Stop Millions of Western Immigrants!

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Tens of millions of European and North American immigrants, legal and illegal, have been flooding both the cities and countryside in Asia, Latin America, and even Africa.

We are told that some few hundred thousand African and Asian exiles are now causing a great “refugee crises” all over Europe! Governments and media are spreading panic, borders are being re-erected and armed forces are interrupting the free movement of people. But the number of foreigners illegally entering Europe is incomparably smaller than the number of Western migrants that are inundating, often illegally, virtually all corners of the world.

No “secret paradise” can be hidden any longer and no country can maintain its reasonable price structure. Potential European, North American and Australian immigrants are determined to enrich themselves by any means, at the expense of local populations. They are constantly searching for bargains: monitoring prices everywhere, ready to move at the spur of the moment, as long as the place offers some great bargains, has lax immigration laws, and a weak legal framework.

Everything pure and untapped gets corrupted. With lightning speed, Western immigrants are snatching reasonably priced real estate and land. Then, they impose their lifestyle on all those “newly conquered territories”. As a result, entire cultures are collapsing or changing beyond recognition.

Overall, Western immigrants are arrogant and stubborn; they feel no pity for the countries they are inundating. What surrounds them is only some colorful background to their precious lives. They are unable and unwilling to “adopt” local customs, because they are used to the fact that theirs is the “leading culture” – the culture that controls the world.

They come, they demand, and they take whatever they can – often by force. If unchecked, they take everything. After, when there is almost nothing left to loot, they simply move on. After them, “no grass can grow”; everything is burned, ruined and corrupted. Like Bali, Phuket, Southern Sri Lanka, great parts of the Caribbean, Mexico and East African coast, just to name a few places.


[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ho represents the greater “menace”: some 300,000 “illegal” refugees escaping from the countries destabilized or outright destroyed by the West, or those millions of Westerners who are annually fleeing their depressing lifestyles and selfishly over-imposing themselves on so many economically weaker and therefore more vulnerable parts of the world?

I believe the answer is obvious.

People from devastated countries are often left with no choice: many are coming to their tormentors, forced by circumstances to accept totally unreasonable conditions, humiliation and marginalization. They have to work extremely hard. They have to accept jobs Westerners think themselves “too good for”, and they are expected, even ordered, to “adapt” culturally. They go through horrific screenings and interviews, and almost all of them have to degrade themselves just in order to survive and feed their children. Only a minority is allowed to stay. Those who do stay greatly contribute to local economies.

Of course, this is a part of the dirty trick: the West needs foreigners; it cannot survive without immigrants, without their cheap labor. But it would never admit it openly. Before “accepting them”, it has to first humiliate and break even those whom it desperately needs. It has to further demean those whose nations were already robbed of everything, and even thrown into war by the West’s imperialist foreign policy and by corporate terrorism.


The author with Noam Chomsky.

The West’s migrants are encountering totally different treatment in most of the countries they are inundating.

To begin with, Western immigrants do not even need visas to enter most countries. Decades ago, the Empire opened by force almost all “developing states”. Westerners are treated preferentially, and generally promoted as a “source of income” by local regimes.

It is mainly the Western multi-nationals that are dividing the loot from Asian, African and the Middle Eastern countries, but some part of booty always ends up in the pockets of those ordinary European and North American citizens, mainly in the form of retirement plans or other social benefits. Then, annually, tens of millions of Westerners, armed with funds that have been stolen from the “developing world” are hitting the road, trying to make their money go further in those places where their funds actually originated!

It is no secret that Western migrants are taking advantage of poverty, low prices, and corrupts legal systems. Their arrival raises prices for housing and land. It leaves millions of local people literally homeless, and it raises the prices of food and basic services for the local population.

In a way, people in many poor countries get robbed twice: by Western corporations, and then again, by Western migrants.

But damaged countries are not sending coast guard ships to intercept Western migrants. And there are hardly any deportations. Only those who dare to criticize the system get expelled.

“In a way, people in many poor countries get robbed twice: by Western corporations, and then again, by Western migrants.”

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] saw entire islands being eaten alive by Western immigrants. Almost no coastal areas are left for local people on the Indonesian islands of Lombok and Bali. The Scandinavian mafias, the Central European mafias, Australian mafias… The theft had reached unimaginable proportions. Even when it is illegal to purchase land, the Europeans and the North Americans are teaming up with local gangs, or forging schemes that include marriages to local women. Western migrants are tremendously canny! There is always some way how to get around the laws and screw poor people in the most miserable countries on earth.

The Italian “takeover” of the Kenyan coast… the child prostitution there.

Thailand’s islands are all gone. No culture remains, almost no houses belonging to the local people… almost no coastal stretch is left untouched. There is just some banal, horrid tourist infrastructure, and millions of Western migrants baking on the sun, all year round, with their pot bellies exposed, wearing flip-flops, downing beer, hand in hand with their culturally uprooted Thai companions. What did these people bring to Thailand? Freedom? Prosperity? High culture? Seriously! Or honestly, isn’t it just a moral corruption and total cultural ruin?

There are literally millions – maybe even tens of millions – of Western (mainly European) migrants living all over Southeast Asia. Exact numbers are unknown; there are no reliable studies and statistics. Many Western immigrants in Southeast Asia are actually “illegal”. Some are “semi-legal”, with their constant “visa runs”, false marriages and shady investments.

Cambodia is one of the places that has been attracting the most depraved migrants from the West. Their sex sprees and “2 dollars per ‘shag’ bargains” have been described in detail in several colorful books.

In Cambodia, as well as many other nations where poverty is rampant, prostitution starts early, often entire families are swallowed by these rackets.

In Cambodia, as well as many other nations where poverty is rampant, prostitution starts early, often entire families are swallowed by this sordid traffic.

I encountered many “expats” and “migrants” when I was first investigating and then helping to close down one of the most notorious child-prostitution centers on earth, so-called “Kilometer 11”, located just outside the capital city of Phnom Penh. There, thousands of kidnapped girls, many of them minors, were forced to serve predominantly European clientele. Some of them were kidnapped and gang-raped on the way by traffickers; dragged here from all over Cambodia and neighboring Vietnam. The girls lived in captivity, guarded by vicious gangsters. And all over the place, flashing their proverbial beer bellies, were cheerful middle-aged European migrants, who just moved here, as I was told, “shagging a minor is much cheaper than downing a pint of shitty beer”.

A local Reuters correspondent and I managed to interview several 14-years old girls, some of them clearly dying from AIDS. Later on, when we began photographing the scene from the car, the entire crowd of men began charging, beer bottles in their hands, shorts falling off from their backsides, ready to kill. A great gain for the country of Cambodia, those European migrants!

I fought with all my might those venomous German immigrants at Colonia Dignidad in Southern Chile. There, many European Christian religious fanatics set up their entire state inside the Chilean state, closely collaborating with the US-backed Pinochet’ dictatorship. At one point, Bormann was there, as well as other prominent Nazis. After settling in their “new fatherland”, the German immigrants went busily to “work”, raping children, performing medical experiments on local orphans, and mercilessly torturing opponents of the fascist dictatorship. Of course, they did not immigrate only to Chile; there were millions of European fascist émigrés pouring into all corners of South America. The most prominent of them were shipped there with care by US and British intelligence services.

While Western propaganda keeps talking about illegal immigrants crossing into the US from Mexico, there is very little talk about those tens of millions of people who are continuously immigrating to Latin America from all over Europe, settling in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and elsewhere. Before the latest wave of Latin American revolutions finally guaranteed equality and respect for the indigenous people of the continent, most European immigrants managed to implant deep racial and social segregation. In some places like Peru and Bolivia, the situation closely resembled that of South African apartheid. Until recently, European immigrants had been pushing the native population to extreme margins, stealing their land and making their cultures irrelevant. It was done all over Latin America and is still done in many other parts of the world.

