Are Trotskyists Everywhere?


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The mainstream media and Blairite elites in the Labour movement continue to paint socialists who support the ideas of Leon Trotsky as a toxic breed apart from Labour. When interviewed on Channel 4 News last week, Peter Taaffe the General Secretary of the Socialist Party was asked “do you think that Jeremy Corbyn wants someone back [in the Labour Party] who calls for a violent revolution to restore workers democracy?”

Here the journalist in question, Cathy Newman, was clutching at much chewed over liberal-straws by equating the demand for a political revolution with violence. As Taaffe pointed out, he had not called for a violent revolution, and she provided no evidence for this either, as she was merely repeating the well-worn lie that the Russian Revolution of 1917 was born soaked in blood. On this question, “Can a socialist revolution be peaceful?” the Irish Socialist Party explain:

“Socialism is a democratic movement for a democratic society and its program can only be realised with the support of the majority. In this context, the question of violence becomes a question of the resistance of the capitalist minority to submit to the will of the majority.

“This was very much the case in the 1917 Russian Revolution. Despite what many bourgeois historians and history textbooks try to portray, the Bolsheviks patiently waited and agitated until they had majority support before they took power, and the violence that happened was orchestrated by a counterrevolutionary minority against them.”

Hence Taaffe patiently explained to the misinformed Channel 4 journalist:

Newman: Shilling for the system.

Newman: Loyally shilling for the system. Insulting anything that smacks of leftism.

“When I talk about revolution, I talk about a mass movement of working people organising to take power, and to take the resources of that society into their own hands. Bernie Sanders, in the US, spoke about the need for a political revolution. In my opinion, the movement around Jeremy represents that in Britain — an attempt to mobilise to take power away from the ruling-class.”

Cathy Newman then impolitely put it to Taaffe, “so would you describe yourself as a Trot?” to which he responded:

“Well, a Trot is used today as a term of abuse to stop people from thinking about the ideas that we put forward. I would say that I adhere to many of the ideas and methods of Leon Trotsky, but we [the Socialist Party] don’t live in the past, we don’t live in Russia, we live in Britain. We stand for the policies that address the issues of ordinary working people today.”

People like Deputy Labour Party leader Tom Watson, however, continue to fearmonger about so-called Trot-infiltrators burrowing away (“twisting arms”) within the Labour Party. In fact, the Blairites in the party are so concerned with democracy, that perhaps for the first time in history they “illegally banned its own members from voting in an election it promised them a vote in, then spent the money it took from those members on appealing to the High Court to try and keep the ban.” This led Mark Steele to suitably satirize these “extreme measures,” which apparently are…

“…essential because, as Tom Watson explained, the Labour election has been undermined by “Trotsky entryists twisting arms of young members”. This explains why Corbyn is expected to win again, because the 300,000 new members of Labour are powerless before the arm-twisting might of Britain’s 50 Trotsky entryists.

“Some people may wonder why these arm-twisters never overturned Tony Blair during the 15 years he was leader. That is because the Trotsky entryists were living in a city under the ground guarded by men in yellow boiler suits, perfecting their evil arm-twisting machine, cackling ‘soon we will unleash our power on Ipswich Constituency Labour Party then nothing can stop us… mwahaha’…”

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]ut Trotskyists like the predecessor of the Socialist Party, the Militant, have always played a central part in promoting working-class interests within the Labour Party.

Longstanding Labour Party activist Neil Fletcher recently had this interesting letter published in the Observer (August 14) where he explained:

“I became a Trotskyist after leaving grammar school but have continued to share the values and perspective of the socialist pioneer. I remain committed to the abolition of all grammar schools too. In 1974 I joined the local Labour party on the very day Ted Heath called a general election. I have remained a party member and avowedly a Trotskyist. During 42 years’ Labour party membership I have been (inter alia) constituency secretary, and ward political activities officer. I served eight years as a Camden councillor (for some time as deputy leader) and for 11 years as an elected member of the Inner London Education Authority (for three years as leader).

“Over the years I have never wavered in my belief that international socialism is crucial if the people are to take power away from the wealthy, the global corporations and the corrupt bigots who hate workers, the poor and the disadvantaged. Trotsky remains an inspiration. He detested Stalin and his violent abuse of state power; he was as a result murdered by a Stalinist assassin; he loved literature and was a believer in its power to elevate culture above social elitism. Trotsky wrote that the ‘moral grandeur of the proletarian revolution consists in the fact that it is laying the foundations of a culture which is above classes and which will be the first culture which is truly human’ (Introduction to Literature and Revolution). Not bad, eh? He was probably a Guardian reader too.”

On the same letters’ page, current Socialist Party member, Bob Labi, who served as the editor of Left, the Labour Party Young Socialists paper between 1971 and 1977, reviewed the successes of the Militant supporters in the past and outlined the link between the Trot-hating purger-in-Chief Tom Watson of old and the Trot-hating Tom Watson of today.

