Never Trust an Oligarch (Audio)


Super-rich people’s “charitable” contributions “haven’t done anything to halt inequality,” said Dr Carl Rhodes, of the University of Technology, in Sydney, Australia. “If anything, it justifies the political system that produced the inequality in the first place,” said Rhodes.

The authors are affiliated as editors with Afro-America's leading non-corporate publication, Black Agenda Report.

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‘CNN doesn’t cover Mueller, they work for him’: Tucker Carlson on Roger Stone’s arrest

Actually there is no need to imagine. It's happening already.


Tucker Carlson (left) and Robert Mueller. The latter—via the Democrat and Deep State supported Russiagate hoax—has been elevated to an arbiter of US politics.

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ox host Tucker Carlson offered his take on CNN filming a surprise FBI raid on Roger Stone’s house, saying the channel has turned into the “PR arm” of Robert Mueller, “the single most powerful” – and unelected – man in the US.

In his latest monologue, the Fox anchor said it’s crucial to raise some questions before the arrest of Roger Stone – an associate of Donald Trump – fades from the headlines. Notably, it was almost entirely devoted to a CNN crew being conveniently present at the early-morning FBI raid on Stone’s Fort Lauderdale house.

“How did CNN know about a raid that was supposed to be a secret? Did they learn from [Robert] Mueller’s team?” Carlson asked. Shortly after the raid, which Carlson likened to “a military assault,” speculation began to spread that the network had an inside track with the FBI or Mueller’s team.


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Oxfam: 26 billionaires control as much wealth as poorest half of humanity



As global elites gather at Davos

22 January 2019

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s members of the world’s financial elite gather today in Davos, Switzerland, for the opening of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, a new report by the UK-based charity Oxfam International has highlighted the vast accumulation of wealth at the heights of society, and the accelerating growth of social inequality.

The report showed that last year, the wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by $900 billion, or 12 percent, while 3.8 billion people—half the world’s population—saw their wealth decline by 11 percent.

Last year, the billionaires increased their wealth by $2.5 billion every day, while a millionaire moved into their ranks every two days.

In the decade since the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, governments and financial authorities have imposed its full impact on the backs of the world working class, in the form of stagnant and lower wages and austerity programs that have gutted health and other social services, to name just some of its effects. Meanwhile, wealth has become ever more concentrated. Last year, just 26 people controlled as much wealth as the 3.8 billion people who comprise half the world’s population, compared to 43 people the year before.

Oxfam noted that just 1 percent of the $112 billion fortune accumulated by Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, was equivalent to the entire health budget for Ethiopia, a nation of 105 million people.

The Oxfam report found that the top tax rate for the rich in the developed countries plunged from 62 percent in 1970 to 38 percent by 2013, and pointed to the tax cut introduced by US president Trump at the end of 2017, benefiting the wealthy and corporations.

"Open for business!" Brazil's new head, Jair Bolsonaro, is attending the meeting of vultures at Davos, offering his country for plunder by the international elites that brought him to power.

In developing countries, the top personal tax rate is just 28 percent. In the UK and Brazil, the report found that the bottom 10 percent of the population paid a higher proportion of their income in tax than the top 10 percent.

Tax avoidance is rife. The report revealed that the super-rich were hiding $7.6 trillion from tax authorities, while corporations were holding large amounts of money offshore, depriving developing countries of $170 billion per year in revenue.

As a result, only 4 percent of all tax revenue came from the taxation of wealth.

The report noted that “the rate of poverty reduction has halved since 2013, and that “Extreme poverty is actually increasing in sub-Saharan Africa.”

The top 26 billionaires own $1.4 trillion — as much as 3.8 billion other people

It added that between 1980 and 2016, the poorest 50 percent of the world’s population received only 12 cents in every dollar of global income growth, while the top 1 percent captured 27 cents of every dollar.

A decade ago, the ruling elite’s annual meeting in Davos took place in the wake of the most severe economic and financial crisis, caused by the massive fraud and criminality of the world’s largest financial institutions.

But rather than being sent to jail, the “malefactors of great wealth” were bailed out. Over the next decade, they were provided with trillions of dollars of ultra-cheap money, enabling them to continue their wealth accumulation at an exponential rate.

