The U.S. Dictatorship

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The War and the Future

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Introduction: The Story So Far

So far the US has carried out regime changes and created military conflicts in countries friendly to or important to Russia: Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq (again), Georgia, Syria, Libya. All this was to make Russia lose important interests or deploy its own forces. It has also staged PR events such as Litvinenko, Pussy Riot, MH17, Skripals, Navalny, Bucha, the destruction of Nordstream – in order to try and blame Russia and make it into a pariah state.

In particular, in 2014 in the Ukraine it carried out a $5 billion coup with the murder of and terror against Russian-speakers. It then installed a puppet government, promoted Nazism through racist indoctrination, besmirched the historic legacy through rewriting history and toppling memorials, terrorised and banned all opposition, set up US military biolabs, supplied and trained an army, made military threats against Russia, threatened the Crimea, and promised that the Ukraine could soon join the US-puppet NATO and install nuclear weapons.

A Message from Boris: Deaths and Sackings
When Boris Johnson turned up in Kiev a few days ago, you knew events would follow. He is after all the office boy for Biden. So last week came the resignation of Zelensky’s spinmaster, Alexey Arestovich, for telling the truth about the Ukrainian military – that it had killed civilians by destroying an apartment block in Dnepro in a military accident and could not win the war. [This event was blasted by the Western whore media as a case of Russian depravity.-Ed) The next day the interior minister Monastyrsky, a longtime aide of Zelensky, and his first deputy died in a helicopter crash in Kiev a week ago (‘caused by flying low in fog’). Strange, since the neo-Nazi militias operate through his ministry.

Then there was the murder of Denis Kireev, who was an important participant in the March peace talks with Russia. It is rumoured that he was too keen on peace – which the US and the UK are totally opposed to. He had to go, so the CIA/SBU (same thing) did the job. Next came a major purge on 24 January following corruption claims, involved a deputy prosecutor general, the deputy head of the president’s office, the deputy defence minister and five regional governors.

Interestingly, Poroshenko, last seen in a luxury hotel in London, living off his now very active cremation business in the Ukraine, promised peace with Russia in one week. Once in power he did not bring peace and lost the next election. He was replaced by Zelensky, who also promised a peace settlement with Russia in the Donbass, but instead prepared war and even sought nuclear weapons. The Ukrainian people are promised peace, but are not given it. Zelensky’s support base is small and there is a majority that wants peace. Is Zelensky the next to be purged?

Escalation: Germany Declares War on Russia Again
Germany is going to send Leopard tanks to the Kiev regime. For the third time since 1914 Germany is now, on paper at least, at war with Russia. The Russians have a choice: they can intervene in the Ukraine from the north-west (Belarus) and the south-west (the sea) and cut off the whole of the Ukraine from all its arms supplies, including several dozen German, American, British and other tanks – and it will take months for the promised tanks to arrive across the Polish border. Or else Russia can bomb anything that comes across the Polish border. It has already warned that anything coming across that border into the Ukraine will be destroyed. Thus, in any case, a barrier will be created. Western Europe must be cut off, for it has become the source of the evil, providing weapons to Neo-Nazis.

Otherwise, the Poles and their reservists too may intervene (in their Leopard tanks? Remember Tiger tanks?) to take over the west of the Ukraine. Is Russia really going to allow the division of the Ukraine into the Russian East and the Polish-led Western West, in other words, its Koreanisation or Vietnamisation? (And we know how those divisions ended). Otherwise, the Anti-Russia of the Ukraine will remain forever. Western Europe must be cut off. What began as a small operation to liberate the two Russian provinces of the Donbass, is now, as a result of Western (= US-led) escalation, an operation to liberate the whole of the Ukraine. Only total Russian victory can work. Only establishing a Russian-led Kiev Protectorate, like the situation in Belarus, can work. All those who disagree with that and have not yet fled for the West had better leave now.

Interestingly, we know that the Russian Black Sea Fleet with its landing craft left port last week. On 25 January Dmitry Medvedev wrote publicly that the Ukraine would have no need of submarines, as it would soon become landlocked. The day before, the President of Belarus, Lukashenko, rejected the offer of a Non-Aggression Pact from the Ukraine (= the US on behalf of Poland). Meanwhile, the somewhat senile Biden has blurted out that the US will support the Ukraine ‘for as long as it exists’. This is not what he used to say. Then it was ‘support to victory’. The only problem here is that the US never admits failure, it never admits that it backed the wrong horse at huge expense to the US taxpayer. How will it get out of this one?

The War
In the Ukraine the NATO war has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands in just the last eleven months and is continuing with hundreds more victims today, the same as yesterday, and the same as tomorrow. The doomsaying pessimists with their conspiracy theories of nuclear Armageddon foretell that this war will continue for years, ‘perhaps even a decade’. Others, the optimists, are thinking that the Kiev regime may collapse within weeks, or in three or four months at most, or there will be a coup in Kiev with Kiev forces either surrendering en masse or else turning around and marching on their murderous US puppet-commanders in Kiev. It does sound like wishful thinking. With yet more NATO weaponry and tanks to be destroyed, I think it will all take longer. Not years, as those happy souls, the doomsaying pessimists with their conspiracy theories of nuclear Armageddon foretell, but another 15 months. But I really hope that I am wrong and that the wishful thinkers are right and that it will all be over very soon.

As the Saker in his penetrating analysis has pointed out, if the US cannot prevent a Ukronazi/NATO defeat, it can at least make the war as costly as possible for Russia. Find another attacker. Poland will do. Promise them the five provinces in the far west of the Ukraine, Volyn, Rivne, Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk, and the Poles will do anything you tell them to. After all, there are Poles, and most of them seem to be part of its current incredibly stupid government, who still have a messianic complex, who still dream of glory, of ‘saving Europe from the barbarian Russian hordes’, of a ‘Poland stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea’, and of becoming the most powerful country in Europe, dwarfing those nasty Germans ‘who are going to give us back trillions’. Well, there have always been fantasists. Hitler was one of them. And the American Empire has always known how to manipulate them for its own ends, whether in Argentina, Iran, Iraq, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Venezuela, the Baltics, the Ukraine or Poland.

The fact is that the American Empire knows that it cannot defeat Russia in a straightforward war, so it has always used proxies. In 2008, it took the absurd step of using Georgia. This was far too small, far too weak and irrationally nationalistic. As a Georgian told me quite seriously just a few years ago: ‘God only speaks Georgian and does not understand any other language’. I was surprised to learn that God has such limited linguistic abilities, however, there are plenty of Ukrainians who believe much the same today, not to mention Poles.
And both the Ukraine and Poland are a lot bigger than Georgia. Hence the American choice. Once they are both defeated, the US will be turning to Germany – as they almost did in Churchill’s Operation Unthinkable plan to attack the Red Army on 1 July 1945, using British, American, Polish and German forces to destroy Russia (1). Or why not use Sweden, Turkey, Japan? Why not China? Why not just overthrow Putin with the ‘masses’ of Russians who do not like him? Such today are also the fantasies of ‘the crazies in the basement’ at the Pentagon. No wonder they get on with the Polish government. And don’t forget the biggest crazy in the US basement was Polish: Zbigniew Brzezinski.

For Russians, 2022 was simply a repeat of 1812 and 1941. The Third Great Patriotic War. The West doing its barbaric thing, as usual. The fact is that, though some historians deny it, history does repeat itself, simply because human pride, arrogance and hubris repeat themselves. German tanks with their black crosses trying to destroy Russia on the Ukrainian steppes? We Russians shrug our shoulders. We have seen it all before. The Anti-Russia of the Ukraine will simply never happen. Zelensky is on drugs and so is the Ukraine, addicted to Western transfusions of blood, money, mercenaries and arms.

Afterword: Another Future
Famously, or rather infamously, the British Establishment figure who was the first NATO Secretary General boasted that the aim of NATO was ‘to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down’ (2). As for us, we wish to see a renewal of Kennedy’s ‘Alliance for Progress’, a World Alliance of Sovereign Nations, a global version of the Gaullist spirit (though not the precise words) of ‘l’Europe des Patries’ (Europe of the Nations’). We wish to see a for now geriatric Europe reattached to its historic destiny with Russia and so with Eurasia, where it is all happening. Therefore, our aim is: ‘To keep Russia in, the Americans out and the Germans up’.

Some write that Russia can only win the war in Ukraine as long as it can help the US to save face after its defeat and then the collapse of NATO and the EU. Remember Saigon? Remember Bush and his ‘Mission Accomplished’? (The world laughed at his farce, but plenty in the US were convinced by it). Remember Kabul? The US just left them and pretended to be in denial about them. Like the British at Dunkirk in 1940, who left their French allies in the lurch, they just ran away back to their island, declaring victory, though leaving lots of their equipment behind them. The Americans can also run away, saying: ‘Forget it. They are not worthy of us’.

Self-isolation would be such a good thing. Go back to the big island of Northern America. If you want, build Trump’s long-promised wall across the south to keep those nasty Latinos out. Lick your wounds and at last start trying to deal with the massive internal problems that you already have: great poverty, racial division, mass shootings, debt, social injustices, lack of healthcare, unemployment, exploitation, an education system that deliberately makes people stupid, drugs, crime and so mass imprisonment. Leave the Europeans to sort themselves out. No more Americans are going to die for or pay for those lazy Europeans. Just don’t tell the American people that this would make those same lazy Europeans only too happy. The only problem is that the US never admits failure, it never admits that it backed the wrong horse at huge expense to the US taxpayer. How will it get out of this one?

27 January 2023


Batiushka prefers to remain anonymous at this point.

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Will The U.S. Invade Haiti Just To Stop Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier?

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Jimmy Dore • Dan Cohen

The Jimmy Dore Show

Recent years have witnessed a great deal of turmoil in the nation of Haiti, and recently the United States has threatened to invade militarily in order to “restore order.” Which really means to exert control over the country in service of the rich and powerful. As documentarian and journalist Dan Cohen explains, one figure targeted by elite interests in Haiti and the U.S. is ex-cop turned revolutionary leader Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier. Jimmy speaks with Cohen about the unique role Chérizier plays in current Haitian politics and what the United States is doing in an effort to dislodge him.

NOTE: Since it is well known that Google (YouTube) is at the forefront of the imperial censorship campaign and that they have already deleted—with little or no warning or appeal— thousands of accounts of citizen journalists, we are also offering this program on its version (which so far does not seem interested in canceling the First Amendment).

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Introducing Uncaptured Media's Documentaries on Haiti

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‘Another Vision: Inside Haiti’s Uprising’ tells the story of Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier and the Revolutionary Forces of the G9 Family and Allies, the armed neighborhood federation in the crosshairs of the U.S. empire. Episode 2 reveals how state and criminal gang violence compelled Cherizier to unite Port-au-Prince's armed groups into the FRG9. The episode investigates the June, 2021 Lower Delmas Massacre, carried out against Cherizier's community, dissects western media's disinformation offensive, and shows how the masses respond to his revolutionary message. Produced by Haiti Liberté and Uncaptured Media. Directed by Dan Cohen and Kim Ives.

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Nov 18, 2022 } Episode 3
In this series’ spectacular conclusion, Episode 3 shows Cherizier trekking through the planet’s most miserable slums as he seeks to advance a “mental revolution” among Haiti’s poorest masses. We learn about President Jovenel Moïse’s July 7, 2021 assassination, the stymied investigation of which is having a profound effect on Haiti’s national liberation struggle. We see how the de facto government, set in place by Washington, is wobbling in the face of the G9's growing strength.

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Censorship in China and The CIA’s War Against the CPC

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He Zhao

He Zhao—Radical Politics, Radical Design, Radical Rhythm, Radical Optimism.

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Reckless Disregard for the Consequences of War

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“Opposing the horrible madness of war is not anti-European, its not anti-Ukrainian, its not pro-Russian. It’s common sense… I oppose all war. I want it stopped. I make no apology for that. And I’m not going to be scapegoated and labelled for it either.”

We are living in a very dangerous moment. Tensions between the US and Russia are high. Lines of communication between the two countries are more frayed than during the Cold War. Militant rhetoric is steadily ratcheting up on both sides. In such a strained atmosphere, the risk of setting off a deadly nuclear exchange is all too real, even just by accident in a heat-of-the-moment misunderstanding.

If the situation goes nuclear, it won’t matter who started it. It will only matter that it wasn’t stopped before it got there.

We really need all hands on deck to pull humanity back from the brink. Arguably, nothing is more important right now. All other concerns—the environment, social justice, economic inequality—will be moot. Certainly, our insipid partisan bickering will be irrelevant if we’re bleeding out of every orifice, our hair is falling out, our skin is sloughing off, and we’re dying agonizing deaths from severe burns and radiation sickness, while rotting corpses pile up around us.

The stakes could hardly be higher.

We need an active antiwar movement, global in scale and diverse in tactics, to apply significant pressure on every decision-maker with a part in current conflicts.

Yet the antiwar movement in the US is at its lowest ebb in generations, maybe ever. On the right, principled antiwar libertarians are keeping it real at places like, where they are sticking to their anti-interventionist ethic, which includes not arming belligerents. They’re ardent capitalists, yes, but they draw the line there.

