The FBI’s Bomb Factory

Agency of Fear

Mohamed Osman Mohamud

Mohamed Osman Mohamud

It’s nearing dusk on November 26, 2010. More than 25,000 people have gathered in a light rain at Pioneer Square in downtown Portland, Oregon to watch the annual lighting of the holiday tree, a 100-foot-tall Douglas-fir logged from the Willamette National Forest.

Three men in a nearby hotel room have just finished eating a take-out pizza. The TV turned to a local news channel, which is covering holiday celebration. The men spread towels on the floor and say an Islamic prayer, asking that Allah bless their operation. The men pat each other on the back, leave the room and walk to their vehicle, a white van.

One of the men is a teenager named Mohamed. The other two men are older. One is called Youssef. The leader of the group is a man in his fifties who is known only as Hussein. Hussein is a bomb-maker for al-Qaeda. He’s been making explosives for three decades. Their operation to set off a massive bomb in the heart of Portland has been in the works for more than three months.

Hussein unlocks the doors to the van and takes the driver’s seat. The young Mohamed, who is wearing a hard-hat, slides into the passenger seat. In the cargo hold of the van sit six 55-gallon blue drums filled with nearly 2,000 pounds of fertilizer-based explosives. Each drum has an explosive cap. They are linked together by a detonation cord, which runs up to a toggle switch.

As Hussein pulls the van, which reeks of diesel fuel, out into traffic, the bomb-maker begins to chant loudly in Arabic. Hussein parks the van on Yamhill Street, directly across from Pioneer Square. He orders Mohamed to flip the toggle switch, arming the bombs.

The two men get out of the van and scurry down Broadway Street and then up to 10th avenue, where Youssef is waiting for them in an SUV. They drive to the Portland train station, where they drop Youssef off, and then park the vehicle in a lot a couple of blocks away.

Hussein mutters “Allahu Akbar.” Then turns to his teenage sidekick and asks, “You read?” Mohamed nods his head, “Ready.”

The bomb-maker hands Mohamed a cell phone. The phone is meant to activate the bomb. He reads out a number. Mohammed nervously enters the digits on the phone. There is no explosion.

Hussein suggests that the signal may be poor and that they should step out of the van. The two men get out of the van and Mohamed reenters the numbers. The phone begins to ring. Then dozens of voices shatter the tense scene, screaming “FBI! FBI!” The two men are ordered to the ground. As Hussein is being handcuffed, he struggles with the federal agents and continues to chant “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” When Mohamed spits at an officer, Hussein says, “I love that.”

The federal agents have arrived, it seems, just in the nick of time. Their felicitous intervention has disrupted a sophisticated terrorist operation and saved thousands of innocent lives. The bomb plotters had been caught and trundled off to prison: another triumphant day in the battle to protect the homeland from al-Qaeda’s terror cells.

But wait a minute. Almost nothing about this scenario was true. The cell phone wasn’t connected to the toggle switch. The detonation cords weren’t wired to an explosive device. The blue drums weren’t filled with diesel-saturated fertilizer, but harmless grass seed. Mohamed wasn’t a member of al Qaeda. Of Somali origin, he was a troubled college dropout from Beaverton, Oregon, home of Nike. Youssef wasn’t a member of al Qaeda. Hussein was not one of al Qaeda’s top bomb makers. Youssef and Hussein were not really arrested and neither was charged with being part of a terrorist plot. Youssef and Hussein were both federal agents.

The bomb plot itself was not an al Qaeda idea. It was hatched by the FBI. Young Mohamed Mohamud did not seek out the bomb plotters; they found him and seduced the young man into joining their conspiracy. The teenager did not build the bomb. The fake bomb was actually constructed by John Hallock, who later testified that he designed the device for “maximum effect.” Mohamed did not select the target. The order to activate the device came from a federal agent. The order to detonate the bomb also came from a federal agent. From conception to execution, the infamous Portland Christmas Tree Bomb Plot was scripted by the FBI.

Yet it was Mohamed Mohamud who was arrested, slapped with federal terrorism and conspiracy changes, subjected to a bruising trial in January and convicted on all counts by a jury that deliberated less than six hours.