So, “what are we going to do with those millions of Western immigrants?”

Can we really afford having them in our countries? Can we accommodate them? Can we pay for their needs, for their aggressiveness and their wild and violent cultural and behavioral patterns? Can we allow them to take everything from those who have very little left?


[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ook left and right: the entire planet is full of Western immigrants. They are controlling diamond mines in South Africa as well as “conservancy areas” in Kenya. They are holding huge land expanses in Asia, and virtually all profitable commercial land and industry in Latin America.

And they are coming and coming! They are unstoppable. Most of them are sick of their gray lives in Europe and North America. They are full of superiority complexes, but in reality, they would do anything to escape their loneliness, depression and emptiness at home.

In order to be able to stay “legally” in Southeast Asia, millions of Western male immigrants are marrying maids, go-go dancers, or even sex workers. But then they treat them with spite (as many of them don’t really know how else to behave towards people from other cultures). There are tens of thousands of former US GI’s, living in the villages of Northern Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. After bombing Southeast Asia into the stone age, they “could not cope” with the treatment they received after coming back home. And so they immigrated; they returned to the land that they had already so thoroughly destroyed, poisoned and raped.

I met many of them, as I was writing about this part of the world for many years. Some former GI immigrants were now totally broke, trying to borrow money from me, and coming up with bizarre stories and schemes. Almost all of them felt spite for the local people, but were unable to return to their homeland, because they lost all contacts and skills that could allow them to live there. Some overstayed their visas, owing huge amounts of money in fines to the local authorities.


I heard countless desperate stories. But, unlike those profound and heartbreaking stories told by the migrants from the countries destroyed by the West, the stories of the Western immigrants were mainly selfish, centered on the desire to improve their lives, or yearning to escape unpleasant conditions in their countries of origin. Most of the time, their presence brought nothing positive to the countries where they managed to relocate.

In her iconic book “Karma Cola”, an Indian writer Gita Mehta described, already a quarter of century ago, those millions of Westerners who have been flooding Sub-Continent in search of “enlightenment”, alternative lifestyles and other mass-produced, Westernized cultural and religious trends. Many ended up as illegal migrants, rotting in ashrams and in bizarre communes, some even selling their passports in order to survive.


The world has been patient – I’d say too patient – with the Western immigrants!

This patience should end, because of the brutality, even savagery, that Europe has been recently demonstrating towards those desperate men, women and children who have been trying to escape from their countries resembling “sinking ships”; “ships” that were torpedoed by Western imperialism.

The world owes nothing to the West, to the contrary! Therefore, visa and immigration policies should be reciprocal, which is exactly the approach of several Latin American countries.

Practically speaking, there are many more legal and illegal Western immigrants living in Indonesia or Thailand, than the other way around. The same goes for countries like Chile.

After horrible centuries during which Western colonialism and imperialism managed to destroy billions of human lives in all corners of the world, Europe still dares to treat its desperate victims as worse than animals. I recently witnessed its spite towards refugees arriving in Greece, France, Germany and the Czech Republic.

And after what I saw, I feel indignant and appalled.

Enough is enough!

With its wars, destabilization campaigns, economic terror, and its plunder of the planet, the West continues to demonstrate how low and brutal its culture really is. The “refugee crises” is just the latest chapter of the never-ending neo-colonialist horror show.

While European ships keep intercepting pitiful boats crammed with wrecked people who are fighting for their lives, while European armies are re-erecting border controls, several Latin American countries which are now governed by progressive governments, including Argentina and Chile, have been demonstrating tremendous moral superiority, solidarity and internationalism, by inviting and taking care of thousands of Syrian and Palestinian refugees, and on top of that, treating them with great dignity and kindness!


In one of the hotels in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in a bar late at night, I overheard a conversation between a visiting Swiss businessman and his Chilean counterpart:

“You know, those immigrants that we call ‘paperless’”, lamented Swiss man. “It’s too many of them… too many! We should just throw them directly to the sea; we should drown them! We don’t need such scum in Europe.”

A few days earlier, my friend, an Ecuadorian government official based in Quito, told me a story:

“Lately, many Europeans keep coming to Ecuador and to other Latin American countries, searching for jobs, trying to migrate. Their economies are collapsing, but there is no humility when they come here, only arrogance. Another day, a Spaniard came to me, applying for a job. I asked him for his CV. He looked at me with total outrage: ‘But I am a Spaniard!’ he shouted. ‘So what?’ I replied. ‘These days are over, comrade; days when just being a white European man would be enough to land you a job anywhere in Latin America!’”

“The world has been patient – I’d say too patient – with the Western immigrants!”

The non-Western world simply cannot afford to tolerate an annual influx of the millions of Western immigrants! First, it gets attacked by the West, and then robbed, and at the end, is expected to tolerate enormous hordes of ruthless, locust-like, self-centered migrants who are trying to swallow what little is left behind by the Western corporations and governments.

Reciprocal visa regimes should be introduced. Legal frameworks should be strengthened to prevent corruption and speculation with land and real estate. Potential Western immigrants should be forced to prove that their presence would benefit the country where they want to settle, that their skills are really needed, just as all African and Asian immigrants are obliged to prove when they want to settle in Europe, in North America or in Australia.

And once again: let us not forget that there are many more Western immigrants trying to settle abroad, than there are people from poor countries applying for residency in the West.

Immigration crises? Yes of course! But not really “crises” for the West!

Those who do not realize it should check the numbers!

Certainly, many of us understand how depressed many Westerners really are; how their lives in Europe and in North America are disagreeable, gray and confusing. We really understand how much they want to immigrate to a warmer (in terms of weather and in terms of human relationships) part of the world. And if they would humbly admit what they feel, instead of demonstrating arrogance and superiority… if we could have it all in open… if the same rules would apply for everyone… if they would be the same for those who want to immigrate to Europe, to the US, to Asia, Africa or Latin America… then I am sure that at least some people would be willing to show their sympathy and consider accepting at least some of the most desperate Western migrants.

But there can be no sympathy if there is no justice. While Westerners are freely immigrating wherever they desire, Europe is now deploying its military in order to intimidate, humiliate and to stop those mugged and tortured victims of Empire!

Andre Vltchek
 is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and “Fighting Against Western Imperialism”.Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western TerrorismPoint of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania – a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.

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 GLOBAL WARMING: Reaping the Whirlwind after Unheeded Warnings

Michael Faulkner   |   LETTER FROM LONDON


“The climate deniers’ counter-claims are as insidious as those of Holocaust deniers and as ludicrous as the belief that the earth is flat…”



The migrant crisis, Islamist terrorism, Grexit and Brexit: a perfect storm of crises blows apart European unity.

This list simply embraced the events of the preceding few days that had claimed attention in Europe – the “Four Crises Facing the EU”. Such is the volatility of the times we are living through that when this article reaches its readers in about twelve days from now any comments on the European crises may be quite out of date, though each of them is very important and deserves detailed consideration.  Toby Helm might have included the one global crisis beside which the others, for all their enormity and urgency, may seem less important: global warming and climate change. In reality all the crises are related, though perhaps not obviously causally connected. Why is it, though, that there is still such a deep reluctance to recognize that global warming resulting from human activity poses an existential threat to life on the planet?  It is not as though the facts are not known, that scientific research has reached no conclusions or that the arguments between climate scientists and climate change deniers is evenly balanced. The evidence is overwhelming and the deniers’ counter-claims are as insidious as those of Holocaust deniers and as ludicrous as belief that the earth is flat.

