China Rising, a book by Greanville Post correspondent Jeff Brown, climbing to the top among titles dealing with China.



Dispatch from Beijing

With Jeff J. Brown 

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Editor's Note
 We are extremely proud and happy to see one of our titles, China Rising, Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations, written by our Beijing correspondent Jeff J Brown, and published by our publishing arm, Punto Press, attain a high rank in a tremendously competitive category. Why are we celebrating?

Because getting the message out, speaking truth to the masses, whose minds are literally soaked in the abject lies and distractions sown as landmines by the imperial plutocracy, is a huge, well-nigh impossible task.  This is a task that demands a concerted effort, not just by us, the editors and writers at The Greanville Post and similar genuine alternative media, a thin line of reason and truth against a colossal enemy, but also, by you, the readers, since the crisis afflicting the world today —a crisis which, may I remind you, could be the terminal crisis for a deeply misguided humanity— involves us all. That's why we have published this advertorial about this book as a regular article. We want you to take note and do your part in the great Battle of Communications against the Big Lie that oppresses us all. A Battle of Communications we can't afford to lose. For China Rising is not just a book about China. It is a book about us, about the United States and its hypocritical policies; about Western Europe, France, Britain, and other nations in which the Big Lie rules. What is now politely called "the West".

What is it that we require from you? Quite simple. Something that is not quite a favor because it will benefit you as much as it will benefit us. Strike a blow for peace to defeat the filthy politicians who, prostituting themselves to the sociopathic 0.0002%, are engaged in destroying your safety net, already in jeopardy or in tatters; building more inequality and economic insecurity, and blocking all paths to the salvation of our beloved planet and its innocent creatures.

Your actions in this case should be straightforward: If you have an account with Amazon, file a review of this book. You can even base your review on one of the already published reviews on this site, or those that have already been printed on Amazon. Better still, you can buy the book (in order to file a review it is NOT necessary to purchase the book). Either way, at this point, the object is to show Amazon that our colleague's book is deeply appreciated by a truth-loving public. Once that is accomplished, Amazon may help promote the book further, assuring its place among the bestsellers on this important topic. That would do a lot of good.

And while you are at it, China Rising. Remember that only a properly alerted, politically awakened American population can stop the current criminal drift toward war with China and Russia—a veritable Armageddon— being plotted by the corrupt, power-frenzied maniacs in Washington, supported, as always in that task, by the corporate media prostitutes, who apparently have no bounds in their criminal indecency. (Here's a couple of excellent analyses on that perennial problem, prepared by two highly perceptive voices: More anti-Russian propaganda from the New York Times; and WESTERN PROPAGANDA – SO SIMPLE BUT SO EFFECTIVE! )
Do this much today, don't let it slide until tomorrow. Strike a blow for truth in this great struggle, if you care at all. Do it now.—Patrice Greanville 


Jeff J. Brown’s brand new release, China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations, has quickly achieved a milestone. According to book industry tracker Pronoun,

Your book is in the Top 1% of all books in: > History > Asia > China

With competition including Sun Tzu, Confucius, Mencius, Henry Kissinger, Jung Chang and New Yorker magazine’s Evan Osnos, this is remarkable, indeed:

Why is China Rising a top seller in just two months on the market? The public has spoken. Here are some excerpts from readers’ Amazon book reviews so far:

“This is a remarkable document… ‘China Rising’ is refreshing, even nourishing. I highly recommend it.”

“A remarkable and fascinating book by Jeff Brown that you must read to understand China and its position in the world… A must read book!”

“Essential Reading For A Balanced View On China: Jeff seems to know China better than any Western writer I have found. Since he is fluent in the language, writing, culture, politics and mentality of the Chinese people, his writings always carry much more knowledge and information than all the other authors who portray themselves as ‘China experts’.”

“Jeff Brown is an American expat who lives in China and he presents a unique insight into both the US and China in this book ‘China Rising’… This book is an eye opener in so many ways that I recommend it without reservation.”

“Be prepared to set aside all of your fallacious preconceived notions in this hard-hitting exploration of the rising star of China and the meteoric decline in the fortunes of America as it loses its mantle of leadership and control.”

“Brown’s book lifts the curtain on this truly unique civilization and, based on its complicated centuries-old history which Brown details and documents so well, what might come next.”

“On rare occasion, a book comes along that genuinely rises to the level of a ‘must read.’ That overused phrase has never been more true when applied to ‘China Rising’, an incisive work that challenges many prevailing perceptions of China.”

“As the world changes geo-politically and the shift of power is grinding on in favor of the new rise of Asia, it is fitting that Jeff produces his Chinese sagas now (his first book is ’44 Days Backpacking in China’, a socio-political travelogue), at this very time, since his works are at the forefront of history.”

Why not find out for yourself what all the buzz is about? At only $9.99, it’s a bargain!

China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations

If you are unable to access Amazon online, China Risingis also available here.

Be sure to leave a review on Amazon and pass the word!

“China Rising, Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations” by Jeff J. Brown on Ganxy//

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“44 Days Backpacking in China- The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass” by Jeff J. Brown @ on Ganxy//



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jeffBusyatDesktopJeff J. Brown—TGP’s Beijing correspondent— is the author of 44 Days  (2013), Reflections in Sinoland – Musings and Anecdotes from the Belly of the New Century Beast (summer 2015), and Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). He is currently writing an historical fiction, Red Letters – The Diaries of Xi Jinping, due out in 2016. In addition, a new anthology on China, China Rising, Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations, is also scheduled for publication this summer. Jeff is commissioned to write monthly articles for The Saker  and The Greanville Post, touching on all things China, and the international political & cultural scene

In China, he has been a speaker at TEDx, the Bookworm Literary Festival, the Capital M Literary Festival, the Hutong, as well as being featured in an 18-part series of interviews on Radio Beijing AM774, with former BBC journalist, Bruce Connolly. He has guest lectured at international schools in Beijing and Tianjin.

