Al Qaeda’s Bookkeeper Spills the Beans

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Zacarias Moussaoui was the bookkeeper and bagman (money-collector) for Al Qaeda, but the U.S. intelligence services have been keeping this fact secret as much as they can, because what he knows about the crucial financial backers of Al Qaeda can be very damaging to the U.S. aristocracy, which is heavily oil-based and closely allied with the Saudi royal family, which created Al Qaeda in order to please the Saudi clerics, who are Wahhabist Muslims who constantly threaten the royals with exposure of their economic and sexual corruption unless the royals finance the spread of the Wahhabist sect (such as by Al Qaeda), and thereby finance the spread of those clerics’ own international influence and power. 

Or, so says the former bookkeeper of Al Qaeda, who was selected by Al Qaeda’s military chief, Abu Hafs (also known as “Mohammed Atef”), to serve Osama bin Laden in that capacity: Zacarias Moussaoui. This is his testimony, in brief.

If you will look at the wikipedia article on Moussaoui, it says nothing whatsoever about his having graduated with a Masters in International Export Business degree from the Institute of Export in France, the French affiliate of the UK’s Institute of Export. That’s how he described himself on the very first day of his testimony. Then, on the second day of his testimony, he was asked what qualifications he had presented to Osama bin Laden, and he answered in more detail, and listed several: 

I had the Master degree in International Business from the University — University of South Bank in London, and also a — a diploma of the Institute of Export in London, and also a business degree of Commerce Technology from French — a French degree, okay, and — so that’s the main credential I think for the education, okay. And, of course, I speak English and French, and colloquial Arabic.

Q: Were there many other members of al-Qaeda at that time who had that kind of business education?

A: Absolutely no one.

So, that’s what had prepared him to become the person whom Abu Hafs specifically selected to be the organization’s bookkeeper. 

The financial donations were crucial; and, in Arabic as well as most other cultures, any organization that fails to serve its donors is considered bad — a donation buys an obligation, and any organization that fails to fulfill on an obligation is taking that donation like mere theft from the donor. Therefore: the financial backers were everything, they were all of the actual motivation behind the organization. The organization exists to do the donors’ will. 

So: wikipedia’s article (perhaps in order to veil the real individuals who are behind Al Qaeda, etc.) ignores Moussaui’s role of bookkeeper, and presents him instead as having just been a regular fighter for Al Qaeda — though he was hardly just that (to the extent that he was that at all, which is actually debatable, but it certainly wasn’t his main function, especially not during the key years, 1998-1999). He said that he also received from Al Qaeda training in explosives, and he described, in the final fourth day of his testimony, various aborted terrorist plans for which he had been assigned a role, but that was the least interesting of his four days of testimony. 

Inasmuch as those roles came to nothing, his only real role was as the bookkeeper; and, then (in his third day of testimony), he also describes trips that he took as a direct financial courier between bin Laden and the Saudi royals.

Wikipedia reluctantly admits and then says nothing about the CIA’s editing wikipedia articles, but almost all agencies of the U.S. aristocracy (and this includes all large international U.S.-based corporations) also do that as a routine part of their PR. In fact, on 16 August 2007, Reuters even had an article, “CIA, FBI Computers Used for Wikipedia Edits.” And this CIA editing of wikipedia continues

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o, Moussaoui’s crucial knowledge of whom the key funders of Al Qaeda were, is ignored in the general press, which relies heavily on wikipedia, which in turn relies on the CIA and other editing/censorship organizations, which in turn rely on their controlling stockholders and (when the organization happens to be a newspaper or other medium) also relies on their advertisers (which might be connected to the given ‘news’ medium’s owners, so that an advertisement in it becomes part of mutual backscratching between aristocrats — the owner of the medium, and the owner of the company that’s being advertised — and not merely a buy-and-sell of an individual ad, such as the case will be whenever a typical smaller business places an ad).

Moussaoui has been held incommunicado by the U.S. Government between 2001 and late 2014, and so you probably don’t know that he had been Osama bin Laden’s bookkeeper, and, later, his financial courier, but that’s what he was, and that’s also why he has been held incommunicado, because both roles connect the Saudi royals crucially with Osama bin Laden.

However, evidently, President Barack Obama and the American Establishment that he represents, are now trying to put pressure on the Saudi royals. (The Senate Democrats who had wanted the 28 pages of damning evidence against the Saudi royals to be included in the published report by Senator Feinstein’s Committee report on the CIA’s role in torture, are leading there.) This has nothing to do with the recent death, on 23 January 2015, of the Saudi King and ‘U.S. ally’ (after King Fahd died in 2005) Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud, because the first interview with Moussaoui occurred on 20 October 2014 and none of the four interviews was made public (uploaded to the Internet) until 3 February 2015. These interviews were in process before the king’s death.

For whatever reason, Moussaoui was now being allowed, for the very first time, to testify, under oath (and he’s a fanatical Muslim who swore upon the Quran, so truthfulness was binding upon him as a Muslim, which he devoutly is), in a long-running U.S. court case where his testimony had been sought, over which the Bush Administration and then the Obama Administration have exercised control. Until recently, this case, which had been brought by some 9/11 families who were wanting to find out whom the individuals behind the deaths of their loved-ones had been, was simply squelched, first by Bush, and then by Obama. 

The first part of the four-part transcript of Moussaoui’s testimony under oath contains the most-basic information. This reporter has spot-checked the individuals that he names there and throughout his testimony, and I have not found any that, on the basis of previously released reliable information about those named individuals, any of them was other than as Moussaoui has described them.