After the verdict was read, the gleeful FBI agents and federal prosecutors hailed their victorious sting operation, braying that they had rid the streets of a dangerous jihadist. But this was not a government sting. It was a textbook case of entrapment, where federal agents recruited a disaffected kid, whose only previous legal entanglement had been an unproven allegation of date rape during his freshman year at college, into a fake bomb plot that they had concocted.

Mohamed Mohamud was not a terrorist when the FBI began spying on him while he was still in high school. In the two years he was under FBI surveillance, he did not commit a terrorist act or join a terrorist group. It took the FBI to recruit him into a terrorist cell, indoctrinate him into terrorist ideology and lure him into participating in its bomb plot.

Our government increasingly fantasizes about blowing things up here at home. This is the sixth case where the FBI has invented a bomb plot aimed at snagging hapless, often alienated, individuals who were not terrorists until they were enticed into joining the agency’s own conspiracy.  So what is the point of these operations? To scoop up a handful of estranged, young Muslim men? To make suburban Americans feel safer?

Hardly. The point is fear. The government needs to keep the public in a state of terror anxiety in order to justify its own ever-encroaching powers.

So, Mohamed sits in prison. The Constitution lies in tatters. Fear rules the land.


Jeffrey St. Clair is the editor of CounterPunch. His most recent book (with Joshua Frank) is Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press).

Jorge Bergoglio’s sinful role in Argentina’s ‘Dirty War’

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA:  This 30 March, 1976, file photo shows Argentine Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla (C) being sworn in as president in Buenos Aires, following the 24 March coup. Workers' unions, human rights groups and activist will organize marches 24 March, the 25th anniversary of the coup, to denounce the junta that began Argentina's "dirty war." Coup leaders Admiral Eduardo Emilio Massera is at left and Brig. Gen. Orlando Ramon Agosti is right.  AFP PHOTO/FILES (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA: This 30 March, 1976, file photo shows Argentine Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla (C) being sworn in as president in Buenos Aires, following the 24 March coup. Workers’ unions, human rights groups and activist will organize marches 24 March, the 25th anniversary of the coup, to denounce the junta that began Argentina’s “dirty war.” Coup leaders Admiral Eduardo Emilio Massera is at left and Brig. Gen. Orlando Ramon Agosti is right. The Argentine generals took over about three years after their Chilean counterpart, Augusto Pinochet, overthrew Pres. Allende in Chile, in a putsch similarly supported by the US.  The policy of seeding military dictatorships in South America—Operation Condor—was organized in Washington.

By Brett Wilkins

Buenos Aires – As Pope Francis takes his place as the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, his participation in Argentina’s US-backed ‘Dirty War’ is sure to come under increased scrutiny.


From 1976 until 1983, Argentina was governed by a series of US-backed military dictators who ruled with iron fists and crushed the regime’s opponents, many of them students, trade unionists, journalists and leftists. Kidnapping, torture, murder by death squads anddisappearances characterized this brutal ‘Dirty War,’ and many of the leading perpetrators, including two junta leaders and the military dictator Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, were trained by the United States in kidnapping, torture, assassination and democracy suppression at the School of the Americas in Panama. As many as 30,000 people were killed or disappeared during this horrific period, and many children and babies were stolen from parents imprisoned in concentration camps or murdered by the regime.

During this harrowing period, the Argentine Catholic church was shamefully silent in the face of horrific atrocities. Argentine priests offered communion and support to the perpetrators of these crimes, even after the execution of two bishops, including Enrique Angelelli, and numerous priests. Worse, leading church figures were complicit in the regime’s abuses. One priest, Father Christian von Wernich, was a former police chaplain later sentenced to life in prison for involvement in seven murders, 42 kidnappings and 31 cases of torture during the ‘Dirty War.’ At his trial, witnesses testified how the priest used his position to gain their trust before passing information to police, who tortured victims– sometimes in von Wernich’s presence– and sometimes killed them.

Senior military commanders who justified the regime’s appalling practice of dumping drugged and tortured ‘Dirty War’ prisoners into the sea from airplanes, known as ‘death flights,’ told participants that the Church sanctioned the missions as “a Christian form of death.”

“We have much to be sorry for,” Father Ruben Capitanio told the New York Times in 2007. “The attitude of the Church was scandalously close to the dictatorship to such an extent that I would say it was of a sinful degree.”

