Reviving Russia’s Military Culture and the Officer Caste

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Gilbert Doctorow

Reviving Russia’s Military Culture and the Officer Caste

Western electronic and print media have given considerable attention to the speeches that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Shoigu delivered yesterday before a gathering of top military personnel.

Putin spoke about the ability of his government to satisfy all requests for funding that may arise from the armed forces. Indeed, it is rumored that the Russian military budget will double in 2023. Moreover, this increased spend is only partially about the operational costs of the war in Ukraine. What we see is a wholly new concept for the Russian forces prompted by the understanding that Russia is engaged in what will be a ‘long war’ against the United States and NATO. This will require greater attention to conventional weapons and improved control and command technologies, whereas the Russian military budget under Putin has till now focused on building world-beating strategic weapons systems for purposes of nuclear deterrence.

Shoigu put specific numbers to the plans to raise the Russian armed forces to 1.5 million men. We are told that over 40% or nearly 695,000 will be kontraktniki, i.e. well-paid professionals. Meanwhile, the approach to draftees will be changed in ways that support the new vision of the Russian army as technically capable. To be specific, the age of conscription will be raised from 18 years to 21, with a cap set at age 30. Clearly the idea is to bring into the army not raw youth but young men who have already received some essential skills and knowledge from their first civilian employment and higher education.

All of the foregoing has been covered in greater or lesser detail by Euronews, by The Financial Times and other Western media yesterday evening and today. However, what Western media are not following or passing along to their audiences is the change in mindset underway in Russia as regards the role of their military in society. This is one of the chief consequences of the ongoing war in Ukraine and of the broad upsurge of patriotic feelings in support of the country’s men at arms, who are portrayed as defending Russia’s very existence under threat from the US-led West. To understand what is underway, you have to listen to the political talk shows on state television and not to the speeches of Putin and Shoigu.

Simonyan called for substantial pay increases so that the Russian military could once again command respect in society. She alluded to the distant past, in tsarist times, when, she said, officers were considered prime candidates as bridegrooms by solicitous mothers of daughters living in the provinces. She spoke about what was then an officer caste, i.e, an hereditary cohort of the ‘officer and a gentleman’ typology which enjoyed universal respect. That was a time when it was de rigueur for officers to wear their uniforms at all times and, most especially, at balls and other social events. This particular observation was raised in connection with a recent scandalous expulsion of a Russian officer from a night club over his arriving in uniform.

Commemorative honor parade (Moscow)

Given that kontraktniki are now receiving pay packages on the order of 200,000 rubles per month (approximately 2500 euros), with officers presumably doing much better according to their rank, they are indeed approaching levels of the IT programmers, who are among the most highly paid professional employees in the country. Moreover, those combatants who distinguish themselves on the field of battle are now being offered by Putin prized parcels of land in the Crimea and Moscow region. No one talks much about this but it is a direct revival of Russian traditions going back far into the history of Muscovy.

I must admit that the ongoing discussion of the role played by the military in Russian society in the distant past takes me by surprise.  When I was a graduate student of Russian history in the 1970s, our doctoral work was devoted to what were in pre-Reform Russia legally defined social castes, typical of the ancien régime everywhere in Europe, meaning especially the noble landowners and to a lesser extent the peasantry. Then there were the doctoral topics relating to the late 19th century industrialists and the industrial working class insofar as they defined the contours of Russian society heading into the revolutions of the early 20th century. Still other classmates studied the proletariat in search for answers to the question about the inevitability of a Bolshevik victory in the coming revolution. A very few among us studied the Church and clergy.  I cannot think of anyone who paid attention to the Russian armed forces and its officer caste. More attention went to studying the career bureaucrats in the civil service at the national level.

By definition, the officer caste of the tsarist regime drew heavily on the nobility. In Soviet times, it drew heavily on the disadvantaged, on the peasantry, so that officers in the army were often rough-hewn characters. The only exception, I believe, was in the Navy, where good manners and gallantry were better appreciated in the line of command.

Discussion of military matters on the talk shows reveals a common thread with Russian intelligentsia discussions of all aspects of their country, namely a tendency to speak about Russia as if it existed in a vacuum, without reference to what goes on in the rest of the world.

Gen. Gerasimov with fellow higher echelons attending an official ceremony at the Kremlin.


Whether on Sixty Minutes or on Solovyov, what I hear now is that Russia’s history going back centuries was defined by its military prowess and wartime achievements.  Of course, one could easily say the same about Great Britain, where cathedrals are cluttered with plaques and statuary celebrating past warriors. And here in Brussels, I see marble monuments in public spaces paying tribute to generals who fought in wars from the Napoleonic period on the French side.

How this newfound admiration for Russia’s military will play out over time is unforeseeable. But, in closing, I want to stress that naming compensation as a key to the respect professionals in one or another domain receive from society also extends to other fields than the officer caste. Yesterday Moscow Mayor Sobyanin spoke to the press about his city’s achievements in leveling up the teaching profession, saying that the salary tables for teachers are now the highest in the country, having reached that very same figure of 200,000 rubles per month that I cited above for contract soldiers.  And to put this into context, I may add that this level of compensation is well above that paid out to teachers here in Brussels, where the pay check, unlike in Russia, is cut in half by income taxes before it reaches one’s pocket.

