Yemen’s Forgotten War


Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PMCaleb Maupin
Witness to History

Yemen war

Aftermath of Saudi bombing in Yemen. [Al Monitor]

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 2.38.28 PM[dropcap]C[/dropcap]aleb Maupin is interviewed for RT’s “Watching the Hawks” on the origins of the Yemeni “civil war.” Yemen has been in constant conflict since the Arab Spring action of 2011. Yemeni, and the horrendous disproportional conflict happening there, rarely make U.S. news, and Saudi Arabia has utilized the military toys of the U.S. to indiscriminately bomb both military and civilian targets.

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Caleb Maupin
Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 9.46.00 AMCaleb Maupin is an American journalist and political analyst. Tasnim News Agency described him as "a native of Ohio who has campaigned against war and the U.S. financial system." His political activism began while attending Baldwin-Wallace College in Ohio. In 2010, he video recorded a confrontation between Collinwood High School students who walked out to protest teacher layoffs and the police. His video footage resulted in one of the students being acquitted in juvenile court. He was a figure within the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City. Maupin writes on American foreign policy and other social issues. Maupin is featured as a Distinguished Collaborator with The Greanville Post. 



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Has Russia Now Salvaged Europe?


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Afghan women studying, as equals, in Kabul, 1979. The communist government in power then (PDPA, the People's Democratic arty of Afghanistan) actually liberated Afghan women from centuries old customs that effectively enslaved them to husband and society. As usual, Western bourgeois feminists have said virtually nothing about the tremendous losses suffered by women and children as a result of Washington's intervention in Afghanistan on the side of the most reactionary sectors of society.

Afghan women studying, as equals, in Kabul, 1979. The communist government in power then (PDPA, the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan) actually liberated Afghan women from centuries old customs that effectively enslaved them to husband and society. As usual, Western bourgeois feminists have said virtually nothing about the tremendous losses suffered by women and children as a result of Washington’s intervention in Afghanistan on the side of the most reactionary sectors of society: the Taliban. The cynical injection of Islamic fanatics into Afghanistan’s processes was designed for the sole purpose of turning back the clock and entrapping the Soviet Union in a “Vietnam” type of quagmire. How indecent can you get? That’s the true face of US foreign policy.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he United States cooked up the idea of using fundamentalist-Sunni, Saudi-led-and-inspired mujahideen, or “Taliban,” as cheap fanatics to fight against the Soviet Union in 1979 in Afghanistan; and, then, after thus draining and ending the USSR by 1991, the royal Sauds and their friends U.S. Presidents — starting with the Bushes but including Clinton(s) and Obama — have continued it as a bad habit, which got out of control and has now ultimately forced millions of Syrians (and Libyans etc.) to leave their jihadist-infested homelands to seek safety in Europe. This influx is too many refugees, too fast for Europe (or anywhere) to absorb, and so has created a crisis that threatens the continued existence of the EU. Has Russia now effectively come to the rescue and saved the EU, and perhaps placed the U.S.-Saudi fundamentalist-Sunni genie back into its bloody destructive bottle? Perhaps so.


The Islamic fanatics empowered by the CIA, Saudi Arabia and other criminal parties soon became the quasi-Frankenstein that today afflicts the whole world. We say “quasi” because to this day the US still uses these mercenaries and idiots for its own sordid purposes.

Until Russia, on 30 September 2015, entered the Syrian war to conquer the jihadists who were being paid by the fundamentalist Sunni governments and leaders of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Turkey — being paid to overthrow and replace the secular Ba’athist government of the nominally Shiite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — until that Russian bombing-campaign began, ISIS and the other foreign jihadist groups were in the ascendancy in Syria. These foreign fighters, who came into Syria through U.S.-&-Saudi-allied fundamentalist-led Turkey (the Sauds’ agent in NATO), are the people who drove those millions of Syrians into exile abroad, into the EU and elsewhere.