Put bluntly the world faces the very real threat of an ecological catastrophe in the form of uncontrollable and irreversible global warming. The threat is not for some far distant future beyond our imagining, but by as early as the middle of the present century.  In 2006 Lord Stern, Chair of the Centre for Climate Change Economics, forecast that by mid century there was a 75% likelihood that global temperatures were set to rise by 2 – 3 degrees centigrade above the long-term average. By 2013 he had revised his forecast to the likelihood of a global temperature rise of 4c – 5c. Anything above 2c would be extremely dangerous; 4c – 5c would be catastrophic. In the approach to the Paris climate conference in December the same optimistic voices are raised as preceded all previous negotiations about the need for international co-operation to deal with global warming. But the indications are that despite all the solemn commitments to take the problem seriously, nothing more substantial than good intentions will come out of it. World Bank president Jim Yong Kim’s approach is hardly re-assuring: “We have to find climate friendly ways of encouraging economic growth”, he said, adding “The good news is that we think they exist.”  We shall see whether they do. What will be the likely consequences of failure to keep below the tipping-point level of a 2c rise?  A 4c rise by 2050 would result in the following:

* Catastrophic floods affecting millions. Up to 200 million permanently displaced

* Rising sea levels, heavier floods and droughts

* A rise of 4c would have a serious impact on global food production

Cameron is the kind of phony capitalist politician that should have been swept with the rubbish.

Cameron is the kind of impero-corporatist politician that should have been swept away with the rubbish a long time ago, or, in a just world, to the gallows, for his active complicity in Nuremberg-class crimes.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a recent article Guardian columnist George Monbiot exposed a glaring contradiction in the stance of the British government‘s supposed commitment to tackle climate change and global warming.  The government has an obligation under the 2008 Climate Change Act to minimise Britain’s greenhouse gas emissions. But the Infrastructure Act, 2015, will commit successive governments to “maximising the economic recovery of UK petroleum” which inevitably entails helping to maximise greenhouse gas emissions. This is an eye-opener about how seriously we should take Cameron’s earlier self-proclaimed green credentials. But it is more alarming than that. It exposes the disconnect between  lip-service paid by governments and the corporate giants of the fossil fuel extractive industries to combat global warming, and their unrestrained drive to continue exploiting the world’s carbon deposits in the interests of promoting economic growth and maximising their own profits.




George Marshall, author of Don’t Even Think About It, reveals that during all the international negotiations on climate change there has never been a single debate, nor even a position-paper presented, on limiting fossil fuel production. And yet, if targets to which governments are committed are to stand any chance of being met, 80% of the world’s current fossil fuel reserves need to stay in the ground. According to Christopher Hayes, writing in The Nation, (April 23. 2014), what stands in the way of this happening is not climate change denial, but money. Those reserves are valued at $20 trillion. There is huge investment in the fossil fuel industries based on the assumption that extraction of the resources will proceed unhindered.  Thus, opposed to the necessary effective action required to keep the fossil fuels in the ground stand the combined power and wealth of the huge trans-national extractive industries. In order to act decisively in the interest of future generations and the planet’s survival as a fit place for human beings, the political and economic elites who rule much of world, would need to take on those industries whose operations have polluted the atmosphere and continue to pollute at an accelerated rate the wider and more extensively their operations take them.


This Changes Everything: Capitalism versus the Environment

naomiK-ThisChangesEverything398x425[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he publication of Naomi Klein’s widely acclaimed book This Changes Everything, has led to much controversy. More unequivocally than in her earlier books, No Logo (2000) and The Shock Doctrine  (2007) she makes clear that capitalism itself rather than any particular variant of the system is the core of the problem. This is evident in the sub-title she has chosen: Capitalism versus the Environment. In taking this bold stand she has thrown down the gauntlet to all those, who, for whatever reasons , claim that it is possible to stop the drive towards the ecological precipice without fundamentally changing the mode of production that led to industry-driven global warming in the first place and has driven it to its present critical stage.  It is as well to stress this point because among the many who dissent from her conclusions are liberals who will go along with much of what she says. Among them are those who choose to believe  (and may be sincere in their belief) that while capitalism in its neo-liberal form, “red in tooth and claw”, that cares for nothing but the market, growth and endless accumulation, stands condemned, an alternative “good” capitalism is still waiting in the wings to replace it. The tiger of “neo-liberalism” can still be tamed into the reliable work-horse of well-managed, well-regulated economic efficiency – capitalism “with a human face.”

Economic growth is not the real challenge for humanity, but a fair distribution of what is already produced, while total production (and ideally population) level off.  Although embraced by practically the entire international political establishment, and not a few progressives, the mantra of “economic growth” is ecologically suicidal oldthink. Time for a reset. ——Editor

The evidence of the last thirty years, and particularly since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol (U.N. Convention of Climate Change – UNCC ) in 1997 requiring signatories to reduce CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere to a level “that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”, gives scant grounds for confidence.  Canada withdrew from the Protocol in 2012, the US hasn’t ratified it; Japan, New Zealand and Russia participated in the first round but have not accepted the second round targets. Other participants have either withdrawn from the Protocol or threatened to do so. Faced with more than thirty years of political failure to take the climate crisis seriously, it is time to face the facts and warnings that climate science no longer allows us to avoid. It is also necessary to confront the inescapable truth of Naomi Klein’s message: the future of life on earth is no longer compatible with the long-term survival of capitalism.

The Liberal Illusion 

Fukuyama's intellectual creds are weak, but his apologia for capitalism made him a celebrity.

The “end of history apostle.” Fukuyama’s intellectual creds are mediocre, but his devious defence of capitalism and its hegemonic imperative made him a celebrity.  Here he spouts his apologetics before a suitably receptive audience.


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he main charge levelled against Naomi Klein by her liberal critics is that she has succumbed to “utopianism.” Capitalism, they tell us, is “the only game in town.” To imagine that a fundamentally different economic system, namely, some form of socialism, can replace it is to live in cloud cuckoo land. Since the collapse between 1989 and 1992 of the Soviet Union and the eastern European states associated with it, in one way or another the sweeping claim made by Francis Fukuyama that what he regarded as the triumph of liberal democracy marked “the end of history”, has been embraced by many western liberal intellectuals. In their view whatever criticisms may be made of the modus operandi of the neo-liberal variant of capitalism, there is no possibility of any alternative to capitalism as such. Fukuyama claimed that the world had reached “the end point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.” Whatever qualifications he and his acolytes may now care to put on the confident certainties of his assertions in the light of the great financial crash of 2008 and the subsequent descent into chaos of much of the Middle East, Asia and Africa following the disastrous western military invasions undertaken in the name of “liberal interventionism”, the ruling classes of world capitalism hold fast to their unassailable belief that there can be no alternative to the prevailing system. Anyone who should seriously argue that an alternative is not only possible, but essential if we are to avoid a descent into barbarism and global disaster may expect to be accused of advocating Stalinism and the restoration of the Soviet command economy and the gulag.   Determination to trash any movement or government that presents a serious challenge to the disastrous and failed austerity policies imposed throughout much of the EU, may be seen in the current attempt to undermine and sweep from power the Syriza government in Greece. Similar treatment is meted out to prominent left wing opponents of austerity in Britain. Jeremy Corbyn, the only seriously left wing candidate for the leadership of the Labour party is now being subjected to ridicule and personal attack. The assumption is always that anyone who poses a real challenge to corporate power is either an immature dreamer or a dangerous would-be dictator.

