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Black Mountain Analysis

Technical overview and events prior to the dam collapse
First run JUN 8, 2023

The intention of this article is to put some light on the technical possibilities of the Kakhovka Dam destruction from the perspectives of engineering and military applications. It is not into the forensic investigation or the technicalities involving calculations and mechanical and structural analysis but an attempt to explain the situation with ordinary language to be understandable by readers with no previous technical background. As that, it can be used as a base for the investigation teams.

In the Kakhovka dam collapse, there is no one single reason, rather a combination of events caused by human factors. The chain of events is logical from the engineering viewpoint. The start was extensive shelling by one side [Ukraine] causing damage to the dam structure and the regulating components such as sluice gates. The next is a water hydrostatic pressure buildup and wave-induced vibrations of the moving mass of water and impact on the likely disabled regulating devices. Carefully calculated discharge of the large water mass upstream corresponds with at first glance unrelated events on the battlefield (startup of the counteroffensive) further supporting the chain of events theory.


The Kakhovka dam and hydroelectric power plant is a part of the Kakhovka Reservoir which is the last dam in a cascade consisting of 6 dams and reservoirs on the Dnieper River. 

The cascade consists of:

  • Kakhovskaya (Nova Kakhovka).

Dnieper Cascade - 6 dams along the river.

The dam was finished in 1956 when the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was built at Nova Kakhovka. In the years after WWII, the Soviet Union invested in the repair of the dams damaged and destroyed either by Germans or the retreating Red Army during 1941/42 as well as building new dams and reservoirs. During the design and construction period, significant improvements were implemented. Soviets in general put a little bit higher safety factor than the Western counterparts creating the construction resistant to either natural disturbances such as earthquakes or immerse flooding and also taking into consideration WWII experience, especially in the ways of immobilizing and destructing in the case of the occupation. In general, Soviet designs were not typically aesthetically pleasing judging from Western standards but were more robust, more rigid, and resilient.


Immediately after the beginning of the Special Military Operation, the Russian military was able to secure both river flanks including bridges and dam. What happened next is when the Ukrainians received Western weapons – among them 155 mm guided artillery shells Excalibur and HIMARS MLRS, Ukrainian forces started shelling the bridge and dam.

Taking into consideration the vulnerability of the Russian troops in the western areas and the danger that the supply routes over the Dnieper may be cut off (with the destruction of the bridge and dam), Russian general Surovikin ordered a retreat to the eastern side. During this retreat, Ukrainian troops attempted to attack retreating forces but suffering much higher casualties than the retreating Russians. In the media it was celebrated as a victory but in reality that was nothing short of a pyrrhic propaganda victory. The Kakhovka dam stayed virtually divided between the two sides with the frontline going just across the dam. This put a great risk because of the constant shelling (predominantly by the Ukrainian military).    

The photographs of the dam of the Kakhovskaya power plant show that one of the dam's sluices was actively leaking water.

Investigative journalist Christian Tribert, posted on his Twitter page satellite images of the Kakhovka dam, which were taken on May 28. According to these images, the lock of the dam was already showing water flow at that time, and a more recent image from June 5 showed an increase in this flow.

Sluice gate leak.

Triebert suggested, based on these photographs, that the dam may have been damaged at least a week before the official confirmation of its failure.

On 6 June 2023, the dam was destroyed, and simultaneously Ukraine and Western allies started blaming Russia for that. As of the time of writing, the debate is still ongoing, and no doubts there will be many new theories. In some of these theories, Russia is accused of mining the dam and blowing the gates. Some so-called intelligence reports started to pop. Russia blames the Ukrainian side, and the material evidence such as video clips of the Ukrainian artillery shelling the dam are shown. Statements by high-ranking Ukrainian officials about the plans to destroy the dam were also shown. In any case, after this special military operation is finished, or the war as how is called in the Western media, we can expect a detailed analysis. For now, what we have are the result of the destruction, the events prior to that, and the motives which are related to the gains or losses of what each side can gain and lose.

Sluice gates destroyed.

Typical dam design

Speaking of the dam components and design it is better to have a graphic presentation so the reader can understand the terminology:



Turbine section.

The composition of the Kakhovskaya dam and hydropower plant includes:

  • two earth floodplain dams.

