ANDREW KORYBKO—Nobody – least of all the Syrians – should have been surprised that Russia stood back and “watched the fireworks” since Moscow is allied with Tel Aviv and has no intention whatsoever of risking World War III for the sake of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), let alone its Hezbollah and IRGC partners, when its military mandate in the country is strictly to fight international terrorist groups and not defend the host state from conventional outside aggression.
STRATEGIC CULTURE—Washington’s putative withdrawal from Syria, if anything, is due to its realization of defeat for its regime-change operation. The Syrian army, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah deserve the laurels for heroically defeating the terrorist jihadist proxies whom Washington deployed to Syria for regime change. Salute too to the brave Syrian people for their amazing steadfastness in the face of horrific assault.
THE SAKER—I would even argue that with the Trump presidency now dramatically increasing the rate of collapse of the AngloZionist Empire the Israelis need to start making plans to involve other actors in their regional policy. The truth is that the US is not in a position anymore to remain a key player in Middle-Eastern politics and that decades of abject submission to the Likudnik agenda have irreparably damaged the US credibility and influence in the Middle-East (and the rest of the world).
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Intercept interview with Chomsky shows that neither can be trusted as genuine left opinion guides
51 minutes readP. GREANVILLE—n Intercept podcast by Jeremy Scahill (published Sept. 26) had an interesting and mighty revealing segment with Noam Chomsky, showing that neither Scahill nor his august guest—despite a respectable amount of cogent analysis—can be trusted to illumine left opinion on the great issues of the day, especially when it comes to US foreign policy, supposedly the forte of both discussants. This may sound harsh, unfair and even shocking to many on the left, as Scahill is often on target, spot on, until he goes off the rails. And then the glaring contradictions crop up. But, meantime, who can fail to agree with this statement: