Trump Is Bashing The ‘Salvator Saudi’ – Why?


DATELINE: December 08, 2017

The Trump administration seemed to get along very well with the Saudi tyrant and his son Mohammed bin Salman. They together admired the orb and joined up to bash Iran. But now the Trump administration scolded and embarrassed MbS three times in as many days. One wonders what is going on behind that scene.

In mid November a mysterious buyer bought a probably fake Leonardo da Vinci painting of Jesus Christ for a cool $450 million. On December 6 the New York Times reported that some Saudi prince was the front-man for the purchase:

He is a little-known Saudi prince from a remote branch of the royal family, with no history as a major art collector, and no publicly known source of great wealth. But the prince, Bader bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan al-Saud, is the mystery buyer of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Salvator Mundi,” which fetched a record $450.3 million at auction last month, documents show.

The revelation that Prince Bader is the purchaser, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times, links one of the most captivating mysteries of the art world with palace intrigues in Saudi Arabia that are shaking the region. Prince Bader splurged on this controversial and decidedly un-Islamic portrait of Christ at a time when most members of the Saudi elite, including some in the royal family, are cowering under a sweeping crackdown against corruption and self-enrichment.

As it happens, Prince Bader is a friend and associate of the leader of the purge: the country’s 32-year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

<img src=”” />The NYT did not explain how it had gained access to the documents it reviewed. Later that day Bloomberg reported that the painting would be shown in Abu Dhabi. This somewhat diverted from the trail to MbS:

The Louvre Abu Dhabi is getting Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi,” which sold last month at a Christie’s auction for $450 million, the most ever paid for a work of art.

Christie’s said the artwork will be going to the museum, but declined to say whether the Louvre Abu Dhabi bought the painting. The Louvre Abu Dhabi said in a tweet Wednesday: “Da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi is coming to #LouvreAbuDhabi.

A day later, on December 7 the Trump administration gave a tip to the Wall Street Journal‘s Shane Harris. The real buyer, it confirmed, was the Saudi clown prince:

Prince Mohammed, known by his initials MBS, was identified as the buyer of the 500-year-old painting, “Salvator Mundi,” in U.S. intelligence reports, according to people with direct knowledge of the information. American officials have closely watched the activities of the 32-year-old, who is trying to portray himself as a reformer determined to root out corruption in the oil-rich kingdom.

The NYT had already hinted at MbS as the real buyer. But it did not say from where it had that information. The WSJ confirmed the buyer and made explicit that the Trump administration was behind the embarrassing leak.

A few weeks ago MbS arrested 200 of the richest and most powerful people in his country. He locked them in a hotel and is fleecing them for their money which, he says, was gained though corruption. That claim is nonsense. He simply wants to steal that money and let them know who the boss is.

The Saudis have a budget problem and are cutting on social spending in the country they rule. It does not look good to cut money from the poor, fleece other members of the wider family and to then waste a large fortune on a picture that might even be fake. On top of that owning that picture is religiously problematic for MbS. Under Wahhabi doctrine no visual portrayals of prophets like Jesus Christ are allowed.

The UAE again came to the rescue. Today the museum tweeted:

Louvre Abu Dhabi @LouvreAbuDhabi – 1:57 PM – 8 Dec 2017
Louvre Abu Dhabi is looking forward to displaying the Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci. The work was acquired by the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi for the museum.

The Department of Culture and Tourism seemed to confirm (ar) that, but when the museum was directly asked by the AP it went mum:

Jon Gambrell جون @jongambrellAP – 8:07 AM – 8 Dec 2017
The Louvre Abu Dhabi refused to say whether they made the $450 million bid or if someone gave the Department of Culture and Tourism the painting when asked by the @AP.

Hmmm … this is a cover up. Why is the UAE doing this?

The de-facto ruler of the UAE is the 56-year-old crown prince Mohammed bin Zayed. He is the mentor of (and brain behind) the 32-year-old crown prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman. Did MbS buy a little Christmas gift for MbZ, but was embarrassed when the Trump administration let the world know about it? Or is MbZ running covering for an outrageous buy MbS made for himself?

The buying of the picture is not the only issue at hand. Just the day before the administration leaked to the WSJ about the art deal, President Trump had publicly  scolded MbS about the situation in Yemen:

President Trump called on Saudi Arabia to lift its crushing blockade against its war-torn neighbor Yemen on Wednesday, hours after defying the kingdom and saying the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

In a statement Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Trump said he had directed members of his administration to reach out to the Saudi leadership “to request that they completely allow food, fuel, water, and medicine to reach the Yemeni people who desperately need it.”

Today Secretary of State Tillerson again pushed that line:

Speaking in Paris on Friday, Rex Tillerson, US secretary of state, called on Saudi Arabia to be “measured” in its military operations in Yemen.

Tillerson urged Saudi restraint.

“With respect to Saudi Arabia’s engagement with Qatar, how they’re handling the Yemen war that they’re engaged in, the Lebanon situation, we would encourage them to be a bit more measured and a bit more thoughtful in those actions to, I think, fully consider the consequences,” he said.

He once again demanded a “complete end” to the Saudi-led blockade of Yemen so that humanitarian aid and commercial supplies could be delivered.

Embarrassing MbS about the art buy and publicly(!) scolding hm for the situation in Yemen, for which the U.S. is just as much responsible as the Saudis, is quite an assault. What has MbS done – or not done – to deserve such a punishment?

Trump has just declared that the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Did the administration expect the applause of the Saudis for its breaking of international law with regards to Jerusalem? Does it lash out to the Saudis to get their agreement?

If so the miscalculation is clearly on the U.S. side. It is impossible for the Saudis to concede the Haram al-Sharif, the mosque on the so called temple mount, to the Zionists. The Saudi King would no longer be the “custodian of the two holy mosques” in Mecca and Medina but the “seller of the third holy mosque” of Islam in Jerusalem. The people would kill him and his whole family.

If the issue of this public hustle it is not Jerusalem, what else might it be that the Trump administration wants and the Saudis can not, or are not willing to concede?

A few hours ago the Saudi King fired his ankle biting Foreign Minster Adel al-Jubair. A relative of the king, Khaled bin Salman, will take the job. Is this related to the spat with Trump?

Posted by b on December 8, 2017 at 02:52 PM | Permalink

Select Comments from the original thread

This came up:

Breaking: Saudi FM allegedly sacked by regime

The Saudi Foreign Minister, ‘Adel Al-Jubeir, has been allegedly sacked by the Kingdom’s regime, several prominent political activists reported this evening.

According to the claims, Jubeir was fired and replaced by a close confidant of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

The confidant that is allegedly replacing Jubeir is none other than Prince Khaled bin Salman, the Crown Prince’s brother.

The Saudi regime has yet to confirm or deny these rumors.

Posted by: arbetet | Dec 8, 2017 3:02:14 PM | 1

It was Jerusalem. They were not willing to sacrifice Jerusalem.

Posted by: Madderhatter67 | Dec 8, 2017 3:14:21 PM | 2

Where does MbS’s interpretation of Salvator Mundi come from. The Saudi’s have something with crystal orbs, like the one Trump so fondly stroked in Riyadh after giving a masterful interpretation of the sword dance.