“While it is true that in the mid-1960s Labour’s youth movement massively declined (Letters, 12 August), the Labour Party Young Socialists grew dramatically in the 1970s and 1980s when it was led by supporters of Militant who had become its leadership in 1970. This revival came from a combination of increasing class struggle, radicalisation in society and serious campaigning. Soon nearly 2,000 young people were attending the LPYS’s annual conferences. This growth continued and the LPYS reached a high point of 581 branches in 1985, the time of the miners’ strike, youth protests against Thatcher etc.

“However, the growing offensive against the left by the pro-capitalist wing of the Labour party inevitably had a damaging impact on the LPYS. As it became clear that expulsions of individuals would not tame the LPYS the Labour party right wing resorted to rule changes. In 1987 the LPYS’s age limit was cut from 26 to 23 and most of its democratic structures were removed, with the result that by 1990 it only had 52 branches left, a reduction of 90% in five years. Tom Watson, then the Labour party’s youth officer, presided over the LPYS’s final liquidation and its replacement by Young Labour, an organisation without fully democratic structures and controlled by the party leadership. Watson’s support now for limiting the franchise for Labour’s leadership election shows his preference for top-down methods when he and his supporters cannot build grassroots support.”


Michael Barker recently stood as parliamentary candidate for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) in Leicester East. 


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Who Are The Real Pariahs This Election?


By Mateo Pimentel and Edward Martin
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“Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men?” – Shakespeare, The Life and Death of Julius Caesar (1)

“For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?” – Luke 23:31

The folks supporting Donald Trump, the GOP nominee, are fairly easy to grasp. Many of them share the same racist proclivities of the voters that have turned out for GOP candidates in elections past. And many of them have the same ultranationalist affinities for authoritarian troglodyte candidates, a problem that has become a trademark of the Republican political agenda. But, oddly enough, these are not the real pariahs this election cycle. In truth, it is the leftists in this country – people who have either passed as liberals, or been tolerated by the liberal camp for the last eight years – that have been fated to be the political black sheep of 2016.

“I knew Eleanor Roosevelt, Michelle, and you are no Eleanor Roosevelt!”

In a spectacle fraught riddled with fraud, the appearance of Michelle Obama to discourse on platitudes is surely near the top.

In a spectacle riddled with runaway displays of imbecility, political chicanery, delusions, and hypocrisy, not to mention appalling mediocrity, Michelle’s widely applauded appearance is one of the enduring mysteries. Why, pray tell, is this woman so popular? She is simply the spouse of a man who has betrayed everything even a modest liberal would stand for, and certainly has no distinctive contribution (besides her fortunate marriage to the man who would be president) that would qualify her for any honors, except the fawning of the utterly corrupt media, over services rendered by her husband to a criminal plutocratic status quo. Eleanor, at least, stood by the side of a giant, and though FDR could be said, too, to have been in some ways no better than the best of bourgeois politicians, whatever hat entails, having saved capitalism from itself at a time of crisis, his historical imprint is immeasurably superior than the wholly media-created Obama.

As Hillary & Co. struggles to win the hearts and minds of millions of disenchanted Americans, her cult of curiously ignorant followers continues to bemoan the left, which will not support #her. In fact, they are so vociferous that one might think the left had actively begun stumping for Trump! Any disdain for the anti-Hillary left notwithstanding, the truth remains that HRC is the one who deserves the lion’s share of the blame for such a mediocre march towards the White House.

By voting for the so-called “lesser evil” this year – as opposed to, say, organizing and building a new politics – self-described liberals and progressives do nothing to defeat the Trump carcinogens that already riddle Hillary and the DNC. How about the grassroots movement Bernie led?

If at first some on the left were willing to back Bernie (despite a handful of warranted reservations about the capital “D” affixed to his name), it was partly in light of either a Hillary of Trump presidency that this choice was made: The other candidates were, in and of themselves, two sound reasons to back Bernie. And this very choice, that is, to support a fairly mainstream Democratic candidate like Bernie, gave Hillary and her cult hope that Berners, as well as some of the accompanying leftward folks, would eventually be brought back into the fold.

The Bankruptcy of the Liberal temperament—in full view, once again for all to see

Hollywood liberals have come out in force for Hillary—the Clinton disease having a particular hold on this segment of the perennially self-pampering, self-deluding segment of this privileged population, but, romantics that we are, we held some reluctant paltry hope that obvious brainies like Sarah Silverman, who's Jewish, a professional comedian, and (at least in her comedic persona) apparently rather cynical about reality (always a good prospect for breaking out of the imperial brainwash) would show even a feeble sign of revulsion at the pathetic spectacle put up by the more hypocritical side of the duopoly. Alas, it was not to be, as Silverman (flanked by longtime faux progressive Al Franken, now a career politician, and a mediocrity to boot, again denying his promise as a quirky comic) proceeded to browbeat the misguided Sandernistas for their supposedly childish petulance in refusing to "grow up" and fall in with the rest of the assembled sheeple so loudly applauding the standard bearer of corporatist America as she prepares to deliver us from the demonic forces of Trumpism. 

