Russiagate Exposed: It’s a Fraud The Truth that’s Being Hidden from the Public


Russiagate Exposed: It’s a Fraud
The Truth that's Being Hidden from the Public

It has now been incontrovertibly proven that Russia had nothing whatsoever to do with getting the information that was on the computer-files of the Democratic National Committee and of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, to Wikileaks — the entire ‘Russiagate’ scandal (which many Democrats charge had contributed to, or even caused, Trump’s 2016 win) is fake. There’s a very real scandal involved in this, but it is extremely different, and will be revealed here (for the first time anywhere) at the very end. But, first things first — and that’s what the previous investigators have now proven:

On July 9th, was published at Disobedient Media a report that not only disproves the ‘news’ reports that the Russian government (or anyone else in Russia) ‘hacked the election’ — disproves the very core of the Russiagate story — but that proves the ‘hacks’ were instead actually leaks, to Wikileaks, by someone who had physical access to the computers at the Democratic National Committee, and who, in any case, was clearly and incontrovertibly operating only within the time-zone of America’s east coast — not at all in Russia, nor anywhere else outside that time zone. 

The mainstream media remains committed to the dissemination of one of the most malignant examples of fake news in history, yet it has the audacity to point fingers at the alternative media journalists for their work in exposing their lies, as purveyors of "Fake News."

In other words: the ‘hacks’ were instead actually leaks from someone who was inside the DNC, exactly as the former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray (who claimed to have picked up the data-recording device from the leaker in DC and brought it to his friend Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London) had said was the case.
So, now we have not only Murray’s testimony about it, and we have not only my own investigation showing that Murray had, in fact, been in Washington DC at the very time he says he had picked up the information physically in DC from the leaker there, but we also now have — as of July 9th — the technical proof of it: the markers on those computer files, proving that this had indeed been a leak, and not at all a ‘hack’. There was no ‘Russia hack’; there was no ‘hack’ at all. It was a purely local operation, a real leak, by someone who was on the inside — a voluntary release of this information.
Consequently, any ‘news’medium, after July 9th, which still ‘reports’ about Russiagate, which so much as even just suggests there to have been possible involvement by the Russian government in ‘hacking’ the computers at the DNC, is, itself, now the lowest order of fake ‘journalism’, not an authentic journalistic operation at all, but pure propaganda. How long will it take for that lie (the Russiagate-myth) to stop being published as truth — or even as being possibly true — by the U.S. (and its allied) ‘news’ media? But it continues to be embellished.
Here then will be presented, first of all, a generally good summary dated July 15th, of this important new information, a summary of what was published on July 9th by Disobedient Media; and I am here publishing a transcript that I have made of this video, which was uploaded to youtube on July 15th, in which, by means of questions and answers, the gist of the findings in the July 9th report and of how the findings had been obtained, is set forth, in that July 15th video, which is titled, "TV Exclusive: Forensic investigator says DNC computer hacked locally”:
Thank you.
Ethan, no one has been sitting on this story you guys are. Tell us how you got this information and what we know.
Elizabeth Vos, Disobedient Media’s associate editor — a man named Adam Carter reached out to her. And he had an analysis from somebody online named The Forensicator.
He’s an independent journalist [who had, in fact, long been working on this case]. And, so, [as Carter called to Vos’s attention] an anonymous blog of a forensic analyst looked at the data, and he had noticed that because of the transfer-speed and the timing of those transfers [it was actually only one transfer], that they were [the person was on the] east coast, and they [the files] had to have been accessed in the east coast. They were initially copied in the east coast, he guaranteed [the person actually demonstrated, not ‘guaranteed’] that … the likelihood of it [the file] being accessed initially from anywhere but the east coast, is impossible [proven so, by that analyst, “the forensicator”].
So, what that means in layman’s terms is again that the DNC computer network which the media tells us and the DNC tells us was hacked by the Russians, … that it was physically accessed by someone within close proximity of the DNC?
Correct. Given metadata and … the transfer and the stop times in between them, the only likely [actually the only possible] scenario is that it was accessed from inside of the Local Area Network of the DNC or with a USB drive into a computer [in] which you would have to be inside the building.
Now, I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist because there’s a lot more work to be done here, but ... those computers were hacked five days prior to Seth Rich’s untimely demise if I’m not mistake, is that not correct?
That’s correct and it’s important to state that this does not indicate that Seth Rich was the person that accessed the files, because they [the DNC] won’t turn over their logs to the FBI. There’s no way to tell which credentials were used to get into the system. 
Since you have broken this story online, has anyone in law enforcement reached out to you?
No, they have not.
Anyone from CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, the New York Times?
Absolutely not. (3:51) 
At this stage, this cover-up by the government and press is even bigger than the crime by the pro-Clinton DNC insiders (which had used, as I’ll indicate, the chief PR agency for NATO, to do this — to generate and spread this lie) who are trying to provoke even more fear and hatred of Russia than they already have cooked-up and generated. Adam Carter on July 16th, said that “The MSM have kept this hidden from viewers for almost 150 days”, but certainly it has been hidden now, after it was conclusively proven, on July 9th.
Here, then, are the openings of those more detailed sources reporting on this, first being the news-report by Elizabeth Vos, and then the original analysis by The Forensicator (which report Vos was restating well in non-technical terms):
New Research Shows Guccifer 2.0 Files Were Copied Locally, Not Hacked
9 July 2017, Elizabeth Vos
New meta-analysis has emerged from a document published today by an independent researcher known as The Forensicator, which suggests that files eventually published by the Guccifer 2.0 persona were likely initially downloaded by a person with physical access to a computer possibly connected to the internal DNC network. The individual most likely used a USB drive to copy the information. The groundbreaking new analysis irrevocably destroys the Russian hacking narrative, and calls the actions of Crowdstrike and the DNC into question.
The document supplied to Disobedient Media via Adam Carter was authored by an individual known as The Forensicator. The full document referenced here has been published on their blog. Their analysis indicates the data was almost certainly not accessed initially by a remote hacker, much less one in Russia. If true, this analysis obliterates the Russian hacking narrative completely.
The Forensicator specifically discusses the data that was eventually published by Guccifer 2.0 under the title “NGP-VAN.”  This should not be confused with the separate publication of the DNC emails by Wikileaks. This article focuses solely on evidence stemming from the files published by Guccifer 2.0. ...
Guccifer 2.0 NGP/VAN Metadata Analysis
8 July 2017: Thanks go out to Elizabeth Vos at Disobedient Media who was the first to report on this analysis; her article can be read here. Thanks also to Adam Carter who maintains the web site — the one stop shop for information that relates to Guccifer 2.0. You can reach Elizabeth and Adam on Twitter.
This study analyzes the file metadata found in a 7zip archive file, 7dc58-ngp-van.7z, attributed to the Guccifer 2.0 persona. For an in depth analysis of various aspects of the controversy surrounding Guccifer 2.0, refer to Adam Carter’s blog, Guccifer 2.0: Game Over.
Based on the analysis that is detailed below, the following key findings are presented:
• On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis). This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.
• Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.
• The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access to the data. By “direct access” we mean that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local high speed network (LAN).
• They may have copied a much larger collection of data than the data present in the NGP VAN 7zip. This larger collection of data may have been as large as 19 GB.  In that scenario the NGP VAN 7zip file represents only 1/10th of the total amount of material taken.
• This initial copying activity was done on a system where Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings were in force. Most likely, the computer used to initially copy the data was located somewhere on the East Coast.
• The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of the the Linux ‘cp’ command (using default options).
• A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4) file system.
• On September 1, 2016, two months after copying the initial large collection of (alleged) DNC related content (the so-called NGP/VAN data), a subset was transferred to working directories on a system running Windows. The .rar files included in the final 7zip file were built from those working directories.
• The computer system where the working directories were built had Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings in force. Most likely, this system was located somewhere on the East Coast.