Posted by: Quentin | Dec 8, 2017 3:20:29 PM | 3

Yes. It is puzzling what is going on between MbS and the Trump administration. I was sure MbS, the reformer, secretly okayed the Jerusalem move. His negative statement might be just theater, I figured. But I am not so sure anymore. Yes, MbS wants a peace deal (any deal with “peace” written on it) between Palestinians and Israelis. But both he and Trump/Kushner are novices in politics and diplomacy (and that ain’t the same as getting a deal for a new tower) and absolutely underestimated the effort. Totally. Word is that Kushner made Trump delay delivering his campaign promise because he needed more time for his peace plan (and that would be 6 months???). This is the level they are at. And now, they placed an obvious obstacle in the path go their peace plan – out of folly. Complete folly. Because Trump wanted to deliver. I believe they are already backtracking as good as they can. But the damage is done. I think Palestinians were just waiting for a good opportunity/reason to get rid of the US in the process and found it now. Also, the single state solution is being talked about.

The source for the WSJ need not be the Trump administration in the narrow sense but some stray intelligence official (“U.S. intelligence reports”) wanting to throw a wrench because that story is absolutely damaging. Absolutely, because it is embarrassing and I don’t think MbS enjoys that. Note, the story began to become known around the time it became obvious Trump would not sign the waiver and reached its epitome (WSJ) just after that. Trump set himself up for this.

Posted by: BX | Dec 8, 2017 3:20:30 PM | 4

My pet hypothesis is Trump’s recognizing Jerusalem was the bone he was willing to throw the Israelis after his generals told him attacking Iran would be catastrophic for the US military and world economy. The Saudis, who are as rabid about bombing Iran as the Zionists, were pissed as they probably had been led to believe the attack was a matter of time. In order to remind them of their position and get them on board with the “peace” deal Tillerson has been hinting about, they’ve been turning the screws on MBS as a taste of what’s to come if he puts up stink about the wonderful Kushner- concocted “plan”.

Posted by: Don Wiscacho | Dec 8, 2017 3:38:33 PM | 5

$450 mil… MbS’s Egyptian torturer-in-chief must have just torn a few princely nails and whip a few feet for that, just a few days’ worth of “anti-corruption” “campaigning”.

Wait, wasn’t the Saudi populace all behind MbS because he was going to spend the money on them? If there is no bread, let them non-royals eat paint.

Posted by: fx | Dec 8, 2017 3:42:39 PM | 6

The Saudis could always stuff the Masterpiece into a Patriot launching tube and fire it at the next Houthi missile. It’s costs and effectiveness is comparable to a Patriot PAC-3 round.

Posted by: Christian Chuba | Dec 8, 2017 3:42:47 PM | 7

About the picture – after the shake down of Saudi Arabia’s rich princes MBS must have a lot of ennemies. Some of these princes might have been close to the Trump administration.

Posted by: somebody | Dec 8, 2017 3:56:36 PM | 8

That sacked FM – Is that the little fellow that Col Lang calls “The Chihuahua”?

Posted by: Bart Hansen | Dec 8, 2017 4:01:43 PM | 9

Good Patrick Cockburn article on the mess.

Gazan military groups are warming up to a rocket competition. I am sure the real stuff is not involved yet.

What were they thinking? That people did not take the chance to unite on the only issue they all agree on?

I agree, Saudi in all likelihood were not part of the Jerusalem declaration. Israeli sources spread a plan they said was agreed to by Saudi, trying to embarrass them.

Posted by: somebody | Dec 8, 2017 4:09:19 PM | 10

MbS is in it for himself, no one else. Leave him aside for the moment.

However, Trump probably thought he had a marvelous peace plan for Palestine which he would show the world…. errr… tomorrow. This was supposed to have the backing of the Saudis and the Israelis and all the other ME “actors” would be lined up behind MbS. ie. Saudis would provide the backing, which included the “Arab” states as per the recent gathering of them all (excluding Iran and Iraq). Abbas would be blackmailed to go along in order to keep his position (Moneywise), and the Palestinians as well – but by the withholding of funds. (New vote in Congress).

Leaks of the plan (unverified) suggest that the PA’s would be held in walled-in isolated camps, with all contact subject to the harassement and nightly raids of the IDF, the land still open to theft by settlers (this has been “legalised” in Israel !) and so on. ie they get nothing except a tissue-paper “treaty” . They seem not to have even been consulted by Kushner and the Israelis. ie who possibly expected to be able to impose whatever Netanyahu and the Israeli Generals might allow.

BUT, when have either the US or Israel kept to an agreement – never. and the PA’s and the rest of the ME know it.

The reaction is deeper than expected. Not in the way of street, easily contained, violence, but by a gut reaction of the whole ME..The religious aspect seems to have been totally ignored by the US. Removing one of the major symbols of about 1.2 billion people – is not going to go down well.

Those countries with a large Palestinian refugee population, either fear them, or may be outnumbered if there are more arriving (Jordan), or will find that they now have a potential source of militants at their disposal.. (Syria?, Lebanon?). The Syrians and Lebanese have not let the Palestinians get more arms – yet, as they might have become targets themselves. But, there have been PA’s in the Syrian counter-terrorist forces, even when Yarmouk camp was held by Daesh (or one of the others).

So I think that the “bit” players have got cold feet. They cannot go along with the eradication of the Palestinians or their confinement to concentrated internement camps such as Gaza, whose conditions are WORSE that prisons. Otherwise the whole “Rulers-People and the power-structures that keep them in place” would be in jeopardy.
The Leonardo ? …. acquiring “class” by buying expensive “cultural” artifacts. You can buy a lot of “class” with $450.3 million.

Posted by: stonebird | Dec 8, 2017 4:54:47 PM | 11

I think that answer to b’s question has a lot to do with trying to incite war in the ME

I think that SA does not want to be the global elite’s proxy in a war with Iran….especially to start/incite the war.

It really is becoming a public spectacle and that plays into the desire of the masses to see such incompetence writ large.

I entreat everyone’s spirits to keep these kooks away from the nukes.


Posted by: Jef | Dec 8, 2017 5:17:11 PM | 13

Maybe that canvas Jesus is meant to be a hostage one day, potentially.

Posted by: Scotch Bingeington | Dec 8, 2017 5:18:55 PM | 14

As to how the Jerusalem actions play out, the posting here (MOA) a couple of days ago was informative as to reasons and timing (including info about Sheldon Adelson’s hundred million to Trump campaign).
I do wonder…knowing that real or false-flag violence could ensue against Israeli or US targets, it could be a useful pretext for the US waging war in the ME against Hezbullah or anyone else we accuse. With our intelligence agencies providing the “evidence” and a compliant media to sell it, as usual a majority of Americans would support it.

Posted by: Kabobyak | Dec 8, 2017 5:27:13 PM | 15

Great stuff, b et al. This Jerusalem declaration has me genuinely scared. Violence (real or false flag) could be the expected Reaction to this Problem, resulting in the long-plannd Solution of finishing off MENA.

If Russia is sincere in its alliance with Syria and Iran, and interest in a multi-polar world with self-determination for sovereign nations, this war could easily escalate to the End Timer’s dreamt of Final Battle of Armageddon.

Most of the MSM coverage of Reactions I’ve seen name Muslim/Arab countries as opposing, and others as “concerned,” even though almost all official state responses have denounced President Trump’s® declaration. This “Clash of Civilizations” type narrative is not encouraging.

Posted by: Daniel | Dec 8, 2017 5:37:14 PM | 16

Terry Tibbs 14 – The family trust of Rybolovlev is the seller of the painting.
Rybolovlev was also a buyer of Trump estate in Florida previously.

Posted by: Flatulus | Dec 8, 2017 6:09:23 PM | 17

@ Daniel ending with “This “Clash of Civilizations” type narrative is not encouraging.”

That is exactly what they want you to focus on as a narrative rather than the simple truth about the demise of private banking.