According to a new report by Bloomberg, the wealth of the 12 richest Davos attendees soared by a combined $175 billion, as the overall wealth of the world’s billionaires grew, in the same period, from $3.4 trillion to $8.9 trillion.

The Bloomberg report highlights the details of this extraordinary growth:

  • Mark Zuckerberg increased his wealth from $3 billion a decade ago to $55.6 billion, a rise of 1853 percent.
  • Stephen Schwarzman, the head of the hedge fund Blackstone, has seen the assets of his firm rise from $95 billion at the end of 2008 to $457 billion, while his personal wealth has shot up from $2.1 billion to $10.1 billion, an increase of 486 percent.
  • The media baron Rupert Murdoch has increased his wealth from $3.2 billion to $15.1 billion, a rise of 472 percent, while Jamie Dimon, the head of JP Morgan, has enjoyed a 276 percent wealth increase, from $0.4 billion to $1.1 billion.

And the list goes on.

The strength, however, of the economic data produced by Oxfam, forms a stark contrast to its prescriptions for dealing with such extreme levels of social inequality. These centre on the development of what it calls a “human economy,” built on different principles from what it calls a “growth economy.”

A composite of world's most notorious billionaires: Bezos, Gates, Buffet and Zuckerberg.

The “human economy” would provide health care, education and gender equality, and create the best conditions for shared wealth. It could be financed by raising taxes on the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations, given that just a 0.5 percent increase in taxes on the richest individuals would raise enough money to educate the 262 million children, who currently don’t receive an education, and provide health care that would save 3.3 million people from preventable deaths.

Oxfam, however, has been making such proposals for the past eight years, issuing warnings and calling for a policy switch. But to no avail. Every year the situation worsens, as Oxfam itself acknowledges, and at an accelerating rate.

The scourge of social inequality cannot be ended through futile appeals, made to the very powers that preside over the current system, to change course. They are no more capable of that, than the ancien regime in France, prior to the revolution of 1789, or the czarist autocracy in Russia, before 1917.

The only road to a genuine “human economy” is through the working class taking political power in the socialist revolution, thus ending the dictatorship of private profit and the financial markets. Only in this way can the vast resources created by the working class be utilised to meet the social needs of all.

This is the perspective that must now be advanced in the social and class struggles that are erupting around the world—from auto parts strikes in Mexico, the teachers’ strike in Los Angeles, to the huge struggles of the Indian working class. It requires the building of the world party of socialist revolution, to provide the necessary leadership.

—Nick Beams

Nick Beams is a senior analyst/correspondent with, an organisation affiliated with the Social Equality Party, a Marxian formation the author favors as an instrument for world social change. 

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Revolutionary wisdom

Words from an Irish patriot—


Nightmares of Neoliberalism— Fear of popular rule animates our society and politics


The Clintons: way above the 1%, seriously. Their foundation one of the biggest scams in political history. (DonkeyHotey)

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n a wintry Saturday in January a motley crew of disgruntled protestors took up a position in front of one of the many stark and faceless towers of Midtown Manhattan. The tower rose vertiginously in the bright afternoon sky, an anonymous vertical field of black glass gridded together by strips of steel. The rugged clan of antinomians assembled in the vast stone exterior of the building, a kind of public anteroom between the rabid streets and the polished marble foyer of the building. They lined posters against the plinths of abstract corporate art rising into the air above the courtyard. The poster board was scrawled with urgent slogans, all of them referencing the ninth anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti. In the decade since, an island already devastated by conventional colonialism was victimized by a new incarnation of exploitation, this one clad in humanitarian guise.

The dissidents shouted to fleet-footed passersby, “Where’s the money? Where’s the money?” The money they referred to, they assumed, was somewhere above them, stored in the vast cloud-draped coffers of the Clinton Foundation, which peered down onto Sixth Avenue from its nonprofit enclave high above. The foundation stands accused of presiding over the shoddy reconstruction efforts and vanished millions in targeted relief funding from global donors, though the shouts of its accusers were predictably out of earshot.

