Good & Bad Leadership in the World: Understanding the Concepts of Imamat and Wilayat in Shi’a Islam, As It Is Applied in Iran

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This essay is part of a series on cultural, scientific and esoteric matters.

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Faith-Based Morality Endangers Us All

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

This article is part of an ongoing series of dispatches by historian Eric Zuesse

The moral problem is called by philosophers the ethical problem, but it’s the same thing, and it is interpersonal on the micro level, and more broadly societal — including national and even international — on the macro level. The two levels (micro and macro) constantly interact with one-another, but the biggest ethical (moral) issues are on the macro level, and they are downplayed or even ignored altogether in most traditional sources of ‘authority’ regarding what is right and what is wrong.


In order to think clearly about ethical issues, one must first get the epistemological issues (truth-falsity) correct, and this is what actual science is all about: it is about how to think clearly and accurately about true and false, instead of about right and wrong (which is dependent upon truth-falsity). Furthermore, unless one can think correctly about such policy-issues as global warming, or nuclear weapons, or social justice, no decision that one makes about the given issue can be any good. Goodness is intrinsically founded upon truthfulness. One must first be accurate about the science of the issue, before one can be accurate about what constitutes good policy, and what constitutes bad policy. 

Authentic ethics extends far beyond the merely personal sphere of concern, but the merely personal sphere of concern — which is oneself, one’s family, one’s nation, and one’s religion — is what the average person is thinking the most about when thinking about ‘morality’. That is thinking which focuses upon faith instead of upon science, and those two modes of thinking are opposite epistemologies. Anyone whose main concern is finding truth is science-based, and anyone whose main concern is adhering to what some ‘authority’ says, is faith-based — regardless of whether or not the individual believes in any religion.
America’s political mess, like that in other countries, results from too much faith and not enough science; and this isn’t only religious faith, it is faith in anything at all.
Some faiths are nationalistic, others are religious, others are ideological, but what they all have in common is the authoritarian epistemological character, which has implicit trust in some scripture or person, instead of upon science, which has no scripture, because it is based instead upon empirical reality and upon carefully analyzing that so as to discover cause and effect, not upon interpreting what some supposed ‘authority’ said or supposedly meant, or dictated.
Every faith-based morality is personalistic, whereas every science-based morality focuses instead upon discovering cause and effect. That’s the basis for being able to deal effectively with issues of good and bad.
The archetype of faith-based morality is religion, because its scripture is Scripture — it is canonized, and therefore cannot be changed but can only be interpreted, so that it is like a nation’s constitution would be if that constitution prohibits any amendments being made to itself. That (canonization) is the source of any religion’s rigidity. Such a morality — regardless of whether it’s religious — is 100% faith-based, and it is the extreme opposite of science, which is constantly open to changing whatever laws it discovers. No matter how advanced a particular science (a field of scientific investigation) is, its laws are constantly open to being changed — none of them is ever canonized. Science is a constant search, in order to increase accuracy; it is the exact opposite of dictating anything; it is the exact opposite of faith. It is a constant process of discovery. It is the exact opposite of anything that is unchangeable, or rigid.
Religion-based morality tends to be obsessed with sex because the way to build a religion (and every religion is based on faith) is by promoting high birthrates of followers in order to create and raise many children in the faith. A succession of such generations can turn a mere cult into a religion. It’s how all religions actually came to be what they today are. But that’s not what humans need more of in our time (if ever), and it certainly doesn’t solve any problems (except for the faith’s clergy, who thereby expand their flock of followers).
Scientific morality focuses instead upon matters like reducing wars, poverty, disease, and global warming. The religious scriptures say nothing about those — the actually most important matters — but instead claim that holy people will cure the sick, and that God will take care of the rest (so, it’s laissez faire). Furthermore, at the extreme, people of faith — regardless of whether it’s in secular ‘authorities’ such as Marx or Plato, or in ‘prophets’ who are alleged to have transmitted some supernatural deity’s words — have been willing to perpetrate ‘holy wars’ or Crusades and thus have been encouraged by their interpretation of ‘authorities’ to invade foreign lands (like during the Crusades and 9/11) in the advancement of their faith (which may be nationalistic, but is always taken solely upon the epistemological basis of faith, regardless of whether or not it is religious). Science rejects all ‘authority’, all faith, and relies instead only upon rigorously analyzed empirical evidence. Conquering foreign lands in order to spread the religion or the nation or the ‘race’, is no part of that. “Spreading the faith” is no part of any science, though some people who try to be scientific get lost because they become focused more on spreading their beliefs than on discovering more realities, which might disprove what they believe. Any faith is obsessed with the content of belief, not with the process of discovery. 
By distracting the public from the real crimes against the public (such as exploitative financial manipulations, and mass-murderous military invasions), the very personal focus on sex, as constituting the chief focus of a supposed ‘morality’, serves to distract the public from the actually bigger crimes — which aren’t merely personal, though only individual persons actually perpetrate, and thus should be held to account for, any actual crime, any victimization.
Here are some specific examples:    
Moralistic lying is so obviously the case regarding the Republican Party’s Presidential nominee Donald Trump, that the Democratic Party’s news-media are now especially astir about it, as a basically partisan political matter: 
