Pause A Moment And Think About How Many People AREN’T Whistleblowing


Not even the LGBQT community is lifting a finger to help her

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]histleblower Chelsea Manning is now being slammed with $500 fines for every single day that she remains imprisoned in contempt of court for refusing to testify in secret grand jury against Julian Assange. Next month it will increase to $1,000 a day.

my recent tweet about Manning’s persecution for a perfect example of this. People have been taught what happens to those who blow the whistle on the powerful, and they have been taught to become quite comfortable with it.

And, of course, that is the whole idea.

Who is going to blow the whistle on US government malfeasance after watching what’s being done to Chelsea Manning? Seriously, who? Would you? Would anyone you know?

I think most people, the overwhelming majority of people, would opt out of the chance to give the empire a truth smack in exchange for years in prison, financial ruin, and seeing their name slandered and smeared around the world. Most people have too much to lose and too little to gain to take that risk already, and the war on whistleblowers and investigative journalists is only escalating.

And that’s just the general population. What percentage of people who’d be willing to suffer the draconian consequences of telling the truth about the powerful are actually in a position to do so? Most of the people who are in a position to expose significant government malfeasance are individuals who’ve already been selected and appointed to their positions because they’ve exhibited certain qualities that indicate loyalty and obedience. The bigger the secrets you have access to, the higher up the chain of command you must therefore be, and the more loyalty and obedience hoops you’ll therefore have had to have jumped through.

What percentage of this population, the population who has gained access to sensitive information by demonstrating loyalty and obedience, would be willing to face the harsh punishments which are inflicted on anyone who exposes the evil deeds of the powerful? Almost none. And the higher up the chain of command you go, i.e. the more significant information someone might have access to, the lower the probability of their blowing the whistle on any depravity they discover.

It’s a really slick double bind they’ve got us all in, if you think about it. Try to expose government malfeasance from the inside and you’re a traitor; you’re guilty of transgressing the rules of the position you’ve been entrusted with. You go to jail. Try to expose government malfeasance from the outside and that’s hacking, that’s espionage. You go to jail.

Either way, you go to jail. Directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

When is it possible to expose government malfeasance without going to jail? Why, when the government says so, of course.

And this has all been a long-winded preamble for me to get to what I really want to say here, which is this: think about how many government insiders aren’t whistleblowing.

Seriously, just pause and really think about that for a minute. Let it sink all the way in. We know about just a teeny, tiny fraction of the evils that our governments have been up to behind the scenes, because the people who are in a position to expose those evils and who are willing to do so are exceedingly rare. And, because of the public flagellations of whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning, we may be certain that they are becoming much rarer. We appear to be moving rapidly toward a world with no Chelsea Mannings at all.

The celebrated author, journalist and historian William Blum once said that “No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” I have no idea how much the late Mr Blum knew or whether he was exaggerating to make a point, but if you look at what I’m pointing to here it becomes self-evident that at the very least what we know about government malfeasance is dwarfed by what we don’t know about government malfeasance. There are so very, very many disincentives for people to blow the whistle on the powerful, and so very, very many incentives for them not to, that it is a certain bet that there is exponentially more wickedness going on behind the veil of government secrecy than we realize.

If you looked through a tiny crack in the door and saw a thousand people just in that narrow sliver of your field of vision, it would be very silly of you to assume that there are merely one thousand people standing outside. If you can see that many people based just on a very small slice of the information you’d have access to if you were, say, standing on the roof, it would be safe to assume that there are a great many thousands more that you can’t see from your current perspective. How many thousands? You can’t see that either.

Pause and reflect on how much you know about the evils that your government has been guilty of. Maybe you’re just learning about this stuff, maybe you think you’re a hot shit conspiracy know-it-all, it doesn’t matter, because get this: however much you know, that’s just what you can see through the tiny crack in the door. Through the very small number of gaps in government secrecy where truth was able to shine through. No matter how much you think you know about the depravity of your government, it is necessarily dwarfed by what you don’t know.