Going Incognito
It is no coincidence that the Clinton Foundation, and other effective fronts for establishment power, prefer to hide their business down the indecipherable corridors of corporate rule. There has always been a great fear among the rich of the anonymous, faceless mob, otherwise known as the demos, the majority or, in tonier digs, “My fellow Americans,” which it sees as a kind of roving horde, genetically programmed to deceive and thieve. Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises provides powerful imagistic depictions of the elite nightmare of the unhinged rabble. As Gotham is capsized by evil terrorist Bane, the underclass predictably run amok, conducting ecstatic looting sprees in Park Avenue mansions and establishing a farcical court of justice that embodies mob rule as it casts one elite after another onto the cracking ice of the East River.

Naturally, Batman is summoned to save the ruling class in the name of law and order. Like most capitalist depictions, the dictatorship of the proletariat comes off looking like an abject band of savages, intoxicated by the first draughts of power (a commodity best managed by elites, who have experience lording it over the masses). To prevent such horror, a useful ruse must be invented to ensure the one percent are never subject to the sight of some crazed bête noire calling, “Gotham, take back your city!” to the scurvy hordes, toothless and trembling with riotous visions of plunder.

The rich harbor so much angst about the poor because they are consciously exploiting them, enacting the indefensible on the defenseless. The jet-set are still seated up in the penthouses of metropolis, impassively deleting large numbers from spreadsheets, not caring those numbers represent lives on the street, which eventually morph into the favelas that must be vigilantly policed. Of course, that doesn’t mean shantytowns can’t be profitably exploited. During the 2010 World Cup, “safe streets” were organized so tourists could comfortably gaze upon the quotidian lives of the South African poor, like curious zoologists taking notes on some new species. Regular tours of sanitized favelas are provided for fascinated world travelers in the hills above Rio, the Potemkin villages of neoliberalism.

(Clinton Foundation)

The fear of the mob is a central feature of American history. President Trump’s fear of immigrants is a subcategory of this, and is nothing new. Listen to this Citations Needed podcast for an eye-opening exploration of the real history of our “nation of immigrants.” The founding fathers worked tirelessly to deny majority rule. American foreign policy has assiduously policed the frontiers of empire to ensure no mass movement emerges to challenge its hegemony. Party politics feverishly enjoins us to band behind the lesser evil to save our frail democracy from certain peril. Batteries of imperial solicitors have billed millions of hours intensely architecting an impenetrable latticework of global trade laws to render impotent the domestic protections of sovereign populations. And the corporate media have exhaustively advertised the ideologies of power through tightly managed distribution channels.

Founding Fears--
The impressive feature of the United States is the length of time with which a minority of elites have controlled the opinions of hundreds of millions of citizens. Voting for the predetermined representatives of the powerful twice a decade has been enough to fix some citizens with the belief that they are masters of their destiny, and others with the resigned understanding that they are subject to the destiny of the masters. Between elections, citizen-consumers subsist on the material goods purchased on credit as they graze through pastures of prefabricated junk, hastily assembled by wage-slaves in the Pearl River Delta for export to the crumbling metropole.

"The rich harbor so much angst about the poor because they are consciously exploiting them, enacting the indefensible on the defenseless. The jet-set are still seated up in the penthouses of metropolis, impassively deleting large numbers from spreadsheets, not caring those numbers represent lives on the street, which eventually morph into the favelas that must be vigilantly policed..."

As Noam Chomsky points out in Profit Over People, the American revolution never really addressed the problems of class that it brought with it across the Atlantic. The landed gentry, the lawyers and wealthy merchants, put the legal structure of the country together, while the impoverished subsistence farmers and the like were allowed to consent to the wise--and wisely self-serving--verdicts of the new ruling class. Based on property rights, the people who owned the country were set up to rule, as President of the Continental Congress John Jay advised. A free franchise would understandably imperil the property assets of the upper classes, a fate that the founders sought to avoid at all costs while still retaining a patina of populism. After all, it was a class of slave owners who penned the line that all men are created equal and the founders of a ‘republic’ who decided that only white male property owners could vote in it.

Popular Elite Disguises
The double-tongued gene has been in our DNA since the beginning. More than Republicans, the Democratic Party has mastered the devilish arts of serving elitism while manipulating populism, to reference a line by the late Christopher Hitchens. The Democrats seized upon the demographic game in the early Sixties, eventually backing a landmark immigration bill that would transform the complexion of the country, marginalizing the white supremacist faction the Republicans had fused themselves to. The Democrats, having lost southern whites, aligned themselves with minorities. Not at all a bad strategy but for one flaw. The Democrats have committed themselves to minorities of every stripe, no exceptions, including the group that James Madison called, “the minority of the opulent.”

