LENDMAN: The WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries"

Partnered with NATO, America’s military/industrial/media collaborators misportray US wars as humanitarian, hiding their imperial purpose – state terrorism against millions, showing an utter disregard for the law, truth, humanity or justice.

CALLING ITSELF “THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OF THE PEOPLE,PHOTO: (Left) Julian Assange, somewhere, sometime, in 2007.

As expected, the White House reacted sharply and deceptively, National Security Advisor James Jones saying:
The UN Charter is also explicit, explaining under what circumstances violence and coercion (by one state against another) are permitted. Articles 2(3) and 33(1) require peaceful settlement of international disputes. Article 2(4) prohibits force or its threatened use, and Article 51 allows the “right of self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member….until the Security Council has taken measures to maintain international peace and security.”  In other words, justifiable self-defense is permissible. Articles 2(3), 2(4), and 33 absolutely prohibit any unilateral threat or use of force not specifically allowed under Article 51 or authorized by the Security Council.  Three important General Assembly resolutions concur, unconditionally prohibiting “non-consensual military intervention”:
  1. .
WikiLeaks documented the evidence, lifting the fog of war, revealing its true face, the human carnage, shocking atrocities, rampaging death squads against civilians, murdering women and children wantonly, torturing randomly arrested victims, operating freely under a media blackout.
Even now after WikiLeaks revelations, media reports focus largely on their legality, political impact in November, and how congressional Democrats and the Obama administration may be harmed. They say nothing about nine years of duplicitous lies, shocking war crimes, no accountability, and two illegal wars, demanding they end, their grotesque harm stopped, and hundreds of billions for war profiteers used for homeland needs to revive a sick economy, harming millions as a result.
WikiLeaks Reports
Civilians are willfully targeted, those killed or wounded called insurgents, the numbers affected downplayed and misreported, embedded journalists an echo chamber for Pentagon/NATO lies and distortion.
Reports cover most Army units, not Special Forces, top-secret European ones, and other International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) except in combined operations, including assassinations and killing of civilians, including women and children, the media calling them militants or saying nothing at all.


A Final Comment
I was born in 1934, am a retired, progressive small businessman concerned about all the major national and world issues, committed to speak out and write about them. Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


