Russia training snipers in beautiful and historic Western region

Elite Russian snipers are training in the beautiful Belgorod region

Russia is legendary for her snipers, brave men, and women, who brought the Nazi war machine to its knees during the Great Patriotic War. The famous Lyudmila Pavlichenko (from Bilaya Tserkva in White Church, Ukraine) was considered by far the deadliest female sniper in human history, slaying hundreds of Nazis, and immortalized even by the Americans in a Woody Guthrie song. (See special addendum below). 

Russia continues this tradition of excellence in shooting skills today. Now, Russian news correspondents were given special access to watch the nations most elite snipers train. These guys are no joke, you wouldn’t believe how far away they can hit a coin from.

Extreme Sniper Training: 100 Crack Sharpshooters Undergo Intense Training in Western District

Published on Jun 27, 2018

Thorough camouflage and the human limits of endurance. More than 100 snipers of the western military district have completed an advanced survival course at a training range in the Belgorod Oblast.

The Snipers were training in the fertile fields and forests of the Belgorod region, Western Russia, near the famous Kursk region where the legendary tank battle took place, and the Miraculous Kursk Root Icon hails from.

Belgorod in red, near Kursk, Orel, and Voronezh, south-west of Moscow

Belgorod is a very fertile region of Russia, in the Black Earth region, among the most fertile and blessed soil in the world. You know, the scientific word for Black Earth, the most fertile soil in the world is Chernozem (Чернозём – the “e” at the end only, is pronounced like “yo”– a Russian word.

There are few places more lush and green in the world, than the areas around Voronezh, Kursk, Belgorod, Orel, and other regions including Tambov (very kind friends come from Tambov, it means “There is God”).





Russia. Belgorod Oblast. Prokhorovka settlement. In the summer of 1943, Prokhorovka was the site of the Battle of Prokhorovka, a major armored confrontation during the Battle of Kursk of World War II. A memorial on the Prokhorovka battlefield

It must be said, that the soil of the Belgorod region was water with the blood of martyrs, Saints, and Heroes in WW2, and now Russia’s defenders train in her fields, in the hopes that never again would black wings fly over the vast fields of the Motherland and her black soil.

One of the nicest aspects of some areas of rural Russia, like Belgorod, is that there are many villages and small cities which preserve their ancient feel, and rural nature, but yet they’re very clean, orderly, and modernized like a 21st-century city. Like the Shire from Lord of the Rings, mixed with Minis Tirith – the White City.

Just look at how incredibly orderly this small town is, and there many other examples. Everything feels young and newly built, yet the surrounding region is quite old. Unlike in the US, the Russian government makes sure the sidewalks are nice and orderly, flowers are planted in perfect rows, and everything is clean and beautiful.

Russia. Belgorod Oblast. Another vista.

Belgorod itself, the provincial capital is also very beautiful, modernized, and larger than these examples. The word literally means White City, making it a cognate of the Serbian capital Belgrad/Beograd, which was the same meaning.

The city of around 350,000 people on the Ukrainian border is roughly the size of Cleveland, Ohio. It is not hard to figure out how Belgorod got named “The White City” either.

Still, should you visit, you can be assured you will find plenty of colors; this is Russia after all, and flowers are a must.

This beautiful region of Russia is now guarded by her most elite snipers, currently training there. That should not scare you away from visiting of course! As the Vesti video explains, these Snipers train for war, but never want to see one. They much prefer to shoot paper targets.

Still, they are prepared to guard this beautiful region, tragically unknown in the west.

For more pictures of the Belgorod province, see here.

The life and times of an incredible woman, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, one of the deadliest snipers in history. 