• The .rar files and plain files that eventually end up in the “NGP VAN” 7zip file disclosed by Guccifer 2.0 on 9/13/2016 were likely first copied to a USB flash drive, which served as the source data for the final 7zip file. There is no information to determine when or where the final 7zip file was built.


The Guccifer 2 “NGP VAN” files are found in a password protected 7zip file; instructions for downloading this 7zip file can be found at
Technical note: the size of the 7zip file is 711,396,436 bytes and the MD5 sum is: a6ca56d03073ce6377922171fc8b232d.
This .7z file contains several .rar files – one for each top-level directory, as shown below.
The times shown above are in Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). The embedded .rar files are highlighted in yellow. The “*” after each file indicates that the file is password encrypted.  This display of the file entries is shown when the .7z file is opened. A password is required to extract the constituent files. This aspect of the .7z file likely motivated zipping the sub-directories (e.g. CNBC and DNC) into .rar files; this effectively hides the structure of the sub-directories, unless the password is provided and the sub-directories are then extracted. ...

Finally, here, is the issue of NATO’s role in this. Elizabeth Vos’s article goes on to say:
This article focuses solely on evidence stemming from the files published by Guccifer 2.0, which were previously discussed in depth by Adam Carter.
Disobedient Media previously reported that Crowdstrike is the only group that has directly analyzed the DNC servers. Other groups including Threat Connect have used the information provided by Crowdstrike to claim that Russians hacked the DNC. However, their evaluation was based solely on information ultimately provided by Crowdstrike; this places the company in the unique position of being the only direct source of evidence that a hack occurred.
The group’s President Shawn Henry is a retired executive assistant director of the FBI while their co-founder and CTO, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which as we have reported, is linked to George Soros. Carter has stated on his website that “At present, it looks a LOT like Shawn Henry & Dmitri Alperovitch (CrowdStrike executives), working for either the HRC campaign or DNC leadership were very likely to have been behind the Guccifer 2.0 operation.” Carter’s website was described by Wikileaks as a useful source of primary information specifically regarding Guccifer 2.0.
She had gotten that information from the founder of Disobedient Media, William Craddick. However, Craddick’s assumption that Soros was involved in this particular operation is not supported by any evidence he links to or otherwise cites. Craddick’s article, which was published back on 5 April 2017, “Cyber Firm Behind “Russian Hacking” Claims Has Ties To Soros-Supported Think Tank”, simply assumed that the Atlantic Council was a Soros operation. The actual fact is that the Atlantic Council is far bigger than Soros or any other single billionaire who backs it. And, all that Craddick actually shows is that the cyber firm behind the ‘Russian hacking’ claims has ties to the Atlantic Council. That’s a very big difference: this was, in fact, a NATO-connected operation, not merely an operation by one billionaire who is behind NATO. The Atlantic Council is the main PR agency for NATO; it actually was set up in 1961 by founders and associates of NATO for that very purpose. So, to mention Soros’s name as the alleged source for this particular smear-Russia operation is a big mistake, and is importantly misleading. If Soros has had anything to do with this operation (‘Russiagate’), then neither Craddick nor his Disobedient Media has, as of yet, presented any evidence of it. For them to not only state such a connection in their ‘news’ story, but to headline that ‘news’ report with “Soros” instead of with “NATO,” is irresponsible, a major error on their part, especially because their ‘news’ report provided no evidence for that allegation, and also because Craddick and his website appear to be tragically ignorant of the most fundamental fact about the Atlantic Council — its being NATO’s chief propaganda-arm. 
Russiagate isn’t merely a fraud and a smear by the Democratic Party; it is a fraud and a smear by NATO. NATO represents the entire U.S. aristocracy — not merely that aristocracy’s Democratic Party contingent, but both contingents (and certainly not just one billionaire, such as Soros).
In order to understand the historical origin of this operation, I have explained that here. In order to understand the economic interests that are behind it, I’ve explained that here

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About the author

EricZuesseThey're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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Russiagate isn’t merely a fraud and a smear by the Democratic Party; it is a fraud and a smear by NATO. NATO represents the entire U.S. aristocracy — not merely that aristocracy’s Democratic Party contingent, but both contingents (and certainly not just one billionaire, such as Soros).