The limits to Silverman's brain power was seen in the fact that she started by supporting Sanders to begin with, a transparent establishmentarian. But she compounded this by following the duopoly script of crying for unity in the face of a larger evil.

The contrast between the promise and the reality is so brusque that we may be forgiven for asking the obvious question: What prompts these ghastly exhibitions of arrogant, political imbecility in people we would otherwise classify as "sharp"; people who seem congenitally "cool", and who have shown so many times their ability to cut through hypocrisy like a laser through a big hunk of butter? The only answer I have is temperament, that elusive, hard to quantify feature in every creature, especially humans, whose cultural matrix is so complicated as to permit a multitude of surprises. For it is only temperament—character moulded by upbringing, social class, and biographical evolution, and not lack of information—that can explain these shameful episodes. Against this, lacking an overwhelming media presence, the left message has no chance. Reality can get through these thick, complacent skulls, but it won't happen until (a) it is way too late to do anyone any god; or (b) the culture itself has advanced so much that they will look in the mirror and see a dinosaur looking back in shock and disgust. Maybe.

As many radicals will attest, the bourgeois temperament —marinated in ignorance, intellectual laziness, timidity, and galactic self-complacency—is a hard illness to cure. The prognosis is always dire.—PG



But then the DNC revealed its true character—and not just once, with Bernie backing Hillary, but twice, with #her shameless Wall Street pick for VP. And certainly the Debbie Wasserman Schultz ordeal – a virtual coup against Bernie and the folks that funded him – has put the icing on the corrupt cake that the DNC has been baking for the last two presidential terms (nay, actually much longer, since the “Third Way” and the Clintonites became the default leadership position for the party), which it thought it would force-feed voters this year. Indeed, it seems that all along the DNC has conspired to “deal #her in”—never mind every single contemptible black mark against her, which the Hillary filigree so wantonly continues to ignore. Of course, none of this was lost on Trump, who made clear in a nationally televised speech or two that the DNC is riddled with shills for Hillary.

But for those on the left who will continue to participate in this horse-and-pony show, settling for Hillary chiefly because she is someone other than Trump is a miserable, unacceptable, and psychologically and emotionally reviling logic, to say the least. So, in the eyes of the HRC cult, and in the public sphere of the liberal domain where many of the left have been able to move about rather freely, those who will not kowtow to Hillary (i.e., to the totalizing narrative that compels so many unthinking Democrats to abide by a falsely dichotomous reality of lesser-evil voting) are the ones to be hanged for their crimes against progress in 2016. And here is how Hillary & Co. spins it: The left has effectively picked Trump as their president, cursing #her cult to second place in the competition!

Ostensibly, then, the left is the Judas Iscariot of the 2016 US presidential elections, though it has hardly sold its soul for a sack of silver—a thing that seems much more in keeping with the protocol of the Hillary campaign. Sadly, though, the HRC cult does not even have the common decency to treat the American left as any other kind of literary figure, such as Brutus, say, from Shakespeare’s The Life and Death of Julius Caesar. Brutus certainly plotted against Caesar, and was even collusive in his death; but his actions were far more noble in their political underpinnings (or so we are told by a long line of aristocratic historians from antiquity on down, who have made it their personal project to vilify Julius Cesar, a figure comparable to the Gracchi in progressive populism, and something that Shakespeare inevitably picked up—Eds.)  than that of Judas, who, like so many HRC cult members, ironically, was in it for pride and the political purchase that a sack of silver might eventually afford him.

Another word on pride: The point of the capitalist American empire is to expand; this is fundamentally a matter of pride for the HRC cult. But by voting for the so-called “lesser evil” this year – as opposed to, say, organizing and building a new politics – self-described liberals and progressives do nothing to defeat the Trump carcinogens that already riddle Hillary and the DNC. How about the grassroots movement Bernie led? All of that money, it turns out, was funneled right into the big money machine that will not relent in supporting America’s would-be empress, Shillary Clinton. And the #ImWithHer Democrats are upset about the perceived intransigence of the left? How simple are these people?

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or now, despite the disdain of the Hillary contingent, the left trudges on like the protagonist in Plato’s allegorical cave. The heroine emerges from the den of political ignorance only to see things for what they really are, and only to grasp the truth of things as it actually is: Hillary and Trump are one and the same! Armed with this knowledge, Plato’s protagonist marches back into the cave, though she knows her life is imperiled by returning. Similarly, the left has seen the 2016 US presidential elections rouse for what it really is, and for what it has always been: A lie that cries, “Hillary or bust!” And like the heroine who slinks back into the dark folds of the cave in order to fight the darkness the blinds her contemporaries, the left need contain no regard whatsoever for how much discomfort it causes the HRC cult, especially not as the left continues to educate, organize, agitate, and work against both Hillary and Trump in these upcoming months.