But on March 25th, Ziad Fadel, one of the few reliably truthful (though purple-prosed) reporters on the Syrian conflict, reported at Syrian Perspective, the crucial news that: 

The Syrian Army has racked up another victory over the Turk-supported and Saudi-financed terrorist group called ISIS. In 2 places, at the SyriaTel Tower atop a hill overlooking the “Necropolis” (Jabal Al-Quboor) and the Citadel of Palmyra, … the Syrian army stormed high fortifications set up by the terrorist rodents and destroyed them all killing every single vermin except those who absconded early to face certain death at the hands of ISIS itself or our vaunted Desert Falcons. … The Syrian Army has also liberated the ‘Hotel District’ including the Semiramis and Didiman. As I write, the army is pushing deep into the city aiming to establish control over the Fuel Station. Resistance has been sporadic, the rats mostly relying on booby-trapped vehicles and IEDs. Each rat has been assigned a platoon whose sole purpose is to expose him and kill him. According to Monzer, there are only about 600 rodents left in the city [Palmyra], some of whom are known to be preparing for a pullout or a negotiated surrender – an event which will not happen, by the way. They are in a true dilemma: if they surrender to our Falcons, they will die.  If they escape to their litter-mates in Al-Raqqa or Al-Sukhna, they will, also, die. … We are only hours away from total liberation.

Palmyra is in the very heart of the vast Sunni-dominated part of Syria — the part that the U.S. and its fundamentalist-Sunni allies have been wanting especially to control so as to build, through that currently fundamentalist-Sunni-controlled area, oil and gas pipelines for Saudi Arabia and Qatar to transport their oil and gas into the EU. Here’s a map showing how central Palmyra is in the Sunni or ISIS-held region of Syria:


At the current rate of progress by Assad (still backed by Russian bombers) the Syrian army will soon be able to attack the Syrian headquarters of ISIS, which is in Raqqa. When that happens, then Assad, Russia, and all of Europe will have won this long and terrible war, which has become such a curse to the EU, even if not so much as it has been a curse to the Syrian people.

Even Newsweek, one of the U.S. Establishment’s main news-magazines, headlined on March 24th, “Will There Be a Coup Against Erdogan in Turkey?” and Michael Rubin reported there that, “The situation in Turkey is bad and getting worse. It’s not just the deterioration in security amidst a wave of terrorism. Public debt might be stable, but private debt is out of control, the tourism sector is in free-fall and the decline in the currency has impacted every citizen’s buying power.” Though the Turkish dictator the fundamentalist Sunni Tayyip Erdogan — who has arrested and replaced the management at the two Turkish news-media that had dared to report the truth about his having been supplying terrorists in Syria — may still have his friends in Washington, Riyadh, Doha, and Kuwait City, his position in Turkey itself is becoming increasingly perilous (and this is despite the $6B+ aid package that Obama and Merkel wrangled the EU to pay Turkey to ‘assist’ the EU to deal with the refugees that Turkey and its allies had helped to produce).

Rubin reported,

Turks — and the Turkish military — increasingly recognize that Erdogan is taking Turkey to the precipice. By first bestowing legitimacy upon imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan with renewed negotiations and then precipitating renewed conflict, he has taken Turkey down a path in which there is no chance of victory and a high chance of de facto partition.

It’s beginning to appear that Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, and the Gulf Cooperation Council of all-fundamentalist-Sunni dictatorships, won’t be able to protect Erdogan’s hide, after all. Rubin continued:

Coup leaders might moot European and American human rights and civil society criticism and that of journalists by immediately freeing all detained journalists and academics and by returning seized newspapers and television stations to their rightful owners.

Turkey’s NATO membership is no deterrent to action: Neither Turkey nor Greece lost their NATO membership after previous coups. Should a new leadership engage sincerely with Turkey’s Kurds, Kurds might come onboard.

Neither European nor American public opinion would likely be sympathetic to the execution of Erdogan.

There is hope for the EU yet. If Russia hadn’t entered the war against the terrorists, would there be?

America was helping the jihadists to overthrow Assad — to overthrow the only secular government in the Middle East. How constructive has that been for Europe?