July 30, 2010

Damage Control: Downplaying the WikiLeaks Revelations

By Stephen Lendman
When truths are too disturbing to conceal, downplay them, change the subject, and blame others, not responsible Washington officials and key allies, culpable politicians and media misinformation masters suppressing and misreporting the facts, their well-oiled spin machine counterattacking WikiLeaks – revelations too sensitive to explain, a potential game-changer otherwise, so pundits and reporters duck them.
Above all, WikiLeaks “Afghan War Diaries” are a powerful indictment of wars, their true face, the mindless daily slaughter and destruction too disturbing to reveal, for Julian Assange:
“the vast sweep of abuses, everyday squalor and carnage of war….one sort of kill after another every day going on and on and on….one damn thing after another….(endless) small events, the continuous deaths of children, insurgents, allied forces….(many) thousands” of war crimes needing exposure, accountability, and prosecutions.
The “Diaries” document them, suppressed by the major media, choosing embedded complicity and Pentagon handouts over real journalism, WikiLeaks “high quality material” and solid analysis their antidote, so far not enough to stop Congress.
One day after their release, following the Senate’s passage days earlier on top of $130 billion already approved this year, the House overwhelmingly passed a $60 billion supplemental spending bill, including $37 billion for America’s wars, mostly for 30,000 additional troops in Afghanistan. Obama tripled the force since taking office, now around 100,000 and increasing by about 2,000 a month, their numbers exceeded by private military and other contractors, making the annual cost per US soldier $1 million and rising, reason enough to end both wars and bring them home.
Yet more escalation is planned, breaking candidate Obama’s October 27, 2007 pledge saying:
“I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home, We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank,” perhaps an insolvent one under FDIC receivership.
A day after the WikiLeaks release, he ignored old promises, evaded indictable war crimes evidence and a deepening unwinnable quagmire, urging the House authorize more supplemental funding, then engaged in contradictory, deceitful damage control saying:
“While I’m concerned about the disclosure of sensitive information from the battlefield that could potentially jeopardize individuals or operations, the fact is these documents don’t reveal any issues that haven’t already informed our public debate about Afghanistan. Indeed, they point to the same challenges that led me to conduct an extensive review of our policy last fall.”
Instead of withdrawing as earlier promised, he plans escalation, the same Vietnam misjudgment, force levels there reaching 540,000 in December 1969, yet not enough to win, resulting in drawdowns, withdrawal and defeat, now repeating in Afghanistan, then Iraq no matter each country’s troop level. Mindless of history, Obama added:
“We’ve substantially increased our commitment there, insisted upon greater accountability from our partners in Afghanistan and Pakistan, developed a new strategy that can work and put in place a team, including one of our finest generals, to execute that plan. Now we have to see that strategy through,” no matter its illegality and futility, what he and Pentagon brass know but won’t say, what Congress and the media won’t address, supporting a killing machine in violation of US and international law.
Deceitful Media Misinformation
Released in advance to the Guardian, Der Spiegel, and New York Times, the “paper of record” collaborated with White House officials to sanitize it, clearing it in advance before publishing. Its Washington bureau chief, Dean Baquet, confirmed that he and two reporters (Mark Mazzetti and Eric Schmitt) “did in fact (tell them) what we had,” Obama officials “prais(ing) us for the way we handled it, giving them a chance to discuss it, and for handling the information with care. And for being responsible.”
Responding to readers, Times editor Bill Keller (PHOTO, Left) wrote:
“The administration, while strongly condemning (the release), did not suggest (we not) write about them. On the contrary, in our discussions….while challenging some of (our) conclusions….thanked us for handling the documents with care (read sanitizing disturbing truths), and asked us to urge WikiLeaks to withhold information that could cost lives. We did pass along that message.”
In addition, he concealed daily war crimes, including mass civilian deaths, many willfully committed. Also, Task Force 373, death squad assassins killing suspected insurgents, cold-blooded murder The Times suppresses, collaborating with imperial lawlessness.
Instead, it focused on “Pakistan’s Double Game,” a July 27 editorial “confirm(ing) a picture of Pakistani double-dealing that has been building for years,” saying “If Mr. Obama cannot persuade Islamabad to cut its ties to, and then aggressively fight, the extremists in Pakistan, there is no hope of defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan,” The Times, of course, supporting the Afghan and Iraq wars.
For many decades, it’s suppressed disturbing truths, functioning like a propaganda ministry, masquerading as real news, commentary and analysis – why WikiLeaks gave the Guardian and Der Spiepel its documents for more accurate reporting if three papers, not one, had them.
A wise decision given The Times history of supporting privilege, backing corporate interests, knowingly ignoring CIA efforts to topple elected governments, letting the Agency use its correspondents as covert assets, turning a blind eye to electoral fraud, and promoting imperial wars.
In the run-up to attacking Iraq, its star reporter, Judith Miller, bylined daily Pentagon handouts, scamming the public as a complicit Bush administration agent, a weapon of mass destruction against truth and real journalism by transmitting lies, deceit and agitprop, standard New York Times fare.
