US admits FBI falsified evidence to obtain convictions

OpEds | Kate Randall

Hoover: His venality set the Bureau on its path of  unrelenting unconstitutionality.

Hoover: His venality and personal ambition allowed the Bureau to be used as a tool of social control to this day.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he US Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that over a more than two-decade period before 2000, nearly every FBI examiner gave flawed forensic hair testimony in almost all trials of criminal defendants reviewed so far, according to a report in the Washington Post.

The cases examined include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death, 14 of whom have been either executed or died in prison. The scandal raises the very real probability that innocent people have been sent to their deaths, and that many more wrongfully convicted are languishing on death rows across the US due to FBI analysts’ fraudulent testimony.

Testimony involving pattern-based forensic techniques—such as hair, bite-mark, and tire track comparisons—has contributed to wrongful convictions in more than a quarter of the 329 defendants’ cases that have been exonerated in the US since 1989. In their pursuit of convictions prosecutors across the country have often relied on FBI analysts’ overstated testimony on hair samples, incorrectly citing them as definitive proof of a defendant’s guilt.

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) and the Innocence Project are assisting the government in the nation’s largest post-conviction review of the FBI’s questioned forensic evidence. The groups determined that 26 of 28 examiners in the elite FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit overstated forensic matches in ways that favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials reviewed so far.

The nation’s courts have allowed the bogus testimony, masquerading as definitive scientific evidence of defendants’ guilt, to railroad innocent people and consign them to decades in prison, life in prison, or death row and the execution chamber.

Federal authorities launched an investigation in 2012 after a Post examination found that flawed forensic hair matches might have led to the convictions of hundreds of potentially innocent people nationwide since at least the 1970s. Defendants in these cases were typically charged with murder, rape and other violent crimes.

The scandal involves about 2,500 cases in which FBI examiners gave testimony involving hair matches. Hair examination is a pattern-based forensic technique. It involves subjective examination of characteristics such as color, thickness and length and compares them to a known source.

There is no accepted scientific research on how often hair from different people may appear the same, and any hair “matches” must be confirmed by DNA analysis. However, the Post ’s 2012 review found that FBI experts systematically testified to the near-certainty of matches of hair found at crime scenes to the hair samples of defendants. The FBI gave flawed forensic testimony in 257 of the 268 trials examined so far.

In 2002, a decade before the Post review, the FBI reported that its own DNA testing revealed that examiners reported false hair matches more than 11 percent of the time.

In Washington, DC, the only jurisdiction where defenders and prosecutors have carried out an investigation into all convictions based on FBI hair testimony, five of seven defendants whose trials included flawed hair evidence have been exonerated since 2009 based on either DNA testing or court appeals. All of them served 20 to 30 years in prison for rape or murder.

In an interview with the Post, University of Virginia law professor Brandon L. Garrett said the results of the DC investigation reveal a “mass disaster” inside the criminal justice system. “The tools don’t exist to handle systematic errors in our criminal justice system,” he said.

Those exonerated since 2009 in DC include:

* Donald Eugene Gates was incarcerated for 28 years for the rape and murder of a Georgetown University student. He was ordered released in December 2009 by a DC Superior Court Judge after DNA evidence revealed that another man committed the crime. The prosecution relied heavily on the testimony of an FBI analyst, who falsely linked two hairs from an African-American male to Gates.

* Kirk L. Odom was wrongfully imprisoned for more than 22 years for a 1981 rape and murder. He completed his prison term in 2003, but it was not until July 2012 that DNA evidence exonerated him of the crimes. A DC Superior Court order freed him from remaining on parole until 2047 and registering as a sex offender.

* Santae A. Tribble was convicted in the 1978 killing of a DC taxi driver. An FBI examiner testifying at Tribble’s trial said he had microscopically matched the defendant’s hair to one found in a stocking near the crime scene. In 2012, DNA tests on the same hair excluded him as the perpetrator, clearing the way for his exoneration.

Federal authorities are offering new DNA testing in those cases where FBI analysts gave flawed forensic testimony. However, in some 700 of the 2,500 cases identified by the FBI for review, police or prosecutors have not responded to requests for trial transcripts or other information. Biological evidence is also not always available, having been lost or destroyed in the years since trial.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]lthough defense attorneys argue that scientifically invalid testimony should be considered a violation of due process, only the states of California and Texas specifically allow appeals when experts recant their testimony or scientific advances undermine forensic evidence given at trial.