On the left, we have a smattering of different groups including socialists, Black leftists, Greens, proponents of non-violence, and various peace groups led by veterans or sects of Christianity. All good people—some of my favorite people in the world, personally—but not enough. Liberals—by which I mean Democrats and Progressives—are the biggest cheerleaders of the burgeoning strife between nuclear-armed powers, and not one federal officeholder is antiwar. (No, Bernie’s not antiwar.)

So it was disappointing to recently find out that this subset is even smaller than I suspected. I’m referring to the recent release of a statement by the Ukraine Solidarity Network (USN).

For my part, I will call attention to just three specific statements, and then move on to make general remarks about war and our current position.

1) The USN says: “Calling for “peace” in the abstract is meaningless in these circumstances.”

First, when war fever is as hot as it is now, just uttering the word, “peace,” makes you the target of slurs and vitriol. If it’s “meaningless” then why is it so viciously attacked? I totally understand if someone chooses to keep their mouth shut. I actually hold myself back much of the time. But we really need to be shouting it.

Secondly, the calls for peace that I’ve read or heard have not been “in the abstract.” They’ve generally been some version of what I laid out above, taking into account background and the current stances of officials on either side. Rather than “abstract,” they’ve been quite concrete. Code Pink has been especially good in this area. See the just published “What Steps Can the US Take to Foster Peace Talks in Ukraine?” (1/25/22) by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies.

2) The USN says it “supports Ukraine’s war of resistance, its right to determine the means and objectives of its own struggle – and we support its right to obtain the weapons it needs from any available source.”

The right of Ukraine to self-determination includes not just fighting but also negotiating, and that right was infringed upon by the UK in April 2022. The Ukrainian press reported that “British Prime Minister Boris Johnson used his surprise visit to Kyiv last month to pressure President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to cut off peace negotiations with Russia, even after the two sides appeared to have made tenuous progress toward a settlement to end the war.”

How many Ukrainians have died since April? How many Russians? How much money has the US spent on the conflict since then that is sorely needed here? Johnson’s meddling is quite possibly the second worst event of 2022, second only to the Russian invasion itself. If the USN were truly concerned about Ukraine’s self-determination, they would also call this out.

As for the “right to obtain weapons,” nobody needs to encourage anybody to “obtain weapons.” Everybody already knows they can do that. Everybody who wants to obtain weapons is already doing so, or trying. There is no shortage of weapons in the world. The only reason to make the statement is to stress that the signatories support the arming of Ukraine by the United States and its NATO allies. Who else would Ukraine “obtain weapons” from?

Disturbingly, the USN is echoing US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who said he believed “the right equipment” and the “right support” could help Ukraine win. (See the BBC: “Ukraine war: US wants to see a weakened Russia.”) Being on the same page as the US Secretary of Defense is not a good sign.

3) The USN says: “We seek to build connections to progressive organizations and movements in Ukraine” but they avoid mentioning that their own stance—explicit support of military engagement with Russia—is only one among several stances, and that—as in every country—”progressive” politics in Ukraine is a mix of parties, politicians, and interests that are not in consensus about everything, even the invasion. Have they forgotten that Zelenskyy was elected on a platform to end the war on the eastern provinces? Will they be reaching out to the leftist political parties that Zelenskyy banned, the largest of which was calling for negotiations with Russia after the invasion rather than fighting? I will believe USN is sincere if they actively try to build a connection to the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, whose organization’s executive secretary, Yurii Sheliazhenko, “calls for an end to US and NATO weapons to Ukraine. Arming Ukraine undermined past peace agreements and discouraged negotiations to end the current crisis, he says.” (See “Ukrainian Pacifist Movement: An Interview with Yurii Sheliazhenko.”)

Gerald Horne characterized the USN as a “pro-war formation.” They are certainly not antiwar.

Being antiwar is never about pushing to arm either side in a war.

Full stop.

I’ll repeat that with emphasis: Being antiwar is never about pushing to arm either side in a war.

Once you’re pushing to arm either side, you’re pro-war. Once you’re pro-war, you’re supporting many other evils: the arms industry, economic sanctions, conscription, censorship, imprisonment of dissidents, environmental damage, the consolidation of power by the ruling class. And of course death. The deaths of civilians are rightly held up first, but many soldiers are forced into their role by pressure of poverty or culture or a draft and even if they volunteered they are also victims. There are no heroes in war, except those who try to stop war.

As Chris Hedges writes, in “War is the Greatest Evil”:

“The primary lesson in war is that we as distinct individuals do not matter. We become numbers. Fodder. Objects. Life, once precious and sacred, becomes meaningless, sacrificed to the insatiable appetite of Mars. No one in wartime is exempt.”