So exactly what role did Jorge Bergoglio play in his country’s brutal seven-year military dictatorship?

1995 lawsuit filed by a human rights lawyer alleges that Bergoglio, who was leading the local Jesuit community by the time the military junta seized power in 1976, was involved in the kidnapping of two of his fellow Jesuit priests, Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics, who were tortured by navy personnel before being dumped in a field, drugged and semi-naked, five months later.

At the time, Bergoglio was the superior in the Society of Jesus of Argentina. According to El Silencio (Silence), a book by Horacio Verbitsky, one of Argentina’s most respected investigative journalists, Bergoglio urged the two priests, who were strong believers in liberation theology, to stop visiting Buenos Aires slums where they worked to improve the lives of some of the country’s poorest people. After the priests refused, Bergoglio allegedly stopped protecting them, leading to their arrest and torture. According to the Associated Press, Yorio accused Bergoglio of “effectively handing [the priests] over to death squads.”

Despite his alleged role in the Jesuits’ imprisonment, Bergoglio did eventually take action to secure their release. His intervention and appeal to the vicious junta leader Jorge Videla quite likely saved their lives.

But that wasn’t the only time Bergoglio allegedly cooperated with the regime. According to Verbitsky, he also hid political prisoners from a delegation of visiting international monitors from the Inter-American Human Rights Commission.

Bergoglio was also silent in the wake of Father Angelelli’s assassination, even as other leading Argentine clergy condemned the murder. He was quick, however, to hail the slain priest as a “martyr” years later in more democratic times.

once said of Bergoglio. “It shows him to be opposed to all innovation in the church and above all, during the dictatorship, it shows he was very cozy with the dictatorship.”

Human rights attorney Myriam Bregman told the AP that “the dictatorship could not have operated [so brutally] without this key support.”

Bergoglio is also a proven liar when it comes to his personal knowledge of the regime’s atrocities. In 1977, the De le Cuadra family, which lost five members, including a pregnant woman, to state security forces, appealed to the Jesuit leadership in Rome for desperately-needed protection. According to the Associated Press, the Jesuits in turn urged Bergoglio to help the family. Bergoglio assigned an underling to the case, who returned with a note from a colonel stating that the slain woman, who like many other ‘Dirty War’ victims was kept alive just long enough so that she could give birth, had her baby given to a family “too important” to remove it from. The colonel’s letter is written proof that Bergoglio knew about the regime’s practice of stealing babies from its victims, yet the archbishop testified in 2010 that he had no knowledge of stolen babies until after the military regime fell.

“Bergoglio has a very cowardly attitude when it comes to something so terrible as the theft of babies,” Estela de la Cuadra, daughter of Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo founder Alicia de la Cuadra, told the AP.

Under Bergoglio’s later leadership as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, the church apologized for its abject failure to protect its flock. But he also refused to appear in open court to answer questions about his role in the ‘Dirty War’ oppression– twice, and when he finally did appear in 2010, his answers– some of which, like the denial of knowledge of stolen babies– left many human rights advocates extremely dissatisfied.

“He doesn’t face this reality and it doesn’t bother him,” de la Cuadra said. “The question is how to save his name, save himself. But he can’t keep these allegations from reaching the public. The people know who he is.”

Warnings from near voices: U.S. Military Preparing for Domestic Disturbances

Originally: Wednesday, 07 January 2009  by Jim Meyers

In the report below the phrase to keep an eye on is  “domestic tranquility” which the military is supposed to enforce under “extreme circumstances’, all of which is left to the powers that be to define. It doesn’t take a genius to see that “domestic tranquility” is nothing but an euphemism for the current status quo dominated by the global plutocracy, in other words the capitalist world order. Domestic tranquility = capitalist way of life, a nifty equation, indeed.


Greek protest against “austerity”. How big will protests have to get in America to trigger martial law? And never forget that false flag operations guarantee provocations to justify a mailed-fist response.

Police State?

A new report from the U.S. Army War College discusses the use of American troops to quell civil unrest brought about by a worsening economic crisis.The report from the War College’s Strategic Studies Institute warns that the U.S. military must prepare for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States” that could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.”