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Police rampage against G20 protestors in Hamburg

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By James Cogan,

Just after 7.20 p.m. on Thursday, German authorities ordered a brutal police assault on a demonstration against the G20 leaders’ summit, which formally begins today in Hamburg. Hours after the clashes, figures still had not been released on how many people were injured or arrested.

Trump's image as a baby tearing up climate protection documents and shitting on the planet displayed by Greenpeace activists in Hamburg, Germany, on July 7, 2017. Trump is thoroughly disliked by most Europeans, and more EU citizens are becoming aware of and impatient with Washington's criminal policies. The protests, which also include many anti-capitalist activists, are expected to involve hundreds of thousands of people.

Up to 120,000 people from across Germany and other parts of Europe are expected to travel to Hamburg to voice their opposition to the austerity, anti-refugee measures, nationalism and militarism that characterise the policies of all the governments and ruling elites of the world’s 20 largest economies.

Thursday’s protest, one of the first of dozens planned during the G20, was entitled “Welcome to Hell.” It was organised to coincide with a sideline meeting at the nearby Hotel Atlantic between US President Donald Trump—a reviled figure in Europe—and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The violence at the event was provoked by the police.

As some 10,000 demonstrators were assembling in Hamburg’s harbour district around 6.00 p.m., Deutsche Welle reported that its correspondent, Max Hofmann, “says the feeling at the ‘Welcome to Hell’ protest is that of a large family gathering.” Hofmann commented: “If you’re looking for a common denominator here it’s anti-capitalism, anti-globalisation and, of course, anti-Donald Trump.” The gathering was peaceful and, if anything, had a festive character.

Police nevertheless used the presence at the protest of some 800 to 1,000 anarchist Black Block members, some of whom were wearing masks, to prevent the demonstrators from marching through the city as planned. After they had barely moved 300 metres, dozens of vehicles and lines of riot police blocked their path and issued demands that the anarchist element remove their masks. When some refused, and allegedly threw rocks and bottles at journalists and police, the state rampage was initiated.

Scenes of confusion and panic followed. One protestor who declined to be named told Bloomberg correspondents: “We were standing there and the police suddenly blocked the march. At some point, we heard a loud bang and everybody started running. It’s really a shame.”

Video footage posted by participants shows sections of the demonstration being assaulted with water cannon and tear gas and then “kettled”—or surrounded—by shielded and baton-wielding riot squads.

One of the 100 volunteer lawyers on hand, Matthias Wisbar, told Der Spiegel that the emergency legal service established to assist the G20 demonstrations received “hundreds” of calls from injured or arrested people. Local residents with young families complained that the violence forced them to leave their homes out of fear.

While small groups of anarchists engaged in running battles with police, set some vehicles ablaze and carried out acts of vandalism, the bulk of the protestors retreated and reassembled several hours later and held an entirely peaceful demonstration at another location.

The police actions appear to have been a test of their riot tactics, ahead of possible attacks on the larger protests due to take place today and on Saturday, as well as a calculated attempt to intimidate people into not joining them.

The pretext for both last night’s attack, and future police operations, had been given well in advance. Some five hours before blocking the demonstration, Hamburg police spokesperson Timo Zill told journalists: “Militant protestors who exercise violence are not protected by Article 8”—the nominal “freedom of assembly” clause in Germany’s basic law. Zill included in the definition of “violence” any demonstrators who “disguise themselves.”

Protest organisers followed these statements with an explicit appeal to the police not to provoke an incident. One told Der Spiegel that if “the police don’t exploit the advantage of every masked [protester] and a firecracker here and there to escalate the situation, then the protest will end peacefully.”

The police proceeded to do the exact opposite.

Protestors denounced the assault on their right to demonstrate. Mark Meyer, another volunteer lawyer, told CNN: “The police wanted to crash and smash this demo from the beginning.” Julia, a 27-year-old from Frankfurt, said: “If this is all we can do… just showing our opinion and giving a statement, and if the state forces are just shutting us up ... I mean what kind of state do we live in?”

The G20 summit as a whole has been utilised by the German state to rehearse placing a major urban area under what can only be described as a police occupation. An estimated 20,000 police and some 3,000 vehicles, assembled from across the country, have been deployed to Hamburg—Germany’s second largest city with a population of some 1.7 million.

Heavily-armed paramilitary special units, such as sniper squads, are deployed at key locations in and around the venues where G20 events are scheduled to take place. All access to such areas has been proscribed, except for local residents. Helicopters are almost continuously in the air, conducting aerial surveillance.

The occupation of the city has involved the wholesale monitoring of peoples’ movements in combined police and intelligence operations across Europe. Hamburg police have admitted that demonstrators were tracked as they travelled to the city from at least Scandinavia, Switzerland and Italy.

The turn to ever-more authoritarian forms of rule is a universal process in what were once lauded as the “Western democracies.”

Similar police-state mobilisations have accompanied G20 summits over the past decade in cities such as London, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Seoul, Cannes and Brisbane. The suppression of protests has resulted in hundreds of people being injured and arrested and, in London in 2009, a demonstrator being killed at the hands of the police. 

About the Author
The author writes for, a socialist organization.