Jeff grew up in the heartland of the United States, Oklahoma, and graduated from Oklahoma State University. He went to Brazil while in graduate school at Purdue University, to seek his fortune, which whet his appetite for traveling the globe. This helped inspire him to be a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tunisia in 1980 and he lived and worked in Africa, the Middle East, China and Europe for the next 21 years. All the while, he mastered Portuguese, Arabic, French and Mandarin, while traveling to over 85 countries. He then returned to America for nine years, whereupon he moved back to China in 2010. He currently lives in Beijing with his wife, where he writes, while being a school teacher in an international school. Jeff is a dual national French-American.









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The Fourth Estate and the Third Reich

working to impede war and social injustice through simple truth

Hitler and Mussolini

Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich, 1940. Marion Doss. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PM[dropcap]A[/dropcap]merican historian Harriet Scharnberg recently uncovered evidence that the news agency Associated Press  (AP) was able to conduct business in an atmosphere of censorship and repression in Nazi Germany by collaborating with the regime.

Editor's Addition
The Scharberg article is in German and may be found here. If you cannot read German, you can use Google Translate to translate it to the language of your choice. Then enter the url of the article and follow the directions.

Scharnberg provides documentation of this collaboration in the academic journal Studies in Contemporary History. Her study “Associated Press and the National Socialist image journalism,” (January 2016) informs readers how AP supplied American news publications with a steady flow of stories direct from the Nazi Propaganda Ministry. They even allowed some of their photos to be used in anti-Semitic publications with titles like “The Sub-Human” and “The Jews in the USA.”

The tycoons were linked by an ideology: the ideology of Business as Usual. Bound by identical reactionary ideas, the members sought a common future in fascist domination regardless of which world leader might further that ambition…
.In an interview with The Guardian, Sharnberg went as far as to say the AP helped “portray a war of extermination as a conventional war.”

The AP has denied these allegations, but it is no secret that the US Media have provided ideological support for fascism (i.e. Rational Revolution, Chomsky and Herman)

The ruling class in the United States did not hide their admiration for Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco. one example of which is Prescott Bush (father of George H. W. Bush, and grandfather of George W. Bush) is renowned for his business dealings with the Third Reich (Aris and Cambell, 2004). For them, the rise of fascism would be beneficial to their interests. It secured the fortunes of plunderers who flourished from rigged trade markets and other economic advantages for the elite, costing the livelihood of millions of people during The Great Depression.


Henry Ford was awarded the Medal of the German Eagle, the highest honor granted to a foreigner.

Not all members of the ruling class publicly fawned over the likes of “Der Fuhrer” as openly as the anti-Semitic automobile manufacturer Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company. Ford, whom Hitler personally admired as “one great man,” was awarded the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle, the highest honor to be awarded by the Third Reich. As a matter of fact, he was the first American to be granted this dubious honor.

US Ambassador to Germany William E. Dodd told reporters he had “plenty of opportunity” in his post in Berlin to “witness how close some of the American ruling families are to the regime”:

“A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy.” (Seldes, Fact and Fascism, 1947:122)

Financial powerhouses such as Chase Manhattan Bank, Dupont, Ford, General Motors, ITT, Rockefeller and Standard Oil worked with the Nazi regime for monetary gain or out of class loyalty, usually both. (Randy Davis, TENC)

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]nvestigative author Charles Higham documented the ties between American industrialists and the Third Reich in his 1982 book Trading with the Enemy, named after the 1917 “Trading with the Enemy Act.”

Higham writes, “The tycoons were linked by an ideology: the ideology of Business as Usual. Bound by identical reactionary ideas, the members sought a common future in fascist domination regardless of which world leader might further that ambition.

This area of study was explored decades earlier by American journalist George Seldes. He was stationed in Italy and Germany as fascism was on the march in Europe, its leaders entrancing the people of these nations under the spell of faux populism backed by the super-wealthy.

Hearst: The real Citizen Kane, at 6 ft 3 a towering man of malignant influence in the life of the nation.

Hearst: The real Citizen Kane, at 6 ft 3″ a towering man of malignant influence in the life of the nation.

Newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, for example, built a media empire through the format of “Yellow Journalism,” initially funded through the inheritance of his father’s mining fortune. At the height of his influence, he controlled seven daily newspapers, five magazines, two news services and a motion picture studio.

Hearst publications inflamed racial tensions (particular against Mexicans) and promoted American imperialist expansion during the Spanish-American War. Like other “self-made” men of his era, Hearst was an enemy to workers’ rights, calling the 1935 Wagner Act (designed to protect labor’s right to organize) “un-American to the core” and “one of the most vicious pieces of class legislation that could be conceived.”

As noted by journalist and Newspaper Guild co-founder Heywood Broun in May 1936, “…one of the first steps which Fascism must take in any land in order to capture power is to disrupt and destroy the labor movement…. I think it is not unfair to say that any business man in America, or public leader, who goes out to break unions, is laying foundations for Fascism.”(Heywood Broun: A Word of Warning From the Past )

It seemed inevitable that the paths of Hearst and Hitler, both powerful players on the world stage, would engage in a notorious meeting of the minds, or so to speak. After visiting Germany in 1934, Hearst writes:

“I flew up to Berlin and had a long talk with Hitler yesterday. Hitler is an extraordinary man. We estimate him lightly in America. He has enormous enthusiasm, a marvelous faculty for dramatic oratory, and great organizing ability.” (See autograph of the letter to Joseph Wilcolmbe, 1934)

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US Ambassador William E. Dodd, according to Seldes, said that when Hearst arrived in Germany in September 1934, “Hitler sent two of his most trusted Nazi propagandists to ask Hearst how Nazism could present a better image in the U.S.” (Randy Davis, TENC)

Shortly afterward, Hearst ordered all press correspondents in Germany to report on national matters in a “friendly manner.” Those who failed to do so were demoted or terminated from their jobs. Hearst even published editorials with Mussolini’s byline and propaganda items from Nazi Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels and Reichsmarschall (President of the Reichstag) Hermann Goering.