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn

But we are confronted with the realities of armed conflict engulfing more and more countries and people, of ever-growing and unmanageable mass migrations of people, of the terrible destruction wreaked by the descent into barbarism of various kinds, and the reality of ecological despoliation and pollution from anthropogenic global warming and climate change.  Faced with these realities it is difficult to imagine anything more utopian than the liberal belief that somehow the world can and will move from this situation to a benign form of capitalism that will abandoned what has always been the locomotive of the system, its raison d’etre  – the inexorable drive to accumulate, vividly expressed by Marx in the phrase “Accumulate, accumulate! That is Moses and the prophets.” It seems to be in the nature of defenders of capitalism to be wilfully blind to any possibility that the system will eventually be superseded, that like earlier modes of production from the earliest human civilizations, it will eventually succumb to its own internal contradictions, irresolvable within the system.  Until the clear evidence presented by the climate crisis, it was possible to believe that the capitalist economic system, through its remarkable ability to innovate, might continue into the distant future – perhaps for a century or more.  It is now impossible to believe this. Naomi Klein’s book helps us understand why.

naomiKlein-quoteThis Changes Everything is not an easy book to read and it is not comforting. It is thoroughly and meticulously researched. It does not offer the reader any easy answers to the crisis it deals with and because the author has reached the conclusion that only an ecological revolution can guarantee a future for humanity and for the whole ecosystem. This means that Naomi Klein compels us honestly to face the facts and to address the crucial challenge posed  without equivocation or evasion: during the next few decades global temperature increases must be kept below the tipping point of 2 degrees centigrade and must not increase thereafter; but the inexorable drive of the fossil fuel extractive industries is set to take global temperatures over the tipping point.  Therefore this drive to disaster must be stopped. 80% of existing fossil fuels must be kept in the ground.

Her book is not just an academic treatise; it is a call to action. Hers is a powerful, compelling voice, well informed from intensive research but more particularly from her involvement with numerous activist movements throughout the world fighting the fossil fuel extractive industries. She gives vivid accounts of the horrors of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and its devastating effect of marine life; she exposes the real cost to communities and the environment of hydraulic fracturing of the earth’s crust for the production of shale gas; the pollution of water systems through the toxic methods of extraction the frackers use but are keen to conceal in their mendacious claims that the resultant dirt and pollution caused are minimal and manageable.  She has worked with indigenous peoples in Canada and elsewhere in support of their struggles to protect their ancestral lands from the despoilers and polluters and she has learned much from them. She devotes part of her book to a plea to respect the earth, to stop treating it solely as a source to be exploited for profit.  And she leaves us in no doubt that nothing short of mass movements of engaged and determined humanity will be capable of turning the tide against the forces of fossil fuel extractive industries that use, and will continue to use, their wealth, power and influence to disarm any opposition to their operations.

Climate Change and the Left

The emergence of climate change as the one most important issue facing humanity seems to have posed something of a conundrum for some on the radical left. For many years the various branches of the Green movement that have campaigned on environmental issues tend to have been either ignored by the left or treated as well-meaning but basically bourgeois groups who are insufficiently engaged with or concerned about what are regarded as more important and burning political issues. And it is true that many Green campaigners have often been detached from such struggles. But as it has become ever more apparent that climate change can no longer be ignored, there has been a tendency for some of the more sectarian sections of the left to continue turning a blind eye to it. There is no doubt that in Britain at least many of the different, often sectarian groups on what might be loosely termed the Marxist left still adopt a holier-than-thou attitude to the various campaigns against global warming. In Britain many of those describing themselves as Marxists are still pre-occupied with the need to build a vanguard party. (1) Each one of perhaps half a dozen such groups, mostly counting their membership in the low hundreds, calls itself a political party. There are at least four “Communist Parties” and two of those, in deep contention with each other, describe themselves as “Marxist-Leninist”.  It is reasonable to assume that such sectarian groups are far more preoccupied with “building the vanguard party” than with global warming. Perhaps little more needs to be said about them, or, perhaps too much has been saidalready.

There is a serious discussion to be had about the relevance of Lenin and Leninism today. But if Lenin were alive he would probably be either dismayed or slightly amused at the way his legacy is being treated by the sectarians. Lenin’s theoretical work on the nature of the revolutionary party can only be properly understood in the context of his time – in the years leading to and immediately following the 1905 revolution in Russia. There is no “Leninist theory of the Party” cast in aspic for all times. He himself recognized this when he said of the mass uprisings of 1905, “the masses are today spontaneously social-democratic” – i.e. revolutionary.  What united Lenin and the Bolsheviks with Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht was their understanding that revolution was inconceivable without the participation of the masses. Many Marxist-Leninists internationally were in denial about the socialist character of the Cuban revolution in 1959 and 1960 despite the mass participation of the people, because it did not follow the prescribed course laid out in the text books. The Cuban Communist Party (PSP) did not support the guerrilla struggle led by Fidel Castro and therefore most Cuban communists refused to accept that it could have been a socialist revolution as the PSP wasn’t leading it.  The participation of the masses means more than large numbers of people passively following great leaders. It means thousands and hundreds of thousands of people, men and women from the poorest and most exploited classes acting with others less oppressed but joined with them in adversity, united together to change conditions that have become intolerable. If the struggle to prevent catastrophic global warming is to succeed such movements as this are essential. If they fail to develop or do not succeed, the prospects for the long term future are bleak.

But This Changes Everything ends on a positive, optimistic note. Naomi Klein believes, rationally, that there is still time. She makes no claim to being a revolutionary leader, not because she is not a revolutionary. On the evidence of her book, she is. But in a way that doesn’t matter. This is not a question of the purity of one’s Marxist credentials. In very different circumstances Fidel Castro was not a Marxist-Leninist when he led a successful revolutionary struggle against the Batista dictatorship in Cuba nearly sixty years ago that developed into a socialist revolution. What matters, and what makes Naomi Klein’s contribution so important, is that her book has the power to inspire us to action. And, like all good revolutionaries, she not only clarifies the issues and points to what must be done; she puts herself in the thick of the action and identifies with the struggles of the mass movements that are becoming active. Her book is not a handbook for revolutionaries. But, just as Lenin’s What is To Be Done? challenged those prepared for action or engaging in action to change society, to consider the question posed in the title, so her book  This Changes Everything challenges us to think seriously about what the title means, and, once we have understood it, to act to secure a better future for humanity.


(1) This is not to diminish in any way the importance of a unified, clear-sighted leadership in the struggle against the current capitalist order. 


[box type=”bio”] Mike Faulkner is a British citizen. He lives in London where for many years he taught history and political science at Barnet College, until his retirement in 2002. He has written a two-weekly column,  Letter from the UK, for TPJ Magazine since 2008. Over the years his articles have appeared in such publications as Marxism Today, Monthly Review and China Now. He is a regular visitor to the United States where he has friends and family in New York City. Contact Mike at [/box]


Special Comment by Eric Schechter, fellow contributing editor to The Greanville Post


It’s a much bigger whirlwind than that

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]’ve been asked to comment on the recent article, “GLOBAL WARMING: Reaping the Whirlwind after Unheeded Warnings,” by [my colleague at TGP] Michael Faulkner,

I’m sorry, but I have to begin by saying that, despite the obvious strengths and value of this essay, it’s a much bigger whirlwind than the author says it is. I am afraid that the climate picture is even worse than he has described it. Mike [Faulkner] thinks that we are facing catastrophes if the average temperature rises more than 2ºC above pre-industrial levels, a temperature that is expected by perhaps the year 2050. But in fact the figure of 2ºC, now widely accepted, was never a scientific agreement. It was a political agreement. We’re now at about 0.8ºC, and the catastrophes have already begun. We’re already seeing widespread and frequent floods and droughts. The forests and oceans are dying; fish catches are way down. And we’re seeing crop failures and shortages of drinking water. This is a cause of some of the recent increases in wars — for instance, the civil war in Syria is partly a result of high prices on food. Of course, we’re not helped by the fact that fossil fuel companies are poisoning much of our remaining drinking water with their fracking, and the soft-drink companies are trying to put the rest of our drinking water in plastic (nonbiodegradable!) plastic bottles and sell it back to us at very high prices.

I expect things to get worse. Not only will the temperature keep rising, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to rise faster and faster. That is the nature of feedback loops. The simplest example of a feedback loop is the population curve, which is taught in every first-year calculus course: Feedback means that the outputs of the system are also inputs to the system, and so the system grows at a rate proportional to its current size. The equation for that is p'(t) = kp(t). The solution to that equation is exponential growth:  p(t) = p(0)exp(kt).

