NYT Reinvents Obama’s War on Syria

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stephen-lendman D   isgracefully calling Obama’s naked aggression against a nonbelligerent nation civil war denigrates millions of long-suffering Syrians – victims of US imperial viciousness. 

Headlining “Syria’s Paradox: Why the War Only Ever Seems to Get Worse,” The Times reinvented one of history’s greatest crimes – besides numerous others on America’s despicable rap sheet. More on its article below.


The ISIS plague is a cynical Washington/Ryadh creation, also supported by lesser vassal states and NATO accomplices. The object has always been and remains to make Syria into another vassal state of US imperialism.

The ISIS plague is a cynical Washington/Ryadh creation, also supported by lesser vassal states in the Gulf and NATO accomplices. The object has always been and remains to convert Syria into another vassal state of US imperialism.

Tim Anderson’s important book, titled “The Dirty War on Syria: Washington, Regime Change and Resistance” is the definitive account of the conflict – must reading to understand it. 

Separately, he explained Obama’s dirty war in basic terms as follows:

“Washington and its allies try another ‘regime change’ in Syria. A fake ‘revolution’ uses Islamic gangs, during an ‘Arab Spring.’ The Western media constantly lie about this covert, dirty war.”

“A political reform movement is driven off the streets by Islamic violence. (The misnamed pro-Western) ‘Free Syrian Army’ slaughters minorities and government workers.”

Diplomats talk endlessly, accomplishing nothing to end war while scores, maybe hundreds more Syrians die daily, numerous others injured, millions displaced, an entire population traumatized – victims of US state terror.

“Saudi and Qatari backed Islamists carry out a series of massacres, falsely blaming them on the Syrian Army and President Assad.”

“Most of Syria’s opposition backs the state and army against terrorism. Washington calls a puppet exile group ‘the Syrian opposition.’ “

“Washington (using Saudis, Qatar, Turkey and Israel) backs all the armed Islamist groups, pretending some are ‘moderate rebels.’ “

“A resistance coalition rallies to Syria. Iran, Hezbollah, Iraq and Russia join the Syrian Army in destroying western backed terrorist groups.”

Anderson’s book explains all of the above and more in detail, why it’s essential reading to understand what’s going on – polar opposite media propaganda, notably from The New York Times, Washington’s leading imperial press agent.

I’ve written scores of articles on the conflict since Obama launched it in March 2011, believing things would go like against Libya – its country raped, its leadership deposed in months. US naked aggression against sovereign Syrian independence rages in its sixth year with no prospect for resolving things in sight.

Diplomats talk endlessly, accomplishing nothing to end war while scores, maybe hundreds more Syrians die daily, numerous others injured, millions displaced, an entire population traumatized – victims of US state terror.

A separate article today explained failure in Geneva – Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry spending hours on Friday achieving nothing toward resolving years of US naked aggression.

It’ll either be won on the battlefield or not at all. Negotiating with rogue state America wastes time, an exercise in futility every time tried.

New York Times coverage of the Syrian conflict includes some of worst rubbish in memory – shameless disinformation and Big Lies, vital truths suppressed.

Instead of explaining why war continues endlessly, its intensity increasing, The Times substituted a reinvented version of what’s ongoing, suppressing hard truths.

Saying “(i)t frustrates any attempt at resolution” fails to discuss how war began, who’s responsible, and how ending it depends on America and its rogue allies ceasing support for terrorists.

Without foreign supplied arms, munitions, funding, training, direction and other material support, terrorist groups in Syria and elsewhere wouldn’t exist.

America created them for use as imperial foot soldiers – its proxy army doing its killing and dying for it, a seemingly endless supply of Islamist extremists willing to wage war for whatever benefits they hope to achieve – for many an early grave.

The Times: “The fact that the underlying battle is multiparty rather than two-sided…works against resolution.”

Fact: War in Syria pits US imperialism against the nation’s sovereign independence. No moderate rebels exist. All anti-government forces are US created and supported terrorists.

Fact: Washington wants Assad ousted, Syria transformed into another US vassal state, isolating Iran, next in line for regime change.

Times reports explain none of the above, instead maintaining the fiction of various anti-government elements vying for control. They’re pawns on America’s chessboard, used to achieve imperial aims.