In a statement responding to the new scandal’s eruption, the FBI and Justice Department vowed that they are “committed to ensuring that affected defendants are notified of past errors and that justice is done in every instance” and that are “also committed to ensuring the accuracy of future hair analysis, as well as the application of all disciplines of forensic science.”

The scandal over fraudulent testimony, however, only reveals the corrupt and anti-democratic character of the US prison system as a whole. The United States locks behind bars a greater proportion of its population than any other country, topped off by the barbaric death penalty that is supported by the entire political establishment.

Whatever the hypocritical posturing of the Obama White House, it cannot bring back the years spent in prison by the wrongfully convicted or the lives of those likely executed for crimes they did not commit.

Kate Randall is a senior political commentator with, information organ of the Social Equality Party. 


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Paul Craig Roberts: The Proof Is In–Terror Plots are a Hoax

[dropcap]On [/dropcap]January 17, 2015, Paul Craig Roberts points our attention to an exposé by Glenn Greenwald’s  The Intercept (authored by Glenn and his colleague Andrew Fishman), laying out a long list of abuses by the FBI in connection with supposed homeland terror plots. The role of the agency is questioned as a promoter of such acts in a clear case of deliberate entrapment. That such a policy should exist, virtually unchallenged by media and judiciary, is proof that all branches of government are indeed compromised by the imperial establishment. Meanwhile, the silence of the liberals in this regard is, as usual, notorious and deafening. An excerpt follows:



described as “a typical student” and “quiet but not overly reserved” by the principal of the local high school he graduated in 2012.

The affidavit filed by an FBI investigative agent alleges Cornell had “posted comments and information supportive of [ISIS] through Twitter accounts.” The FBI learned about Cornell from an unnamed informant who, as the FBI put it, “began cooperating with the FBI in order to obtain favorable treatment with respect to his criminal exposure on an unrelated case.” Acting under the FBI’s direction, the informant arranged two in-person meetings with Cornell where they allegedly discussed an attack on the Capitol, and the FBI says it arrested Cornell to prevent him from carrying out the attack.

Family members say Cornell converted to Islam just six months ago and claimed he began attending a small local mosque. Yet The Cincinnati Enquirer could not find a single person at that mosque who had ever seen him before, and noted that a young, white, recent convert would have been quite conspicuous at a mosque largely populated by “immigrants from West Africa,” many of whom “speak little or no English.”


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The True Relationship Between Crime and Law Enforcement

Corruption is Their Business


[dropcap]In a speech[/dropcap] titled “The Tramp” he gave in 1902, Jack London described the police as “the right arm of the corporate power of our great cities…” Their job, he asserted, was to keep despised minorities, including the homeless and jobless, out of sight and out of the way.

That’s still the case today, just as it was in 1968 when I was 18 years old and working for a tree company in my suburban hometown outside New York City.

The police station was on the main drag in the heart of downtown. My great-uncle Tom (my mother’s father’s brother-in-law) had been a policeman in town during Prohibition and in 1968 was the security guard at the granite bank that sat at one end of the street. At the other end of the block, maybe a quarter of a mile away, was a little candy store owned by a Holocaust survivor with a faded number tattooed on his arm. He opened early and sold newspapers and cigarettes to the blue collar workers who walked around the corner to the diner where they ate breakfast and lunch.

Everybody knew everybody, and my father was right in the middle of everything. His step-father was the chief of the fire department; his DAR mother had been Town Clerk since World War II. As a kid, nothing bored me more than having to visit my father’s parents and listen to their endless stream of gossip: how the mayor was having an affair with the wife of the Lutheran minister; how the math teacher caught his wife with the funeral director and murdered her, and then their kids; how the accident that killed my friend’s mother wasn’t an accident at all. The sordid sort of thing that makes insiders feel powerful.