But Republican Party news-media also show a religious focus, by their focusing on sex and other personal matters, and by what they won’t point out, regarding the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee, Joe Biden, thus distracting even their own followers away from Biden’s bigger and more significant wrongs — wrongs that billionaires of both political Parties don’t want the public to focus upon (such as Biden’s neoconservatism, his consistent support for America to invade and conquer other countries). Here is an example of how that’s so:
But whether what Biden was alleged to have done there was done, or would qualify as “rape,” is for courts to decide — which won’t even happen — and yet such allegations get lots of public attention, while Biden’s entire political career is a succession of demonstrated, incontrovertible, major lies and frauds, which have thousands of victims and not merely one or just a few. And these major evils are proven, not merely speculative. On March 14th, I documented and linked to the sources, "PROVEN: Biden won the Democratic nomination by cheating”, and the worst of those lies were effective in causing millions of Blacks to vote for him in the southern states where most voters in Democratic Party primaries are Blacks (as was documented there), and the issue for them was that Biden had a long career working with civil rights leaders and had done a sit-in against segregation in a restaurant — all being lies from him, not a shred of truth in any of his ‘civil rights’ allegations there (as I documented). He had thus raped those voters’ minds, in order to get their votes and win the nomination with them; and, yet, the possible rape by him, of merely one victim (who happened to have been a white woman who was in his employ) gets special attention from the Republican Party news-medium, Fox News, which trumpeted that a former activist for Hillary Clinton was alleging that Biden must be rejected by Democrats if he actually did “rape” the woman. (And evidence kept piling up that he at least was lying about that, regardless of whether the woman who was complaining was otherwise even credible.) There are far more significant reasons to reject Biden as our next President than such speculative ones, and they all are proven instead of speculative, and have to do with policies (policies for the billionaires who finance his career, and against the public), not at all with sex (which is the religious obsession), nor with other merely personal violations.
Overwhelmingly the two reasons why Biden instead of Sanders won the Democratic Party’s nomination were (1) the billionaires who fund the Party were united against Sanders, and (2) black Democrats in the former Dixie states, starting with South Carolina on February 29th, overwhelmingly voted for the fake anti-segregationist Biden over the authentic anti-segregationist Sanders, because they had faith in the billionaire-controlled Democratic Party Establishment, who were 100% supporting and advertising for Biden. That’s faith. Those were faith-based voters — they had faith in the Democratic Party, its billionaires. That faith by those voters gave Americans a Trump-v.-Biden choice on November 3rd instead of a Trump-v.-Sanders choice (which would have included an option that the billionaires feared, instead of two nominees who both were backed by billionaires).
We thus now have a situation in which a candidate, Biden, whose entire lengthy political career is filled with corruption and lies, is the opposition against another candidate, Trump, whose established record is likewise filled with corruption and lies. And we are being told by the Republican Party’s billionaires that the reason why we shouldn’t accept Biden is that maybe what he did to that woman constituted “rape.”
Joe Biden has so many real and proven victims — policy-victims — (and Donald Trump does, too), but some people suggest that Americans should make their voting-decision, for the U.S. Presidency on November 3rd, on the basis of one possible rape, that Biden might have committed? The reasons why Biden isn’t acceptable (just like the reasons why Trump isn’t) aren’t nearly so personalistic, nor so speculative, as that. The real problem is his real policies, not his real personality.
Everyone (at least except perhaps a majority of conservative Christians) recognizes that Trump’s leadership during the coronavirus crisis has been catastrophically poor, but Biden waited until April 12th to headline what his coronavirus policy would have been if he were President, “Joe Biden: My Plan to Safely Reopen America”, and his ‘plan’ entirely ignored the things that had made a failure the anti-coronavirus legislation which had been passed by unanimous consent in the U.S. Senate and House and signed into law by the President, the corruption which had caused it to be far more of a bailout to investors than to workers and consumers — and that had caused it to be generous to Wall Street and hedge funds, but stingy to the public (who should have gotten all of it, every penny of it). As I pointed out on April 13th, “It’s just a string of goals, with no measures described for meeting them; and it ignores the real barriers that must be overcome in order to be able to achieve its goals. The hundreds of reader-comments to Biden’s ‘plan’ at a popular Democratic Party website, were worshipful: 'Ah, President Biden! You cannot take over fast enough' was the most-popular. Biden’s platitudes pleased his Party’s faithful, despite ignoring the real issues.”
On April 25th, Politico headlined “Biden wants a new stimulus ‘a hell of a lot bigger’ than $2 trillion”, and Biden there pretended that all of the blame is with the Republican President, and he pretended to be a progressive, by saying, “The last thing he [Trump] wants is anyone watching that $500 billion going to corporate America, for God’s sake.” But he didn’t say anything that would offend his billionaire backers. For example, he didn’t say “All of the money for corporations needs to be removed — all of the money needs to go instead to workers and to consumers, so that they won’t lose their homes, their cars, etc., and simultaneously go to the states to fill the gaps that have been created in states’ essential coffers, so that the states will be able to continue providing the essential services that they provide during this crisis.” (And as I had already pointed out on April 14th, On April 9th, the Zero Hedge financial site explained in detail why even bailing out the airlines would hurt the economy more than help the economy.” In other words: all bailouts should go only to individuals, not to any corporations.) 
Biden won’t bite the (billionaires’) hands that feed him, any more than Trump has been doing, but instead he uses vague promises in order to bring his Party’s faithful deceived voters to the polls on November 3rd. The same Democratic voters who didn’t even notice that Obama had dropped his plan for a “public option” within just days after his winning the 2008 election are expecting Biden to adhere to his promises to them. All of the winning politicians honor only the promises that they privately make to their billionaire backers. This can’t happen without their being distracted by the sorts of things that their own Party’s propaganda puts forth to distract from the candidate’s proven record. The flim-flam man isn’t only the Republican one who now occupies the White House. The billionaires’ dictatorship is bipartisan. And it succeeds only because of faith. That’s trust in some ‘authority’, and it distracts from the empirical proven reality.