Eric ZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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RT.COM had it right 5 years ago: The war of images – video of Syrian events, and their interpretation 

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[dropcap]N[/dropcap]ote this article appeared five years ago (21 Oct, 2011). The author clearly analyzes and identifies the forces that since have become irrefutably connected with the tragedy and destruction of Syria as a united nation and viable civilization. Obviously it was quite possible to explain and tell the truth about events in Syria even then, when wide diffusion of such facts could have saved millions of people from extreme suffering and death. So why didn’t the big guns of the Western press do a similarly commendable job? Why did they remain silent? Were they just suddenly afflicted by a general case of gross incompetence? No need to answer that; it’s just a rhetorical question. We know the answer. And it’s beyond shameful; it’s criminal.

 Published time: 21 Oct, 2011


Supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad shout slogans during a pro-regime rally in Damascus on October 12, 2011 (AFP Photo / Louai Beshara) / AFP

The unrest engulfing Syria is mirrored in the internet with a PR-civil-war. While some videos show “atrocious bandits”, others opt for “atrocious army men”. And none shows what ordinary Syrians live through.

Unlike other countries of the Arab Spring, there are a lot of different videos about Syria on the internet. TV channels around the world broadcast selective videos of atrocities by armed men. At the same time, they fail to show millions of Syrians rallying to support the government. And they don’t show videos of atrocities against Syrian people.

“The atrocity of bandits in this video is a sign that the US made a misjudgment,” Anhar Kochneva, director of the Jordan Club tourism organization comments on the video. “And now they are making an attempt of intimidating. It’s not a secret that they started preparing the anti-Syrian campaigns 10 years ago. They were proceeding from their understanding of Syrian people’s hatred toward the government, but they failed to notice that the country changed. They began supporting the anti-government rallies, but they failed to notice that these rallies actually brought people together. Millions of people just recently rallied in Aleppo, which the US considered an opposition center. The US believed that Syrians themselves would overthrow and betray Bashar al-Assad, but they failed to achieve an overturn performed by Syrians. Now they send in bandits, Syrians as well as those who co-operate with Americans among them. Some who got captured had performed terrible atrocities under the influence of drugs. For many of them, the only education they ever had was several years of school.”


Syrian army regulars celebrating a recent victory and hailing Assad.

Syrian army regulars celebrating a recent victory and hailing Assad.

Kochneva believes that the US Security Force rules these atrocities of bandits:

“Facebook didn’t work. They caused a provocation in Daraa but it didn’t work either. In the mid-April, the opposition met with Dan Feldman, representative of Hillary Clinton, in Istanbul. WikiLeaks reported that at that meeting a decision was made to start killing servicemen who at that time were unarmed, throughout the entire country. Four or 5 days later, servicemen in different parts of Syria were brutally murdered. And presently, many soldiers and officers are getting killed. Armed groups are kidnapping and murdering state officials.

“There are two centers of unrest left, Homs and Idleb. These videos show fierce terror of Sthe summer of 2011 in these cities. Three thousand people were killed, a third of them servicemen, and a lot of state officials. Ninety per cent of these murders were performed by bandits. This is what happened recently: officials stopped for a coffee on their way somewhere, and they got murdered.

“Bandits have been causing outrage in the north of the country, as there are many villages and forests there, which means a place for them to hide,” says Kochneva.

What’s the footwear of Syrian officers?

The Western media show videos of “atrocities of the Syrian army”. Kochneva comments on one of the most popular videos (of an officer beating up a boy): “Why is this officer wearing beach slippers?”

“Unlike foreigners, the entire Syria knows what the army wears on their feet. In the area of Hama, an army uniform warehouse was robbed. Bandits wore these uniforms while looting and ransacking, and making videos of this kind. There was just one trouble – no boots at the warehouse. Therefore the officers in the video are wearing beach slippers. Moreover, after this robbery, the army was quickly transferred to a different type of uniform. Furthermore, how can anyone understand why officers would record their own dirt and post it in the internet? They aren’t even allowed to go home; when would they find time to spend at an internet café? The army has a high authority, and people really ask them to enter their settlements to protect them.”