According to Russian sources, the upper part of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was destroyed as a result of the shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but the dam itself survived. This was announced on June 6 by the mayor of Nova Kakhovka Vladimir Leontiev. As a result of partial damage to the plant, the water level downstream rose several meters. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said they were monitoring the situation at the Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant and there is no threat to the safety of it. The plant director Yury Chernichuk noted that the heat removal system for the reactors (6 in total) can be replenished with both water from the Kakhovka reservoir and alternative sources.

According to the Ukrainian and Western media, the dam was mined and blown by the Russians.

In any case, the environmental catastrophe downstream is horrific.

Sluice gates - the road to breach

From the hundreds of photos and videos circulating in the media, it is clearly visible that the top portion consisting of the gates (or to be more precise sluice gates) which regulate the flow and overflow are gone. It is worth now addressing the role of these gates and the technology behind them. Destruction of these gates is something visible and quite dramatic with the water flowing over. What is not visible (for now) is the level of damage that is beneath them. To analyze that, the first thing is that the water level shall drop. Judging by the design of this particular dam, these underwater parts include very thick reinforced or prestressed concrete so the best assumption will be that the base is more or less intact.  

The main operational requirements for gates and valves are the control of floods, water-tightness, minimum hoist capacity, convenience of installation and maintenance and above all failure-free performance and avoidance of safety hazards to the operating staff and the public. Despite robust design and precautions, faults can occur and the works must be capable of tolerating these faults without unacceptable consequences.

Gates may be classified as follows:

  • moving mechanisms – gates powered electrically, mechanically, hydraulically, automatically by water pressure or by hand.

Obviously, in this type of dam, only a few types are involved.

Without getting into the particular blueprints and based on the visual observation, we can assume that the sluice gates at this dam are the regulating one, crest type, service, steel, and concrete with the translatory motion powered electro-hydraulically by gentry crane. The very basic function of the sluice gate is shown in the following pictures:


The movement and forces in this type of sluice gates are very complex and definitely out of the scope of this short article. For the illustration purpose, what happens with the flow is shown here:

Damaging the gates

In the normal operation modes, forces action on the sluice gates is known, however, the Kakhovka dam was exposed to intense shelling by the Ukrainian forces which put the new variables into the equations.

According to reports and evidence, the dam was attacked multiple times. The chronology of the attacks can be found here:

Artillery hits.

Ukrainian shelling of the top of the dam likely damaged the sluice gate and guides. The impact of the heavy 155 mm shells or the HIMARS warheads in the proximity of these mechanisms can definitely cause different levels of damage. The most likely damage is that the sluice gate may be stuck in the current position and the gentry cranes were not able to do any manipulations.

Damaged sluice.

To repair this kind of damage is complex and to perform that in the middle of the war zone is an almost impossible task because of the constant fire.

As guided 155 mm Excalibur shells and HIMARS rockets have high precision, they can be also used to create a “near miss effect” meaning they can be set to explode upon penetration into the water right beside the sluice gates. This means that underwater explosions can affect the gates. Even after the breach, Ukrainian side performed additional shelling.

Underwater explosion

Let’s now discuss the phenomena of underwater explosion:

The physical picture of an explosion of a high explosive charge in water is qualitatively similar to an explosion in the air. However, since water has low compressibility and is a denser medium than air, the numerical values of the explosion parameters differ from the same parameters in air. At the moment when the shell explodes underwater, a detonation wave approaches the boundaries of the charge, a strong shock of the explosion products onto water occurs, and a shock wave develops in it. The density of water at the shockwave front increases at most by a factor of 1.5. As the shock wave propagates in water, all its parameters rapidly decrease. because of this, to achieve the desired effect, the shell needs to explode very closely to the designated target. Irreversible losses during an explosion in water are small, and the energy of the explosion transferred to the shock wave is spent mainly on mechanical work associated with the involvement in the motion of the mass of water, through which the shock wave passes.

The main factors determining the destructive effect of an explosion of a charge in water are shock wave (primary and secondary), hydro flow (created by the movement of the mass of water displaced by the gas bubble and moving behind the shock wave front), an explosion product of the gas bubble (in the case when the target is at a distance). At present, there are no theoretical methods to estimate the destructive effect of the explosion of the explosive charge in water. Since up to 50–60% of the explosion energy is concentrated in the main shock wave, the calculation of the effect of an underwater explosion is commonly limited to the evaluation of the shock wave action. It is assumed that the more intense the main shock wave is, the stronger will be the effect of other associated damaging factors (secondary wave, water flow, explosion products), all other things being equal.