Entitled “Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development,” the report was produced by Nathan Freier, a recently retired Army lieutenant colonel who is a professor at the college — the Army’s main training institute for prospective senior officers.

He writes: “To the extent events like this involve organized violence against local, state, and national authorities and exceed the capacity of the former two to restore public order and protect vulnerable populations, DoD [Department of Defense] would be required to fill the gap.”

Freier continues: “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order … An American government and defense establishment lulled into complacency by a long-secure domestic order would be forced to rapidly divest some or most external security commitments in order to address rapidly expanding human insecurity at home.”

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned last week of riots and unrest in global markets if the ongoing financial crisis is not addressed and lower-income households are beset with credit constraints and rising unemployment, the Phoenix Business Journal reported.

Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Rep. Brad Sherman of California disclosed that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson discussed a worst-case scenario as he pushed the Wall Street bailout in September, and said that scenario might even require a declaration of martial law.

The Army College report states: “DoD might be forced by circumstances to put its broad resources at the disposal of civil authorities to contain and reverse violent threats to domestic tranquility. Under the most extreme circumstances, this might include use of military force against hostile groups inside the United States.

“Further, DoD would be, by necessity, an essential enabling hub for the continuity of political authority in a multi-state or nationwide civil conflict or disturbance.”

He concludes this section of the report by observing: “DoD is already challenged by stabilization abroad. Imagine the challenges associated with doing so on a massive scale at home.”

As Newsmax reported earlier, the Defense Department has made plans to deploy 20,000 troops nationwide by 2011 to help state and local officials respond to emergencies.

The 130-year-old Posse Comitatus Act restricts the military’s role in domestic law enforcement. But a 1994 Defense Department Directive allows military commanders to take emergency actions in domestic situations to save lives, prevent suffering or mitigate great property damage, according to the Business Journal.

And Gen. Tommy Franks, who led the U.S. military operations to liberate Iraq, said in a 2003 interview that if the U.S. is attacked with a weapon of mass destruction, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

LAPD High Crimes

by Stephen Lendman

michaelRupertMichael Ruppert (left) is a former LAPD cop. He knows its dark side well. He witnessed it firsthand.

Its rap sheet includes corruption, abuse of power, complicity with CIA drugs trafficking, unjustified arrests, beatings, murder, perjury, witness tampering, evidence planting, frame-ups, coverups, racism, sadism, and other crimes. 

It wants its dirty secrets kept hidden. They’re ugly and longstanding. Many examples bear witness. In March 2000, news reports revealed LAPD Rampart Division Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums (CRASH) unit criminality.

It included unjustified arrests, beatings, drug dealing, witness intimidation, murder, evidence planting, frame-ups and perjury.

An organized criminal subculture exists. Anti-gang officers and supervisors run it. They “celebrate” shootings. They get away with murder.

Earlier LAPD criminality surfaced. Officers shot unarmed gang members, committed perjury, filed false reports, stole drugs from dealers, obstructed justice, beat, framed and robbed people, and were involved in other misconduct.

Two decades ago, Rodney King’s beating made headlines. Similar ones go unnoticed. They happen ad nauseam. People of color are most vulnerable. Victims are called perpetrators. LA cops beat, kill and abuse with impunity. It’s standard practice.

Ruppert commented on Christopher Dorner. He told Russia Today:

He never got a chance. LAPD cops killed him. Ruppert predicted they would. They wanted him silenced. A SWAT team may have gunned him down.

They surrounded his cabin. Gas was pumped in. LAPD cops made reference to “burners.” One voice said “We’re going to burn him out.  Another shouted “f…king burn this motherf…king house down.” One more said “Seven burners were deployed and we have a fire.”

Voices were loud enough for CBS affiliate KCAL 9 to broadcast them live on air. Immediately the audio feed was cut.

What happened was reminiscent of immolating Branch Davidian’s Mount Carmel Waco ranch compound in 1993.

Eighty-four innocent men, women and children died. They were murdered in cold blood. Attorney General Janet Reno’s special counsel whitewashed a federal investigation.

Key facts were suppressed. Wrongdoing was ignored. Atrocities passed under the radar. Washington got away with murder.