As Seldes writes in his 1943 book Facts and Fascism:

Seldes (young) in the 1930s. His kind is almost extinct.

Seldes in the 1930s. His kind is almost extinct.

“The real Fascists of America are never named in the commercial press. It will not even hint at the fact that there are many powerful elements working against a greater democracy, against an America without discrimination based on race, color and creed, an America where never again will one third of the people be without sufficient food, clothing and shelter, where never again will there be millions unemployed and many more millions working for semi-starvation wages while the DuPont, Ford, Hearst, Mellon and Rockefeller Empires move into the billions of dollars.”

With Hearst and other opinion-makers shaping the national narrative on the state of the economy and the threat of another world war, many Americans embraced the notions of nationalism and jingoism as solutions to the daily agonies resulting from the stock market crash of 1929.

Labor historian Milton Meltzer describes the gloomy atmosphere of this painful period and some of the proposed solutions being discussed at the time in his book Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

“A sense of hopelessness gripped the nation,” Meltzer writes. “America was finished. Some looked for a dictator; others talked of a supercouncil of business leaders.”

Meltzer cites an editorial that appeared in the financial weekly Barron’s, which called for a kind of benevolent dictatorship of a politician, a military commander or an oligarchy of robber barons and monopoly men:

“Of course we all realize that dictatorships and semi-dictatorships in peace time are all quite contrary to the spirit of American institutions and all that. And yet—well, a genial and light-hearted dictator might be a relief.”

As early as 1925 Secretary of the US Treasury Andrew Mellon (one of America’s wealthiest men with control of the Mellon Bank, Gulf Oil and American Aluminum) showered praise on Mussolini by saying he was “a strong man with sound ideas and the force to make these ideas effective.”

Echoing similar sentiments to those of Mellon, even in the face of Mussolini’s mounting crimes against humanity, the editors of the May 1932 issue of Fortune magazine still thought it was appropriate to continue heaping praise on the dictator:

“In the world depression, marked by governmental wandering and uncertainty, Mussolini remains direct … He presents, too, the virtue of force and centralized government acting without conflict for the whole nation at once.”

In recent years, the staff at TIME magazine wrote about this rising popularity of pro-fascist sentiments in American society (Ben Cosgrove, Time, Sept 17, 2014):

“It’s unsettling to think that, well into the late 1930s, many German Americans—a few dozen here, a few hundred there, with occasional rallies featuring crowds in the thousands—were proudly parading through cities and towns across the country, proclaiming their support for Nazi Germany.”

1937 Yaphank, NY

American Nazi party members, (aka German American Bund) march while carrying Nazi and American flags during a Bund outing from nearby Camp Sigfried. (Rex Hardy, Jr. – Life Picture Collection / Getty)

This statement in the LIFE section of TIME magazine, is a complete inversion of the latter magazine’s editorial views decades earlier, where both Mussolini and Hitler adorned the covers of the magazine as TIME’s “Man of the Year,” respectively in 1937 and 1938.

The combined readership of the New York News (circulation of 2,000,000 daily), Saturday Evening Post (circulation of 3,000,000 weekly) and Reader’s Digest (circulation of 9,000,000 monthly) reached upwards of 50,000,000 readers. These three publications alone reached millions of readers, an advantage anti-fascist publications did not have. Reader’s Digest published pro-Hitler articles with such beaming titles as “The House That Hitler Built” and “What’s Good In Germany” both published in 1938.

BELOW: Watch George Seldes talk about the Reader’s Digest overt boosterism for fascism.

Given such glowing coverage in dark times, one can see how many Americans were swayed by the images of the fantasy world being depicted by fascist nations in Europe. Long before the Great Depression, there was a demographic in the American populace who were ready to take up arms in the name of reaction. This desire stemmed from the news they heard regarding current events (or at least a distorted version of it) from mainstream media.

One of the most prominent voices in news media of the 1930s and 40s was Westbrook Pegler. Known for his racist and anti-Semitic views, his reactionary voice was eagerly read by millions when his “Mister Pegler” newspaper column was nationally syndicated by Scripps-Howard in 1933. Eleven years later, Pegler moved his operations to the Hearst syndicate.

Westbrook Pegler

Westbrook Pegler.

Frank Marshall Davis

Frank Marshall Davis

Journalist Frank Marshall Davis referred to Pegler as the “press prostitute,” or “presstitute” to use a more contemporary phrase. Additionally, Davis connects Pegler’s employer Scripps-Howard with what he calls the “McCormick-Patterson-Hearst newspaper axis,” referring to the collective Far-Right vitriol in the publications controlled by Hearst and Chicago Tribune owners Robert McCormick and Joseph Patterson (Writings of Frank Marshall Davis: A Voice of the Black Press, pg 114).

Pegler’s career started down a slow decline after journalist Quentin Reynolds, a foreign correspondent who attempted to warn Americans about Hitler early on, sued Pegler in 1949 after Pegler falsely accused him in his column of “lying,” “physical cowardice” and with the “immorality” of being a “Communist sympathizer,” all of which were denied by Reynolds. Toward the end of his lonely life, Pegler could only get his words published in outlets such as the John Birch Society magazine American Opinion and assorted white supremacist literature.

In the 1930s, print media started to lose its influence due to the advent of radio broadcasting where a single voice could reach millions of people in their homes, cars and local saloons. This powerful and relatively new form of mass communication provided listeners with the sense that the radio personality behind the microphone was as intimate in their lives as a close friend, a neighbor, or perhaps their local priest.

Father Charles Coughlin, a Catholic priest turned radio personality, started his career supporting the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. Over time, however, Coughlin condemned the New Deal as socialistic, favoring the policies of Mussolini and Hitler. Along with broadcasting his sermons to a national audience, he published original articles and even excerpts of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his hate-filled rag misleadingly called Social Justice.