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Lyudmila Pavlichenko

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko
[a] (née Belova; 12 July 1916 – 10 October 1974) was a Soviet sniper in the Red Army during World War II,[1] credited with 309 kills. She is regarded as one of the top military snipers of all time[2] and the most successful female sniper in history.[3][4]Born in Bila Tserkva in the Russian Empire (currently located in Ukraine) on 12 July 1916, Pavlichenko (née Belova) moved to Kiev with her family at the age of fourteen. There she joined a OSOAVIAKhIM shooting club and developed into an amateur sharpshooter, while working as a grinder at the Kiev Arsenal factory.[5] In 1932, at the age of 16, she married Alexei Pavlichenko and gave birth to a son Rostislav (1932-2007), but soon they divorced. In 1937, as a student of Kiev University she completed a master’s degree in history, focusing on the life of Bohdan Khmelnytsky.[6]

World War II

In June 1941, 24-year-old Pavlichenko was in her fourth year studying history at the Kiev University when Germanybegan its invasion of the Soviet Union.[5] Pavlichenko was among the first round of volunteers at the Odessa recruiting office, where she requested to join the infantry and subsequently she was assigned to the Red Army‘s 25th Rifle Division;[5] Pavlichenko had the option of becoming a nurse but refused; “I joined the army when women were not yet accepted”.[5] There she became one of 2,000 female snipers in the Red Army, of whom about 500 survived the war. In early August 1941 she made her first two kills as a sniper near Belyayevka, using a Tokarev SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle with 3.5X telescopic sight.[5]

1943 postage stamp featuring Pavlichenko

Pavlichenko fought for about two and a half months near Odessa where she recorded 187 kills.[6] She was promoted to senior sergeant in August 1941 when she reached 100 confirmed kills. When the Romanians gained control of Odessa on 15 October 1941, her unit was withdrawn by sea to Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula,[6]where she fought for more than eight months.[5][7] In May 1942 newly promoted Lieutenant Pavlichenko was cited by the Southern Army Council for killing 257 German soldiers. Her total of confirmed kills during World War II was 309,[4][5] including 36 enemy snipers.

In June 1942, Pavlichenko was wounded by mortar fire. Because of her growing status, she was withdrawn from combat less than a month after recovering from her wound.

Visits to Allied countries 

Pavlichenko (center) with Justice Robert Jackson(left) and first lady Eleanor Roosevelt in Washington DC.

Pavlichenko was sent to Canada and the United States for a publicity visit and became the first Soviet citizen to be received by a US President when Franklin D. Roosevelt welcomed her to the White House.[8] Pavlichenko was later invited by Eleanor Roosevelt to tour America relating her experiences.[8] While meeting with reporters in Washington, D.C., she was dumbfounded about the kind of questions put to her. “One reporter even criticized the length of the skirt of my uniform, saying that in America women wear shorter skirts and besides my uniform made me look fat.”[3][9]

Pavlichenko appeared before the International Student Assembly being held in Washington, D.C., and later attended the meetings of the Congress of Industrial Organizations and made appearances and speeches in New York City and Chicago. In Chicago, she stood before large crowds, chiding the men to support the second front. “Gentlemen,” she said, “I am 25 years old and I have killed 309 fascist invaders by now. Don’t you think, gentlemen, that you have been hiding behind my back for too long?” Her words settled on the crowd, then caused a surging roar of support.[8] The United States gave her a Colt semi-automatic pistol. In Canada she was presented with a sighted Winchester riflenow on display at the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow. While visiting in Canada along with fellow sniper Vladimir Pchelintsev and Moscow fuel commissioner Nikolai Kravchenko they were greeted by thousands of people at Toronto’s Union Station.[citation needed]

On Friday 21 November 1942, Pavlichenko visited Coventry, accepting donations of £4,516 from local workers to pay for three X-ray units for the Red Army. She also visited Coventry Cathedral ruins, then the Alfred Herbert works and Standard Car Factory from where most funds had been raised. She had inspected a factory in Birmingham earlier in the day.[10]

Having attained the rank of major, Pavlichenko never returned to combat but became an instructor and trained Soviet snipers until the war’s end.[5] In 1943, she was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union,[11] and was commemorated on a Soviet postage stamp.