The Times: “Pro-government forces have conducted by far the most attacks against civilians” – falsely accusing Syria’s military, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, a disgraceful perversion of truth.

US-supported terrorists along with US-led so-called “coalition” terror-bombing bear full responsibility for massacring hundreds of thousands of Syrians, mostly defenseless civilians. Syria’s only hope for restoring peace and stability is continued commitment from Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and maybe China to defeat the scourge of US imperialism. 

Otherwise endless war is likely, perhaps millions of Syrians perishing before it ends – besides other conflict theaters and new ones ahead killing millions more.



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STEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html ) Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com



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Aleppo Boy’s Photographer: Ally of US-Supported Terrorists

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stephen-lendmanNew information on the Aleppo Boy story at the very least gives it the appearance of being an elaborately staged hoax. 

Western hypocrisy continues to reach new heights of shamelessness.

AP News broke the story. Off-guardian.org reported “of the three journalists credited, one was in Beirut, one in Geneva, and one in Moscow” – none in Aleppo or anywhere in Syria.

The obvious question is how is a breaking story possible without being anywhere near where it happened? What sources were used? What due diligence checking was done – red flags without answers! 

AP likely published the script and photo it was handed, functioning as an imperial press agent, mocking legitimate journalism.

THE EMPIRE’S PROPAGANDA MACHINERY HAS MOVED, AS USUAL, WITH SWIFT, SEAMLESS COORDINATION. From the mainstream commercial media—CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc to PBS, they have all carpet-bombed the American mind with confusing statements always designed to inject the “anti-Russian/anti-Assad” poison. Observe closely the examples below.

Will the haunting image of an injured Syrian boy make a difference? PBS NewsHour
Omran: The boy who has known nothing but war / CNN 

In his photo gone viral, Omran Daqneesh looks remarkably calm, more soot-covered than bloodied, not at all like someone traumatized in shock and pain – alone enough to raise suspicions.

Years of Iraqi sanctions, imposed solely for political reasons, killed 5,000 children aged five or under monthly. Untold numbers of others suffered horrifically. Media scoundrels ignored them. No photos of their ordeal went viral.

US imperial wars from the rape of Yugoslavia through multiple Bush/Obama wars alone were responsible for millions of young children killed, injured or perishing from preventable diseases or starvation. 

What mainstream sources told their stories? Who showed their images? Who explained their suffering? Who laid blame where it belongs?

Images of Aleppo Boy Omran’s self-styled photojournalist, Mahmoud Raslan, are seen posted on Facebook together with Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki “rebels” (aka US-backed terrorists) – responsible for beheading 12-year-old Abdullah Tayseer Issa near Aleppo weeks earlier.

Why haven’t photos and stories of this atrocity gone viral? Why hasn’t Raslan been exposed as an ally of US-supported terrorists? Why doesn’t this automatically raise red flags about the veracity of the Aleppo Boy story?

Instead, London’s Telegraph gave Raslan feature op-ed space to promote himself as Omran’s photographer. The atrocity of US-led aggression on a nonbelligerent country went unmentioned – nor do any Western media report the real Syria story.

Instead Aleppo Boy propaganda stunts are used to enlist public support for greater mass slaughter, destruction and displacement than already.

Propaganda wars precede and accompany hot ones. They relate what aggressors want people to know, suppress their ugly crimes and intentions, while enlisting public support for what demands universal opposition.

Aleppo Boy Omran may turn out to be a lit fuse for more explosive war in Syria than currently. The conflict is already a potential flashpoint for East/West confrontation – the unthinkable horror of possible global war.


About the author
Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."  ( http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html ) Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.




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Purging Domestic Critics, Gaining External Allies


“President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan prepared a list of targets for arrest even before the coup (sic) was launched”, European Commission official on Turkey (FT 7/19/2016).


