JAY JANSON—The above two examples of articles of faked or false news seems to be enough for the majority of First World readers to give their blanket support, disinterested acceptance or indifference to genocidal action by Americans, but when the less sophisticated and less gullible great populations of economically struggling and financially suffering majority humanity in Third World arrive to having the time and media to inform themselves, the obvious lies of the First World justifying profitable genocide will not be believed nor the genocide tolerated.
Amb. Jaafari: Some permanent members have become professional liars. Through lying Palestine was occupied and the war in Korea fueled, through lying they invaded Vietnam & Grenada, occupied Iraq and destroyed Libya, and through lying they will create a pretext to invade Syria…
PATRICK COCKBURN—An Israeli-Iranian confrontation in Syria, would add yet another battle front to the conflict there that already has multiple fronts. If sustained, it could draw in Hezbollah in Lebanon which has been an important ally of Assad. The US may back a more aggressive Israeli posture in Syria, but the single-minded obsession of the Trump administration with Iran as the source of all instability in the Middle East is dangerously simple-minded and injects more instability into a region already deeply unstable.
ERIC ZUESSE—The real change that the new law introduces is to transfer Israel’s war-making decisions away from both the Knesset and the less-invasion-prone members of Israel’s Cabinet, to only the two most invasion-seeking officials: Netanyahu and Lieberman — in other words, actually, to Netanyahu alone.
My hope is that the totally undesirable things you’re describing do not actually transpire. But I’m not sure I share a confidence that that will be the case so long as Iran continues on its present course, which is threatening to bring it into confrontation not only with Israel, but also with a large number of actors throughout the Middle East.