It was impossible to escape the scrutiny. The company I worked for had the contract for all the tree work in town. In those days Dutch elm disease was rampant, and we did a lot of big takedowns that required a few extra hands. When we worked in town, the village would send a crew from Public Works to speed things up and direct traffic. As the “top climber,” the guy taking down the tree, I was usually 40-feet in the air, telling the village crew what to do. These were adult men, including my father’s step-brother. I had long hair and a sexy girlfriend, and they were aware I was smoking pot and taking LSD, and there was much macho trash talk.

On one occasion, a guy with the village crew was riding me unmercifully. So I called him over to clean up a particular area under the tree, and while he was there, I dropped a sizable branch that missed his fat head by about six inches. Everyone started laughing at him and he looked up with scorn and derision and said, quote: “You’re just like your fuckin’ father.”

No one had ever made that comparison before and for the life of me, I couldn’t see how it applied. My father was a tough guy, a World War II combat veteran who’d seen things and done things, and who never backed down. Everybody respected him. I was an outsider.

Living and working in the village that summer was stifling. But I was trapped. So every morning I went to the diner for breakfast, and would sit on the side with the guys my age, while my father, who’d just gotten off the graveyard shift at the Post Office, sat with the local cops and village workers on the other side, in the corner by the kitchen door where the chef was scrambling eggs and pouring orange juice while frantically reading the Racing Form and Daily News. It was a high testosterone crowd; everyone was talking sports and placing bets on games, and one guy was writing it all down.

These were the pre-Off Track Betting days of “the generation gap.” My dad, the chef, the village workers and the cops hated Muhammad Ali, the Vietnamese, and Joe Willie Namath. They were racist and sexist and proud of their prejudices. Those things defined them.

My dad and I disagreed about everything, and there hadn’t been a civil word between us since I went off to college. But he was my father, and one morning we found ourselves checking out at the cash register at the same time. He paid first and exited, and when I got outside he was waiting for me. He said: “I want you to meet me tomorrow morning by the bank,” at such and such a time, much earlier than usual.

I didn’t ask why, and he didn’t say. Periodically he gave life lessons; it was how he operated. He knew I’d do what he said, and I knew I’d do it.

The next morning we parked and met over at the bank, bleary-eyed and half-awake. We walked down the main drag, past the police station, past the train station, where the first of the station wagons had yet to pull up, wives wearing bathrobes, dropping off manicured men in suits carrying the New York Times. We walked in silence till we got to the candy store, and then turned right and started walking toward the diner. A delivery truck was parked out front beside another car I recognized. The diner hadn’t opened yet, and they were the only vehicles on the street.

My father stepped into the street and I followed him. He stood behind the delivery truck. Wondering what the hell was going on, I watched while he threw open the doors. The guy who took down names and numbers was sitting in the front passenger seat beside the delivery truck driver; three village cops were sitting on boxes in the back of the truck. Cash and slips of paper were being exchanged.

“Take a good look, “my father said. “This is the true relationship between crime and law enforcement.”

It happened fast, before I had time to think about it. The five men inside the trunk were in a state of shock too; they sat looking at me and my father, their mouths hanging open, muttering curses. Then my father closed the doors and we walked away. The incident was never mentioned again. A few nights later one of the cops stopped me for running a light at 2:00 am; I was drunk as a skunk. “How’s your father?” he inquired. “Don’t you think you should be getting home?”

I knew each of the cops by name. I went to school with some of their kids. I was back at the diner the next morning, and all was right with the world. I just knew something new about reality.

The corruption today is largely ideological and the payoffs come in the form of personal power.

Most people never make that rite of passage. The entire academic world is clueless, and most of the middle class as well. They think the cops are there to protect them, and if they’re white and keep their mouths shut and do what they’re told, the cops might make an effort, if there’s something in it for them. Otherwise they make sure that crime is properly organized, and that the rich and powerful are happy. To think of the cops otherwise is crazy.

Twenty years later, when I started researching and writing about the government, I would tell that story to the CIA officers and DEA agents I interviewed. They would clench their jaws for a moment, then nod and tell me things. I learned a lot, and I can assure you that only the packaging has changed.

In 1968, cops walked the beat alone, in blue wool coats, swinging billy clubs. They didn’t act like paramilitary death squads, like they do today, moving around in group formations with bullet proof vests and automatic weapons, in armored vehicles. Along with everyone else, the village cops in 1968 noticed that city cops were moving into the suburbs, buying nice houses, sending their kids to out-of-state colleges, and buying their wives fancy jewelry. Everyone knew how they could afford to do all that.