Typical underwater explosion components.

Logically, a larger quantity of the explosive will create a stronger shock wave. The question is how to deliver the large quantity to explode right beside the sluice gate or at the bottom of the dam. The effect of the Dambusters Raid in 1943 is an excellent example of how a large bomb placed by the dam can cause physical damage that will lead to structural failure using the effect of the accumulated water. There is no difference here, just the methods of delivering the required quantities are different. An aerial bomb is out of the question so the explosive can be delivered by unmanned vessels. Nowadays Ukraine is using them to attack far from their shores so application in the Dnieper River is not unreasonable. The question is would they do that? On the night of the dam destruction, no large explosion (corresponding to 300+ kg of high explosive) was reported publicly. It is worth saying now that in some of the previous attacks (as a probability) a vessel or a rocket with 300+ kg of high explosive either on the surface or slightly beneath will definitely derail the heavy steel gate, punch out of the side rail and bend it. No repair can be performed on-site and that gate is permanently out of service.

We can now with certainty say that the explosives either due to shelling or placing are not the major reason for the dam breach, but rather one of the contributors. Saying this, what may be the main reason? It is now pointing to the sheer force of nature - meaning the huge masses of the fast-moving water, the rapid increase in the hydrostatic pressure, and the induced vibrations.

The force of nature

We can now dissect the previously mentioned:

"Still water runs deep" and "Fast water cut the canyon" are two quotes that we can start with.

The mass of water in the Kakhovskaya Reservoir is enormous. We are talking about millions upon millions of cubic meters. This water is a very fast flowing mass. The dam is its obstacle and the sluice gates regulate the flow. If these sluice gates are incapacitated one or another way, or just a portion of them, combined with fast-moving large quantities of the water mass, the force of nature will do the rest - it's highly likely the obstacle will be swept away.

Kakhovska reservoir water level. It is visible sharp increase of the level.

In river hydraulics, there is a way to make large water masses move faster. The solution in the Dnieper Cascade is the dam in Zaporozhie. Whoever controls the dam can close all gates and let the reservoir slowly fill up to the maximum safe level. There is no lack of water upstream. In a coordinated move, taking calculations and hydrodynamics, opening all available gates will make hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of water start to move, first slowly, then accelerating as more mass is added. This mass follows the river bed and it will slam into the next obstacle - the Kakhovka dam. If the regulator gates are not functional, the water mass will impact the dam creating enormous static pressure but also waves will be formed adding additional stress in the form of induced vibrations.

To illustrate these phenomena the following graphics are used:

Waves overtopping.

The impact processes of two overtopping waves are shown in the picture above. Stage (a–c) indicates the impact process of the individual overtopping wave (in gray color). Stage (c–e) shows the interaction between the initial reflected overtopping wave (in grey color) and the following incident overtopping wave (in white color). In Stage (d–d), the piling-up of the following incident wave on the top of the reflected wave can result in a violent impact on a high vertical position on the wall. In Figure 3b, the schematic sketch of the time series signal of an overtopping wave impact including Stage (a–c) is illustrated with a marked dynamic impact peak in Stage (a–a) and the maximum quasi-static force peaks in Stage (b–b) or (c–c). During the initial impact Stage (a–a), the overtopping wave front changes its direction suddenly and results in a sharp dynamic impact peak with a large magnitude and short duration. During the stages of deflection (b–b) or reflection (c–c), the maximum quasi-static force peak is formed with a relative lower magnitude and longer duration, which is governed by gravity. When the maximum quasi-static peak occurs, the instant pressures along the wall are almost linearly distributed.


A simple fault tree of the building collapse.


In every investigation, the main question is "Who benefits". In this case, Ukraine can get more because the Russian-controlled side of the river downstream from the dam is a lowland. Russia built field fortifications including trenches, bunkers, and minefields effectively blocking any attempt by anything force large than a section or squad to perform military operations. Flooding the area will effectively neutralize these defense positions and give the Ukrainian side freedom of action, especially special forces, to cross the river.

Consequences of flooding.

Flooding caused environmental catastrophes that on a much larger scale affect Russians. Some portion of the Ukrainian-controlled territory is affected but not even close to the size of the Russian portion. The impact on the civilian population is much harder on the Russian side.