For months in 2004, it also concealed the Bush administration’s illegal domestic spying program, delaying its report until after the November election, and in 2000 endorsed Bush v. Gore, the first time in US history that the High Court ignored electoral fraud, annulled the popular vote (and final Electoral College count), installing its own preferred candidate over the winner.
The Wall Street Journal is unapologetic about supporting corporate interests, and under Rupert Murdoch the lunatic fringe, neocon extremism, and imperial wars, its July 29 editorial titled “WikiLeaks ‘Bastards’ ” an example, saying:
Julian Assange loves “crushing bastards.” We wonder if the ‘bastards’ he has in mind include the dozens of Afghan civilians named in the document dump as US military informants. Their lives, as well as those of their entire families, are now at terrible risk of Taliban reprisal.”
In fact, the Journal ignores Assange’s “bastards” – imperial warlords reigning death and destruction daily in Iraq and Afghanistan, unmentioned in Journal reports, op-eds or editorials, focusing instead on supporting the troops and “humanitarian” wars bringing “democracy” to beleaguered people, the kind that slaughters and enslaves them.
The editorial calls publishing disturbing truths “troubling,” though revealing “no big lies about the war (but) no small ones either.” Exposing details about “the military’s methods, sources, tactics and protocols of communication” harms national security.” In fact, what harms it is America’s presence, lawlessness and imperial agenda.
In a July 27 Journal op-ed, Bret Stephens calls civilian deaths, Special Forces teams targeting insurgents, and Pakistan aiding the Taliban “not exactly” news. “Still, you’d be forgiven for thinking it is, given the Pentagon Papers-style treatment now being accorded” the WikiLeaks release. “We’ll see about that,” so he focuses instead on a former Khmer Rouge prison commandant’s conviction for his role in the 1970s Cambodian killing fields, hardly worth discussing over 40 years too late.
Journal writers Siobhan Gorman and Jay Solomon also dodged the story, diverting attention to “Suspicion (and unproved allegations) of Iranian ties to the Taliban and al Qaeda,” alleging Tehran provided them arms, like earlier false claims about Iraq, the writers saying some accusations “stretch credulity,” yet they reported them anyway.
On July 27, the Washington Post headlined “Wikileaks’ release of classified field reports on Afghan war reveals not much,” saying:
The voluminous release “hardly merits the hype (nor) does it provide evidence for war crimes prosecutions – though in making that assertion, Wikileaks’ founder revealed his….antiwar agenda,” one supported by most Americans and majorities worldwide.
Saying the archives “add detail and texture,” the Post downplayed their importance, calling them old news, insignificant, unreliable, unconfirmed, not reflecting current policy – the kind escalating killing by a tripled force level and expanded war into Pakistan, its carnage and daily Iraq violence suppressed, the grim facts too disturbing to reveal, multiplied manyfold in Afghanistan.
On his nationally syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh mocked WikiLeaks saying, “In the old days, the definition of winning a war was killing people.”
Fox News on-air host/commentator Greg Gutfeld headlined, “WikiLeaks’ Crusade Against the US Military,” saying its documents are “pure bullpoop times 12. The fact is, their goal is to ‘expose’ only the people they hate – meaning the US military – and get famous for it. (What) Julian thinks is ‘unethical behavior’ is only unethical if you’re an idiot….and if you disagree with me, you’re a racist homophobe who eats oil-soaked pelicans.” PHOTO (Left) R. Emmett Tyrrell.
Fox News calls itself “fair and balanced,” saying “we report, you decide.” Its above comments show otherwise – why Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) calls Fox “the most biased name in news,” its “extraordinary right-wing tilt” not reality or honest journalism, sadly lacking throughout the major media, cable and broadcast “news” looking more like Fox, racing to the bottom for ratings and profits, delivering a propaganda, junk food news and entertainment diet, their viewers misinformed and cheated.
Overall, the major media downplayed the WikiLeaks story, CNN like others saying:
“American officials from the president on down” minimized the disclosures, Pentagon officials finding no high classification level disclosures. Senator John Kerry said the leaks shouldn’t be overstated. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stressed they won’t affect congressional support for the war.
Trying to rebrand it, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton highlighted “the new counterinsurgency strategy implemented earlier this year, (a policy) to turn things around,” and a July 25 White House email told reporters “Some of the disconcerting things reported are exactly why the President ordered a three month policy review and a change in strategy,” in fact, the same one escalated with more troops, more attacks, and more killings.
Others called the documents old news the way Pentagon Papers bombshells were dismissed, the Los Angeles Times saying WikiLeaks reports revealed few, just material “put(ting) the Obama administration on the defensive about its Afghanistan policy (that) may deepen doubts in Congress about prospects for turning around the faltering war effort.”
Not easily with major media support, complicit with Pentagon warlords, criminal politicians, and corporate bosses burying the story, calling it unimportant and moving on, backing the war effort by misreporting or silence.
As a result, antiwar sentiment must challenge official policy, enlisting others to resist and back efforts to revive a sick economy, lift living standards, save social benefits, and the remnants of democratic freedoms, fast eroding in America by design, the prospect too horrific to accept, making bad governance essential to change.
If not now, when? If not us, who? If that’s not incentive enough, what is?