Parting shot—a word from the editors
The Best Definition of Donald Trump We Have Found

In his zeal to prove to his antagonists in the War Party that he is as bloodthirsty as their champion, Hillary Clinton, and more manly than Barack Obama, Trump seems to have gone “play-crazy” -- acting like an unpredictable maniac in order to terrorize the Russians into forcing some kind of dramatic concessions from their Syrian allies, or risk Armageddon.However, the “play-crazy” gambit can only work when the leader is, in real life, a disciplined and intelligent actor, who knows precisely what actual boundaries must not be crossed. That ain’t Donald Trump -- a pitifully shallow and ill-disciplined man, emotionally handicapped by obscene privilege and cognitively crippled by white American chauvinism. By pushing Trump into a corner and demanding that he display his most bellicose self, or be ceaselessly mocked as a “puppet” and minion of Russia, a lesser power, the War Party and its media and clandestine services have created a perfect storm of mayhem that may consume us all. Glen Ford, Editor in Chief, Black Agenda Report  

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Unmasking the Empire: The Syrian Criminal Mess Explained by Stephen Lendman.


The following dispatches on the Syrian war and related subjects merit careful attention. 

The scummy corporate media doing what they do best: lie in support of imperialist projects.

US-Supported Terrorists Plan More CW Attacks in Syria

Washington wants endless war and regime change in Syria. It wants pro-Western puppet governance replacing sovereign Syrian independence. Along with NATO, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan, it continues recruiting, arming, funding, training and directing ISIS and other terrorist fighters, used as imperial foot soldiers.
It systematically tries undermining Russia’s good faith efforts for conflict resolution while claiming otherwise.
On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova provided more evidence of its diabolical agenda, saying:
“According to (reliable) information available (to us), Syrian terrorist groups plan staged provocative actions with the use of chemical poison gases to justify US strikes against the positions of the Syrian government forces.”
Earlier, Saudi Arabia and Turkey were caught red-handed supplying ISIS and other terrorists in Syria with sarin and other toxic agents. It’s likely still going on. ISIS, al-Nusra and other anti-government terrorists have foreign-supplied labs equipment for making CW bombs. According to Zakharova, Daesh (ISIS) is transferring workshops and equipment for the production of ammunition, including those equipped with chemical agents, from the city of Raqqa to the controlled areas of Deir Ezzor province.”
US special forces illegally in northern Syria helped their move, providing an exit corridor while pretending to be involved in combating them. Zakharova pointedly said “the movement of such large-scale equipment from under the nose of the coalition forces can indicate at least a selective unwillingness…I think you can speak with a high degree of probability about complicity with insurgents.”
In Warsaw, Poland ahead of arriving in Hamburg, Germany for G20 summit meetings and private discussions with Putin and Xi Jinping, Trump addressed Poles in Krasinski Square. Ludicrously claiming Western nations face an existential challenge to “defend our civilization, borders and faith, he roared about needing to “confront forces that threaten over time to undermine our values…” He continued implausibly claiming “(t)he fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” adding “(d)o we have the courage to preserve our civilization? He sounded more buffoon-like than presidential. The core issue of our time, isn’t whether Western civilization can survive..
It’s whether humanity can survive America’s rage to dominate, its endless imperial wars, its wanting all other nations subservient to its will. The way neocons infesting Washington operate, the odds are long against saving humanity from catastrophic nuclear war.

Deplorable NYT Denigration of Syria’s Assad

Times reporting and commentaries mock legitimate journalism.

This is clearly a staged propaganda photo concocted by Western disinformation experts, to start giving legitimacy to the idea of a strong opposition to Assad. Run on the snotty The Economist, among other filthy media channels.

Instead of denouncing Washington’s imperial war on humanity, its editorial policy supports it – blaming victims for high crimes committed against them. It serves as a virtual Pentagon press agent in all US wars of aggression. Its drumbeat of disinformation, Big Lies and fake news on Syria is especially appalling – cheerleading mass slaughter and destruction, denigrating overwhelmingly popular Bashar al-Assad.

On July 7, a commentary no responsible editor would publish headlined “What Assad Has Won,” saying:

“(T)he first lesson to be drawn from the Syrian case is obvious: One can’t always win the revolution, or at least not as fast as one would like...So far Assad has come out of the conflict alive, even strengthened -at the cost of the slaughter of half his people. His longevity goes to show that being wrong and facing fierce opposition from dissidents, an army and a large swath of the international community aren’t enough to unseat a dictator.”

Fact: What despicable rubbish. It’s hard reading it without feeling revulsion and contempt for the writer and Times editors for publishing his trash.

Fact: Assad is overwhelmingly supported by millions of Syrians. Washington bears full responsibility for raping and destroying large parts of the country, for industrial-scale mass murder, using ISIS and other hired killers to do its dirty work, supported by US terror-bombing, massacring civilians, demolishing vital infrastructure.

Fact: Assad was overwhelmingly reelected president in June 2014 with an 89% majority – a process independent international monitors called open, free and fair.

Fact: He’s no dictator. He shames deplorable US governance, one party with two right wings running things, gangsters in charge, not democrats.

The Times: “Assad, by killing so many Syrians, has also killed the dream of democracy for many other Syrians, as well as for plenty of people elsewhere in the Arab world.”

Fact: In a region infested with US-supported despots and fantasy democracies like Israel, Assad’s Syria and Iran stand out as exceptions to the deplorable rule – why Washington wants their governments toppled, replaced by subservient pro-Western puppet regimes.

The Times: “It’s a typical pitfall…to think that colonization is always Western, never Russian or Iranian. When Moscow or Tehran is involved, one prefers to speak instead of support or assistance.”

“President Vladimir Putin is anti-Western, therefore he must be something of a liberator, or at least an ally, the wishful thinking goes.”

Fact: Putin isn’t anti-Western, far from it. Russia hasn’t attacked another country throughout its post-Soviet history. Iran hasn’t for over 200 years. America does it all the time, allied with NATO, Israel, and other rogue partners.