Discharge of the water will technically narrow the river upstream the dam so it may be easier to cross. Evacuation of the civilian population requires significant efforts on the Russian side taking valuable transport means from the battlefield. Ukrainian forces downstream may be relieved and sent to the zone of ongoing counteroffensive without fear of any Russian incursion. The propaganda effect, especially aimed at the Western media plays a very important role for the Ukrainian side. Taking aside the authenticity and reality of their claims, for the portion of the Western public, Ukraine is a victim in this case.

Russia doesn't really have a benefit of destroying the dam because it is their civilian population and military downstream that are the most affected. They carefully calculated this event and the consequences and devoted resources to counter it. On the Russian side, it was anticipated that the dam may collapse and that was the major drive to leave previously captured territories on the west bank. General Surovikin's decision to do that, even heavily criticized at the beginning, was strategically sound and reasonable.

One of the biggest issues for the Russian side is the water supply to Crimea. In 2014 Ukraine deprived the peninsula of the water supplies which was re-established again in 2022. Dropping the water level will affect the Crimean water supply canal. For now, reservoirs at the peninsula are filled and supplies collected and time will tell how Russia will deal with that.

The status of the Zaporizhie nuclear power plant is of great importance. Nuclear reactors depend on the water for cooling and depriving it is a recipe for disaster. However, in anticipation of a dam breach as well as the shelling, the reactors are turned off so they require minimum cooling for which the existing cooling water reservoir is more than enough.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive (at the time of writing) is going not really well for the attackers and blowing the dam will definitely not benefit the Russian side. On the other hand, destroying the dam may be a desperate move to deflect attention from the situation on the front.

In any case, the real magnitude of the catastrophe is still to be assessed. That will be possible after the war.


The upper portion of the dam is destroyed. The question is the state of the lower one. For now, we can assume that the bottom portion is intact. Can the dam be repaired? The answer is yes, however, the economic justification will be the major contributor to making the final decision. In any case, nothing will be done until the end of the war.

Further reading:

  1. C. James - Hydraulic Structures, Springer, 2020

  2. O. Tielman, Wave Induced Vibrations of Floodgates, Tieleman, 2022

  3. A. Cacoilo - Blast wave propagation in confined spaces and its action on structures, University of Edinburgh, 2019

  4. I. Sochet - Blast Effects - Physical Properties of Shock Waves, Springer, 2018

  5. I. Balagansky, A. Bataev, and I. Bataev - Explosion systems with inert high modulus components _ increasing the efficiency of blast technologies and their applications, Wiley, 2019

  6. C. Needham - Blast Waves, Springer International Publishing, 2018

  7. I. Balagansky – Damaging Effects of Weapons and Ammunition, Willey, 2022

  8. A. Subbotin - Gidrometricheskie Sooruzheniya, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 1989

  9. X. Chen, S. Jonkman, S. Pasterkamp, T. Suzuki and C. Altomare - Vulnerability of Buildings on Coastal Dikes due to Wave Overtopping, Water MDPI, 2017

  10. M. Grishin - Gidrtehnicheskie Sooruzheniya, Moskva, 1979

  11. Z. Bukurov - Mehanika Fluida, University of Novi Sad, 1989


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Mike Mihajlovic is an engineer, defense technologies specialist, author, historian, analyst, and former army officer. He is a contributing editor to Black Mountain Analysis.

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Understanding Russia is essential if we wish to avoid a cataclysmic nuclear war

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Prefatory note: Far from serving as a good-will bridge to educate the US public about matters of great urgency and gravity, thereby fostering understanding and deconfliction between the great nuclear powers, the corporate media is engaged, as usual, in a drumbeat for war whose incessant lies and omissions of vital facts and context can only result in a catastrophe for all of humanity. Those who behave in that manner are mass murderers, disgusting criminals, "presstitutes", as some thinkers have rightly called them, never real journalists, and so are the short-term thinking oligarchs and their sociopathic Neocon "think-tank advisers" who stupidly pull the strings behind them. Under such circumstances, only the alternative media, its honest section, can provide such service, even if it reaches only a minuscule segment of the population. Spreading the word about these issues is, therefore, a matter of simple compassion for others and self-preservation.

The Belgorod, commissioned in 2022, is Russia's first Fifth Generation submarine. The Belgorod will reportedly be the first submarine to utilize the Status-6 Oceanic Multipurpose System. The West's unrelenting and open hostility has pushed Russia into an extraordinary arms development effort.