The coup in Turkey was made to order. A group of military officers and police officials were set-up to seize power by senior intelligence operatives in the Erdoğan regime. They were allowed to drop a few bombs, seize bridges and buildings before they were encircled, rounded-up and arrested using a list of targets for arrest prepared even before the so-called coup. In the midst of this fake coup, the ‘vacationing’ Erdoğan flies into Istanbul unharmed, of course, because his vacation resort was bombed after he had left. He seizes the mass media, denounces the coup, rouses the Muslim masses and sets about on a mass purge of Turkish society, concentrating on the civil service, teachers and administrators, the military, the courts and judges. Indeed every institution capable of independent action or reputedly critical of Erdoğan is closed. After a week over 60,000 people had been purged. Why did Erdoğan resort to a coup? Why did Erdoğan purge Turkish society? What policies will follow Erdoğan’s power grab?

erdogan-syria Turkey

Prelude to the Coup

Over the past 5 years Erdoğan has suffered a series of political, economic and diplomatic failures and defeats, seriously undermining his dictatorial and territorial ambitions. His air force shot down a Russian military jet operating within Syrian territory. The images of Turkish jihadi mercenaries murdering a Russian pilot as he parachuted to safety, as well as a member of the Russian rescue party, caused the Russian government to halt the multi-billion-dollar Russian tourism industry in Turkey and cancel lucrative business deals. He broke relations with Israel, which undercut a lucrative gas and oil offshore contract. His support for ISIS and other violent Salafist mercenary groups operating in Iraq and Syria provoked a rupture with Syria and Iran. His subsequent effort to disavow Turkey’s links with ISIS led to a series of horrific terror bombings by jihadi cells implanted in the country. Turkey’s diplomatic position in Egypt deteriorated as Erdoğan sought to maintain his ties with the Muslim Brotherhood after it had been ousted from power by a US sponsored Egyptian military coup.

Domestically, Erdoğan alienated the secular Kemalist military and civilian political-economic elite via trumped up trials and media purges. Erdoğan’s heavy-handed assault on liberal and leftist protestors over environmental issues increased Western concern. His brutal handling of the labor protests following the 2014 Soma coalmine disaster, when over 300 workers were killed, further isolated him.

Erdoğan’s war on the Kurdish independence movements in Turkey, Iraq and especially in Syria, where they were allied with the US against the jihadi terrorist ISIS, added to domestic unrest and international isolation.

In order to consolidate his executive power, Erdoğan had first allied with the extensive Gulenist-Islamist networks in Turkey in order to undermine the Kemalists and then he turned around to purge his former allies .

Faced with enemies and adversaries at home and overseas, Erdoğan decided on a dual strategy of improving his ties abroad, especially his links with Russia and Israel while launching a total war on domestic critics.

Fabricated Coup and the Permanent Purge

Erdoğan’s intelligence operatives within the military command encouraged or even provoked his critics in the General Staff, who were fed up with his bungling and disastrous policies, to mount a coup. They gave the rebellious military sufficient space and resources to provide a semblance of authority while retaining strategic control over the air force and key ground troops. They may have feigned sympathy to the launching of a premature uprising …doomed to defeat. Once the heavily infiltrated rebel units moved, the entire Erdoğan operation struck. Hapless conscripts thought they had been called out for military exercises, only to find themselves encircled, arrested and even lynched. The dissidents were isolated, their advances paralyzed, their leaders incapacitated. Erdoğan’s loyalist within the Turkish Air Force flew the triumphant president into the ‘liberated’ Istambul International airport to the cheers of his adoring civilian supporters.

Erdoğan immediately decreed a massive purge – in the name of the fatherland. A real coup had indeed taken place – Erdoğan’s total power grab. The entire political, military, judicial and police system was stripped of personnel within hours. There were over 20,000 arrests, beatings and disappearances. There were calls to re-introduce the death penalty.

Erdoğan’s power grab eliminated key US assets among the Gulenist and eliminated independent Supreme Court officials and secular republican officials. The president was free to rebuild an entire civil, governmental and military apparatus with his own loyalists. His control over the media and the educational institutions was total.

Rule Under Erdoğan

Erdoğan’s pre-emptive coup, purge and power grab will result in a monolithic state which Erdoğan will shape into his long-sought version of an Islamist regime. The new regime announced a ‘State of Emergency’, which places all Turks under strict compliance with Erdoğan’s policies.

Erdoğan’s “New Order” will launch large-scale operations against the Kurds, with no respect for the Syrian or Iraqi national borders. Erdoğan will ensure compliance with Islamist decrees designed to enforce conformity. He will succeed in imposing a dictatorial ‘Presidential’ regime. And parliament, if necessary will be bypassed; his ‘electoral’ mandate will be ensured.

In the immediate aftermath, mass detentions will strengthen the state – and Erdoğan’s generals, allied religious authorities and street thugs will call the shots.