Later years and death

After the war, she finished her education at Kiev University and began a career as a historian. From 1945 to 1953, she was a research assistant of the Chief HQ of the Soviet Navy. She was later active in the Soviet Committee of the Veterans of War.[5] Pavlichenko died of a stroke on 10 October 1974 at age 58, and was buried in the Novodevichye Cemetery in Moscow.[5]

A second Soviet commemorative stamp featuring Lyudmila Pavlichenko’s portrait was issued in 1976.

In popular culture

Second Soviet Union-issued postage stamp dedicated to Pavlichenko

The American folk singer Woody Guthrie composed a song (“Miss Pavlichenko”) as a tribute to her war record and to memorialize her visits to the United States and Canada.[12] It was released as part of The Asch Recordings.[13][14]

Pavlichenko was a subject of the 2015 film, Battle for Sevastopol (original Russian title, “неразрушимый ” (“Indestructible” / “Unbreakable”)). A joint Russian-Ukrainian production, it was released in both countries on 2 April 2015. The international premiere took place two weeks later at the Beijing International Film Festival.

The first English language edition of her memoirs, titled Lady Death, was published by Greenhill Books in February 2018.[15] The book has a foreword by Martin Pegler and is part of the Greenhill Books Sniper Library series.[16] The book was serialised in the Mail on Sunday newspaper on Sunday 18 March 2018[17].

Below: Battle for Sevastopol (Only Russian language—sorry!)




Lyudmila Pavlichenko (1916-1974)

The Deadliest Female Sniper in History

Don’t miss it. Please click on this link for Part 2 of this post.


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Ukraine Preparing Massive Forces To Attack Donbass During FIFA Football World Cup In Russia


Published on Jun 17, 2018

Ukraine Preparing Massive Forces To Attack Donbass During FIFA Football World Cup In Russia

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What will happen if the West's zombie state of Ukraine attacks the Donbass with NATO backing? This could easily create a huge flashpoint designed to embroil Russia in a military operation.

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All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 


Don’t fall for the post-modernist/relativist trap.
The struggle against the system requires lucidity, not narcissistic flim-flam.


BOOKS—Russian Peace Threat: Russia Sends Yuri Gagarin Around the World for Peace; US Invades Cuba

 The text below constitutes chapter one of a forthcoming book by senior contributing editor Ron Ridenour, to be published later this year by Punto Press, Russia Peace Threat, Pentagon on Alert 

Chapter One

Russia Sends Yuri Gagarin Around the World for Peace: US Invades Cuba

We saw Yuri as a national and world hero, a great human being. Yuri was very Russian. He was well received in Copenhagen during his long travels. We didn’t know much about these travels with a peace message but we knew he wanted to protect the earth that he saw from above,” Ambassador Mikjail Vanin told me during an interview in Copenhagen (2017).  The Russian ambassador to Denmark learned about Yuri’s orbiting the earth and his humanitarian vision as a school boy.

Yuri with a peace dove on his world wide tour

Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born in Klushino, a small village west of Moscow, in 1934. He was the third of four children and spent his childhood on a collective farm where his father, Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin, worked as a carpenter and bricklayer. His mother, Anna Timofeyevna Gagarina, was a milkmaid.

When Yuri was seven the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union. They confiscated the Gagarin’s home and they “shipped his teenage siblings to slave labor camps and they did not return until 1945. Yuri and [brother] Boris sabotaged the German garrison in Klushino, scattering broken glass on roads, mixing chemicals in recharging tank batteries and pushing potatoes up exhaust pipes. One occupier tried to hang Boris from an apple tree with a woolen scarf, but his parents were able to rescue him,” wrote Paul Rodgers, April 2, 2011 in “The Independent.”

“Amid the horrors, one event stood out for Yuri: a dogfight between two Soviet Yaks and a pair of Messerschmitts, ending in a one-all draw. The Soviet pilot landed near Klushino and the villagers rushed to help. Later, a rescue plane arrived to pick up the downed man and Gagarin scavenged fuel for it. The next morning, the airmen awoke to find him staring at them, entranced. He was still watching as they set fire to the wreck and took off in the rescue plane.”