 ©Gilbert Doctorow, 2022

Translations below into French (Youri), German (Andreas Mylaeus)

La renaissance de la culture militaire russe et de la caste des officiers

Les médias électroniques et la presse écrite occidentaux ont accordé une attention considérable aux discours que le président russe Vladimir Poutine et le ministre de la défense Shoigu ont prononcés hier devant une assemblée de hauts responsables militaires.

Poutine a évoqué la capacité de son gouvernement à satisfaire toutes les demandes de financement qui pourraient émaner des forces armées. En effet, il se murmure que le budget militaire russe va doubler en 2023. En outre, cette augmentation des dépenses ne concerne que partiellement les coûts opérationnels de la guerre en Ukraine. Ce que nous voyons, c’est un concept entièrement nouveau pour les forces russes, motivé par le fait que la Russie est engagée dans ce qui sera une « longue guerre » contre les États-Unis et l’OTAN. Cela nécessitera une plus grande attention aux armes conventionnelles et à l’amélioration des technologies de contrôle et de commandement, alors que le budget militaire russe sous Poutine s’est jusqu’à présent concentré sur la construction de systèmes d’armes stratégiques de niveau mondial à des fins de dissuasion nucléaire.

M. Shoigu a chiffré les projets visant à porter les forces armées russes à 1,5 million d’hommes. On nous dit qu’environ 40 % d’entre eux, soit près de 600 000, seront des kontraktniki, c’est-à-dire des professionnels bien rémunérés. Dans le même temps, l’approche des conscrits sera modifiée de manière à soutenir la nouvelle vision de l’armée russe comme étant techniquement compétente. Plus précisément, l’âge de la conscription sera porté de 18 à 21 ans, avec un plafond fixé à 30 ans. L’idée est clairement d’amener dans l’armée non pas des jeunes sans expérience, mais des jeunes hommes qui ont déjà acquis certaines compétences et connaissances essentielles grâce à leur premier emploi civil et à leur éducation supérieure.

Tout ce qui précède a été couvert de manière plus ou moins détaillée par Euronews, par le Financial Times et par d’autres médias occidentaux hier soir et aujourd’hui. Cependant, ce que les médias occidentaux ne suivent pas ou ne transmettent pas à leur public, c’est le changement de mentalité en cours en Russie concernant le rôle de l’armée dans la société. C’est l’une des principales conséquences de la guerre en cours en Ukraine et de la vague de patriotisme en faveur des hommes en armes du pays, qui sont présentés comme les défenseurs de l’existence même de la Russie, menacée par l’Occident dirigé par les États-Unis. Pour comprendre ce qui se passe, il faut écouter les talk-shows politiques de la télévision d’État et non les discours de Poutine et de Shoigu.

Mme Simonyan a demandé des augmentations de salaire substantielles afin que l’armée russe puisse à nouveau inspirer le respect dans la société. Elle a fait allusion à un passé lointain, à l’époque tsariste, où, a-t-elle dit, les officiers étaient considérés comme des candidats de choix pour les mariages par les mères soucieuses de leurs filles vivant dans les provinces. Elle a parlé de ce qui était alors une caste d’officiers, c’est-à-dire une cohorte héréditaire appartenant à la typologie « officier et gentleman » qui jouissait du respect universel. C’était une époque où il était de rigueur pour les officiers de porter leur uniforme en tout temps et, plus particulièrement, lors des bals et autres événements sociaux. Cette observation particulière a été soulevée à l’occasion de la récente expulsion scandaleuse d’un officier russe d’une boîte de nuit parce qu’il était arrivé en uniforme.

Étant donné que les kontraktniki reçoivent désormais des enveloppes salariales de l’ordre de 200 000 roubles par mois (environ 2 500 euros), les officiers bénéficient vraisemblablement d’une rémunération bien supérieure en fonction de leur grade, ils se rapprochent en effet des niveaux des programmeurs informatiques qui comptent parmi les employés professionnels les mieux payés du pays. En outre, les combattants qui se distinguent sur le champ de bataille se voient désormais offrir par Poutine de précieuses parcelles de terre en Crimée et dans la région de Moscou. Personne n’en parle beaucoup, mais il s’agit d’une renaissance directe des traditions russes qui remontent loin dans l’histoire de la Moscovie.

Je dois admettre que la discussion en cours sur le rôle joué par les militaires dans la société russe dans un passé lointain me prend par surprise.  Lorsque j’étais étudiant diplômé en histoire de la Russie dans les années 1970, notre travail de doctorat était consacré à ce qui était, dans la Russie d’avant la Réforme, des castes sociales légalement définies, typiques de l’ancien régime partout en Europe, c’est-à-dire surtout les nobles propriétaires terriens et, dans une moindre mesure, la paysannerie. Puis il y avait les sujets de doctorat relatifs aux industriels de la fin du XIXe siècle et à la classe ouvrière industrielle dans la mesure où ils définissaient les contours de la société russe à l’approche des révolutions du début du XXe siècle. D’autres camarades de classe encore ont étudié le prolétariat à la recherche de réponses à la question de l’inévitabilité d’une victoire bolchevique dans la révolution à venir. Très peu d’entre nous ont étudié l’Église et le clergé.  Je ne connais personne qui ait prêté attention aux forces armées russes et à sa caste d’officiers. Une plus grande attention était accordée à l’étude des bureaucrates de carrière dans la fonction publique au niveau national.