This is why the US-centralized empire fights so hard to maintain government secrecy and shut down anything that is a threat to that secrecy. It’s because if we could see what’s really going on back there behind that veil of government opacity, it would blow our minds. And then they would never again be able to get us back under control.

Does grasping this self-evident truth mean harboring an intense suspicion of everything your government says and does? Most certainly. But the alternative is to live in a fantasy world. And an uncomfortable truth is always superior to a comfortable fantasy.


Meet Chelsea Manning


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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

About the Author

Caitlin Johnstone
is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician.

 Creative Commons License  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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Nuclear Armageddon or peace? That is the question.

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How did we come to be in this horrid pickle? Join the discussion! Read Ron Ridenour's provocative bestseller The Russian Peace Threat, the most scathing and irrefutable exposé of US foreign policy and its malignant obsession with the elimination of Russia as a countervailing force in world affairs. Buy it today direct from us. You don't have to patronize Amazon. Just click on the bar below.
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Identity Groups = Market Shares = Class Division 

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Charles and David Koch, whose fortune is rooted in oil, lead the pack of plutocratic tyrants leading the US and the world to a miserable end.   [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he divide and conquer tactics practiced by minority ruling powers are simply age-old class divisions forced on their majority subjects, but they have become more dangerous as imperial capitalism has entered a most critical period threatening more destruction than ever before. At a time when real global democracy is both more possible and necessary than ever, humanity is split into more sub-divisions than ever, with economic stratification disguised by group identity labels, most totally and a-scientifically as separate races. That is the way authority wants it and why it must be overcome before capitalism's self-destructive roots become total reality and unity is finally achieved only to experience devastation with the belated realization that it is happening to all of us and not just some of us.

The extreme emergency for the human race that has been given the brand name “climate change” and is a result of the compulsive over consumption exercised by perverse market forces under the control of minority private profiteering has been turned over to that same malevolent force for an alleged solution to the problem. This is like solving the problem of humans reduced to renting their bodies for sex by putting pimps in charge of the process. And further assuring that there will be no solution that doesn’t procure more private profits, the professional sex workers seeking liberation will be put into separate groups according to skin tones, religions, sexual sub-categories and any other measures of division to assure that they will not operate as a group confronting the same problems, no matter their alleged differences in how, where and under what circumstances the problems occur.

The threat to humanity’s future by what is called climate change, originating in the nineteenth century at early stages of industrial capitalism and sited as long term danger to humanity by many at the time, has become far more obvious as the fossil fuel-carbon based economic engine of profit has spread further and farther than its European origins to represent a major threat to the future of the human race. This has made minority ruling power created divisions of the majority more important than ever, because in the past it only had to deal with rebellions in one nation at a time even if global philosophy was at their root, but now that capitalism has become a truly and obviously global system the opposition is also worldwide. But most important in the divisions created among us is the diabolically fictional and totally anti-scientific allegations of racial difference that exist to obscure our primary differences which are among economic classes.

The only biological difference in the human race is between male and female and no matter the alleged identity group diversity, humans have had and continue to have no problem at all at mating, pro-creating, or just having recreational sex with one another across all alleged and artificial divides of nations, religions or ethnicity. Tall, short, rotund and thin humans are not separate races except to the tragically misinformed or propaganda barraged believers and the same is true for skin tones and language /cultural differences. All of us have to eat, need clothing and shelter, and are having growing difficulty acquiring these life supports. And as the rich get richer and richer and the world’s population grows poorer as a result, the rumblings of discontent are growing. They need to become an all consuming desire and collective action to transform the environment, both locally but planetary as well, to one that reverses social value systems to first support the public good, and then – and only then - any notion of private profit.

Class society must take precedence over all other subdivisions or things will continue to get better for a relative handful of humans, no matter how allegedly diverse they supposedly are, while it disintegrates physically, socially, spiritually and psychologically, for a growing majority. That majority is vastly more diverse both in numbers and ratios to those enjoying the fruits of private profit growth and over consumption that finds hundred of thousands living in luxury, even if mostly unpaid for and piling up in debt, while hundreds of millions are involved in struggles for survival. These grow more difficult as nature is destroyed for the benefit of a small group doing quite well with war, poverty, injustice, and all the ramifications of imperial power exercised to benefit a small segment of our people, at the expense of the entire planet and the overwhelming majority of our population.