Just like Democrats are far more concerned that maybe Biden “raped” a woman than they are concerned that he clearly did rape the minds of millions of Blacks in order to win the Party's nomination, Democrats evidently don’t care about the corruption that produced all the failures in the anti-coronavirus legislation that was unanimously passed by both of the two U.S. political Parties. Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress voted for it. Unlike what Biden implies, both Republicans and Democrats signed onto this corruption.
Just as Republican voters have faith in their corrupt Party, Democratic voters have faith in their corrupt Party. Faith is the opposite of science, and science is clear that neither Party is even close to being decent. Only faith tells people (some with the Democratic persuasion, others with the Republican one) otherwise — that “my Party is decent.”
The easiest and quickest way to understand how faith is destroying the United States is to see the great movie Dark Waters, a very accurate dramatic re-enactment of one major legal case which exposes not only the total psychopathy of the entire U.S. power-structure but also the refusal of its victimized public to recognize that their lives were being destroyed by the very same institutions that they’ve been taught (by the billionaires and their agents) to respect the most. It’s an accurate two-hour education in the reality of today’s America, so that the audience can understand the total immunity from prosecution that America’s billionaires enjoy, no matter how many people they’ve destroyed, and even murdered, in order to become as rich as they are. For example, regarding the “Dark Waters” crime, which was perpetrated actually by the top executives of many of America’s largest international corporations: on 20 February 2018, Reuters headlined “3M, Minnesota settle water pollution claims for $850 million” and reported that “Industrial group 3M Co and Minnesota’s attorney general have agreed to settle a lawsuit over polluted groundwater, with the company agreeing to grant $850 million to the state for groundwater projects, the attorney’s office said on Tuesday. Attorney General Lori Swanson had been seeking at least $5 billion in damages from 3M to help clean up the company’s disposal of industrial chemicals in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area over the past 40 years. … 3M said it would record a 2018 first-quarter charge of approximately $1.10 to $1.15 per share including legal fees as a result of the settlement. Shares in the company were down 0.6 percent.” That’s an inconsequential penalty, and none of the criminal 3M executives who were responsible for this poisoning of Minnesotans would face any punishments at all. On 2 November 2018, Bloomberg News headlined a 5,000-word history and timeline of this matter “Cancer-linked Chemicals Manufactured by 3M Are Turning Up in Drinking Water”. On 24 October 2019, The Intercept bannered about this, “Top U.S. Toxicologist Was Barred From Saying PFAS Causes Disease In Humans. She’s Saying It Now.” Uncounted thousands of people have had their health destroyed and have died from this poisoning, but none of the executives and investors who oversaw and profited from it were punished in any way. There is total immunity, for them. And the public is distracted from that.
If things keep on the way they are, then there is no realistic hope for America. Faith-based morality is destroying this country, and the destruction is bipartisan, and pervasive. Regardless of whether a particular case of it is explicitly religious (such as in the many ecclesiastical child-sex scandals), it is accepted only upon the basis of faith. The fundamental problem is epistemological, and nobody pays attention to it.
PS: A religious friend rejected this essay. He said:
“If God doesn’t exist, then everything (every crime in pursuit of self-interest) is permitted.”
I replied:
Where you and I disagree is that you believe that only if there exists an “The Almighty” (a being who personifies power) can good exist — you believe that only if there is an ultimate punisher can good be rewarded — you believe that only punishment can define what is “bad,” and that if there is no ultimate justice in the world, then “every crime in pursuit of self-interest is permitted” (because there exists no purgatory, no ultimate justice). “Self-interest,” in other words, defines your concept of good and bad: only if there is a punisher for bad can there be any such thing as good and bad, you think. Your philosophy is therefore driven by some ‘ultimate’ self-interest and your mythological belief that justice, even final justice, exists.
To me, “good” has no relationship to what is rewarded, and “bad” has no relationship to what is punished. And I don’t believe in myths. Myths are based on lies. And, to me, deceit is worst of all sins.
I don’t define what is good by reference to who possesses power or how much power they possess.
You insult me by saying that “If God doesn’t exist, then everything (every crime in pursuit of self-interest) is permitted.” In my view, no wrong is allowed, because my conscience won’t allow it. ‘God’ (‘The Almighty’) has nothing to do with it. Whether I get rewarded or punished has nothing to do with it. You are the materialist. I am the spiritualist. I am guided by the spirit, not by punishment, or reward.
He came back at me with “Power is not the only divine attribute. Mercy and compassion are the first two on the list.”
I replied:
The defining attribute of God is “the Creator.” That’s The All-Powerful One! It is the defining attribute of ‘God’ in any Scripture. Religion is power-worship. It is worship of the one-and-only All-Powerful Creator of the universe.
How much “mercy” do religionists have for disbelievers in their particular faith? Each ‘holy Scripture’ damns non-believers in its faith.
How many hundreds of millions of people have been slaughtered and maimed and impoverished in religious wars? A lot of ‘moral guidance’ there! (None — except to go out and conquer non-believers.)
How many non-believers were enslaved by the ‘superior’ people — the faith’s believers? (Plenty — countless millions, all entirely unnecessary.)
Can a worse basis for morality than religion even be imagined? I don’t see how. What can be worse than a “morality” that prohibits birth-control, enserfs women, allows slavery, ‘justifies’ war against non-believers, and provides no clear guidance on global warming? I can’t think of any. 
I don’t argue for atheism. I argue against any faith: theistic, atheistic, nationalistic, ethnic, racist, or otherwise.