When asked “Do you remember any of the individual donors?”, Moussaoui answered: “I remember — I — I would rather have a — I remember many of them, because some of them that are — were known within the circle of the mujahideen, some of them extremely famous, like Waleed — Waleed bin Talal, Prince — Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud, Prince — Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al SaudPrince Mohammed Al Faisal Al Saud. I know there was another — a woman. It will come back to me.” Then, apparently a few more names did come to him: “But [also] Yassin Adbullah al Kadi [that name should be spelled with an ‘Abdullah’ instead; he’s also known as Yasin al-Qadi], Sharif Sedky, Mohammed Al Hussein al Almoudi, Ibrahim bin Mahfouz, Khalid bin Mahfouz. That’s all that come to mind on the top of my head now.”

(Perhaps some of those he had forgotten to mention were on a list of 119 individual persons, all in Sunni countries, alleged to have been “Private sponsors of international terrorism” that Voltairenet posted, introducing it there with: “The Arab press is abuzz over a list of the major private donors to terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq. It was reportedly gleaned from an internal U.S. Department of State document.” No link to any presumed source was provided, however.)

Here are more highlights from what Moussaoui said. I have boldfaced what I consider to be the most important parts.

Moussaoui has been held incommunicado by the U.S. Government between 2001 and late 2014, and so you probably don’t know that he had been Osama bin Laden’s bookkeeper, and, later, his financial courier, but that’s what he was, and that’s also why he has been held incommunicado, because both roles connect the Saudi royals crucially with Osama bin Laden.

First, as taken from that first day’s testimony:


US Kills Bin Laden (Chicago Tribune front page, via Seth Anderson-flickr)

US Kills Bin Laden (Chicago Tribune front page, via Seth Anderson-flickr)

Q: What — what was bin Laden’s attitude towards the Saudi ulema [the religious scholars]?

A: It was of complete reverence and obedience. [It was like a Roman Catholic’s attitude] toward the Pope. …

Q: Did bin Laden believe that what he was doing with his organization was consistent with the teachings of the ulema?

A: He was doing it with the express advice and consent and directors of the ulema. …

Q: Did you receive any information indicating that the [bin Laden] family in general was continuing to send money to Osama bin Laden?

A: Yes, I receive — I used to — to enter into [the] database [of donations] a financial document of money of — of account of the bin Laden group within Saudi Arabia; al — also when we wanted to buy spare parts of — okay, the — the spare part were bought by the Saudi bin Laden group, and was sending to — to Jeddah, and then after to Karachi. …

Q: You told us a little bit ago that members of the Saudi royal family were contributing to bin Laden’s organization during this time [1998], the royal family and government of the Kingdom have said that that’s an illogical idea because bin Laden was the enemy of the — of Saudi Arabia. How do you respond to that?

A: This is a complete misleading explanation for assumption of people who are not familiar with the way the Saudi government is established, because the Saudi government is — they have two heads of the snake, they have the Saudi, like Al Saud, and the Wahhabi [clerics] were in charge of the Islamic Code of the Islam — or Islamic power in Saudi Arabia, okay, and that’s why they have the name ‘Wahhabi,’ okay, okay. So the Saudi cannot keep power in Saudi Arabia without having the agreement, okay, of the Wahhab, the Wahhabi, the scholar, okay. …

So … father of Osama bin Laden was best friend, he was known, okay, of — of — of Fahd Al Saud, the ruler, the King of Saudi Arabia, and he’s the one — Al Saud — okay, who give to bin Laden [money] to rebuild the Holy Mosque in Mecca and to rebuild the Holy Mosque in Medina and also to rebuild the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem, okay. So the three mosques … the three holy sites in Islam was built by the father of Osama bin Laden, okay. So bin Laden was pure — a pure Wahhabi and will obey the Wahhabi scholar to the letter. …  If you were being branded an apostate Osama bin Laden most likely 100 percent will not have any busines with you and wage war, but at the fath he will not be — will not be allowed to wage war unless he was guaranteed success, and, so, the ulema told him not to wage war against Al Saud because Fahd was going to die and, therefore, that Al — Abdullah Al Saud — will take power and he will reestablish a true power [total Islam], okay. You have to see that on — after the seizure of Mecca, okay, you — after the seizure of Mecca by Juhaiman, okay, the — the Saudi Kingdom reverted to a more autotic(phonetic) or more drastic Draconion Islam 100 percent in the hand of the ulema, the scholar of Saudi Arabia, so Bin Baz, Uthaimeen, who used to be the mentor, the scholar of Juhaiman, the person who make the city of Mecca, okay. So bin Laden was the child of Wahhabi, the child of the — of the — of the scholar. …

Q: What would be the specific benefit to the Saudi royal family in this 1998, ’99 period to giving money to bin Laden’s organization?

A: There is — there — there is many benefit. First of all it was a — a matter of survival for them, okay, because all of the mujahideen, okay — I believe — I believe all of them, okay, the hard core believe that Za — Al Fahd was an apostate, so they would have wanted jihad against Saudi Arabia, so it was the policy for the Saudi government to finance jihad in the first Af — Afghanistan — the first jihad in Afghanistan, then in Bosnia, then before that in Tajikistan, and Saudi used to send people, and you could travel and you could — as long as you don’t do stuff in your back — back — backyard.

Q: Okay, in your view was the ule — ulema demanding that the royal family support bin Laden’s organization?

A: If — it was a — it was a credential to the proof that they were emphatic in an apostate.

Q: It was a proof for whom?

A: For — for — for — to give to — money to bin Laden could be used by the Saudi to say to the ulema, “Look, see, we are not against Islam or the jihad, we finance bin Laden.”

Q: And that would assist them in their relationship with the ulema? 

A: It — it will guarantee that the ulema will not raise their — their voice and their concern about many thing wrong with Saudi Arabia, like, you know, widespread homosexuality, it’s endemic, okay; usury, you know, interest rate in bank; American troop on the ground, you — I think — I don’t remember exactly the date, but you stay long time in Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War, okay, and Shaykh Hudhaify even make a speech and say that you — you are to — you are to leave, and he’s — he’s a — he was a — Hudhaify was the — the Imam of the second holy site in Islam, Medina. So he — bin Laden was also — was proof that — because when — bin Laden, al-Qaeda and the people that come to him was the proof that these people were not apostate, ’cause they say, “You don’t finance jihad if you don’t believe in Allah.”

