Russian amphibious options and how to debunk a Ukie lie (OPEN THREAD #13)

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The Saker

ou probably have heard that Russian moved almost the entire Caspian Flotilla to the Black Sea, including quite a few amphibious assault ships.  What you might not know is that Russia also moved two Large Landing Ships (“dock landing ships”) through the Mediterranean, across the Bosphorus, also into the Black Sea.  Right now, the Black Sea Fleet has strongly increased its amphibious assault capabilities.

Does that mean that Russia will attack?
Does that mean that Russia is planning an amphibious assault?
Not necessarily.

Of course, I am not privy to the Russian plans, but I can speculate about one interesting option: the real goal of these moves might be to force the Ukrainian to keep forces stationed along the coast to try and prevent a Russian amphibious assault (not that I believe that any combo of Ukie forces could do that).  The more forces are guarding the coast, the fewer forces are available for an attack on the LDNR.  Also, since the Ukies (and the US+NATO) can easily track these ships, the Russian could decide to march them up and down the Ukrainian coast in order to a) keep the Ukrainian guessing where the supposed landing might be and b) to have these forces ready to support a LDNR or even Russian push towards Mariupol and further (Nikolaev, Odessa).

BELOW: A western-biased (caution recommended) report on Russian fleet
movements around the Crimea. Russia is described (upside down) as the "aggressor" in
this confrontation. 

By the way, Russia has also closed the Kerch strait to military vessels until October, meaning that while the Russians have increased their mobility and options, they have also severely curtailed the Ukrainian options: the Ukie navy is basically a flock of sitting ducks expecting to be blown up in port.

Considering that there are Russian forces in Belarus too, you could say that Russia already has prepared a massive, country-wide, “cauldron” for the Ukronazi forces: the Ukraine is surrounded on 3 sides and that leaves the Ukronazis only one option open: run for their lives towards the west.  Finally, Russia does not need to physically block the one direction still open.  The Russian military can shut this potential cauldron on its western side not by using manpower but by using long range strikes.  This kind of use of fire in the Russian military doctrine is called “control by fire” and is much simpler and quicker to execute than a ground operation: all these notions of ground forces “pincers” having to reach towards each other is WWII type strategy; it was true for Stalingrad, but today there are much more advanced options and means to shut a cauldron closed.

One more thing:

The Ukies are saying that the Russians have concentrated forces on the Russian-Ukrainian border.  This begs a question: why are Ukronazi forces concentrated along the LDNR line of contact and not, repeat NOT, along the Russian-Ukrainian border?!  If they were really afraid and expecting a Russian attack, would they not concentrate their forces along the likely Russian line of attack?

So even common sense can debunk the Ukronazi propaganda.

But nobody in the West gives a damn.  There are no peace demonstrations, everybody (including the pretend “liberals”) keep their eyes totally shut and refuse to see ANY Ukie military moves.  Even when civilians are killed.

And then the West wonders why Russians have no respect and no use for it!

This exercise in what I would call “deliberate collective blindness and total hypocrisy” is a stain on every single country, entity or person engaged in it.  Shame on you all!

—The Saker

PS: there is one more reason why the Russians would want their Black Sea Fleet as ready as possible to deal with any contingency: should anybody (Ukroz, NATO, US, Romanian) attack Transnistria, it would be the Black Sea Fleet which would have to stop the attack using standoff weapons (along with the Russian Aerospace Forces) and play a major role in any operation to deblock the Russian contingent in Transnistria (along with the Russian Airborne/Air Assault forces).  Again, this is all about having as many options to chose from as possible.

The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts

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Our main image motif: Painted by famed Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, Glorious Victory is a critical and condemnatory view of the 1954 CIA coup of Guatemala’s democratically elected president Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán. The United States removed Árbenz from power and replaced him with a dictatorial military commander because Árbenz threatened the landholdings of the United Fruit Company with his agrarian reform laws.

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Why It Is Not Advised

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

By Andrei Martyanov
Crossposted with the Saker Blog

The US empire, an outgrowth of centuries, perhaps millennia, of Western Europe's nonstop imperialist plundering and war-addiction, can't help itself, it has to go on sanctioning, slandering, attacking and otherwise making life difficult for Russia, and any other nation that would have the audacity to stand as a sovereign entity in the hegemonic path that Washington's elites have chosen for the world. So now, with Biden's new round of sanctions on Moscow, predicated as usual on a ghastly Orwellian lie—that Russia is the aggressor in the Ukraine and not the Western zombie created by NATO—come but the latest spasm of insults and treacheries, all of them conducive to an expansion of the hybrid war the Americans and their accomplices in London and other Western capitals have long been waging on Russia, China, Iran and the rising bloc of nations representing the sanity of international multilateralism and full self-determination under a United Nations code. But, do not despair, folks. However the corrupt imbeciles in Washington and London may decide to play their cards, and despite their superiority in propaganda, they will not prevail for the simple reason they can't win an all-out war in Eastern Europe—or anywhere else for that matter—without destroying the whole planet, something that even these sociopathic phonies may understand. In any case, here's Andrei Martyanov's calm explanation why, while the criminal West may huff and puff, it fortunately lacks the military power to impose its will on the rest of humanity. That ship has sailed. —PG
—The Editor
—The Editor

K-300P Bastion-P - Russian Mobile Coastal Defence Missile System

A. Martyanov

For the US Navy ships to enter the Black Sea and hope to survive in case of, God forbid, any kind of a conflict with Russia—yes, you read it right—is a fantasy, or, to be even more precise—an unscientific fiction. This group, let alone a single US destroyer of the Arleigh Burke-class (these are the most active types in the US Navy), which enter the Black Sea periodically to “show the flag” and US/NATO presence in this crucial body of water are aware of the fact that the Black Sea for all intents and purposes is Russia’s lake. Everyone can recall a wide-spread (spread most likely by some overly zealous, but not very literate, Russian “patriots”) rumor about DDG-75 USS Donald Cook having her electronics “burned” by a couple of intrepid Russian Su-24s in April of 2014, who allegedly forced this American ship to fast return to Constanta, where, allegedly some of her crew expressed a desire to abandon the ship. NYT and other US media, not without justification, called those rumors to be Russian “propaganda”. They have a point.