Pegler could easily be dismissed as a hack scribbler and Coughlin as a loud soapbox preacher were it not for the fact that they found eager readers and listeners who were willing to follow their violent rhetoric with the same enthusiasm of the jackboots and goose-steppers in Europe.

Inspired by Hitler’s example, William Dudley Pelley founded the fascist “underground” organization the Silver Legion of America in 1933, also known as the “Silver Shirts” (paying homage to Hitler’s Brown-shirts). As its leader, Pelley preached racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Communism and Christian mysticism to his loyal following of Silver Shirts, who wore the scarlet letter “L” emblem on their uniforms in place of iron crosses, eagles and swastikas.

After Pelley’s death in 1965, The New York Times (date) described Pelley as “an agitator without a significant following.” One year after the group was founded, the Legion had 15,000 Silver Shirts (also known as the Christian Patriots) in its membership. He published these doctrines in his political organs Liberation, Pelley’s Silver Shirt Weekly, The Galilean and The New Liberator. He later founded the Christian Party and ran for president in 1936. The Silver Legion’s membership gradually declined to 5,000 members by 1938.

A former Silver Shirt and Pelley disciple named Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith, a self-described clergyman, developed his own rabid following for his anti-Semitic and Isolationist views. His nationalist and racist views provided the basis of his “America First Party,” founded in 1944.

Professor John Edgar Tidwell describes Smith’s influence by saying he “reached an audience of millions in the guise of a Christian crusader for national supremacy with his organizational and oratorical skills.”

Frank Marshall Davis called Smith “the hate-inciting Detroit rabble rouser who is held responsible in large measure” for the “race riots in the Michigan metropolis,” referring to the 1943 Detroit Riot which left 34 dead and resulted in the arrest of over 1,800 people, the majority of whom were black.

The power to broadcast lies and incite violence in times of economic and social unrest did not slip the minds of these men, nor did they let opportunity slip through their fingers.

The 2009 documentary Hitler: Anecdotes, Myths and Lies, one narrator from the program describes certain political conditions that enabled Hitler to “steal a march on his opponents, who were divided and disorganized.”

“[Hitler’s] harangues, full of popular patriotism, easily grabbed the headlines in a society in the midst of an economic slump where the media was terrified of the prospect of a Communist government.”

[Note: The full series is vailable on Youtube Episodes OneTwoThreeFour …. Five …. Six]

On February 20, 1939, a “Pro-America” rally was hosted at Madison Square Garden in New York City by the American Nazi group “the German-American Bund,” with over 20,000 members and supporters in attendance. The Bund is estimated to have had between 40,000 and 60,000 members at the height of its popularity.

Pro-Nazi Rally

Pro-Nazi German American Bund rally at Madison Square Garden. New York, U.S. Feb. 20, 1939. Courtesy University of Southern California via Holocaust Encyclopedia


The gathering was recounted in the magazine International Socialist Review (ISR):

“The Bund transformed the inside of the Garden to mimic Nazi Party rallies. The walls were festooned with a multitude of American flags, swastika-bearing Bund banners, and a thirty-three-foot high painting of George Washington dominated the stage.”

One speaker at the rally referred to Washington as “The First Fascist.” Such notions were reinforced by the likes of The New York Times in a piece printed in November 1923, reported that the concept of authority espoused by Il Duce (Italian for “The Leader”) “has many points in common with that of the men who inspired our own constitution – John Adams, Hamilton and Washington.”

The Nazis did not need to impress Americans by flying the Hindenburg zeppelin over New York, nor did they need them to witness the campy Josef Goebbels–Leni Riefenstahl spectacle of the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. The shill media, working for the ruling class, simply had to exploit the homegrown prejudices and the American people’s ignorance of political power to help shape the course of history according to the interests of the elites.

To see evidence of this today, one only needs to turn on a television set, browse the pages of a newsstand publication or scroll through articles on the internet.

The US Media ignored, manipulated or lied about the true nature of what has happened to Ukraine since its government succumbed to fascist control in 2014.

Fashion magazine Elle portrayed 19-year-old Vita Zaverukha of Ukraine as her nation’s “Joan of Arc” for her “brave” fight against Russian separatists in 2015. They failed to report that Zaverukha was a member of a Neo-Nazi gang linked to the attempted robbery of a petrol station in Kiev. She was later arrested in connection to the deaths of two police officers among other charges.

Vita Zaverukha

Vita Zaverukha (Facebook) via Blacklisted.

Sources also indicate that Zaverukha participated in the assault on the Odessa House of Trade Unions in May 2014, resulting in 46 dead and 200 more injured.

This is one of many stories regarding Ukraine where the fascists are glorified and those who oppose them are demonized.

Major media outlets in the US have also failed in reporting the rise of Fascism on the Homefront, especially the presidential candidacy of billionaire Donald Trump. Trump’s racist rhetoric and calls for a police state are not merely for show and should not be taken lightly because of his “celebrity status.”

Trump’s followers threaten political opponents and yell phrases like “Go Back to Africa!” and “Go to Auschwitz!” Campaign staff members are tattooed with fascist symbols like Odin’s Cross or wear T-Shirts resembling Hitler’s call of restoring Germany to Greatness: “Make America Great Again.” His Republican rival Ted Cruz agrees with his call for establishing “Muslim ghettoes” and other barbaric responses to the threat of terrorism as defined by The Pentagon.

The ties between American institutions and the forces of fascism are much deeper than what they appear, a fact that becomes more obvious when looking at the other stories being reported in the media: economic failures driving millions into destitution, racial tensions boiling over and violence erupting across the country.

Reading between the lines, one sees the parallels between those times and the present. Next time, there may not be anyone left to record what happens when Fascism completely engulfs the “land of the free.”



MIKE KUHLENBECKSpecial Roving Correspondent Mike Kuhlenbeck,  is a journalist, photographer, researcher and media critic based in Des Moines, Iowa. He is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, Investigative Reporters and Editors and the National Writers Union UAW Local 1981/AFL-CIO.