Q: The money that was coming from the Saudi donors, how important was it to bin Laden’s ability to maintain the organization?

A:  It was crucial. I mean, without the money of the — of the Saudi you will have nothing.

All of that is from the first of the four days of testimony from him. It’s at:

The second day is at

In it is this:

Q: Do you remember the amounts of any of the donations reflected on the database you built?

A: I do, ye — yes. I mean, you talk about million of dollar, that’s — million of dollar. You had — for example, they — depending — the — the — the Saudi, okay — the Saudi prince, you know, Abdullah — and he was a new prince at the time, you know — they will give 2, $3 million, okay, and it was — each time they will have interaction with somebody from there, because most of the — the top-ranking close to Osama bin Laden were also from the biggest family in Saudi Arabia.


A: So when I say each time for country that you have these people going to Saudi Arabia, or Bin Baz or Uthaimeen or Shehri, or Hammoud al-Uqlaa, they will come back and say to Sakaf, okay, he gave X amount of money for this, okay. Initially I heard it and initially I — I wrote for — for — for Shaykh Abu Hafs and Shaykh Saeed, and I will only know that he brought 1 million [dollars], 2 million and 3 million, and it was something that was not a big deal for — for them, you know, they are — it was something that very common in the inner circle of the Saudi, because they all are from the richest family in Saudi Arabia.

Q: And all of this money was used to sustain al-Qaeda’s operations, correct?

A: Absolutely. I mean, all this.


Q: To clarify, you’re saying that the al-Qaeda members received salaries?

A: They do, absolutely.


The third day is at

Q: At a certain point in time did you receive an additional assignment from Osama bin Laden to deliver letters on his behalf?

A: I did receive — Osama bin Laden ask me to — to — to take a pack of letter to Saudi Arabia. …

I went to — by private plane to Riyadh, and that’s the first time I made to meet with the Prince — what you — what he call himself — Emir, Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud, okay. And the — the day after, okay, I — I — I went and toured — toured a big palace, okay, okay, and I spent one night there, overnight, the morning — I believe it was in the morning — I — I went to a — with Turki, he came to get me, and we went to a — to a — a meeting room, or big room, okay, where there was Abdullah and Bandar [called ‘Bandar Bush’ in Washington, because he’s so close to the Bush family] — Prince Abdullah, Prince Bandar, okay — and I give Prince — I remember Prince — to give letter to Prince Abdullah, Prince Bandar, Prince Salman, and Waleed bin Talal, okay. And there was other letter that Prince Turki told me that the people were not available, okay, and I say he wanted me — he wanted me to give it to him, I say no, that Shaykh Osama said to give them by hand.

Q: During your first trip do you recall approximately how many letters Shaykh Osama gave you?

A: I think seven or eight.

Q: Do you recall whom they were addressed to?

A: Only the people — I recall the people that I believe I was familiar, the name I heard before, okay, Abdullah, Fahd, okay, Salman, Waleed bin Talal, Bandar, Turki of course, and Shaykh — Shaykh Bin Baz, Shaykh Uthaimeen, Shaykh Shehri, and Shaykh Hammoud al-Uqlaa, but Shaykh Osama told me that the — the letter for the — for — for the ulema I could give it — give it to Turki, but the letter for the — for the prince, no, he didn’t want it.

Q: Did Osama bin Laden at that time identify Prince Turki as your principal point of contact for this trip? 

A: He told me, yes, he said that you will — you will go and you see Prince Turki.


Q: Do you know what the letters were about?

A: No, I don’t know what the letter were about — because Osama bin Laden didn’t tell me, but I know that it — at the time the — the — the — the talk inside the — the circle of Osama bin Laden was about the fact that King Fahd was very sick, he was going to die, and it was to — to know about who was going to take the succession, and there was competing between Nawaf, who was Chief of the National Guard, or — okay, one who had the — Sultan who — another bro — brother — they have seven brother to — who — who are taking power, that was what it was about, that’s the general idea I had, but I don’t — I never saw the written letter or never — never Osama bin Laden told me specifically what it was about, no.

Q Do you have any understanding why in that context Osama bin Laden would have been sending letters to both members of the royal family and the senior ulema [the scholars]?

A: My understanding from talking with people like Abu Basir al-Wahishi who become the — the head of al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula, who I used to be close to, okay, or Halad or Shaykh Abu Hasan, Shayk Mujahideen, Shaykh Aman, and Shaykh Abul Sef — my understanding that they — they want to know who they should support, because — and they supported Abdullah, who become the King, okay, and that’s what it was about. Because for them the — the Prince Abdullah was the lesser of all the evil, because Nawaf was known as a extremely anti-Islamic person, okay, Sul — Sultan was being seen as a sodomite, okay, okay, and — and — and the Abdullah was seen as a traditional Arab most — mostly be — be fasiq and touching in — in criminal activity. When I say “criminal activity,” fornication, homosexuality, drinking, but still a Muslim, so — but Nawaf was branded an apostate, Fahd was an apostate, so for — at the time the — the — my understanding is that Osama bin Laden, and be — in talking with Abu Hafs — Commander Abu Hafs al Mauritani and the people of — of Saeed and the people of — of — of al-Qaeda ash-Shura, they were seeing that it’s better for ul — for al-Qaeda to — to — to accept Sul — what’s his name — Abdullah — Prince Abdullah than to have — to declare an apostate and to be against him, that will give him more chance to — Nawaf and Sultan — to take power.

Q Why would the ulema have a say in that process?

A: Ulema, essentially they are the king maker. If — if the ulema say that you should not take power, you are not going to take power. And the ulema were important because they are the people who — who — who certify the Islamic legality of the jihad of Osama bin Laden. So Nawaf, Sultan, all the prince, they were giving money, helping Osama bin Laden so he know the — to get, let’s say, favor, or especially not to get the — the wrath of the ulema — the Wahhabi ulema and to declare apostate, because they could — they could, let’s say, put forward their — their donation and activity for Osama bin Laden to counteract or to contradict anybody who said that people are apostate because, look, he is drinking, he is doing fornication, he is now engaging in homosexuality, so he is not a Muslim, okay, the bad news anymore he is not a Muslim, or he is a friend of the America, but it’s okay for — he is doing all this, but, look, he is giving money to Osama bin Laden, he is sending people, material, blah, blah, blah, and — and everything, all this charity work.

9/11 was basically a regular, aristocratically and clerically backed, charity operation. People who don’t know a lot about history might find that idea difficult to wrap their heads around, but, to anyone who has studied the history of many cultures and many religions, it actually seems quite normal, almost as normal as war itself — the ultimate authoritarian expression. If anything is abnormal, it is democracy: the lack of authoritarianism, the concern for the publicinstead of for the kings and preachers.

PS: At the time when I wrote this report, I was unaware that Marcy Wheeler at emptywheel had already uploaded all the documents on it at

and I therefore now recommend that anyone who wishes to explore deeper into the legal case should go there.

About the author

EricZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Saudi King & Princes Blackmail U.S. Government

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Saudi Arabia, owned by the Saud family, are telling the U.S. Government, they’ll wreck the U.S. economy, if a bill in the U.S. Congress that would remove the unique and exclusive immunity the royal owners of that country enjoy in the United States, against their being prosecuted for their having financed the 9/11 attacks, passes in Congress, and becomes U.S. law.

The New York Times photo of what the paper regards as the kingdom's "big shots", starting with King Salman, of course.

The New York Times photo of what the paper regards as the kingdom’s “big shots”, starting with King Salman, of course.

As has been well documented even in sworn U.S. court testimony, and as even the pro-Saudi former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged privately, “Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” She didn’t name any of those “donors” names, but the former bagman for Osama bin Laden, who had personally collected all of the million-dollar+ donations (all in cash) to Al Qaeda, did, and he named all of the senior Saud princes and their major business-associates; and, he said, “without the money of the — of the Saudi you will have nothing.” So, both before 9/11, and (according to Hillary Clinton) since, those were the people who were paying virtually all of the salaries of the 19 hijackers — even of the four who weren’t Saudi citizens. Here’s that part of the bagman’s testimony about how crucial those donations were:
Q: To clarify, you’re saying that the al-Qaeda members received salaries?
A: They do, absolutely.

So: being a jihadist isn’t merely a calling; it’s also a job, as is the case for the average mercenary (for whom it doesn’t also have to be a calling). The payoff for that job, during the jihadist’s life, is the pay. The bagman explained that the Saud family’s royals pay well for this service to their fundamentalist-Sunni faith. Another lifetime-payoff to the jihadists is that, in their fundamentalist-Sunni culture, the killing of ‘infidels’ is a holy duty, and they die as martyrs. Thus, the jihadist’s payoff in the (mythological) afterlife is plenty of virgins to deflower etc. But, the payers (the people who organize it, and who make it all possible) are the Saud family princes, and their business associates — and, in the case of the other jihadist organizations, is also those other Arabic royal families (the owners of Qater, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman). However, 9/11 was virtually entirely a Saudi affair, according to Al Qaeda’s bagman (who ought to know).

The report of the threat by the Saud family comes in veiled form in an April 15th news-story in The New York Times, headlined, “Saudi Arabia Warns of Economic Fallout if Congress Passes 9/11 Bill.” It says that the Saud family’s Foreign Minister is “telling [U.S.] lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in [U.S.] treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts.” The NYT says that this threat is nothing to take seriously, “But the threat is another sign of the escalating tensions between Saudi Arabia and the United States.” While the carrying-out of this threat would be extremely damaging to the Saud family, the NYT ignores the size of the threat to the Sauds if their 9/11 immunity were removed — which could be far bigger. Consequently, this matter is actually quite a bit more than just “another sign of the escalating tensions between Saudi Arabia and the United States.”

Russian Television is more direct here: “Saudi Arabia appears to be blackmailing the US, saying it would sell off American assets worth a 12-digit figure sum in dollars if Congress passes a bill allowing the Saudi Government to be held responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.” (The Saudi Government is owned by the Saud family; so, even that statement is actually a veiled way of referring to the possibility that members of the royal Saud family — the individuals name by the bagman — could be held responsible for 9/11.) 

John Kerry schmoozing with a member of the Saudi mafia.

John Kerry schmoozing with a member of the Saudi royal mafia.

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ven immediately in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, there had been some mentions in the U.S. press of the U.S. Government making special allowances for Saud Prince Bandar al-Saud, a close friend of the Bush family (and he was also one of the Saudi Princes mentioned specifically by the bagman), to fly out of the country to avoid being sought by prosecutors. Furthermore, Newsweek’s investigative journalist, Michael Isikoff, headlined on 12 January 2001, “The Saudi Money Trail”, and he reported statements from royal Sauds, that they didn’t really mean for their donations to be going to such a thing as this. (Perhaps those individuals didn’t, but Bandar almost certainly did, because he was the Saud Ambassador to the U.S. at the time of 9/11.) However, now that the U.S. Government is relying heavily upon Saudi money to pay for the U.S. weapons and to help to organize the operation to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria and to replace him with a fundamentalist-Sunni leader, there is renewed political pressure in the United States (from the victim-families, if no one else), for the arch-criminals behind the 9/11 attacks to be brought to American justice. After fifteen years, this process might finally start. That would be a drastic change.

Clearly, the threat from the Sauds is real, and the royal response to this bill in the U.S. Congress reflects a very great fear the owners of Saudi Arabia have, regarding the possible removal of their U.S. immunity, after 15 years. 