On the previous thread about the Republican: Ryan deficit BS there was a commenter ex-SA with a John H. Hotson link that I want to see go viral because it simply explains the history of the Gordian Knot we face as a species

The link to a 1996 article: Understanding Money by John H. Hotson

The take away quote

Banking came into existence as a fraud. The fraud was legalized and we’ve
been living with the consequences, both good and bad, ever since. Even so it is
also a great invention-right up there with fire, the wheel, and the steam

Clash of Civilizations is as vapid a meme as the common understanding of the Capitalism myth as that article so clearly states.

Spread his word far and wide to wake up the zombies. It is time!

Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 8, 2017 6:22:05 PM | 18

thanks b.. fascinating.. i wait for the next shoe to drop.. it’s coming… hopefully we get the back story on this sooner then later..

i would think the timing of Foreign Minster Adel al-Jubair being fired has something to do with all this.. he revealed something that he wasn’t supposed to? i would also imagine those heavies still hanging at the saudi ritz carlton might be pulling some strings from behind the scenes? meanwhile mbz is doing a hell of a fine apprentice with mbs, lol..

nice pic in the post btw!! clown prince as savior of ksa, lol…

Posted by: james | Dec 8, 2017 6:56:26 PM | 19

Belief in Jerusalem as the Jew capital is the same as belief in the intrinsic value of fiat currency, or the exceptionalism of the US. It’s just mental illness. The Kingdom of God is within you, not in temples of stone and wood. We’d be better just cultivating our own personal relationship with our higher selves and leave the deluded to scrap it out over ash and sand. That said, if someone with a big nose came to my door and said my house was going to get knocked down because Shalom etc, that would be the day I would have to really figure out how to proceed without becoming the necessary victim in another’s persecutor drama complex. I guess that’s what Palestinians have to deal with every day. Horrible situation.

I heard a story once that when the British were throwing the Aborigines of Australia off cliffs en masse in their Australian version of the Middle East story of dispossession and demonization, the Aborigines would look up calmly at the officers as they fell and in their own language say: “You have a problem, bro”. Sometimes death is better than becoming a victim. And as a worshiper of Lord Shiva the Destroyer, I wish you all completely liberating and renewing deaths from yourselves.

Posted by: jezabeel | Dec 8, 2017 7:02:46 PM | 20

But, has not The Donald declared that this media NYT, Bloomberg, etc…were all “fake news”?
Then why is anybody going to trust them when publishing whatever? Sounds quite clumsy, or simply, demential ( as every move of this administration ) to try to leak something through those media you have widely discredited during all your election campaign and beyond….I, by a norm, do not trust any move coming from Trump could be for any good. This is, simply, “smoke and mirrors” and an intent of whitewashing a bit the already deplorable image of this admnistration in front of the world wide reaction in rejection of his bold and clumsy declaration of Jerusalem as capital of the Zionist regime.The same for the clearly hypocritical call for to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people, just another intent of whitewashing when they are main puppet-masters in that war torn country, as it happens with every conflict in the world.

What it is beyond me is that the Russians, are always amongst those who swallow these theater plays….I wonder why….In front of the demential way this administration makes fun of every event, people, country… in the world, in spite of the suffering they could inflict on them, I concur with Terry in that this just could be some esoteric issue more proper of unoccupied people with too much money to waste. Most probably something involving “Damian” Kushner, his 666 Madison Avenue penthouse and an occult message from The Messiah in the reverse of the canvas of that Jesus paint with a codified message on the results of the coming final battle of Armageddon amongst the forces of evil and those of good, when Russia will be sanctified as the real Promised Land and The Saker will be ( finally! ) crowned as the saint he always claimed to be along with Saint Nicolas Romanov, and they will all eat sardinas together with the Trumps, the Kushners and the Netanyahus in Mar a Lago or in the super-yatch of Abramovich during the summer, but in winter they will go together to Sochi´s Putin dacha, since they love to meet super-intelligent, well educated, cool people….well, the elite of everything…The surviving Arabs and the rest of us, plebeian ignorant clumsy sinners not so white as them, ( what they call “the sheeple”, vaya )we will continue working from sunrise to sunset for crumbs, but, who cares? We will continue having good times with our peers and loved ones and laughing as usual with the little things of real life…Do not despair….

Posted by: elsi | Dec 8, 2017 7:20:02 PM | 21

The poster above was drawn by Basque artist Josetxo Ezcurra

Posted by: elsi | Dec 8, 2017 7:44:26 PM | 22

Western media called Putin unpredictable, but that was because he could see moves that others didn’t see. Erdogan looked unpredictable and irrational while moving from the hedgemon to the multi-polar world. Trump? Like Erdogan, trying to move US to the multi polar world? Too many moves he makes puts sand in the hegemon’s gears.

Posted by: Peter AU 1 | Dec 8, 2017 7:46:42 PM | 23

Change just one letter and you have “waRabbi”. The one state solution. There, fixed it for ya!

Posted by: mireille | Dec 8, 2017 8:29:57 PM | 25

It’s an awful fucking painting anyhow. Even if it’s not a fake it has been overpainted (sorry ‘restored’) so many times the original dauber’s intent is long lost. As to who the buyers are; was it was pretty bloody obvious to anyone who watched the auction, that this was a laundry scheme. As the price went up, instead of becoming at least a little faint of heart at the thought of raising the bid by another ten lamborghinis or whatever, the bidder accelerated – obviously emboldened by being able to rinse another coupla hundred mill. Since any self respecting coke dealer would be wanting to stay out of the limelight of this purchase, that left Asian manufacturing magnates (who haven’t been having a great year) or oil princes flushed with the continued rise of a barrel of brent crude.

So the junior creep has managed to flush nearly half a billion of his ill-gotten gains down the toilet, an act that would make him with the huge front and tiny back, agent orange, ropeable with jealousy.

Where others see conspiracies I see a twerp who reacts rather than plans, who is already pissed at being upstaged in ‘his year’. Remember that Time mob went and gave the cover to a gang of women how dare they. trump has lashed out in his usual weak arsed passive aggressive way by leaking intelligence about the picture, what a sad little derp he is.

Nothing good for amerika can come from the crazy Jerusalem stunt and I point out again that the Palestinian issue is one of a very few on which all of Islam (not just Arabs, also Kurds, Persians, South Asians and South East Asians) have always united. I was in Indonesia for a good part of 1990 and it wasn’t just the Indonesian Arabs who saw Saddam Hussein as their potential world leader, it was the entire Islamic population because he had been outspoken on Palestine.

Yes, the Palestinians will have their 3 days of rage, something the zionists planned for and maybe even organised, but underneath that something much bigger and covert will be happening, as every Islamic leader on this old rock develops a strategy to unite everyone behind himself. The obvious ones such as erdogan will fall by the wayside, but out there somewhere is a young smart & nimble Islamic leader who will achieve a unification, if only because muslims have come to realise the current mess of division and discord is an exercise in self-mutilation whose only beneficiaries are amerikans & jews.

Posted by: Debsisdead | Dec 8, 2017 8:46:00 PM | 27

But…the real nitty-gritty is not in this strange purchasing of a Jesus paint amongst a Saudi crown prince and a Russian oligarch close to Putin, but in the babbling by Trump during his speech on Al Quds, when he failed to pronounce some letters…..

Mental crisis! Trump crawls during his Al-Quds speech

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday experienced uneasy moments when faced with a question about the abnormalities in Wednesday’s speech by US President Donald Trump, in which he recognizes Al-Quds ( Jerusalem) as the capital of the Israeli regime.