A Difficult but Necessary Decision

Publisher's Column

Let me share a few thoughts which I have entertained for a long time and which took their final shape after the recent Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy that proved to be one of the most remarkable gatherings in its 31-year history.

Growing Threat

Russia and its leadership seem to be facing a difficult choice. It becomes increasingly clear that a clash with the West cannot end even if we win a partial or even a crushing victory in Ukraine.

It will be a really partial victory if we liberate four regions. It will be a slightly bigger victory if we liberate the entire East and South of present-day Ukraine in the next year or two. But there will still remain a part of it with an even more embittered ultranationalist population pumped up with weapons―a bleeding wound threatening inevitable complications and a new war.

Perhaps the worst situation may occur if, at the cost of enormous losses, we liberate the whole of Ukraine and remain in ruins with a population that mostly hates us. Its “redemption” will take more than a decade. Any option, especially the latter one, will distract our country from making an urgently needed step to shift its spiritual, economic, and military-political focus to the east of Eurasia. We will get stuck in the west, with no prospects in the foreseeable future, while present-day Ukraine, primarily its central and western regions, will sap managerial, human, and financial resources out of the country. These regions were heavily subsidized even in Soviet times. The feud with the West will continue as it will support a low-grade guerrilla civil war.

"To stop this snowballing downward slide, the West has temporarily consolidated itself. The United States has turned Ukraine into a striking fist intended to create a crisis and thus tie the hands of Russia―the military-political core of the non-Western world, which is freeing itself from the shackles of neo-colonialism―but better still blow it up, thus radically weakening the rising alternative superpower―China."

A more attractive option would be liberating and reincorporating the East and the South of Ukraine, and forcing the rest to surrender, followed by complete demilitarization and the creation of a friendly buffer state. But this would be possible only if and when we are able to break the West’s will to incite and support the Kiev junta, and to force it to retreat strategically.

To stop this snowballing downward slide, the West has temporarily consolidated itself. The United States has turned Ukraine into a striking fist intended to create a crisis and thus tie the hands of Russia―the military-political core of the non-Western world, which is freeing itself from the shackles of neo-colonialism―but better still blow it up, thus radically weakening the rising alternative superpower―China. For our part, we delayed our preemptive strike either because we misunderstood the inevitability of a clash, or because we were gathering strength. Moreover, following modern, mainly Western, military-political thought, we thoughtlessly set too high a threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, inaccurately assessed the situation in Ukraine, and did not start the military operation there successfully enough.

Failing internally, Western elites began to actively nourish the weeds that had come through after seventy years of well-being, satiety, and peace―all these anti-human ideologies that reject the family, homeland, history, love between a man and a woman, faith, commitment to higher ideals, everything that constitutes the essence of man. They are weeding out those who resist. The goal is to destroy their societies and turn people into mankurts (slaves deprived of reason and sense of history as described be the great Kirgiz and Russian writer Chengiz Aitmatov) in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, increasingly unfair and counterproductive for humans and humanity as a whole.

Along the way, the weakened United States unleashed a conflict to finish off Europe and other dependent countries, intending to throw them into the flames of confrontation after Ukraine. Local elites in most of these countries have lost their bearings and, panic-stricken by their failing internal and external positions, are obediently leading their countries to the slaughter. Moreover, the feeling of a greater failure, powerlessness, centuries-old Russophobia, intellectual degradation, and the loss of strategic culture make their hatred even deeper than that of the United States.

The vector of development in most Western countries clearly indicates their movement towards a new fascism and (so far) “liberal” totalitarianism.

What is most important is that the situation will only get worse there. Truce is possible, but peace is not. Anger and despair will keep growing in shifts and turns. This vector of the West’s movement unambiguously indicates a slide towards World War III. It is already beginning and may erupt into a full-blown firestorm by chance or due to the growing incompetence and irresponsibility of modern ruling circles in the West.

The advance of artificial intelligence and the robotization of war increase the threat of even unintended escalation. In fact, machines can get out of the control of confused elites.

The situation is aggravated by “strategic parasitism”― over the 75 years of relative peace, people have forgotten the horrors of war and even stopped fearing nuclear weapons. The instinct of self-preservation has weakened everywhere, but particularly in the West.