Prosecution of those people will become gradually impossible as they die off. But a lot more time will be needed in order for all of the major funders of that attack to die natural deaths and thus become immune for a natural reason — the immunity of the grave. The U.S. Government has protected them for 15 years; but, perhaps, not forever. 

To say that this threat from the Sauds is just “another sign of the escalating tensions between Saudi Arabia and the United States” seems like saying that a neighbor’s threat to bomb your house would constitute just “another sign of escalating tensions” between you and your neighbor. The passing-into-law of this bill in Congress would actually constitute a change from the U.S. Government being a friend and partner of the Sauds, to becoming their enemy.

Obviously, there is little likelihood of that happening; and, on April 20th and 21st, U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with Saudi King Salman al-Saud. Without a doubt, this topic will be on the agenda, if it won’t constitute the agenda (which is allegedly to improve U.S. relations “with Arab leaders of Persian Gulf nations” — not specifically with Saudi King Salman and with his son Prince Salman). 

If President Obama represents the American public, then the Sauds will have real reason to fear: the U.S. President will not seek to block passage of that bill in Congress. However, if the U.S. President represents instead the Saud family, then a deal will be reached. Whether or not the U.S. Congress will go along with it, might be another matter, but it would be highly likely, considering that the present situation has already been going on for fifteen years, and that the high-priority U.S. Government foreign-policy objective, of overthrowing Bashar al-Assad, is also at stake here, and is also strongly shared not only by the Sauds but by the members of the U.S. Congress. Furthermore, the impunity of the Saud family is taken simply as a given in Washington. And, the U.S. Government’s siding with the Sauds in their war against Shia Muslims (not only against one Shiite: Assad) goes back at least as far as 1979. (Indeed, the CIA drew up the plan in 1957 to overthrow Syria’s Ba’athist Government, but it stood unused until President Obama came into office.)

Furthermore, the U.S. Government is far more aggressive to overthrow Russia-friendly national leaders, such as Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad, and Viktor Yanukovych, than it is to stop the spread of fundamentalist Sunni groups, such as Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc.; and, a strong voice for U.S. foreign policy, the Polish Government, even said, on April 15th, that as AFP headlined that day, “Russia ‘more dangerous than Islamic State’, warns Poland foreign minister”; and Russia itself is, along with Shiite Iran, the top competitor against the fundamentalist Sunni Arab royal families in global oil-and-gas export markets. So, clearly, the U.S. Government is tightly bound to the Saud family. Terrorism in Europe and America is only a secondary foreign-policy concern to America’s leaders; and the Saud family are crucial allies with the U.S. Government in regards to what are, jointly, the top concerns of both Governments.

Consequently, there is widespread expectation that some sort of deal will be reached between U.S. President Barack Obama and the Saudi leaders, King and Prince Salman, and that the Republican-led Congress will rubber-stamp it, rather than pass the proposed bill to strip the Saud family’s immunity.

About the author

EricZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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“Poor” G7 Just Cannot Disarm Yet!

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For centuries, the entire world has been in shackles, on its knees, humiliated, plundered and destroyed. G7! How many billions of victims from all corners of the world, made those countries so ‘grand’?
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They met in Hiroshima, Japan, in the first city on Earth that had been subjected to nuclear genocide. They were representing some of the mightiest nations on Earth: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States – the so-called Group of Seven (G7). And at the end of their encounter, they called for “a world without nuclear weapons”.

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G7 meets at The Hague

The G7 mafia at work (meeting in The Hague)

I am talking about the foreign ministers of seven countries with the largest economies on Earth.

Read carefully the names of these countries, one by one! For decades and centuries, the world has been trembling imagining their armed forces and corporations. Lashes administered by their colonial rulers have scarred entire continents, tens of millions were enslaved, and hundreds of millions killed, billions robbed.

Even now, if we all listen carefully, we can clearly hear the victims screaming, in agony: the native people of Canada and United States, the colonized people of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. For centuries, the entire world has been in shackles, on its knees, humiliated, plundered and destroyed.


The Perps' lineup. All deserve prison for enormous crimes against humanity.

The Perps’ lineup. All deserve prison for enormous crimes against humanity.  We only wish this were hyperbole.

G7! How many billions of victims from all corners of the world, made those countries so ‘grand’?

To ensure that the pillage could continue uninterrupted, the West together with those “honorary whites” (a term that the South African apartheid regime invented exclusively for the Japanese people) created several aggressive and belligerent pacts, including NATO, calling them, of course, “defensive” alliances. It came as no surprise: remember that in the lexicon of the Empire of Lies, war is called peace, while aggression is always defined as defense. But this I have already described in detail, in my 820-page book “Exposing Lies of the Empire”.

Now foreign policy tsars of the “G7” were standing shoulder to shoulder again, in Hiroshima, of all places, and only a few days after the 71st anniversary of the nuclear blast. Making predictable declarations and self-glorifying speeches.

The weather was good, partly sunny, with excellent visibility. But was the world really able to see through the thick fog of Machiavellian cynicism and lies, dispersed all over the Planet by those grinning rulers of the world?

On April 11, 2016, the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) issued a written declaration on nuclear disarmament:

“We reaffirm our commitment to seeking a safer world for all and to creating the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons in a way that promotes international stability”.

The horror, the horror…or, rather, the sheer hypocrisy of it all. Especially for Kerry, representing a nation that not only has used nuclear weapons on a civilian population, but is now actively shamelessly Japan and other nations to go nuclear to threaten Russia and China. 

Shamelessly, after spreading verbal toxins, all seven ministers went to the grounds of the monument and museum dedicated to the victims of “Hiroshima A-bomb”.

Seriously? No one around those ministers fell; nobody was seen to be rolling on the floor, shaking from uncontrollable laughter. Obviously, a joke repeated thousands of times loses its luster.

But that was not all. The text of the declaration continued:

“This task is made more complex by the deteriorating security environment in a number of regions, such as Syria and Ukraine, and, in particular by North Korea’s repeated provocations.”