Serpico in 2012. (D. MacLeod, via flickr)

Serpico (l) in 2012. (D. MacLeod, via flickr)

As Frank Serpico told the Knapp Commission in 1971, after being shot in the face by fellow cops, they were all on the take. First they took a free sandwich, or walked into a movie theatre with their family without paying. If you were a small businessman and you gave things to the cops, they protected you, just like the Mafia hoods. As a cop rose through the ranks, the payoffs got bigger: membership in country clubs, discounts on cars, vacations in Mexico. You might even become president of the PBA, with all the job’s benefits.

Nowadays cops in the NYPD make a better wage, and the bribery often takes other forms; but corruption continues to define law enforcement. The corruption today is largely ideological and the payoffs come in the form of personal power. Cops get to feel extra-special: they can kill with impunity, or turn their backs on the mayor and disrespect him in public (in a way they would never tolerate) for attempting to make reforms that are ideological in nature. The cops can put a gun to your head and make you say the magic words, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

In 2014, cops are so far removed from the public that there is no hope of bridging the gap. Battle lines have been drawn, and you’re either with them or against them. They will judge you on that basis, not according to laws or any rights you think the Constitution and Bill of Rights afford you.

As the world shrinks and we find ourselves all living in the same small town, the stakes only get higher.

Douglas Valentine
 is the author of The Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America’s War on Drugs, and The Strength of the Pack: The Personalities, Politics, and Espionage Intrigues that Shaped the DEA.


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The false narrative of cop victimization


A photo-op hugging phone and supreme opportunist, Giuliani typifies the politics of the rightwing, and the establishment, for that matter.

A photo-op hugging phoney and supreme opportunist, Giuliani typifies the politics of the rightwing, and the establishment, for that matter. “America’s Mayor” a guy whose ethics are not much above those of an ambulance chaser, gained his title by showing up on the ruins of the Twin Towers barely after the dust had settled (CC/Wikipedia)

[dropcap]How do you[/dropcap] distinguish liberals from radicals?  There are many tests, but one of the most reliable is that liberals will by default preach that peaceful protest will get the system changed, that nonviolence is the golden path, and that, in consequence, no strikes, no public mobilizations, confrontations, let alone violence, is or will be necessary to change an institutionalized evil.

The establishment mouthpieces—a sector of the official state that also goes normally under the label “liberal” (vide Obama, and the rest of the Democrats and a few Republicans) is insistent on that point, as one of their self-assigned missions is to defang and deflect real challenges to the sacred and most profitable order. Thus safely delineated—who’s “respectable” in his right to protest and who’s not, the latter being again by definition the “crazies” of the left and the right, or people belonging to the “wrong” race—the guardians of the ship of state can pick policies to neutralize the challengers.

U.S. Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marines fire at insurgent positions during the First Battle of Fallujah.

U.S. Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marines fire at insurgent positions during the First Battle of Fallujah.

That nonviolence and rigorous pacifism rarely gets a well-entrenched system of iniquity to change its spots, not to mention disappear, is an inconvenient but easily ascertained historical fact that liberals and conservatives would rather not dwell upon. Thus it is never mentioned that, yes, while Gandhi may have been instrumental in formally throwing the Brits out of India, filthy, barbaric evil in the Western-suported oligarchies and dictatorships of the Third World, in the European fascist nations, and so on, could not be dislodged without a monumental war that cost in excess of 70 million people, and protracted class struggles, and the evil was not really completely and definitely expunged, as the struggle against a resurgent fascism in Europe has become a reality once again, this time with the epicenter of the infection not in Berlin but in Washington.

It’s a fair assumption that Gandhi would not have lasted a minute if he had been preaching his gospel of peaceful activism in nations festering with brutal militaries, US-sponsored and trained death squads, and rightwing militias ready to do the plutocracy’s bidding. The shameful record is there for all to see, even if the mainstream media, the professional politicos and establishment historians and punditocracy keep looking the other way.

By not recognizing elementary facts, hotheads like Patrick Lynch raise the temperature of the social dialog, making it impossible, and actually endangering those in the police who discharge their duties according to fair and professional standards. 

