Univision Presstitute Jorge Ramos tries to frame Maduro and gets thrown out.


Patrice Greanville

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hiny Jorge Ramos, a well known imperial journo described by CNN/CIA asset Anderson Cooper as "a senior veteran journalist" attached to Univision was recently thrown out of a press interview with Venezuela's president Nicolas Maduro, as Ramos, true to his longstanding practice, had gone to Venezuela to gather tendentious material to use against the Bolivarian government. On this CNN video (CNN is one of the leading US channels beating the drums for the toppling of Pres. Maduro) he is crying foul and hysterically denouncing Maduro as "a dictator" for the benefit of the plutocracy he so loyally serves, a defining feature of his long career in Spanish language channels.

"Jorge Ramos es un tendencioso..."

Mexican-born Ramos wants us to believe (and so he says in the interview with Cooper) that while he was admittedly a bit confrontational with Maduro—holding his feet to the fire so to speak—he was merely acting as a tough journalist, but that is not at all what Ramos does and was doing. In the guise of interviews, Ramos in fact specialises in hostile, real-time propaganda toward political figures the empire or the "Deep State" has put in its crosshairs.  He tried years ago the same ruse with Bolivia's Evo Morales, and Evo, quickly seeing through his dishonesty, also kicked him out. (See Appendix)

Ramos filming Venezuelan youths supposedly eating refuse from a garbage truck out of desperation. (The US media accuses the Maduro government of all sorts of crimes and sins, including gross mismanagement of the country, but they never mention the huge damage done to society and the economy by America's completely illegal sanctions.

Wikipedia calls him "The Walter Cronkite of Latin America", which says a great deal about the pathetic standards of American journalism and how the establishment sees its servile personnel, but that's another story. (Wikipedia). 

Much is being made on US media and affiliated channels of Ramos' team being unceremoniously deported from Venezuela, treating the incident as if some nuns had been raped, or minors molested, but those who understand the situation for what it is perfectly agree with the actions of the Venezuelan government. This act was in fact long overdue. In the global information war dominated by US media and its numerous allies, the Univision and Telemundo cadenas, owned by big capital inimical to any revolutionary process, play an important role in brainwashing the Latino public. This is the natural turf occupied by vile journos like Jorge Ramos.

Pres. Maduro and his people are by now well aware of the role played by "the free press" (and the equally counterfeit Western NGOs) in the hybrid war against the Bolivarian project. Their unrelentingly mendacious behaviour has permitted the American ruling cliques and their allies to manufacture all the necessary pretexts to inject American power nakedly in the region and advance the regime change moves required to take over Venezuela and turn back the clock to the sunny days of unrestrained capitalism and unimpeded imperialist exploitation.

Expelled from Trump conference. (Aug. 2015)

Ramos being expelled from a Trump press conference. In this case he irritated The Supreme Narcissist with some petty questions designed to put him on the spot in connection with his racist utterances about illegal immigrants (Aug. 25, 2015).  This was part of Ramos' role as member of the liberaloid never-trumper crowd defining (aside from Fox News and other right-wing channels) the posture of most of the corporate media. Opposing Trump's racism and lies about Mexican or Latin immigrants is always good, but not when this is used to serve the sordid and hypocritical agendas of the Democrat party and its Deep State handlers.

If you know the political syntax used by the US media—always shilling for the super rich over the poor, and cheering for the empire even when the latter is engaged in Nuremberg-class crimes— it is possible to decode their dispatches rather easily, as their spin on major political topics is fairly predictable and rarely varies.


[dropcap]A [/dropcap]close look at this passage in a Reuters dispatch (Univision team deported from Venezuela after Maduro interview) describing the Ramos incident bears this out. You will see that while Reuters tries to make it sound like a desecration, Caracas is justified in viewing most foreign corporate media with great suspicion if not outright hostility, as you would if faced with people determined to do you harm. The text reveals how devious and subtle the embedded lies are, often transmitted by context omission, half truths, and innuendo (an old technique), and how hopeless it is to expect the ordinary citizen to detect them. So here's our in-line dissection. (Our commentary is in bold red).

Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez said on Monday the government had previously welcomed hundreds of journalists to the presidential palace, but it did not support “cheap shows” put on with the help of the U.S. Department of State.  [Minister Rodriguez is absolutely correct.]

Ramos, a veteran anchor born in Mexico, told Mexican broadcaster Televisa that Maduro became annoyed when they showed him a video of young Venezuelans eating from a garbage truck, a sign of widespread food shortages across the country. [Ramos was quite probably trying to set up and provoke Maduro with some footage of unverified provenance, and quite likely manufactured for the purposes of this phony interview. This is classical—and easily produced— false flag material by the empire, which has become quite adept at creating entire false storylines with the help of film producers, "crisis actors", and so forth.]

Maduro faced regional condemnation this week after his security forces violently drove back opposition attempts to bring in foreign aid. [This is a lie spread by the US/NATO media.]

He is facing his biggest political crisis since he replaced Hugo Chavez six years ago, after rival and congress chief Juan Guaido last month invoked the constitution to assume an interim presidency, arguing Maduro’s re-election was fraudulent. [Reuters makes it sound as if Guaidó was more prominent in the country's politics than he is, and the whole passage is written to lend credence to the notion—totally false—that Maduro's recent re-election was fraudulent. Again, classical case of the Big Lie—repeat something often, from every nook and cranny, and people will swallow it.]

Venezuela’s socialist government has long had a tense relationship with Western media, which it largely considers hostile and in league with “imperialist” interests.  [Note how Reuters deliberately casts doubt where there should be none. The role of Western media as all-out champions of Washington's imperialist wars and adventures, their subservience to State Department narratives against targeted nations is by now amply demonstrated. Independent nations such as Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, etc., have been and will continue to be demonised and slandered by the US/NATO media because that is their precise assignment in the panoply of tools and weapons used by the empire to subjugate and defeat those who reject and oppose its hegemony. Note further, that, as is customary, the word "imperialist" is placed in quotes to signify again "doubt" or some type of hyperbolic expression.]

Short detentions and deportations have become common, especially as reporters facing delays for official permissions seek shortcuts to report in Venezuela.  [This is also a wild and tendentious exaggeration.]

At least seven foreign journalists who flew in to cover Venezuela’s political turmoil were briefly detained in January.

The Venezuelan media trade union said at least 30 journalists and workers for media outlets were detained in the first two months of 2019. [In a nation as severely infiltrated by US soft power agents, and fighting for its life, detention, when indicated, should be regarded as elementary prudence. It is also perfectly within the rights of a sovereign state. Furthermore, the legality of ANY detention, in Venezuela, Britain or the US, etc., is a matter for specific examination. Generalisations and claims of this sort in a world in which the chief lawbreakers of international and domestic laws are found in the US, Britain, France and their ilk, is the height of hypocrisy. Lastly, since the Venezuelan media is still almost 75% owned and controlled by private, capitalist interests aligned against Maduro, who are these "trade unionists"? There is no explanation about what kind of union they represent, and that, in itself, is a question worthy of further scrutiny.]

It happened with Evo, too.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is not the first time Ramos, a shill for the global plutocracy, has been thrown out of a press conference for openly rude or tendentious behaviour. As shown above, he was expelled from a Trump press conference in late 2015, during the runup to the 2016 election. Again, while herdlike, sheepish timidity and corrupt deference to power characterises the behaviour of most corporate journos, Ramos' antics do not represent the opposite, but another form of journalistic malpractice. This ambush, in the guise of interview, took place in La Paz, in February of 2006. It illustrates the Ramos method.