The exponential curve starts off very small and slow, so that one would hardly notice it; it may be invisible without special detection instruments. But the larger it gets, the faster it grows, and before long it’s visible, and shortly after that it’s enormous and growing explosively. In my view, global warming passed the “visible” marker around 2012, with “Superhurricane” Sandy. If anyone still doesn’t see catastrophe today, it can only be because they have their eyes tightly shut.

Lately I have become something of a “doomer,” almost as much as Professor Guy McPherson. For several years now, he has been saying that human life definitely will be extinct within another two or three decades, and there is no longer any possibility of averting that extinction. McPherson is widely dismissed as a crackpot, because as we all know, human life has always existed, for even longer than any of us can remember. Therefore, surely it will always exist.
I’m not quite as far gone as Professor McPherson. I believe there still is some hope for avoiding extinction. But there isn’t much time left.

Any society that doesn’t listen to its environmental scientists is insane. Our society is insane.


What would we need to do, to save ourselves? Stop using fossil fuels. Stop using “industrial” meat production, which has the byproduct of enormous amounts of methane. Stop cutting down forests. Plant a billion trees. Breed new kinds of phytoplankton, to replace the ones that are being killed off by what we’ve done to the ocean. Probably take half a dozen other measures that I haven’t thought of — I’m not actually an expert on this stuff.

It could all be summarized with one simple directive: Listen to the environmental scientists. Any society that doesn’t listen to its environmental scientists is insane. Our society is insane.

In recent years, I have not occupied myself with simply repeating whatever the environmental scientists are saying. Instead I have been talking about this question: Why is our society not listening to the environmental scientists? Why is our society insane? And what, if anything, can we do about that?

I’m convinced that the insanity stems largely from capitalism, in a wide variety of ways. I will try to indicate just one or two of them. Making yourself rich (usually at the expense of other people) is a very specialized skill, and so people who are good at it rarely have taken the time or effort to develop any other skills, even if they had the aptitude for those other skills. And yet our society sees its billionaires as its wisest people, and lets them rule the world. The billionaires got rich by externalizing costs, and so they’re not about to stop that practice now. They hardly give it a thought. The market is only “efficient” regarding measured costs, but externalized costs are not measured and are not reflected in market prices. The market is terrible at short-term planning. The rich people are amassing huge amounts of money, but they will have no planet on which to spend it. And the rich live in a bubble, isolated from the rest of us, and have no idea what is really going on.

And so we need to end capitalism.

We need what philosopher Charles Eisenstein calls a “miracle”: an event that most people believe impossible until it happens. In this case, the miracle we need is that some extremely radical ideas, understanding, awareness, will spread very quickly. In theory, that is possible; but in practice, it rarely happens, and it doesn’t appear to be happening right now.

It’s very difficult to go up against widely believed mythologies. It has become widely believed that 2ºC is the danger threshold. It has become widely believed that rich people are wise, and deserve to rule. It has become widely believed that the market is efficient. And so on. We need to overthrow those ideas, very quickly. If you can think of a way to spread this information, please do so.


[box type=”bio”] Eric Schechter is an American mathematician, retired from Vanderbilt University with the title of Professor Emeritus. His interests started primarily in analysis but moved into mathematical logic. Schechter is best known for his 1996 book Handbook of Analysis and its Foundations, which provides a novel approach to mathematical analysis and related topics at the graduate level. In retirement he has become a full-time political activist and radical educator. His conversion to anti-capitalism in recent years transformed Eric’s life. By temperament a progressive and iconoclast, his study of social and environmental conditions, domestic and international, rapidly led him through various stages from standard liberalism to a far more radical critique of the corporate status quo, which he regards as unreformable. [/box]


Remember: All captions and pullquotes are furnished by the editors, NOT the author(s). 

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We still owe a debt to the Russian revolution

Opeds |   Steven Argue

Forward to New October Revolutions!


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]rod Lemansky writes, “Let’s step back and realize that all revolutions in the 20th century led back to capitalism.”

This is false. The Cuban, North Korean, and Bielorussian revolutions maintain socialism that has had only limited capitalist inroads. While imperfect in several ways, these countries continue to show the massive gains made possible through socialist revolution even in countries that had suffered the worst of imperialist exploitation and war. In addition to those three countries, the Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian, and Syrian revolutions still maintain a number of the gains of their socialist economies and socialist revolutions, despite the fact that they have had big setbacks with a large number of capitalist inroads into their economies.

Even the defeat of the USSR has not been a complete setback of the gains of the October 1917 Russian Revolution. The USSR suffered a capitalist counterrevolution in 1992 that decreased life expectancy by 10 years within 10 years, yet, before that catastrophe, socialism turned one of the poorest countries in the world into an industrial powerhouse capable of defeating two major imperialist invasions, including Nazi Germany, and rebuilding to provide everyone with a job, health care, and an education. In addition, that example forced countless progressive reforms on capitalist countries including women’s rights, improved health care, better labor rights, and anti-colonial revolution.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nd despite the capitalist counterrevolution in Russia, with Putin has come some re-nationalization of some important economic sectors. In addition, Putin has brought the return of healthy stands by Russia against U.S. imperialism. This includes their efforts that have helped break the imperialist economic blockades of Cuba, Syria, Belarus, and Iran. In addition, Russia is a counterbalance to U.S. imperialist mass murder in Syria, Ukraine, and South Ossetia. The present day strength of Russia as a counterbalance to bloodthirsty and rapacious U.S. imperialism we still owe largely to the victory of the October 1917 Russian Revolution.

All revolutions are firmly rooted in the lessons of revolutions the past including the Paris Commune and the Russian Revolution. Through history, those leaders who falsely claim those lessons are outdated tend to be those who have abandoned revolution itself.

A true revolutionary stands up for the gains of actually existing socialism in the world as it presently exists in the deformed workers states of Cuba, Belarus, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Syria, and China. We defend these countries from U.S. imperialism and internal capitalist counterrevolution, while also calling for an end to capitalist inroads in these countries and calling for legitimate workers democracy and broader revolutionary internationalism. Likewise, we stand with the hard fought ideological gains of the revolutionary movement, attempting to serve as a memory for the working class, and promoting great revolutionary thinkers who remain essential for revolution today,

Forward to New October Revolutions!


[box type=”bio”] -Steven Argue of the Revolutionary Tendency[/box]


Steven Argue
17 June at 19:45



Remember: All captions and pullquotes are furnished by the editors, NOT the author(s). 

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Does Voting Even Matter?


by Jill Dalton

First iteration: Updated: Oct. 20, 2014; Revised February 16, 2015

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] remember sitting in the large impersonal lecture hall in my American History 101 class feeling a bit forlorn and overwhelmed. I’m a freshman at the University of South Carolina. It’s 1968, the Vietnam War is raging, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King have been assassinated, riots erupted in several U.S. cities, the antiwar movement, woman’s movement and civil rights movement are in full swing, my father’s currently serving in Military Intelligence, Saigon, and my mom’s hospitalized after suffering 3rd degree burns because she’s having a nervous breakdown trying to deal with my father being at war leaving her responsible for raising 4 kids ranging in ages from 5 and 18. I feel like I’m hanging on by my fingernails.

The professor asks, “What is democracy?” I’m wondering the answer to that question myself. Students’ hands shoot up as one by one they proclaim, “Freedom of speech.” “Freedom of religion.” “Freedom of the press.” “Freedom to peacefully assemble.” Freedom to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” “Freedom from illegal search and seizures.” And the list goes on and each time our professor nods, “Yes, and what else?”

After our ideas are exhausted the professor responds, “Democracy means one man one vote. Period. This is the only power you have. If you don’t wield that power at the ballot box then you have no power.” His statement made a huge impression on me. Until then I was so apathetic about what was going on in our country I’d decided to ignore the entire rotten system but his words changed my mind.