The reality of the events with the USS Donald Cook had very little to do with Su-24s or some magical ECM. The reason for cutting American ship’s voyage short was the fact, as Russian President Vladimir Putin himself stressed not for once, that Donald Cook was detected, tracked and, when the necessity arose, locked on by the radar of both K-300PBastion and Bal coastal anti-shipping cruise missile complexes located on the shores of Crimea, which, no doubt, made a lot of noise, literally, when Donald Cook’s passive radiation detectors started to signal that the ship was locked on by one of the most fearsome weapons in Russia’s inventory—a launcher of the P-800 Oniks (Onyx) missiles. This long-range M=2.5 missile is what makes the first line of defense of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet so deadly, because it is precisely a type of weaponry designed to over-saturate the air defense of US Aegis Combat Control System and Spy-1 radar-equipped ships. American naval officers are well-educated in terms of missile salvos and capabilities, including saturation thresholds, of their on-board Air Defense systems and know that 4+ P-800 Oniks or 8+ subsonic X-35missile salvo, in the active ECM environment in the Black Sea are impossible to defend against such a salvo. Russia can repeat these and even much larger salvos many times over, with a desirable frequency and density.

Russia: Anti-ship BAL missile complex successfully used at Zapad-2017 drills

But these are just the capabilities of a single 15th Independent Coastal Defense Missile-Artillery Brigade in Sevastopol, which can deploy its launchers anywhere in Crimea, including in highly defended, by both aviation of the Black Sea Fleet and Air Defense forces in Crimea, locations which conceal the launch. Russia’s ISR systems provide updates for both operational situations and distribute targeting for any receiver on the Russian side in real time. Of course, one has to always keep in mind that two squadrons (24+ combat aircraft) of SU-27SM/SU-30SM are also located in Crimea and each of those aircraft can carry a variety of strike weapons, including X-31A M=3.5 anti-shipping missile and X-31Panti-radiation missile, plus Aviation Regiment in Simferopol, which deploys 22 Su-24Ms is being reequipped with SU-30SMs. Incidentally, these venerable warriors (Su-24Ms) also carry X-31As, which, when counted realistically, provide for the first salvo (multiply by 0.5) consisting of 30 to 40 missiles by aviation wing alone, add here missiles from coastal complexes and we are looking at 60 to 70 missiles in the first salvo, at least. That’s enough to sink several Carrier Battle Groups even with their air wings airborne and all Aegis-Spy-1 systems working properly.

Of course, no one should forget that the Black Sea Fleet also happens to have ships and those, even considering a cruiser, a couple of frigates and SSKs attached to the Mediterranean Squadron around Syria, still pack a massive anti-shipping punch by 3M54 missiles of Kalibr family which accelerate to M=2.9 on terminal speed, and effectively are not interceptable in the salvo of 2+. All those missiles named here are AI-driven in salvo mode and possess a very high resistance to jamming (some of them can jam enemy’s sensors on their own). And this is not all, of course. The Black Sea Fleet is supported by the forces of the Southern Military District, part of which it is, and if these news above were bad for any combination of US/NATO naval forces entering the Black Sea, this is where this news becomes even more depressing for the Pentagon. The  4th Air Force and Air Defense Army which is part of this district deploys those pesky MiG-31Ks (they originally were based in the District and continue to fly missions from there since 2017) armed with Kinzhal Kh-47M2 hypersonic missiles, whose M=10+ and violent maneuvering and incredible range of 2000 kilometers make them impervious to any air defense technology the United States has today or in the nearest future (7-10 years at least). It is even doubtful that these missiles are actually detectable. These combat aircraft are capable of sinking not just anything in the Black Sea but also in the Eastern Mediterranean, without even crossing the shoreline of Russia’s Krasnodar Region or Crimea, obviously Russia doesn’t say where each moment those aircraft are based. Who knows where? Well, US intel may know but it is a classic case of a good deterrence. In this case, the probability of hitting any target in the Black Sea for Kinzhal is driven not by the ability of the target to respond but by the probability of the missile itself being in full combat order.

So, as you can see, there is plenty of subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic goodness to spread around by Russia’s Black Sea Fleet alone and competent people in the Pentagon know this. That is why the appearance of those two US destroyers in the Black Sea is, literally, for the appearance value, primarily, and for trying to collect some intel for what seems today a diminishing probability of confrontation in Donbass. I often write that many people in the US, and I am talking about policy-makers, cannot grasp the scale of the America’s trailing Russia in firepower in all domains. It is not just quantitative; it is qualitative and the gap only continues to widen. But I have warned about it for years, didn’t I?

ANDREI MARTYANOV is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Our main image motif: Painted by famed Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, Glorious Victory is a critical and condemnatory view of the 1954 CIA coup of Guatemala’s democratically elected president Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán. The United States removed Árbenz from power and replaced him with a dictatorial military commander because Árbenz threatened the landholdings of the United Fruit Company with his agrarian reform laws. In the center of the mural, secretary of state John Foster Dulles is seen shaking hands with military commander and then president Castillo Armas, Washington's putschist general. Rivera paints Dulles with an expression of idiocy to demonstrate how he was too ignorant (or indifferent) to understand the terrible chain of events he had sparked.