The Yuri Gagarin Home-Museum in Klushino

Yuri excelled in mathematics and physics, and made aircraft models. After the war, he went to trade and industrial schools in Saratov where he joined a flying club. He made his first solo flight in 1955. After school, he joined the Air Force and learned to fly MiGs. Upon graduating from flight school in November 1957, he married Valentina (“Valy”) Ivanovna Goryacheva. They soon had two daughters: Yelena and Galina.

Gagarin was sent on fighter pilot missions, however he really wanted to become a cosmonaut. Along with 3,000 others, he made an application to be the first Soviet cosmonaut.

He made high marks in the extensive physical and psychological testing while maintaining a calm demeanor as well as his charming sense of humor. Yuri was chosen to be the first man into space because of these skills. His short stature helped too since the capsule of the space craft Vostok 1 was small.

As the cold war reached freezing point, the USA and the Soviet Union entered the space race both hoping to be the first nation to conquer space. In 1957 the Soviets, led by the extraordinarily talented rocket scientist Korolyev, launched the first manmade satellite (sputnik) into orbit. This was soon followed by the first animal in orbit with Laika the dog. Laika sadly never returned to earth but in 1960 the heroic dogs Belka and Strelka successfully orbited the earth for a day and returned safely, laying the final grounds for the first human space flight” wrote Louise Whitworth.

The 27-year old cosmonaut’s space flight lasted just 108 minutes—enough time to orbit the earth once. He reached an orbital speed of 27,400 kilometers per hour. In his first message to mission control he exclaimed: “The Earth is blue…How wonderful. It is amazing…so beautiful.”

Yuri with his daughters Yelena and Galina

Upon re-entering the earth’s atmosphere he encountered serious technical problems that could have meant death had he not ejected himself from the capsule. From 7,000 meters above the earth Gagarin free-fell several kilometers before opening his parachute and floated down to the ground. Protected by his space suit he was able to withstand the air temperatures of -30c degrees.

English journalist Rodgers describe a strange encounter:

Anna Takhtarova and her granddaughter, Rita, were weeding potatoes near the village of Smelovka on 12 April, 1961 when a man in a strange orange suit and a bulging white helmet approached across the field. The forest warden’s wife crossed herself but the girl was intrigued. ‘I’m a friend, comrades. A friend,’ shouted the young man, removing his headgear. Takhtarova looked at him curiously. ‘Can it be that you have come from outer space,’ she asked. ‘As a matter of fact, I have,’ replied Yuri Gagarin.

“This story of Gagarin’s return to Earth after orbiting the planet, the most important flight since the Wright brothers’ at Kitty Hawk, was widely disseminated, not least because of its symbolism – a Soviet hero being welcomed home by his fellow peasants, a wise mother and a child of the future. It is probably true in essence, though the details changed with each retelling.”

Back in Moscow, Yuri Gagarin was honored with a six-hour long parade on Red Square. Within days, he embarked on a trip around the world talking passionately about the wonders of the earth. These are excerpts from his key message in 30 countries over two years:

Circling the earth in the orbital space, I marveled at the beauty of our planet. I saw clouds and their light shadows on the distant dear earth… I enjoyed the rich color spectrum of the earth. It is surrounded by a light blue halo that gradually darkens, becoming turquoise, dark blue, violet, and finally coal black. People of the world! Let us safeguard and enhance this beauty—not destroy it!”

On the day that the Soviet Union ushered in a new world, the United States President John F. Kennedy held a news conference in which he flatly lied that his government was planning any violent action against Cuba. “First, I want to say that there will not be, under any conditions, an intervention in Cuba by the United States Armed Forces.”

“The basic issue of Cuba is not one between the United States and Cuba. It is between the Cubans themselves. And I intend to see that we adhere to this principle.”