The Curious Origins of Political Hacktivism


Real hacktivism is at least as old as October 1989 when the US Deptartment of Energy and NASA machines worldwide were penetrated by the anti-nuclear WANK worm. The worm was the second ever to be unleashed, but its provenance was a curious contrast to its forebear. For you see, worm #1 had been traced to the son of National Security Agency chief cryptographer Robert Morris.

November 25 / 26, 2006  [print_link]
The Anti-Nuclear WANK Worm
That WANK had a bold political intent was immediate. WANK penetrated machines had their login screens altered to:
W O R M S A G A I N S T N U C L E A R K I L L E R S _______________________________________________________________
\__ ____________ _____ ________ ____ ____ __ 
\ \ \ /\ / / / /\ \ | \ \ | | | | / / /
\ \ \ / \ / / / /__\ \ | |\ \ | | | |/ / /
\ \ \/ /\ \/ / / ______ \ | | \ \| | | |\ \ /
\_\ /__\ /____/ /______\ \____| |__\ | |____| |_\ \_/
\ /
\ Your System Has Been Officically WANKed /
You talk of times of peace for all, and then prepare for war.
In our book Underground, Suelette Dreyfus and I trace the source of the worm to Melbourne, Australia. At the time there was considerable cold war fueled anti-nuclear sentiment in the country. Australia had (and still has) a number of US spy, early warning and nuclear submarine communications bases, most of which were first and second strike soviet targets. Australia would not otherwise be a nuclear target, a fact charismatic Soviet foreign minister and Gorbachev confidant Edvard Shevardnadze frequently drew to the attention of the Australian people before finding himself a loved and reviled President of Georgia.
Examination of the worm source code show specific instructions to avoid infecting machines New Zealand.
Policy always has unpredicted consequences, but it should be remembered that some are blessings!
JULIAN ASSANGE  is president of a NGO and Australia’s most infamous former computer hacker. He was convicted of attacks on the US intelligence and publishing a magazine which inspired crimes against the Commonwealth. He is the co-author of Underground and can be reached at http://iq.org/

Blowback in Kyrgyztan

The turmoil in a small Central Asian country speaks volumes about US ‘democratisation’ efforts in the region



Top diplomat Robert Blake is being sent to Kyrgyzstan to "evaluate" the situation after last week's uprising which ousted the president of the strategically important central Asian nation. Tsk, tsk...More headaches for the Empire's managers.

Joseph Huff-Hannon is a Brooklyn, NY-based independent writer and producer, a 2008 finalist in the Livingston award for young journalists, and a recipient of a James Aronson award for social justice journalism. See more of his work at josephhuffhannon.com

  • guardian.co.uk © Guardian News and Media Limited 2010

Is America Being Neo-CONNED by Zionist Media Psyops?

Is Israel Controlling Phony Terror News? The authors pose important questions which, of course, are not being asked by the mainstream media

By Gordon Duff and Brian Jobert  [print_link]

W H O  SAYS Al Qaeda takes credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much all information telling us Muslims are bad? Rita Katz? Rita Katz is the Director of Site Intelligence, primary source for intelligence used by news services, Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA. What is her qualification? She served in the Israeli Defense Forces. She has a college degree and most investigative journalists believe the Mossad “helps” her with her information. We find no evidence of any qualification whatsoever of any kind. A bartender has more intelligence gathering experience.