Kuhlenbeck works as a reporter for Iowa Free Press and as a freelance journalist. Besides The Greanville Post, his work has appeared in publications such as The Des Moines Register, The Humanist, Z Magazine, Foreign Policy Journal, Eurasia Review, People’s World, The Palestine Chronicle, Paste, Little Village, Industrial Worker, Earth First! Journal, Intrepid Report and the National Writers Union newsletter. 

His extensive and wide-ranging reportage has covered a myriad of subjects including news, politics, social issues, entertainment and local events. His work has been published nationally and internationally, and has been translated into numerous languages.



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Donald Trump, The Democratic Party’s Dilemma And “Brokered Conventions”

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=By= Michael Roberts


Image from Twitter via Calle Johansson

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]hat the mainstream media helped to create the political monster (and disaster) that today is Donald J. Trump is not in dispute. And, aided and abetted by its willing lackeys in the neo-conservative television and radio movements, they helped to over-inflate his insatiable mega-sized ego that told him he could win the ultimate prize — the presidency of the United States.

Indeed, Republican hatred of President Barack Obama and his policies, and their spineless prevaricating cowardice to privately embrace what Trump is saying and vocalizing in public, allowed a loud mouth and blowhard mediocre businessman to hijack the Republican Party from its conservative moorings.


Obama by Latuff

They both conspired and fornicated with each other to produce this bastard political horn-child now genuflecting to his every whim and outrageous pouting all in the interest of the continued cancerous metastasizing hating Barack Obama. Embraced by the most rabid sections of the Republican Party, the Tea Party zealots, traditional GOP establishment leaders were powerless to stop the rise of this ultra-Right Wing faction within the party that see Trump as “speaking their language” and identified with his particular odious brand of extremism and xenophobia.

They are ALL complicit in the rise of the GOP’s Political Pretender. Establishment Republicans should have seen the writing on the wall when Eric Cantor, then the party’s majority leader in the House, was defeated in his bid for re-election in June 2014 by Dave Brat, an unknown Tea Party member. They should have known that the extreme wing of the party was now calling the shots when a freshman senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, one year before Cantor’s defeat, was able to orchestrate a temporary shut down of the Federal Government in October 2013. And they should have been put on the alert when the 40 or so Tea Party members in the House successfully hounded Speaker John Boehner out of office on October 31, 2015.

Trump Everywhere by Rowan Wolf

Trump Everywhere by Rowan Wolf


But even with all that these signs and developments Republican leaders still so hung up on hatred from Barack Obama did absolutely nothing. They continued to be an obstructionist force and rejected any and all compromise. Talk about unintended consequences! Now they have laughingly launched a “Stop Trump” movement to deny the party’s present front runner the presidential nomination. The party’s conservative wing, joined by a whorish mainstream media, and sundry political pundits and talk show hosts, are desperately seeking ways and means to stop Trump up to and including a controversial “brokered convention” — not that they are calling it that.

If no GOP candidate — Trump, Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich — reaches the magical number of 1,237 delegates the party’s national convention in July would be the last place where Trump can be stopped. But it will be very, very messy and unpopular with the Republican Party’s base, especially its Tea Party section. It that happens, the political civil war will be waged between the white collar sections of the party and its ruling class elements pushing proxy candidates like Florida’s former governor Jeb Bush, and, perhaps Senator Marco Rubio. What this will boil down to is a party willing to deny and reject the will of the vast majority of Republican voters, no matter how misplaced, in favor of a hand-picked, anointed, party establishment candidate.

The split, already evident, will be between white collar Republicans and their angry blue-collar brethren from where the Trump and the Tea Party draw its members and support. The ultra-Right Ted Cruz is now attempting to position himself as the Trump alternative and the “stop Trump” candidate. However, it appears increasingly that the GOP leadership and its establishment wing is in favor of a so-called “contested convention.”

So what exactly is a contested convention?

Well, for starters, during the early days of American politics there was no need for the present system of primaries across the states. There was no 24-hour news cycle that hung on the every word of posturing, bombastic candidates and their surrogates. So for decades both parties — the Democratic and Republican Parties — chose candidates in large convention halls and negotiated, horse-traded, in smoke-filled hotel rooms near and around the main convention center.

Ultimately, these systems became corrupt and were simply mechanisms for protecting party favorites. They were ultimately replaced by primaries where delegates were selected and apportioned based on who won (or lost). This process was accelerated in the 1970s that literally did away with brokered party conventions. The last Democratic political convention to go more than one ballot round was in 1952. On the Republican side their last brokered convention was in 1976 when Ronald Reagan forced Gerald Ford into a primary contest. Reagan was unsuccessful and had to wait until 1980 before becoming the GOP’s candidate and win the presidency for two terms.

Contested or brokered conventions are very messy things. There are still many arcane and obscure rules and procedures that govern delegate behavior depending on the state they come from. For example, there are rules instituted by party organizations in, say, Ohio, that may compel its delegates to behave in a particular way in the first round of balloting in a contested convention and if there are no clear results may or may not apply to them in future rounds.

Delegates may be “bound” to a frontrunner candidate in the first round of balloting and “freed” in the second round if no winner emerges. If they are “freed or unencumbered” then they can pretty much vote for who they choose. Here is where “politricks” and corruption sets in: candidates can woo delegates with promises that will materialize after they win the nomination. That’s called bribery but its quite legal in BOTH parties since its called “negotiating and advocacy.” It’s “horse-trading” at its best.

When you add the anger that now permeates BOTH the Republican and Democratic parties and the growing distrust of the American electorate then the recipe for political chaos looms very large are is a very real possibility. For the Republican Party this convention is about the battle for the heart and soul of the par

On the Democratic side of things are different, but there is an important fight. The party is fighting to redefine its very identity having been caught in a socio-political crisis for more than a decade. In 2016 the party that once identified with poor and working class Americans is no more. That is why Democratic party establishment figures and leaders cannot understand or come to grips with the anger and dissatisfaction that has been the meteoric rise of Senator Bernie Sanders on the Left pitted against the establishment candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Right.