Though Hillary supporters do not recognize it now, they would do well to understand sooner than later that, like Judas, they are going to have to live with their complicity in the wicked political choices they have scheduled to make. Ultimately, by voting for #her, they achieve little more than the allegorical Judas did when he betrayed his friend with a kiss. Indeed, in the case of the HRC cult, theirs is a political suicide, and something arguably much worse than what Judas did when he hanged himself from a tree.


 Edward Martin is Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Graduate Center for Public Policy and Administration at California State University, Long Beach, and co-author of Savage State: Welfare Capitalism and Inequality. Mateo Pimentel lives on the Mexican-US border. You can follow him on Twitter @mateo_pimentel, or read more at

(1) Julius Caesar is one of those figures condemned by cumulative negative historiography, something that can happen to any major historical personage as a result of class bias, in this case unbroken aristocratic hostility toward a tribune of the people by successive “gentlemen historians”, which Caesar was in his time, as revealed by the patient research of Michael Parenti and published in his seminal work, The Assassination Of Julius Caesar: A People’s History Of Ancient Rome.

Publishers Weekly said this about this book:

Why did a group of Roman senators gather near Pompey’s theater on March 15, 44 B.C., to kill Julius Caesar? Was it their fear of Caesar’s tyrannical power? Or were these aristocratic senators worried that Caesar’s land reforms and leanings toward democracy would upset their own control over the Roman Republic? Parenti (History as Mystery, etc.) narrates a provocative history of the late republic in Rome (100-33 B.C.) to demonstrate that Caesar’s death was the culmination of growing class conflict, economic disparity and political corruption. He reconstructs the history of these crucial years from the perspective of the Roman people, the masses of slaves, plebs and poor farmers who possessed no political power. Roughly 99% of the state’s wealth was controlled by 1% of the population, according to Parenti. By the 60s B.C., the poor populace had begun to find spokesmen among such leaders as the tribunes Tiberius Gracchus and his younger brother, Gaius. Although the Gracchi attempted to introduce various reforms, they were eventually murdered, and the reform movements withered. Julius Caesar, says Parenti, took up where they left off, introducing laws to improve the condition of the poor, redistributing land and reducing unemployment. As Parenti points out, such efforts threatened the landed aristocracy’s power in the Senate and resulted in Caesar’s assassination. Parenti’s method of telling history from the “bottom up” will be controversial, but he recreates the struggles of the late republic with such scintillating storytelling and deeply examined historical insight that his book provides an important alternative to the usual views of Caesar and the Roman Empire.

It is sad that many leftist writers, no doubt convinced by the cumulative “consensus”,  have also joined this aristocratic tradition.

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The post-Ailes Fox News may have bigger problems


By Tali Arbel, AP Technology Writer,Associated Press Thu, Jul 21, 2016
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Erdogan Had It Coming: the Turkish Coup Failed, But Another Will Succeed





Recep Tayyip Erdogan had it coming. The Turkish army was never going to remain compliant while the man who would recreate the Ottoman Empire turned his neighbours into enemies and his country into a mockery of itself. But it would be a grave mistake to assume two things: that the putting down of a military coup is a momentary matter after which the Turkish army will remain obedient to its sultan; and to regard at least 161 deaths and more than 2,839 detained in isolation from the collapse of the nation-states of the Middle East.

For the weekend’s events in Istanbul and Ankara are intimately related to the breakdown of frontiers and state-belief – the assumption that Middle East nations have permanent institutions and borders – that has inflicted such wounds across Iraq, Syria, Egypt and other countries in the Arab world. Instability is now as contagious as corruption in the region, especially among its potentates and dictators, a class of autocrat of which Erdogan has been a member ever since he changed the constitution for his own benefit and restarted his wicked conflict with the Kurds.

Needless to say, Washington’s first reaction was instructive. Turks must support their “democratically elected government”. The “democracy” bit was rather hard to swallow; even more painful to recall, however, was the very same government’s reaction to the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi’s “democratically elected” government in Egypt in 2013 – when Washington very definitely did not ask Egypt’s people to support Morsi and quickly gave its support to a military coup far more bloody than the attempted putsch in Turkey. Had the Turkish army been successful, be sure Erdogan would have been treated as dismissively as the unfortunate Morsi.