The relative silence in the United states about such criminal policies is of course deliberate, for in the modern world such situations are part of the engineered social space, the democratic illusion and consequent thick hypocrisy in the capitalist democracies being the price that systemic vice pays virtue to legitimate its rule.

THE YOUNG TURKS: Mayor De Blasio Blamed For Horrific Killing Of NYPD Officers
Published on Dec 22, 2014

“We’ve had four months of propaganda, starting with the president, that everybody should hate the police,” said Giuliani during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.” “I don’t care how you want to describe it — that’s what those protests are all about.”

Watch Rudy Guiliani’s interview here: GIULIANI INTERVIEW  (

Republican Rep. Peter King of Long Island, appearing on Fox News Sunday, cited the death of two NYPD officers as reasons for President Obama and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio to “stop the cop bashing and anti-police rhetoric.”


The hidden history of the CIA’s prison in Poland, as reported of all places in the Washington Post, normally an instrument of imperialist propaganda.)(1)

The purpose of such international maneuvers has never changed. There is no nation where “American aid” —open or surreptitious—has not been used primarily to keep their populations at bay, while advancing the interests of the capitalist hegemon, lest the downtrodden unwashed masses, so cynically praised in Christian liturgy, assume their rightful and sovereign place under the sun. As preached by the Church and the Empire, this- wordliness is wrong, wrong, but other-wordliness is fine, indeed encouraged.

The precedent for the fact that institutionalized evil may require huge armies to uproot, equipped with the massive weaponry enabled by modern industrialism, was already seen in the US “war between the states” more than 150 years ago, a colossal clash that consumed the lives of more than 650,000 Americans, and which laid waste to significant swaths of the young nation’s territory. As is now well known (at least among politically aware publics), contrary to myth the war was not originally fought for noble reasons, to emancipate slaves or discombobulate the Southern plantocracy, but it ended up packaging that goal, which it filled formally by 1865, although in practice the old system continued to oppress African Americans for another 100 years. It took massive and brave mobilizations to dislodge the more blatant aspects of such tyranny, but the second-class, oppressed status of Black America remained in place, and is obvious today to any impartial observer, despite the sprinkling of affluent, “non-threatening” Blacks such as Obama, Oprah Winfrey, the celebrity preacher-politicians, and that ubiquitous nincompoop bunch, the Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Repressing the “crazies” and “those who choose violence” over peaceful protest

The state as the pinnacle of organized power defending the ruling, privileged minority does not and will never operate even-handedlly in its administration of justice and state-sanctioned violence. Thus it’s delusional to believe that when push comes to shove the rightwing militias and similar crypto-fascist formations—no matter what outrages they commit— will be repressed by the police with the same all-out vigor and viciousness reserved for the left. In fact, you can bank on the idea that in a situation of widespread public mobilization against the plutocratic order the rightwing crazies will be armed or indirectly mobilized to act as judicially above the law shock troops, death squads, etc., on behalf of the establishment. The precedent has been seen in a number of nations, the most notable example being Germany’s Weimar Republic, where the social democratic regime, by betraying the workers and colluding with the aristocratic and military sectors, midwifed the ascent to power of the Nazis.

Both the police and military understand their assigned role. While not exactly populated with geniuses, by temperament and acculturation, they are averse to disorder, whose systematic causes they do not understand.

Now that the militarized police are almost in open rebellion against its nominal civilian command, having seen their favorite m.o. questioned by a wider sector of the population, including some public figures, and at a moment when opportunistic rightwing politicians, typical filth like George Pataki or Rudy Giuliani, quickly rush before the cameras to add petrol to the fire, it’s useful to keep a few things in mind. Forgive me if some of these things seem obvious to you.



As pointed out by Rob Urie and Glen Ford in their excellent pieces on the topic, the police feel betrayed by the very layers of society it sees as loyally and selflessly protecting. Glen Ford notes that,

The cops threaten mutiny if the State does not stick up for the men and women who do its dirty work. PBA honcho Patrick Lynch denounced “those that incited violence on the street under the guise of protests that tried to tear down what New York City police officers did everyday. We tried to warn, ‘It must not go on. It cannot be tolerated.’”

To which the protesters answer: the police killings and the criminalization of a whole people must not go on and cannot be tolerated.