Today, the Democratic Party is the party of the hyper-educated elite and the so-called “professional class,” a veritable meritocracy that is status driven and not welcoming of dissenting voices, especially from its blue-collar wing. It is a party that has and is now identified more with Wall Street than with Main Street. In many ways the political dialectics that drove the rise of Donald Trump are partly due to the unbelievable shortsightedness of policy decisions made by Democrats in government and on Wall Street.

For example, many Southern conservative Democrats in Congress did nothing when their Republican colleagues were excoriating and attacking President Barack Obama left, right and center. They stood by and twiddled their thumbs or abandoned the party’s position and sided with Republicans. Their dislike of their own president (I’m loath to use the word “hatred”) helped to legitimize people like Trump. They never condemned a member of Congress, Joe Wilson for South Carolina, who called the president a liar during a September 2009 speech. And they have done very little to help push the president’s domestic and foreign policy agendas.

Such party abandonment has drawn the ire of blue collar Democrats and young voters who saw this as a betrayal of their contract with President Obama starting in 2008. This anger and disenchantment would morph into the “Occupy and Black Lives Matter Movements” that Hillary Clinton cannot impress or attract to her campaign. In fact, were it not for the African American community and voters in the Democratic Party Ms. Clinton could not win the party’s nomination or the presidency.

Here I have a word of caution for her: Just because young Democrats and white blue collar workers are flocking to Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign does not translate to her winning these voters over if he loses the nomination as expected. She’ll have to do a hell of a lot more to win over these angry and frustrated voters then she’s presently doing. Her political dilemma is that she has to be the standard bearer of a new Democratic Party — a class party. And it’s not a blue-collar working class party or even a middle class party but a party of the professional elite classes.

So what’s the difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties in the context of this new socio-economic and political dispensation?

Well, there are now just only two hierarchal structures in the United States t that at the core definition and character of bot the Republican and Democratic parties. The first is that of the dominance of corporate big business interests and the obscene amounts of money of the one percent as evidenced by the concentration of wealth in the hands of 540 American billionaires with a combined net worth f $2.4 trillion.

The second is the rise and now control of the professional class that are also at the very zenith of this moneyed and wealth hierarchy. They are in a now symbiotic relationship and share the same assumptions and attitudes to the world. However, they differ in significant ways even as they share some similarities.

On the Republican side these professionals are ultra and neo-conservative when it comes to finance, business policies, cultural issues, and class challenges. By contrast, professionals on the Democratic side tend to be very liberal on most issues except the economy where they are just as conservative as their Republican counterparts. They also share on essential and fundamental similarity: both are hostile to labor and contemptuous of the American working class.

Do I have contempt for higher education and college degrees?

Certainly not. But I do have a problem with a kind of arrogant orthodoxy that comes with that class. When meritocracy becomes the dominant ideology of the professional class it creates a certain world outlook that says that you’re at the top of your profession because you deserve to be there and you’re the smartest and the best in whatever you do. You see this in the Democratic Party when Hillary Clinton seeks to dismiss income inequality as a “one issue” and universal healthcare as impractical and unattainable. You see this in the orthodoxy of President Barack Obama whose cabinet picks all come from Harvard. What happens here is that you get a group of people who do not listen to other voices and ideas from those outside of their narrow social groupings and treats those differences with total contempt.


MICHAEL D. ROBERTS is a top Political Strategist and Business, Management and Communications Specialist in New York City’s Black community. He is an experienced writer whose specialty is socio-political and economic analysis and local community relations. He has covered the United Nations, the Caribbean and Africa in a career that spans over 32 years in journalism. As Editor of New York CARIB NEWS, a position that he’s held since 1990, he is in a unique position to have his hands on the pulse of the over 800,000 Caribbean-American community in Brooklyn, and the over 2.5 million members resident in the wider New York State community.

Source: OpEd News.


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Top German Journalist Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake: “We All Lie For The CIA”

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=By= Zero Hedge / “Tyler Durden”

CIA and Department of Defense Puppetmasters. Courtesy D.C. Clothesline.

CIA and Department of Defense Puppetmasters. Courtesy D.C. Clothesline.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith the increasing propaganda wars, we thought a reminder of just how naive many Westerners are when it comes to their news-feed. As Arjun Walia, of, notes,  Dr. Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job.

He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:

  I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.

But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

It’s important to keep in mind that Dr. Ulfkotte is not the only person making these claims; multiple reporters have done the same and this kind of truthfulness is something the world needs more of.

One (out of many) great examples of a whistleblowing reporter is investigative journalist and former CBC News reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

She delivered a hard-hitting TEDx talk showing how fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.

Another great example is Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist at CC, who said that they are routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report and even distort information on certain events. She has also indicated that the government has editorial control over content.

Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing.

This is also evident by blatant lies that continue to spam the TV screen, especially when it comes to topics such as health, food, war (‘terrorism‘), poverty, and more.

Things have not changed, in fact, when in comes to mainstream media distorting information and telling lies. They have gotten much worse in recent years, in fact, so it is highly encouraging that more people are starting to see through these lies, even without the help of whistleblowers like Dr. Ulfkotte.

One great example is the supposed ‘war on terror,’ or ‘false flag terrorism.’ There are evenWikileaks documents alluding to the fact that the United States government planned to “retaliate and cause pain” to countries refusing GMOs.

Mainstream media’s continual support of GMOs rages on, despite the fact that a number of countries are now banning these products.

The list of lies goes on and on. It’s time to turn off your T.V. and do your own research if you are curious about what is happening on our planet. It’s time to wake up.