Fact: Putin is arguably the preeminent world leader – a peace champion. Trump, Obama, Bush/Cheney and the Clintons are unindicted war criminals, neocon-infested America a gangster state, threatening humanity’s survival.

The Times: “Assad has managed to sell, not only to Westerners but also to local elites and the public, the notion that dictatorship is a rampart against radicalism and a guardian against horror. The scenario in Syria is an extreme illustration of this…”

Fact: Calling Assad despotic or dictatorial is part of vicious US propaganda waged against him, his government, and by extension the Syria people – trying to justify US aggression, responsible for raping them and their country, one of history’s great crimes.

The Times: “Assad has won, but he has only won time…(W)hen he does fall, he will leave Syria with no alternative.”

Assad, Syria and its people are a long way from achieving liberation from US aggression.

Washington’s rage to dominate threatens all sovereign independent nations with mass slaughter and destruction. If Putin or Assad ran America, instead of bipartisan criminals in charge, world peace and stability would replace endless wars of aggression.

Putin and Trump Meet at G20
It took nearly six months after Trump’s ascension to power for both leaders to meet face-to-face for the first time. Will a full-fledged summit follow in a mutually agreed on location? Having one won’t improve bilateral relations as long as neocons make policy in Washington, but at least it might foster a spirit of good will, hopefully to build on at a later time.
If past is prologue, odds against it are long, yet without trying, improved bilateral relations will remain unattainable.  Putin and Trump met on the sidelines of the Hamburg, Germany G20 summit. Sergey Lavrov and Rex Tillerson participated in the talks. No one else was involved except translators for both leaders. Putin reportedly told Trump they spoke by “phone several times on very important matters of the bilateral and international agenda,” adding: “Naturally, telephone conversations are never enough if we want to find solutions to pressing issues on the bilateral agenda and the most sensitive, acute issues on the international agenda.”
Trump responded, saying “President Putin and I have been discussing various things and I think that it’s going very well. We look forward to a lot of very positive things happening for Russia, for the United States and for everybody concerned.”
Extending his hand to Putin, he said “(i)t’s an honor to be with you. Thank you.” Putin responded, saying “I’m delighted to meet you personally, and I hope our meeting will bring results. Russian Economic Development Minister Maxim Oreshkin expressed concern about lack of US fairness in global trade. How can there be when Washington imposes financial and economic restrictions on other nations, he explained. In Poland before heading to Hamburg, Trump delivered mixed messages. Asked if he accepts the US intelligence community’s claim about alleged Russian interference in last year’s election, he said: 
“I think it was Russia, and I think it could have been other people and other countries. It could have been a lot of people interfered.” Addressing a crowd in Warsaw, his tone was far different, saying “(w)e urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities in Ukraine and elsewhere,” and stop supporting Iran and Syria. He knows no Russian US election hacking occurred. He knows claims about “Russian aggression” in Ukraine are fabricated. He knows no Russian destabilization efforts in Ukraine or elsewhere occurred or remain ongoing. What he knows v. says and does are far different. Washington is implacably hostile to Russia. It’s all about its sovereign independence and opposition to US imperialism.

Putin/Trump talks in Hamburg and ahead if more take place won’t change a thing.  The agendas of both countries are world’s apart. Russia champions world peace and stability. America wants unchallenged global dominance, aggressive wars its main strategy of choice - Russia and China on its target list for regime change. US war on either country would be madness. With lunatics running the Washington asylum, the risk is too great to ignore.


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STEPHEN LENDMAN was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service followed, then an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1960. After working seven years as a marketing research analyst, he joined the Lendman Group family business in 1967. He remained there until retiring at year end 1999. Writing on major world and national issues began in summer 2005. In early 2007, radio hosting followed. Lendman now hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. Distinguished guests are featured. Listen live or archived. Major world and national issues are discussed. Lendman is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient. Check his main site at 

What will it take to bring America to live according to its own self image?

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Washington wants endless war and regime change in Syria. It wants pro-Western puppet governance replacing sovereign Syrian independence. Along with NATO, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan, it continues recruiting, arming, funding, training and directing ISIS and other terrorist fighters, used as imperial foot soldiers.
It systematically tries undermining Russia’s good faith efforts for conflict resolution while claiming otherwise.

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CONFIRMED: US backs down as Russia targets US aircraft in Syria

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As Russia targets US aircraft west of the Euphrates US redeploys aircraft elsewhere allowing Syrian army to capture strategic town of Rusafa.

Back in April, in the immediate aftermath of the US cruise missile attack on Syria’s Al-Shayrat air base, Russia retaliated by switching off the ‘de-confliction’ hotline between the US and Russian militaries in Syria, which enables these militaries to avoid accidental clashes with each other.

Russia is well known worldwide for its advanced aerospace capabilities and war aviation.

That this was the case was confirmed by an article in The New York Times dated 8th April 2017, which said the following

The American-led task force that is battling the Islamic State has sharply reduced airstrikes against the militants in Syria as commanders assess whether Syrian government forces or their Russian allies plan to respond to the United States’ cruise missile strike on a Syrian airfield this past week, American officials said.

The precautionary move, revealed in statistics made public by the command on Saturday, was taken as Russian officials have threatened to suspend the communication line the American and Russian militaries use to notify each other about air operations in Syria.

So far, the Russian military does not appear to have taken any threatening actions, such as directing its battlefield radar or air defense systems to confront the Americans, or carrying out aggressive actions in the skies, United States officials said.

But officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal planning said the commanders needed time to determine whether the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, and the Russian military would treat the American cruise missile strike as a one-time operation that they would not respond to militarily. As a precaution, the Pentagon is flying patrols in Syrian skies with F-22 jets, the Air Force’s most advanced air-to-air fighter……

Some American and other Western counterterrorism officials have said the missile strike could………make the fight against the Islamic State in Syria more difficult.