Par définition, la caste des officiers du régime tsariste s’appuyait fortement sur la noblesse. À l’époque soviétique, elle s’appuyait fortement sur les défavorisés, sur la paysannerie, de sorte que les officiers de l’armée étaient souvent des personnages rudes. La seule exception, je crois, était dans la marine, où les bonnes manières et la galanterie étaient mieux appréciées dans la hiérarchie.

Les discussions sur les questions militaires dans les talk-shows révèlent un point commun avec les discussions de l’intelligentsia russe sur tous les aspects de leur pays, à savoir une tendance à parler de la Russie comme si elle existait dans un vide, sans référence à ce qui se passe dans le reste du monde.

Que ce soit dans l’émission Soixante Minutes ou dans l’émission Solovyov, ce que j’entends maintenant, c’est que l’histoire de la Russie, depuis des siècles, est définie par ses prouesses militaires et ses exploits en temps de guerre.  Bien sûr, on pourrait facilement dire la même chose de la Grande-Bretagne, où les cathédrales sont encombrées de plaques et de statues célébrant les guerriers passés. Et ici, à Bruxelles, je vois des monuments en marbre dans les espaces publics rendant hommage aux généraux qui ont combattu dans les guerres de la période napoléonienne du côté français.

RF soldier in Mariupol / Soldat Russe a Mariopol

Il est impossible de prévoir comment cette admiration nouvelle pour l’armée russe va se manifester au fil du temps. Mais, pour conclure, je tiens à souligner que le fait de citer la rémunération comme clé du respect que les professionnels de tel ou tel domaine reçoivent de la société s’étend également à d’autres domaines que la caste des officiers. Hier, le maire de Moscou, M. Sobianine, a parlé à la presse des réalisations de sa ville en matière de revalorisation de la profession d’enseignant, déclarant que les barèmes de rémunération des enseignants sont désormais les plus élevés du pays, ayant atteint ce même chiffre de 200 000 roubles par mois que j’ai cité plus haut pour les soldats sous contrat.  Et pour replacer les choses dans leur contexte, je peux ajouter que ce niveau de rémunération est bien supérieur à celui versé aux enseignants ici à Bruxelles, où la rémunération, contrairement à la Russie, est réduite de moitié par les impôts sur le revenu avant d’arriver dans la poche.


Die Wiederbelebung der russischen Militärkultur und der Offiziers-Kaste

Westliche elektronische und Printmedien haben den Reden des russischen Präsidenten Vladimir Putin und des Verteidigungsministers Shoigu, die diese gestern vor einer Versammlung des militärischen Führungspersonals gehalten haben, besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt.

Putin hat über die Fähigkeit seiner Regierung gesprochen, alle finanziellen Forderungen, die von den Streitkräften erhoben werden, zu erfüllen. Es gibt tatsächlich Gerüchte, dass sich das russische Militärbudget 2023 verdoppeln könnte. Zudem betreffen diese zusätzlichen Ausgaben nicht nur die laufenden Kosten für den Krieg in der Ukraine. Was wir sehen, ist ein völlig neues Konzept für die russischen Streitkräfte, das notwendig geworden ist, weil Russland in einem „langen Krieg“ gegen die Vereinigten Staaten und die NATO engagiert ist. Dies wird ein größeres Augenmerk auf die konventionellen Waffen und verbesserte Kontroll- und Kommandotechnologien erfordern, während das russische Militärbudget unter Putin bisher den Schwerpunkt auf die Herstellung weltweit einsetzbare strategische Waffensysteme zum Zweck der nuklearen Abschreckung gerichtet hat.

Shoigu hat spezielle Zahlen zu den Plänen mitgeteilt, die Anzahl der russischen Armeeangehörigen auf 1,5 Millionen Mann zu erhöhen. Wir erfahren, dass ungefähr 40% oder fast 600.000 sogenannte kontraktniki sein werden, d.h. gut bezahlte Berufssoldaten. In der Zwischenzeit wird der Ansatz für die Wehrpflichtigen so geändert, dass die Vorstellung von einer technisch hochqualifizierten russischen Armee verwirklicht wird. Insbesondere wird das Alter für die Einberufung von 18 Jahren auf 21 heraufgesetzt, mit einer Obergrenze von 30 Jahren. Offensichtlich ist der Gedanke, dass man nicht unfertige Jugendliche sondern junge Männer in der Armee haben möchte, die bereits einige Grundfertigkeiten und Kenntnisse aus ihrem ersten Berufsleben und ihrer höheren Bildung mitbringen.

All dies ist mehr oder weniger detailliert von Euronews, von The Financial Times und anderen westlichen Medien gestern Abend und heute behandelt worden. Was die westlichen Medien jedoch nicht verfolgen oder ihrem Publikum weitergeben ist die Änderung in der Denkweise hinsichtlich der Rolle, die das Militär in der Gesellschaft spielt, die sich in Russland derzeit vollzieht. Dies ist eine der bedeutsamsten Konsequenzen des derzeitigen Krieges in der Ukraine und des breiten Aufkommens von patriotischen Gefühlen zur Unterstützung der Soldaten, die als die Verteidiger von Russlands Existenz aufgrund der Bedrohung durch den von den USA geleiteten Westen angesehen werden. Wenn man verstehen will, was hier im Gange ist, muss man nicht auf die Reden von Putin oder Shoigu hören, sondern auf die politischen Talkshows im Staatsfernsehen.