While a tiny minority of a few thousand billionaires exercise power and control over more than seven billion people and the entire global system, the multitudes are propagandized into thinking that generosity and philanthropy on their part will ultimately enrich us all and create a better world. Religious belief may be an opiate for the people, as Marx called it, in order to make an often painful reality tolerable, but human revolution in the material world is the only thing that will bring about a reality that enriches life for all of us and not just some of us, a shrinking group getting wealthier by the second as humanity grows poorer and more endangered in the same time frame.

Relying on rich people to endow colleges and museums, build hospitals, create housing and more, while assuring them massive tax deductions for their generosity, has gone beyond the tolerable and like all else that passes for reality, amounts to accepting individual acts of decency that create social acts of degeneracy in perpetuating rather than ending the system that makes such acts necessary. Even when a billionaire “of color”, to use presently acceptable racist language, pays the student loans of a graduating class at a men’s university of “people of color”, the injustice of economic class is revealed though hardly noticed. The privileged minority that can attend college, in the case of this gift to a privileged sector of the population deemed under-privileged in popular conception, does not benefit the largest group of the community but a minority already beyond the norm for even being able to get the loans to attend. A majority of Americans do not get near a college or university, no matter their skin tones, unless they are making deliveries or cleaning toilets or constructing a new gym or frat house. Did the billionaire practice his generosity by, say, offering to pay the rent of all the “people of color” tenants at a housing project, for a full year? Thereby freeing them far more than the exultant students who would and will certainly be relieved of a sometime staggering financial burden, but as nothing by comparison to the burdens of living in reality working class or near poverty with a future offering more possibility of entering an institution of penal punishment than an institution of higher education? Again and as always, real economic class trumps false alleged race, as it does and will continue to do until we leave our submissive and competing groups and become what we truly are; a race of humans who will not have much of a future, if any, if we do not rise up and create a democracy that works for all of us, and only then allows us to perform at our highest levels within a society of peacefully cooperating individuals, rather than continuing to our possible doom as violently competing near animals.


About the Author
Frank Scott is founding editor of He lives in Richmond, California. 


Do You Really Want a War with Russia? (Reposted/ Video & Text)

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

A Walk Down Memory Lane:

Remember the Maine? No, I mean do you remember “Remember the Maine”?

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he US, having genocided the Native Americans and stolen half of Mexico asserted that Mexico had attacked US troops along the US Mexico Border when in fact it was a fake provocation. Even Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain and Henry David Thoreau called that casus belli bullshit back in the day.

So in 1898, the Empire was on the prowl again. It coveted Cuba and the Philippines, which were owned by the Spanish Empire. The Empire needed another war. So William Randolph Hearst sent a photographer to Havana…..”You supply the photographs and I’ll supply to war”. He said that in response the photographer who reported there was no there there. Nothing to report.

Then what happened? Remember…”Remember the Maine”? A US ship blows up in Havana harbor. The US blames it on Spain, with false evidence of course. Works like a charm to mobilize the American dupes/public.

USS Maine

It’s been working like that since 1848, in Mexico, in 1898 in Cuba, and on to events like the sinking of the Lusitania, The Gulf of Tonkin, Saddam’s WMD….the 19 hijackers — six of whom showed up alive after 911….

So let’s take a look a slight alternative scenario. Let’s say that Spain, like Russia, was much weaker than the USA.

However, Spain had nuclear weapons…enough to blow the USA off the planet. After the US had initiated first strike which it is actively planning with our tax dollars…..

Things might have turned out differently back in 1898 if Spain had enough firepower to fight back against US propaganda.

Well, what we’re fed day in and day out is just more ‘Remember the Maine’, ‘The North Vietnamese attacked our ship’. ‘Saddam’s WMD’s will create a mushroom cloud over Washington, DC’ and on and on.

