Important dispatches from Paul Craig Roberts: Courting another world war, subverting Venezuela

World War 1 All Over Again
The same fools play the same game

What are the crazy fools in Washington thinking?

What are the crazy fools in Washington thinking?

If you reduce the lie to a scientific system put it on thick and heavy, and with great effort and sufficient finances scatter it all over the world as the pure truth, you can deceive whole nations for a long time and drive them to slaughter for causes in which they have not the slightest interest.” — Chief French Editor, Behind the Scenes in French Journalism, describing the organization of World War 1 propaganda in France.

Did US Secretary of State John Kerry ask you before he delivered an all or nothing ultimatum to Russia? Did he ask Congress? Did he ask the countries of western and eastern Europe–NATO members who Kerry has committed to whatever the consequences will be of Washington’s inflexible, arrogant, aggressive provocation of Russia, a well-armed nuclear power? Did Kerry ask Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Mexico, South America, Africa, China, Central Asia, all of whom would be adversely affected by a world war provoked by the crazed criminals in Washington?


He did not.

Putin boarding helicopter to observe maneuvers near the Ukraine.

Putin boarding helicopter to observe maneuvers in Crimea. Russia’s right to a fair neutral, defensive perimeter is something the West, and especially the US, should not contest. Doing so is not appeasement. Comparison to Hitler’s expansionist moves are invidious and inflammatory.

The exceptional, indispensable, arrogant, self-righteous United States government does not need to ask anyone. Washington speaks not merely for itself. Washington represents the country chosen by history (and the neoconservatives) to speak not merely for itself, but for the entire world.

Whatever Washington says is truth. Whatever Washington does is legal, in accordance with both domestic and international law. When Washington invades countries and destroys them, sends in drones and missiles, blows up people attending weddings, funerals and children’s soccer games, Washington is practicing human rights and bringing democracy to the people. Whenever a country tries to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, the country is engaging in terrorism, al-Qaeda connections, human rights violations, and suppressing democracy.

We are watching this audacity play out now in the confrontation with Russia that Washington’s coup in Ukraine has provoked. Obama and Kerry have been advised by the idiots that comprise the US government that Russia will surrender and accept Washington’s will if Washington is sufficiently insistent.

Apparently, no one has asked the advisors what happens if ultimatums are given, and the Russians do not submit.


Venezuela Also Is Being Overthrown By The Criminal Regime In Washington —


Dr. Roberts

Dr. Roberts

By Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers, now that US Secretary of State John Kerry has issued an ultimatum to Russia, telling Putin that he has until Monday to follow Washington’s orders or else, hopefully everyone can see the repeat of the March of Folly that produced World War 1.

In my last column, “Merkel Whores For Washington,” I mistakenly attributed to Khrushchev all transfers of Russian territory to Ukraine. The first gifts of Russian territories to Ukraine were made by Lenin, and the last was Sevastopol in the early 1990s. I have posted today Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s account of how Russian territory was given to Ukraine. In the meantime, Washington’s puppet regime in Kiev has sent in thugs to commit violence against protesting Russians who want nothing to do with Washington’s stooges in Kiev, prompting Russia to issue another warning that the Russian military will protect Russians. Clearly, Washington is doing everything it can to provoke Putin into sending the Russian Army into eastern Ukraine. Now that Merkel has sold out Europe, the course of Ukrainian events seems clear, which provides an opportunity for me to address Washington’s coup-in-the-making against Venezuela.

The Washington orchestrated coup in Ukraine has kept Venezuela out of the headlines. A confrontation with nuclear armed Russia is more dangerous than with Venezuela. But the violence that Washington has unleashed on Venezuela almost simultaneously with Ukraine is testimony to Washington’s stark [reckless] criminality.

South America has always consisted of a tiny Spanish elite with all the money and power ruling over large majority populations of indigenous peoples who have not had political representation. In Venezuela, Chavez broke this pattern. An indigenous president was elected who represented the people and worked in their behalf instead of looting the country. Chavez became a role model, and indigenous presidents were elected in Ecuador and Bolivia.