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All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License




China puts the Anglo-Americans in their place, and the cowardly EU, too, for good measure

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Hua Chunying, spokesperson

China's representatives easily demolish the mountains of lies built by the US and its vassals, as part of their hybrid war on all independent nations, but now chiefly aimed at China and Russia, designated by the US hegemon, behind the pretext of "national security",  as America's chief global "rivals". Truth weakens and eventually destroys imperialism, that's why it is now completely banned throughout the Western establishment media. Observe the barely repressed tone of exasperation in China's spokesperson. It's clear Beijing and Moscow have had just about enough of Western harassment, imperialist hostility, bad faith and hypocrisy. March 2021 clearly marks a turning point in international relations.
—The Editor
—The Editor

"China's position on the Meng Wanzhou case is very clear. This is nothing short of a political incident in which Canada played a very disgraceful role as an accomplice. We urge the Canadian side to immediately release Ms. Meng Wanzhou, who has been arbitrarily and unreasonably detained by the Canadian side, and ensure her early and safe return to China..."
#China never seeks confrontation, conflict or division. On the contrary, China has been advocating a community with a shared future for mankind.

Leaders, politicians and diplomats that have wisdom and serve their people will not pursue the so-called “alliance of democracies”. Many countries in the region want to see a sound and steady China-US relationship. Working together for a better life is democracy in real sense.
According to #US media, in 2016, a #Uyghur couple went to Italy with 3 children, leaving another 4 in #Xinjiang. If there's "forced sterilization" and "genocide" in Xinjiang as some in the west claim, how come this Uyghur couple have 7 children?
The #US, #UK and #Canada together account for only 5.7% of the world's population. Even if #EU is added, that will be about 11%. They cannot represent the international community.
#Democracy comes about when power belongs to people. There is no unified model for democracy. Sovereign states should be respected in their independent choose of development path. No one has the right to meddle in their internal affairs under the guise of "democracy".
I wonder in what way the west's democracy is superior. Amid #COVID19, the world's richest nations watch hundreds of thousands of their people die. Is this #democracy? While western politicians are busy wooing their party voters, the Chinese government serves all wholeheartedly.

In Guilin, FM Wang Yi & FM #Lavrov issued a joint statement that shed light on what is real human rights, democracy, international order & multilateralism. #China & #Russia will jointly and resolutely defend international justice & fairness.
China & Russia, with great sense of commitment & responsibility as major countries in the world & permanent members of the #UNSC, will give strong backing to each other on issues of core interests as important partners & play an underpinning role in international affairs. 

In 40 years, the #Uyghur population has grown from 5.5 million to 12.8 million. The fact that #Xinjiang residents of various ethnic groups enjoy stability, security, development and progress, makes it one of the most successful human rights stories.
Some in the #US, #UK, #Canada and #EU clearly don't want to acknowledge the real facts about #Xinjiang & don't care about the truth, but hold on to accusations based on lies & false information. They just do not want to see #China's success, development and better livelihood.
What the #US, #UK, #Canada and #EU have done is utter denigration and offense to the reputation and dignity of the #Chinese people, blatant interference of China's internal affairs, and grave violation of China's sovereignty and security interests.
The #US and #UK used some test tube of washing powder and a staged video as evidence to launch wars against sovereign countries such as #Iraq and #Syria, leaving numerous death and displacement. Shouldn't they be sanctioned?
#France, #UK and #EU launched a war in #Libya, leading to regional turbulence & grave migrant and refugee issues. Shouldn't they be held accountable?
Tens of hundreds of people died of #COVID19 because these most developed countries are indifferent to their people's rights to life and health. They hoard #vaccines far in excess of their population's needs, leaving developing countries struggling with insufficient vaccines.
How can people enjoy rights if they lost their lives? Some in the west talk a lot about #humanrights, but who and what right on earth are they protecting? In what way are they respecting and protecting human rights?
#China is not what it was 120 years ago, when foreign powers could force open its door with guns. Certain colluding individuals in politics, academics and media should think twice if they think they could make wanton smears with impunity.
The west shall entertain no illusion as regards #China's firm determination to defend national interests and dignity. It's a courtesy to reciprocate what we receive. They will have to pay a price for their ignorance and arrogance.

#HumanRights issues in #Xinjiang. This move is based on nothing but lies and disinformation, and will inevitably undermine China-EU relations. To safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interest, #China will sanction #EU individuals and entities that have been spreading lies and disinformation at the cost of China's interests...#EU must drop its hypocritical double standards, and stop going further down the wrong path. Otherwise, it will be met with further resolute reactions. ????