My voting record

I became a registered Democrat. And every four years I’d march myself to my voting place and “wield my power.” Granted, I don’t have a very good success rate at the polls but I vote anyway. 1968 gave us a choice between Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace, the racist governor from Alabama. I was a Robert Kennedy supporter so I pulled the lever for Humphrey and we all know how that turned out.

1972 gave us Richard Nixon and Gov. George McGovern. McGovern ran on ending the war in Vietnam, amnesty for war resisters, abolition of the draft, a guaranteed job for every American, lifting people out of poverty, women’s rights, gay rights and saving the environment—no wonder he lost by one of the largest margins in U.S. history winning only Massachusetts and D.C. What a different world we might have had if he’d won. Today we’re facing many of these same issues. Nothing has changed; in fact things have gotten much worse.

jilldaltonPiece-rsz_mepam1I’ve never understood and never will understand why the majority of Americans prefer liars, crooks, thieves and warmongering politicians to honest, compassionate, peace loving statesmen. And because they do we find ourselves in a dying empire rife with corruption and inequality collapsing from the weight of its own hubris.

1976. Jimmy Carter, a soft-spoken, kindhearted peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia runs against Gerald Ford, who served 25 years in the Senate and became president after Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon’s resignation on August 9, 1974. Finally, my candidate wins but because of the Iran hostage situation he loses in 1980 to Ronald Reagan.


W.E.B DuBois, October 20, 1956, issue of The Nation


Carson’s Corner introducing the Election Boycott Advocates philosophy.

The EBA team.

The EBA team.

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I never liked Reagan. He was a second rate actor and a third rate president. I’d sit and watch him lie to the American people as he pushed the corporate agenda, killed the air traffic controllers union, which signaled to workers you have no power here and promoted his “trickle down economics,” which even George H.W. Bush referred to as, “voodoo economics.”

1984. Walter Mondale loses to Reagan.

1988. Michael Dukakis loses to George H.W. Bush.

1992. Then Bill Clinton, defeats George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot.

1996. Bill Clinton wins a second term defeating Bob Dole and Ross Perot but then the unthinkable happens. Bill Clinton becomes embroiled with a White House intern and trying to save himself claims, “he did not have sexual relations with that woman” and depending on “what the meaning of the word is” was impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, as Hillary proclaims there’s a mass right wing conspiracy under foot. And although unemployment’s at 4.8%, the lowest in 8 years and he claims to leave us with a huge surplus, he finishes out his term in disgrace.

In retrospect we now know Clinton killed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which was put into place after the great depression to make sure we were protected from the banks ever collapsing the economy again, dismantled welfare which mainly hurt poor hungry children, and touted NAFTA as a huge job creator, which we now know sends American jobs overseas. [Clinton also further disgraced himself by bombing Serbia under false pretext, a Balkans intervention that signaled the new mandate for NATO’s naked aggressions.—Eds.]

2000. George W. Bush versus Al Gore turns out to be a huge fiasco. Between the hanging chads in Florida, and being aided and abetted by the then Gov. Jeb Bush, the little brother to G.W. Bush and then Secretary of State of Florida, Katherine Harris. People were purposely excluded from the voting rolls and hundreds were turned away at the polls. And then the final nail in the coffin, the Supreme Court stops the recount and calls the election for George W. Bush even though Al Gore had won the popular vote.

The 2000 election was stolen, plain and simple. If this had happened in another country Americans would have been up in arms crying foul. I kept waiting for people to rise up and revolt but nothing happened. Instead everyone blamed Green candidate Ralph Nader, including myself at the time, believing he’d stolen votes from Gore and caused him to lose. This hypothesis has since been disproven.

George W. Bush’s record

With George W. Bush in office the neocons take control of the White House and all hell breaks loose. September 11th marks a very dark day in our history. The Bush Administration starts two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, by lying to the American people resulting in 4,000 U.S. troops dead and estimates of civilian deaths ranging from 88,000 to over half a million and then under the guise of protecting us from, “they hate us for our freedoms,” terrorism, the Bush administration immediately gets to work dismantling our Constitution, promoting fear and stripping us of our rights by:

Passing the Patriot Act.

Opening Gitmo. (Guantanamo Bay detention camp)

Authorizing the wiretapping and reading of e-males of U.S. citizens.

Promoting the preemptive war, Bush Doctrine.

Abu Ghraib photos are leaked. 

Torture becomes the new normal.

He also signs tax cuts for the rich and large corporations.

Meanwhile the FCC pushes for more media consolidation allowing one company to own newspapers, TV and radio stations in one city.

Bush ignores victims of Hurricane Katrina and hundreds perish.

2004. I knew Bush was a goner but alas he beats John Kerry by spreading lies about Kerry’s war record. This from a guy who avoided the Vietnam War and an administration full of chicken hawks and also by stealing Ohio, but once again there’s little to no reaction from American voters.

By 2008 even avid Bush supporters can no longer support the lies and corruption from this administration and Barack Obama emerges victorious. A dark horse who’s not been properly vetted but gave a rousing keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, wrote a compelling book, “Dreams From My Father” and is an eloquent speaker who promises us “change we can believe in.” After eight years of pure hell we’re all so desperate to believe, we fall for this rhetoric and his big open smile. He had us all fooled.

Barack Obama’s record

To say I have buyers remorse is an understatement of Herculean proportions. Where do I begin? Glen Ford refers to Obama as the “more effective evil” and I would have to agree with his assessment.

Obama not only continues the wars but escalates them claiming Afghanistan is the “good war”, and even though it’s bankrupting the country and we’re losing he continues this insanity.

He promises to get us out of Iraq but instead we build the largest military installation in the world and fill it with 2,500 private contractors.

He starts new wars in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria and now wants to add Iran to the list.

And then there’s Obama’s secret ‘Kill List.’

Obama escalates drone attacks. These illegal killing machines mainly murder innocent women and children and once in a blue moon hit a low level so-called “enemy combatant.” But not to worry: they’ve changed the laws so any male that’s hit who’s of a certain age is labeled an enemy combatant.

He extends the Bush tax cuts for the rich.

Extends the Patriot Act.

He does not prosecute or even question a single member of the Bush Administration for their crimes or one of the Wall Street crooks or bankers who caused the global meltdown, in fact, bank bailouts under Obama have far exceeded Bush to the tune of 16 trillion.

He does not close Gitmo.

He continues and escalates spying on American citizens without warrants via the FISA Amendments Act.

Unemployment continues to rise as thousands are thrown off the roles and unemployment benefits are not extended.

He prosecutes twice as many whistleblowers under the Espionage Act of 1917 as all other presidents combined.

Signs the NDAA into law. (Hedges, Chomsky and a few other brave Americans have sued Obama and Leon Panetta) Under the NDAA American citizens are labeled enemy combatants and can be arrested and held indefinitely without due process.

Passes Obamacare, which forces people to buy inadequate insurance and is a giveaway to the for profit insurance companies.

Shuts down the Occupy encampments in a coordinated effort between the White House, the DOJ and local police departments, which are now militarized and protect the 1%.

Where are we now?

So now our choice has become (more firmly than ever) a vote between the “lesser of two evils.” The two parties may speak in different tones but they both serve the same corporate master. Obama says one thing and does another. I learned a long time ago it’s not what someone says that matters but what they do.

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” George Orwell

It’s time to wake up and smell the corruption America. We’ve been deceived again. Our government is now fully corporately owned and operated. As Chris Hedges tells us again and again “we have undergone a corporate coup d’état in slow motion.”

Romney and Obama are merely brands packaged and presented to us for our viewing pleasure and then whomever the corporate powers that be decide they want in office is who’s installed. The elections are rigged just as our system is rigged. We have elections [as an act of self-inflicted propaganda] so we can pretend we have a free society.