Chavez was hated by Washington and demonized by American presstitutes. When Chavez died of cancer, Washington celebrated.

Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, was inclined in favor of granting asylum to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Consequently, Washington ordered its European puppet states to deny overflight permission to President Morales’ airplane on its return to Bolivia from Russia. Morales’ airplane, in violation of every diplomatic protocol, was forced down and searched. Morales has since suffered other indignities at the hands of the Washington criminals.

Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador, made himself a target of Washington by granting political asylum to Julian Assange. On Washington’s orders, Washington’s British puppet state has refused to grant free passage to Assange, and Assange is spending his life in the London Embassy of Ecuador, just as Cardinal Mindszenty spent his life in the US Embassy in Communist Hungary.

With Chavez’s death, indigenous Venezuelan Nicolas Maduro became president. Maduro does not have Chavez’s charisma, which makes him an easier target for the tiny Spanish elite that owns the media.

Washington began the attack on Maduro by attacking the Venezuelan currency and driving down its value in currency markets. Then university students, many of whom are the children of the rich Spanish elites, were sent out to protest. The falling Venezuelan currency raised prices and spread dissatisfaction among Maduro’s poor indigenous base. To put down the rioting, property damage, and unrest that Washington is using to launch a coup, Maduro had to turn to the police. Secretary of State John Kerry has labeled the government’s effort to reestablish public order and forestall a coup a “terror campaign against its own citizens.”

Having orchestrated the protests and plotted a coup, Kerry blamed Maduro for the violence that Kerry unleashed and called on Maduro “to respect human rights.”

For Washington, it is always the same script. Commit a crime and blame the victim.

If Washington can overthrow Maduro, the next target will be Correa. If Washington can get rid of Correa and re-empower a puppet government of rich Spanish elites, Washington can have the Ecuadoran government revoke the political asylum that Correa granted to Julian Assange. The Ecuadoran Embassy in London will be ordered to kick Assange out into the waiting arms of the British police who will send him to Sweden who will send him to Washington to be tortured until he confesses to whatever Washington demands.

The poor gullible dupes demonstrating in Venezuelan streets have no more idea of the damage they are doing to themselves and others than their counterparts in Ukraine had. Venezuelans have already forgot what life for them was like under the rule of the Spanish elites. It appears that Venezuelans are determined to help Washington to return them to their servitude.

If Washington reconquers Venezuela and Ecuador, Bolivia will be next. Then Brazil. Washington has its sights on Brazil, because the country is a member of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), and Washington intends to destroy this organization before the countries can establish a trading bloc that does not use the US

Not long ago a US official said that as soon as we (Washington) get Russia in a bind, we will deal with the upstarts in South America.

The program is on schedule.

A  former establishmentarian with impressive credentials in academic life, from economics to history, and vast experience in the machinery of government and official media (having served, improbably, as a cabinet member in Ronald Reagan’s administration and as an editor at the Wall Street Journal), Dr Roberts is today one of America’s most vocal and lucid critics of the neocon cabal’s imperial policies. 

Radio program today to address role of Gladio project and other agents provocateurs in Ukraine’s revolt

The ubiquitous warmonger John McCain giving "moral support" to the Ukraine rebels. Don;t ask him to support Occupy Wall Street.

The ubiquitous warmonger John McCain giving “moral support” to the Ukraine rebels. Don’t ask him to support Occupy Wall Street. 

We have received the following alert from Rick Staggenborg, Founder and President at Take Back America for the PeopleFounder at Soldiers For Peace International and Volunteer at Freeing Humanity

They say three is a charm, so we are determined to discuss what is going on and the facts behind it, from the post-WW II Gladio project to the astonishing role of Zionist extremists in helping to put neo-Nazis in power on the doorstep of Europe and Russia.