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference on March 22, 2021
CCTV: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in an interview that the Untied States and Western countries are pursuing policy of hegemony in international affairs, trying to impede the trend toward a multi-polar and democratic world, and imposing its will and requirements on others. The primary task of China and Russia is to strengthen high-level collaboration and jointly advance multipolarity and regional integration and collaboration. What's your comment?
Hua Chunying: Foreign Minister Lavrov's remarks are right to the point. The more unstable the world is, the more China and Russia need to advance our cooperation. For a long period, the US and the West wantonly interfered in other country's domestic affairs by using democracy and human rights as an excuse. Such moves created troubles in the world and even became the source of instability and war. China and Russia always stand together in close cooperation, firmly rejects hegemony and bullying practice and have become a pillar for world peace and stability.
In the past year, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and President Putin, China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era achieved remarkable outcomes. In the face of once-in-a-century pandemic and changes, China and Russia stand in solidarity to fight the virus together, and advance cooperation in such areas as economy, trade and scientific innovation despite challenges. The two sides firmly support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and jointly uphold international fairness and justice. It is fair to say that China-Russia relations withstood the test and emerged stronger with our friendship becoming even closer.
We believe Foreign Minister Lavrov's on-going visit will further cement the sound momentum of the high-level bilateral relations and bring the two countries closer in the strategic collaboration on international affairs. China is ready to work with Russia to follow through on the consensus of the two heads of state, and take the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation as an opportunity to carry forward the spirit of the treaty and advance China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era at greater scope, in wider areas and at deeper levels. The two sides will join hands in building a model of international relations featuring strategic trust, mutually beneficial cooperation, close people-to-people ties, fairness and justice. Together, the two sides can make greater contribution to upholding world peace and stability.

The high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States concluded last weekend. How do you evaluate the outcome of the dialogue? Do you believe the dialogue has achieved desired goals?

Hua Chunying:
China's attendance at the high-level strategic dialogue at the invitation of the U.S. side in Anchorage is an important step to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state in their telephone conversation, and the dialogue was decided by the two presidents personally. The Chinese side already issued readouts on that. After the talks concluded, Director Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi gave an interview to the press.
During the dialogue, the two sides conducted candid, in-depth, long and constructive communication on domestic and foreign policies, China-U.S. relations and major international and regional issues of common concern. The dialogue is timely, helpful and deepens mutual understanding.
First, the two sides agreed to follow the spirit of the telephone conversation between the two presidents to maintain dialogue and communication, conduct mutually beneficial cooperation, avoid misunderstanding and misjudgment, forestall conflict and confrontation, and promote sound and steady development of China-U.S. relations. Both sides expressed readiness to continue such high-level strategic communication.

Second, China has made clear its firm position on issues concerning its sovereignty, security and development interests, which we believe the U.S. side understands more clearly. The Chinese side has unequivocally stated that sovereignty and territorial integrity are major issues of principle. The United States should never underestimate China's resolve to defend its sovereignty, security and development interests and the Chinese people's determination to uphold national dignity and legitimate rights and interests.
We hope that the U.S. side will work with China toward the same direction, and we need to respect and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns in particular. The United States reiterated its adherence to the one-China policy on the Taiwan question.
Besides, the two sides had discussions on cooperation and other issues in specific areas and reached consensuses including stepping up dialogue and cooperation on climate change by establishing a joint working group on climate change. The two sides discussed making reciprocal arrangements for the COVID-19 vaccination of each side's diplomats and consular officials, agreed to hold talks on facilitating activities of each other's diplomatic and consular missions and personnel, as well as on issues related to media reporters, in the spirit of reciprocity and mutual benefit. The two sides also agreed to maintain and enhance communication and coordination on other topics, including economy and trade, military, law enforcement, culture, health, cyber security, climate change, the Iranian nuclear issue, Afghanistan, the Korean Peninsula and Myanmar, etc.
The label of "diplomacy of coercion" is more suitable for the US, not China.
I want to stress that China's attitude toward China-U.S. relations remains clear and consistent. China is committed to achieving non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation with the United States. At the same time, we are firm in safeguarding our sovereignty, security and development interests. We hope that the United States will work with us toward the same direction, and it's particularly important for us to respect and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns. On this basis, China's door is always open for continued dialogue with the U.S. side.