For his part, evoking the indignation of the top US military brass and politicians to the audacity of Fallujah resisting and fighting back against a brutal army of occupation, Rob Urie reminded us that,

When Ismaaiyl Brinsley murdered NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in self-proclaimed revenge killings for the murders of Mike Brown and Eric Garner spokespersons for the NYPD and the PBA (Police Benevolent Association) were quick to personalize the victims while using the language of belligerent militarism to politicize the broader context of growing public resistance to police violence. What wasn’t expressed by NYPD spokespersons was any regret for the unjustifiable murder of Eric Garner or any number of other black and brown youth, for participation in systematic racial repression like stop-question-and-frisk or for the acting as an occupying army in poor neighborhoods of color. What was affirmed through the words of spokespersons for the police was that black lives don’t matter but that cop lives do.  

So the cops are up in arms, almost literally, and the insurrection, their bitterness, while going underground, may not extinguish itself as long as public criticism continues.


All violence is not equal. The nature of violence and its moral content varies according to the social matrix in which it originates. This is not Marxist but Jesuist logic. As a rule “retail violence,” as opposed to massive, organized, direct and indirect, violence, as the system practices it daily, begins to occur when the conditions of life become unbearable for a sector of the population in which all hope has vanished.

Minimal and sporadic as the instances of violence against the police may be, this is usually enough to spark a disproportionate retaliation by the forces of order. Thus, in almost all cases studied, from Rome on down, violence in a society defined by enormous inequity starts with the state.

It’s a lie that it is the left, the revolutionists, the people yearning for true social change, who fire the first shots. History shows that, except for those instances in which a small, adventurist nucleus, way ahead of the masses’ consciousness, attempts to spark a rebellion by using armed force, it is the praetorian guard of the established order—whether Czardom, military tyranny, or capitalist democracy—that moves to “decapitate” and intimidate the nascent democratic movement via the liberal administration of state violence. Eventually, a self-defense force is organized and the outcome of that struggle is either liberation, a worse form of tyranny or a new, highly imperfect but perhaps more tolerable status quo. The cases of South Africa and El Salvador testify to that. History guarantees nothing except that ignoring its lessons perpetuates its tragedies.

Final comment
While rightwing politicians like Giuliani (as is customary) hardly help the situation by providing respectability to the fascistic utterances of narrow-minded zealots like Patrick Lynch, the card-carrying “liberals” are equally toxic.

Their language is characteristically more convoluted (see sidebar below), but the message is clear: the United States is NOT a nation in which African Americans might feel justified in resisting the police or believe that their lives are endangered by their presence. Instead such thinking should be classified as a form of insanity. As usual it’s easy to see the world in conciliatory tones when comfortably perched on the rungs of the upper middle class in the underbelly of the ruling class.

Indeed, what we witness here is a massive failure of the empathetic imagination, which should surprise no one given the natural predisposition to selfish behavior that characterizes American society. Considering how extreme and vitriolic guys like Lynch can get when their peripheral self-interest is threatened, one may justifiably ask if they would be as peaceable and law-abiding as the vast majority of Black people still are if they had to endure the ministrations of a constantly intrusive and brutal police force. Does Lynch and his ilk ever think (or heard) of the Black & Tan? It might be salutary if they did. Unfortunately, that’s not likely to happen.

Patrice Greanville is editor in chief of The Greanville Post.