Unleashing force and violence against his domestic enemies, however, may lead to internal disputes among the new predators over the spoils of victory. The economic elite may accept the New Order, but only if and when Erdoğan tones down his rhetorical attacks on the US and the EU.

Erdoğan has yet to develop a strategy on replacing the purged (’Gulenist’) professionals within the civilian economy and public bureaucracy – especially the schools and judiciary. The impetuous reversals of his reckless policy of confrontation with Russia, Syria, Israel, Iran, Iraq and the Kurds are likely to generate new layers of discontent, especially among his current military commanders.

Erdoğan’s New Order arises from the breakdown of civil society and long-term alliances. He may remain in power in Ankara but he will be viewed as more of a local political thug than a partner among the regional big powers.

Erdoğan’s external allies will exploit his isolation and radical bombast to forge lucrative alliances. Israel will push for favorable gas and oil deals; Russia will insist that Erdoğan abandons his ISIS allies. The US will demand he cease attacks on the Kurds. The EU will use the ongoing purge and re-institution of the death penalty to finally declare Turkey unfit to join the European Union. Bankers and foreign investors will wait for Erdoğan to stop his rampage over the financial sector and ‘get serious’ about the economy.

Erdoğan’s dream of lifetime rulership presiding over an Islamic Neo-Ottoman caliphate, buttressed by street mobs, praetorian guards and crony capitalists makes for an unstable and unruly Turkey. Erdoğan’s military loyalists have their own rivalries and ambitions. Now that Erdoğan has established his ‘military road to power’, he has set a clear precedent for other ‘Erdoğan’s’ to take the same route.

In the short-run Erdoğan needs to restart the economy, stabilize the political system and establish a semblance of international order.

Erdoğan cannot and probably will not prolong tensions with the US over the Gulen affair. Gulen will remain in Pennsylvania, in the CIA’s ‘regime change’ pocket. Meanwhile, he has eliminated most of the Gulenist agents capable of working with the US as a fifth-column. The question is whether he now moves back to his role as a ‘valued’ NATO junior partner, or if he will launch an intensified war against the US’s strategic Kurdish allies?

Erdoğan’s ties with Russia are precarious. There is no reason for the Russians to trust him. He has fallen somewhere between the need for reconciliation with Russia and the desire to continue his proxy war against the government of Syria.

In the end Erdoğan may have secured power and undertaken a vast domestic purge of his enemies, but he has lost the regional war while bearing the consequences of millions of war refugees and a deeply entrenched jihadi terrorist threat within Turkey.

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Author: James Petras

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Obama Versus Trump, Putin and Erdogan


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Can Coups Defeat Elected Governments?
Trump is also extremely easy to parody and demonize, which adds fuel to the already raging inferno.

trump-mussoliniNever in the history of the United States, has a President and Supreme Court Judge openly advocated the overthrow of a Presidential candidate. Never has the entire mass media engaged in a round-the-clock one-sided, propaganda war to discredit a Presidential candidate by systematically ignoring or distorting the central socio-economic issues of their opposition.

“Many of our interlocutors have been purged or arrested”. James Clapper, US Director of Intelligence on Turkish Coup (Financial Times 8/3/16, p. 4)


[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ashington has organized a systematic, global, no holds barred campaign to oust Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump from the electoral process. The virulent anti-Trump animus, the methods, goals and mass media resemble authoritarian regimes preparing to overthrow political adversaries.

Comparable propaganda efforts led to political coups in Chile in 1973, Brazil 1964, and Venezuela in 2002. The anti-Trump forces include both political parties, a Supreme Court judge, Wall Street bankers, journalists and editorialists of all the major media outlets and the leading military and intelligence spokespeople.

Washington’s forcible and illegal ouster of Trump is part and parcel of a world-wide campaign to overthrow leaders and regimes which raise questions about aspects of the imperial policies of the US and EU.

We will proceed to analyze the politics of the anti-Trump elite, the points of confrontation and propaganda, as a prelude to the drive to oust opposition in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

The Anti-Trump Coup

[dropcap]Ne[/dropcap]ver in the history of the United States, has a President and Supreme Court Judge openly advocated the overthrow of a Presidential candidate. Never has the entire mass media engaged in a round-the-clock one-sided, propaganda war to discredit a Presidential candidate by systematically ignoring or distorting the central socio-economic issues of their opposition.