In the "truncated interview" Ramos pretends to teach Evo what real democracy means (US-style elections, etc.). Probing the profound respect that Evo Morales had manifested toward Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, Ramos tells Evo impudently that "many feared that his rule might look like Chavez' 'authoritarianism'," or Fidel Castro's "dictatorship." "You have said that you admire Fidel Castro?", he intones suggestively. Please answer yes or no. Such questions were highly conducive in substance and tone to disagreement, and could legitimately be viewed as a calculated insult. Evo, a self-assured man, was not about to let such provocations roll off without a forceful response, and knowing well who Ramos was and who had sent him, quickly terminated the exchange.  It is clear that Ramos, sneaky but obviously not very smart, and certainly a man who long ago sold off his dignity and self-respect, tried the same stunt in Caracas and obtained the same result, something which, as planned, no matter how the "interview" went, would be used to denigrate the targeted revolutionary leader.

SEE ALSO: Pablo Cambara, Maduro no fue el único, Evo también abandonó entrevista con Ramos, El Deber, 26 Feb 2019)

Patrice Greanville, a founder of Cyrano's Journal, America's first radical media review, is the founding editor of The Greanville Post.

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Venezuela Explained with Jimmy Dore


Published on Feb 22, 2019

Jimmy Dore fills in for Jesse Ventura. Producer Brigida Santos and Jimmy Dore explain the crisis in Venezuela where opposition leader Juan Guaido has declared himself interim president in an effort to unseat sitting president Nicolas Maduro. RT Host Rick Sanchez talks about the history of Venezuela and the impact of US involvement in Latin America.

Jimmy Dore is a noted American comedian and political commentator.

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Run-in With A Professional Warmonger


 Joe Giambrone / OPEDS

Aleppo, 2012. Michael Weiss with those lovable Syrian Jihadists. He's the one in the middle.

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ichael Weiss is a name you may have luckily avoided. I had until recently, not interested in the propaganda from The Daily Beast, a deceptive corporate deep-state clearinghouse. From the start of the Syrian proxy war, Weiss has banged the drum for more weapons to the “rebels” there. He even traveled to rebel-held Aleppo to be photographed with Jihadists and to sell their image to his gullible American readers. That's strike one for Weiss.

Max Blumenthal wrote at Alternet:

It might have seemed strange for Weiss, a right-leaning political operative who had worked with hardcore Islamophobes like Pam Geller and Douglas Murray, to suddenly be seen in the middle of a war zone palling around with Islamist guerillas. But the war in Syria had created strange bedfellows.”

That's an understatement. While writing this piece, Gadi Eisenkot, the head of the Israeli Defense Force, admitted to arming a dozen different Syrian rebel groups and even paying them salaries of $75 per man per month to attack the government forces there. We also know that a little-known state department memo unearthed in Hillary Clinton's emails detailed how destroying Syria was in Israel's interest.

Michael Weiss has a track record of writing articles like: "Why Arming the Rebels Isn't Enough - We need to dismantle Assad's air capability to really give the opposition a leg up" (June 2013). That is straight-up war propaganda urging America to commit war crimes against a sovereign nation, which never attacked us. This is a Crime Against the Peace and a blatant breach of the UN Charter. It's also what the Nazis were hung for at the Nuremberg Tribunals.

Coincidentally, that Weiss article about arming the rebels lionizes the terror group Tahrir Al Sham, actually calling them the "Free Syrian Army's Tahrir al Sham brigade." The photograph is pure Hollywood action movie PR. The US State Department finally designated Tahrir Al Sham as a terrorist branch of Al Nusrah Front. So that's strike two for Mr. Weiss.

Just how much promoting terrorists should a "journalist" be given a free pass for, before he is considered problematic?

Michael Weiss then became quite cozy promoting a Twitter account named "Shami Witness." This Tweeter became notorious as ISIS' most successful recruiter for the Syrian Jihad, which has killed half a million people.

"His tweets, written under the name Shami Witness, were seen two million times each month, making him perhaps the most influential Islamic State Twitter account, with over 17,700 followers."

Michael Weiss certainly appeals to a certain niche demographic. That's strike three, and I believe he's “Out.”

I happened upon Weiss on Twitter recently, when he spun an article about Russia's air campaign in Syria. His Twitter banner, a Freudian slip?