“It seems clear that the strikes will complicate our efforts to pursue our counter-ISIS campaign in Syria,” said Matthew Olsen, a former director of the National Counterterrorism Center. “In particular, the ability to carry out U.S. airstrikes in Syria in support of the coalition against ISIS requires some degree of cooperation with Russia, which is now in serious jeopardy.”

Other security experts said that much depended on the Trump administration’s next steps, and how the Assad government and its Russian patrons responded.

“U.S. aircraft operating over Al-Tabqah are already ostensibly in range of the Russian S-400 system at the Humaymin Air Base, and we might see Russia deploy more air defense assets to Syria,” Jeremy Binnie, the Middle East editor of Jane’s Defense Weekly, said in an email. “But if the U.S. makes no moves to threaten Assad’s position, then they may well accept the punishment and move on.”

William McCants, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author of “The ISIS Apocalypse,” offered a similar assessment.

(bold italics added)

S-400 battery in field exercises. The most advanced anti-aircraft system in the world. A game-changer. The challenge for Russia is to produce it in sufficient quantities as to make it a general deterrent against Western aggression.

The words I have highlighted in this article from 8th April 2017 make clear the difference with the situation today.

After weeks of frantic diplomatic activity the US finally managed to persuade the Russians a few weeks ago to switch the ‘de-confliction’ hotline back on.  In response to yesterday’s US shooting down of the SU-22 the Russians have however now once again switched it off.

However this time the Russians have not only once more switched off the ‘de-confliction’ hotline.  They have also done what they did not do in April by saying that this time they will take “threatening action by directing their battlefield radar or air defense systems to confront the Americans”.

That this is so is explicitly confirmed in the statement made public yesterday by the Russian Defence Ministry

As of June 19 this year, the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation has ended its interaction with the US side under a memorandum for preventing incidents and providing for safe flights during operations in Syria and demands that the US command carry out a careful investigation and report about its results and the measures taken.

The shooting down of a Syrian Air Force jet in Syria’s airspace is a cynical violation of Syria’s sovereignty. The US’ repeated combat operations under the guise of ‘combating terrorism’ against the legitimate armed forces of a UN member-state are a flagrant violation of international law, in addition to being actual military aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic,” the ministry said.

Russia will regard any flights within the area of its air force group’s operation in Syria as legitimate targets, the ministry stressed.

Any aircraft, including planes and drones of the international coalition, detected in the operation areas west of the Euphrates River by the Russian air forces will be followed by Russian ground-based air defense and air defense aircraft as air targets.

…….the coalition command did not use the existing communication line between the air commands of Al Udeid Air Base (Qatar) and Khmeimim Air Base to prevent incidents in Syria’s airspace.  We consider the actions of the US command as a deliberate default on their obligations under the memorandum on on preventing incidents and providing for safe flights during operations in Syria signed on October 20, 2015.

(bold italics added)

Alexander-Dvornikov-C-in-C of the Russian-Syrian Task-Force

In other words, the Russian response to the shooting down of the Syrian SU-22 fighter near Taqbah has been much stronger than was the Russian response to the US cruise missile attack on Syria’s Al-Shayrat air base.

This is so even though the attack on Al-Shayrat air base attracted massive international media attention, whilst the US shooting down of the SU-22 has attracted very little.

This time however the Russians have announced that they will do precisely the thing which they did not do in April following the US attack on Al-Shayrat air base – and which the New York Times says is very threatening – which is track US aircraft, treating them as targets if they fly west of the Euphrates.

Why have the Russians taken this extraordinary step?

The US claims yesterday justifying the shooting down of the SU-22 aircraft have unravelled.  Even the strongly anti-Assad British based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights has confirmed that the SU-22 was not bombing Kurdish forces as the US claims but was bombing ISIS fighters as the Syrians say.

A regime warplane was targeted and dropped in the skies of the al-Resafa area […] the warplane was shot down over Al-Resafa area of which the regime forces have reached to its frontiers today, and sources suggested to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights that warplanes of the International Coalition targeted it during its flight in close proximity to the airspace of the International Coalition’s warplanes, which caused its debris to fall over Resafa city amid an unknown fate of its pilot, the sources confirmed that the warplane did not target the Syria Democratic Forces in their controlled areas located at the contact line with regime forces’ controlled areas in the western countryside of Al-Tabaqa to the road of Al-Raqqah – Resafa.

(bold italics added)

Another thing that may have provoked the Russians is that the US has tried to pass off the downing of the SU-22 as caused by Syrian encroachment of an agreed ‘de-confliction area’.

Ja’Din sits approximately two kilometers north of an established East-West SDF-Syrian Regime de-confliction area.

This uses a term – ‘de-confliction area’ – used to describe certain regions of Syria covered by an international agreement reached by Russia, Iran and Turkey in May.

The area where the SU-22 was shot down is not within any of these regions.  Al-Jazeera has provided details of where these four ‘de-confliction areas’, and none of them is close to the territory where the SU-22 was shot down

Zone 1 : Idlib province, as well as northeastern areas of Latakia province, western areas of Aleppo province and northern areas of Hama province. There are more than one million civilians in this zone and its rebel factions are dominated by an al-Qaeda -linked alliance.

Zone 2: The Rastan and Talbiseh enclave in northern Homs province. There are approximately 180,000 civilians in this zone and its network of rebel groups includes al-Qaeda-linked fighters.

Zone 3 : Eastern Ghouta in the northern Damascus countryside. Controlled by Jaish al-Islam, a powerful rebel faction that is participating in the Astana talks. It is home to about 690,000 civilians. This zone does not include the adjacent, government-besieged area of Qaboun.