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While christofascim makes inroads in government and armed forces, a significant number of Americans are choosing atheism


Religiosity —chiefly Christian fundamentalism of a variety of sorts—has long been a feature of the American social and political landscape. Its effects have been nefarious, not just for the culture as a whole, but for the faithful themselves, who are often victimised by reactionary ideologies and outright predatory preachers.  The impact of these people—as a voting bloc —has helped to elect the likes of George W Bush and similar types, with consequent injuries to American society in the form of support for criminal imperialist wars (Billy Graham set the pattern for this in the postwar), delays in badly needed medical advances (blocking of stem cell research), and so on. It should be noted that many more "respectable" faiths, such the Catholic religion itself, and Christian Science, also contribute heavily to the retardation of progress in critical fields of study. Right along these denominations, American culture's propensity to gullibility also produces out and out cults, such as Scientology. Of late, however, the number and visibility of religious dissenters has increased, and even atheists and agnostics, the "freethinkers" of the enlightenment, widely distrusted and feared if not downright hated by most Americans, has also registered robust advances. While the effects of religion vary depending on the cultural matrix and catechisms being used, in America religion, especially capitalism-affirming protestantism, has played, as noted earlier, a pronouncedly negative and conservative role. In that sense, then, the rise of religious indifference and atheism may be seen, not so much as a disintegration of morality, whose actual practice is hardly influenced by organized religion, but as a progressive sign. In this episode produced by the Freedom From Religion Foundation featuring Dave Warnock, a former fundamentalist preacher, the discussion revolves around his waking up and current path, after being recently diagnosed with ALS.