Weiss continues to try and make the lost case that there are good rebels, and that the only problem is “ISIS.” The article he Retweeted, conveniently hosted at the Moscow Times, says: “Only 14% of Russian Airstrikes in Syria Hit Islamic State Targets.”

So, Weiss wants to both claim credit and paint Russia as the villain in one fell swoop. Just a typical Tweet at the office for him. He doesn't want to address where the other 86% of Russia's bombs struck, and that would be on the heads of his good friends in Al Nusrah Front and Tahrir al Sham, the main fighting forces that are even listed as terrorist groups by the US State Department.

The dishonesty of this propaganda is that Weiss fails to inform readers that there is an agreement between Russia and the US to keep the airspace divided along the Euphrates River. Russian planes are not supposed to cross east. That happens to be where ISIS has largely hidden from Russian air power. The US is supposed to control that piece of sky by a 2015 agreement, and the US military makes quite a lot of noise when Russian jets cross into that section of sovereign Syria, a section the US has no legitimate right to control in the first place.

As Michael Weiss is promoting his book on the Syrian war, he makes much ado about the falling-out between ISIS and other rebel groups, as if that was the important point of debate. Why that matters to the people of America, I do not know.

The Free Syrian Army's own commander, Colonel Abdel Jabbar al-Okaidi, admitted years ago that the “Free Syrian Army” and a number of terror groups worked closely together. They share a common enemy, that being the legitimate, democratically elected Syrian government. The government of Syria protects minority groups, while the head-chopping Jihadists are known to execute large numbers of captured people who are not Sunni Muslims.

Michael Weiss seems to have cleaned up our heated Twitter exchange by deleting the dead ends he had no valid responses to. A relevant Tweet was where I asked Michael which team he played for, since he opposes “ISIS,” but does he oppose TERRORISM in Syria directed at government controlled areas? That question was met with expected silence. So, opposing terrorism seems not to be a priority for Michael Weiss, but only “ISIS.” He's a bait-and-switcher. Look at the mean Islamic State, but ignore the other giant armies of Islamists behind the curtain.

Then the dog whistle came out.

Weiss is a perfect mirror of the Deep State disinformation site The Daily Beast. Any lie or dirty trick is good enough to advance the neocon agenda.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]eiss did 8 seconds of digging and came up with a Tweet of mine that 9/11 is not actually what we were sold. He even pretended to want to know more information, but it was purely an act. He was calling his followers to attack me over the sensitive September 11th issue, and to harass me sufficiently to distract me from talking about his support of Syrian terrorists.

Several of the apparently deleted Tweets (I can no longer find them) concern a very simple fact that changes the meaning of the 9/11 attacks. Those Tweets went like so:

Are you even aware that the CIA knew an Al Qaeda cell arrived inside the USA 16 months before the attacks, but they made zero effort to simply have them arrested?

Silence followed, and that's just a tiny tap from the truth hammer I was prepared to bring down on Michael Weiss. He's not an honest debater and isn't interested in the answers to the questions he posts. His tactic was to ignore facts and rally his followers to hurl feces my way. You're not allowed to question 9/11 in Weiss' circles, obviously.

How we know the Bush administration (and potentially others) is likely guilty of Treason for allowing the 9/11 attacks to succeed:

1. Informed May 1, 2001 of an Al Qaeda cell inside the country plotting a large scale act, yet did absolutely nothing to stop them.

1.5 Read that again.

2. CIA aware of San Diego Al Qaeda cell early in 2000, but hid the information from the FBI. And if you think you can attack the messenger, CounterTerrorism “Czar” Richard Clarke, the same information is published in the 2005 CIA Inspector General Report into 9/11 (p. xiv).

3. Bush was personally warned of Al Qaeda suicide skyjacking plot at the G8 in Genoa Italy, July 2001, and personally moved to a ship.

4. Bush spent the entire month of August 2001 clearing brush in the hot sun of his Texas ranch instead of the air-conditioned oval office he had fought so hard to steal.