The difference is that Russia, which has been accused of a lot, but with as much smoking gun evidence as all the previous crap…..Remember good ole Joe McCarthy? “I have in my hand a list of 200 Soviet spies in Washington”(or words to that effect…..

The difference is that Russia, having been invaded 3 times in the last century either directly by the US as occurred in 1918, or by US corporate backed Nazis (using IBM info technology, General Motors and Ford automotive engines or parts, and Standard Oil oil) resulting in the death of 27 million Russians. And more recently by the US flagrantly stealing the 1994 election for Yeltsin, who had a 5% approval rating, (proudly flaunted on the cover of Time Magazine) is in no mood for more f*cking around with Russia.

Published on Nov 12, 2018

It has nukes, and it will use them —if attacked.

But the same people who brought you the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, WWI and WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race in the 1980’s, the Gulf Wars, and all the other wars, are at it again targeting both Russia and China, both of whom could destroy the US — -if the crazies running this country are allowed to pursue their insane goal of world hegemony.

Get it?
—Eric Arnow

A comment that sums up our position:

"The American people need to grow a pair..."

RiffRaffRiffRaff 6 months ago (edited)

So they are saying they would use Nuclear weapons first if they feel like it. Is that not a terrifying threat to the whole world? Most people just want to live their life and look after their children but the Gov just take our money and then threaten us all with the weapons they build.?They should now be charged with Treason as they are threatening the destruction of the world and it's people, which includes the people of America, and that is Treason. The American people need to grow a pair and stand up to the threat of annihilation they have received from their government.

The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff we publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for our website, which will get you an email notification for everything we publish.

Go to the profile of Eric ArnowA Boston native, leftwing commentator Eric Arnow now lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

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THIS WORK IS LICENSED UNDER A Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


Be sure to get the most unique history of the Russo-American conflict now spanning almost a century!  The book that every American should read.

Nuclear Armageddon or peace? That is the question.
And here’s the book that answers it.
CLICK HERE to buy The Russian Peace Threat.

Bezos Reveals His Ugly Vision For The World He’s Trying To Rule

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

Earth is our home. And our mother. We won't abandon it.
It's not just a piece of real estate you pollute and leave behind.

“Guess what the best planet is in this solar system?” asked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at a recent media event on his Blue Origin space program.

“It’s easy to know the answer to that question,” he continued. “We’ve sent robotic probes like this one to all of the planets in our solar system. Now, some of them have been fly-bys, but we’ve examined them all. Earth is the best planet. It is not close. This one is really good.”

Bezos then went on to discuss his plan to ship humans off of the best planet in the solar system and send them to live in floating cylinders in space.

Bezos claimed that the growing human population and growing energy consumption will force us to make a choice between “stasis and rationing” and “dynamism and growth”, and claimed that the latter item in his dichotomy is possible only by moving humans off the planet.

If we’re out in the solar system, we can have a trillion humans in the solar system, which means we’d have a thousand Mozarts and a thousand Einsteins,” Bezos said. “This would be an incredible civilization. What would this future look like? Where would a trillion humans live? Well it’s very interesting, someone named Gerry O’Neill, a physics professor, looked at this question very carefully and he asked a very precise question that nobody had ever asked before, and it was, ‘Is a planetary surface the best place for humans to expand into the solar system?’ And he and his students set to work on answering that question, and they came to a very surprising–for them–counterintuitive answer: No.”

Bezos went on to describe how the limited surface areas, distance, and gravitational forces of the other planets in our solar system make settling on those planets impractical and cost-prohibitive, while constructing giant space cylinders closer to Earth which can hold a million people is far more practical. These cylinders would spin to replicate Earth’s gravitational pull with centrifugal force.

Here are some illustrations Bezos used in his presentation to show us what these “O’Neill colonies” might look like:

These are really pleasant places to live,” Bezos said. “Some of these O’Neill colonies might choose to replicate Earth cities. They might pick historical cities and mimic them in some way. There’d be whole new types of architecture. These are ideal climates. These are short-sleeve environments. This is Maui on its best day, no rain, no storms, no earthquakes.”