The oral cadence of the president became irregular during his speech, in which he failed to pronounce well some letters, particularly that at the end of “United States”. “God bless the United Shhtates” he said.

Saying that “the president had a dry mouth. There is nothing more than that”, Sanders tried to justify the fact, in addition to considering the journalists’ questions about the president’s pronunciation of “quite ridiculous”.

In this regard, the spokeswoman pledged to reporters that Trump will undergo a complete medical examination during “the first part of next year” and said he will release his results to demonstrate that the head of state enjoys good health.

The former Republican member of the US Congress Joe Scarborough said on Thursday on his MSNBC show that dementia was the most likely explanation for the rarity in Trump’s oratory, a sign that does not occur for the first time.

The presidency of Donald Trump is unique, but to criticism, fears have been added that the US president is out of his mind, and there are even suspicions that he suffers from a delusional paranoid disorder, which would make him unfit to direct USA.

Posted by: elsi | Dec 8, 2017 8:46:18 PM | 28

U-turn: Tillerson is in, Adel el Jubair is out

I think that Tillerson is on the rebound and Jared Khusner pushed aside. It is quite possible that Jared Kushner and Adel Al Jubair have been plotting in the back of MBS about Lebanon, Iran and Israel.
They were probably the ones who pushed MBS to bully Hariri , the Lebanese PM, they are the ones who convinced Trump to make the announcement on Jerusalem that got total rebuff from the Arab world and the Western allies.

Tillerson, now rehabilitated after rumors of his imminent dismissal, is trying to minimize that blunder and limit the damages.
MBS has fired his FM, a close friend to the Jewish lobby and probably a close friend to Jared Kushner
What will happen to Jared Kushner?

Posted by: Virgile | Dec 8, 2017 8:53:33 PM | 29

re Trump’s Jerusalem announcement:
151 UN states vote to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem
To me it sounds like Jared called in a favor (to help Israel save face) with his father-in-law to balance off the UN vote. Last Thursday the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem as part of six anti-Israel resolutions it approved on Thursday in New York. The vote was 151 in favor and six against, with nine abstentions. Only six countries out of 193 UN member states fully supported Israel’s ties Jerusalem: Canada, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, the United States and Israel itself.
As for a Trump peace plan:
I don’t think there is or will be any “plan” other than the one in Jared and Nuti’s dreams. For by saying what he did Trump managed to sideline the US from any peace plan negotiations. IMO the ball is Putin’s now, Trump has bigger fish to fry.
re: the painting
Yep, it is a dud and to think that the sale was to pay off some debt is not much of a stretch.
re: the Prince
About a week ago one of the lead Wahhabi leadership presumably at the Prince’s order called for Israel’s statehood to be recognized and further that to speak ill of them was against god’s law. My guess is both SA and Israel want the US to attack Iran for them so they are now the best of friends.
Will the US attack Iran, no but the call for SA to play nice in Yemen is probably an excuse for the US to go into Yemen to show them how it is done.
Remember Russia is bringing a pipeline into the area, my guess is the US wants to put in a US base on Yemen’s island of Socotra to play head games with Russia.
With Trump it will always be about the money and/or the oil/gas.

Posted by: frances | Dec 9, 2017 12:19:23 AM | 30

Some people say that these ridiculously large art payments are hoaxes to hide money laundering, dope payments, etc.

Posted by: Penelope | Dec 9, 2017 12:57:18 AM | 31

The Saudi’s are going to sell oil to China in Yuan rather than american dollars. Methinks that is why trump is trying to pressure MBS

Posted by: Ike | Dec 9, 2017 1:19:02 AM | 32

The Saudis are going to sell oil to China in Yuan rather than american dollars. Methinks that is why trump is trying to pressure MBS

Posted by: Ike | Dec 9, 2017 1:19:02 AM | 38

While I’ve seen some discussion of this, I wonder how serious it actually is. Perhaps on a small, small scale (which would still make the USA mad I’m sure, signifying changing global economy), I can’t see that MbS just up and start trading in the yuan one day. SA is a client state. Period full stop. There’s not way it would just happen so suddenly with the current state of affairs. It’d be way too big a deal to the US to stand idly by. US weapon sales there and the consistent Saudi’s use in regard to proxy troops/whabbi missionary work/financing of proxy wars/etc are not comparable (to trading oil in dollars). That’s one big reason why Iran is so hated after all. SA and USA seem on the same page on that for sure.

I do wonder what will happen if the Chinese get that sale of (part of) Aramco however. Don’t see it happening but would introduce interesting dynamics into the situation. MbS seems really unbalanced and impulsive anyways so who knows.

Posted by: George Smiley | Dec 9, 2017 1:51:19 AM | 33

psychohistorian, yep, the private banking system is a house of cards. More often than not, I’m surprised it hasn’t collapsed in on itself already (or collapsed more completely is probably a better phrasing). And JSIL (Jewish State of Israel in the Levant, (and thanks to Max Blumenthal for that acronym) is a creation of the supra-national private banking cabal.

And those blood-suckers encourage and profit off of both sides of every war. And war is precisely what I fear is the “Solution” that’s behind this. And the MSM’s “Clash of Civilizations” narrative is the excuse that’s already in use to excuse our Global War OF Terror, which is why I noted it being suggested as regards reaction to Trump’s Jerusalem declaration.

As has been mentioned here before, some of us are not so sure that Russia really is an independent actor, but if they are then this next war could escalate quickly to near-extinction event levels.

Posted by: Daniel | Dec 9, 2017 2:37:01 AM | 35

@ Penelope | Dec 9, 2017 12:57:18 AM | 37
But some people say this „Miles Mathis“(anybody here to have met him in person?) is an established psy-op, a conspiracy concoctor.

Posted by: Hausmeister | Dec 9, 2017 4:49:43 AM | 37

Anyway, there is a strange communication going on where Israeli media claim that Saudis are on board with Trump’s announcement and Saudi say they are not.

Wishful thinking?

Posted by: somebody | Dec 9, 2017 6:36:11 AM | 38

@Penelope 37

“Hoaxes” is probably not the word to use. The Art market (upper end) has long been a means of transferring large sums of money, without Government oversight or taxes. No need to think drugs.

An example from several years ago; Basle Art Fair, Swedish Gallery, five translators on call, and at first the principle exhibition was one of Yves Klein Paintings, sponges and other smaller works. (The Prospective buyer, a Lady, only drank white wine – which we had – so the Gallery asked for some for their client, which is how I know about this). The biggest painting, large, blue, was at that time very expensive, and had been brought up from Italy. Recently “dipped” Klein sponges were about $25’000 apiece. Good money at the time. (Call them “renovated” if you want – Klein had been dead for several years). The whole collection was sold to a buyer from the US. BUT, at the end of the exposition an exactly same sized “blue” painting of a guy sitting on a ladder, was sent to Italy and the Kleins went to the US. No visible “sale” had happened – but several millions $ changed countries.
You can no longer do this as they have tightened the rules, but you get the idea.

Note that the “sponges” tastefully mounted on stands – would also have been categorised, catalogued, probably photographed and otherwise identified as genuine productions by Klein. – even if they had been redipped in “Klein blue” paint. This is important as it is the “visibility” and track of expensive works that upholds their “value”, on the market.

Oh, and the Klein exhibition disappeared and was replaced on each of the other days (5 in all) by a new exhibition).

Posted by: stonebird | Dec 9, 2017 7:19:23 AM | 39

The “acquisition for” the Louvre is actually standard practise at a certain level of smart-alex.