Kochneva is convinced that the West intentionally places a barrier for news from Syria. Otherwise, she believes, the EU and the US would not have imposed sanctions on the broadcast of Dunya, a Syrian TV channel which discusses videos of this kind of detail. Particularly, this channel even broadcasts the negotiations of the opposition. Some crafty migrants found a way of making voice chats discussing plans for destabilizing the country publicly available. Kochneva believes the authorities managed to take control over the country and to gain the support of the majority:

“People are laughing already at conspirators and their instructors. A French ambassador who attempted to talk patriarch Ignatius into supporting the US had tomatoes and eggs thrown at him when he was taken outside. A US ambassador, who was watching a rally to support peace in Syria from his car window, got wrapped in a Syrian flag with Bashar al-Assad’s portrait on it. People are saying, ‘Yes, there was terror, it was frightening and confusing; but we’re no longer afraid of you.’”


Not only have the Western media failed to report the truth. They have also engaged in an unrelenting propaganda campaign against Russia, Putin, Iran and Assad with the (by now) well known object of demonizing them, chiefly to prepare the American population for “extreme” measures against such targets. This is a typical cartoon floated by the presstitutes to besmirch Assad’s image.

How to create chaos

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]ussian political scientist Ruslan Kurbanov, who spent several years in the Islamic environment in Syria, agrees that there are no preconditions for a civil war; even though several years ago one would have thought that it was indeed possible to happen. According to his observations, unhappiness with the authorities was in the air as early as 2005. It was mainly expressed in rumors:

“They said that people were disappearing. They were allegedly kidnapped by Mukhabarat for being unreliable. They said that kidnapped people were found several years later in prisons. They whispered about terrible conditions in Syrian prisons. I saw those who were personally affected by abuse of power. A family member of one of them was imprisoned for opposition-oriented statements; a relative of another one disappeared; a friend of yet another one went to Iraq, and now Mukhabarat examines his acquaintances. But this was just a tiny percentage of people.”

There were also rumors of stopping armed people:

“They said that armed people were stopped in Damascus. They stated those were militants. There were rumors about attacking and shooting between militants and the authorities,” says Kurbanov.

But the official Syrian media did not respond to these rumors in any way, neither confirming nor denying them.

Kurbanov notes the following characteristic episode:

“Policemen in the street would not respond to the traditional greeting, ‘salam aleikum’. When I asked the locals why the police would not respond to my ‘salam’, I was told that all of the police are Alawis, and they do not like Sunnis, especially explicit ones.”

What is more likely to prevail: hatred toward the US, or tribal ideology?

According to Kurbanov, Syria’s Islamic circles have a strong feeling of resentment against the United States. People are very annoyed by the US trying to impose its standards on Syria, even with regard to modes of dress, and they are upset that the Syrian government agrees to adopt these standards.

“For example, Syria’s authorities conceded to US demands and introduced tight pants for female students in high schools. There were also rumors about the US dictating to the Syrian government whether it should enroll foreign applicants in Islamic universities or not.”

Kurbanov recalls that the US had once declared Syria part of the “Axis of Evil”, and many Syrians feared that the Americans would start bombing Syria the way they did to Iraq. However, Kurbanov believes the US quagmire in Iraq could have its own implication for Syria.

“There were a lot of Syrians who volunteered to fight in Iraq. Bashar al-Assad rode this wave and agitated those who were spoiling for the fight. He let Syrians volunteers infiltrate Iraq. But those fighters were aware that after Iraq, they were to take on the regime back in Syria. I would not rule out that the lone gunners whom the Syrian government later had to hunt down at home were actually former insurgency fighters heading back from Iraq. In fact, it was not that difficult to creep over the border. I have heard stories about people from Syria easily slipping into Iraq, and even Afghanistan, and then coming back. I believe it is possible that some of Syria’s Iraq veterans jumped into the fight at home as soon as it started.”

Kurbanov believes that the animosity and atrocities committed by the opposition as it can be seen from TV films is a manifestation of tribal psychology rather than of an Islamic or revolutionary one:

“In my view, there was no soil for mutual hatred in society until the very last moment. But if blood was spilled in the first protests, I assume that the crowd might easily get filled with thirst to revenge the regime and separate soldiers. Even in the capital the Arabs have preserved their tribal mentality and are ready to stand up for their people.”

Kurbanov believes that the abundance of false reels about the army atrocities has a political goal of causing chaos in the country and forcing Syria to break up its union with Iran.