China Daily: During the China-US high-level strategic dialogue, the United States mentioned multiple times China's economic and military coercion against US allies. Australian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan thanked the US for having come out and said that it has got Australia's back and the US won't leave it alone on the playing field. In the meantime, we also see reports saying that regional countries should be prudent about US attempt to form an "anti-China coalition", adding that catering to the US strategic goals while ignoring China's concerns is not a balanced approach. For example, Republic of Korea said that it will not see China as a threat, but will step up practical cooperation with the country. What's your comment?
Hua Chunying: Director Yang Jiechi and State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made strong responses to the so-called issues of "allies" and "coercion" in their opening remarks at the high-level strategic dialogue. Here, I would like to add a few things:
First, the US and some so-called allies of it cannot represent the international community. The fact is, the overwhelming majority of countries don't take the US as the international community, its values as international values, or its opinion as international opinion. They don't recognize rules made by a small number of countries as international rules.
Second, there are problems and different positions between China and the US and its allies including Australia respectively, and the ins and outs of those problems are crystal clear. The attempt to form a clique to pressure and blackmail China, even intimidate China by virtue of someone else won't work. There are direct flights between Australia and China. Taking a detour via the US is only counterproductive.
Third, the international community know too well who is wielding the sticks of sanctions, pursing long-arm jurisdiction and coercing other countries. China doesn't seek a trade war, illegal detention of foreign citizens or wanton suppression against foreign enterprises. The label of "diplomacy of coercion" is more suitable for the US, not China.
In conclusion, both the two peoples and the overwhelming majority of countries, including people in US ally countries, hope to see peaceful co-existence of China and the US. The two countries can have more mutual friends. We hope the US can show the confidence and demeanor of a major country, and stop coercing other countries into choosing sides and into interfering in China's internal affairs and undermining China's interests.
TASS: A follow-up question on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's visit to China, can you give any details on the agenda?
Hua Chunying: What I can tell you at this moment is that Foreign Minister Lavrov has arrived in China. His talks with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will be held in Guilin, Guangxi. The two sides will have in-depth communication on a wide range of important topics including bilateral relations, coordination in international and regional issues and high-level exchanges between China and Russia. It is believed that the visit of Foreign Minister Lavrov will surely promote further development of China-Russia relations.
Neue Zuercher Zeitung: Last week the Federal Council in Switzerland adopted a new China strategy. What is your opinion on that?
Hua Chunying: We noted that the government of the Swiss Confederation released a strategy on China, and the spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Switzerland already made clear our attitude. The document affirms the great achievements of China's economic development, gives a positive evaluation of China-Switzerland cooperation on the whole, and takes China as one of its priority countries in foreign affairs. I think this serves the common interests and meets the shared aspirations of the Chinese and Swiss people.
However, the document makes groundless accusations against China's political system, ethnic minority policy and human rights situation, which is the exact opposite of basic facts. China is firmly opposed to that. We reject "megaphone diplomacy", and never will we accept remarks by any self-styled lecturer on human rights. Making an issue out of all this will not help the sound development of China-Switzerland relations.
Over the past 70-plus years since the establishment of our diplomatic ties, bilateral relations between China and Switzerland have made continuous positive progress. The most fundamental experience we've learned is adherence to mutual respect and mutual trust, treating each other as equals and win-win cooperation. We hope the Swiss side can view China's development in an objective and fair way, cherish the sound development of China-Switzerland relations and maintain the sound and steady development of bilateral relations.
National Public Radio: The trial of Canadian Michael Kovrig is being held today. Diplomats, including those from the Canadian embassy, were not allowed to attend the trial. Do you have a comment? And the second question, the Chinese side has suggested that the case of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou and the two Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig are somehow connected and that a halt in the extradition processes for Ms. Meng would give some space to the resolution of the situation of the two Canadians. Do you have comment on that potential leakage?
Hua Chunying: The Canadian side, by ganging up on China with a few individuals from some embassies in China to point fingers at China's lawful handling of relevant cases involving Canadian citizens, has grossly interfered in China's judicial sovereignty. We deplore and reject that.
Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor are suspected of crimes endangering China's national security. The Chinese judicial authorities try cases in strict accordance with law and fully protect the two individual's litigation rights. As relevant cases involve state secrets, relevant courts didn't hear them in open court, which is in compliance with law and thus beyond reproach. The Criminal Law of Canada also has clear provisions that Canadian judges have the right to decide if cases should be heard in private for the purpose of safeguarding national security. It is hypocritical and unjustifiable for Canada, a self-styled champion of the rule of law, to make wanton comments on China's judicial authorities' lawful handling of cases and practice "double standards" on legal issues.
Here is a piece of advice: it is a fool's errand that serves no purpose at all to resort to "megaphone diplomacy" or to gang up on China. We urge those diplomatic personnel involved to earnestly abide by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and Chinese laws and regulations, stop interfering in China's judicial sovereignty and refrain from engaging in activities inconsistent with their capacities.
China's position on the Meng Wanzhou case is very clear. This is nothing short of a political incident in which Canada played a very disgraceful role as an accomplice. We urge the Canadian side to immediately release Ms. Meng Wanzhou, who has been arbitrarily and unreasonably detained by the Canadian side, and ensure her early and safe return to China.
AFP: First, a follow-up on Russian foreign minister's visit and you mentioned that he will be meeting with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Can you confirm that the visit is taking place tomorrow and does China have any expectations on specific talks between the two sides? Is this a way to show that China and Russia are united against the US after the Alaska meetings as some observers have suggested? The second question, the Philippines on Sunday accused China after more than 200 boats were spotted near the disputed Whitsun Reef in the South China Sea. It called on China to recall the boats and said this was a violation of its maritime rights. Does the foreign ministry have any response on that?
Hua Chunying: On your first question, as I just said, Foreign Minister Lavrov has arrived in China today and will have talks with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guilin, Guangxi. They will meet today and continue the talks tomorrow. The two sides will have a series of in-depth discussions on important and a wide range of issues. We believe that Foreign Minister Lavrov's visit will further advance China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.
You mentioned that some said the timing of this visit after the China-US high-level strategic dialogue is a deliberate arrangement. You know, every diplomatic activity and visit is decided by the two sides through discussion beforehand. China and Russia are very close partners that maintain close exchanges at all levels. As permanent members of the UN Security Council, China, Russia and the US shoulder special and important responsibility for world peace and security. The growth of bilateral ties between China and Russia does not target any specific country. Our relationship is above-board, in contrast to certain countries that seek small clique with hidden or even obvious agenda.