No rain? No weather? Just big, spinning cylinders floating monotonously in space? A trillion divided by a million is one million, which means that the best idea the richest man in the world can come up with for the future of our species is to fill our solar system with a million of these floating homogenized space malls.

If we build this vision, these O’Neill colonies, where does it take us? What does it mean for Earth?” Bezos asked. “Earth ends up zoned, residential, and light industry. It’ll be a beautiful place to live, it’ll be a beautiful place to visit, it’ll be a beautiful place to go to college, and to do some light industry. But heavy industry, polluting industry, all the things that are damaging our planet, those will be done off Earth. We get to have both. We get to keep this unique gem of a planet, which is completely irreplaceable–there is no Plan B. We have to save this planet. And we shouldn’t give up a future of our grandchildren’s grandchildren of dynamism and growth. We can have both.”

Now, if you look at the behavior of Jeff Bezos, who exploits his employees and destroys his competitors, and who some experts say is trying to take over the underlying infrastructure of our entire economy, you can feel reasonably confident that this man has no intention of leaving “this unique gem of a planet”, nor of having the heirs to his empire leave either. When you see this Pentagon advisory board memberand CIA contractor planning to ship humans off the Earth’s surface so the planet can thrive, you may be certain that he’s talking about other humans. The unworthy ones. The ones who weren’t sociopathic enough to climb the capitalist ladder by stepping on the backs of everyone else.

And make no mistake, when Bezos talks about saving the planet for “our grandchildren’s grandchildren”, he’s not just talking about his heirs, he’s talking about himself. Bezos has invested large amounts of wealth in biotech aimed at reversing the aging process and cracking the secret of immortality.

This is the sort of guiding wisdom that is controlling the fate of our species, everyone. The world’s most ambitious plutocrat envisions a world in which, rather than evolving beyond our destructive tendencies and learning to live in collaboration with each other and our environment, we are simply shipped off into space so that he can stretch out and enjoy our beautiful planet. That’s his best idea.

Our plutocratic overlords aren’t just sociopaths. They’re morons.

Bezos’ incredibly shallow vision for humanity reminds me of something Julian Assange said at a 2017 London festival via video link about the way Silicon Valley plutocrats are trying to become immortal by finding a way to upload their brains onto computers.

“I know from our sources deep inside those Silicon Valley institutions, they genuinely believe that they are going to produce artificial intelligences that are so powerful, relatively soon, that people will have their brains digitized, uploaded on these artificial intelligences, and live forever in a simulation, therefore will have eternal life,” Assange said. “It’s a religion for atheists. They’ll have eternal life, and given that you’re in a simulation, why not program the simulation to have endless drug and sex orgy parties all around you. It’s like the 72 virgins, but it’s like the Silicon Valley equivalent.”


I mean, damn. First of all, how stupid do you have to be to overlook the fact that science has virtually no understanding of consciousness and doesn’t even really know what it is? Even if these idiots find a way to upload their neurological patternings onto some AI’s virtual simulation, it’s not like they’d be there to experience it. It would just be a bunch of data running in a computer somewhere, mimicking the personality of a dead person and experienced by no one. People who believe that all there is to them is their dopey mental patterns have not spent any time whatsoever exploring what they are, and have no idea what it is to be human. The fact that anyone would think they could become immortal by digitizing their churning, repetitive personality patterns is crazy, and the fact that they’d want to is even crazier.

People who think this way should shut up and learn about life, not rule the world in a plutocratic system where money translates directly to political influence. People who think that humans can be happily unplugged from the ecosystemic context in which they evolved, the ecosystemic context of which they are an inseparable part, and people who think they can become immortal by uploading their wanky personalities onto a computer should shut the fuck up, spend some time alone with themselves, maybe try some psilocybin mushrooms, and learn a bit about what it means to be human. They certainly shouldn’t be calling the shots.