The call for the ouster of a freely elected candidate is nothing more or less than a coup d’état.

Leading television networks and columnists demand that the elections be annulled, following the lead of the President and prominent Republican and Democratic Congressional and Party leaders.

Washington’s forcible and illegal ouster of Trump is part and parcel of a world-wide campaign to overthrow leaders and regimes which raise questions about aspects of the imperial policies of the US and EU.

In other words, the political elite openly rejects democratic electoral processes in favor of authoritarian manipulation and deception. The authoritarian elite relies on magnifying tertiary, questionable personal judgement calls to mobilize coup backers.

They systematically avoid the core economic and political issues which candidate Trump has raised – and attracted mass support – which challenge fundamental policies backed by the two Party elites.

The Roots of the Anti-Trump Coup

Trump has raised several key issues which challenge the Democratic and Republican (Republicrat) elite.

Trump has drawn mass support and won elections and public opinion polls by:

(1) rejecting the free trade agreements which has led major multinationals to relocate abroad and disinvest in well-paying industrial jobs in the US

(2) calling for large scale public investment projects to rebuild the US industrial economy, challenging the primacy of financial capital.

(3) opposing the revival of a Cold War with Russia and China and promoting greater economic co-operation and negotiations.

(4) rejecting US support for NATO’s military build-up in Europe and intervention in Syria, North Africa and Afghanistan.

(5) questioning the importation of immigrant labor which lowers job opportunities and wages for local citizens.

The anti-Trump elite systematically avoid debating these issues; instead they distort the substance of the policies.

Instead of discussing the job benefits which will result from ending sanctions with Russia, the coupsters screech that ‘Trump supports “Putin, the terrorist”.

Instead of discussing the need to redirect investment inward to create US jobs, the anti-Trump junta mouth clichés that claim his critique of globalization would ‘undermine’ the US economy.

To denigrate Trump, the Clinton/Obama junta resorts to political scandals to cover-up mass political crimes. To distract public attention, Clinton-Obama falsely claim that Trump is a ‘racist’, backed by David Duke, a racist advocate of “Islamophobia”. The anti-Trump junta promoted the US- Pakistani parents of a military war casualty as victims of Trump’s slanders even as they rooted for Hillary Clinton, promotor of wars against Muslim countries and author of military policies that sent thousands of US soldiers to their grave.

Obama and Clinton are the imperial racists who bombed Libya and Somalia and killed, wounded and displaced over 2 million sub-Saharan Black-Africans.

Obama and Clinton are the Islamaphobes who bombed and killed and evicted five million Muslims in Syria and one million Muslims in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

In other words, Trump’s mistaken policy to restrict Muslim immigration is a reaction to the hatred and hostility engendered by the Obama-Clinton million-person Muslim genocide.

Trump’s “America First” policy is a rejection of overseas imperial wars – seven wars under Obama-Clinton. Their militarist policies have inflated budget deficits and degraded US living standards.

Trump’s criticism of capital and job flight has threatened Wall Street’s billion-dollar profiteering – the most important reason behind the bi-partisan junta’s effort to oust Trump and the working class’s support for Trump.

By not following the bi-partisan Wall Street, war agenda, Trump has outlined another business agenda which is incompatible with the current structure of capitalism. In other words’ the US authoritarian elite does not tolerate the democratic rules of the game even when the opposition accepts the capitalist system.

Likewise, Washington’s quest for ‘mono-power’ extends across the globe. Capitalist governments which decide to pursue independent foreign policies are targeted for coups.

Obama-Clinton’s Junta Runs Amok

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ashington’s proposed coup against Trump follows similar policies directed against political leaders in Russia, Turkey, China, Venezuela, Brazil and Syria.

Russian President Putin has been demonized by the US propaganda media on an hourly basis for the better part of a decade. The US has backed oligarchs and promoted economic sanctions; financed a coup in the Ukraine; established nuclear missiles on Russia’s frontier; and launched an arms race to undermine President Putin’s economic policies in order to provoke a coup.

The US backed its proxy Gulenist ‘invisible government’ in its failed coup to oust President Erdogan, for failing to totally embrace the US Middle East agenda.