But what do you expect when Western nations prefer stability to freedom and dignity? That’s why they are prepared to accept Iran’s troops and loyal Iraqi militiaman joining in the battle against Isis – as well as the poor 700 missing Sunnis who “disappeared” after the recapture of Fallujah – and that’s why the “Assad must go” routine has been quietly dropped. Now that Bashar al-Assad has outlived David Cameron’s premiership – and will almost certainly outlast Obama’s presidency – the regime in Damascus will look with wondering eyes at the events in Turkey this weekend.

erdogan-podium[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he victorious powers in the First World War destroyed the Ottoman Empire – which was one of the purposes of the 1914-18 conflict after the Sublime Porte made the fatal mistake of siding with Germany – and the ruins of that empire were then chopped into bits by the Allies and handed over to brutal kings, vicious colonels and dictators galore. Erdogan and the bulk of the army which has decided to maintain him in power – for now – fit into this same matrix of broken states.

The warning signs were there for Erdogan – and the West – to see, if only they had recalled the experience of Pakistan. Shamelessly used by the Americans to funnel missiles, guns and cash to the “mujahedin” who were fighting the Russians, Pakistan – another “bit” chopped off an empire (the Indian one) turned into a failed state, its cities torn apart with massive bombs, its own corrupt army and intelligence service cooperating with Russia’s enemies – including the Taliban – and then infiltrated by Islamists who would eventually threaten the state itself.

When Turkey began playing the same role for the US in Syria – sending weapons to the insurgents, its corrupt intelligence service cooperating with the Islamists, fighting the state power in Syria – it, too, took the path of a failed state, its cities torn apart by massive bombs, its countryside infiltrated by the Islamists. The only difference is that Turkey also relaunched a war on its Kurds in the south-east of the country where parts of Diyabakir are now as devastated as large areas of Homs or Aleppo. Too late did Erdogan realise the cost of the role he had chosen for his country. It’s one thing to say sorry to Putin and patch up relations with Benjamin Netanyahu; but when you can no longer trust your army, there are more serious matters to concentrate on.

Two thousand or so arrests are quite a coup for Erdogan – rather larger, in fact, than the coup the army planned for him. But they must be just a few of the thousands of men in the Turkish officer corps who believe the Sultan of Istanbul is destroying his country. It’s not just a case of reckoning the degree of horror which Nato and the EU will have felt at these events. The real question will be the degree to which his (momentary) success will embolden Erdogan to undertake more trials, imprison more journalists, close down more newspapers, kill more Kurds and, for that matter, go on denying the 1915 Armenian genocide.

For outsiders, it’s sometimes difficult to understand the degree of fear and almost racist disgust with which Turkey regards any form of Kurdish militancy; America, Russia, Europe – the West in general – has so desomaticised the word “terrorist” that we fail to comprehend the extent to which Turks call the Kurds “terrorists” and see them as a danger to the very existence of the Turkish state; which is just how they saw the Armenians in the First World War. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk may have been a good old secular autocrat admired even by Adolf Hitler, but his struggle to unify Turkey was caused by the very factions which have always haunted the Turkish heartland – along with dark (and rational) suspicions about the plotting of Western powers against the state.

All in all, then, a far more dramatic series of events have taken place in Turkey this weekend than may at first appear. From the frontier of the EU, through Turkey and Syria and Iraq and large parts of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and on to Libya and – dare one mention this after Nice? – Tunisia, there is now a trail of anarchy and failed states. Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot began the Ottoman Empire’s dismemberment – with help from Arthur Balfour — but it continues to this day.

In this grim historical framework must we view the coup-that-wasn’t in Ankara. Stand by for another one in the months or years to come.

Robert Fisk writes for the Independent, where this column originally appeared. 

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Cheerleaders of War, but the Last to Actually Fight in One

Syria, the Ukraine, and other battlefields are just proxy conflicts. The object is the defeat and destruction of Russia as an independent world power.

horiz grey lineBy Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

“The unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them and the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps.” ~ Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth
With the news that the UN reported June 2016 as being the most devastating month for the civilians of Donbass since August 2015, the calls for Putin to launch a Blitzkrieg towards Kiev are also becoming louder. Armchair experts and those who say that Russia is in cahoots with the US in Syria, and that Putin will partition the Levant if it means the Rubles will flow in, accompany an ocean of hysterical melodramatic verbiage on how “Putin has betrayed Donbass”, or more precisely, Putin “flushed” Donbass.
This fundamentally flawed conclusion finds its home on Social Networks, naturally, as it is a place where people can commit a digital drive-by with impunity. Here is an example of a now defunct group on Facebook, which even went to such lengths as adding people (e.g. Graham Philips) without their consent to make the group seem more credible.
Here we can see this closed group of 143 members asserts that the Minsk Agreements are a “betrayal”. However, the group never actually explained why – only that it was somehow a “betrayal”.
Whilst it is important to distance oneself from such frankly ridiculous messages, it is also important to survey the sentiments that reside inside them to see how narratives can be twisted and sold to uninformed folk:
The above ‘genius’ claims that Putin “dumped” Donbass to the Junta, and that Putin moved onto Syria.
Putin is being compared to a man who embezzled money from donations and betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Apparently it was Putin & co who fired artillery and mortars, and dropped munitions on the citizens of Donbass, or the Kremlin found the UAF’s actions funny…
Putin is being reprimanded for not “making a statement”…

Two thirds of the Russians in an ersatz poll think that Putin betrayed Donbass. One third think that Putin did… 

Photo published for Так слила РФ Донбасс или нет?