Gagarin, bemedaled, hero of the Soviet Union.

The next day, April 13, CIA Operation 40 was launched from Guatemala. 1400 paramilitaries, mostly Cuban exiles and a handful of US Americans, sailed on U.S. boats to Cuba. The totally unprovoked invasion was underway. The same day, Secretary of State Dean Rusk (1961-9) told reporters, “The American people are entitled to know whether we are intervening in Cuba or intend to do so in the future. The answer to that question is no. What happens in Cuba is for the Cuban people themselves to decide.” (1)

In July, Gagarin’s worldwide peace mission tour found him in England for five days. His early experience as a steelworker stood him in good stead. Rodgers wrote about that visit:

Yuri “’received an invitation from the Amalgamated Union of Foundry Workers in Manchester,’ says Gurbir Singh, an astronomy blogger who is writing a book on the spaceman’s visit. [Yuri Gagarin in London and Manchester: A Smile that Changed the World]. The trip included the union hall, Marx’s High-gate grave and an audience with the Queen.”

Singh concluded that Gagarin’s visit left an impression that thermonuclear war could be prevented.

A son of worker-peasants, Gagarin spread their message of environmentalism, of unity and peace while United States was invading and murdering Cubans, and politicians such as the Democratic Party congressman Victor Anfuso was telling people:

I want to see our country mobilized to a wartime basis, because we are at war. I want to see our schedules cut in half. I want to see what NASA says it is going to do in ten years done in five. And I want to see some first coming out of NASA, such as the landing on the Moon.

Anfuso had served in the Second World War in the CIA’s predecessor intelligence service, the Office of Strategic Services. While his Sicilian-rooted language style was less elegant than the Camelot President John Kennedy, they were in agreement that the Russians’ space achievement was a call to war for the Greatest Democratic Country in the World. To the battleships for winning the space race! Who comes first to the moon gets to build satellites for war. (2)

Fifty years later after Gagarin’s orbiting, the cynicism towards Russia persists even among America’s elite.

Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev seized on the propaganda value of Gagarin’s coup in beating the United States into space, sending him on ‘missions of peace’ around the world, to meet figures including Britain’s Queen. ‘This achievement exemplifies the genius of the Soviet people and the strong force of socialism,’ the Kremlin crowed in a statement at the time.”


Yuri with wife Valentina (left) during a visit to Bulgaria in 1966. His good nature and lack of arrogance made him well liked by most people he encountered in his travels.

This sarcastic take on Gagarin’s “peace missions” being “crowed” about by Kremlin leaders comes from Science X and its US-based website. Science X prides itself on being read monthly by 1.75 million well educated “sophisticated” readers, especially scientists and researchers. Even these Americans can’t see through the jingoistic imperialist contempt for propagandizing for peace. Bear in mind that propaganda is not necessarily synonymous with lying, rather “to propagate”, “to cause to increase the number” of supporters to the views presented. My writing here, and generally, is propaganda. I hope it is effective propaganda for a good cause: for peace and justice. That is what communist propaganda also was meant to be, not that communism has always been so practiced but that it has that vision. At the very least, it is a vision that humanity could and should embrace. Certainly more so than the vision of its counterpart, the imperialism and capitalism fostered by the United States and its vassal states in Europe and elsewhere. Their creed is greed: profit for profit’s sake. As Wall Street stockbroker Gordon Gekko roared: “Greed is Good!” (3)

When Gagarin had time, he participated as a member of the USSR Supreme Soviet (national legislature), kept training for flights, trained crews, visited plants, studied, and maintained a family life. Yuri was a religious man. He offered to rebuild the Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which had been blown up during the Stalin era. The church was rebuilt after the Soviet epoch. and

Due to his high profile, many were concerned that if Yuri traveled to space again he might die. So, Soviet authorities tried to prevent him from taking part in further space flights. Gagarin was forced to compromise and became the head of the cosmonaut’s training center, and he re-trained as a fighter pilot. At the age of 34, he perished on March 27, 1968 in a fatal training flight outside of Moscow at Star City. His instructor, Vladimir Serugin, died with him. They might have saved themselves by bailing out, but seeing that their MiG-15 would crash right into a village, Yuri maneuvered the aircraft outside the village before it crashed.  It has been established after many years that the MiG-15 went into a tailspin as a result of turbulence caused by another plane in the vicinity, an experimental Sukhoi jet whose flight coordinates should have put it thousands of feet above Yuri’s craft. 