“I assume that these fakes are being injected into Syrian society to accelerate the speed of the explosion. Forces that are interested in this explosion want to break up Syria’s union with Iran. They include the United States, Saudi Arabia and Sunni Jihad fighters,” Kurbanov said.

Nadezhda Kevorkova, RT

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Something that the U.S. Press Hide about 9/11



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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he U.S. government’s hiding the fact that the Saudi royal family and their friends had financed the 9/11 attacks is hidden from the American public by the American news-media, as will be documented in the links to this news-report.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry chats with Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman after he arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, on September 3, 2015, to accompany King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia to visit President Barack Obama. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry chats with Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman after he arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, on September 3, 2015, to accompany King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia to visit President Barack Obama. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

On March 28th, I had issued a news-report, “U.S. Still Demands Assad’s Removal in Syria”, and one of the reader-comments (from “guest”) responded there with: For the life of me I can’t understand why the U.S. government is utterly obsessed with getting rid of Assad. Do the Saudis and those other little feudal sharia law fiefdoms in the Persian Gulf have that much control over this government?


I answered:
cettel  guest
Yes. After all, despite their having funded Al Qaeda (for which see this evidence

and this,  which latter shows that even Secretary of State Clinton knew in 2009 that they still were), the 28 pages in the U.S. Senate report are still prohibited from being released to the public; and, moreover, the U.S. government has now officially blamed and fined Iran — the Saud family’s arch-enemy — as having caused 9/11, and so how can there be any doubt about it?


Additional reader-comments are here invited, either here or at that site (“U.S. Still Demands Assad’s Removal in Syria”), in order to discuss further this alleged cover-up by the U.S. news-media, of an alleged cover-up by the U.S. government, of the real source of the 9/11 attacks. Obviously, the news-media do not want it to be discussed, but a few of the smaller ones, those few at least that have more of a desire to get the truth to the American people, do want it to be discussed; and you happen to be reading one of those few right now.

So, these are the only places that allow this matter to be publicly discussed. You might also want to get your friends involved in this public discussion, by passing this post along to them and suggesting that they, too, contribute with their own comments, to the public discussion of America’s alleged news-suppression. Do they think it’s real: if not, then why not, and how can they explain the facts that are documented and the evidence that is linked-to, in those news-reports and careful analyses?

This discussion is not relevant to peripheral issues such as whether persons in the George W. Bush Administration might have wanted the 9/11 attacks to succeed and allowed them to happen in order to turn the U.S. into some sort of police-state, or whatever; it’s relevant only to the specific question of the integrity of the U.S. press. The question as to whether the U.S. press is, essentially, fake (as journalism; not fake as propaganda, but authentic as  propaganda), is more basic than any of those peripheral issues, because even if George W. Bush (and/or his subordinates) committed treason, the press is an institution, which is more enduring, and which is still ongoing as it was then. The Sauds, and the way that the U.S. government has been treating them, and the way that the American press has been dealing with that fact, are relevant issues here; but many of the other pet issues, which are so widely speculated about by American dissidents, really are not, and should be discussed elsewhere and not regarding the present issue. The relevant subjects here are: the press, the Sauds, and the U.S. government (and, by “U.S. government,” is meant not only the George W. Bush Administration, but the Barack Obama Administration, and congresspersons of both political parties during both Administrations). But, above all, it’s the press (since they’re the ones who are refusing to report about the rest). This is centrally a question regarding the U.S. news-media: they  are the focus here.

For examples of issues that are  relevant, here are some of my other recent news reports and commentaries that are relevant:
“Obama’s Fakery, ‘News’ Media’s Suckery”
“Putin & Assad Have Liberated Syria From The U.S.-&-Jihadist Alliance”
“Hillary Clinton’s Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy”
So, it’s obvious that this question, about what the U.S. ‘news’ media are hiding from America’s voters, can affect electoral outcomes, and the type of government (or perhaps it should instead be called “the type of regime”) that rules this country. Because, after all, if the nation’s press are assisting the nation’s government to hide from the nation’s voters, key things that drive the nation’s international affairs and foreign policies, then this issue about the press is really also an issue about whether the U.S. government is some sort of democracy, or, instead, some sort of regime, which is merely claiming to be ‘democratic’.