We will provide explanations for these and any other questions callers may ask on Saturday, March 15 at 9 AM PST/ 12 PM EST when my guest will be former NSA linguistics analyst Scott Rickard.

Please share this link widely. Only the truth will set us free. We must bypass the corporate media by exposing its lies.

Online Politics Radio at Blog Talk Radio with SFPI Radio on BlogTalkRadio with Soldiers For Peace International on BlogTalkRadio

OpEds: The New Russia

Dear readers:  I recalled correctly from my Russian studies a half century ago that Soviet leaders had stuck Russian territories into Ukraine, but I mistakenly attributed all of the transfers to Khrushchev.  The first gifts of Russian territory to Ukraine were made by Lenin.- Paul Craig Roberts

The "discovery" of articulate and famous dissidents like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a boon for American anti-Soviet propaganda. Quirky and complex, Solzhenitsyn was an old-fashioned Russian nationalist and eventually  proved difficult to exploit and even "counterproductive."

The “discovery” of famous dissidents like Solzhenitsyn was a boon for American anti-Soviet propaganda. But, being quirky and complex, Solzhenitsyn who was an old-fashioned Russian nationalist, eventually proved too difficult to exploit and even “counterproductive.” He was quietly dropped from the news.

The New Russia

An Interview With Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,” by Paul Klebnikov, in the May 9, 1994, issue of Forbes magazine

With Russia in chaos, it does sound a bit far-fetched to see her as an aggressor.

Russia today is terribly sick. Her people are sick to the point of total exhaustion. But even so, have a conscience and don’t demand that–just to please America–Russia throw away the last vestiges of her concern for her security and her unprecedented collapse. After all, this concern in no way threatens the United States.

Former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski disagrees. He argues that the U.S. must defend the independence of Ukraine.

In 1919, when he imposed his regime on Ukraine, Lenin gave her several Russian provinces to assuage her feelings. These provinces have never historically belonged to Ukraine. I am talking about the eastern and southern territories of today’s Ukraine.

Then, in 1954, Khrushchev, with the arbitrary capriciousness of a satrap, made a “gift” of the Crimea to Ukraine. But even he did not manage to make Ukraine a “gift” of Sevastopol, which remained a separate city under the jurisdiction of the U.S.S.R. central government. This was accomplished by the American State Department, first verbally through Ambassador Popadiuk in Kiev and later in a more official manner.

Why does the State Department decide who should get Sevastopol? If one recalls the tactless declaration of President Bush about supporting Ukrainian sovereignty even before the referendum on that matter, one must conclude that all this stems from a common aim: to use all means possible, no matter what the consequences, to weaken Russia.

Why does independence for Ukraine weaken Russia?

As a result of the sudden and crude fragmentation of the intermingled Slavic peoples, the borders have torn apart millions of ties of family and friendship. Is this acceptable? The recent elections in Ukraine, for instance, clearly show the [Russian] sympathies of the Crimean and Donets populations. And a democracy must respect this.

I myself am nearly half Ukrainian. I grew up with the sounds of Ukrainian speech. I love her culture and genuinely wish all kinds of success for Ukraine–but only within her real ethnic boundaries, without grabbing Russian provinces.

Kiev Ukrain Map

China to West— “Better cool off. Punishing Russia and escalation is folly.”

SCG News Dispatch—

China Warns West that Sanctions on Russia Could Spiral into Chaos – U.S. & E.U. Indicate Sanctions to Begin Monday

13.Mar.2014 | SCGSCG News
China Warns West that Sanctions on Russia Could Spiral into Chaos
The showdown in Ukraine is about to escalate on Monday if neither side backs down.


According to Reuters, China’s top envoy to Germany has warned the West against punishing Russia with sanctions for its intervention in Ukraine, saying such measures could lead to a dangerous chain reaction that could spiral out of control. This comes as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a public statement letting Russia know that it has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine, and the E.U. made it clear in a separate statement that the decision to implement sanctions starting Monday has already been made.

The Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk was quoted by Reuters saying the following:
“When it comes to sanctions on Russia, a decision has in fact already been made, especially on the procedure of introducing sanctions. The consequence of this will be the start of sanctions on Monday,”

John Kerry used even stronger language in his statement, hinting at full scale economic warfare:
“I don’t want to go into all of the detail, except to say this: It can get ugly fast [if] the wrong choices are made,” he said. “And it can get ugly in multiple directions.”

It’s hard to believe that this is really happening.

Are the people who run the U.S. government really stupid enough to think that they will be able to control this? It’s hard to fathom why they would attempt to take it all the way, especially now that so much evidence has gotten out to the public showing that the U.S. government funded known Neo-Nazis and covered up the fact that it was the new coalition government behind the sniper attacks. But unless this is all just an epic bluff, our world is about to be shaken to its foundations.


Evidence that the U.S. backed coalition was actually behind the sniper attacks:

China warns of dangerous Russia sanctions ‘spiral’:…

EU approves framework for asset freezes, travel bans on Russia:…

EU to impose sanctions on Russia Monday:…

John Kerry says Russia has until Monday to back down:…

Kerry says sanctions would ‘get ugly fast’:

Obama issues new threats against Russia

After White House meeting with Ukrainian prime minister

Merkel: Despite hesitations, cow-towing to the US imperialist line against Russia.

Merkel: Despite hesitations, cow-towing to the US imperialist line against Russia.

By Chris Marsden,

Following a White House meeting with interim Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk designed to underscore US support for the newly installed government and ratchet up pressure on Russia, President Barack Obama issued new threats against Moscow.

Obama declared that Washington and the “international community” would “completely reject” the referendum to be held Sunday in Crimea on secession from Ukraine and affiliation with the Russian Federation. He reiterated the US demand that Russia withdraw its forces from Crimea and recognize the new right-wing, anti-Russian regime in Kiev, which was installed last month in a US- and European Union-backed coup led by armed fascist militias.

The US would impose new sanctions if Russia refused to comply with these demands, Obama said, claiming that the “international community…will be forced to apply a cost” to what he called Russian violations of international law.

In keeping with the lies and hypocrisy that pervade the official pronouncements of US and European officials on the Ukraine crisis, Obama hailed the actions of the Maidan Square militias that played the leading role in toppling the elected pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych, calling them “ordinary people” fighting for “change” and “democracy.”

The same day that Obama made these statements, one of the Maidan “freedom fighters” incorporated into the new government, Andriy Parubiy, the new security chief, announced that the parliament would vote Thursday to establish a 20,000-strong National Guard recruited from “activists” in the anti-Russian protests and from military academies to prevent “terrorist activities.”

Parubiy, one of the leaders of the fascist-dominated forces that spearheaded the coup, founded “the neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine” in 1991, the year of the break-up of the Soviet Union. In 2010, Parubiy asked the European Parliament to reconsider its negative response to awarding the World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera the title of Hero of Ukraine.

Parubiy’s deputy in the new government, Dmytro Yarosh, is head of the fascist Right Sector. Together, they will head up a state-sanctioned and financed ultra-nationalist militia with a mandate to terrorize opponents of the new regime, as well as Jews and other minorities.

Obama also declared that Ukraine “cannot have an outside country dictate to them how to manage their affairs,” and added that the “interests of the US are solely to ensure that the people of Ukraine are able to determine their own destiny.” This is presumably why the US poured billions of dollars into assembling proxy forces in the country and hand-picked “Yats”—in the memorable words of US State Department official Victoria Nuland—to succeed Yanukovych.

Obama’s bellicose remarks were buttressed by those of Secretary of State John Kerry. Testifying Wednesday before a House committee, Kerry warned that the situation in Ukraine “can get ugly fast if the wrong choices are made, and it can get ugly in multiple directions.”

He told the committee that he would fly to London to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday, in what the Obama administration is describing as a “last-ditch” effort at diplomacy in advance of Sunday’s Crimean referendum.