What exactly were we reading? What was between the lines? Were we being told that the United States needs all of its 6,970 nuclear weapons to antagonize Syria and North Korea, while sustaining the fascist regime in Ukraine?

Just to put things into perspective: two Communist countries with nuclear capability have really negligible stockpiles of nuclear weapons, compared to the West and G7. China has 260 and North Korea (DPRK) approximately 15. In comparison, France has 300 and the U.K., 215.

In 2016, the population of China stands at 1.382 million, while that of France is less than 65 million. China has more than 21 times more people to defend, but despite that, France has more nuclear weapons.

The comparison gets even more ridiculous between North Korea and the U.K.

The figures quoted above are the latest “official” statistics, taken from the World Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Report, updated as recently as on March 2, 2016.

It would also be appropriate to recall that North Korea has never invaded any foreign country. Also China (PRC), apart from two brief border clashes, has never been involved in any large-scale military conflict. Not once has it colonized or destroyed a foreign land. Both France and the U.K. have been plundering on all of the planet’s continents, for centuries. Later, in the 20th Century, the United States ‘took over’ the reigns of imperialism from the old and ‘traditional’ European colonialist empires.

One statement is actually correct: there is that deteriorating security environment in a number of regions, but only due to the covert as well as direct aggressions of NATO and the G7 countries.

But it would be even more honest to declare: “We are sorry, we really cannot disarm, because if we would, it would become much more difficult to loot and to control the world.”

Before dispersing, the G7 party did what its members enjoy doing the most: lashing at China.

As Reuters reported:

“Foreign ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) advanced economies said they strongly opposed provocation in the East and South China Seas, where China is locked in territorial disputes with nations including the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan… Earlier on Monday, the G7 foreign ministers said after meeting in the Japanese city of Hiroshima that they opposed “any intimidating coercive or provocative unilateral actions that could alter the status quo and increase tensions”.”

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he US is habitually implementing that ‘good old’ British ‘divide and rule’ strategy. In Asia, it uses its ‘client’ states, particularly the Philippines, Japan and South Korea to isolate and provoke both China and DPRK. This policy is so dangerous that many here believe that it could eventually trigger the Third World War.

This time, China has fired back, almost immediately. At a news briefing, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang declared:

“If the G7 wants to continue playing a major role in the world, it should take an attitude of seeking truth from the facts to handle the issues the international community is most concerned with at the moment.”

The Western military build-up in the Asia Pacific region, the military maneuvers conducted jointly by the US and South Korea, as well as the continuous militarization of Japan, are definitely some of the topics that are making most of the Asian continent both ‘concerned’ and frightened.

Predictably, the DPRK remained the main punch bag of the G7. The ministers never explained exactly why the world should be petrified of North Korea. Such fear should apparently be taken for granted, especially after the long decades of intensive and vicious Western and South Korean propaganda.

But back to the statement of the ministers:

“We condemn in the strongest terms the nuclear test on January 6 and the launch using ballistic missile technology on February 7, March 10 and March 18 conducted by North Korea. It is profoundly deplorable that North Korea has conducted four nuclear tests in the 21st century.”

Of course, building defenses against the combined NATO and G7 aggressions is one of the most deplorable crimes, it calls for capital punishment!

Shamelessly, after spreading verbal toxins, all seven ministers went to the grounds of the monument and museum dedicated to the victims of “Hiroshima A-bomb”.

The Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida led the pack. Under the bizarre leadership of his government, Japan has been doing its absolute best to betray Asia, and to antagonize its neighbors. In the most servile and shameful way, it has fully accepted the Western dictates, increased the volume of its own hysterical propaganda campaign against China and DPRK, and has begun to bolster its military.

Why? Just to please its masters, those ‘noble and superior Westerners’!

By now, Japan is not even what its Prime Minister Shinzō Abe wants the world to believe that it is: a conservative nation governed by a nationalist government.

Japan has no spine, just as it has no foreign policy. It fully takes orders from the United States. And as I was told repeatedly by one of the employees of the NHK: “No major media outlet in Japan would dare to broadcast anything important, related to international affairs, that hasn’t appeared previously on at least one of the major US networks.”

Looking at Japan’s past, “conservative nationalists” used to be, for instance, some of the greatest writers like Yukio Mishima, a man who ended his life in 1970 by committing a ritual suicide, protesting Japan’s unabashed submission to the West. Japan’s Prime Minister Abe is definitely a ‘conservative’, but is he really a Japanese nationalist? He is defending the interests of Washington much more than those of his own country. Perhaps, “honorary white and one of G7 leaders” would be the most fitting term to define him.

Now, according to the official NATO website: “Japan is the longest-standing of NATO’s “partners across the globe”.

It is also one of the nations that are shamelessly plundering the world through its brutal corporations.


And so they stood there – seven ministers from some of the most aggressive countries on Earth.

They stood on the turf that was, more than 70 years ago, burned to ashes, in just a few seconds after the nuclear explosion.

They said again and again how much they would like to disarm, how much they would like to see the world free of nuclear weapons.

What they didn’t say was that they never would disarm, voluntarily.

And they never clarified how they actually made it to that exclusive G7 club: because of the unbridled plunder during their colonial history, and because of the modern-day global corporate pillage, as well as their mining and oil “investments”. And of course because of the “world order”, imposed by force and all sorts of weapons, nuclear and conventional, on the rest of the Planet.

Instead of Group of Seven, this pack should be simply called ‘GS’ – the Group of Shame.

The ministers stood for some time in front of the flame burning at the monument to Hiroshima A-bomb victims. They posed for the cameras. Then they went away, sat down at some table, and wrote the official declaration on nuclear disarmament, ‘explaining’ why they cannot abandon their tools of coercion. And that declaration turned out to be nothing more than yet another monumental pile of lies!

About the author

Andre Vltchek

Andre Vltchek interview on CCTV

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and “Fighting Against Western Imperialism”.Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western TerrorismPoint of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania – a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.