So did LAPD cops. They set Dorner’s cabin ablaze. Fire department units were ordered not to respond. Dorner was incinerated. He never had a chance. Hours later his charred body was found.

He expected to die. He said so on Facebook. Different versions of his manifesto exist. It denounces dozens of LAPD cops for corruption, racism and violence.

On February 7, two Riverside police officers were shot. One died. Dorner was blamed. A massive manhunt ensued. High-tech surveillance and indiscriminate shootings followed.

Rogue cops don’t apologize for wrongdoing. Dorner knew how they operated. He went public explaining it. Doing so marked him for death. LAPD officials wanted him silenced. Extrajudicial killing is policy. Dead men tell no tales.

LA police don’t protect and serve. They abuse. They target suspicious suspects and people of color brutally. They use deadly force. Dorner witnessed things firsthand. His experience made him violent.

In 2007, he witnessed white training officer, Sgt. Teresa Evans, kick an unarmed/handcuffed person of color in the stomach and face.

He reported what he saw. He was fired for doing so. An LAPD Board of Rights said he lied.

Truth-telling is hazardous. He said he “saw some of the most vile things humans can inflict on others.”

Enemy combatants in LA aren’t citizens and suspects. They’re rogue cops. LAPD’s culture breeds them. The department’s been that way for decades.

Brutal cops get promoted to supervisory and command positions. An officer involved in Rodney King’s beating became a captain.

Who said crime doesn’t pay? It does when rogue cops commit it. Many examples bear witness. On February 7, police opened fire without warning.

They fired dozens of rounds at 71-year old Emma Hernandez and her daughter Margie Carranza. They were delivering newspapers at the time.

They had no connection to Dorner. Cops claimed their vehicle matched his. So do many others.

They were put on administrative leave. Hand slap punishment at most will follow. Hernandez was shot twice in the back. She’s in intensive care. Carranza had minor wounds. No one else was hit.

A Torrence police cruiser responded to LAPD’s backup call. It rammed a pickup truck indiscriminately. Officers opened fire through its front window.

Fortunately the driver wasn’t hit. He ducked and avoided injury. He could have been killed. Fire, ready, aim is official LAPD policy. Anyone close by is vulnerable.

Mike Davis is a political activist, urban theorist, and historian. On February 11, he headlined “Exterminating Angels.”

He referenced Dorner’s manifesto. It reflects “unendurable depression that descended on (him) after his” LAPD dismissal.

Sneering acronyms taunt his former comrades. Other comments extend “sentimental acknowledgments to friends. Fan notes are included. He “passionate(ly) advocate(d) gun control.”

Perhaps he had LAPD cops in mind. Police criminality isn’t new. It’s rife in US cities and communities. It pervades them like crabgrass infests lawns.

Dorner explained “how a police Explorer Scout” went from LAPD rookie to persona non grata “for being an honest cop.” He debunked notions about a kinder, gentler, more diverse LAPD.

He witnessed indiscriminate sadism, racism, corruption, extrajudicial killing, conspiracies, and other high crimes. He raged at injustice. He wanted revenge.

He began by killing a cop’s daughter and fiance. Doing so doomed him. “Does anyone cheer Dorner,” Davis asked? He’s dead.

Stories like his have short shelf lives. Family, friends, people of conscience, and killer cops alone will remember.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.”

Visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

Guest Editorials: Blue on Black – The Conversation We Should Be Having about Dorner

by Diane Gee, Editor, The Wild Wild Left
dianeGIt was “the” story for almost a week, yet after the premeditated incineration of him and all evidence by the Police State?  The story has all but disappeared. In the immediate aftermath, the predominant memes went from hero to terrorist, with a ton of arm-chair projected mental health diagnosing going on throughout the spectrum of opinions.What was not discussed at length was the “Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the Lord LAPD” attitude or the careful timeline followed by the pigs and the ever-subservient press.Two more officers have come forward with complaints substantiating Dorner’s experiences; Joe Jones who is no longer on the force, and active duty Sergeant Wayne K. Guillary both claim endemic racism, police brutality and retaliation for attempting to whistle-blow.The first message is clearly, they will let you be part of the Blue brotherhood, as long as you give up your Blackness. If you refuse to cover up Blue crime?  You become sworn enemy.