The Leonardo, and I take as an assumption that it is one, has possibly been “touched up, renovated” or whatever. BUT, Leonardo usually used sfumato, ie with a series of fine transparent glazes and a bit of finger painting to get the final result. Result being that the “final touches” by the master’s hand may have been screwed up. So by lending or some other arrangement to the Louvre – it can then be accepted as genuine, catalogued, tomes written about it etc. ie. Its’ “value” as an original becomes reinforced, by the Louvre.

There could also be a part of the contract giving the owner a large percentage of the revenue from any “special exhibition”. Can be big money – as the quantity of “exposable” artists with drawing power for the masses, is limited. Leonardo would be top.

Posted by: stonebird | Dec 9, 2017 7:33:13 AM | 40

@ terry tibbs | Dec 9, 2017 9:39:05 AM | 47

“he does give lots of truth you just have to remove the dung”
Thanks, fine. How do you recognize “the dung”?

Posted by: Hausmeister | Dec 9, 2017 9:58:08 AM | 41

I prefer money-laundering as an explanation for the $450M Leonardo. I presume that ‘fake’ means a fake Leonardo because Jesus is a figment of someone’s imagination so ANY likeness is as real or fake as any other. Since the Presidential campaign got into full swing, it’s been obvious, to me, that Trump is a very clever individual; among the top 1% of everyone on the planet, imo.

If he’s hammering the Saudis then it’ll be because they’ve breached a ‘private’ understanding with him, and he’s reminding them that POTUS is the most powerful person on Earth and they’d better not forget…
Trump obviously sees his anti-SWAMP role as chucking all the stale old hypocrisies up in the air and letting them fall into disarray to be scrutinised and then PUBLICLY, and sanely, revamped.
And he’s making headway, imo.

And, not completely irrelevant, Pat Lang thinks POTUS Trump has a lot of constitutional power/authority which hasn’t been wielded – yet.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 9, 2017 10:16:53 AM | 42

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 9, 2017 10:16:53 AM | 49

He is up for reelection in two years time. Good Luck! (not)

Posted by: somebody | Dec 9, 2017 10:49:33 AM | 43

He is up for reelection in two years time. Good Luck! (not)
Posted by: somebody | Dec 9, 2017 10:49:33 AM | 50

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Dec 9, 2017 11:14:50 AM | 44

@ Daniel, karlof1 and others with a question

What is the early history of the seemingly structural mutual support pact of the ME religious myth folks and the “thou shall not be named” cabal of global elite that control our lifeblood/money and maintain/extent the private property/inheritance/usury meme that the West lives and has since……feudal era?

I see it as some sort of Devil’s Pact between the two social organization tenets that evolved out of the never quite finished Enlightenment period.

I posit all this as some context for the drama play that we are watching before us… this posting from b

Posted by: psychohistorian | Dec 9, 2017 11:15:40 AM | 45

@49 Hoarsewhisperer

Good points.

He is quite different from the Clinton/McCain/Obama/Bush old guard.

I agree with the headway. He stated originally that he wanted to work with Russia against actual terrorism and that seems to be what is going on.

He is approaching climate change in somewhat the same way rather than the Clinton/Obama deceptive lip service.

I think the Clinton Foundation crime syndicate is in the crosshairs. Then he can move on to universal health care and improved social security. 🙂 (First things first. I supported Bernie but it seems we need the swamp drained first.)

Posted by: financial matters | Dec 9, 2017 11:40:20 AM | 47

Author: b

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report 


Mystery buyer of record $450 million Leonardo Da Vinci paining revealed…


(Filthy) Saudi oil money buys “Salvator Mundi”.

Bloomberg is reporting that the Louvre Abu Dhabi will be the recipient of the record-breaking painting.

Via Zerohedge

The Louvre Abu Dhabi, as Bloomberg notes, is a “franchise” of the Paris original and represents yet another symbol of the oil-rich sheikhdom’s drive to boost its “soft power” credentials (even if it achieves precisely the opposite). To differentiate itself from neighboring Dubai, the Abu Dhabi brand of “west world” targets affluent tourists looking for culture and art and it has also built hotels, theme parks and malls. And it has decided that by having the most, most, most expensive painting in the world, it will be taken really seriously as a cultural icon (it won’t).

The Da Vinci was supposed to represent the pinnacle of achievement – because clearly most expensive is best – for the organization behind the museum, which became one of the most aggressive buyers on the global art market over the last decade. It opened last month with more than 600 artworks for its permanent collection, including such Old Master paintings as Giovanni Bellini’s “Madonna and Child.” Da Vinci’s “La Belle Ferronnière” is on loan there from the Louvre in Paris.

Via Bloomberg

The museum’s opening has also coincided with a period of heightened political tension in the Gulf and the broader Middle East. As one of the seven sheikhdoms in the United Arab Emirates, and the one with the largest oil reserves, Abu Dhabi is entwined in a Saudi Arabian-led dispute with neighboring Qatar over its alleged support for terrorism.

The location of the painting was a clear clue to the identity of the secret buyer, and his identity was unveiled this afternoon, when the NYT reported that the buyer …

“is a little-known Saudi prince from a remote branch of the royal family, with no history as a major art collector, and no publicly known source of great wealth. But the prince, Bader bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan al-Saud, is the mystery buyer of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Salvator Mundi,” which fetched a record $450.3 million at auction last month, documents show.”

Zerohedge reports that there are several oddities about this purchase, the first of which is the timing of this glaring and ostentatious display of obscene wealth: Bader splurged on this controversial “and decidedly un-Islamic portrait of Christ” at a time when most members of the Saudi elite, including some in the royal family, are cowering under a sweeping crackdown against corruption and self-enrichment.

The purchase becomes less odd following the NYT’s revelation that Prince Bader is a friend and associate of the leader of the purge: the country’s 32-year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

In other words, those who are in the circle of trust, or at least friends, don’t have to worry about a corruption crackdown, even if the stench thereof is overpowering; everyone else however, should prepare for an extended stay at the Riyadh Ritz Carlton where you can check out any time you like… with about 10% of your net worth.

The NYT, which has rarely if ever criticized the Royal family, sees things in the very same way:

The $450.3 million purchase is the clearest indication yet of the selective nature of the crackdown. The crown prince’s supporters portray him as a reformer, but the campaign of extrajudicial arrests has been unprecedented for modern Saudi Arabia, worrying Western governments about political stability in the world’s largest oil producer, alarming rights advocates and investors about the rule of law, and roiling energy markets.

Even for an extremely wealthy Saudi prince like Bader, to buy a half a billion dollar painting, turned out to be a challenge…

Documents provided from inside Saudi Arabia and reviewed by The Times reveal that representatives for the buyer, Prince Bader, did not present him as a bidder until the day before the sale. He was such an unknown figure that executives at Christie’s were scrambling to establish his identity and his financial means.

According to Zerohedge, even after Bader had provided a $100 million deposit to qualify for the auction, the Christie’s lawyers conducting due diligence on potential bidders pressed him with two pointed questions:

Where did he get the money? And what was his relationship with the Saudi ruler, King Salman? “Real estate,” Prince Bader replied, without elaborating… well at least it wasn’t bitcoin. He also said the he was just one of 5,000 princes, according to documents and people involved.

The real estate may be worth much less, however, if Bader’s countrymen feel like burning it down. The reason: for Prince Bader, paying such an unprecedented sum for a painting of Christ also risks offending the religious sensibilities of his Muslim countrymen. Muslims teach that Jesus was not the savior but a prophet. And most Muslims — especially the clerics of Saudi Arabia — consider the artistic depiction of any of the prophets to be a form of sacrilege.