Zone 4 : The rebel-controlled south along the border with Jordan that includes parts of Deraa and Quneitra provinces. Up to 800,000 civilians live there.

Whilst it is possible that the term “established East-West SDF-Syrian Regime de-confliction area” refers to a term used in some informal agreement between the US and Russia, it seems more likely that the US is trying to establish unilaterally ‘no-go’ areas for the Syrian army, and is using the term ‘de-escalation areas’ to conceal the fact.

If so the Russians will want to put a stop to this practice and this may partly explain the strength of the Russian reaction.

However the single most important reason for the strong Russian reaction is what caused the US to shoot down the SU-22 down in the first place.

As the report from the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights shows, the real reason the SU-22 was shot down was because it was supporting a Syrian army offensive to capture the strategically important town of Rusafa from ISIS.

Rusafa lies south east of Tabqah – the main base of the US backed Kurdish militia in this area – and within striking distance of the main highway between Raqqa and Deir Ezzor, the eastern desert city currently besieged by ISIS.

By capturing Rusafa the Syrian army is now in a position to intercept columns of ISIS fighters who might try to flee Raqqa for Deir Ezzor.

The Syrians and the Russians have in recent weeks complained that the US and the Kurds have been doing nothing to prevent ISIS fighters fleeing Raqqa for Deir Ezzor, and in recent days there have even been reports of movements by Kurdish militia to try to block the Syrian army’s offensive to relieve Deir Ezzor.

The shooting down of the Syrian SU-22 fighter appears to have been intended as a warning to stop the Syrian army from capturing Rusafa, so as to block the Syrian army’s attempt to relieve the pressure on Deir Ezzor.

The Russian warning to the US looks in turn to have been intended to make clear to the US that this sort of interference in the Syrian army’s operations to relieve Deir Ezzor is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

The US has heeded the Russian warning.  The various statements made by the US and by various US officials today, though full of the usual bluster about the US defending itself and its allies anywhere and everywhere, in fact clearly signal that the US is backing off.

The key words – as my colleague Adam Garrie has said – are those of Colonel Ryan Dillon, chief U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad.

As a result of recent encounters involving pro-Syrian regime and Russian forces, we have taken prudent measures to reposition aircraft over Syria so as to continue targeting ISIS forces while ensuring the safety of our aircrews given known threats in the battle space.

(bold italics added)

“Prudent measures to reposition aircraft over Syria to ensure the safety of aircrews given known threats in the battle space” is code for withdrawal of aircraft from air space where they are at risk of being shot down.

That is what is taking place.  Note that Colonel Dillon is careful not to say where the “known threats in the battle space” that are forcing the redeployment of the aircraft are coming from.

The US has no choice.  If the Russian decision to switch off the ‘de-confliction’ hotline in April was enough to force the US to reduce sharply its air activity in Syria, the Russian decision to switch off the ‘de-confliction’ hotline and to threaten to treat as aerial targets US aircraft flying west of the Euphrates is a threat the US cannot afford to disregard.

Not surprisingly, shortly before the Russian warning was made public, but probably after it was communicated to the US, the Syrian army captured Rusafa with no further hindrance from the US.  Latest reports speak of Syrian army reinforcements flooding into the area,

In the meantime the US is frantically signalling to the Russians its urgent wish to de-escalate the situation.  Note for example the markedly conciliatory language of White House spokesman Sean Spicer, and how he repeatedly passed up opportunities to utter words of defiance against Russia or to threaten the Russians with counter-measures during the latest White House press briefing

Q    Thanks, Sean.  How are you responding to this Russian threat to shoot down American planes over Syria?

MR. SPICER:  Well, obviously, we’re going to do what we can to protect our interests.  And this is something that we’re going to continue to work with — keep the lines of communication open.   And ISIS represents a threat to all nations, and so we’ve got to do what we can to work with partners.  And we’re going to continue to keep an open mind of communication with the Russians.

Q    So will the U.S. change its flight patterns or behavior in Syria?

MR. SPICER:  I’m going to refer — I mean, I think this is a question more for DOD to answer.  But I think, obviously, it’s important and crucial that we keep lines of communication open to de-conflict potential issues.


Q    Thanks, Sean.  Following up on that — and a second one for you, as well — what would the U.S. government’s response be?  Is the White House going to issue a warning to the Russian government if they were to follow through on this threat?  It seems that your statement — would that be a provocation or something worse, potentially?

MR. SPICER:  I mean, I think that the escalation of hostilities among the many factions that are operating in this region doesn’t help anybody.  And the Syrian regime and others in the regime need to understand that we will retain the right of self-defense, of coalition forces aligned against ISIS.

Ultimately the situation in Syria is the same as it has been since the US-Russian confrontation in October.

The fact that the Russians have installed a powerful air defence system in Syria incorporating advanced S-400 and S-300VM Antey 2500 missiles means that the US is unable to confront the Russians directly unless it is prepared to risk possibly very serious casualties.

That is an option neither the US military nor the civilian officials of the Obama and Trump administrations are prepared to face.  This is because they know the extraordinary dangers such a clash with the armed forces of a nuclear superpower would risk.  They also know US public opinion is strongly opposed to the US becoming drawn into such a clash.

What that means is that though the Russians must act carefully so as not to provoke the US into an unnecessary confrontation which would serve no-one’s interests, ultimately it is the Russians who in Syria have the whip hand.

The chess game in Syria is far from over.  The game of move and counter-move continues.  With the capture of Rusafa the Syrians and the Russians have however just won another important piece.  In the meantime Russia’s warning limits the range of US moves across the Syrian chessboard.

The net result of all these recent moves is that end of the Syrian war may have drawn a little closer.