Так слила РФ Донбасс или нет?

Суббота день политики на ТВЦ. У них сегодня ПОСТКРИПТУМ, ПРАВО ЗНАТЬ и ПРАВО ГОЛОСА.  В общем именно в ПРАВЕ ЗНАТЬ Игорь Виттель и вскользь (именно вскользь)…

Not 100’s of violations by the Al Qaeda “opposition”, but Syria’s plans to defeat terrorism that threatens “peace”. 

They’re in the process of handing Donbass to Nazis, betrayed Libya, Yugo–is there anything the Putin clique aren’t willing to hand America?

.@wherepond @ShareThis Ultimately Russia’s only option in Ukraine will be to intervene +”ethically cleanse” all these undeclared mercenaries

The above examples are unfortunately only the tip of the iceberg, but to paraphrase: Russia should send T-14’s to Kiev.

Hypothetical scenario

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]et’s briefly imagine a scenario where Putin has granted their wish: he sends not only tanks into Donbass, but also a grouping of soldiers greater than that in Syria, the latest 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled artillery, and TOS-1A. These weapons then cross the border, violating International Law, add fuel to the fratricide fire, massacre the Ukrainian soldiers who are used as cannon fodder by Washington, and cause more civilian casualties than both Gulf Wars combined. As if this prospective bloodshed isn’t heinous enough, imagine the message this would be sending to Russia’s allies around the globe…
To augment Russia’s image as a monster during this totally illegal incursion, the Western media would launch an information campaign that would make the current one in Syria look ‘moderate’ (pun intended), and this time they would be justified: Russia shouldn’t be massacring ordinary citizens, regardless if they have a helmet and rifle or not. Multipolarity promotes dialogue, NOT destruction!
In this fictitious scenario, there is absolutely no difference between what the US did in Iraq, murdering over a million civilians, and what Russia would be doing in Donbass. Hey, maybe Putin can throw some Tupolevs into the mix to eviscerate Ukraine as we know it? Kill everyone!

Parallels with Syria

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he MSM’s behavior in regards to Russia’s campaign in Syria has been nothing short of a whitewash. There are instances where deliberate disinformation has appeared when Russia’s jets were still in the hangar, western media using footage from Russia’s Ministry of Defence and claiming it as the Pentagon’s own, and absurd claims that Russia is using White Phosphorus in Aleppo.

(NOTE: These videos may or may not play on this site as the parties which posted them to YouTube have apparently blocked universal access.)

Al Jazeera’s mythical tales about Russia bombing civilians in Deir Ezzor.
Reuters psychological operation to imply civilians are fleeing Russia’s bombs.
BBC claims Russia killed 200 civilians, citing Amnesty International. 
CNN uses the phony Syrian Observatory for Human Rights to aid its propaganda.
[dropcap]U[/dropcap]sing the videos above as a reference point, it isn’t hard to imagine how the MSM would react if Putin marched to Kiev – he would be walking straight into a trap.

Is Minsk a “betrayal”?

If one thing rings true in geopolitics, it is that things are never ever black and white. And in the age of the Internet and truncated communication signals, simulacrum distorts and blurs the realities and models that are actually deeply ingrained in the State’s decision making process.
As warfare is only one part of something much greater in terms of a State both internally and externally, this idea that military activity solves ‘everything’ is illogical and sadistic at best. Who will fund the war? How will the stock market react? Can PR help convince the tax payer that its justified? Will the United Nations issue a mandate? Will allies support any incursion? Can the war have a boomerang effect? The questions and variables are almost infinite…

Amid an all-out Russia demonization campaign, images like the  above are common throughout the West, but almost in all cases represent propaganda “plants” or the cunning employment of “useful idiots”. The legends are simply lies. 