Some background on Prince Bader…

Prince Bader comes from a lesser branch of the royal family, the Farhan, who are descended from a brother of an 18th-century Saudi ruler. They do not trace their lineage to the founder of the modern kingdom, King Abdulaziz ibn Saud. But Prince Bader is a contemporary of Prince Mohammed. They attended King Saud University in Riyadh around the same time, if not together. And after King Salman, now 81, took the throne in 2015 and appointed Prince Mohammed to run much of the government, he named Prince Bader to high-profile positions, including one closely linked to the family.

In July, King Salman also named Prince Bader governor of a newly formed commission, led by Prince Mohammed, to develop the province of Al Ola, which contains an archaeological site that the crown prince hopes to turn into a tourist destination.

Prince Bader sat on the board of an energy company that did business in Saudi Arabia, Energy Holdings International, according to its website, and a short biography there describes him as “one of Saudi Arabia’s youngest entrepreneurs.” (It was not immediately clear if the company is still operating.)

According to the biography, he is also “chairman of the founding committee” of a local consortium that won a license from the kingdom to build a fiber-optic network, in a “strategic partnership” with Verizon. It is common for well-connected Saudi princes to profit by providing entry to the kingdom for international companies.

He is also described as one of the founders of a large recycling and waste-management business in Saudi Arabia. As for real estate, which Prince Bader described to Christie’s as the source of his money, the biography says he “has also been active in real estate projects in Saudi Arabia, Dubai and the rest of the Middle East over five years,” including in partnership with “large reputed companies.” The date of the biography could not be determined.

The final purchase price of the Leonardo painting proved too much even for this royal…

The prince had told Christie’s that he intended to pay in one lump sum upon completion of the sale. But in light of the unexpectedly high sale price, a contract was drawn up specifying six monthly installments. Five are for $58,385,416.67.

The last installment is due on May 14. It is 2 cents less: $58,385,416.65.

Finally Zerohedge notes that it is unclear how Christie’s plan on reporing the world’s most valuable painting from the “most cultured country” in the middle-east, if for some reason the Prince decides not to make one or more monthly scheduled payments.

Alex Christoforou is a senior editor with The Duran.

 ALEX CHRISTOFOROU—The buyer, Prince Bader comes from a lesser branch of the royal family, the Farhan, who are descended from a brother of an 18th-century Saudi ruler. They do not trace their lineage to the founder of the modern kingdom, King Abdulaziz ibn Saud. But Prince Bader is a contemporary of Prince Mohammed. They attended King Saud University in Riyadh around the same time, if not together. And after King Salman, now 81, took the throne in 2015 and appointed Prince Mohammed to run much of the government, he named Prince Bader to high-profile positions, including one closely linked to the family.

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report


‘This Is Very Much a US/Saudi War on Yemen’


by Janine Jackson, a FAIR report

Janine Jackson interviewed Shireen Al-Adeimi about the Yemen crisis for the December 1, 2017, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.

Yemen's war is a tragedy, but is it also a crime, asks the New York Times. The answer is obvious.

MP3 Link

Janine Jackson: The enormity of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is staggering. At least 10,000 people have died in the last two years of Saudi war in the country, already among the poorest in the region. The UN says Yemen faces the worst famine the world has seen for decades, with at least 7 million people in need of immediate food aid. More than a half million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition, and millions more lack access to any healthcare at all. This while Yemen faces an outbreak of cholera that’s being called possibly the worst in history.

Yet Americans have heard little about what’s happening in Yemen, and still less about how it relates to us. Shireen Al-Adeimi is a doctoral candidate and instructor at Harvard University, working to bring attention to the crisis. She joins us now by phone. Welcome to CounterSpin, Shireen Al-Adeimi.

Shireen Al-Adeimi: Thanks for having me.

60 Minutes' Scott Pelley introduces Catastrophe

60 Minutes‘ Scott Pelley (11/19/17) introduces a report on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen–without mentioning the US role in the conflict. (See video in Appendix)

JJ: It has been noted that US media are doing really very little, particularly television, on the ongoing disaster in Yemen. One outlet that did, CBS’s 60 Minutes, reported compellingly, and under difficult journalistic conditions, about the famine and the bombing victims, and they indicated the Saudis as aggressors. But despite being a US program aimed at a US audience, 60 Minutes said not one word about US involvement, leaving the impression of a regional conflict, fitted into this familiar, reductive “Sunni versus Shia” framework. What would you have Americans understand about this country’s role in the Yemen crisis?

SAA: Thanks for bringing up the CBS report, because that was a huge disappointment. It was just one opportunity for a mainstream audience in the US to learn, for the first time, perhaps, what is going on in Yemen, and what our role is especially. But it was quickly, like you said, characterized as a Sunni/Shia conflict, which is far from the truth. And not once was it mentioned that the US is, in fact, very much involved in Yemen, and has been from the onset of the war.

So when the Saudis decided to attack Yemen in March 2015, the Americans, under Obama’s administration, were right there along with them in the command room, helping them with targeting practice, helping them with logistics and training. The US military refuels Saudi jets midair as they’re bombing. And so we have been heavily involved, we’ve continued to be involved under Trump’s administration, and this is, of course, in addition to the billions in weapons sales that have occurred over the past couple of years.

JJ: There also is the role that the US plays in shielding Saudi Arabia at the UN, isn’t there?

SAA: Exactly. Over and over, the UN has failed to really take any decisive stance against Saudi Arabia. In fact, there have been some really outrageous moves. For example, they’ve been allowed to investigate their own crimes in Yemen, and of course they come out, months later, saying that they were cleared. So it’s just been an absurd game that they’re playing in the UN, and people’s lives are at stake here. And we’ve been shielding them from any independent investigation.

JJ: The latest headlines are about an easing of the Saudi blockade, with some food and vaccines coming through, but we’re told not really to take that as a sign of real easing of the hardship there.

SAA: Not at all. So it’s trickling in; whatever aid is coming right now is trickling in. And like you mentioned, 7 million people are in desperate need of that aid. You know, they need it immediately. But then you also have 20 million people who need food who can’t afford what little food remains in the country. And so we don’t only need aid coming in, but we need trade. And in fact we can’t be begging the Saudi-led coalition to make these positions and [allow them] to hold an entire country hostage and to use starvation as a war tactic. In fact, we should be demanding that they end this intervention in Yemen, so that people can go back to their lives, and try to rebuild and deal with their internal conflicts.


JJ: The New York Times had a piece on November 22 that talked about how this isn’t any sort of natural disaster. It used the phrases “when food is a weapon,” “when disease is no accident,” and “when civilians are targeted.” And it even noted:

United Nations experts have warned that some of the actions carried out by the warring parties, the Saudi-led coalition and the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, could amount to crimes against humanity because of their systematic and widespread execution.

Still, that seems to me to be, at most, talking about the US pressing the Saudis, and not about US citizens pressing their own lawmakers here.

SAA: Exactly. This is presented as an equivalent war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and again it couldn’t be further from the truth. There’s very little evidence that Iran is involved at all in Yemen. And the way Yemenis see it is that this is very much a US/Saudi war on Yemen, with the help of other regional powers. And so to characterize this as something just that’s happening over there in a foreign land, and we’re trying to put an end to it, that’s really not the case. We are at the center of this, and if our citizens don’t really know our involvement, then there’s no hope for us to be politically involved to try to push our elected officials to do something about our role in Yemen.