Source: Zero Hedge


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Entering Uncharted Territory in Washington

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=By= Tom Englehardt

media circus

The other week, feeling sick, I spent a day on my couch with the TV on and was reminded of an odd fact of American life. More than seven months before Election Day, you can watch the 2016 campaign for the presidency at any moment of your choosing, and that’s been true since at least late last year. There is essentially never a time when some network or news channel isn’t reporting on, discussing, debating, analyzing, speculating about, or simply drooling over some aspect of the primary campaign, of Hillary, Bernie, Ted, and above all — a million times above all — The Donald (from the violence at his rallies to the size of his hands). In case you’re young and think this is more or less the American norm, it isn’t. Or wasn’t.

Truly, there is something new under the sun. Of course, in 1994 with O.J. Simpson’s white Ford Bronco chase (95 million viewers!), the 24/7 media event arrived full blown in American life and something changed when it came to the way we focused on our world and the media focused on us. But you can be sure of one thing: never in the history of television, or any other form of media, has a single figure garnered the amount of attention — hour after hour, day after day, week after week — as Donald Trump. If he’s the O.J. Simpson of twenty-first-century American politics and his run for the presidency is the eternal white Ford Bronco chase of our moment, then we’re in a truly strange world.

Or let me put it another way: this is not an election. I know the word “election” is being used every five seconds and somewhere along the line significant numbers of Americans (particularly, this season, Republicans) continue to enter voting booths or in the case of primary caucuses, school gyms and the like, to choose among various candidates, so it’s all still election-like. But take my word for it as a 71-year-old guy who’s been watching our politics for decades: this is not an election of the kind the textbooks once taught us was so crucial to American democracy. If, however, you’re sitting there waiting for me to tell you what it is, take a breath and don’t be too disappointed. I have no idea, though it’s certainly part bread-and-circuses spectacle, part celebrity obsession, and part media money machine.

Actually, before we go further, let me hedge my bets on the idea that Donald Trump is a twenty-first-century O.J. Simpson. It’s certainly a reasonable enough comparison, but I’ve begun to wonder about the usefulness of just about any comparison in our present situation. Even the most nightmarish of them — Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, or any past extreme demagogue of your choice — may actually prove to be covert gestures of consolation, reassurance, and comfort. Yes, what’s happening in our world is increasingly extreme and could hardly be weirder, we seem to have the urge to say, but it’s still recognizable. It’s something we’ve encountered before, something we’ve made sense of in the past and, in the process, overcome.

Round Up the Usual Suspects

But what if that’s not true? In some ways, the most frightening, least acceptable thing to say about our American world right now — even if Donald Trump’s overwhelming presence all but begs us to say it — is that we’ve entered uncharted territory and, under the circumstances, comparisons might actually impair our ability to come to grips with our new reality. My own suspicion: Donald Trump is only the most obvious instance of this, the example no one can miss.

In these first years of the twenty-first century, we may be witnessing a new world being born inside the hollowed-out shell of the American system.  As yet, though we live with this reality every day, we evidently just can’t bear to recognize it for what it might be.  When we survey the landscape, what we tend to focus on is that shell — the usual elections (in somewhat heightened form), the usual governmental bodies (a little tarnished) with the usual governmental powers (a little diminished or redistributed), including the usual checks and balances (a little out of whack), and the same old Constitution (much praised in its absence), and yes, we know that none of this is working particularly well, or sometimes at all, but it still feels comfortable to view what we have as a reduced, shabbier, and more dysfunctional version of the known.

Perhaps, however, it’s increasingly a version of the unknown. We say, for instance, that Congress is “paralyzed,” and that little can be done in a country where politics has become so “polarized,” and we wait for something to shake us loose from that “paralysis,” to return us to a Washington closer to what we remember and recognize. But maybe this is it. Maybe even if the Republicans somehow lost control of the House of Representatives and the Senate, we would still be in a situation something like what we’re now labeling paralysis. Maybe in our new American reality, Congress is actually some kind of glorified, well-lobbied, and well-financed version of a peanut gallery.

Of course, I don’t want to deny that much of what is “new” in our world has a long history.  The present yawning inequality gap between the 1% and ordinary Americans first began to widen in the 1970s and — as Thomas Frank explains so brilliantly in his new book, Listen, Liberal — was already a powerful and much-discussed reality in the early 1990s, when Bill Clinton ran for president. Yes, that gap is now more like an abyss and looks ever more permanently embedded in the American system, but it has a genuine history, as for instance do 1% elections and the rise and self-organization of the “billionaire class,” even if no one, until this second, imagined that government of the billionaires, by the billionaires, and for the billionaires might devolve into government of the billionaire, by the billionaire, and for the billionaire — that is, just one of them.

Indeed, much of our shape-shifting world can be written about as a set of comparisons and in terms of historical reference points.  Inequality has a history. The military-industrial complex and the all-volunteer military, like the warrior corporation, weren’t born yesterday; neither was our state of perpetual war, nor the national security state that now looms over Washington, nor its surveilling urge, the desire to know far too much about the private lives of Americans. (A little bow of remembrance to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover is in order here.)

And yet, true as all that may be, Washington increasingly seems like a new land, sporting something like a new system in the midst of our much-described polarized and paralyzed politics.  The national security state doesn’t seem faintly paralyzed or polarized to me.  Nor does the Pentagon. On certain days when I catch the news, I can’t believe how strange and yet humdrum this uncharted new territory is.  Remind me, for instance, where in the Constitution the Founding Fathers wrote about that national security state? And yet there it is in all its glory, all its powers, an ever more independent force in our nation’s capital. In what way, for instance, did those men of the revolutionary era prepare the ground for the Pentagon to loose its spy drones from our distant war zones over the United States? And yet, so it has. And no one even seems disturbed by the development. The news, barely noticed or noted, was instantly absorbed into what’s becoming the new normal.