Conservatives Are Right About Reckless Political Rhetoric


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter Jerad and Amanda Miller killed two police officers and a civilian in Las Vegas this past June, we learned what set them off from his Facebook page. Jerad was a Cliven Bundy acolyte, but got kicked out of Bundy’s mini-militia for being a convicted felon. He was a Benghazi conspiracy theorist who hated the Affordable Care Act, but he’d also come to believe that law enforcement and IRS officers were agents of a fascist takeover of the country.Needless to say, conservatives didn’t take kindly to the suggestion that right-wing agitprop had stoked his paranoia, even if he ultimately snapped because he was out of his mind.
Episodes like these are extremely rare, but in an open society, they are also inescapable. Politics can be contentious, and at the fringes that contention can spill over into delusion and violence.If your antipathy to government assistance or gun regulation metastasizes into a paranoid conviction that government agents will enter your home, confiscate your weapons, and imprison your family in FEMA camps, you might take preventive action. If your anger about racial disparities in the criminal justice system metastasizes into the belief that police officers are systematically murdering young black men, you might try to pick them off first.But that’s where the implicit comparison conservatives drew between episodes like the Miller killings and the police assassinations in New York broke down. Or rather, when conservatives tried to bring politics into their argument, they had to dream up rhetorical analogies that don’t exist.On the radical fringe of the leftin communist and anarchist propagandayou might find the kind of revolutionary rhetoric that confirmed Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s suspicions. But that’s not where conservatives went looking..“We’ve had four months of propaganda starting with the president that everybody should hate the police,” said former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani..
Pat Lynch, the president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has “blood on his hands,” and has fomented an open police revolt against the mayor’s office.
(The New Republic, 22 December 2014)



Rogue State—A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower, and use, too, the formidable works of Michael Parenti, plus Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. In fact, there is no dearth of credible historians, and once a person succeeds in learning how to lift the status quo fog, things begin to pop up all over.


And now a word from the Editors of The Greanville Post





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Police Violence and Violence Against the Police

An Unaccountable Army

U.S. Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marines fire at insurgent positions during the First Battle of Fallujah.

U.S. Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marines fire at insurgent positions during the First Battle of Fallujah. (Wikipedia)


[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n March 31, 2004, one year after the launch of the U.S. war against Iraq, four U.S. military contractors, mercenaries, were ambushed and killed in the Iraqi city of Fallujah and their charred corpses were hung from a bridge. The indignation expressed by the American political leadership and senior military officials was that their imperial privilege had been challenged— how dare the people whose country they had illegally invaded and substantially destroyed and whose relatives, neighbors and friends they had murdered fight back?

The city of Fallujah was surrounded; women and small children were told to leave and then the slaughter began. White phosphorus and depleted uranium shells were dropped until thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of Iraqi boys and men in Fallujah had been murdered.

Left unsaid at the time was that most Americans subjected to an illegal war, invasion and occupation would respond largely as the citizens of Fallujah had done. Self-defense against invading hordes is as close to a natural right as the term could convey. The real crimes committed in / on Iraq were the war and occupation launched by the Americans and Brits. And the collective punishment visited upon the male citizens of Fallujah very closely resembled the acts that led to collective punishment being designated a war crime in the first place— the group slaughters regularly meted out by the Nazis in WWII for acts committed by unrelated individuals or groups. Today the Americans and Israelis (against Palestinians) are the main global keepers of the war crime tradition of collective punishment.


Picture (1) above: An NYPD motorcycle cop gratuitously rides his motorcycle over the leg of an NLG (National Lawyers Guild) legal observer at an Occupy Wall Street demonstration. The role of the police as armed thugs protecting the privilege of connected kleptocrats on Wall Street is framed in the language of the radical right as protecting ‘the public’ from over-privileged, elitist kids disrupting the public order. When former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who made his early career prosecuting Wall Street criminals, says that the police are concentrated in ‘high crime’ areas he fails to mention that any concentration of police in the financial districts of major U.S. cities is to protect financial criminals from being held accountable for their crimes. Source: Washington’s blog.

NYPost-Amadou Diallo-americanskin_newyorkpostFormer New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made explicit the military role of the police when he bragged that he had ‘the seventh biggest army in the world,’ the NYPD. Mr. Bloomberg claimed the NYPD to be ‘his’ army in 2011 as he was violently repressing the Occupy Wall Street movement. A short time after the comments were made the NYPD participated in a coordinated national assault against lawfully assembled protestors that included the total destruction of the Occupy library, kitchen and associated infrastructure. Through an ongoing campaign of violence, infiltration, disinformation, ‘pre-emptive’ kidnappings and legally dubious arrests the Occupy movement was effectively destroyed. Mr. Bloomberg made his fortune from Wall Street and he used ‘his’ army to prevent it from being held legally and socially accountable for its crimes.

