US meddling is far from confined to Ukraine as part of its proxy war with Russia. The US pursues a similar policy against China by targeting nations all across China’s periphery

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The New Atlas

US meddling is far from confined to Ukraine as part of its proxy war with Russia. The US pursues a similar policy against China by targeting nations all across China’s periphery. The US government through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and its subsidiaries has sponsored opposition parties and organizations in Cambodia for years including Kem Sokha’s Cambodian National Rescue Party. In 2017 Kem Sokha openly admitted to working with the US to overthrow the Cambodian government in a Washington-sponsored Serbia-style color revolution. Cambodia has now jailed Kem Sokha for 27 years for treason. The US government, Western media, and Western “rights” groups in concert are falsely claiming the charges are “fabricated,” illustrating how the West uses human rights advocacy as a smokescreen to advance US foreign policy objectives.


Brian Berletic, a leading geopolitical analyst and former editor of the Land Destroyer blog, is currently the chief editor and correspondent of The New Atlas. A former Marine, Brian currently resides in Thailand.

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Plumpes Denken: Crude thinking

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by George Burchett

I chanced upon “crude thinking” while reading Bruce Cumings’ The Korean War. Here’s the quote from his book:

Nothing is more important than learning to think crudely,” Brecht once said. “Crude thinking is the thinking of great men.” So was the milieu of crisis in which he wrote, and Koreans fought: crude, illiberal, murderous.

Understanding Brecht, (written in 1933-1939, first published in 1966), Benjamin devotes a section to Crude Thinking while discussing Brecht’s Threepenny Novel. The original quote from the novel is:

The chief thing is to learn to think bluntly. Blunt thinking is great thinking. Politics is the pursuit of business by unbusiness-like methods. (Brecht, p. 169)

Benjamin writes, quoting Brecht paraphrasing himself:

‘The most important thing is to learn to think crudely. Crude thinking is the thinking of great men.’

There are many people to whom a dialectician means a lover of subtleties. In this connection it is particularly useful when Brecht puts his finger on ‘crude thinking’ which produces dialectics as its opposite, contains it within itself, and has need of it. Crude thoughts belong to the household of dialectical thinking precisely because they represent nothing other than the application of theory to practice: its application to practice, not its dependence on practice. Action can, of course, be as subtle as thought. But a thought must be crude in order to come into its own in action. (Benjamin, Understanding Brecht, p. 81 – my emphasis)

I was reminded of another quote, this time it was G.W. Bush’s senior advisor Karl Rove talking to journalist Ron Suskind:

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

— New York Times Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004

To use another famous quote, Shakespeare this time:

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players…

Karl Rove’s “we” – history’s actors – no doubt include those G.W. Bush called “the crazies in the basement”: the neo-cons, who scripted, produced and staged the disasters that are Iraq and Afghanistan.

Under Obama, they morphed into “humanitarian interventionists” (under the R2P label – Responsibility To Protect) and added Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, to the list of neo-con wars and ‘interventions’.

As Rove says, “we’re history’s actors and you” – that is the rest of us – can “study what we do.”

The question is then: are we content to just study the reality the ‘reality creators’ create for us, or can we do something about it and perhaps create another reality?

KOREAN WAR: US Marines during the recapture of Seoul, 1950. (CC)

Theodor W. Adorno, one of the founders of the Frankfurt School of critical theory, who knew both Brecht and Benjamin, disapproved of “crude thinking” or, in German, plumpes Denken. He was also a composer/theoretician of classical avant-garde music, disapproved of jazz and popular music (and culture) in general, and theorized that art should remain “autonomous” – that is detached – from ‘capitalist’ reality. His preferred playwright and writer were Beckett and Kafka. Adorno was a pessimist. For him, post Work War II reality stemmed solely from Auschwitz. He famously said: “There can be no poetry after Auschwitz.” Why only Auschwitz? Why not Hiroshima? Or the many “realities” created by Karl Rove’s “history’s actors” and their criminal predecessors?

On the contrary, there should be poetry, music, songs, theatre, visual art and other forms of creative resistance to combat neo-con and associated “reality creators.” It worked well against the war in Vietnam. Why shouldn’t it work against the current wars – ongoing and in-the-making?

For Brecht, and other revolutionary artists – Picasso, Mayakovski, Eisenstein, Chaplin, to name but a few – and to use a quote attributed to both Brecht and Mayakovski:

Art is not a mirror to hold up to society, but a hammer with which to shape it.

KOREA: A US soldier stands by a dead Chinese communist soldier who apparently was reading a US illustrated storybook. The cold indifference of war is one of its many dehumanising traits. (CC)

A hammer is a crude instrument, compared to sophisticated weapons of mass destruction (or targeted assassinations) operated by whiz kids with joysticks or high tech warriors in free-fire zones. But it’s a weapon. And so is the sickle.

Time to dust them off and creatively apply some of Brecht’s “crude thinking.”

The neo-con ‘reality creators’ and their many associates are extremely well organized, supported by the mightiest armies in the world, the best propaganda machine in human history, the best academic brains, most of the entertainment industry – in fact, the entire capitalist system.

So what? They don’t own people’s hearts and minds, only their pockets and parts of their brains, through fear, greed and 24/7 brainwashing.

I don’t think there is any point debating them in theoretical discourse, engaging in their history wars etc. That is exactly what they want. Rove: “We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do…”

I don’t want to study them or debate them. I want to hammer them, whenever I can. And I want to apply Brecht’s “crude thinking” as an effective weapon to that purpose.

Bruce Cuming’s quoted Brecht in reference to Korea’s resistance leader Kim Il Sung and his companions in their guerilla war against Japanese imperialist occupiers. To win, they had to practice “crude thinking,” because “crude thinking is the thinking of great men.” They had to rally the peasant masses and the people in general, to win. So did Mao, so did Lenin, so did Ho Chi Minh, so did Castro and others.

In every case, they succeeded against the greatest possible odds by applying revolutionary theory into revolutionary practice and rallying the masses to their cause.

How their revolutions evolved is a matter of debate…

I live in Ha Noi where the red flag with the hammer and the sickle still proudly flies and a statue of Lenin still stands and watches kids ride skateboards during the day and fancy electric cars for rent in the evening. I meet many people from many countries, and they all rave about Vietnam: how friendly, how beautiful, how interesting, how exciting… I also have Vietnamese friends who share Adorno’s pessimism and would be happy to see the red flag and Lenin replaced with… I don’t know. Abstract expressionism?

Vietnam’s independence and unity were the result of the “crude thinking” of Ho Chi Minh, General Giap and other revolutionary leaders.

US pop culture has always whitewashed US imperialist conflicts. In the famous M.A.S.H. TV sitcom which ran almost a decade, the Americans were portrayed as lovable do-gooders. Naturally, amid all the fun and jokes, no one ever questioned who gave the Americans the right to meddle in Korea—or Vietnam—for that matter. (TGP Screenshot)

They didn’t debate French colonialists and American imperialists, they took to the mountains and jungles and beat them, with crude weapons – compared to the most powerful and sophisticated armies in history.

They had the majority of their people behind them. And eventually, the majority of humanity. And they won. And inspired others to do the same.

And so can we, if we apply Brecht’s “crude thinking” and start kicking Rove’s “actors” where it hurts and where they have little power and defenses: the huge space left for progressive creative thought and action.

Look at it as a race: they run for war, we run for peace.

But we can laugh at them, we can ridicule them and show them in all their pathetic ugliness. Them and their lackeys in all spheres of life.

It can be done, with “crude thinking”, with humor, with faith in humanity and love for our dear little planet.

Brecht would approve. Adorno would shake his head disapprovingly. In 1969, he had to flee Frankfurt University after students booed him and put up a banner “If Adorno is left in peace, capitalism will never cease.” His pessimism didn’t inspire them, but Ho Chi Minh, Mao Tse Tung, Castro and Che Guevara did.

So let’s be optimistic and “crude” and start removing Rove’s “history’s actors” from the scene. The survival of our planet depends on it.

George Burchett is an artist who lives in Hanoi.

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What China Should Do if Taiwan Declares Independence From China

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“Our goal is to avoid fighting a land war in Asia,” Wormuth said. “I think the best way to avoid fighting that war is by showing China and countries in that region we can actually win that war.”  The war preparations against China are happening in the open. How much more blatant and sociopathic can the Empire get, and obviously it has no respect for its own population, which it clearly regards as brainwashed morons.  (TGP Screenshot)

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The Beginning of Democracy or The End of Humanity

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America is no longer the most powerful nation in the world and that is great news for humanity, beginning with the American people. But on the verge of social collapse it is still the most militarily dominating nation and as such represents an incredible danger to the same folks: humanity, beginning with the American people.

The Russo-phobic policies which began more than 100 years ago with the Russian revolution have continued and may be more demonic than ever, even though that nation is no longer run by communists but by capitalists. It is too big and powerful to tolerate for the global bully that America has become and now combined with China, an even greater menace to the self-chosen western royals but aligned with growing numbers of nations - a majority the world over - no longer willing to scrape and bow before former colonial powers but anxious to link up in new groups that essentially say to the dominant power for most of the twentieth century: fuck off!

The military-industrial complex America was warned about back in the 1950s by an outgoing republican president has become something far more menacing to humanity than president Eisenhower imagined back then, though he was certainly right to warn us about the dominance of that aspect of capitalism and what it might do to the future. Since the end of the second world war, in which Eisenhower served as a heroic figure as a general, later becoming president, America has killed more people in wars than it did in that historic bloodbath which murdered millions, mostly Europeans and Asians and most especially Russians. Our domination of the world allegedly was supposed to be making it safe for what is called democracy but has far more in common with a market force where the rich rule, as in all other aspects of reality. The numbers slaughtered in Korea, Vietnam, much of southeast Asia, south and central America and scattered spots in Europe are only subject to estimates but even those can cause shudders if considered by people, though most of us are kept preoccupied with sports, celebrities, shopping and incurring debt to know about let alone pay attention to the horrendous inhumanity that is at the root of the reasonably comfortable lives led by a servant class to wealth numbering in the profitable millions while the losing numbers of humans are in the billions.