On your second question, Niu'e Jiao is part of the Nansha Islands. Chinese fishing boats have been fishing in the waters near the reef all along. Recently, due to maritime situation, some fishing boats have been taking shelter from the wind near Niu'e Jiao, which is quite normal. We hope relevant sides can view this in an rational light.
Middle East News Agency: Saudi Arabia announced on Friday that drones attack by Yemen's Houthi militia caused a fire in an Aramco oil facility in its capital Riyadh. The Arab League and other countries condemned the attack, and expressed their support for Saudi Arabia's measures to maintain its security and stability and fight terrorism. Do you have any comment on this?
Hua Chunying: China condemns the attack targeting the oil refinery in Saudi Arabia. We stand against all attacks against civilians and civil facilities including oil field, and supports Saudi Arabia's efforts to safeguard its safety and stability. We call on relevant sides to refrain from taking actions that will escalate regional tensions.
China News Service: Tanzania's new President Samia Suluhu Hassan was sworn in on March 19. Do you have any comment? Do you have any expectations for China-Tanzania relations going forward?
Hua Chunying: We congratulate Ms. Samia Suluhu Hassan on her appointment as Tanzania's President. We believe that under the leadership of President Hassan, Tanzania will make new achievements in national development and rejuvenation.
China and Tanzania are good friends that boast profound traditional friendship and enjoy fruitful outcomes of practical cooperation. China attaches high importance to its relations with Tanzania and stands ready to work with it to deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields and scale new heights in China-Tanzania comprehensive cooperative partnership.
Global Times: Six of the eight people killed in a shooting spree in Atlanta, Georgia, US, on March 16 were of Asian origin. Vice President Harris said "Racism is real in America and it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America and always has been. Sexism too." "People who are perceived as Muslim know what it was like to live in our country after 9/11". Last year, "we've had people in positions of incredible power, scapegoating Asian Americans. People with the biggest pulpits spreading this kind of hate". US President Joe Biden issued a statement on March 21, which acknowledges that "systemic racism and white supremacy are ugly poisons that have long plagued the United States... We must change our hearts". The statement also referred to "mistreatment of the Uyghurs in China". What is China's comment?
Hua Chunying: We were saddened to learn that a Chinese citizen died in the shootings in Atlanta on March 16. China urges the US side to punish the perpetrator according to law at an early date and do justice to those killed and their beloved ones. In the meantime, the US should take concrete measures to protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in the US. Chinese embassy in the United States is following closely the handling of the case and providing assistance to family members of the deceased.
Vice President Harris was telling the truth about the United States. In recent years, hate crimes and racism against Asians have been on the rise in the United States, and many tragedies have taken place. It's been 58 years since Dr Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, however, George Floyd still "can't breathe". Nearly 20 years has passed since the September 11 attacks, Muslim Americans still face discrimination and stigmatization. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the former US administration has spread false information and racist remarks, leading to systematic racial discrimination and hate crimes against Asian-Americans.
Now that the US side has the courage to face up to the problems, it will need determination to solve them. We hope that the US side will match its words with deeds, and take concrete actions to truly protect the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minorities, including the Asian community, and prevent them from being discriminated, attacked, hated or even killed. The United States should earnestly fulfill its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, safeguard and protect the legitimate rights of ethnic minorities, and respond to the concerns of the international community with concrete actions.
The White House statement mentioned Uyghurs in Xinjiang. I think Xinjiang-related issues are not about the treatment of the Uyghurs, but about lies and truth. It's nothing short of absurdity that the US side bases its accusations against China on lies and rumors. If the US government could truly care for and safeguard the lawful rights of ethnic minorities as China does with the Uyghur and other ethnic groups in Xinjiang, the problem of racial discrimination in the US would have been solved long ago. I suggest the US side read the following: the Lies on Xinjiang-related Issues Versus the Truth released by Xinhua News Agency, China's white papers on Xinjiang-related issues, the 30 plus press briefings by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, reports by the US independent website The Grayzone and the book Uyghurs: To Put an End to Fake News by French author Maxime Vivas.
The door to Xinjiang is always open. We welcome all, including US personnel, who really want to know Xinjiang's development to visit the region, but we firmly oppose any condescending presumption of guilt.
Reuters: With regard to China not allowing Canadian diplomats to attend the trials of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, can you clarify that China is trying to say that its domestic law supersedes international agreement like the Vienna Convention in this case?
Hua Chunying: What a fallacious argument! As I said just now, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig are suspected of endangering China's national security. The Chinese judicial authorities handle the cases in strict accordance with the law. Given that relevant cases involve state secrets, relevant courts didn't hear them in open court in accordance with the law. The Criminal Law of Canada has similar clear stipulation that Canadian judges have the right to decide not to hear cases in open court for the need of safeguarding national security. It's China's judicial sovereignty. The Canadian side attempts to work with diplomats from a few countries to mount pressure on China, this is an interference in China's judicial sovereignty. It is very disrespectful, and a diplomat should know better. It is common sense that all diplomats must abide by the laws and regulations of the host country.
RIA Novosti: I have a follow-up question about Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov's visit to China. Before his visit, he said in an interview with the Chinese media that China and Russia should reduce sanctions raised by strengthening their technological independence and by switching to payment in national currencies and in world currency alternative to the dollar. He also said that the US is aiming to limit technological development of Russia and China. So the two countries need to strengthen their independence. I wonder how China can comment on his proposals and remarks?
Hua Chunying: I just answered a relevant question. Indeed, China and Russia are firmly opposed to the arbitrary move of the US to impose unilateral sanctions on others and conduct long-arm jurisdiction. The US and the West wantonly interfere in others' domestic affairs and make trouble by citing democracy and human rights. On these issues, China and Russia share the same position. This is the reason why our two countries strengthen strategic coordination, ensure our respective development, jointly uphold fairness and justice, and firmly oppose hegemony and bullying practices. China and Russia will continue to step up close communication and coordination on this.
Reuters: You said that China and the US agreed to set up a joint working group on climate change at the Alaska talks, but a US State Department spokesman has said that although the two sides discussed climate change, they did not set up a formal working group. So there seemed to be some discrepancy here. Could you clarify if the two sides definitely did or if the US might have a different understanding on this?
Hua Chunying: In accordance with the consensus reached at the high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States, China and the United States are committed to strengthening dialogue and cooperation in the field of climate change and will establish a joint working group on climate change.
I also want to point out that climate change is a common challenge facing mankind. China and the United States should trust, understand and cooperate with each other to tackle climate change and other pressing tasks for the international community.
RIA Novosti: National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine last week imposed sanctions against two Hong Kong-based companies owning almost 50% shares of Donetskoblgaz, which is engaged in distribution of gas in Ukraine. Security Service of Ukraine said that actions of these two companies, which led to the shutdown of 58 boiler houses in Donetsk region, jeopardized lives and health of local residents. Does China have any comment on this?
Hua Chunying: I am not aware of the situation you mentioned.