The second is far more subtle, in a totally obvious sort of way. They didn’t tie him to a stake or anything, but we just watched them burn a man alive on public TV.  Think about that.  That is the new “normalized” in the Police State.

Diane Gee :: Blue on Black – The Conversation We Should Be Having about Dorner
To start with there were many discrepancies in the story as reporter on the scene Ruth Hull points out.  She is not just a blogger, but a former criminal defense attorney and PI.  Science, evidence, and FACTS are supposed to matter in our system.

Brett Berens (son of the owner of The Oaks Restaurant on Highay 38) said the truck was flooded with bullets and went down a 20 to 30 foot cliff and crashed.  According to PIO Hughan, this all took place in 3 to 4 minutes from when the truck was spotted.

Ok, somehow Chris survived a hail of bullets, a vehicular smash down a cliff, had hostages, then didn’t have hostages, lit a fire in the cabin, then shot himself?  Seriously?

But in the new America?  If you point out these inconsistencies, you are either defending a man who is a “cold blooded murderer of the innocent daughter of…” or a “conspiracy theorist.”

I prefer my facts unfiltered by such emotional manipulation.

Lets take the audio.

“Number 3 side, heads up, heads up, we are boarding the 1-2”

This means they were entering the cabin from that side, and did not want to be shot at by their team when moving in.

“Tear that whole wall down, that door and that window, make a big port window for me there.”

Ok, they are close enough and in no fear to be tearing holes in the cabin.  At no point did they say anything about the suspect… or seem to worry they might be shot at.Then they discuss what is at the front door, and they confirm its a couple trash bags by a calm officer who is inside.


“The blood spatter’s in the far corner, ahh, ya got a couple mattresses laying up against the bed.”

Ok, whose blood?  Note this is long before the cabin is burned, and the “single shot” is heard that was Dorner’s supposed suicide.


“Ok Steve, we’re going to go forward with the plan, with the burn.””Copy”

“I want it, uhh, like we talked about.”

This totally negates it catching fire by accident of the gas bombs, or Chris Dorner lighting it himself.  It shows premeditation, not just an on-scene reaction from Police in fear from their lives.  Chris is either dead already, or gone.


“::Inadible:: the burners are deployed, we have a fire.””Copy 7 burners deployed, and we have a fire.”

Now what POSSIBLE reason would they have to burn a building they have already entered and cleared?


“This was a clean out of a house, where a family member located what appeared to be some sort of RPG round. “

What family member?  Huh?

“Not in the tube, placed separately then, just jostled around, now sitting on top of a box.  We have direct access (inaudible) want a photo for it for you, or get any other intelligence or do you just want it hooked on the theme and wait for your arrival?”

This speaks directly to planned, planted evidence in my world, but even given a reasonable doubt that some “family member” stumbled across it, the cops have possession of it and are asking how to make it fit the theme.  “Like they talked about” prior.


“Remember your back-drops.”

A back-drop in street jargon is an unmarked weapon you place on a perp to make your kill look like a good one.

This is what they are waiting for as the spent ammo goes off.  They had to make it look like Chris was heavily armed.  He ran from a crashed truck, carrying an RPG and a bunch of guns?  They really think we will buy this?

Well, yeah, the unquestioning sheeple already have.  Evidence doesn’t matter in a lynching.

Once they call, the contact fire was staging up, they ask for an engine… then they keep that engine away until the place is fully burnt down.

Now?  Suddenly?  They report one shot from the residence.  A residence they have already retrieved a supposed RPG in, seen the blood spatters, bashed a hole in, and burned.

Note, how that reported “one shot” is different from the thereafter reports of exploding munitions.  It has to fit the narrative.

“Stand by, maintain your dicipline.”

They all know its over, but they can’t act like its over.  They have to pretend to be on alert for the “terrorist” that had already been executed for the camera.  I’m seriously thinking they must offer acting classes now too.

After discussing the fully engulfed, the officer in charge again holds back the firetruck, until no corner of the building is “vulnerable”?  Vulnerable to what?  A serious inquiry or seeking of evidence?

In this one… you hear them screaming at someone to get down, then order to “Burn this motherfucker.”

Had they apprehended him, then chosen to burn him alive?