Eine der ersten, die davon gesprochen hat, den Respekt für das russische Militär insgesamt und für die Offizierskaste im Besonderen wieder herzustellen, war Margarita Simonyan, die Chefredakteurin von RT, in ihren letzten Auftritten in der Show Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. Sie argumentierte energisch für eine Anhebung der Bezahlung für Offiziere von dem armseligen Niveau, das in den 1990er Jahren festgesetzt worden war, als das liberale politische Establishment die Rückkehrer von den russischen Militärbasen aus den Ländern des Warschauer Paktes, die geschlossen worden waren, schändlich behandelt hat. Sie fanden bei der Rückkehr nach Mütterchen Russland keine Wohnungen vor, die Bezahlungen waren wertlos und das Militär wurde insgesamt zu einem Gesindel.

Putin flanked by top brass, with Shoigu on his right.

Simonyan rief zu substantiellen Lohnerhöhungen auf, sodass das russische Militär seinen Respekt innerhalb der Gesellschaft wieder erringen könne. Sie spielte auf die ältere Vergangenheit an, auf die zaristischen Zeiten, als Offiziere von besorgten Müttern als begehrte Heiratskandidaten für ihre in den Provinzen lebenden Töchter angesehen wurden. Sie sprach von der damaligen Offizierskaste, d.h. von einer erblichen Kohorte von der Art eines „Offiziers und Gentleman“, der weltweit mit Hochachtung begegnet wurde. Es war eine Zeit, als es für die Offiziere obligatorisch war, jederzeit ihre Uniform zu tragen, insbesondere bei Bällen und anderen gesellschaftlichen Anlässen. Dies wurde in Zusammenhang mit einem kürzlichen Vorfall gebracht, als einem russischen Offizier skandalöser Weise der Eingang in einen Nachtclub verweigert wurde, weil er seine Uniform trug.

Nachdem die kontraktniki jetzt Löhne von etwa 200.000 Rubel pro Monat (ungefähr 2.500 Euro) bekommen, wobei Offiziere vermutlich je nach Rang noch mehr erhalten, erreichen sie in der Tat das Niveau von IT-Programmierern, die unter den bestbezahlten Mitarbeitern landesweit sind. Darüber hinaus bekommen Kämpfer, die sich auf dem Schlachtfeld auszeichnen, von Putin Geschenke in Form von Land auf der Krim oder in der Gegend um Moskau. Es wird nicht viel davon gesprochen, aber es stellt eine deutliche Wiederbelebung russischer Traditionen dar, die weit in die Geschichte des alten Russlands zurückreichen.

Ich muss zugeben, dass mich die derzeitige Diskussion über die Rolle des Militärs in der alten Vergangenheit der russischen Gesellschaft überrascht. Als ich in den 1970er Jahren Student im Aufbaustudium für russische Geschichte war, bestand unsere Arbeit für meine Doktorarbeit darin, die im Russland vor der Reform gesetzlich definierten gesellschaftlichen Kasten zu untersuchen, die für die Zeit des ancien régime überall in Europa typisch waren, insbesondere die adligen Landbesitzer und zu einem kleineren Teil die Bauernschaft. Und dann gab es Themen für Doktorarbeiten, die sich auf die Industriellen und die industrielle Arbeiterklasse des späteren 19. Jahrhunderts bezogen, soweit sie die Konturen der russischen Gesellschaft definierten, die zu den Revolutionen anfangs des 20. Jahrhunderts führten. Andere Klassenkameraden studierten das Proletariat auf der Suche nach Antworten auf die Frage der Unvermeidlichkeit eines bolschewistischen Sieges bei der kommenden Revolution. Nur ganz wenige von uns studierten die Kirche und den Klerus. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass irgendjemand seine Aufmerksamkeit auf die russischen Streitkräfte und deren Offizierskaste gerichtet hätte. Stattdessen richtete sich die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Karriere-Bürokraten in der Beamtenschaft auf nationaler Ebene.

Definitionsgemäß bestand die Offizierskaste im zaristischen Regime überwiegend aus Adligen. In Sowjetzeiten bestand sie weitgehend aus Benachteiligten, der Bauernschaft, sodass die Offiziere in der Armee oft grobschlächtige Charaktere waren. Die einzige Ausnahme war, glaube ich, die Marine, wo gute Manieren und Galanterie bei den Kommandeuren anerkannt waren.

Die Diskussion über Militärangelegenheiten in den Talkshows enthüllt eine allgemeine Denkrichtung in Diskussionen der russischen Intelligenzia über alle Aspekte ihres Landes, nämlich die Tendenz, über Russland so zu sprechen, als existiere es in einem Vakuum, ohne Bezug dazu, was im Rest der Welt vorgeht.