JJ: We have of course Donald Trump bragging about $110 billion of arm sales to Saudi Arabia, which the best thing you can say is that he’s probably lying about that amount. But at the same time, the House of Representatives, they passed this resolution stating that US military assistance to Saudi Arabia in the war in Yemen is not authorized under this authorization for use of military force, this post-9/11 legislation. Now, it’s nonbinding, it doesn’t actually stop the support, but it does acknowledge the US role. How meaningful do you think that resolution is?

SA: So the problem with that resolution is that it was a compromise resolution. The previous resolution was House Concurrent Resolution 81, which actually called for the US to stop helping Saudi Arabia in any way, shape or form. And that was proposed by Congressman Ro Khanna in California. Basically he had invoked the War Powers Resolution, which meant that it had to go to vote, and they had to debate it in the House. But it was quickly stripped of its privileged status, and they had to negotiate this compromise bill that was, like you said, nonbinding. And, yes, it acknowledged that this war is unauthorized, but it doesn’t mean anything for US involvement in Yemen; nothing changes. We continue helping the Saudis without any repercussions.

JJ: And am I right that there is nothing in the Senate that’s comparable?

SA: There’s nothing in the Senate right now. There are a couple of senators who’ve been vocal against this, so Sen. Chris Murphy, for example. We need senators to introduce legislation that would extricate the US from the war on Yemen.

Real News: Why Is US Complicity in Yemen's Crisis Ignored?

Shireen Al-Adeimi on the Real News (11/24/17)


JJ: I read some of the comments after your appearance on the Real News, and one of them said, well, yes, you’ve outlined the suffering in Yemen, but what about the root causes? And what I hear in that is a suggestion that there could be some political or strategic consideration that would somehow make 7 million starving people make sense.

SA: Of course the US has interests in the region. Yemen is at a strategic location at the Red Sea and it’s at the Bab al Mandab Strait, and there’s some oil barrels that go through there every day; not many in the grand scheme of things, but still, the US has interests there. And Saudi Arabia, of course, has always wanted to maintain control in Yemen, and they’ve been involved in Yemen’s various wars and internal politics over the years.

But this comes down to this alliance between Saudi Arabia and the United States that we refuse to even reconsider given the tremendous humanitarian impact in Yemen. This is not just, as I think the Saudis had imagined, a war that was going to end in a couple of weeks, where they were going to come bomb, and leave, and things were going to go back to normal for them. They didn’t anticipate that this was going to drag on for two years and eight months now.

So we should be reconsidering our help with the Saudis. We’re not just selling weapons; like you said, we’re so involved in many ways. And every ten minutes, a child is dying, 130 children are dying every single day. Sixty-three thousand children died last year, 50,000 more died this year. So the numbers are incredible, and the suffering is just horrendous. At what point do we stop and say, well, maybe we should reconsider this alliance, because it’s not helping anyone?

Shireen Al-Adeimi (image: BBC)

Shireen Al-Adeimi: “We’re not asking for intervention. We’re asking for them to stop this intervention, to remove themselves from this conflict.” (Image: BBC)


JJ: To the extent that that 60 Minutes segment referenced a US role, it was by spotlighting the American who heads the UN’s World Food Program. So if anything, we’re sort of the heroes of the piece. I have a concern that even as headlines come in about people dying, about cholera, that Americans will then talk about the need for the US to “take action,” you know, as if we weren’t taking action now. So to be clear, if the US were to cut off the refueling and the targeting aid and the shielding at the UN, it would change the situation here?

SA: Absolutely. Yemenis are not asking the US to come and save them from Saudi Arabia. We have to be very clear about that. We’re not asking for intervention. We’re asking for them to stop this intervention, to remove themselves from this conflict, to stop interfering in the politics of Yemen and causing this egregious humanitarian suffering by helping the Saudis at all these levels.

And so if the US were to stop, like you said, refueling, shielding the UN—there are even reports that they’re helping impose the blockade—if we stop all of this, then there’s no way that the Saudis can continue this war much longer, because they’re so incredibly dependent on the US’s support.

JJ: So if people are looking for something to do right now, in response to this information, what would you recommend?

SA: I’d recommend that people call their senators and their congressmen, email them, visit their local offices, and really urge them to introduce or support legislation like House Concurrent Resolution 81, that really pushes the US to stop its support of the Saudi Arabians in their war against Yemen.

JJ: We’ve been speaking with Shireen Al-Adeimi. Her October article, “Only Americans Can Stop America’s War on Yemen,” can be found on Common Dreams. Shireen Al-Adeimi, thank you very much for joining us this week on CounterSpin.

SA: Thank you so much for having me.


Janine Jackson is a senior editor with FAIR, the media watchdog organisation.

 JANINE JACKSON—To the extent that that 60 Minutes segment referenced a US role, it was by spotlighting the American who heads the UN’s World Food Program. So if anything, we’re sort of the heroes of the piece. I have a concern that even as headlines come in about people dying, about cholera, that Americans will then talk about the need for the US to “take action,” you know, as if we weren’t taking action now. So to be clear, if the US were to cut off the refueling and the targeting aid and the shielding at the UN, it would change the situation here?

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Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report


Saudi Weapons of War: Bullets, Bombs, Mercenaries, Media, Blackmail

By Randi Nord | Mint Press News
(Click on images!)

The Saudi war against Yemen would not be possible without military support from the United States and other Western allies. It also would not be possible without the political and financial clout to control the narrative surrounding one of the most repressive regimes in existence.

Randi is a journalist in the United States and the co-founder of Geopolitics Alert. She covers U.S. imperialism in the Middle East with a special focus on Yemen.

RANDI NORD—In 2016, about a year after the Saudis launched their war against Yemen, the United Nations published a blacklist of child-killing nations. Of course, Saudi Arabia made this list courtesy of its indiscriminate bombing, shelling, and siege of Yemen that explicitly puts children’s lives at risk.  Just 72 hours after this document went live, however, then-U.N. secretary general Ban Ki-Moon removed the kingdom. Why? Saudi Arabia provides substantial amounts of money (totaling in the hundreds of millions of dollars) for aid programs throughout the region. U.N. food programs rely on this money to assist civilians living in conflict zones such as Iraq, Syria, and especially Palestine.

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By subscribing you won’t miss the special editions.

Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report


Thomas Friedman of the New York Times: A sycophant in the House of Saud


By Bill Van Auken
27 November 2017

Thomas Friedman, the chief foreign affairs commentator of the New York Times, can safely be relied upon to produce hypocritical and cringe-inducing pieces of state propaganda journalism on offer from an American corporate media that specializes in this field.

In the past quarter century of Washington’s unending wars, Friedman has offered himself as the unflagging cheerleader for every act of US imperialist aggression.

Friedman: a self-impressed intellectual dwarf, sowing malignant notions everywhere, is enabled by the big media barons. Petulant sycophancy for the powerful at its most repulsive.

Most infamously, on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq, Friedman justified the impending war in the name of everything from terrorism and weapons of mass destruction to US control of oil. The Times columnist readily acknowledged that it would be a “war of choice,” or, in legal terms, a criminal war of aggression. He insisted, however, that “removing Saddam Hussein and helping Iraq replace his regime with a decent accountable government that can serve as a model in the Middle East is worth doing.”

Nearly a decade and a half later, over a million Iraqi lives have been lost, and much of the Middle East has been plunged into bloodshed and destruction that trace their origin to the 2003 invasion. Friedman, who used his position as the lead columnist for the most influential newspaper in the US to promote the war, bears no small degree of moral responsibility for this carnage.

None of this stops him, however, from continuing in the same vein, unfailingly promoting the policies of American imperialism from the standpoint of the thin layer of multi-millionaires and billionaires who constitute its beneficiaries.