When Ismaaiyl Brinsley murdered NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in self-proclaimed revenge killings for the murders of Mike Brown and Eric Garner spokespersons for the NYPD and the PBA (Police Benevolent Association) were quick to personalize the victims while using the language of belligerent militarism to politicize the broader context of growing public resistance to police violence. What wasn’t expressed by NYPD spokespersons was any regret for the unjustifiable murder of Eric Garner or any number of other black and brown youth, for participation in systematic racial repression like stop-question-and-frisk or for the acting as an occupying army in poor neighborhoods of color. What was affirmed through the words of spokespersons for the police was that black lives don’t matter but that cop lives do.


Picture (2) above: The NYPD applies an illegal choke hold in the murder of Eric Garner. The allegation against Mr. Garner was that he was selling ‘loosey’ cigarettes, individual cigarettes on which applicable taxes were not paid. In the run-up to the Great Recession Wall Street made dubious, in many cases fraudulent, mortgage loans of over one-trillion dollars. The economic calamity that resulted cost millions of families their homes and millions more their jobs and life savings. The everyday business of U.S. corporations is avoiding hundreds of billions per year in tax liabilities through sham transactions. Eric Garner could in theory have sold loosey cigarettes for the next 500,000 years and not neared the annual tax avoidance of Apple Computer or General Electric had the police not murdered him. Source: ABC News.

The loss of any life through violence is tragic, which makes the police practice of casual, consequence-free, assault, murder and harassment so worthy of public condemnation. The contention put forward by PBA spokesperson Patrick Lynch that those protesting police violence have ‘blood on their hands’ leaves unaddressed the reasons why protestors are protesting— around the country heavily armed, militarized police routinely assault and murder people, largely black and brown youth, with impunity and largely without conscience. Seventy-six unarmed black and brown youth have been murdered by the police since 1999 and it is only the murder of two cops that raises the moral outrage of the police. And here lies irony— the protestors by-and-large have great sympathy for the families of the slain cops whereas, as best can be determined by the words and actions of the police, courts and political leadership, the imperial privilege of police to murder with impunity remains intact.

uriepix3-510x652DialloTIMEPicture (3) right: it has been nearly fifteen years since unarmed Amadou Diallo was murdered by the NYPD in a hail of bullets. In the intervening years the police across the country have murdered seventy-six unarmed people of color (link above), have been increasingly militarized, given the right to rob people of their possessions at will, made immune from prosecution for crimes committed and dedicated to systematic race-based repression like stop-and-frisk. The failure of the political leadership and the judiciary to hold the police accountable at any level demonstrates the political role that the police fill— that of an army of the rich existing to protect the ruling class from social accountability. Source: Life Magazine.

The existence of a heavily armed, highly militarized, wholly unaccountable army to protect a class and race based social order is totalitarian by degree— those on the side being repressed bear the brunt leaving the illusion of justice for those not paying attention. The one-sided response of the political leadership and police spokespersons to the tragic murder of Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos is evidence of the social order being protected. Left entirely unaddressed is the historical role of the police in maintaining an unjust race and class based social order from slave patrols to convict leasing to mass incarceration and for-profit prisons to class and race-based enforcement of selectively repressive laws. And to be clear, it is the political leadership that has designated and so-armed the police to be the quasi-military force they now are.

The mainstream press is claiming that the murders of Messrs. Liu and Ramos have reframed the protests against police violence to be against violence. Without disarming the police and changing their role from militarized guardians of ruling class interests to servants of all of the public it is difficult to see how opposing violence without opposing the existing role of the police is politically coherent? And reduction of the idea of justice to the will of the police is to accept the role they have been given in protecting class and race interests by a political leadership that straightforwardly answers to economic interests. Put differently, if fealty to the law had anything to do with the current role of the police then areas with high levels of criminal activity could be found in the financial towers of lower Manhattan and on Park and Madison Avenues just north of Forty-Second Street. As of a few days ago the NYPD was nowhere to be found enforcing the law in these locations.

Rob Urie is an artist and political economist. His book Zen Economics is forthcoming. (This is a crosspost with Counterpunch, which acts as originating site.)

APPENDIX: Daily News (NY) Special Report

EXCLUSIVE: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction

A Daily News analysis of NYPD-involved deaths starts with the 1999 slaying of unarmed Amadou Diallo in a hail of bullets in the Bronx and ends with last month’s shooting death of Akai Gurley in a Brooklyn stairwell. Where race was known, 86% were black or Hispanic.


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Monday, December 8, 2014



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