Sowohl in Sixty Minutes als auch bei Solovyov höre ich jetzt, dass Russlands Geschichte der letzten Jahrhunderte durch sein militärisches Können und der Errungenschaften in Kriegszeiten definiert ist. Natürlich könnte man dasselbe über Großbritannien sagen, wo die Kathedralen mit Gedenktafeln und Statuen übersäht sind, die ehemalige Krieger feiern. Und hier in Brüssel sehe ich Marmormonumente auf öffentlichen Plätzen, die die Generäle ehren, die in den Kriegen der napoleonischen Periode auf der französischen Seite gekämpft haben.

Welche Rolle diese neu entdeckte Bewunderung für Russlands Militär in Zukunft spielen wird, ist unvorhersehbar. Aber am Schluss möchte ich noch hervorheben, dass die Bezahlung als Schlüssel für die Bedeutung, die Berufe in dem einen oder anderen Bereich in der Gesellschaft hat, sich auch auf andere als die Offizierskaste erstreckt. Gestern hat der Bürgermeister von Moskau, Sobyanin, gegenüber der Presse erklärt, welche Fortschritte seine Stadt bei der Anhebung der Bezahlung für die Lehrberufe gemacht hat. Die Gehälter der Lehrer seien jetzt die Höchsten im ganzen Land und hätten dasselbe Niveau von 200.000 Rubel pro Monat erreicht, das ich vorstehend für die Berufssoldaten erwähnt habe. Und um dies in den richtigen Kontext zu stellen, füge ich hinzu, dass dieses Lohnniveau deutlich über dem liegt, was Lehrer hier in Brüssel bekommen, wo der Lohn, anders als in Russland, durch die Steuern halbiert wird, bevor man ihn in der Tasche hat.

Gilbert Doctorow is an independent political analyst based in Brussels. He chose this third career of 'public intellectual' after finishing up a 25 year career as corporate executive and outside consultant to multinational corporations doing business in Russia and Eastern Europe which culminated in the position of Managing Director, Russia during the years 1995-2000. He has publishied his memoirs of his 25 years of doing business in and around the Soviet Union/Russia, 1975 - 2000. Memoirs of a Russianist, .

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The World According to Andrei (Martyanov): Russia prepares for a possible wider war; Eurasian bloc unstoppable.

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Russian Federation Minister of Defense S. Shoigu.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Of Note.

So, Mr. Shoigu said these key words: 

During a Russian Defense Ministry meeting on Wednesday, Shoigu proposed a number of measures to strengthen the security of the Russian Federation, including creating a special grouping of troops on the country’s northwestern border and expanding Russia’s armed forces to amount to 1.5 million servicemen in total, with some 695,000 of them being contract soldiers. ... Shoigu went on to suggest creating a number of new military groupings, including five new artillery divisions, eight bomber aviation regiments, and one fighter regiment, as well as six army aviation brigades. 

In this photo provided by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu speaks during a meeting in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)

How about  5 (Five) new naval infantry divisions (holy-molly!!! ), three motor-rifle divisions, two air-assault divisions, and a number of brigades will be transformed into divisions, among other measures. This is NOT about VSU, which is primarily a spent force right now and Russia slowly, in an economical way, annihilates the remnants of Ukraine's mobilization "potential". No, this is about NATO and where it will be moved back. Recall December 2021 Ultimatum? This is about NATO and finishing off US "hegemony", which is being finished as I type it.

Here is something to consider:

China’s imports of oil, pipeline gas, LNG, and coal from Russia have hit a total of $68 billion since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, up from $41 billion for the same period last year, as Western buyers shun or have banned imports of many Russian energy products, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.  

You also heard about India, right? 

For India, the reorientation of Russian economic diplomacy toward the Asian region presents huge business opportunities. Who would have thought nine months ago that Russia was going to be the largest supplier of oil to India, leapfrogging Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the US? According to Reuters, India purchased about 40% of all export volumes of Russian Urals grade oil transported by sea in November, when European countries accounted for 25%, Turkey 15% and China 5%. The figures speak for themselves: in November, while Russia supplied 909,000.4 barrels of crude oil to India per day, the corresponding figures were for Iraq (861,000.4), Saudi Arabia (570,000.9), and the US (405,000.5) Suffice it to say that when Modi upfront listed energy as his talking point with Putin, it reconfirms that India is giving a wide berth to the G7’s hare-brained scheme to impose a price cap on Russian oil exports.

And Eurasian dynamics is such that even with consuming EU's, grossly inadequate, resources, the US is no competition to an emerging military and economic giant of BRICS and associated members. But grasping at the last straw is what makes Washington MO, and Russia is fully ready. 

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration announced Wednesday that it will provide $1.85 billion in military aid to Ukraine, rolling out funding for a Patriot missile battery as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Washington for his first known trip out of his country since Russia invaded in February. The White House announcement came just hours before Zelenskyy landed at Joint Base Andrews, just outside the capital. The package includes $1 billion in weapons and equipment from Pentagon stocks, including the Patriot battery for the first time, and $850 million in funding through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. Part of the USAI will be used to fund a satellite communications system, which likely will include the crucial SpaceX Starlink satellite network system owned by Elon Musk.