Elite capital is itself a minority. And this is the minority that Democrats truly serve; the rest are largely pacified with red-tape half-measures and rhetorical sops. Ethnic minorities must be protected against institutional and individual racism. Transgender minorities must be protected against myopic binary sexism. Gays must be protected against homophobia and legal discriminations. And corporate elites must be protected against the poor. It is this last axiom that sours the profile of Democrats. This is unlikely to change, for as corporate hero Bill Clinton once limned when describing how left-leaning voters would, in the final analysis, vote Democrat, “They have nowhere else to go.” Wherever they turn, minorities are left to vote for the one predominantly white minority that will betray them.

Foreigners at the Frontier
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]henever and wherever the majority rears its Medusan head, the minority of the opulent and their foot soldiers are there to suppress it. This is especially evident in Latin America, which it declared to be its own backyard with the Monroe Doctrine. The Washington establishment has worked indefatigably to put down popular rebellions that threaten to capsize the comprador elites the U.S. has entrained in power.

At first the U.S. seized power by pretending to defend the South against European imperialism. Then it was protecting Latin America from Communism. Now it argues the South needs Chicago School medicine to straighten out its economic course. In just this century, we’ve seen the rollback of numerous left-leaning movements and governments. After rejecting the IMF and restoring its economic health, Argentina is back in the hands of the creditors. Brazil’s Washington-managed elitists have finally jailed onetime steelworker Lula Ignacio Lula da Silva, impeached his successor, and elected a fascist Punchinello promising law and order, a Latin strongman in a Brooks Brothers suit. All the way back to Eisenhower, Washington has preached the humanitarian advantages of the free-market system to the Brazilians, Ike even telling them capitalism was, “socially conscious.” Then Washington supported the military dictatorship in Brazil that reigned from the Sixties to the Eighties.

On the western side of the continent, Colombia is the site of one of the worst human rights record in the world. It’s Washington-backed government and paramilitaries have spent decades assassinating political activists of every kind, from labor representatives to political candidates, all to ensure a stable investment climate for elite capital. The Honduran coup d’état that deposed a populist and installed a right-wing presidency was welcomed in Washington, the whole matter swept under the carpet of ‘stability’ by Hillary Clinton’s state department. Venezuela teeters on the ledge of the political abyss, its Bolivarian project assailed by illegal western sanctions from without, commodity hoarding by comprador elites and western-funded regime-change fanatics from within. Neoliberal extremists inside the beltway declare the inflationary chaos in Caracas as one more case study of the futility of socialism.

Minority Rules
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]oreign policy is also in a real sense a project of popular suppression. We tend to conceive foreign policy in military terms, but the handmaiden of force is fraud. The corollary of military might is economic manipulation, an especially useful way to drive populations to despair and evict their leaders, which can then be hastily replaced with western-educated technocrats happy to do the beltway’s bidding. This kind of financialized foreign policy rests on two tactics: sanctions and trade law.

Though the previous Democratic administration generated a proliferating raft of sanctions of what it considered to be ‘rogue’ nations, President Trump has added even more.

As The Empire Files’ Abby Martin expertly reports, the most foolish such move by the president was to unravel the JCPOA with Iran that Obama implemented, and to heap 143 new sanctions on Tehran. Trump has applied 80 new sanctions on the DPRK on top of 74 levied by Obama. Though Obama deserves credit for turning Syria into a cauldron of jihadist chaos, Trump has nearly doubled the number of sanctions on Damascus, adding 287 in just two years. He has levied 43 against Libya, a failed state still smoldering from its NATO dismemberment in 2011. And the president has added 105 sanctions against Russia and Ukraine, and 43 against the phantom hackers who allegedly penetrated the DNC. In South America, the administration has added nine times as many sanctions against Venezuela as did Obama in a desperate bid to finally topple the Bolivarian revolution. Tellingly, Rafael Maduro was just re-elected with 67 percent of the vote, despite low turnout. These numbers give the lie to the notion that Donald Trump is somehow an isolationist who wants to end imperial wars. Though recalling troops from Syria and Afghanistan is an excellent step, the piling on of sanctions against target nations is war by other means.