Make no mistake.  This is not about Chris Dorner’s guilt or innocence.

This is about living in a war zone.  This is about burning witches, public beheadings, and lynchings.  This is about lawlessness of the law-enforcers.

The Onion had a piece called Los Angeles on High Alert as LAPD Back on Regular Duty that told more truth as satire than the MSM does every day of the week on any subject.


“I mean, just knowing they’re out there is terrifying-how can I feel safe when these maniacs are on the loose in my neighborhood?” said a visibly rattled Ashley Stillson, 38, who explained that she strictly observed the city’s advisory to avoid the historically violent, unpredictable predators by going out in groups and avoiding the streets entirely after nightfall. “These guys are volatile and, in many cases, mentally unstable. Something needs to be done about them because I fear for my family knowing these sick people are still at large.”


I have been trying to have this conversation with people.  I mean, I have white friends.  Lots of them. (heh)  But you talk about white privilege to most white people, and they will redirect it to their problems.  Male privilege from some white feminist… or reverse racism from a white living in a Black neighborhood.  All hate is bad, I dig it.  But why can we never talk about SYSTEMIC RACISM without having the conversation be about YOU?

Well, here’s a newsflash for you.  What is done to the most vulnerable in Society is the canary in the coal mine of the poison entering the system.

If they cannot stand up to the abuse of Black People by the Police, to the tune of 300+ unarmed Black men being assassinated by the Cops last year alone, because they value them as people and citizens?  Perhaps the idea that it could happen to them as well will do it.  Self-preservation is the most basic of instincts.

Something is not just rotten in Denmark, people… the Occupying forces of Imperialist Capitalism is preparing for a War within our borders.

You have just seen a tiny snapshot of it.

The Press will stand mutely aside, when food riots start, they will cordon off and burn out entire neighborhoods.  Collateral damage, baby.  Like the children droned to smithereens because they had the bad judgment to be born in Afghanistan. You shouldn’t be poor here either.  Where is the outcry for the young mother shot in her parked car for stealing a small container of formula to feed her baby?

Its the Street Death Penalty now, and you shall FEAR us, they say.

Think about the Blue-code, codified indeed by law.  Killing a cop is worse than killing any other human, because their lives are worth more.  Why is that?  Surely not because they are better humans, or we are so grateful for their protection from “the evils” – it is to keep people from ever even thinking about protecting themselves FROM the cops.

Suicide by Cop seems to have become some blanket apologia for cops who won’t do their job and bring someone in… You argue?  You die?  You sass?  You get beaten.  And if you do any of this while Black?  We now have public burnings.  And nary a peep is heard.

The discussion we need to have is about systemic racism, and that without that racism, there can be no class war, for all class warfare has racism at its root.

The discussion we need to be having is how the number one cause of violence is that racist class war, and the main perpetrators of that violence wear BLUE.

I don’t know what Chris Dorner was, or wasn’t, or even did, with any certitude. I can no longer believe what information is fed and regurgitated by a press that ignores the above videos and eyewitness accounts and tells us the “story like we talked about” that “fits the theme.” Bloggers like Arthur nail it.

Here’s the truth I know.

One:  The government has always been willing to use excessive force on us, and make examples of a few to keep us in check, and that the brunt of this abuse has been taken by our Black citizens with little recourse.  They have just become more overt about it, and like boiling froggies we keep acclimating to it as our new normal.

Two:  The system, and its gatekeepers who wear the Blue have always targeted Black People the most.  Racism isn’t just a few hooded freaks in the woods, it is BUILT INTO OUR SYSTEM at its core.

Three:  Trials and evidence are greatly a thing of the past.  The pigs make their own kill lists.  Those who do enter the legal system are finding out, they are more interested in punishing you and wearing you down so you will not protest than convicting you.

Four:  The pigs fear no one like their own, because their dirt and skeletons are so very epidemic.  They have been taught to be in the “brotherhood” they must cover for one another, and any betrayal makes Lorena Bobbit look reasonable.

“Burn the motherfucker!”

We watched as this was done, and no one is in the streets.  Not over the case itself, but the fact they burned a man alive for revenge.  For pleasure.  For entertainment.

I guess, it was because it was only “Blue on Black” again…

It breaks my heart.