ROBERT BAER—”Srebrenica should be blamed on Bosnians, Serbs and Americans – that is us! But in fact everything has been blamed on the Serbs. Many victims buried as Muslims were Serbs and other nationalities. A few years ago a friend of mine, a former CIA agent and now at the IMF, said that Srebrenica is the product of an agreement between the US government and politicians in Bosnia. The town of Srebrenica was sacrificed to give America a motive to attack the Serbs for their alleged crimes…Srebrenica is political marketing!”
Politico Reports Bush Knew 2001 Terror-Attack Was Imminent And Wanted It
by TGP STAFF20 minutes readBy Eric Zuesse Crosspost with stunning news-report at Politico on November 12th, titled “The…
Iraq: Tony Blair, the Chilcot Inquiry, “Sir Cover Up” – Is the Legal Net Tightening?
by TGP STAFF14 minutes readFelicity Arbuthnot “No matter how paranoid or conspiracy minded you are, what the…
Submitting to Moral Blackmail? Kristen Ghodsee’s “The Left Side of History”
by TGP STAFF22 minutes readStephen Gowans | what’s left > BOOK REVIEWS [dropcap]K[/dropcap]risten Ghodsee’s “The Left Side of History: World…
US Historian: Stalin Not Guilty of Major War Crime Blamed on Him (Katyn)
by TGP STAFF15 minutes readEditor’s Prefatory Note— We have long maintained that the truth about the USSR, in general,…