Yuri Gagarin will be remembered for being the first man to orbit the earth, of course, but also for his many humanistic qualities. Maybe the peace tour Russia’s leaders sent him on was propaganda, but isn’t advocating for world peace good propaganda? Did the U.S. government send any of its astronauts on such missions?

US American artist Rockwell Kent beautifully expressed what Yuri was and what he stood for.
“Dear Soviet friends your Yuri is not only yours. He belongs to all mankind. The door to space which he opened, this door which the USSR and Socialism opened, is open for all of us. But for that, peace is necessary. Peace between nations. Peace between ourselves. Let the world celebrate the anniversary of Yuri’s flight as a Universal Peace Day. Let that day be celebrated all over the world with music and dances, songs and laughter, as a worldwide holiday of happiness. Let that day be in every town and city square, where young and old gather and let their faces be illuminated with the same happiness that the photographs of people in the Soviet Union show how the Soviet people are happy and proud of the accomplishment of Yuri Gagarin.”


  1. “The President’s News Conference of April 12, 1961,” John F. Kennedy, The Public Papers of the Presidents, 1961. (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1962, page 259). And “Text of Secretary Rusk’s News Conference, Including Observations on Cuba,” New York Times, 18 April 1961.

  2. When the Russians were able to establish their major space station, February 20, 1986, and when Mikhail Gorbachev was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, they named it MIR (meaning “Peace” and “World”). That was one month after Gorbachev proposed a 15-year abolition of nuclear weapons.

    MIR was the first modular space station and the longest lasting space station, 1986 to 2001. It had a greater mass than any previous spacecraft, 130,000 kilos. The station served as a laboratory in which crews conducted experiments in biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology and spacecraft systems with the goal of developing technologies required for permanent occupation of space.

MIR was the first continuously inhabited long-term research station in orbit and held the record for the longest continuous human presence in space at 3,644 days. It holds the record for the longest single human spaceflight. Valeri Polyakov spent 437 days on the station between 1994 and 1995. MIR was occupied twelve and a half years out of its fifteen-year lifespan, having the capacity to support a resident crew of three, or larger crews for short visits.; an

Russia launched its first space station on April 19, 1971. Salyut reentered earth on October 11. NASA’s first station, Skylab, was launched, May 14, 1973.

  1. From Oliver Stone’s great 1987 film “Wall Street”. Stone directed and co-wrote the script, influenced by socialists Upton Sinclair, Sinclair Lewis and Victor Hugo. Ironically, according to Wikipedia, several people were inspired by the film to become Wall Street stockbrokers.
    Gordon Gekko’s speech to stockholders concludes:
    The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed — for lack of a better word — is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms — greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge — has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed — you mark my words — will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.
    NOTE: People interested in receiving more detailed information about this volume can send a message to the editor at

 RON RIDENOUR, Special Contributing Editor • Born in the “devil’s own country”, in 1939, of a WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon protestant) military family. Growing up I experienced the pains and indignities of US chauvinism and racism at home and abroad, its imperial domination, its brutal jingoistic wars. Before I understood the essence of US imperialism, I joined the US Air Force, at 17, to fight the Soviet “commies” when they occupied Hungary, in 1956. Posted to a radar site in Japan, I witnessed approved segregated barracks at the Yankee base, and the imposition of racism in Japanese establishments. I protested and was tortured by my white “compatriots”, who held me down naked, sprayed DDT aflame over my pubic hairs, and then held me under snow. This, and the fact that we had orders to shoot down any Soviet aircraft over “our” territory in Japan—which never appeared—while we flew spy planes over the Soviet Union daily, led me to question American morality.