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Emma Goldman

We have a two party duopoly. A plutocracy: government by the rich for the rich.

It’s not about Obama or Bush or Romney. There’re just the front men. Our system is completely corrupted by corporate forces. And once Citizens United was enacted making corporations people,  giving them free speech and allowing them to dump as much cash as possible without accountability into the electoral system, then our republic’s goose was officially cooked.

The mere fact both candidates must raise a billion dollars each to run is obscene. That money could be used for things that really matter.

While the plutocracy has always largely controlled the party system, and the media, both political parties have now been completely taken over by corporate money. Under Clinton the Democrats realized they couldn’t win without big money and once you take money from Wall Street, big oil or the insurance companies then you’re beholden to them and must dole out tax breaks, ensure a for profit health care system, deregulate the banks and Wall Street, exempt the fossil fuel industry from the Clean Air and Water Act and on it goes.

“I for one will not collude with my own demise. I refuse to play along with the corporate oligarchy. A system based on greed and propped up by lies, war, distraction and illusions…”


Our votes no longer matter —if they ever did—because our legislators no longer need us. We’re small potatoes. There’s a reason why Jamie Dimon, the CEO of the too-big-to-fail JP Morgan Chase, sits in front of the House Financial Services Committee, wearing cufflinks with the presidential seal, is cajoled by members of Congress after he somehow misplaces 2 billion dollars. Oh well, not to worry Jamie, we know how easy it is to misplace that kind of money. I mean, look at the billions that disappeared in Iraq. Tee hee.

Electronic voting machines

And then there’s the mater of the electronic voting machines, where a vote can be switched or lost in the blink of an eye with no paper trail. Researchers have found severe flaws with the Diebold voting machines.

A Princeton Study revealed,

“[m]alicious software running on a single voting machine can steal votes with little if any risk of detection,” and the software can be installed on a voting machine in only a minute by anyone that has physical access.” —Ryan Paul

“In August 2003, Walden O’Dell, then the chief executive of Diebold, announced that he had been a top fund-raiser for President George W. Bush and had sent a get-out-the-funds letter to 100 wealthy and politically inclined friends in the Republican Party, to be held at his home in a suburb of ColumbusOhio.

In December 2005, O’Dell resigned following reports that the company was facing securities fraud litigation surrounding charges of insider trading.” —————————Wikipedia


And now it’s happening again. The vote counting company, Hart Intercivic, whose machines have failed in the past, is tied to Mitt Romney and Bain Capital.

In Mark Crispin Miller’s book, “Fooled Again”, he calls for electoral reform.

“The pattern—not one overwhelming fraud but thousands of little ones—did not end in 2004. The same pattern continued in ’06, costing the Democrats a number of seats in the House and Senate, and that is likely to be part of the Republican electoral strategy for ’08 as well.”

And now companies are telling their employees how to vote threatening them with layoffs and loss of benefits if they don’t vote for Romney.

Greg Palast claims hacking is the least of our problems. He states computers tend to lose more votes and cost five times as much [as old-fashioned machines] and votes just disappear. According to the U.S. Elections offices in D.C. 1.4 million votes were lost (spoiled) in the last election.

Senate races are the big concern in this election. It’s not about Republicans or Democrats winning. These are billionaires who install politicians who favor them.

“They don’t care who it is; they just choose which hand puppet to stick their hand in.” ———Greg Palast

Oligarchy runs our system, Palast continues, and the billionaires are backing Romney this time. Prior to this they voted for Barack Obama. There’s too much money at stake to let the people decide. They steal votes to steal money. In 2008 the bankers backed Obama and now they’ve slid over to Romney and they want to steal the Senate races.

The Debates

The debates are a joke, or as my friend Thomas Baldwin aptly calls them, “weapons of mass distraction.“ For what they were worth, the debates used to matter (within the boundaries of a largely rigged election), but were strong armed away from the League of Women Voters, a non partisan entity that stood up to the two political parties and wanted third parties to be included, demanded transparency and made sure the questions were not pre- determined.

The debates and are now run by a private corporation called the Commission on Presidential Debates.

“…a private corporation, financed primarily by Anheuser-Busch and other major companies, that was created by the Republican and Democratic parties to seize control of the presidential debates from the League of Women Voters in 1987.” —George Farah

“The Obama and Romney campaigns have secretly negotiated a detailed contract that dictates many of the terms of the 2012 presidential debates. This includes who gets to participate, as well as the topics raised during the debates.” Democracy Now!

Real issues are not discussed, the audiences are pre-screened along with the questions and the participants are not allowed to ask follow-up questions, and just in case anyone tries, their microphones are cut off as soon as their prescreened question is asked. Nothing of merit is discussed by either political candidate.

On another note I’m not sure if many of us realize the Green Party nominee Jill Stein and her running mate, activist Cheri Honkala, were arrested outside the debates and handcuffed to chairs for 8 hours. They’d met all the requirements to participate in the debates and because they demanded their rights were arrested. Police state anyone? As usual we heard not a peep from the prostituted media.

Now what?

So here’s the deal. What many people still don’t understand is that elections don’t matter. I’ve voted in every election since I was old enough.

I no longer believe my vote counts. Both the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen. I realize whoever is really in charge [actually it is not even the sitting administration, but the permanent unelected government, the plutocracy] controls the ballot box and the new electronic voting machines were installed for a reason.

All real change has always come from grass roots movements and non-electoral agitation: Labor’s rights, Civil Rights, the Suffragettes and Women’s Rights. These movements put pressure on the powers that be to make change. Gandhi did not defeat the British Empire by sitting on the couch, signing petitions or posting on Facebook. He put his body in front of the machine. We must all stand up against the tyranny that has befallen our country. They must fear us in order for anything to change.

I for one will not collude with my own demise. I refuse to play along with the corporate oligarchy. A system based on greed and propped up by lies, war, distraction and illusions.

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” —George Orwell

Truth tellers have always been despised and feared because knowing the truth means something must change and change is what people fear the most and yet it is the only constant.

“Then you will know the truth, and truth will set you free.” John 8:32

That being said I will still vote. I will march myself to my voting place and I will vote GREEN.

P.S. Please sign the pledge of action and join: Noam Chomsky, Thom Hartmann, Medea Benjamin, Rocky Anderson, Daniel Ellsberg, Margaret Flowers, Tom Hayden, Jill Stein, Laura Bonham, Tim Carpenter, David Cobb, Karen Dolan, Bill Fletcher, David Swanson, John Cavanagh, Jim Goodman, Rebecca Goodman, George Martin, Frances Piven, Nancy Price, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, John Matthews, Daniel Wayne Lee, Kevin Zeese, Mimi Kennedy, and Lee Camp for “No More Stolen Elections!”


Should we boycott elections?

If anyone would’ve told me years ago that one day I’d advocate boycotting elections I’d have thought them insane, but the more I look into this option the more I see it as a way to invalidate our corrupt system and make our legislators illegitimate.

The Boycott Elections group is an organization that is picking up steam.  You can read their manifesto here.  At the top of the page is this quote by Ted Aranda, Election Boycott advocate and lifelong activist.

“The entire notion of putting massive resources and effort into building electoral parties to compete in the elite-managed horse-race charades is fatally flawed.  In the final analysis it does not work. We have to do something radically different, and the election boycott is the start of this new, genuinely revolutionary—not reformist—movement.”

A few of its members have been appearing regularly every Sunday night (9 – 11 p.m. EST) on the Carson’s Corner Blogtalk Radio Show. To find out more or get involved you can also check out their Facebook page.

