club to belong to, because loyalty to any club is alien to science, which is instead ONLY loyalty to truth itself. People whose only loyalty is to truth itself, tend to become whistleblowers, and the people in power haven’t designed their system to reward, but instead to punish, them. This is a scientific, empirically based, finding, but lie-lovers refuse to know it. And that makes it easy for the super-rich to control the public.

Lili News 029
  • In cynicism and power, the US propaganda machine easily surpasses Orwells Ministry of Truth.
  • Now the fight against anti-semitism is being weaponised as a new sanctimonious McCarthyism.
  • Unless opposed, neither justice nor our Constitutional right to Free Speech will survive this assault.

Things to keep in mind...

Neo-Nazi ideology has become one of the main protagonists of political and social life in Ukraine since the 2014 coup d'état. Meanwhile, fascist ideology and blatant lies also permeate the consciousness of most people in the West. Those in the comfortable top 10%, the "PMCs" (Professional Managerial Class), are especially vulnerable. They support and disseminate such ideas. They are the executors of the actual ruling class' orders, those in the 0.001%, who remain largely invisible. The PMCs are the political class, the media whores, the top military brass, some people in academia, and the "national security/foreign policy" industry honchos. Push back against these unethical, contaminated people with the truth while you can.

AND...where the US Government is at: LYING 24/7

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Nick Cruse schools Cornel West & Briahna Joy Gray over Navalny and other CIA talking points

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Nick Cruse • Rome 

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Few people match Nick Cruse for his political acumen, or ability to explain radical politics to just about anyone.



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Leading Doctor Exposes TRUTH About Anti-Ivermectin Propaganda Campaign

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the establishment media is an enabler of endless wars and illegitimate oligarchic power

Jimmy Dore • Dr Pierre Kory

Jimmy talks to Dr. Kory about the calculated propaganda campaign waged by the medical and pharmaceutical establishment against the “wonder drug” Ivermectin.

As usual, it's all about grotesque Big Pharma profits, even if it means the wholesale corruption of the political system, the government's watchdog agencies, and the media, while the public is not only misled by outrageous lies but endangered by corrupt regulations and massive medical malpractice.

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You Hate Russia Because They Programmed You To: My Six Months in Moscow

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ecological murder •
Fiorella Isabel

The Convo Couch host confirms that almost everything that Americans have been taught to think about Russia is categorically wrong, a disgusting lie to maintain a chronic state of tension and hostility toward Russia, her culture, and her role in global affairs. This Big Lie, which now includes the notion that Nazism and communism are the same; and that the Soviet Union did not play a major role in defeating Nazi Germany, is chiefly propagated by the Anglo-American ruling elites, seconded by their European vassals. The Western Big Lie has now put the world on the brink of a nuclear war.

Fiorella Isabel is cohost and co-founder of The Convo Couch, an independent left, anti-imperialist video channel dedicated to geopolitical analyses.

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