Rita Katz at the lectern.

Do we know if the information reported comes from a teenager in Seattle or a terror cell in Jakarta? No, of course not, we don’t have a clue. Can you imagine buying information on Islamic terrorism from an Israeli whose father was executed as a spy by Arabs (see below)?

It is quite likely that everything you think you know about terror attacks such as the one in Detroit or whether Osama bin Laden is alive or dead comes from Rita Katz. Does she make it all up? We don’t know, nobody knows, nobody checks, they simply buy it, print it, say it comes from SITE Intelligence and simply forget to tell us that this is, not only a highly biased organization but also an extremely amateur one also.

Imagine if a paper carried a story like this:

MIDEAST-DIPLOMACY-US-OBAMA-QAEDAThis is fair. Everyone should be able to earn a living and information that comes from Israel could be without bias but the chances aren’t very good. In fact, any news organization, and most use this service, that fails to indicate that the sources they use are “rumored” to be a foreign intelligence service with a long history of lying beyond human measure, is not to be taken seriously.

Can we prove that SITE Intelligence is the Mossad? No. Would a reasonable person assume it is? Yes.

Would a reasonable person believe anything from this source involving Islam or the Middle East? No, they would not.

SITE’s primary claim to fame other than bin Laden videos with odd technical faults is their close relationship with Blackwater. Blackwater has found site useful. Blackwater no longer exists as they had to change their name because of utter lack of credibility.

What can be learned by examining where our news comes from?  Perhaps we could start being realistic and begin seeing much of our own news and the childish propaganda it really is.

Propaganda does two things:

1.  It makes up phony reasons to justify acts of barbaric cruelty or insane greed.

2.  It blames people for things they didn’t do because the people doing the blaming really did it themselves.  We call these things “false flag/USS Liberty” incidents.

Next time you see dancing Palestinians and someone tells you they are celebrating a terror attack, it is more likely they are attending a birthday party. This is what we have learned, perhaps this is what we had best remember.

FOX news video broadcast on 9/11 purported to show Palestinians celebrating the WTC “terrorist attack,” but the video was really taken back in 1991 and had nothing to do with terrorism.

From an AFP article on Site Intelligence:

Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. are set to release yet another “Al-Qaeda” tape

Despite a massive manhunt by the world’s intelligence agencies, BL seems to evade their combined efforts, staying on the run. But he still has time to drop into his recording studio and cook up a fresh tape for the likes of Rita Katz and her outfit called S.I.T.E. SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and a Josh Devon.

WASHINGTON (AFP) The head of the Al-Qaeda network Osama bin Laden is expected to release a taped message on Iraq, a group monitoring extremist online forums said Thursday. The 56-minute tape by the hunted militant is addressed to Iraq and an extremist organization based there, the Islamic State of Iraq, said the US-based SITE monitoring institute, citing announcements on “jihadist forums.”

It said the release was “impending” but did not say whether the message was an audio or video tape. Despite a massive manhunt and a 25-million-dollar bounty on his head, he has evaded capture and has regularly taunted the United States and its allies through warnings issued on video and audio cassettes.

Source: ME Times

Yes, despite a massive manhunt by the world’s intelligence agencies, BL seems to evade their combined efforts, staying on the run. But he still has time to drop into his recording studio and cook up a fresh tape for the likes of Rita Katz and her outfit called S.I.T.E. SITE is staffed by TWO people, Katz and a Josh Devon.

Yet these two individuals manage to do what the ENTIRE combined assets of the world’s Western intelligence can’t:

Be the first to obtain fresh video and audio tapes from aL-Qaeda with Bin Laden making threats and issuing various other comments. If BL appears a bit “stiff” in the latest release, that’s because he is real stiff, as in dead.