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The Brand-Spanking-New Space Race

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SouthFront Dispatch

South Front

The brand-new space race is upon us.

It moves into two directions – who will reach Mars first, who will colonize the Moon, as it is nearby. Resources need to be extracted, and the US wants them to be available to it and its corporations.

The second aspect of the race comes down to who will be able to establish the most military and reconnaissance infrastructure in space to have the upper hand in harvesting resources.

Currently, if the United States is asked, Russia and Beijing are working rapidly to militarize the cosmos, while Washington is sitting idly.

After all, the first deployment of the US Space Force was to Qatar. The US is the party that keeps involving private companies in its space endeavors and changing its legislation to militarize formally ‘civil’ and ‘private’ space projects.

In order to compete, and live up to the constant accusations of Washington of “militarization of space”, Beijing and Moscow have joined forces to reach Mars.

Currently, the most reliable way of reaching space are Russian launch vehicles, and SpaceX is attempting to match it and provide its technology to the US government.

Elon Musk’s efforts are still short, as the latest test showed.

Another setback to US efforts is that as a result of the constant accusations and claims of militarization, Russia withdrew from the American lunar project Deep Space Gateway.

Washington has proven itself as a disloyal partner when it comes to sharing the glory and resources of space.

Shortly thereafter, Russia and China announced a project to create an international scientific lunar station. Not a Russian and Chinese one, but an international one – those who wish to cooperate are welcome.

Roskosmos Chief Dmitry Rogozin has spent no effort mocking the landing of the Mars rover, saying that when Washington is ready to land humans on the red planet, they would be greeted by Russians there.

Other countries such as India, Israel and others also wish to partake in the space race, but they are still far behind in terms of their capability.

While spreading the loudest claims of its adversaries militarizing space, the United States is attempting to do specifically that. Even if the US statements regarding numerous Russian attack satellites in orbit were true, and every nation’s space infrastructure is under threat, how can it even be considered that Washington is not moving in the same direction?

The United states actively attempts to take control and impose its “democratic will” across the globe, in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. How unlikely is it that it attempts to do the same in space?

The space race is yet another field in which Washington’s sanctions, accusations and antagonism have forced its competitors into partnership and closer relations.

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Welcome to shocked and awed 21st century geopolitics

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By Pepe Escobar


With a Russia-China-Iran triple bitch slap on the hegemon, we now have a brand new geopolitical chessboard

It took 18 years after Shock and Awe unleashed on Iraq for the Hegemon to be mercilessly shocked and awed by a virtually simultaneous, diplomatic Russia-China one-two.

March 2021: The FMs of the two greatest powers defying Washington meet for close strategic consultation.

How this is a real game-changing moment cannot be emphasized enough; 21st century geopolitics will never be the same again.

Yet it was the Hegemon who first crossed the diplomatic Rubicon. The handlers behind hologram Joe “I’ll do whatever you want me to do, Nance” Biden had whispered in his earpiece to brand Russian President Vladimir Putin as a soulless “killer” in the middle of a softball interview. [Conducted by ABC News maggot, George Stephanopoulos, although media stenographers and propagandists in the Western bloc are all fully interchangeable. —Ed]

Not even at the height of the Cold War the superpowers resorted to ad hominem attacks. The result of such an astonishing blunder was to regiment virtually the whole Russian population behind Putin – because that was perceived as an attack against the Russian state.

Then came Putin’s cool, calm, collected – and quite diplomatic – response, which needs to be carefully pondered. These sharp as a dagger words are arguably the most devastatingly powerful five minutes in the history of post-truth international relations.

In For Leviathan, it’s so cold in Alaska, we forecasted what could take place in the US-China 2+2 summit at a shabby hotel in Anchorage, with cheap bowls of instant noodles thrown in as extra bonus.

China’s millennial diplomatic protocol establishes that discussions start around common ground – which are then extolled as being more important than disagreements between negotiating parties. That’s at the heart of the concept of “no loss of face”. Only afterwards the parties discuss their differences.

Yet it was totally predictable that a bunch of amateurish, tactless and clueless Americans would smash those basic diplomatic rules to show “strength” to their home crowd, distilling the proverbial litany on Taiwan, Hong Kong, South China Sea, “genocide” of Uighurs.

Oh dear. There was not a single State Dept. hack with minimal knowledge of East Asia to warn the amateurs you don’t mess with the formidable head of the Foreign Affairs Commission at the CCP’s Central Committee, Yang Jiechi, with impunity.

Visibly startled, but controlling his exasperation, Yang Jiechi struck back. And the rhetorical shots were heard around the whole Global South.

They had to include a basic lesson in manners: “If you want to deal with us properly, let’s have some mutual respect and do things the right way”. But what stood out was a stinging, concise diagnostic blending history and politics:

The United States is not qualified to talk to China in a condescending manner. The Chinese people will not accept that. It must be based on mutual respect to deal with China, and history will prove that those who seek to strangle China will suffer in the end.

And all that translated in real time by young, attractive and ultra-skilled Zhang Jing – who inevitably became an overnight superstar in China, reaping an astonishing 400 million plus hits on Weibo.