Earth is our home. It’s what we’re made for. The earth went through a lot to give you life. Sparks had to catch, oceans had to freeze, billions of cells had to survive endless disease, all of these amazing things had to happen just right to give you life. You belong here. You are as much a creation of the earth as the air you breathe. You may feel like a singular organism but you’re actually as much a singular organism as one of the many billions of organisms that make up your body. You and earth are one. And because you evolved on earth, you are perfectly adapted to earth and it is perfectly adapted to you. It yearns for your breath as you yearn for its breeze on your face.

Editor's Note: Long are the days when Bob Dyland was a dependable prophet of a new generation seeking to change and rebuild the world. A lot has happened to him and to us. But his music and visions then are still pertinent to our quest today.

We absolutely have the ability to transcend our unhealthy tendencies as a species which, when you really look at them, are merely creations of a mind that feels alone and separate and like it is in a constant fight for its life. If we just put down our mental swords for a hot second and learned to channel our creativity into the thriving of our society and our ecosystem instead of into killing and out-competing one another then we will be okay. The way out of this is the way towards health. For example, once women have been given back even the most basic rights of sexual sovereignty such as birth control and access to terminations as they have in most western countries, birth rates fall below replication levels. Women’s own internal bodily wisdom makes the problem of overpopulation moot if given half a chance just to make decisions on behalf of her own body.

Another example. People lament the lack of jobs due to AI and automation but we actually desperately need people to do less. We need a whole lot of people doing nothing, not using the roads every morning and evening, not producing widgets that no one needs and creating advertising campaigns to brainwash people into buying them anyway, just to have them end up in the ocean or leaching heavy metals into the earth. Having a whole lot of people doing nothing for more of their week would take the strain off of our health systems as the single biggest factor in disease is stress. Studies show that stress also shrinks your brain and lessens your creativity and innovation too, so all the punitive-minded libertarians out there who are worried that we won’t progress as a species if we start sharing resources around to people who aren’t doing things that traditionally made money because we’ll be too relaxed can chill too. We don’t need to crack the whip to get people to make beautiful innovations. Humans are at their best when feeling playful and relaxed. Nearly all the technological advances of the past came from people who had a lot of leisure time due to their privileged status. Releasing humans from 9 to 5 slavery would be the fastest way to slow our resource consumption and take pressure off of all our systems and would have the added benefit of making us smarter, funnier, more creative and more innovative too.

And for that matter, having every idea and innovation be required to make money is also killing us. We need the ability to fund things that will not make profit. How many times have you been in a conversation and someone’s come up with an idea that will solve a major environmental, energy or health problem and no one’s got excited because it will never get off the ground because it will never make money? Fully disappearing a problem never made anyone any money. Healthy people, for example, never spend a dime at the doctors. The way out of this is detaching human innovation from money and allowing solutions to flourish without the imposition of also having to turn a profit.

These are merely three things I can think of that will dramatically improve our collective ability to reverse this extinction event and all we have to do is get saner, stop punishing each other, start sharing and start collaborating. The only issue we have as humans is that a handful of highly competitive, highly sociopathic and yet incredibly mediocre people have all the power to build our future for us with virtually no input from anyone else. Because all the power in the form of all the money has been allowed to pool into the hands of those most willing to do whatever it takes to get it, we have just a few ruthless yet surprisingly dumb individuals calling the shots on the future of all living beings. The competitive mindset that gave rise to Jeff Bezos is the exact opposite of the kind of collaborative, harmonious mindset we’ll need if we’re going to overcome the challenges we face on the horizon.


Everyone has my unconditional permission to republish or use any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypalpurchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here.

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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

About the Author

Caitlin Johnstone
is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician.

horiz-long grey

THIS WORK IS LICENSED UNDER A Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


Be sure to get the most unique history of the Russo-American conflict now spanning almost a century!

Nuclear Armageddon or peace? That is the question.

And here's the book that answers it.
How did we come to be in this horrid pickle? Join the discussion! Read Ron Ridenour's provocative bestseller The Russian Peace Threat, the most scathing and irrefutable exposé of US foreign policy and its malignant obsession with the elimination of Russia as a countervailing force in world affairs. Buy it today direct from us. You don't have to patronize Amazon. Just click on the bar below.
Get the definitive history of the Russo-American conflict today!


