Trudeau and Zelensky give Ukrainian Nazi war veteran standing ovation in Canadian parliament

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Facilitated by Patrice Greanville & Eric Arnow

Looking at this mass of repugnant clowns giving a standing ovation to a puppet of the US empire, and a veteran of the notorious WW2 Galician Waffen, it's clear that Western ruling elites are too ignorant, too dumb, too criminal, too hypocritical, too corrupt—or all of the above— to be fit to rule. By NO stretch of the imagination is this pampered mob representative of a genuine democracy. A huge imposture or a cruel joke is at work here. Something's gotta give.
NOTE: Please be sure to watch the last video, at the bottom of this page, showing in graphic detail what these Nazi mass murderers were up to in WW2, a mob that was immediately befriended by the British and American ruling circles, with the result of continuing the Nazi infestation into the next generations, the result of which we witness today. 

Galician division's recruitment poster from SS Galicia newspaper, 1943 (Wikipedia)

Now, let's remember, for a moment, what the Galician Waffen and similar Nazi groups in Ukraine were doing in WW2.
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Patrice Greanville and Eric Arnow are members of TGP's editorial team.

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Garland Nixon

The REAL Sarah Ashton-Cirillo. The whole Ukraine Project is a big, murderous lie.

Above: Cirillo at her job. Her Twitter account is followed approvingly by thousands of revolting liberal establishment toadies and war apologists.


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Subservience to Washington Does Not a Superpower Make

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Poland's President Andrzej Duda, a notorious reactionary and Russophobe with superpower regional ambitions, is turning Poland into Washington's next cannon fodder source.

Voices of reason about the current war in Ukraine and Warsaw’s fundamental policy towards the conflict are still a rare thing in Poland these days. Dissidents who point out that the government’s radical anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian stance in fact has jeopardized Polish national security, made the country weaker and effectively subordinated the foreign and defense policies of Warsaw to foreign capitals and entities, are still in the minority. It is thus especially heartening to see serious scholars publicly coming out with fact based criticism of an approach that Polish public opinion seems to clearly be moving away from.

Professor Stanisław Bieleń, eminent University of Warsaw scholar of internationals relations, is a case in point. Bieleń can rightly be considered Poland’s leading voice of foreign policy realism in the academic world. His research is focused on Polish Eastern policy, i.e. regarding the nations of the former Soviet Union, especially Russia.

Much of what comes out of Poland currently from official channels is usually nothing else than a repetition of Washington talking points, such as President Andrzej Duda’s recent blunt admission to The Washington Post that “right now, Russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply, because American soldiers are not dying.” Seems some lives are worth more than others. In this light it is especially crucial to give Western audiences a feel for what a serious Polish scholar has to say on the matter.

In recent days, Bieleń has penned an article for the conservative weekly Myśl Polska, about what he calls, Polish “imperial obsessions”. Bielen’s observations should be considered a foundational diagnosis of the hubris of the vast majority of the Polish medial and political elites, which became more severe after February 24 2022.

Duda visiting the seat of the Empire.

After giving a theoretical and historical overview of the phenomenon of empire, as manifested in different national forms, Bieleń states: “Telling Poland that in the context being Ukraine’s most generous protector, it has become a mighty power in the Eastern European region, is nothing more than being harnessed to the chariot of US hegemonic policy. America has taken advantage of Russia’s weakness and found new spaces for imperialist expansion in post-Soviet areas. It needs several obedient states to pursue its strategic interests. Poland, still stuck in a satellite mentality, hostile to Russia, sniffing out treachery and threats from everywhere, lined with fear, has become the perfect executor of instructions coming from overseas.”

Every single sentence from the above quote is considered anathema in official circles. But Bieleń has been consistent in criticizing the strategy of subordination on the part of Warsaw. Already in 2004, in the context of entering the European Union, he observed: “Having Russia as a close neighbor, Poland has become entangled in the correlation of anti-Russian sentiment with the U.S. policy of containing Russian influence in the post-Soviet space. As a result, instead of taking care of repairing Polish-Russian relations, the Polish authorities practice a policy full of hypocrisy: they stigmatize any signs of Russian power projection across the Eastern border, while at the same time displaying sequacious respect for the imperial actions of the United States.”

clip suggesting that the equally anti-Russian main opposition party led by Donald Tusk is somehow doing the Kremlin’s bidding.

According to Bieleń, Poland needs to come to terms with its actual status in the European theater of geopolitics. As he notes: “[Poland] is not present in the historical memory of the European powers. This is primarily because Poland did not exist as an independent state throughout the 19th century when imperial hierarchies were being established in Europe. This may sound painful, but Western Europe, along with Russia, not to mention America, is not accustomed to Polish leadership aspirations, and even less to superpower aspirations.” Hence, no matter how much Warsaw tries to persuade itself that it has regained some sort of semi-imperial status in Eastern Europe as a bulwark against Russia, this delusion “exposes Poland to the highest risks” and Warsaw’s position as an willing outpost of Anglo-Saxon interests “makes the area of our country the first object of destruction in case of war”.

Bieleń expands then on the true potential of Poland in the current geopolitical turbulence surrounding Ukraine: “Poland does not currently have any ‘imperialist’ potential. It is spatially limited in its expansion capabilities due to the geopolitics of larger than it and stronger states. On its own, it does not have the strength and resources to pursue a dynamic policy of clustering around it. The exuberant aspirations and political will of those in power are not enough. Especially since the Polish political scene is ‘anemic’ when it comes to conceptualizing international roles. It lacks a universalist ideological message”.