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The Spectacularly Insane World of Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories and Who is Really Behind Them!

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A very serious flaw in human nature, as it currently exists, is the strong desire to latch on to an idea or message that seems to justify one’s already deeply held convictions, attitudes and values inculcated from birth.

Muddled idiocy like this cements the paranoid and suspicious nature of the confused public.

Muddled idiocy like this cements the paranoid and suspicious nature of a confused public.

It takes tremendous discipline, or just an incredible lack of thought, to not begin to question at some point the basis of society’s rules, expectations and organization.

In the U.S. at least, the ideological posture of the general population seems to tack decidedly to the right. You have a terribly miseducated, brainwashed mass of people raised on the mythology of founding fathers, angels and demons, superheroes and American exceptionalism. This incessant propaganda is encountered at school, in church, at the cinema and on TV through various forms of fictional and supposedly factional news programs and infotainment-style documentaries. The American people are reared to be “believers,” not thinkers.

Therefore, having been primed to be reactionary (including so-called liberals or progressives), Americans who do begin to question the status quo go searching online for answers; they can’t be bothered with books. They are looking for a quick and seemingly plausible answer to why things are so messed up. They want to know why their job got shipped off to China; why there are brown people with more money than them; why abortion has not been outlawed yet; why Congress never seems to get anything done; why there are more and more openly gay people on television, etc., etc.

At this point, after browsing around online for ten minutes or so, some piece of far right new world order (NWO) propaganda is encountered that seems to explain things based on the mysterious and supernatural framework to which they are drawn to due to their upbringing. The basic framework of the story is always the same. There is a shadowy, diabolical group working behind the scenes to conquer the world. Although some or all of the individuals involved in the conspiracy may be citizens of the nation, they are actually part of an insidious “Other” – an outside, foreign group (literally or figuratively). They may be Illuminati, aliens (UFO’s), the United Nations, Bilderbergers, or the ever-popular Jewish cabal. No matter the name of the group or what it may claim is its purpose, what they really represent and what they are trying to achieve is a twisted right-wing horror-fantasy conception of what was called during the Cold War, the “international communist conspiracy.”

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s Adolf Hitler lamented most notably, this shadowy group employs a two-pronged strategy in its designs for a global takeover; namely, attacks from within and without a nation. For example, international finance (read: Jews) orchestrate an attack on the financial system while simultaneously stirring up racial, ethnic or class unrest within a nation with the aid of Marxist “traitors” from within. White supremacy and ultra-nationalism are also key elements of the NWO story.

“Unable to think outside of their own selfish interests and narrow worldview, they had to find a scapegoat. The nobility believed their own bullshit and most genuinely thought that their station and their privileges were God-given…”

The origins of this right-wing conspiracy go back to the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. This was a pivotal event that shook the foundations of the European ruling class aristocracy to its core. The overthrowing of the French monarchy was a terrible shock to the nobility throughout Europe and they were thrown into a panic. Hysterical and wild with primal fear, they began looking for answers to explain how this could have happened. Unable to think outside of their own selfish interests and narrow worldview, they had to find a scapegoat. The nobility believed their own bullshit and most genuinely thought that their station and their privileges were God-given. How could their loyal subjects take it into their heads to dare oppose them and attempt to usurp their power? To many of us today, the answer is quite obvious and simple – eventually oppression will always breed resistance. However, the nobility, in their hubris, were incapable of coming to this realization; to them, there could be only one answer – the Devil.

Shadowy groups were imagined, working secretly to overthrow the Christian kings of Europe; for to seek to overthrow God’s divine order automatically  put secular, democratic and freethinking organizations under suspicion. The Illuminati, for instance [“the enlightened ones”], probably the most popular villain in the NWO narrative, were a real secret society established in the late 18th century in Bavaria to teach and advocate what were, for the time, fairly progressive ideals; for this crime the group was infiltrated and disbanded by the ruler of Bavaria to stave off opposition to the monarchy and the state religion of Roman Catholicism. 1

One hundred years later, what will eventually become known as the NWO conspiracy theory gets renewed and strengthened with the publication of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It was first published in Russia in 1903 and it appeared to be the minutes of a secret meeting of Jews, who having co-opted the Freemasons, were plotting to take over the world. In reality, this document was actually created by the Czar’s secret police. It was quickly proven to be a hoax; although, even if the document were real, I wouldn’t be too concerned about any group of conspirators stupid enough to take down minutes at such a high-level, secret meeting. Such a bumbling gaggle as this would have absolutely no chance of success in their plot for world domination. 1

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] have my own theory regarding these conspiracy theories, and it is that the conspiracy theories themselves are a conspiracy. Decades before Edward Snowden, there were CIA whistleblowers such as Philip Agee, John Stockton and Victor Marchetti who testified about the CIA’s many dirty tricks including “black propaganda,” or putting out false stories about the communist enemy. One such technique is called “flipping the script.” This is essentially nothing more than accusing the enemy of doing what you yourself are doing; for example: “There is an international communist conspiracy to take over the world!” The reality is, of course, that there is an American capitalist conspiracy to take over the world.

The notorious CIA operative and eventually demented Frank Wisner. Always working to prop up the global plutocracy.

The notorious CIA operative and eventually demented Frank Wisner. Always working to prop up the global plutocracy.

Also, when presidents and other high U.S. officials simply drop the phrase, “new world order,” in their speeches and other formal statements I think it’s safe to say that this is done intentionally to get people riled up. George H. W. Bush and Henry Kissinger (both heavily involved in intelligence) have used the term. We know that political officials choose their words very carefully and these individuals knew full well the impact those three words would have on the most credulous and reactionary of American citizens.

When the truth is so very obvious, the ruling class and its agents must work overtime to muddle and confuse, and misdirect the attention of the population with false narratives such as the NWO story. The best propaganda usually contains a grain of truth and so intelligence operators can lend some credence to the tale by selectively leaking classified information on its own nefarious covert operations, while simultaneously creating or encouraging, funding and disseminating a narrative that presents these facts out of context and turns reality on its head.