As I am on record--The Patriots, including the PAC3 version, record is dismal, as is of all other types of NATO weapons systems availed to the Kiev regime, and the only way NATO can avoid a single battery of Patriot PAC3 to be annihilated immediately is to deploy it in the midst of civilian infrastructures--a MO [typical] of VSU--such as apartment blocks, kindergartens and other buildings of such nature. As is reported:

The decision to send the Patriot battery comes despite threats from Russia’s Foreign Ministry that the delivery of the advanced surface-to-air missile system would be considered a provocative step and that the Patriot and any crews accompanying it would be a legitimate target for Moscow’s military. But the White House is pushing back against the notion that delivery of the Patriot amounts to an escalation of U.S. involvement on behalf of Ukraine. A senior administration official, who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity, said that Biden has been clear that his administration would “lean forward” in supporting Ukraine but it is “not seeking to engage in direct war with Russia.”

As I am also on record--the only war the US can fight against Russia is a nuclear one, but we all know what it means, so the semantics game and usual media spin from Washington are already unfolding. Russia, however, has no illusions about the West's intentions. So, in a larger scheme of things, all this is not significant in relation to the overall situation at the front in former Ukraine or to the economic collapse in progress in the EU and, to a certain degree, in the US. 

Here Brian Berletic gives a good explanation on how the Western media obfuscate, a euphemism for outright lying, a dire situation for VSU in Bakhmut. 

I am telling you--one can literally develop a cottage industry of debunking shit of Western media and make a living just on that alone. But, we need to constantly keep our eyes on a bigger prize. Could the biggest of them be the destruction of NATO as such, not just rolling it back to the borders of 1997? Possible. Some European clowns begin to get the idea. 

French President Emmanuel Macron has reiterated his belief that the conflict in Ukraine will inevitably be resolved at the negotiating table, and that the West and NATO in particular will have to come up with security guarantees not only for Kiev, but Moscow as well, to secure a lasting peace. “The day of peace will involve discussions. First and foremost for guarantees to Ukraine, for its territorial integrity, its long-term security. But also for Russia, as a party that it will be to an armistice and peace treaty,” Macron said in an interview with the TF1 and LCI channels broadcast on Tuesday.

But the term "negotiations" as perceived by Russia now has a much more menacing tone for the combined West connotation--a dictation of the terms of surrender. Even this event tells the story.

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday that Ukraine “is not an ally” of his country and warned against bringing “war” to the Balkans. “Ukraine is not an ally. It’s being forcibly made into one. It was cynically granted the status of an EU candidate. That’s what the EU is today: squalor, zero.” Talking to reporters, he also hit out against Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic for his proposal to have Ukrainian troops trained in Croatia. Milanovic said such a move would “bring war” to the country. “You keep pushing moral blackmail,” he addressed Plenkovic, “but you have no morals yourself. Go to Ukraine and fight.”

You know, as they say, the writing is on the wall. Can they read in Washington? We'll see. As I always stress--in historic terms 10 years is nothing, a second really. I can only imagine what we will be talking about in a couple of years time. If humanity survives the death of the West.

ANDREI MARTYANOV is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR, graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of the Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he worked as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group. He is a frequent blogger on the US Naval Institute Blog. He is the author of Losing Military Supremacy and The Real Revolution in Military Affairs.

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Impotence can make men do foolish things and evoke helpless rage. While erectile dysfunction can be resolved, at least temporarily, with the help of a little blue pill, there is no remedy for political impotence other than reality. One example of Western political flaccidity is Europe’s decision to impose a new batch of sanctions on Russia, which include trying to muzzle RT. Strong nations that are prevailing in a conflict do not resort to such feckless, useless measures. These are the actions of weaklings.

Let me point you to a couple of articles that reflect the West’s growing frustration and rage. First up, the British Ministry of Defence. It appears they genuinely believe their own propaganda:

The British Ministry of Defence predicts a quiet winter is likely ahead for Ukraine. On its Twitter account, the agency revealed on December 12 that Russia would likely not make further moves in the coming months. And while the objective remains to overtake Donetsk Oblast, an attempt to do so probably won’t occur soon.

The UK Ministry of Defense noted in a December 13 tweet that Putin canceled his annual end-of-the-year press conference. The entity suggested that could have been because there may be a significant “anti-war feeling” in the motherland.

The phrase, “British Intelligence,” should be entered in the Oxford English Dictionary as the exemplar of an oxymoron. Instead of doing real collection and analysis, the Brits (and their American cousins) are grasping at straws and are guilty of projection. Growing political opposition to the Special Military Operation is not happening in Russia, but it is building momentum throughout Europe. Repeated claims by British military pundits that Russia is running out of missiles and ammunition are metaphorically destroyed every week when Russia launches a new, literal barrage of missiles on key Ukrainian infrastructure. The Russians are sitting shivering in the dark of electricity-deprived apartments. That is the European fate. The Russians are not scrounging for cat food to feed themselves. That is happening in Britain.

Apparently, hopium is the new drug of choice imbibed by the West’s ruling class. Russia has taken Muhammed Ali’s Rope-a-Dope strategy and applied it to the killing fields of Ukraine. Putin’s plan is to let the West punch itself into exhaustion. The Special Military Operation has exposed the frailty and inadequacy of the logistics capability of America and NATO. While U.S. defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are raking in big bucks from new contracts, their ability to produce weapons, like the HIMMARS, in a timely fashion, and in sufficient quantities is, as the Germans say, KAPUT!

The West’s desperation for victory is revealed in its frantic but feeble effort to push the meme that Putin is suffering from a grave illness and may be on his last legs:

Vladimir Putin has created renewed concern around his allegedly deteriorating health after the Russian leader abruptly pulled out of an annual ice hockey game this week, has learned.