Dave Warnock, a former minister who has become an atheist, spent 37 years as a charismatic evangelical preacher in Tennessee. After recently learning about his terminal illness, Warnock has launched a speaking tour that he calls Dying Out Loud. “My message today: This is the one life we have,” he says. “And if you’re not living this life to the fullest that you can, don’t treat this life as a dress rehearsal for eternity.” Learn more about the Freedom From Religion Foundation at

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It's basically superstition.
Necessary for a moral society.
Dislike all religions. They retard social progress.
Religion should be compulsory.
Don't know.
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How (and Why) Americans Were Taught to Hate Atheists

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

By John Follis
Church & State

The true story behind America’s demonization of atheism

First posted on 10 January 2019

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you asked Americans to list the most negative labels to give someone “atheist” would probably be on that list. For the majority of Americans being an atheist is akin to being amoral and unAmerican. Growing up, that’s certainly the message I got. Sunday School made it clear that atheists were bad, Godless people.

What most Americans don’t know is that if you grew up in the 50’s or 60’s you didn’t need to attend Sunday School to be taught to fear and hate atheists. Because in the early-50’s the US government initiated a massive, multi-pronged, multi-year campaign to demonize atheism — and it worked very well.

The GODification of America.

The 1950’s was the height of The Cold War when the omnipresent threat to America was Communism. As the fear of Communism and the Soviet Union grew stronger President Eisenhower felt the need to do something big to help unify and bolster the country. At the strong encouragement of multiple ministers, religious politicians, business leaders, and his influential Evangelist pal Billy Graham, Eisenhower agreed on a bold strategy: Demonize Communism by demonizing a main tenet of Communism: Atheism. The idea was to make the ‘US vs Soviet Union’ a Holy War and draft God as America’s #1 Commie Fighter.

Eisenhower has a better image than most US presidents, but he was as much of an imperialist anticommunist as the rest.

To facilitate that Eisenhower took aggressive executive action. First, he got Congress to add “One nation ‘under GOD'” to The Pledge of Allegiance — a pledge recited daily in every classroom in America. Then he got Congress to replace “E Pluribus Unum” (the US motto since 1782 meaning “Out of many, one”) with IN GOD WE TRUST.