Eric ZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Stephen F. Cohen: Palmyra — Why Is Obama Silent on ISIS’ Biggest Defeat to Date? (Audio Podcast)


Syria, the Ukraine, and other battlefields are just proxy conflicts. The object is the defeat and destruction of Russia as an independent world power.

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It’s fortunate for the world that Russians, who survived the Nazis’ brutal invasion, who gave the world proof of their mettle in scores of battles, including the Leningrad and Stalingrad sieges, are not ninnies likely to be unduly ruffled by the disgusting, ungrateful and hypocritical behavior of Barack Obama and the American government. But what is Obama and his ilk, after all, but passing footnotes, sordid mediocrities, political prostitutes and eager shills for a criminal system that now accurses humanity? This is what the corporate propaganda system has created, massive imbecility in the US population, for it is only massive, abetted imbecility that keeps a system as rotten as the Anglo-Zionist empire and its “deep state” in business.  

Stephen F. Cohen

No congratulations were forthcoming from the White House

Originally appeared at The John Batchelor Show

John Batchelor has an extremely popular political talk show on America’s largest radio network, WABC. He has Stephen Cohen on live in the studio almost every week for a full 45 minute segment, the only guest he gives that much time to.


Why? Because Cohen’s appearances are killing the ratings. America seems to be thirsting for an alternative and critical view of Obama’s Russia policy. See below for a summary of this program courtesy of The Nation.

[dropcap]N[/dropcap]ation contributing editor Stephen F. Cohen and John Batchelor continue their weekly discussions of the new US­-Russian Cold War. (Previous installments are at

By regaining control of Palmyra, a major and ancient city, Cohen argues, the Syrian army and its ground allies, backed by Russian air power, have dealt ISIS its most important military defeat. The victory belies the US political-media establishment’s allegations that Putin’s six-month military intervention was a sinister move designed to thwart the West’s fight against terrorism.

Instead, it has gravely wounded the Islamic State, whose agents were behind the terrorist assaults on Paris and Brussels.

Indeed, Cohen points out, US–Russian cooperation in Syria, which includes the Geneva peace negotiations, is the result of a kind of mini-détente brokered by Secretary of State Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.

“The victory belies the US political-media establishment’s allegations that Putin’s six-month military intervention was a sinister move designed to thwart the West’s fight against terrorism…”

Not surprisingly, these positive developments are being assailed by the American-led war party, which has redoubled its vilification of Russian President Putin, preposterously accusing him, for example, of “weaponizing the migration crisis” in Europe, even though the crisis began long before Russia’s intervention in Syria.

Putin clearly backs Lavrov’s initiatives, even meeting with Kerry several times. Obama’s stance, it seems to Cohen, remains unclear.

Neither he nor the American commander of NATO congratulated or otherwise applauded the Syrian-Russian victory in Palmyra, and Obama again went out of his way to insult Putin (twice).

With US backing, the Kerry-Lavrov mini-détente might extend to the political epicenter of the new Cold War, Ukraine.

Instead, Cohen explains, Washington is seeking to make the US-born Natalie Jeresko prime minister of Ukraine, putting an American face on the ongoing Western colonization of the Kiev government.

Jaresko is also the candidate of the US-controlled IMF, on which Kiev is financially dependent but whose demands for economic austerity measures and “privatization” of state enterprises will almost certainly further diminish the government’s sharply declining popular support and further abet the rise of ultra-right-wing Ukrainian forces and Kiev’s conflict with Russia.

Meanwhile, in recent interviews, Donald Trump has emerged as the only US presidential candidate to challenge Washington’s bipartisan foreign policies that contributed greatly to the new Cold War.

As Cohen predicted last week, the American national security establishment has reacted to Trump as an “anti-Christ,” along with the equivalent of the preceding Cold War’s redbaiting.

Thus, Hillary Clinton charged that Trump’s less militarized proposals would be like “Christmas in the Kremlin.”

The mainstream media has taken the same approach to Trump, thereby continuing to deprive America of the foreign policy debate it urgently needs.

The British newspaper The Independent, noted for its reliance on images, captured these views of Palmyra. Displayed here in our J-Album mode.

OR, below:

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