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Things to ponder

While our media prostitutes, many Hollywood celebs, and politicians and opinion shapers make so much noise about the still to be demonstrated damage done by the Russkies to our nonexistent democracy, this is what the sanctimonious US government has done overseas just since the close of World War 2. And this is what we know about. Many other misdeeds are yet to be revealed or documented.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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Battle-Bled Syria Keeps on Fighting


By Viktor Mikhin }

Originally posted on 4.5.2018

Except for the Russian army in World War 2 no army can match the tenacity and heroism of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), fighting to defeat a sadistically brutal war organised by the gang of most murderous and hypocritical superpowers in the globe.

The next impertinent tripartite aggression against independent Syria has taken place. What are the results? The French aircraft that allegedly launched a strike on a number of the Syrian facilities are still not found. They do not exist. Nor do the missiles that allegedly were launched from the fabulous French aircraft. In this case, we see only the rampant statements of the French President Macron and his calls to support the United States.

The President of Syria Bashar al-Assad returned the Legion of Honour order awarded to him in 2001 to France. The Syrian authorities handed the medal to the Embassy of Romania in Damascus, which currently represents the interests of France in Syria. The President’s Office explained that after those events Bashar Al-Assad “does not hold it an honour of being a knight of the Order awarded by the regime of the country which is a slave of the United States.”

What about the brave British sailors that also allegedly participated in the aggression against Syria? – As is well known, a British submarine approached the Syrian coast, which was supposed to launch missiles on the civilian settlements. After discovering the Russian submarine nearby and not knowing its intentions, the British quickly retreated to Cyprus like cowards, having failed to carry out the combat order. It seems that the time when the British sailors proudly sang  “Fly up, Union Jack (the British flag), over the seas and oceans!” has fallen into oblivion.

This example clearly demonstrates that London is unable of taking both independent and large-scale actions and meekly follows Washington. A well-known statement that existed in the Russian Empire several centuries ago comes to mind: “The Brits are at it again!” Theresa May and the British Lords, if there still are any, are able only to concoct some dirty tricks. They aren’t capable of anything bigger anymore: as there is neither the British Empire, on which the sun never sets, nor the outstanding politicians. There are only mediocrities like B. Johnson and T. May, who the entire world is laughing at.

Thus, America was all alone while shooting the Syrian cities and towns with its missiles. However, most of its “smart and dreadful” missiles were shot down by the Syrian air defense. This is the first. What comes next? – The fact that the West recognized that there was no chemical attack by Damascus. Otherwise, why missile strike the city of Douma before sending the international inspection team there. Now the international inspection is on the Syrian side, and it is free to examine this case closely and correctly.

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]ight now the truth has come out and the real story is that terrorists, who were well paid by the West, arranged a cheap provocation. They found people and even a boy who was paid with cookies and sweets for pretending to be a victim of the chemical attack in front of Western journalists. The Western media perfectly knew what had happened in the city of Douma, and still these “democratic, frank, and incorrupt” journalists lied shamelessly about the Syrian events for Judas’ thirty pieces of silver. After receiving this fake news, the Western leaders quickly launched a colossal propaganda campaign to smear Damascus together with Russia and Iran.

It can be recalled how the Western world began to writhe in hysterics because of a video demonstrating victims of the alleged chemical attack, which resulted in strikes by the United States, Britain and France on the facilities in Syria.  In contrast to the story of Khan Shaykhun in the province of Idlib, where chemical weapons were also allegedly used in April last year, Douma is now accessible for any person, journalist, and expert. You are welcome to come and see who is responsible for this cheap provocation.