Graduation Ceremonies in the Imperium

Let me mention here the almost random piece of news that recently made me wonder just what planet I was actually on. And I know you won’t believe it, but it had absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Given the carnage of America’s wars and conflicts across the Greater Middle East and Africa, which I’ve been following closely these last years, I’m unsure why this particular moment even got to me. Best guess? Maybe that, of all the once-obscure places — from Afghanistan to Yemen to Libya — in which the U.S. has been fighting recently, Somalia, where this particular little slaughter took place, seems to me like the most obscure of all.  Yes, I’ve been half-attending to events there from the 1993 Blackhawk Down moment to the disastrous U.S.-backed Ethiopian invasion of 2006 to the hardly less disastrous invasion of that country by Kenyan and other African forces. Still, Somalia?

Recently, U.S. Reaper drones and manned aircraft launched a set of strikes against what the Pentagon claimed was a graduation ceremony for “low-level” foot soldiers in the Somali terror group al-Shabab. It was proudly announced that more than 150 Somalis had died in this attack.  In a country where, in recent years, U.S. drones and special ops forces had carried out a modest number of strikes against individual al-Shabab leaders, this might be thought of as a distinct escalation of Washington’s endless low-level conflict there (with a raid involving U.S. special ops forces following soon after).

Now, let me try to put this in some personal context.  Since I was a kid, I’ve always liked globes and maps. I have a reasonable sense of where most countries on this planet are. Still, Somalia?  I have to stop and give that one some thought to truly locate it on a mental map of eastern Africa.  Most Americans?  Honestly, I doubt they’d have a clue.  So the other day, when this news came out, I stopped a moment to take it in.  If accurate, we killed 150 more or less nobodies (except to those who knew them) and maybe even a top leader or two in a country most Americans couldn’t locate on a map.

I mean, don’t you find that just a little odd, no matter how horrible the organization they were preparing to fight for?  150 Somalis? Blam!

Remind me: On just what basis was this modest massacre carried out?  After all, the U.S. isn’t at war with Somalia or with al-Shabab. Of course, Congress no longer plays any real role in decisions about American war making. It no longer declares war on any group or country we fight.  (Paralysis!) War is now purely a matter of executive power or, in reality, the collective power of the national security state and the White House. The essential explanation offered for the Somali strike, for instance, is that the U.S. had a small set of advisers stationed with African Union forces in that country and it was just faintly possible that those guerrilla graduates might soon prepare to attack some of those forces (and hence U.S. military personnel).  It seems that if the U.S. puts advisers in place anywhere on the planet — and any day of any year they are now in scores of countries — that’s excuse enough to validate acts of war based on the “imminent” threat of their attack.

Or just think of it this way: a new, informal constitution is being written in these years in Washington. No need for a convention or a new bill of rights. It’s a constitution focused on the use of power, especially military power, and it’s being written in blood.

These days, our government (the unparalyzed one) acts regularly on the basis of that informal constitution-in-the-making, committing Somalia-like acts across significant swathes of the planet.  n these years, we’ve been marrying the latest in wonder technology, our Hellfire-missile-armed drones, to executive power and slaughtering people we don’t much like in majority Muslim countries with a certain alacrity.By now, it’s simply accepted that any commander-in-chief is also our assassin-in-chief, and that all of this is part of a wartime-that-isn’t-wartime system, spreading the principle of chaos and dissolution to whole areas of the planet, leaving failed states and terror movements in its wake.

When was it, by the way, that “the people” agreed that the president could appoint himself assassin-in-chief, muster his legal beagles to write new “law” that covered any future acts of his (including the killing of American citizens), and year after year dispatch what essentially is his own private fleet of killer drones to knock off thousands of people across the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa?  Weirdly enough, after almost 14 years of this sort of behavior, with ample evidence that such strikes don’t suppress the movements Washington loathes (and often only fan the flames of resentment and revenge that help them spread), neither the current president and his top officials, nor any of the candidates for his office have the slightest intention of ever grounding those drones.

And when exactly did the people say that, within the country’s vast standing military, which now garrisons much of the planet, a force of nearly 70,000 Special Operations personnel should be birthed, or that it should conduct covert missions globally, essentially accountable only to the president (if him)? And what I find strangest of all is that few in our world find such developments strange at all.

A Planet in Decline?

In some way, all of this could be said to work.  At the very least, it is a functioning new system-in-the-making that we have yet to truly come to grips with, just as we haven’t come to grips with a national security state that surveils the world in a way that even science fiction writers (no less totalitarian rulers) of a previous era could never have imagined, or the strange version of media overkill that we still call an election.  All of this is by now both old news and mind-bogglingly new.

Do I understand it? Not for a second.

This is not war as we knew it, nor government as we once understood it, nor are these elections as we once imagined them, nor is this democracy as it used to be conceived of, nor is this journalism of a kind ever taught in a journalism school. This is the definition of uncharted territory. It’s a genuine American terra incognita and yet in some fashion that unknown landscape is already part of our sense of ourselves and our world. In this “election” season, many remain shocked that a leading candidate for the presidency is a demagogue with a visible authoritarian side and what looks like an autocratic bent. All such labels are pinned on Donald Trump, but the new American system that’s been emerging from its chrysalis in these years already has just those tendencies. So don’t blame it all on Donald Trump. He should be far less of a shock to this country than he continues to be.  After all, a Trumpian world-in-formation has paved the way for him.

Who knows?  Perhaps what we’re watching is the new iteration of a very old story: a twenty-first-century version of an ancient tale of a great imperial power, perhaps the greatest ever — the “lone superpower” — sinking into decline.  It’s a tale humanity has experienced often enough in the course of our long history.  But lest you think once again that there’s nothing new under the sun, the context for all of this, for everything now happening in our world, is so new as to be quite literally outside of thousands of years of human experience.  As the latest heat records indicate, we are, for the first time, on a planet in decline.  And if that isn’t uncharted territory, what is?

Tom Engelhardt is a co-founder of the American Empire Project and the author of The United States of Fear as well as a history of the Cold War, The End of Victory Culture. He is a fellow of the Nation Institute and runs, where this article first appeared. His latest book is Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World.

Source: Tom Dispatch


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