The incompetence of the “diplomatic” arm of the Biden-Harris administration beggars belief. Using a basic Sun Tzu maneuver, Yang Jiechi turned the tables and voiced the predominant sentiment of the overwhelming majority of the planet. Stuff your unilateral “rules-based order”. We, the nations of the world, privilege the UN charter and the primacy of international law.

So this is what the Russia-China one-two achieved almost instantaneously: from now on, the Hegemon should be treated, all across the Global South with, at best, disdain.

An inevitable historical process

Pre-Alaska, the Americans went on a charming offensive in Japan and South Korea for “consultations”. That’s irrelevant. What matters is post-Alaska, and the crucial Sergey Lavrov-Wang Yi meeting of Foreign Ministers in Guilin.

Lavrov, always unflappable, clarified in an interview with Chinese media how the Russia-China strategic partnership sees the current US diplomatic train wreck:

As a matter of fact, they have largely lost the skill of classical diplomacy. Diplomacy is about relations between people, the ability to listen to each other, to hear one another and to strike a balance between competing interests. These are exactly the values ​​that Russia and China are promoting in diplomacy.

The inevitable consequence is that Russia-China must “consolidate our independence: “The United States has declared limiting the advance of technology in Russia and China as its goal. So, we must reduce our exposure to sanctions by strengthening our technological independence and switching to settlements in national and international currencies other than the dollar. We need to move away from using Western-controlled international payment systems.”

Russia-China have clearly identified, as Lavrov pointed out, how the “Western partners” are “promoting their ideology-driven agenda aimed at preserving their dominance by holding back progress in other countries. Their policies run counter to the objective international developments and, as they used to say at some point, are on the wrong side of history. The historical process will come into its own, no matter what happens.”

As a stark presentation of an inevitable “historical process”, it doesn’t get more crystal clear than that. And predictably, it didn’t take time for the “Western partners” to fall back into – what else – their same old sanction bag of tricks.

Here we go again: a US, UK, EU, Canada “alliance” sanctioning selected Chinese officials because, in Blinken’s words, “the PRC [People’s Republic of China] continues to commit genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.” [sic]

The EU, UK, and Canada didn’t have the guts to sanction a key player: Xinjiang party chief Chen Quanguo, who’s a Politburo member. The Chinese response would have been – economically – devastating.

Still, Beijing counterpunched with its own sanctions – targeting, crucially, the German far-right evangelical nut posing as “scholar” who produced the bulk of the completely debunked “proof” of a million Uighurs held in concentration camps.

Once again, the “Western partners” are impermeable to logic. Adding to the already appalling state of EU-Russia relations, Brussels chooses to also antagonize China based on a single fake dossier, playing right into the Hegemon’s not exactly secret Divide and Rule agenda.

Mission (nearly) accomplished: Brussels diplomats tell me the EU Parliament is all but set to refuse to ratify the China-EU trade deal painstakingly negotiated by Merkel and Macron. The consequences will be immense.

So Blinken will have reasons to be cheerful when he meets assorted eurocrats and NATO bureaucrats this week, ahead of the NATO summit.

One has to applaud the gall of the “Western partners”. It’s 18 years since Shock and Awe – the start of the bombing, invasion and destruction of Iraq. It’s 10 years since the start of the total destruction of Libya by NATO and its GCC minions, with Obama-Biden “leading from behind”. It’s 10 years since the start of the savage destruction of Syria by proxy – complete with jihadis disguised as “moderate rebels”.

Yet now the “Western partners” are so mortified by the plight of Muslims in Western China.

At least there are some cracks within the EU illusionist circus. Last week, the French Armed Forces Joint Reflection Circle (CRI) – in fact an independent think tank of former high officers – wrote a startling open letter to cardboard NATO secretary-general Stoltenberg de facto accusing him of behaving as an American stooge with the implementation of NATO 2030 plan. The French officers drew the correct conclusion: the US/NATO combo is the main cause of appalling relations with Russia.

These Ides of March

Meanwhile, sanctions hysteria advance like a runaway train. Biden-Harris has already threatened to impose extra sanctions on Chinese oil imports from Iran. And there’s more in the pipeline – on manufacturing, technology, 5G, supply chains, semiconductors.

And yet nobody is trembling in their boots. Right on cue with Russia-China, Iran has stepped up the game, with Ayatollah Khamenei issuing the guidelines for Tehran’s return to the JCPOA.

1. The US regime is in no position to make new demands or changes regarding the nuclear deal.

2. The US is weaker today than when the JCPOA was signed.

3. Iran is in a stronger position now. If anyone can impose new demands it’s Iran and not the US.

And with that we have a Russia-China-Iran triple bitch slap on the Hegemon.

In our latest conversation/interview, to be released soon in a video + transcript package, Michael Hudson – arguably the world’s top economist – hit the heart of the matter:

The fight against China, the fear of China is that you can’t do to China, what you did to Russia. America would love for there to be a Yeltsin figure in China to say, let’s just give all of the railroads that you’ve built, the high-speed rail, let’s give the wealth, let’s give all the factories to individuals and let the individuals run everything and, then we’ll lend them the money, or we’ll buy them out and then we can control them financially. And China’s not letting that happen. And Russia stopped that from happening. And the fury in the West is that somehow, the American financial system is unable to take over foreign resources, foreign agriculture. It is left only with military means of grabbing them as we are seeing in the near East. And you’re seeing in the Ukraine right now.

To be continued. As it stands, we should all make sure that the Ides of March – the 2021 version – have already configured a brand new geopolitical chessboard. The Russia-China Double Helix on high-speed rail has left the station – and there’s no turning back. 

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