Likewise, Obama-Clinton have backed successful coups in Latin America. Coups were orchestrated in Honduras, Paraguay and more recently in Brazil to undermine independent Presidents and to secure satellite neo-liberal regimes. Washington presses forward to forcibly oust the national-populist government of President Maduro in Venezuela.

Washington has escalated efforts to erode, undermine and overthrow the government of China’s President Xi-Jinping through several combined strategies. A military build-up of an air and sea armada in the South China Sea and military bases in Japan, Australia and the Philippines; separatist agitation in Hong Kong, Taiwan and among the Uyghurs; a US- Latin American-Asia free trade agreements which excludes China.


[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ashington’s strategy of illegal, violent coups to retain the delusion of empire stretches across the globe, ranging from Trump in the US to Putin in Russia, from Erdogan in Turkey to Maduro in Venezuela to Xi Jinping in China.

The conflict is between US-EU imperialism backed by their local clients against endogenous regimes rooted in nationalist alliances.

The struggle is ongoing and sustained and threatens to undermine the political and social fabric of the US and the European Union.

The top priority for the US Empire is to undermine and destroy Trump by any means necessary. Trump already has raised the question of ‘rigged elections’. But each elite media attack of Trump seems to add to and strengthen his mass support and polarize the electorate.

As the elections approach, will the elite confine themselves to verbal hysteria or will they turn from verbal assassinations to the ‘other kind’?

Obama’s global coup strategy shows mixed results: they succeeded in Brazil but were defeated in Turkey; they seized power in the Ukraine but were defeated in Russia; they gained propaganda allies in Hong Kong and Taiwan but suffered severe strategic economic defeats in the region as China’s Asian trade policies advanced.

As the US elections approach, and Obama’s pursuit of his imperial legacy collapses, we can expect greater deception and manipulation and perhaps even frequent resort to elite-designed ‘terrorist’ assassinations.

(Reprinted from The James Petras Website by permission of author or representative)




James Petras is a retired Bartle Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York and adjunct professor at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada who has published on Latin American and Middle Eastern political issues. 

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A world on the edge: Russia debuting her next generation of advanced fighters

The Duran

horiz grey lineHere’s the first video of Russia’s Fifth-Generation T-50 Fighter Jet

The new Sukhoi Fifth-Generation Russian fighter jet is shown flying alongside other in-service Russian military aircraft.

RussianAdvancedWarplanes3The Russian Defence Ministry has released a video which shows the new Russian SU T-50 fifth generation fighter in flight alongside various other Russian military aircraft.  These include the TU-95  and TU-160 bombers, the SU-35 and MiG-29KUB fighters, the SU-33 naval fighter, the SU-34 fighter bomber and the YAK-130 advanced trainer.  The film was apparently made in southern Russia, with the aircraft filmed by a cameraman based in an accompanying AN-12 military transport.

EditorsNote_WhiteThe reason for our interest in Russian weapons advances is simple: World peace depends on it. Only a conclusive and credible Russian strategic and tactical deterrent can keep the United States and its accomplices from continuing their reckless global meddling and provocations in pursuit of unipolar hegemony, a course that will inevitably lead to a nuclear Armageddon.


The Russian Defence Ministry had previously confirmed that the SU T-50 is about to enter service.  The significance of this film is that it not only shows the appearance of this fighter in its final military form but shows it in the company of other military aircraft which are already in service.  That confirms that the SU T-50 has now been formally accepted by the Russian Aerospace Forces and that its service entry is indeed now imminent.

One final point to make is that the aircraft’s service designation on formal entry into service will almost certainly not be “SU T-50”.  That is a civilian designation for the industrial programme which has produced the aircraft.  The military will almost certainly call it by some other name, which following standard Russian practice will use the initials of the design bureau (Sukhoi) and a number that follows an ascending numbering sequence.  A possible designation might be “SU-37”, the SU-35 being the latest immediately preceding Sukhoi fighter.  However the Sukhoi design bureau has previously used the “SU-37” designation to describe two other entirely unrelated aircraft and it may be that to avoid confusion the military will pick on a higher number.

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About the author
 alexMercouris-cat-dog-sofa London-based expert and commentator on Russia/Eastern Europe affairs Alexander Mercouris is Editor-in-Chief at The Duran.  His Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/TheDuranEditor/?fref=ts


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