Simply put, between Western neoliberalism and Eastern traditionalism, Poland has nothing exceptional to offer nations that would seek a “third way” in Central Europe. Rabid Russophobia, closely tied to priority objectives of the United States, is not an especially attractive organizing principle to a growing number of nations.

Bieleń’s recommendations in this regard are at the same time simple and yet, mindful of the Polish cultural hostility to Russia, a seemingly a Sisyphean task. But one should not lose hope. In the context of the 2025 presidential elections, an opportunity will arise on the Vistula to “consolidate the political scene in terms of a coherent debate on the differences of interests and threats from the Ukrainian neighbor”. However, Bieleń posits that this much needed national debate “must not be gagged by the threat of imperial Russia, as this is irrational and detrimental”. The sooner Warsaw rids itself of imperial obsessions with Russia and unrealistic leadership pretensions, the more effectively it will be able to defend its – not imperial Washington’s – existential interests in the region.

With tensions brewing between Warsaw and Kiev in the recent weeks, Warsaw would do well to heed the advice of serious scholars, such as Bieleń, whose policy recommendations are not only correct and but long overdue.

Michal Krupa

Michał Krupa is a historian and commentator based in Poland. His work has appeared in Polish and American outlets. He is currently completing his doctoral dissertation on the intersection between American paleoconservatism and foreign policy at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. His X handle is: @MGKrupa.

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In A World Ruled By Propaganda, A Sane Worldview Will Necessarily Be A Fringe Worldview

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Caitlin Johnstone

One of the worst mistakes you can make when formulating your understanding of the world is to begin with the assumption that the truest and most accurate position must lie somewhere near the center of the two major political perspectives you see laid out all around you. 

It’s a well-documented fact that the rich and powerful pour vast fortunes into manipulating the political and media landscape in ways that serve their interests. Their control over the news media and Silicon Valley tech platforms is used to set the agenda and influence public perception by determining what issues will receive attention and which won’t in ways that preserve the political status quo they’ve built their empire upon, thereby shrinking the Overton window of acceptable debate down to a very narrow spectrum whose outcomes can’t threaten their interests in any way.

said “the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.”

People assume there must be truth in the mainstream worldview because so many others are invested in the mainstream worldview, when really the only reason that worldview is mainstream in the first place is because so much wealth and influence has gone into making it mainstream. In reality the assumption that the truth exists anywhere in either of the two mainstream political viewpoints promoted by the managers of the Western empire is an example of the bandwagon effect, which describes the cognitive bias in which humans tend to take on beliefs, behaviors, styles and attitudes solely because that’s what the people around them are doing.

This bias would have had evolutionary advantages early on in our development as a species. Back when our evolutionary ancestors were prey for prehistoric carnivores, it was a survival advantage to start running for your life if you saw other members of your tribe running, even if you personally didn’t see what they were running from. As primates whose survival depended on social cohesion, being rejected by the tribe would mean almost certain death by predation or starvation, so it was necessary to conform in whatever ways prevented that rejection from happening.

But we don’t live in prehistoric times anymore. We live in a civilization with a highly complex information environment that is being continually manipulated away from truth and accuracy and toward the advantage of powerful people who rule over us. If you go along with the herd, you’ll be deceived.

In truth the so-called “centrists” or “moderates” of our world are really violent extremists, because they support the most murderous and tyrannical power structure on our planet, and are only regarded as moderate because they sit in the mid-range of a completely artificially created spectrum. A perspective that is actually sane will be about as far away from their perspective as you can get.

Because the majority of people have been duped by propaganda into espousing mainstream political perspectives, those with an accurate read on things will necessarily be a small fringe minority until that dynamic changes. As long as your entire civilization is structured around deceit-based perspectives which serve the powerful, going along with the crowd will prevent you from forming a truth-based perspective that serves human interests.

So you’ll have to get comfortable rejecting mainstream orthodoxies, dismissing mainstream media, and shunning mainstream politics, because those things are all inseparably interwoven with the matrix of deceit by which our rulers have pulled the blindfold over this civilization. This won’t be a sign that you’re out of touch or a kooky crackpot or some snobby hipster who rejects all things mainstream out of a pathological need to be different, it will be a sign that you are seeing things clearly.

said, “The cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation.” But we can still find each other online, so we’re never really alone, and the cost is definitely worth it. The sincere pursuit of a truth-based perspective is ultimately the surest path not only toward a healthy society, but toward lasting happiness as an individual as well.

All my work is free to bootleg and use in any way, shape or form; republish it, translate it, use it on merchandise; whatever you want. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, throwing some money into my tip jar on PatreonPaypal, or Substack, buying an issue of my monthly zine, and following me on FacebookTwitterSoundcloud or YouTube. If you want to read more you can buy my books. The best way to make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. All works co-authored with my husband Tim Foley.

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This is a dispatch from our ongoing series by Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. 


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Why doesn’t Russia do more when Israel attacks Syria? Brian Berletic interview

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Vanessa Beeley • Brian Berletic

Vanessa and Brian tackle a question that many anti-imperialist activists frequently ask when confronted with the indecent sense of impunity Israel exhibits when committing atrocities against Syria and other progressive targets.

Vanessa BeeleyAn expert in Mideast affairs, Vanessa Beeley is a British blogger, journalist and anti-imperialist activist.

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