Now he has discovered a new and even more wildly improbable font of democracy in the Middle East and “model” for the region, the monarchical dictatorship of Saudi Arabia.

Friedman’s latest column in the Times, titled “Saudi Arabia’s Arab Spring,” is based on a whirlwind VIP tour of the House of Saud, where, as he smugly recounts, he was a guest at Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s “ornate adobe-walled castle,” fêted there by “senior ministers” with “different lamb dishes.”

“I never thought I’d live long enough to write this sentence: The most significant reform process underway anywhere in the Middle East today is in Saudi Arabia,” Friedman begins. This, as most everything else in the column, is a lie. By this point, there is virtually nothing new in Friedman’s columns, merely a recycling of yesterday’s platitudes.

Friedman’s latest column in the Times, titled “Saudi Arabia’s Arab Spring,” is based on a whirlwind VIP tour of the House of Saud, where, as he smugly recounts, he was a guest at Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s “ornate adobe-walled castle,” fêted there by “senior ministers” with “different lamb dishes.”

“Unlike the other Arab Springs—all of which emerged bottom up and failed miserably, except in Tunisia—this one is led from the top down by the country’s 32-year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman,” he writes.

Comparing the 2011 heroic mass uprisings of the masses of Egypt and Tunisia against US-backed dictatorships to the palace shakeup in Riyadh is nothing short of obscene.

Friedman makes it clear that he much prefers a “Spring” orchestrated by an autocratic crown prince than one arising from a mass popular revolt. That the Saudi regime responded to the events of 2011 with savage repression, carrying out mass arrests, imposing strict censorship, outlawing all demonstrations and public gatherings and executing its opponents, goes unmentioned by Friedman, as does its invasion of neighboring Bahrain to militarily suppress a mass revolt of its Shia majority against a Sunni monarchy.

Affectionately referring to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman—soon expected to become king—as M.B.S., Friedman gives a glowing and unquestioning account of bin Salman’s self-description as a selfless reformer.

“We started with the obvious question: ‘What’s happening at the Ritz?’” Friedman writes, referring to the Riyadh luxury hotel that has been turned into a makeshift prison for bin Salman’s rivals within Riyadh’s venal ruling clique. The columnist uncritically records bin Salman’s dismissal of any suggestion that he is using corruption—which is the overriding characteristic of the entire House of Saud—as a pretext for consolidating power as “ludicrous.” Friedman doesn’t bother with any follow-up on reports that the prince’s prisoners are being tortured, including by American contractors linked to the successor company of Blackwater.

Acknowledging there are fears within some quarters in Washington that the purge could turn the House of Saud into a House of Cards, Friedman writes, “But one thing I know for sure: Not a single Saudi I spoke to here over three days expressed anything other than effusive support for this anti corruption drive.”

What a revelation! In interests of full disclosure about this informal poll, it would have been helpful for Friedman to tell his readers that those expressing anything but “effusive support” for the crown prince can find themselves detained indefinitely and, like those at the Ritz, being hung upside down and beaten with hoses.

The brutal war that bin Salman has overseen against the people of Yemen is given similarly short shrift. He quotes the prince as bragging that the Saudis and their puppet regime are “now in control of 85 percent” of the impoverished country. Friedman then refers to the firing earlier this month of a missile that was brought down near Riyadh’s airport, stating, “anything less than 100 percent is still problematic,” a tacit support for Saudi escalation.

That this lone missile, fired in response to a relentless US-backed campaign of Saudi airstrikes that have killed at least 10,000 Yemenis over the last two-and-a-half years, was seized upon as a justification for a total blockade of the country, does not feature in Friedman’s hagiography of the crown prince. That UN and humanitarian aid groups have warned that Riyadh’s actions of collective punishment threaten to claim the lives of millions through famine and disease likewise goes unmentioned.

Even more than the so-called “anticorruption campaign,” Friedman praises bin Salman as a courageous religious reformer, quoting uncritically his claim to be a proponent of a “moderate, balanced Islam that is open to the world and to all religions.” This, from the de facto head of a Sunni monarchy that is waging a virulently sectarian crusade against Shia Muslims throughout the Middle East. In the same interview, bin Salman refers to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as the “new Hitler of the Middle East,” with no objection from his interviewer.

Friedman unabashedly declares: “Someone had to do this job—wrench Saudi Arabia into the 21st century—and M.B.S. stepped up. I for one, am rooting for him to succeed in his reform efforts.”

What nonsense! Amnesty International summed up conditions in Saudi Arabia 2016-2017 as bin Salman began consolidating his grip on the monarchy:

“The authorities severely curtailed the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, detaining and imprisoning critics, human rights defenders and minority rights activists on vaguely worded charges. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained common, particularly during interrogation, and courts continued to accept torture-tainted ‘confessions’ to convict defendants in unfair trials. Women faced discrimination in both law and practice and were inadequately protected against sexual and other violence. The authorities continued to arrest, detain and deport irregular migrants. Courts imposed many death sentences, including for non-violent crimes and against juvenile offenders; scores of executions were carried out. Coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia committed serious violations of international law, including war crimes, in Yemen.”

On the eve of Friedman’s pilgrimage to Riyadh, the Saudi regime imposed a new counterterrorism law that provides for criminal penalties of five to 10 years in prison for portraying the king or crown prince “in a manner that brings religion or justice into disrepute” and includes under the rubric of “terrorism” any act “disturbing public order,” “shaking the security of the community and the stability of the State” or “exposing its national unity to danger.”

The new tyrant in Ryadh—the young and impetuous "MbS". Backed by the anglozionists he is still carrying a shameless genocidal campaign to defeat Houthi sovereignty. Ryadh's recent political tumult may end distracting bin Salman from turning Yemen to total rubble, thereby giving that nation an unexpected respite.

Bin Salman’s “reforms” are aimed at consolidating support among the most privileged layers of Saudi society as the ruling regime prepares to face mounting social discontent under conditions in which a fifth of the Saudi population lives under conditions of severe poverty and roughly one third of young people, between the ages of 20 and 24, are unemployed.

Friedman’s lionization of the Saudi royal is nothing new. In fact, just two years ago, he wrote in a similar column praising bin Salman: “I spent an evening with Mohammed bin Salman at his office, and he wore me out. With staccato energy bursts, he laid out in detail his plans.”

In his latest column he writes: “It's been a long, long time, though, since any Arab leader wore me out with a fire hose of new ideas about transforming his country.” Apparently, not that long, unless the fire hose was more taxing than the energy bursts.

It is not just Friedman. On his Twitter account, Georgetown history professor Abdullah Al-Arian responded to Friedman’s latest column by reproducing clippings from the New York Times over the past seven decades lauding nearly every monarch, from Saud to Faisal, Fahd and Abdullah, as “reformers,” “modernizers” and “progressives.”

If the New York Times columnist is once again reviving this long and ignoble tradition of prettifying the ugly regime in Riyadh, it is because the Trump administration and the predominate layers within the US military and intelligence apparatus have made the Saudi monarchy a lynchpin of their preparations for confrontation with Iran, threatening a region-wide war that would eclipse the devastation wrought by the invasion Friedman promoted 15 years ago.  

About the Author
Bill Van Auken is a senior editorialist with, a Marxian publication.

BILL VAN AUKEN—Bin Salman’s “reforms” are aimed at consolidating support among the most privileged layers of Saudi society as the ruling regime prepares to face mounting social discontent under conditions in which a fifth of the Saudi population lives under conditions of severe poverty and roughly one third of young people, between the ages of 20 and 24, are unemployed. 

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