After that he got Congress to approve posting IN GOD WE TRUST in court rooms, government buildings, public schools, on postage stamps, and on all US currency. Even some comic books of the day talked about “Godless Communism”. And New York State created a school prayer specifically designed to “counter the spread of Communism.” As if all that wasn’t enough the Administration teamed up with The Advertising Council, the major religious institutions, and corporate America to create something called the Religion in American Life campaign. With an annual budget of 200K (over $2M in today’s dollars) the campaign goal was to encourage Americans to attend church. It was a well-coordinated, unified effort that in 1956 alone included 5,412 highway billboards, 9,857 bus, train, and railroad station posters, and 59,590 ad cards inside buses, trains, subways, and streetcars. In addition, movie theaters ran PSA’s imploring the public to “Attend the church of your choice next Sunday.” It’s fair to say that during the 50’s nothing in America was marketed better than God, and nothing was demonized more than Communism and atheism.

BELOW: Stalin and Lenin—both atheists, of course— plotting revolution: the sneaky bastards! How dare they.  Click on image for best resolution.

Evidently, the end of the Cold War and the passing of 60-years has not softened America’s attitude toward atheists. According to a 2016 University of Minnesota study, Americans have actually sharpened their negative views. It showed that atheists are still perceived as cultural outsiders who “have rejected cultural values and practices understood as essential to private morality, civic virtue, and national identity.” They were chosen “the most disliked religious minority” in the U.S. Clearly, Eisenhower and company embedded an anti-Atheist cultural bias that still remains strong today.

Yet, in one religion-related sense Americans are becoming more tolerant. When the same survey asked if it’s a bad thing that increasing numbers of Americans claim no religious identity, 60% of the respondents said it’s either “a good thing” or “neither good nor bad.” And, while most Americans still have a problem with atheists more Americans are actually becoming atheists. A 2014 Pew Research Study reports that the number of Americans who identify as atheist doubled in the 7-year period from 2007 to 2014. And now, for the first time ever, “Nones” (no chosen religion) have become the largest “religious group” in America. Even clergy members are increasingly coming out as atheists as reported by Daniel Dennett and Linda LaScola who published their initial findings in 2010. The award-winning documentary “Leaving God” (2017) which explores these shifting attitudes can be viewed online for free.

Unfortunately, most biases, be they racial, gender-based, sexuality-related, or religious, tend to die hard. Which is why it’s so important to continue having open forums to help educate and enlighten the public.

Religiosity and smug piety permeate America. The capitalists long ago discovered that making religion an intrinsic part of "the American Way of Life" (capitalism), they would erect a firewall to protect the business system.

Reprinted with permission from the author.

LEAVING GOD: Why I left God and why so many others are too

Interview with John Follis on his award-winning film: “Leaving God”

We’ve Reached the End of White Christian America

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John Follis spent a 30-year career on Madison Avenue creating award-winning ads. Now he’s creating award-winning films. His latest documentary “LEAVING GOD: Why I left God and why so many others are too” won a “Best First-Time Filmmaker” award from the Hollywood International Independent Documentary Film Festival.

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Pope receives Communist crucifix and says rich should not rule the world during South American tour

Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.


He was given the unusual gift by the Bolivian President, Evo Morales


Bolivian President Evo Morales present Pope Francis with a crucifix mounted on a Communist hammer and sickle (OSSERVATORE ROMANO)

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n a trip to South America where he declared that the world should move to a more just ecological system where riches are shared by all, the Pope has received a crucifix mounted on a wooden hammer and sickle, from Bolivian President Evo Morales.

He received the Communist crucifix while visiting La Paz in Bolivia, during his ongoing tour of South America.

Fr. Espinal

When he met the President, he was handed a wooden hammer and sickle, the symbol of Communism since the Russian Revolution.  Morales explained to Pope Francis that the cross was created by Jesuit Father Luis Espinal, who was assassinated in 1980 by paramilitaries during the short-lived dictatorship of Luis Garcia Meza.

A Vatican spokesman confirmed that it is unlikely the Communist crucifix will be displayed in a church.