For many years I have studied the history of nuclear strategy and come to an unambiguous, albeit seemingly not quite scientific, conclusion. The creation of nuclear weapons was the result of divine intervention. Horrified to see that people, Europeans and the Japanese who had joined them, had unleashed two world wars within the life-span of one generation, sacrificing tens of millions of lives, God handed a weapon of Armageddon to humanity to remind those who had lost the fear of hell that it existed. It was this fear that ensured relative peace for the last three quarters of a century. That fear is gone now. What is happening now is unthinkable in accordance with previous ideas about nuclear deterrence: in a fit of desperate rage, the ruling circles of a group of countries have unleashed a full-scale war in the underbelly of a nuclear superpower.

That fear needs to be revived. Otherwise, humanity is doomed.

What is being decided on the battlefields in Ukraine is not only, and not so much, what Russia and the future world order will look like, but mainly whether there will be any world at all or the planet will turn into radioactive ruins poisoning the remains of humanity.

By breaking the West’s will to continue the aggression, we will not only save ourselves and finally free the world from the five-century-long Western yoke, but we will also save humanity. By pushing the West towards a catharsis and thus its elites towards abandoning their striving for hegemony, we will force them to back down before a global catastrophe occurs, thus avoiding it. Humanity will get a new chance for development.

Proposed Solution

There is no doubt that a hard fight is ahead. We will have to solve the remaining internal problems: to finally get rid of Western centrism in our minds and of Westerners in the managerial class, of compradors and their characteristic thinking. (The West is actually helping us with that). It is time to finish our three-hundred-year voyage to Europe, which gave us a lot of useful experience and helped create our great culture. We will carefully preserve our European heritage, of course. But it is time to go home and to our true self, start using the accumulated experience, and chart our own course. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently made a breakthrough for all of us by calling Russia in the Foreign Policy Concept a state-civilization. I would add―a civilization of civilizations, open to the North and the South, the West and the East. The main direction of development today is the South and the North, but primarily the East.

The confrontation with the West in Ukraine, no matter how it ends, should not distract us from the strategic internal movement―spiritual, cultural, economic, political, and military-political―to the Urals, Siberia, and the Great Ocean. We need a new Ural-Siberian strategy, implying several spirit-lifting projects, including, of course, the creation of a third capital in Siberia. This movement should become part of the efforts, so urgently needed today, to articulate our Russian Dream―the image of Russia and the world we want to see.

I, and many others, have written many times that without a big idea great states lose their greatness or simply disappear. History is strewn with the shadows and graves of the powers that lost it. It must be generated from above, without expecting it to come from below, as stupid or lazy people do. It must match the fundamental values and aspirations of the people and, most importantly, lead us all forward. But it is the responsibility of the elite and the country’s leadership to articulate it. The delay in doing so has been unacceptably long.

But for the future to come, it is necessary to overcome the evil resistance of the forces of the past―the West―which, if not crushed, will almost certainly and inexorably lead the world to a full-scale and, probably, the last world war for humanity.

And this brings me to the most difficult part of this article. We can keep fighting for another year, or two, or three, sacrificing thousands and thousands of our best men and grinding down tens and hundreds of thousands of people who live in the territories that is now called Ukraine and who have fallen into the tragic historical trap. But this military operation cannot end with a decisive victory without forcing the West to retreat strategically, or even surrender, and compelling it to give up attempts to reverse history and preserve global dominance, and to focus on itself and its current multilevel crisis. Roughly speaking, it must “buzz off” so that Russia and the world can move forward unhindered.

Therefore, it is necessary to arouse the instinct of self-preservation that the West has lost and convince it that its attempts to wear Russia out by arming Ukrainians are counterproductive for the West itself. We will have to make nuclear deterrence a convincing argument again by lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons set unacceptably high, and by rapidly but prudently moving up the deterrence-escalation ladder. The first steps have already been made by the relevant statements of the Russian President and other leaders: the announced deployment of nuclear weapons and their carriers in Belarus, and the increased combat readiness of strategic deterrence forces. But there are many steps on this ladder. I have counted about two dozen. Thing may also get to the point when we will have to urge our compatriots and all people of goodwill to leave their places of residence near facilities that may become targets for strikes in countries that provide direct support to the puppet regime in Kiev. The enemy must know that we are ready to deliver a preemptive strike in retaliation for all of its current and past acts of aggression in order to prevent a slide into global thermonuclear war.