Hysteria of varying severity (the most severe of which is hysterical personality disorder) affects about 8% of the world’s population and it is mainly characteristic of a number of politicians of the West who cannot cope with the current situation due to enormous stress. Hysterical attacks of such people are manifestations of a serious illness, not a publicity stunt. Hysterical personality disorder is now typical, first of all, for the leaders of such countries as the United States and the UK. Its leaders, having initiated a provocation with the poisoning of Skripal, and having failed to receive any great dividends from it, hit a fit of hysteria, the end of which is not yet visible and not clear.

The question is: who is still interested in this false propaganda campaign, and in whose favor do the Western leaders writhe in hysterics? When, finally, will the West show good sense and start actively fighting against the terrorists? In the meantime, there is no doubt that the Western leaders are pursuing a policy in favor of criminals and terrorists, whom they have paid well, armed with the most modern weapon, and set on killing the Syrian people.

The West, the United States, first of all, think little of  international law, and consequently, no agreements and treaties based on international law are operational anymore. There is no use in concluding them, while following them is optional, depending on the circumstances and interests of your own country. Even the UN and the Security Council are no longer able to either prevent the war of the West against anyone or force the West headed by the US to make peace.  It is quite evident that only the principle of power acts in the unipolar world built by the West without Russia and only for itself. The power means the right. Now the West, which is an absolute minority (only 1 billion inhabitants of the so-called golden billion tries to subdue the other 6 billion inhabitants of the planet) is a bunch of fanatics driven by their own messianism based on their own notorious exclusiveness. This crazy minority – the USA, the UK and France – tries to bring the entire world to knees by plunging in the chaos of the global war like the Nazi Germany used to.

A question arises whether the entire world should expect new provocations and new lawless shooting of the bleeding Syria, the destruction of new cities, towns, and villages that are still rarely left in favor of the triumph of some Western democracy, for the sake of continuing supremacy of the golden billion over the rest of the world?

 Viktor Mikhin, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.” 

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” — acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump — a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report

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OPINION: Does Russia Know What’s Up?


"A country that can be given an ultimatum by Israel, whose army was twice routed and utterly defeated by a small Lebanese militia, has no respect in the West. This is Russia’s problem. Even the militarily impotent British talk about going to war with Russia as if that is a riskless undertaking..."

I find myself wondering if Russia understands the Washington criminal with whom Russia is so desperate to negotiate peace and understanding.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov is excited that Trump has invited Putin to the White House “to jointly curb the arms race.”

Of course the US military/security complex wants to curb an arms race in which Russia is 30 years ahead. Will the Russian government in all its delusions and romanticized view of the US and its vassals again be sucked into meaningless agreements that leave Russia exposed to annihilation?

How can Russia expect any agreement with Washington or any European country to mean anything when in front of Russia’s very eyes the US, alone in the world, is breaking the agreement the US made with Iran with regard to Iran’s enrichment of uranium?

Why does Lavrov want to negotiate another agreement with Washington that Washington will break as it has every other negotiated agreement with Russia since the Clinton regime. Does the Russian Foreign Ministry find it difficult to learn from experience?

Russia has the winning hand, but does not know how to play it. The caution with which the government operates encourages more provocations, whereas a more decisive policy would discourage provocations.

Washington interprets Russia’s conciliatory behavior as weakness, and now also so does the tiny country of Israel. Believe it or not, Israel has issued an ultimatum to Russia. Israel, a country so small that it can be wiped out by conventional weapons alone has now ordered the world’s primary military power to get out of the way of Israel’s illegal military attacks on Syria.

A country that can be given an ultimatum by Israel, whose army was twice routed and utterly defeated by a small Lebanese militia, has no respect in the West. This is Russia’s problem. Even the militarily impotent British talk about going to war with Russia as if that is a riskless undertaking.

As long as the Russian government conveys indecisiveness and weakness in its responses to extreme provocations, the provocations will continue to push the world to World War 3.

PCR with feline children.

About the Author
  Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.




 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Parting shot—a word from the editors

The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

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