After Morales' explanation, the Pope replied "I didn't know that" - although some members of the press who were present reported he said "That's not right".  It seems likely to be the former, as the Pope stopped and prayed at the site of Father Espinal’s shooting later that day.

Editor's Note:: Except for John XXIII, no Pope has ever done much for the poor, nor the socioeconomic systems which generate poverty.  Nice words, yes, action, no. The Church has been historically allied with the ruling classes everywhere since it became part of the Roman establishment about 300 A.D.  By the turn of the 20th century the Church was acutely aware of the rising popularity of socialism among the masses. To ward off this challenge to its own power and the status quo, the Vatican threw its weight behind the doctrine of "social christianity", making reference to Jesus' frequent invocations to help the poor, and his intrinsic egalitarian message. The idea was to offer the people a "socialism" devoid of its revolutionary sting, more focused on "acts of charity in ths world", than competent and organised action to change society. The movement made some inroads but eventually failed to gained sufficient adherents to stop the socialist parties advances. Ironically, a more genuine current of reformism arose in Britain in the 1850s, "Christian Socialism" (not to be confused with the aforementioned "social christians" suported by the Vatican elites) saw in Christ's teachings a clear critique of the capitalist order and the duty of Christians to do away with it. The same thinking but at a more radical organisational level infused Christian communism, aslo a form of religious communism based on Christianity. This is a theological and political theory based upon the view that the teachings of Jesus Christ absolutely compel Christians to support communism as the ideal social system. The current met with strong opposition from the Vatican but  in the late 1950s and 1960s it was to give rise to Liberation Theology [the cradle was in Peru and Colombia], and soon extended to other parts of the Third World in Africa, Asia (Philippines) and most of Latin America.  The lower ranks of the church, such as local small village priests and nuns who lived among the poor were (and remain) especially strong in their commitment to this philosophy, and have often faced brutal repression by the state with the tacit approval of the Church's higher echelons, proof that class exerts its influebce in all areas of society and institutions.
And there have been notorious reactionaries, like "the Polish Pope", John Paul II, who opposed and substantially weakened liberation theology and collaborated with Ronald Reagan in the world offensive against anticolonialist and insurgent movements in the "Third World".

Archbishop Oscar Romero

Notable exceptions occurred in Brazil (Bishop Dom Helder Camara), Nicaragua, where the revolutionary Sandinista movement had many religious figures in their ranks and leadership, and in El Salvador, a nation subject (along with much of Central America) to brutal plutocratic tyrannies supported by Washington. El Salvador has the sad distinction of counting among its religious a new Latin American saint, San Salvador Archbishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero,  assassinated on 24 March 1980 by a notorious deathsquad leader well known to the government and the American proconsul.  Pope Francis canonised Oscar Romero in 2018.  Archbishop Romero's murder, sordidly evocative of Becket's own death, many centuries ago, is unfortunately not the only religious figure rubbed out by the oligarchic states in the Third World. By now there are literally scores of martyrs which not even the Vatican media chooses to remember.—PG.


Earlier this week, during a visit to Quito, Ecuador, the Pope told a group of local leaders and indigenous people about the importance of preserving the environment, rather than exploting it for short-term profit.

"We cannot bequeath this heritage to them without proper care for the environment, without a sense of gratuitousness born of our contemplation of the created world."

Pope duing his stop in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

He continued: "The goods of the earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage... the tapping of natural resources, which are so abundant in Ecuador, must not be concerned with short-term benefits."

Thousands of people, like these crowds in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, have flocked to see the pope during his South American tour

Pope Francis is widely known for his opposition to poverty, and before he was Pope, took care to distance himself from Marxist ideology while still calling for more economic equality and fairer distribution of wealth.

While it appears that Pope Francis appreciated the gift, Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi said: "Certainly, though, it will not be put in a church."

The Pope, as the first pontiff to come from South America, has received a very warm welcome on all stops of his current South American tour.

Due to Pope Francis losing part of one lung as a young man, he could only stay in La Paz, which is 3,650 metres above sea level, for a few hours, before the thin air meant he had to move on to lower areas of the country.


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Doug Bolton is a reporter with The Independent, a publication in the United Kingdom with international bureaus in the Americas and other important zones.

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