How is it that a Jewish-owned group like S.I.T.E. can outperform the world’s best and brightest in the intelligence field and be the first to know that a group like al-Qaeda is getting ready to release another tape?

How is it possible that Rita Katz and S.I.T.E. can work this magic? Maybe looking at Katz’s background will help:

Rita Katz is Director and co-founder of the SITE Institute. Born in Iraq, her father was tried and executed as an Israeli spy, whereupon her family moved to Israel [the move has been described as both an escape and an emigration in different sources]. She received a degree from the Middle Eastern Studies program at Tel Aviv University, and is fluent in Hebrew and Arabic. She emigrated to the US in 1997.

Katz was called as a witness in the trial, but the government didn’t claim she was a terrorism expert. During the trial it was discovered that Katz herself had worked in violation of her visa agreement when she first arrived inAmerica in 1997.

She also admitted to receiving more than $130,000 for her work as an FBI consultant on the case.





Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues.


From the WikiPedia:



Child Rape in Afghanistan?

  • By: Dave Lindorff, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed


    (Photo: TSgt Laura K. Smith / U.S. Air Force; Edited: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)  [print_link]

    Dateline: Wednesday 10 March 2010

    The stated goal of the US-led war in Afghanistan, according to the Obama administration, is to defeat the Taliban and establish a stable democratic government over the entire country. Critical to that goal is establishing a professional Afghan Army and police force that is not corrupt and that has the respect of the Afghan people.

    But reports out of Canada suggest that, far from creating such a military and police force, the so-called International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF) is turning a blind eye to the thuggish criminality of those organizations, both to avoid growing opposition in ISAF member countries and to avoid offending those organizations in Afghanistan.

    The issue in question is routine rape of children by Afghan soldiers and police operating on Canadian-run bases in the Kandahar region.

    As reported last fall in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, Canadian military chaplains and some soldiers have been complaining as far back as 2006 that Afghan security forces have been sexually assaulting young boys on their base. These military whistle-blowers charge that the military brass has been ignoring or burying their complaints, fearing the bad publicity they could generate.

    Kudos to the Canadian grunts, MPs and chaplains who found the sexual abuse of children more than they could stomach, and who brought their concerns to public attention at home in Canada when their own commanders sought to cover it up.

    This leaves us with two possibilities:

    1. US soldiers and marines are just not as willing to go outside the chain of command and go public with their complaints, or

    2. The US media are not interested in investigating this kind of story. It involves only Afghans, and who cares about Afghans? What American journalism covers is Americans. (Remember the big spate of stories about the sex escapades of guards at the US embassy in Kabul?)

    This work by Truthout is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

    Dave Lindorff is a Philadelphia-area journalist. His latest book is “The Case for Impeachment” (St. Martin’s Press, 2006). His work can be found at www.thiscantbehappening.net. Lindorff may be reached at dlindorff@yahoo.com



    Your story would be more

    Wed, 03/10/2010 – 16:57 — US Military Veteran (not verified)

    Interesting comment. I

    Wed, 03/10/2010 – 18:30 — Dave Lindorff (not verified)

    Dave Lindorff

    Of course there are cases of

    Thu, 03/11/2010 – 00:17 — jack kane (not verified)

    Of course there are cases of child rape over there. But so what? The major point is that for 8+ years Nato troops and planes, funded by the civilized Western taxpayers, have been slaughtering and massacring innocent people over in the primordial mountains of Afghanistan.
    Naturally, there have been rapes, murders, suicides, decapitations, poisonings, dismemberment, knifings, torture, and other vile acts, inflicted by the remorseless invaders. This is how war works.
    The only people to profit from the war have been the usual suspects from the military-industrial-congressional-complex.

    And YOU and I are paying, voluntarily or not, for all this madness.

    I recall a report on the

    Thu, 03/11/2010 – 02:33 — Anonymous (not verified)