If I’m completely honest, however, I will most likely vote in the upcoming mid-term election.  Old habits die hard.  I will vote for Howie Hawkins from the Green Party for the governor of New York.  I know he can’t win, but it’s a way for me to show I don’t support either of the two corrupt corporate political parties.  Come the presidential elections I wish, out of pure disgust with the system, all citizens would refuse to vote.  Not that we should stay home, but instead show up to our respective voting places with signs, and proclaim our refusal to participate in this duopoly that no longer serves ‘we the people,’ and is merely a charade.  Kabuki theatre at its finest.   I for one am sick and tired of the deceit and refuse to play their game any longer.  Why collude with the corporate oligarchy?  This is a system of death.  A system based on greed, and propped up by lies, war, distraction and illusions.

Progressive Activists Voice. She is currently writing a screenplay. Read Ms. Dalton’s new ebook, Is It Fascism Yet?


See also: 

Why I’m still not voting for Obama by Todd Chretien

What’s wrong with lesser evilism

Why I’m Voting Green by Chris Hedges

Dennis Kucinich: The Kill Matrix

Green Party candidates Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala Arrested for trying to enter the Presidential debate

Chris Hedges: NDAA: It expands the power of the executive branch beyond anything we have seen

Greg Palast: Voter Suppression, Billionaires and Ballot Bandits

Glen Ford vs. Michael Eric Dyson: Debate on Obama’s Presidency + Glen Ford: Obama is not the lesser evil

  1. That was my point Kathleen. In making a simple statement of fact: “It is the Electoral College who decides who is President/Vice President. Look it up.” I apparently “hit a nerve”. That was certainly not my intent. I stand accused. If stating a fact is rude, then i plead guilty.

    • Kathleen Rackliffe 

      haha, a nerve. yes. lots of raw nerves around these days. i personally am sick of American electoral politics.
      as to your statement – it makes no point, it’s just a statement. are you saying that you believe the electoral college is a good thing, that it works and that we should all get out and vote? are you saying it’s rigged and that voting for anybody in this system is an exercise in futility? what’s behind the statement? i can’t tell by reading what you posted.

  2. Dabra, of course the Electoral College “decides” who is President. Do you actually think many people here have to “look it up”? The electors are determined by the popular vote in each of the states.

  3. It is the Electoral College who decides who is President/Vice President. Look it up.

  • US Deaths in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush. Click here to learn more.

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Can a Global Revolution Be non-Violent?

What Fuels the Fire is Anger and Rage

The situation in Greece remains highly unstable, but the prospects for a real revolution continue to seem elusive.

The situation in Greece remains highly unstable, but the prospects for a real revolution continue to seem elusive. (Niels Linneberg, flickr/cc)

Crosspost with Counterpunch & NewsJunkiePost

Turning the Other Cheek or an Eye for an Eye?

[dropcap]September 17, 2012[/dropcap]  was  the one-year anniversary of the Occupy movement, and sadly enough it was a sentimental fare illustrating not only the good intentions but also the enormous limitations of the movement. In New York, Occupiers got pushed around by the NYPD without much resistance; 200 of them got handcuffed in plastic ties and briefly arrested applying, above all, their golden rule of peaceful non-violent protest. While the strategy of “turning and giving the other cheek” is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, it is not exactly a very useful tool for a revolution in progress. Jesus’ rejection of “an eye for an eye” to favor offering the other cheek indicates a submission to oppressors.

Such calls to submit to total non-violence become, in fact, calls for complete non-resistance, facilitating aggressions from police-state governments bent on using police or military force. But ultimately, what made the non-violent message of Jesus so powerful was his own sacrifice in the extremely violent act of the crucifixion. Martyrdom is what gave Christianity its political power, and how it eventually sapped the Roman empire. Strangely, a political protest by self-immolationfrom a modest Arab street vendor is what started the Arab spring last year.

The Emasculation of Occupy by the “Left” Intelligentsia

Hedges in 2009.

Hedges in 2009. (Cheryl Biren, flickr)

The beauty of Occupy was its genuine grassroots birth: its horizontal structure. One of the main problems of Occupy was when intellectuals and pundits started telling the “base” what to think from the comfort of their respective ivory towers. Even though they did not originate the global movement, some quickly started to pretend they did for the sake of their over-inflated egos and/or, more prosaically, to sell books or TV appearances. Considering everybody knows who they are, why not name the usual suspects of this so-called “radical left” intelligentsia: it is, in no particular order, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein and, last but not least, Chris Hedges. Hedges, in particular, quickly made it his business to tell Occupiers what to do and think. Occupy was always a patchwork of different ideologies, from peace movement activists to neo-Marxists and Anarchists. By calling anarchists the “cancer of Occupy”, Hedges drove a wedge in the movement and did the bidding of the Obama administration. His action to drive the Black Bloc out of Occupy completely emasculated the movement in North-America.

Protests in Thessaloniki Greece (Anna Dragatsika)

Protests in Thessaloniki Greece (Anna Dragatsika)

Revolution: What Fuels the Fire is Anger and Rage

Even so, Occupy still has a lot of “chapters” all over the world. Some have decided to re-brand the movement: it is the “Indignados” in Spain, and the “Indignés” in France. But maybe, just like Occupy, the branding is still weak, a bit scared. To occupy  public places or to be “indignant” is unlikely to be efficient enough to move the dial. If they want a much needed global revolution, the Occupiers and Los Indignados have to “crank up the volume” and must call themselves by what they have to be: revolutionaries. For the past two weeks, the Middle-East and most of the Muslim world has erupted in violent demonstrations against the United States, Israel and the West. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said a few days ago that “The Arab Revolutions did not trade the tyranny of  dictators for the tyranny of the mob”. First of all, is Hillary Clinton the spokesperson for the Arab Revolution? Secondly, she failed to mention that the dictators in question were supported by the US, and that some of the “revolutions”– Libya — were military interventions by the US and NATO.

So yes, Hillary Clinton, Arabs are mad as hell that their revolution was stolen by the West with the help of Saudi Arabia; Afghans and Pakistanis are mad about being invaded, exploited and killed by American drones. It is an healthy dose of anger and rage that is propelling Greeks and Spaniards to take over the streets in protest against the tyranny and slavery imposed by the IMF and the global banking system throughausterity policies. Today, a general strike turned violent in Greece, with police using tear gas. The demonstrators fought back using stones and Molotov cocktails. What were they supposed to do? Listen to the pontiffs of US Occupy such as Mr. Hedges and reject violence to “turn the other cheek”?

Revolutions: the Power of the Mob Reaching Critical Mass

What Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand are the basics of a revolutionary process. Like all Americans, she was taught in school’s textbooks that the US had a revolution. In what Americans call their revolution, the land/slave owners stayed in power. The socioeconomic power structure remained identical. Instead of a revolution, what the former British colony had was a successful colonial war — with critical help from France — against the British empire. Absolutely no social changes or wealth and power redistribution occurred in the process. None. Because of this lack of revolutionary experience, it is completely unlikely –providing that it will happen — that a global revolution could start in the US. A great fear of the police state repression apparatus is a key ingredient in this. Sadly enough, I would say that, as opposed to the lofty non-violent credos, this fear is actually the main deterrent against Occupiers fighting back.

Meanwhile, if one considers any successful real revolutions in history, some form of violence has always been present. The mechanics, the social forces driving countries to revolutions have many things in common. For example, if you take either the French, the Haitian, the Russian or the Cuban revolutions, they could only be successful when the misery of most people reached a point of no return. Or when the proverbial 99 percent had absolutely nothing to loose. Spain has currently 25 percent of people unemployed, and it is getting worse every day. What will be the magical percentage of unemployed when “Los Indignados”  will storm their parliament and get rid of the government? This factor of common misery reaching critical mass applies also to Greece, Egypt, Pakistan, etc. It is time for Occupiers and Indignados worldwide to fight fear, and discover their backbones to become united in this global revolution. It is time to harvest the power of the mob, the power of the 99 percent. Revolutions have villains, heroes, martyrs and footnotes. They are very much like omelets: eggs must be broken to make them.

Gilbert Mercier is the Editor in Chief of News Junkie Post.


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