That too is hopefully soon about to change but the suffering that looms before humanity and social justice prevail could kill all of us if a nuclear war results from the dying gasps of capitalism.


The world is watching, and most of humanity is siding against the Empire and its criminal stooges, including many people inside the Empire itself.

(Courtesy of J Matson Heininger, a TGP group member.)

The present war in the Ukraine regularly charged to Russia owes its existence exclusively to America and its Nato lapdogs and their endless pursuit of the destruction of Russia. The insane policies created by homicidal degeneracy that labels murder as democracy goes on while those who pay for it are endlessly told that evil Putin is bent on taking over all of Europe and possibly parts of California and New York in his blind lust for blood and empire. This while America spends more on warfare than Russia and China combined – many many times over – and maintains hundreds of military bases in foreign countries, especially surrounding Russia and China, while endlessly screeching about the threat represented by Russia and China. Having brought the world the infinite gifts of nuclear weapons and taco pizza burgers, there seems to be a belief among the ruling servant class to capital that the USA is a gift to the planetary billions, worthy of worship as the foremost global power in charge of a constitutional or biblical “rules-based order” as it’s called, which is like having a drooling mob of rapists and pimps extolling their blessed “love based order”. This alleged “rules-based order” has been participating militarily in Ukraine since 2014, financing, training and supporting a civil war that killed thousands long before most Americans had ever heard of Ukraine or could possibly find it on a map. Pssst – it borders Russia, not Los Angeles or New York, was once a part of Russia and numbers many Russians who speak the language and believe themselves to be Russian before Ukrainian. Limited to the mental rape performed by propaganda outlets calling themselves major media, decent, otherwise thoughtful people have been led to believe all manner of incredible nonsense about the evil head of state and his menace to decent consumers of bullets, dog food, automobiles, computers, bombs and all the stuff that makes us consumers long before citizens. For an all too brief bulletin, try this:

Here is how Putin put the situation in his press conference some time before 2/24, the date Russia began its attack:

“We have made it clear that any further movement of NATO to the East is unacceptable. Is there anything unclear about this? Are we deploying missiles near the U.S. border? No, we are not. It is the United States that has come to our home with its missiles and is already standing at our doorstep. Is it going too far to demand that no strike systems be placed near our home? What is so unusual about this?”

Of course, if Russia or China placed missiles and military personnel at our Canadian or Mexican borders we would bring them food and refreshments and thank them for protecting us from the evils of Canada or Mexico. That is believable to people conditioned to think that Putin and Russians are evil while our multi-billionaire weapons shipment and training for Ukraine and the sacrifice of Ukrainian lives in a so far proxy war are the doings of holy people interested in the salvation of humanity even if we have to destroy it to succeed.

Of course, an overwhelming American majority has come together to borrow more than 31 trillion dollars in order to build a fantastic murder machine while millions of our people lack health care, hundreds of thousands are homeless and in current style, we all share the pronoun (asshole) transcending any sexual, racial, genital or intellectual difference and acting as a unified democratic majority. In an attempted expression of material reality to counter the fanatic brainwashing we incur from our stenographers for the ruling minority – the mass media and its anti-social home units – in order to try assisting in the growing effort to transform material reality before it deforms all of us, the following is advised.

The Ukraine war needs to be ended by an American public demanding it but if that is not to be the case the world, led by China and Russia in cooperation with the overwhelming majority of humanity, needs to stop the domination of the dollar and the weaponry of America by trading and arming on behalf of the majority of people on planet earth.

A peaceful solution to the present murderous idiocy would have Putin and his foreign minister, Lavin, engage in a debate with Biden and his equally failing intellectual employee Blinken, televised to the globe with questions asked by a panel of not only western toadies but an equal number who are critical and thus representative of a global majority, It would not take very long for even the Americans in the audience to figure out that the Russian duo was brilliant by comparison to the American ruling class servants and while this might not bring an immediate end to the bloody horror it would energize an American majority to stand with the world in opposition and in demanding an end to the trillions spent on murder while the nation and the world is falling apart. The material development of minorities brought about by capitalism has been dreadfully unbalanced by the moral underdevelopment suffered by global majorities. Opportunities for real democracy, not only national but international, are finally at hand but they must be exercised before the grotesque butchery of the word and the world’s people brings us all to a dreadful end. The majority if humanity, not only the American people, need to begin acting like one before the minority brings us all to a tragic end.

Frank Scott writes political commentary which appears in the Coastal Post, The Independent Monitor and on his shared blog at:

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Marching Into the New Year with World Wars III, IV, and V (Part 2)

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Jim Kavanagh

Jim Kavanagh edits The Polemicist. His reporting and commentary appears in many leading left online publications, including Counterpunch, The Greanville Post, OpedNews, and others.

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