They covered up the crime! The 28 pages of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into the September 11th Attacks were censored for 14 years, thereby giving aid and comfort” to those Saudis named within the report who aided and abetted the purported hijackers, particularly Saudi Ambassador Bandar bin Sultan. This cover-up in-and-of-itself is the definition of Treason.

George W. Bush was a puppet, and a frightened one at that. His national security team was stacked with Project for a New American Century neocons, the folks who wrote lovingly about a new Pearl Harbor” to more quickly give them what they wanted: multiple wars and increases in military spending into the foreseeable future. Notably, that's exactly what they got.

PNAC members included both Vice President Dick Cheney and the Defense Secretary who did nothing at all to defend the nation on the morning of 9/11, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld. This is the ugliest chapter in modern US history, and mostly because it's verboten to talk about it in the media, largely because of mocking war propagandists like Michael Weiss.



Joe Giambrone publishes Political Film Blog to store hyperlinks to all these wonderful factual sources.


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The Empire’s Propagandists


Most Americans have been conditioned to believe that "imperialism" is an anachronism, and that "gunboat diplomacy" and wanton meddling and bullying are no longer in use, but they are alarmingly wrong.

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith most media attention in the US on the government shutdown and border wall stand-off spectacle, the Trump administration has been quietly ramping up US militarism around the world. And it has set its sights on Venezuela, once again, by supporting a coup. Whether or not one supports the policies of Maduro or any other leader is inconsequential in this regard because, despite the empty mythos, the American Empire has never been interested in defending democracy. After all, its list of allies include fascist strongholds, a murderous medieval kingdom, a ruthless apartheid regime and several compliant, neoliberal states.

The ruling class of the US imperium will simply not tolerate any government that opposes its financial and geopolitical dominance, attempts socialism, or transfers its nexus to another powerful state entity, like Russia or China for instance. If one chooses to do so it is instantly targeted for assault either by crippling economic sanctions or embargoes, which make governance nearly impossible and primarily harms the general population, or covert subversion, or by direct and indirect military intervention. And the corporate media, when it chooses to cover these issues, generally parrots State Department and Pentagon talking points and obfuscations about the intentions of the US government, the role of corporations and global capitalism, and the character of the governments the US happens to be opposing at the time. And all of this is done with virtually no historical analysis. But of course none of this is new.

Whether it was for Reagan in Grenada or Bush Sr. in Panama or Kuwait, or Clinton in the Balkans, the American mainstream media has dutifully peddled the lies of Washington. The media cycle was drenched in the lies of the Bush administration about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. Despite Iraq having absolutely nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11, the corporate media did little to underscore this fact at a time when the Empire was ratcheting up the war machine. Those who questioned it often lost their jobs or were marginalized. Now that this foray resulted in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians, mass migration, and the decimation of an entire region many in the media and some politicians have looked back with selective remorse. As if that helps the dead in any way.

The ruling class of the US imperium will simply not tolerate any government that opposes its financial and geopolitical dominance, attempts socialism, or transfers its nexus to another powerful state entity, like Russia or China for instance.
The corporate media came to the aid of the Obama administration when it targeted Libya, repeating stories, many unsubstantiated, about atrocities being carried out by the Gaddafi government. When Gaddafi himself was brutally murdered by a mob his death was talked about in the parlance of empire. “We came, we saw, he died,” Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, maniacally proclaimed in a television interview. And the media barely lifted an eyebrow of shock. On the contrary, they laughed and applauded it. Now that country, once one of the most prosperous in Africa, has become a haven for slave traders and a focal point for the migration crisis in Europe. But one would be hard pressed to find many big news stories once the US/NATO war machine has finished bombing their intended target. All the monumental failures and brutality of militarism should rationally signal its end, not only in the US but everywhere. The interests of capital, however, drive its continued expansion. And the corporate media has been its ever faithful mouthpiece.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he mendacity of a sycophantic corporate press has allowed for decades of unrestrained plunder and whole scale destruction of entire societies, regions and ecosystems. It speaks in a language sanctified by empire which, of course, cannot mention the word “empire” or “imperialism” at all. It is, after all, a media governed and guided by corporate interests and those interests are tied to some of the most lucrative industries on the planet. Business is booming, in fact, for American and multinational companies that profit from war and militarism, like Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. Other companies, like those in the fossil fuel industry and infrastructure development contracting, wait in the wings for the aftermath of each new exploit like vultures waiting to feed on carrion.