Putin’s absence from the Night Hockey League, an amateur ice hockey league the Russian president himself created in 2011, marks just the latest high-profile event the 70-year-old struggling leader dropped out of at the last minute in recent weeks. . . .

While sources believe Putin has canceled these events as a result of growing health and security concerns, other critics believe the moves were made to avoid confrontation over the leader’s failing war efforts in Ukraine. . . .

Russian insiders have indicated Putin underwent emergency colon surgery over the weekend after an alleged fall in his Moscow home earlier this month, suggesting his absence from both the end-of-year press conference and annual hockey match was a result of the emergency procedure.

“Putin will have a simple surgical operation,” said one source regarding his alleged emergency procedure last week.

“The fall from the stairs last week, which resulted in a bruised tailbone, did not go unnoticed and caused new problems not directly related to the bruise,” the source added regarding the fall in which Putin “involuntarily defecated” himself as a result of the “cancer affecting his stomach and bowels.”

Let me suggest an alternative explanation. The news about Putin is being put out by Russian intelligence as part of a broader deception operation. Putin gave a speech on Thursday (December 15) and did not appear pallid or fragile:

In his speech, Putin assessed the current situation in and around the country, and outlined the six main objectives of state policy in 2023, as well as guidelines for future years. At the very beginning of his speech, the head of state noted that the new solutions he proposed were designed to respond to the challenges facing the Russian economy and citizens today, and would allow the country to confidently develop. In particular, he touched on construction and housing, health and demographics, technological sovereignty, finance, the development of new regions of the Russian Federation and other issues. After the president’s speech the meeting continued.

This was not the speech of a sick, desperate, frightened man. At some point in the next weeks or months, the West will be forced to concede that it cannot continue pouring billions into Ukraine without inflicting enormous damage on its own economies and people. At that point, the memes of Russian weakness and defeat will crumble. NATO faces the real risk of being demilitarized. But it will not be the result of a frontal assault by Russia. Russia will continue doing what it is doing — i.e., pulverizing Western wonder weapons and bleeding the Ukrainian and foreign mercenaries with artillery and missiles.

A Son of the New American Revolution, dedicated to geopolitical questions.

A Son of the New American Revolution

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The World According to Andrei (Martyanov)

"The United States is undergoing a profound and radical transformation, all features of which point to the fact of its departure at an accelerated rate from its largely self-proclaimed status as a global hegemon. The United States has lost ground in every single category that defines the power and status of a nation in relation to its rivals." —A. Martyanov, Losing Military Supremacy

Sunday, December 18, 2022
They Continue to Run With This BS.

I mean it. NYT, obviously, is a professional and human sewer serving as a bullhorn of DNC propaganda, but after making a risible story on "attempt" on Gerasimov, immediately the main source of Western media "info", mentally unstable Arestovich "confirmed".

Kiev's forces did attempt to kill Russia’s Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov during a visit he made to the frontlines in Ukraine, Alexey Arestovich, a senior aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, has admitted. Arestovich was commenting on a report by the New York Times on Saturday that claimed Washington, which backs Ukraine in the conflict with Russia, sought to talk Kiev out of targeting the top Russian commander back in April. The paper’s sources claimed that the US had concealed the information about Gerasimov’s possible planned visit to the frontlines from Zelensky’s government, over concerns that an attack on a valuable Russian asset could provoke a direct military confrontation between Russian and American forces.

It is impossible to explain to imbeciles in NYT, who made this shit up in a desperate attempt to demonstrate the US willingness to "talk to Russia", and in preparation to the shift in narrative on 404, how the system of measures of preparation of such visits looks like, because US media have no real experts in modern war and, especially, the way Russia conducts it. It was only natural for mutual BS-feeders such as NYT (or US media, in general) and Ukie Goebbels to pair in spreading yet another utter delirium. I speak about this today:

The desperation in D.C. and in EU is palpable. You can almost cut it with a knife. Hence a geopolitical and military delirium from Kissinger. There will be many who will swallow this fantasy hook, line, and sinker. But, events in and around Bakhmut and Russia "running out of missiles and ammo" have their own logic which is beyond the grasp of the Western establishment. I am on record--they don't teach real military history in Western universities. I will omit now speaking on the Pentagon's approach to training of operational and strategic level command corps, but something tells me it is not education and training of appropriate level. One has to plan, but the American military-political system institutionally is not designed for real planning. Look at the "glorious" results of the US military "operations". Facts speak for themselves and no amount of spin can change it.



I can only imagine what is happening now on the streets of Argentina's cities and towns. Congratulation! Well deserved. Now, Leo finally came through!

Again, Congratulations, Argentina!

UPDATE: This is WHAT happens in Argentina)))

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Larry On Hysteria... And Not Only.

Larry gives an excellent spread on the hysteria in the West.  

Impotence can make men do foolish things and evoke helpless rage. While erectile dysfunction can be resolved, at least temporarily, with the help of a little blue pill, there is no remedy for political impotence other than reality. One example of Western political flacidity is Europe’s decision to impose a new batch on sanctions on Russia, which include trying to muzzle RT. Strong nations that are prevailing in a conflict do not resort to such feckless, useless measures. These are the actions of weaklings.

Pay attention to highlighted in yellow. It is spot on. But it is not just hysteria, it is some bizarre combination of panic and delusion. Herr Scholz is an imbecile, as is most of his "cabinet" saturated with brainwashed stooges of the Empire. And if it wasn't enough for this "leader" to parade himself and Germany as clowns, he doubled down today.

The Western nations should never walk out of talks with Moscow, regardless of how big the "differences"between the two sides are, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told Germany’s SZ newspaper in an interview published on Friday. Dropping out of any talks with Moscow would only make the task of ending the ongoing conflict in Ukraine harder, the chancellor believes. "What is important is that, despite major differences in [our] positions, we do not let the thread of talks with Russia be broken," Scholz said, adding that "if we do not talk, Russia would be even less likely to end the war." The chancellor still blames Moscow for its ongoing conflict with Kiev and maintains it is Russia that should be proactive in halting military action. Yet, the chancellor also advocates a negotiated solution rather than a military one. "For this, it will be necessary to talk," he told SZ.

Somebody, explain to this moron that there will be no "negotiations" anymore with Europe--only dictating conditions for unconditional surrender. His Germany is a geopolitical pip-squeak, who long ago traded her sovereignty and culture for the ersatz economic stability largely due to SovWWWWWiet and Russian energy imports, and Russians are keenly aware of the origins of Germany's contemporary organic Russophobia, much of which is rooted in the events of Spring 1945. 

And then, of course, the crusty fossil of good ol' Henry Kissinger who completely lost his mind and even a remote sense of what modern warfare is. This creep now warns against "another world war", by invoking... inapplicable "lessons" of WW I. 

Urgently negotiating an end to hostilities in Ukraine would prevent another world war, former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger argued in an essay published on Friday. The 99-year-old statesman noted that, in 1916, the US government had the chance to end the First World War through diplomacy, but missed it for reasons of domestic politics. Kissinger laid out his reasoning in the December 17 issue of The Spectator, describing the current conflict as a “war in which two nuclear powers contest a conventionally armed country,” a clear reference to Ukraine being a proxy war between the US and Russia. The “peace process”Kissinger proposes would “link Ukraine to NATO, however expressed,” as he believes neutrality for Kiev is no longer an option. He also wants Russia to withdraw to the lines before February 24, while the other territories Ukraine claims – Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea – “could be the subject of a negotiation after a ceasefire.” 

How this artifact of America's past "glories", such as Vietnam, is still listened to is a complete mystery--the dude is lost completely in technological and operational realities, same as HE doesn't have a handle on what real global power balance is. What's left for him is to "sell" some platitudes to Western media. Somebody, tell this guy that the US lost the arms race. And I mean not hyperbole, I am talking about the hard cold reality of the US now trailing behind Russia in key military technologies and having a disastrous procurement philosophy designed, however unintentionally, to lose real wars.

Somebody explain to him what this is and what, actually, defends those silos, before he spews the next portion of geopolitical delirium. But Henry's desperate attempts to save NATO from what is coming to it are just another manifestation of what is highlighted in yellow in Larry's quote from his Western Hysteria piece.  Yes, losing hurts. Especially against this news which underscores my point of many years--Dollar economic figures are meaningless when measuring against real, physical economies and real militaries and their actual combat capabilities. Absolutely meaningless and, in fact, nothing more than a propaganda shtick to represent Western economies as the largest ones in the world. 


The US dollar may soon disappear from Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) trade statistics, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says, as member-states are cutting use of the currency in mutual settlements. Lavrov noted that trade between the countries of the union is rapidly growing, and said it is high time statistics were calculated in the currencies they use. The EEU, which is based on the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, was established in 2015. It was later joined by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. “The EEU is one of the most dynamically developing regional associations. It unites almost 185 million consumers, and its total gross income is more than $2 trillion. Although, it is time to switch over to calculating statistics in other currencies, so far we count in dollars out of habit,” Lavrov said at a conference on Wednesday.

It goes without saying, that the nation which can, for the price of a SINGLE US strategic missile submarine, which doesn't even exist yet, procure eight state-of-the-art boomers, will have little problem prosecuting the large-scale combined arms operation such as SMO without disrupting economic activity at home. But they don't teach those things in American universities where Kissinger is listed as "honorable" member. And so it goes--PR maneuvers to cover up the real story. Meanwhile, Russia, who, as we all know, ran out of missiles yet again, yesterday turned off the lights in 404 and continued to churn out those nasty little Karakurts capable of carrying all those missiles, of which Russia, evidently, runs out constantly. One of them, "Burya" (Tempest) has left for State Trials to be transferred to the Navy soon. 

I wonder why Russia ordered the additional batch of 3M22 Zircons a few weeks ago (in Russian), wink, wink. This is your Saturday primer. 

ANDREI MARTYANOV is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR, graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of the Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he worked as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group. He is a frequent blogger on the US Naval Institute Blog. He is the author of Losing Military Supremacy and The Real Revolution in Military Affairs.

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Dr. Michael Vlahos & Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is the war in Ukraine entering its decisive phase?

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Part 2 examines the the strategic choices that have led to NATO strategic failure in Ukraine, conflict with Russia, and lays bare how deliberate deceit and denial have misled the American people. Dr. Michael Vlahos, bio:

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