The fear of popular rule is also reflected in the fastidious efforts of elites to engineer international trade law that guarantee market access above and beyond the concerns of ordinary citizens. These legal structures are formed within international organizations like the WTO and implemented through programs like the TTIP and the TPP, which Obama labored so energetically to pass before his exodus from power, only to watch his dream program languish in the doldrums of partisan bickering. The point of the TPP was to open economic corridors across Asia that specifically excluded China. These opportunities would have been for American corporations, not American nor Asian citizens.

Under such onerous agreements, articulated as ‘foreign investment and trade,’ giant western multinationals in agriculture, communications, and financial services penetrate national markets, crush domestic companies or acquire them, and price gouge the majority. Often nationalized companies, like mineral utilities in Brazil or telecoms in Asia or oil companies in Iraq, are ‘privatized’ to make this possible. This means that the state, holding the national resources of the people, sell those resources to private western entities as below-market prices, effectively handing off the wealth of a country without the prior consent of the people, at prices that guarantee profitability for the western buyers.

The new owners then raise prices in keeping with their corporate charters, whereas state-owned companies are at least nominally bound to use resources on behalf of the population that owns them rather than for nameless shareholders in distant hemispheres. The central features of the TPP, for instance, stipulated that its rules would supersede any domestic laws that inhibited profits of the multinationals, even enabling a global supercourt staffed by corporate arbitration specialists. This legal sleight of hand effectively demolishes the concept of national sovereignty on behalf of corporate rule. This is precisely what Obama argued for, although he couched it in USA vs. China rhetoric, trying to coax a hibernating economic patriotism from a distracted consumer populace.

Managing Perception
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n order to manufacture the consent of the ruled, ‘free’ markets are sold alongside ‘free’ speech and ‘freedom’ of religion in a single package that sounds modern and progressive, but is deeply exploitative and regressive. That package essentially pairs capitalism with democracy. Again and again, when capitalism and democracy are paired, capital buys the democracy and dispossesses the demos of its wealth. As a consequence, wherever capitalism exists, one finds massive propaganda infrastructure designed to disguise the aims of capital. Without the latter, capitalism is exposed and overthrown.

It is interesting that the full-scale propaganda industry in America was launched to engineer consent for Washington’s entry into World War One. It is invariably easier to create convincing propaganda when it concerns events happening overseas rather than at home, for obvious reasons. Woodrow Wilson’s Creel Commission, staffed by Edward Bernays among others, whipped up mass anger at “Hun atrocities” in order to convince the isolationist populace that recusing itself from the war was a moral crime. The fake dossier of evidence of Hun savagery was supplied by none other than the British foreign ministry. Late in the second decade of the 21st century, Washington elites are again using British intelligence to supply disinformation (see the Steele dossier and lately the farcical Integrity Initiative). The hysteria of the Hun propaganda matches the hysteria of the Russiagate propaganda. It sometimes seems as though the one percent has displaced its fear of the mob onto a phantom foreign evil, the better to avoid openly revealing its antipathy for the lower classes.

In Sheldon Wolin’s version of totalitarianism the state is not embodied in the electrifying presence of a dictator, clad in polished jackboots, declaiming into the crackling air the ironclad mantras of the state. Rather Wolin’s version is faceless and anonymous, a system embodied in the ghostly apparition of elite capital. It is best represented not by the muscular energy of the strongman, but by the silver-tongued glibness of the corporate spokesperson. Rather than a concretized figure of authority, the new totalitarianism is fronted by a hologram, a transparency that soothes instead of animating. They congregate in shadowy and marginally reported conclaves, conferring across secret agendas at Bilderberg Group, G7 and Davos, the Trilateral Commission, and other silent summits beyond the din of urbanity.

In the end, we live beneath a form of capitalist absolutism, a corporate totalitarianism that renders the state anonymized and the individual atomized, a state of being from which there often seems no escape. Yet it is perhaps this impulse to abdication and resignation in the face of such vast, cyclopean structures that is the ultimate aim of the engines of consent. As we resign ourselves to our fate, we turn inward, focusing on individual needs, artificial and real, slowly severing the fraying threads of solidarity that once made us such a formidable threat to power and the very source of their disquiet.

About the Author
 The Sins of Empire: Unmasking American Imperialism. He lives in New York City and can be reached at  

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 

That Time Winston Churchill Wanted To Start World War 3… Before World War 2 Was Even Over


Soldiers and civilians celebrating in May 1945, London. After the most brutal war in history. Little did they know their leader was concocting plans to start World War 3.

R S Ahthion — 

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s the great industrial slaughter of human beings that was World War 2 came to an end and Germany was being divided the British government was drawing up plans to re-arm the Nazis and, along with the Americans, plan a surprise attack against the Soviet Union.

The target date for this incredible insanity was July 1, 1945. Less than 2 months after World War 2's end.

In Greece, Britain put into practice a taste of what Churchill wanted to come to the Soviet Union : by massacring anti-fascist partisans to bolster the Nazi collaborating regime.

Churchill's reputation as a great man is largely the product of sycophantic ruling class propaganda.

The British (and American) ruling classes barely denazified West Germany. From 1949 to 1973, 90 of the 170 leading judges and lawyers in the West German Justice Ministry were former members of the Nazi Party. (1)

Of them, 34 were former Sturmabteilung (SA). The SA being the paramilitary group which assisted Hitler in his rise and took part in Kristallnacht, the violent night that killed 91 Jews.(2)

At the close of the war Britain was vastly weaker and from there onward would fall lock-step into the shadow of the United States as Churchill remarked at Yalta in homely terms of being between the Big Russian bear and the American Buffalo was the “British donkey”. (3)

The reasons so little effort went into denazifying West Germany was ultimately because the ruling class held a common class interest with the German Nazis. Not only were prominent Nazis funneled via rat lines to the United States [and South America, with Vatican help] under Operation Paperclip that had participated in some of the most horrific forms of violence but ideologically liberalism preferred white supremacy and fascism to communism.

As Harry Rositzke, a former head of CIA secret operations put it,

“It was a visceral business of using any bastard as long as he was anti-Communist.” (4)

Liberalism always courts fascism when capitalism begins to fail. You can see this in the Daily Mail's “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” which had a circulation of around 2 million people (in a population of 46 million at the time!).

Aristocratic petulance and class affinity with fascism.

This is also demonstrated in Winston Churchill’s views and actions, from his belief that, “the Aryan stock is bound to triumph”—

The young Churchill charged through imperial atrocities, defending each in turn. When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers, he said they produced “the minimum of suffering”. The death toll was almost 28,000, and when at least 115,000 black Africans were likewise swept into British camps, where 14,000 died, he wrote only of his “irritation that Kaffirs should be allowed to fire on white men”. Later, he boasted of his experiences there: “That was before war degenerated. It was great fun galloping about.”

Then as an MP he demanded a rolling programme of more conquests, based on his belief that “the Aryan stock is bound to triumph”.(5).

to his even more evil deeds which mark him as a genocidal maniac in India which has led one Indian politician to say Churchill had as much blood on his hands as Hitler. (Churchill also endorsed the idea of bombing Arab villages by the RAF for failure to pay their assigned tax to the crown—a form of "disciplining the savages" in his view, while giving the pilots an opportunity to train in such maneuvers. This was in the intervening years between the two world wars when Britain controlled much of Mesopotamia.—Eds)

“…Nor is there any memorial to the massacres of the Raj, from Delhi in 1857 to Amritsar in 1919, the deaths of 35 million Indians in totally unnecessary famines caused by British policy,” he added.(6)

“Churchill has as much blood on his hands as Hitler does. Particularly the decisions that he personally signed off during the Bengal Famine when 4.3 million people died because of the decisions he took or endorsed.” — Dr Shashi Tharoor,(7)

Not only did British inaction in India exacerbate the famines but it was actively encouraged by Churchill who remarked they “bred like rabbits”. Britain actively turned away ships from Australia and America trying to supply grain to ease the famine.

In 1943, as millions were dying of starvation in 1943 in Bengal, the birthplace of the Raj, Churchill not only refused to help but prevented others from doing so, commenting that Indians “bred like rabbits.” The Churchill industry, more interested in the great man’s dentures than in his war crimes, has managed to keep this appalling story fairly quiet.