The corporate press understands how sacrosanct the military is to the elite establishment in the US. One can see this in the copious amount of “experts” on cable news that are members or former members of the US military, the CIA and other agencies of empire. No one at the top dare question how much money the military gets, this year it is slated to get at least $716 billion, or call it out as the biggest polluter on the planet and contributor to global warming. The ones who do in the mainstream are swiftly chastised or silenced.

No tears can be shed for America’s so-called “enemies” either. A hospital? A school? A wedding party? An ambulance? None of these garner the same outpouring of sympathy that just one American soldier receives. They know, too, that the culture has been conditioned into obeisance to the war industry. This is the same machine which bamboozles young men and women with scant economic or educational opportunities into “defending US interests” – code words for being cannon fodder, a term buried long ago, or mercenaries for the protection of corporate investments.

Of course militaristic jingoism is nothing new in the US. It has played well for decades at nearly every single sporting event getting slicker with more techno flash every time. With jets tearing the sky into shards over packed stadiums festooned with red, white and blue everything, crowds of disenfranchised youth are encouraged to buy into the lie that bombing impoverished and largely powerless people elsewhere to smithereens will somehow defend their homeland.

High schools and even colleges welcome recruiters often to “career day” events. The organized murder game is often their only option for employment or educational advancement. But should they return home from a deployment damaged, with PTSD or in financial straits they are generally scuttled out of the spotlight. Suicide, domestic abuse, and homelessness are skyrocketing among them, but you would hardly know that if you watch cable news or read most mainstream newspapers. True, they are occasionally trotted out onto podiums by politicians for empty patriotic accolades, but only if they are telegenic and useful for the continuation of the war machine. Should they dissent from the narrative, they are rendered invisible.

Hollywood acts as an arm to this media intoxication when it comes to the military. Watch virtually any action, sci-fi or suspense movie these days and notice how militarism is seamlessly laced through most of the plot lines. Military hardware is easily available for these productions. Soldiers are almost always cast as virtuous. And this also demonstrates the strain of pernicious authoritarianism within American culture. FBI and CIA agents, detectives, prosecutors, all of them are portrayed with an air of troubled, perhaps flawed, but intact unassailable nobility.

And this gets to the covert actions of the American Empire which are obscured or talked about in muddied terms even more. Those actions masterminded in the dark halls of the surveillance state. Whether it be supporting coups, kidnapping dissidents, targeted assassinations, or training and funding death squads, the US has a long history of destabilizing democratically elected governments or infiltrating democratic movements with subterfuge. It did this in the Democratic Republic of the Congo when it murdered its first president, Patrice Lumumba. It did so in Iran when it toppled the government of Mohammad Mosaddegh. It did it in Chile when it aided the coup against Salvador Allende. It did it in Indonesia, and El Salvador, and Honduras and so on. So there should be no doubt that it is doing it again, right now, in Venezuela.

The ones rendered expendable by the American mainstream media, who are seldom if ever spoken of, are the civilian victims of the American Empire’s endless wars, occupations and covert actions. They are ghosts that roam the sphere without glorious tombs in which to repose. No imperial-sanctioned, wreath clad monuments adorn their graves. No days of remembrance. They may have met their end in the killing fields created or fostered by the Empire thanks to a brutality paid for in full by the US taxpayer, but they are not important enough to be mentioned by the American media except maybe in passing. It is as if uttering their names might summon a spirit of vengeance from a mountain of corpses, the sediment of imperialism itself.