The Taking of America 123


The above title was influenced from Joseph Sargent's 1974 classic The Taking of the Pelham 123. In the film ( remade again in 2009, and not bad actually) gunmen hijack a NYC subway train and hold the passengers of one car as hostages, demanding a one million dollar ransom ( lots of moolah for 45 years ago). If the city of NY does not comply, they start executing them one by one. Well, it looks to me that we passengers on Subway America have really been hijacked, along with our flag, our economy and our national honor... and they didn't even have to use guns!

There is a Deep State operating in what is now Amerika, and it was always there in force, especially during the 20th and now 21st century. No, this is not the so called Deep State that the Trump people keep parroting as their enemy. You see, Trump was and is handled by this Deep State.If they did not want this Reality Television/ Real Estate buffoon to obtain office, he never could have. Of course, since this Deep State owns and controls our phony Two Party/One Party system, anyone who obtains high office must be approved by this cabal. As far as the actual voting, we serfs are allowed  to choose between TweedleDum and TweedleDee. The most recent exception was when Junior Bush was both elected and re-elected. He had been ordained to be the boy emperor by this Deep State while Cheney pulled the puppet strings for them. Therefore, it was fixed by this Deep State to assure his election ( check out what went on in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004). Looking back at this most recent presidential horserace in 2016, most likely the Deep State would have preferred Ms. Hillary to fulfill their Neo Con visions... especially via a new Cold War with the Russkies. Yet, they knew they had ' the Donald' just where they wanted him as well.  Of course, once Trump got into the White House this same Deep State made sure he was surrounded by their Neo Con goons to fulfill their plans... and he does!

You can forget about all that Russian meddling etc. The real crux of the matter is about what the Deep State thrives on: Money and Economic Power. You see, when the owners of our nation had their monopoly with a strong US dollar being used as a petrodollar, and our 'jackbooted ' control of the majority of what many term ' The Third World', all was copacetic. With the emergence of China as the new primary economic power, and Russia in much better financial shape than us [and powerful military that surpasses us in many respects], something had to be done. With these two countries making strides in Africa ( the source of the greatest mineral resources anywhere), the Middle East, Eurasia and of course even in our once ' Monroe Doctrined ' Latin America, " This means war! " the Deep State shouted from their private clubs, think tanks and embedded Congress & Media.  Looking back to see how this always plays out, why do you think the Bush/Cheney Cabal made war on Iraq? The excuse was WMDs , which intelligence said there weren't any, but the main thrusts were twofold: A) Saddam was going to start trading his oil in Eurodollars instead of US dollars and B) the Deep State needed to stop the Chinese and Russkies from getting too popular in that region. It was ALL about keeping US influence Numero Uno in the Middle East...and of course our desire to NOT have Iraqi oil sold directly to our economic enemies. You can now say the same about Venezuela, one of the two largest sources of Oil in the world. The ' regime change ' rhetoric is not so much about Socialism, but more so about OIL, and of course maintaining US power in that hemisphere.

This formula for control is so easy for this Deep State . As long as our nation continues to allow money to legally flow into electoral politics, nothing will change. It is a proven and sad fact that the candidate who spends the most money usually gets the suckers to vote that way. This is why the Two Party/One Party system, owned by the Deep State, has thrived for so long. They have the means to get money funneled to their candidates, so that 3rd party types have little or NO chance. Period! If one ' Follows da money' one sees how much their benefactor, this Deep State ,controls everything. They use the media they own and the politicians they own ( via campaign coffers ) and their Military Industrial Empire chugs along on railroad tracks that were supposed to be owned by We the People. Alas, WE are the hostages ready to be executed through a myriad of means formulated by that Less than 1%. So few of our fellow citizens say but a word about all this. Ignorance is not bliss and Silence is not golden!  They allow tyranny! And they are actually sealing their death warrants.

PA Farruggio

May 2019


Philip A Farruggio is a contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 300 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ' It's the Empire... Stupid ' radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at


The Russian Peace Threat examines Russophobia, American Exceptionalism and other urgent topics

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