Chris Hedges is not being theoretical. He spent two decades as a war correspondent and saw with his own eyes the horrors of the battlefield and the bombed city:

“I know what wounds look like. Legs blown off. Heads imploded into a bloody, pulpy mass. Gaping holes in stomachs. Pools of blood. Cries of the dying, sometimes for their mothers. And the smell. The smell of death. The supreme sacrifice made for flies and maggots.”

Once somebody “obtains weapons,” this is what they do with them. All the people urging the continuance of the conflict in Ukraine should picture their spouse with their legs blown off. Their mother’s head imploded into a bloody, pulpy mass. Gaping holes in their best friend’s stomach. Pools of blood under their neighbors. The cries of their own children as they die. These are the brutal things they are urging on other people. War is not game pieces on a Risk board.

Hedges warns us that war has its own inertia, and at some point can become unstoppable:

“Once war begins, no one, even those nominally in charge of waging war, can guess what will happen, how the war will develop, how it can drive armies and nations towards suicidal folly. There are no good wars. None.” [my emphasis]

Have we already passed that point with Russia? Will historians looking back consider that World War Three was already underway right now? Will there be historians to look back?

With so much hanging in such a perilous balance, anyone who does anything that reduces the chance of escalation, no matter how small, is doing something right in that moment, regardless of what else they might believe or do. Conversely, anyone who does anything that increases the chances of escalation, no matter how small, is doing something wrong in that moment, regardless of what else they might believe or do. Everyone makes mistakes. Also, we are social creatures and we get caught up in what everyone around us is doing, or—as is more likely these days—what the media is saying what everyone around us is doing, whether or not they are or not.

Maybe we need a new version of 1983’s made-for-TV movie, “The Day After,” a fictional account of the aftermath of a nuclear war between the US and the USSR. A hundred million people watched it (including me). President Reagan himself was moved by it, and it might well have played a role in his pursuit of nuclear disarmament with Gorbachev.

What “The Day After” did was remind people that when it comes to nuclear war, everybody has skin in the game. It’s one thing to be an armchair warrior taking sides in Syria or Iraq or Somalia (lest we forget, the US is still at war there) because what happens over there pretty much stays over there. You might as well be talking about a football game for all it’s going to affect you.

Not so when the missiles start flying. Not a single human being on earth will escape the consequences of even a limited exchange. A 2020 study estimated that the detonation of just 100 nuclear bombs would throw enough soot into the air to reduce world food supplies for a decade. Besides those killed in direct attacks, millions more would starve to death in the years that followed.

The study did not cover other effects, like how the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a bomb blown up high in the atmosphere over a country can knock out its electronics and power grid. Think breakdown of the internet, communications, electricity, transportation, food distribution, the hospital system and non-cash transactions. Suddenly you’re cut off from everyone except the people in your immediate vicinity, with whatever you happen to have on hand in terms of necessities like food and water, and no way of getting more except by braving the panicked crowds that would soon form. Both the US and Russia are well aware of the power of EMPs and both developed plans for how to hit the other. Even if the US was struck only with a few well-placed EMPs, and no cities were blown up, the subsequent chaos and suffering would be incredibly miserable. Millions would die this way too. The country would never fully recover.

Then there’s the nightmare scenario of a full-on exchange of thousands of warheads, which would extinguish most life on the planet, not just humans.

Again, the stakes could hardly be higher. Doing anything other than trying to de-escalate our current situation is incredibly irresponsible. Hopefully this is the last you’ll hear about the USN because they end up sinking into obscurity. Or maybe, in the grand scheme of life, they just happen to end up being the one-more-little-thing that was needed to eventually tip the balance into absolute horror. Whatever the case, if the bombs do end up falling, may everyone who signed the “Solidarity with Ukraine!” statement be overwhelmed with sickening regret when they see the flash, feel the shock wave, or watch the mushroom cloud rise in the sky. Will it seem worth it then to have prattled on about the “right to obtain weapons”?

I am saddened and frustrated beyond words by the bellicose, dick-swinging political climate in the United States. So many people have hard-ons for their own hatred. It feels like we have a collective death wish and are slouching towards oblivion. I wish we had a more active antiwar movement. I am haunted by forebodings about the future, and I hope more than anything that my fears end up being unfounded. But I don’t know. Neither does anyone else. Which is why no one is justified in pushing for anything other than peace right now. There’s nothing “abstract” about survival vs. extinction.

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