I have said and written many times that if we correctly build a strategy of intimidation and deterrence and even use of nuclear weapons, the risk of a “retaliatory” nuclear or any other strike on our territory can be reduced to an absolute minimum. Only a madman, who, above all, hates America, will have the guts to strike back in “defense” of Europeans, thus putting his own country at risk and sacrificing conditional Boston for conditional Poznan. Both the U.S. and Europe know this very well, but they just prefer not to think about it. We have encouraged this thoughtlessness ourselves with our own peace-loving rhetoric. From studying the history of the American nuclear strategy I know that after the USSR had gained the convincing ability to respond to a nuclear strike, Washington did not seriously consider, although bluffed in public, the possibility of using nuclear weapons against Soviet territory. If they ever considered such a possibility, they did so only against the “advancing” Soviet troops in Western Europe itself. I know that Chancellors Kohl and Schmidt fled their bunkers as soon as the question of such use came up during military exercises.

We must go up the deterrence-escalation ladder quickly enough. Given the vector of Western development ― the persistent degradation of most of its elites―each of their next calls will be even more incompetent and more ideologically charged than the previous ones. We can hardly expect more responsible and reasonable leaders to come to power there in the near future. This can happen only after a catharsis, after they have given up their ambitions.

We must not repeat the “Ukrainian scenario.” For a quarter of a century, we did not listen to those who warned that NATO expansion would lead to war, and tried to delay and “negotiate.” As a result, we have got a severe armed conflict. The price of indecision now will be higher by an order of magnitude.

But what if they do not back down? What if they have lost the instinct of self-preservation completely? In this case we will have to hit a bunch of targets in a number of countries in order to bring those who have lost their mind to reason.

Morally, this is a terrible choice as we will use God’s weapon, thus dooming ourselves to grave spiritual losses. But if we do not do this, not only Russia can die, but most likely the entire human civilization will cease to exist.

We will have to make this choice ourselves. Even friends and sympathizers will not support us at first. If I were Chinese, I would not want the current conflict to end too soon and abruptly, because it draws off U.S. forces and gives China an opportunity to gather strength for a decisive battle, direct or, in accordance with the best behests of Lao Tzu, by forcing the enemy to retreat without a fight. I would also oppose the use of nuclear weapons because raising the confrontation to the nuclear level would mean a shift into an area where my country (China) is still weak. In addition, decisive action is not in line with the Chinese foreign policy philosophy, which emphasizes economic factors (when building up military power) and avoids direct confrontation. I would support the ally, securing his backyard, but I would hide behind him without interfering in the fight. (But perhaps I do not understand this philosophy well enough and attribute incorrect motives to our Chinese friends). If Russia delivered a nuclear strike, the Chinese would condemn it, but they would also rejoice at heart that a powerful blow has been dealt to the reputation and position of the United States.

And what would our reaction be if (God forbid) Pakistan struck India or vice versa? We would be horrified and saddened that the nuclear taboo has been broken. And then we would start helping those affected and making necessary changes in our nuclear doctrine.

For India and other countries of the Global Majority, including nuclear ones (Pakistan, Israel), the use of nuclear weapons is also unacceptable for both moral and geostrategic reasons. If they are used and used “successfully,” this will break the nuclear taboo―the idea that they cannot be used under any circumstances and that their use will inevitably lead to a global nuclear Armageddon. We can hardly count on quick support, even if many countries in the Global South would feel satisfaction from the defeat of their former oppressors, who robbed, perpetrated genocides, and imposed an alien culture.

But in the end, the winners are not judged. And the saviors are thanked. European political culture does not remember good things. But the rest of the world remembers with gratitude how we helped the Chinese free themselves from the brutal Japanese occupation, and how we helped colonies free themselves from the colonial yoke. If we are not understood at once, there will be even more incentives to engage in self-improvement. But still, it is quite likely that we will be able to win, bring our enemy to reason and force it to back off without resorting to extreme measures, and a few years later take a position behind China, as it now stands behind us, supporting it in its fight with the United States. In this case it will be possible to avoid a big war. Together we will win for the benefit of everyone, including the people living in Western countries.

And then Russia and humanity will persevere through all the hardships and go into the future, which seems to me bright, multipolar, multicultural, multicolored, and giving countries and peoples a chance to build their own and common future.

This article originally appeared in Russian in the weekly Profile magazine.



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Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, Russia
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Garland Nixon


Garland Nixon is a leading talk show host, vlogger and geopolitical analyst. He resides in the Washington DC area.

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Garland Nixon is a leading geopolitical commentator and radio and podcast talkshow host. He resides in the DC area.

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