One of the most egregious examples of conspiracy manufacturing and propagation through leaks of classified information is contained in the documentary film, Mirage Men. (See below). Deliberately leaking selected bits of classified information, or in CIA jargon, “limited hangouts,” about top secret test flights of military aircraft have been provided to groups of UFO enthusiasts and investigators in order to misdirect those most curious about these “strange phenomena” and to camouflage (hide in plain sight) these top secret research and development projects while also spreading fear, confusion and paranoia – helpful tactics in the divide and rule playbook.

Realizing that expanding the reach of the NWO delusion could only help their cause, establishment activists commissioned the production of The X-Files TV series. This show served to help popularize and bring to the mainstream what had previously been right-wing fringe ideas about a global conspiracy. A major television production is not a grassroots phenomenon to be sure. For those who will protest that TV shows and films are produced simply to make money I would reply – why not kill two birds with one stone? Why not make profits in the short-term and ensure those profits in the long-term by including propaganda messages that will make it so that the population does not directly challenge the status quo – the capitalist system itself. If you think I am engaging in spreading my own conspiracy theories, then research Operation Mockingbird. Of course, I am speculating about The X-Files, but the show certainly does play on the NWO conspiracy theory and there is a clear precedent for this type of thing with the aforementioned covert operation.

Over the years, innate right-wing paranoia and ignorance among both certain sections of the elites and their most loyal, reactionary supporters has, as indicated earlier, almost certainly given rise to many of these conspiracy theories spontaneously, but I think it is also safe to say that, given the usefulness of the impact of these theories to the ruling class, they have surely done much to encourage the spread of these mistaken ideas. I surmise, by the way, that the further you go up the power hierarchy, those elites toward the very top, the power elite, do not at all believe these theories, unlike their predecessors, the 18th and 19th century aristocracy.

While it is undoubtedly true that, given the example of the current Donald Trump phenomenon, much of the establishment fears the potentially destabilizing influence of the growth of right-wing populism, as long as the proles are chasing shadows and demons they are not chasing after the one thing that could lead to their liberation – Soviet-style socialism.


1. Wikipedia entry on “New World Order (conspiracy theory)

About the author
Joseph Waters is a political activist. He operates the blog, Proletarian Center for Research, Education and Culture (Prole Center).

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Is Russia Gearing up for More Trials of War Criminals in Ukraine?


Syria, the Ukraine, and other battlefields are just proxy conflicts. The object is the defeat and destruction of Russia as an independent world power.

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The evidence calls for a new Nuremberg Tribunal

Maxim Grigoriev | (Izvestia) 

 Originally appeared at Izvestia. Translated by Julia Rakhmetova and Rhod Mackenzie.

During World War II, Nazi troops fired on Leningrad not so much for military purposes as to intimidate civilians. They fired on schools, hospitals, child care centers. The same is happening in the Donbas now. We are listing thousands of schools, hospitals and other infrastructure elements that the Ukrainian armed forces destroy deliberately.

civilian-deaths-east-ukraineFor example, buildings in the Donbas known to be civilian were marked as military objectives with corresponding ammunition data: sights, calibers, amount of projectiles. They are: grammar school #41 (78 Luzhina Street, Donetsk) defined as ‘target 2801’, a point close to school #74 (34 Bogatyrskaya Street) and kindergarten #191 ‘Dandelion’ (19 Zoologicheskaya Street) is marked as ‘target 2802’; the playground of grammar school #58 (68a Partizansky Prospect, Donetsk) is marked as ‘target 2803’ and school #117 (3 Blagoveshchenskaya Street, Donetsk) is marked as ‘target 2804’ in an encrypted telegram #2/382 dated December 27th 2014.

About 15,000 people marched through Kiev to honor Stepan Bandera, the leader of Ukraine's Neonazi collaborationist movement. Amazing how the American media manages to miss even something as massive as that.

About 15,000 people marched through Kiev to honor Stepan Bandera, the leader of Ukraine’s Neonazi collaborationist movement. Amazing how the American media manages to miss even something as massive as that.

According to every international rule, these are military crimes. Many atrocious methods used by the current Kiev government coincide with those described in documents from the Nuremberg Trials, down to the minutest details.

I spoke to many prisoners handed over to the Donbas by the Ukrainian government during a prisoner exchange, and they told me how they arrested people just for having the visiting card of a Russian journalist in their pocket. Young people are being detained for their posts on social networks saying they support Russia, or if they have books that are banned in the Ukraine. They arrest people if they don’t support what the Ukrainians did in Odessa (on May 2nd 2014, when oppositionists were burned alive). There is also a direct analogy with Hitler regime in the way Ukraine treats dissidents.

“Sooner or later they will be brought to account.”

The fascist ideology that the anti-Hitler coalition fought against is vividly manifest in the Ukraine today. I’m sure the people responsible for this mass violation of human rights will sooner or later be punished, but lots of people disappear in the Ukraine and later are found to have been killed. Mass tortures and murders remind one of the times of Pinochet in Chile. Pinochet was a role model for the West, but sooner or later everyone like Pinochet must pay for their crimes.  (Protected by the global rightwing establishment, of which the Anglo-American empire is the lynchpin, Pinochet —like Franco and other dictators and butchers died in his bed, and with millions of dollars stashed away in secret bank accounts. Kissinger, too, will likely die peacefully without paying for his crimes, along with the entire current global ruling clique controlling the West.—Editors)

I’m sure the leaders of the current Kiev regime will have to do likewise, following trials in the Ukraine, based on recorded evidence of crimes committed by the Ukrainian government and its security services.

About the author
Maxim Grigoriev is a prominent political analyst, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the author of a recently published book “Common Fascism: Military Crimes of the Ukrainian Security-service agents (2014–2016)”


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