The fact is that Putin did not ‘intervene’ in Donbass, and he isn’t likely to either. Instead, he tied the conflict to the UN Security Council, where a document was produced that outlined 13 steps to deescalate the conflict. Did Russia suspect that Kiev would not comply and drag its heels? Probably, but as long as the Novorossiyan Armed Forces complied (and they did), it would be obvious to all who is interested in peace and who is not. This is part of the reason why the OSCE was injected into the equation, to help swing the narrative in favour of Kiev.
Whilst we can google “Minsk Agreements” and see that all the  articles asking to scrap the agreements are pro-western, in order to objectively assess whether or not the Minsk Agreements were a “betrayal” to the people and armies of Donbass, we must first look at the text of the agreement and assess which points have been fulfilled and which ones have not:
  • Immediate and full ceasefire in particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts of Ukraine and its strict fulfilment as of 00:00 midnight EET on 15 February 2015. ❌
[Notes: On February 15th, 2015, France & Germany declared that the ceasefire was being “observed in general”, while the OSCE declared that there was widespread implementation apart from in Debaltsevo and Lugansk. However, the ceasefire (if there ever was one) has been in tatters ever since. The Deputy Defence Minister of the DPR reports hundreds of UAF violations daily.]
  • Pull-out of all heavy weapons by both sides to equal distance with the aim of creation of a security zone on minimum 50 kilometres (31 mi) apart for artillery of 100mm calibre or more, and a security zone of 70 kilometres (43 mi) for multiple rocket launchers (MRLS) and 140 kilometres (87 mi) for MLRS Tornado-S, Uragan, Smerch, and Tochka U tactical missile systems:
    • for Ukrainian troops, from actual line of contact; 
    • for armed formations of particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts of Ukraine, from the contact line in accordance with the Minsk Memorandum as of 19 September 2014. 
    • The pullout of the above-mentioned heavy weapons must start no later than the second day after the start of the ceasefire and finish within 14 days. 
    • This process will be assisted by OSCE with the support of the Trilateral Contact Group. ❌ 
[Notes: Zakharchenko stated in February 2015 that the NAF had moved 90% of their weaponry from the contact line, and the OSCE confirmed that the NAF had withdrawn their arms in time. However, in May 2015, according to the OSCE 122mm artillery (banned under Minsk) had been fired on Gorlovka, killing 3 civilians. Graham Philips interviewed the family of one of the victims and asked where the shelling came from. The reply was Dzerzhinsk – Ukrainian held territory.]
  • Effective monitoring and verification of ceasefire regime and pullout of heavy weapons by OSCE will be provided from the first day of pullout, using all necessary technical means such as satellites, drones, radio-location systems etc. ✅
[Notes: The OSCE SMM did their job, but their reports were (and still are) rather biased, focusing on the NAF and the artillery they supposedly didn’t withdraw.]
  • On the first day after the pullout a dialogue is to start on modalities of conducting local elections in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation and the Law of Ukraine “On temporary Order of Local Self-Governance in Particular Districts of Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts,” and also about the future of these districts based on the above-mentioned law. ❌
[Notes: Denis Pushilin stated on June 16th, 2016, “Unfortunately, there is no progress in the work of the political subgroup. There is our position and there is the Ukrainian position – they are completely opposite, no compromise has been reached. That’s why there is no talk about elections this year.”]
  • Without delays, but no later than 30 days from the date of signing of this document, a resolution has to be approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, indicating the territory which falls under the special regime in accordance with the law “On temporary Order of Local Self-Governance in Particular Districts of Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts,” based in the line set up by the Minsk Memorandum as of 19 September 2014. ❌
[Notes: On March 17, 2015, the Rada declared the Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts as “temporarily occupied territories”. Thus, Donbass cannot have special statues until elections are conducted according to Ukrainian law. In addition, points 2-9 cannot be fulfilled until there are snap elections.]
  • Provide pardon and amnesty by way of enacting a law that forbids persecution and punishment of persons in relation to events that took place in particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts of Ukraine. ❌
[Notes: Chairman of the upper house committee for constitutional law Andrey Klishas, commenting on the  law passed by the Rada stated: “Fighters of the LPR and DPR are not included in the categories listed in the law. Therefore, they were excluded from the Amnesty… The act does not fully meet the requirements of the Minsk agreements, which provides for Amnesty for all individuals involved in the events in the LPR and DPR.” In fact, the law passed by the Rada states the DPR/LPR soldiers are committing acts of a terrorist nature.]
  • Provide release and exchange of all hostages and illegally held persons, based on the principle of “all for all”. This process has to end – at the latest – on the fifth day after the pullout (of weapons). ❌
[Notes: According to Minsk, the return of prisoners should be completed, at the latest, on the fifth day after the military withdrawal. This never happened.]
  • Provide safe access, delivery, storage and distribution of humanitarian aid to the needy, based on an international mechanism. ❌
[Notes: Poroshenko ordered the creation of checkpoints and general blockades to prevent medicine, food, and general humanitarian aid from reaching the region.]
  • Define the modalities of a full restoration of social and economic connections, including social transfers, such as payments of pensions and other payments (income and revenue, timely payment of communal bills, restoration of tax payments within the framework of Ukrainian legal field).
  • With this aim, Ukraine will restore management over the segment of its banking system in the districts affected by the conflict, and possibly, an international mechanism will be established to ease such transactions.❌
[Notes: See #7]
  • Restore control of the state border to the Ukrainian government in the whole conflict zone, which has to start on the first day after the local election and end after the full political regulation (local elections in particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts based on the law of Ukraine and Constitutional reform) by the end of 2015, on the condition of fulfillment of Point 11 – in consultations and in agreement with representatives of particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts within the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group. ❌
[Notes: By declaring Donbass as “occupied territories”, Kiev violated #9 and thus the process of elections was disrupted.]
  • Pullout of all foreign armed formations, military equipment, and also mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine under OSCE supervision. Disarmament of all illegal groups. ❌
[Notes: No comment needed.]
  • Constitutional reform in Ukraine, with a new constitution to come into effect by the end of 2015, the key element of which is decentralisation (taking into account peculiarities of particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts, agreed with representatives of these districts), and also approval of permanent legislation on the special status of particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts in accordance with the measures spelt out in the attached footnote,[note 1] by the end of 2015. ❌
  • Based on the Law of Ukraine “On temporary Order of Local Self-Governance in Particular Districts of Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts”, questions related to local elections will be discussed and agreed upon with representatives of particular districts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts in the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group. Elections will be held in accordance with relevant OSCE standards and monitored by OSCE/ODIHR. ❌
  • Intensify the work of the Trilateral Contact Group including through the establishment of working groups on the implementation of relevant aspects of the Minsk agreements. They will reflect the composition of the Trilateral Contact Group. 
[Notes: Alongside the other Minsk failures by Kiev, it is safe to say that the political process has been sabotaged.]