Of course other nations around the planet, including Russia and China, use brutal militarism as well to crush dissent. But none of them invests or spends nearly as much as the US in this regard, nor use it to the same extent. And this is what makes American imperialism the most dangerous on the planet. The business of the American Empire, after all, is war, whether it is selling weaponry to its client states who are actively engaged in genocide, occupation or repression, be it Saudi Arabia, India or Israel, or engaging in war games itself throughout Africa and Central Asia. And as the Trump administration lurches toward an even more aggressive foreign policy, and even more sanctions and threats of military actions against Venezuela or Iran or North Korea, we will be seeing a lot of the same sycophantic and ahistorical propaganda being pumped out by virtually every corporate media outlet. While they might loath Trump’s vulgarity and overt racism, they will never oppose his belligerent foreign policy. The enemies of the American Empire will always be vilified accordingly as the enemies of democracy because mendacious doublespeak is the official language of a media inextricably wedded to its corporate masters.

Kenn Orphan is an artist, sociologist, radical nature lover and weary, but committed activist. He can be reached at kennorphan.com.

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Revolutionary wisdom

Meghan McCain Now Hates America


Meghan McCain: Still crying over her father, a war criminal, but also the man who made her a celebrity. It's an inevitable fact of life that in most cases the kin of criminals will have glowing opinions of them, hence their opinions have to be filtered with extra caution.  Not to mention this woman was acculturated in a rich family of longstanding rightwing/imperialist affiliations, deepening the exceptionalist brainwash afflicting most Americans.

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n Saturday, January 26th, the famous daughter of the deceased U.S. Senator and Republican Presidential nominee in 2008 John McCain, said:

“As an American, I hate this country without him in it. I know that sounds awful. I don’t hate America, but I just hate it without his leadership. I’m very — I’m sad all the time.”
Here is the context, as provided at a website “Grabien” (along with a garbled video-clip from CNN’s “Van Jones Show,” where she said this (but which program doesn’t yet post the video):
McCAIN: “The first thing I have to say is that I’m surrounded with support. I try not to feel bad for myself. I just don’t — I think he would be terribly pissed if I walked around that way. I learned that grief is a taboo. It makes people uncomfortable. Almost five months out since he I’m sad every single day. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with sharing that. I have moments where I think that I just can’t do anything anymore without him. It’s a weird place to be in in so many different ways. As a daughter I’m grieving and as an American, I hate this country without him in it. I know that sounds awful. I don’t hate America but I hate it without his leadership. I’m very — I’m sad all the time. I’m struggling with that sadness. I miss him in ways that I never could have fathomed. I try to say what would my dad say and he’d say we are McCains. We don’t feel sorry for ourselves. We’re blessed, and get up and keep fighting (applause).”
Her father is featured in this video about her father and about his proud achievements in Ukraine:

Select Comments

I was born in Ukraine, my grand mother, uncles, aunts and cousins still live in Chernovtsi which is in the West of Ukraine (and is also where Mila Kunis is from) and I can tell you from experience as I have visited there many times that people there also mostly speak Russian, the people who speak Ukrainian are the poor farm people or red neck like. These Ukrainians who are pushing for the Ukrainian language to be the only language in Ukraine are the Banderas, they are anti semitic, Anti Russian neo nazis, literally they are skin heads and I feel sad my country (America) is supporting these idiots, I was talking to my Uncle in Ukraine on Skype 2 days ago and he said they are calling up all the young men for war and they are going on a suicide mission against Russia only because Obama is giving these nazis money and supplies so they traded in their swastika arm bands for suits to look more official but they are still skin head ass wholes. Obama is making bad moves, first he supported a terrorist organization called the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now this, WTF America? Why can't we stop this Idiot shit for brains Obama? He is involving us in a greater conflict with Russia that anyone can even imagine and we just sit quietly at home.


About the author

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity. Besides TGP, his reports and historical analyses are published on many leading current events and political sites, including The Saker, Huffpost, Oped News, and others.


horiz-long grey
What will it take to bring America to live according to its own self image?