About the Author
London-based Alex Mercouris is a well-known independent geopolitical analyst and founding editor of The Duran. 

horiz-long grey

uza2-zombienationThe US has no choice.  If the Russian decision to switch off the ‘de-confliction’ hotline in April was enough to force the US to reduce sharply its air activity in Syria, the Russian decision to switch off the ‘de-confliction’ hotline and to threaten to treat as aerial targets US aircraft flying west of the Euphrates is a threat the US cannot afford to disregard.

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US shoots down Syrian government aircraft

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By Peter Symonds,
19 June 2017

In a marked escalation of the war in Syria, a US F-18 fighter jet yesterday shot down a Syrian government fighter bomber for the first time, claiming that it had been attacking pro-US rebel forces on the ground near Raqqa. While nominally fighting Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) forces, the US shoot-down makes clear that the real target of American-led operations is the ousting of the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad.

US F-18 Hornet, chiefly carrier based. A warplane designed for "power projection" exactly what the Pentagon is doing in the Middle East.

The US military justified the provocative act by claiming that the Syrian SU-22 had been bombing near so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) troops. It cited fighting that had taken place hours earlier between the Syrian military and SDF forces holding the town of Ja’Din as showing “hostile intent” and declared that attacks on “legitimate counter-ISIS operations will not be tolerated.” The statement absurdly declared that it was not seeking “to fight Syrian government, Russian or pro-government forces partnered with them.”

There is nothing legitimate about the military activities of the US and its allies inside Syria, which, under the guise of the “war on terror,” are seeking to carve out areas that can be used to mount operations against the Assad government and its Russian and Iranian backers. As ISIS militias in both Syria and Iraq are in retreat, the US preparations to move against Assad are coming increasingly into the open.

The Syrian army issued a statement saying that its aircraft had been on a mission against ISIS when it came under fire, accused the US of “coordinating” with ISIS and warned that the incident would have “dangerous repercussions.” The pilot has not been found and is presumed dead.

The US attack follows its shooting down of an unmanned pro-Syrian government drone earlier in June after it allegedly fired on US-backed troops in southern Syria near the border with Iraq. The US military has unilaterally declared “a deconfliction zone” with a radius of 55 kilometres around a training base at al-Tanf—a key border crossing between the two countries.

An F/A-18C Hornet aircraft formation, as the warplanes fly over the Persian Gulf.

In effect, Washington has carved out an area of Syria where US and British special forces train so-called rebels—supposedly to fight ISIS, but in reality for its proxy war against the Assad government. The US has already conducted air strikes against pro-Syrian government forces that have sought to regain control of the vital border area.

Last week Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov phoned US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and demanded that the US stop attacking Syrian government forces as they seek to drive ISIS militias out of the border areas. “Lavrov expressed his categorical disagreement with the US strikes on pro-government forces and called on him to take concrete measures to prevent similar incidents in the future,” the Russian foreign ministry reported.

The situation throughout Syria remains extremely fraught with the Assad government accusing the US-led forces besieging Raqqa of allowing ISIS fighters to escape to the south where government troops are battling ISIS for control of the city of Deir es-Zor.

Over the weekend, Iran’s military fired ground-to-ground missiles for the first time from Iranian territory against ISIS positions inside Syria. While claiming that they were in retaliation for the June 7 ISIS attacks in Tehran, the missile attacks into the Deir es-Zor area were clearly aimed at bolstering the Syrian government forces.

The US proxy war in Syria is part of a broader confrontation which is not just aimed at the Assad government but more broadly against its backers—Iran and Russia. Trump’s trip to the Middle East last month was above all aimed at forging an alliance with Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Gulf States against Iran and its allies in the region.

The immediate outcome was the imposition of an all-out, Saudi-led economic blockade against Qatar—itself an act of war. Riyadh accused Qatar of sponsoring terrorism, but the real reason lies in Qatar’s relations with Iran and its reluctance to join Saudi Arabia in its anti-Iranian war drive.

The Saudi monarchy, which has long regarded Iran as its chief regional rival, is deeply hostile to the Assad government in Damascus, which it regards as part of a Shiite crescent that includes Shiite parties and militias in Iraq and Lebanon. Backed to the hilt by the US, Saudi Arabia is waging its own war in Yemen against Houthi rebels, who, it claims, are being supported by Iran and who ousted the US-Saudi puppet government in 2014.

The Trump government signalled its determination to ramp up the war in Syria in April when it launched a barrage of cruise missile strikes against a Syrian government air base on the pretext of unsubstantiated claims the government had carried out a gas attack. The US military is determined to rebuild anti-Assad forces after the devastating blow suffered by these pro-US militias in being driven out of Aleppo.

The shooting down of the Syrian SU-22 is another demonstration that the US is prepared to resort to the most reckless means to defend its footholds in Syria and lay the basis for the broader war that is being prepared.

While proclaiming its own “deconfliction zones” or no-go areas, the US military reiterated last month that it will operate at will throughout Syria. “We don’t recognise any specific zone in itself that we preclude ourselves from operating in,” Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigan, commander of the US air forces in the region, declared.

As a result the stage is set for a dramatic escalation of the Middle East conflict where a relatively minor incident or clash involving US forces and their Syrian, Iranian or Russian counterparts could erupt into a war that draws in major regional and world powers.

A look at the US (McDonnell-Douglas) F-18 Hornet, the imperialist tool used to down the Syrian plane.It is mainly used by the Navy as a carrier-based fighter and light bomber weapon. 

About the Author
The author is a senior analyst with, a socialist organization.

horiz-long grey

uza2-zombienationThere is nothing legitimate about the military activities of the US and its allies inside Syria, which, under the guise of the “war on terror,” are seeking to carve out areas that can be used to mount operations against the Assad government and its Russian and Iranian backers. As ISIS militias in both Syria and Iraq are in retreat, the US preparations to move against Assad are coming increasingly into the open.

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