Obama’s White House statement was preceded by a statement from leaders of the G7 group of leading powers declaring that Sunday’s referendum “would have no legal effect,” “no moral force” and would not be recognised.

In a clear indication that action up to and including military aggression is being considered, the statement declared, “Russian annexation of Crimea would be a clear violation of the United Nations Charter; Russia’s commitments under the Helsinki Final Act; its obligations to Ukraine under its 1997 Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership; the Russia-Ukraine 1997 basing agreement; and its commitments in the Budapest Memorandum of 1994…

“In addition to its impact on the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea could have grave implications for the legal order that protects the unity and sovereignty of all states. Should the Russian Federation take such a step, we will take further action, individually and collectively.”

Yatsenyuk came to Washington appealing for military backing and money. Ukraine has been promised $1 billion in loan guarantees by Washington and $15 billion from the EU, but only $700 million of this is currently in place.

On the ground, the US is all but running Ukraine through its representatives in Kiev. Announcing Yatsenyuk’s visit on Sunday, Tony Blinken, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that teams from the Treasury and Justice departments and the FBI were in Kiev working to unravel the “kleptocracy” of Yanukovych’s deposed government.

As well as funding the government and running its campaign against its political opponents, the US is expected to whip Ukraine’s army into shape.

On Tuesday Ukraine’s president, Oleksandr Turchynov, declared, “The parliament’s primary task is to ask countries that are guarantors of our security to fulfil their commitments” so that Ukraine could re-forge its armed forces. Turchynov stated that there were presently only 6,000 combat-ready infantry in the army out of a nominal force of 90,000.

The US has already effectively taken operational control of the military activities of Ukraine’s neighbours, launching joint exercises with Poland, Romania, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania and dispatching Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) jets from airbases in Geilenkirchen, Germany and Waddington in Britain. The AWACS flights were recommended by NATO’s top military commander, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove.

On Monday, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, told PBS that Russia’s interference in Ukraine “exposes Eastern Europe to some significant risk.” He did not rule out US military intervention.

“That’s a question that, I think, deserves to be assessed and reassessed and refreshed as this thing evolves,” he said. “Remember, we do have treaty obligations with our NATO allies.”

Joint war games began Tuesday with Poland, while naval operations in the Black Sea with Romania and Bulgaria were underway yesterday involving the USS Truxtun, which has a nuclear capability, the Bulgarian naval frigate Drazki, and three Romanian vessels.

Obama has devoted considerable effort to attempting to secure China’s tacit support for Washington’s anti-Russian manoeuvres. The US wants China to issue a statement indicating that the Russian intervention in the Crimea is illegal. Phone discussions with Chinese President Xi Jinping have been inconclusive, however.

Xi Jinping also held a phone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after which the state news agency Xinhua stressed that both sides agreed on the need for “mediation.”

Key to US plans is securing the full support of Germany to ensure that the EU takes a hard line against Russia. Germany has previously pursued a policy of engagement with Russia in trade. A great deal is at stake, with German firms investing $27.7 billion in Russia and owning stakes in over 6,000 Russian companies. Russia supplies Germany with the bulk of its oil and gas imports.

Despite this, Germany is shifting in the direction desired by the US, with Chancellor Angela Merkel describing the planned referendum in Crimea as “illegal” and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier threatening tough sanctions.

The UK is the other European power expressing concern over the impact of sanctions on Russia, with Prime Minister David Cameron stressing that broader EU sanctions involving curbs on energy, trade and financial relations would be enacted only if Russian forces moved beyond Crimea to the main part of eastern Ukraine.

However, oligarchs with substantial investments in London or resident there will not be touched. The Telegraph notes that UK exports to Russia were worth £3.9 billion last year and imports worth £6.8 billion. More than 60 companies originating from the former Soviet Union have listed in London in recent years.

Chris Marsden is a senior political commentator with, information arm of the Social Equality Party.