So in summary: Kiev hasn’t fulfilled any points of Minsk aside from letting the OSCE loose, whose biased reports are not the fault of Russia. The opportunity was there for Kiev to end the conflict and establish peace, but they refused to take it, and instead only complicated matters further by hindering the political process. Moving the howitzers and artillery/tanks away from the contact line was the easiest part, yet they couldn’t even do that.

Do you realise what you have done?

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o the question is – why did Russia propose an agreement if they knew Kiev’s signature wasn’t worth the paper is was printed on? To answer this, we simply need to remember what multipolarity is all about. As they say in chess: “No one has ever won a game of chess by taking only forward moves.”
Russia’s role today is to teach others how things should be, and that there are no ‘exceptional’ ones. In order to end the lawlessness that has been and still is rampant in the US Senate, someone needed to step up to the plate and remind others that one’s actions and words must correlate; that they must be resilient in insisting ‘partners’ follow the letter of the law, even during relapses of commitment. If someone’s signature is added to a document, it must stand for something.

It’s not terrorism when we do it

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t is of paramount importance to understand that statements demanding the bombing of Kiev, Donbass to be littered with tanks, Spetsnaz, and artillery, and for a military column to march North are no different to the statements seen over the last 10 years from people who deem Chris Kyle to be a hero.

It is all too convenient to become a cheerleader for war, but the last to actually fight in one. Will their children or relatives be marching to Kiev? Of course not, it will be someone else’s mother who will have to identify their son at the morgue.

In actuality, the people who beg Russia to commit genocide are in fact aligning themselves with the US’ version of ‘International Law’, with Iraq post 2004 being a case in point.

These online war-mongerers have the audacity to cyber-mourn the victims of the UAF war crimes, posting pictures of dead civilians in Donbass, and shedding hypocritical tears – ‘all for the cause’. They are feeding the Atlanticist  Divide and Conquer narrative that someone born in Kiev and someone born in Donetsk are somehow different people – that they are not brothers.

Just remember that not every Ukrainian supports the so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation, decommunization bill, and the general status of being a US vassal. Journalist Ruslan Kotsaba is a prime example of someone who was pro-maidan  but realised the error of his ways.

It is also important to recognise physical extermination does not destroy an ideology, but asking existential ontological questions is a good place to start. Washington’s aim was to incite Ukrainians to kill their own – the same thing the US did in the Arabic world.

Let’s see who in Ukraine really wants peace, and who doesn’t… 





  • From my emotions, I also think that Russia should make a swift end with the Ukronazis by ALL means. However, from a rational point of view, this would be the worst thing Putin could do. In case of a Russian invasion, Western propaganda would not be the biggest issue in my eyes. Western media demonise Putin and Russia anyhow on a daily basis to an extent that is difficult to increase. No, the real problem would be that a Russian invasion would cost many more lives, would destroy a big part of the Russian World, would be a horrible fratricide, much worse than it is now performed by the Ukronazis.

    The only way that is possible is to insist again and again on Minsk implementation on the one hand and supporting DPR/LPR as much as possible on the other hand. That way takes a long time and is painful, however, not as desastrous as an open invasion. By the way, it should be checked if all those voices in social media calling for a Russian intervention are really authentic, or if there are some provocateurs, too.

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    what the US did in Iraq, murdering over a million civilians, and what

    Moreover ukrostan *did* attack Russia and more than once (e.g. the shells that destroyed houses in Russia).

    It is not a question of the personality or character of us observers. It is a question of dumberican and ukrostan criminal intention. One might calm down an agressive dog, vipers, however, must simply be killed.




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