It establishes how Churchill and his associates could easily have stopped the famine with a few shipments of foodgrains but refused, in spite of repeated appeals from two successive Viceroys, Churchill’s own Secretary of State for India and even the President of the United States.(8)

His passing into history as an iconic figure of immense stature happened in an almost Goebbels-esque fashion.

The immense death that Churchill presided over made him a prime figure to conjure up the bizarre (but aptly named) Operation Unthinkable. The overall objective of Operation Unthinkable was to:  “impose upon Russia the will of the United States and British Empire” (9)

Operation Unthinkable: Ruling class perfidy in irrefutable form. It's no accident no one ever mentions this. “Quick success might induce the Russians to submit to our will at least for the time being; but it might not. That is for the Russians to decide. If they want total war, they are in a position to have it.”

The Chief of the Army, Sir Alan Brooke, was disgusted with Winston Churchill and likened him to a warmonger. Brooke wrote in his diary:

‘Winston gives me the feeling of already longing for another war!’ (10)

According to Alan Brook, Churchill told him at the Potsdam Conference in July 1945:

“We can tell the Russians if they insist on doing this or that, well we can just blot out Moscow, then Stalingrad, then Kiev, then Sevastopol.”- Churchill(9)

Churchill's callous disregard for human life and fetish for nuclear annihilation is enough to send a chill down your spine.

Liberalism's relationship and preference for fascism can be seen today in the NATO alliance who released an 8 minute film glorifying the Latvian “Forrest Brothers” who were a cabal of SS collaborators.

By going beyond turning a blind eye to the worship of pro-Hitler forces in Eastern Europe,” said historian Dovid Katz, NATO “is crossing the line right into offering its moral legitimization of Nazi forces such as the Latvian Waffen SS.”(11)

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat stopped Churchill from going on this disastrous path?

The War Cabinet listed out the total allied strength in Europe on July 1, 1945: 64 American divisions, 35 British and Dominion divisions, 4 Polish divisions, and 10 German divisions. The German divisions were purely imaginary because after the mauling they received from the Russians, the surviving soldiers were in no hurry to fight. At most, the allies would have mustered 103 divisions, including 23 armoured ones.

Soviet aviation in WW2. To the shocking realisation of the West, the USSR, despite its enormous losses and destruction, was still able to outproduce the Nazis and more than match the Anglo-Americans. That was an irrefutable proof of national will, steadfast leadership, and the power of socialist organisation.

Against this force were arrayed 264 Soviet divisions, including 36 armoured. Moscow commanded 6.5 million troops — a 2:1 advantage — on the German border alone. Overall, it had 11 million men and women in uniform.

In aircraft, the Allied Tactical Air Forces in North West Europe and the Mediterranean consisted of 6,714 fighter planes and 2464 bombers. The Soviets had 9380 fighter aircraft and 3380 bombers.(10)

The British army generals got a chance to breathe a sigh of relief as the plan was wholly dependant on the United States yet President Harry Truman expressed in no uncertain terms to Churchill via cable, advising that the USA had no intention of participating in, let alone leading, Operation Unthinkable.(13)

The world instead got peace instead of a deranged old mans hunger for World War and nuking of Soviet cities. This peace was of course limited to the imperial core (North America/Western Europe and Japan). But at least Soviet cities weren’t “blotted out” in nuclear annihilation.

The UK (of course) immediately set about sending war to Greece/Indonesia/Vietnam/the brutal dividing of Korea/Malaya/Egypt and Kenya.

Peace for the Soviets though was not an act of kindness from the West.

Peace was contingent on the superior strength of the Red Army at the time which deterred another World War.

The incredible propaganda of the west and the repeating of the “great lie” has led the killer Churchill to be treated as a hero of Britain rather than a monstrous despot that almost led the world to ruin.


  2. Ibid.
  3. Fraser J. Harbutt. Yalta 1945: Europe and America at the Crossroads. ISBN-10: 0521856779
  4. Harry Rositzke, quoted in Christopher Simpson, Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy (Collier Books, 1989), p. 159.
  9. Operation Unthinkable…, p. “1”. Archived from the original on 16 November 2010. Retrieved 25 September 2015.
  10. Alanbrooke War Diaries 1939–1945: Field Marshall Lord Alanbrooke, 2002, ISBN-10: 1842125265

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