Another Independent News Show Gets Shut Down.

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Another Independent News Show Gets Shut Down.

One by one, many of the most trustworty and brave independent news shows are being harassed, demonetised and outright censored, their accounts often deleted with no right to appeal, this in the land whose elites send their armies to massacre and destabilise three quarters of the world in the name of freedom and democracy. If that doesn't define massive hypocrisy—and cynicism, too—nothing will. 


This post is part of our Orphaned Truths series with leading cultural and political analysts. People you can trust.

The Jimmy Dore Show • Fiorella Isabel — Craig Pasta Jardula (The Convo Couch) • Abby Martin (The Empire Files)
Lee Camp's Redacted Tonight • Caleb Maupin

Max Blumenthal • Ben Norton • Aaron Maté (The Grayzone) • Caitlin Johnstone • Chris Hedges

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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 
VIA A BACK LIVE LINK. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


Jimmy Dore: Real Reason CORNEL WEST Denied Tenure From Harvard.

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

The Jimmy Dore Show

The Real Reason CORNEL WEST Denied Tenure From Harvard

Mar 1, 2021

Actually, neither Jimmy nor Max say it explicitly, but the main reason Harvard (these days mostly a prostituted hybrid war and think tank engine for the empire, as are most Ivy League universities)—has refused tenure to West is because they simply wish to deny him the prestige of that platform in his denunciations of the anti-democratic imperialist status quo. 



Biden Breaks Campaign Promise On MbS Punishment – Psaki Lies To Hide That – Guardian Fakes Quote To Hide Psaki’s Lie

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Help us break the corporate media monopoly before it kills us all. The global oligarchy depends on its disinformation machine to maintain its power. Now the malicious fog of Western propaganda has created an ocean of confusion in which even independent minds can drown. Please push back against this colossal apparatus of deception. Consider a donation today!

Moon of Alabama

Iran's Maximum Leader Khamenini: personally sanctioned by the United States. The sheer arrogance, smugness and arbitrariness of such an act speaks volumes about the political toxicity of the West and why so many nations are uniting against it.

During his campaign President Joe Biden promised to punish Saudi Arabia's clown prince Mohammad bin Salman for ordering the murder of the Muslim Brotherhood propagandist Jamal Khashoggi. Like with most of his other campaign promises Biden of course never had the intention to follow through on that. 
Biden's press secretary Jen Psaki, known for bullshit spoken in an assertive tone, defended Biden's falsehood with another lie

The White House on Sunday defended its decision to not target Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after a U.S.intelligence report linked the royal to the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 
"Historically and even in recent history, Democratic and Republican administrations, there have not been sanctions put in place for the leaders of foreign governments where we have diplomatic relations and even where we don't have diplomatic relations," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union" program.

Here is the video clip of Biden's and Paski's lies. Her quote starts at 1:58 min.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control has a Sanction List Search feature which allows anyone to look up entities and persons who are under U.S. sanctions.

The pic below shows the entry for one LUKASHENKA, Alyaksandr Hryhoryavich, whose title is noted as 'President'.

The pic below shows the entry for one MADURO MOROS, Nicolas, whose title is noted as 'President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela'.

The pic below shows the entry for one KHAMENEI, Ali Husseini, whose title is noted as 'Supreme Leader of Iran'. The 'Additional Sanctions Information' says that he is 'Subject to Secondary Sanctions'.

There are several more presidents and heads of states under U.S. sanctions than those three above. Here is for example President of the Syrian Arab Republic. You can click here to find more. If one of Trump's press secretaries had issued the above lie the media would of course have lambasted them for that.

Do not expect such outcries with anything that is coming from the Biden administration. While it is running the same imperial policies as the Trump administration, the media will defend those for Biden just as they condemned them when Trump was reigning.

Update (20:01 UTC): Stephen McIntyre points out that the Guardian 'modified' the Psaki quote to hide her lie. It writes:

The White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said on Monday: “We reserve the right to take any action at a time and manner of our choosing.” But she added the US “has not typically sanctioned government leaders of countries where we have diplomatic relations”.

The words 'not typically' do not occur in the video clip (1:58m) of Psaki's CNN appearance. They were added by the Guardian writers Michael Safi and Julian Borger to hide Psaki's lie which was made to defend Biden's falsehood.

A lie begets a lie begets a lie ...
How deep will they nest those?

Moon of Alabama is edited by a German journalist working nder the nom de guerre, "B". 

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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License




Navalny: Wolf in Human Rights Activist’s Clothing?


Caleb Maupin

Dispatch dateline: Feb 28, 2021

The massive propaganda machinery of the American regime is raising a ruckus over Alexei Navalny's supposed victimization at the hands of the "evil Russian regime". In this cynical campaign—one of many psyops waged by the Anglo-Americans against nations like Russia that resist their hegemonic pressure—even blue ribbon media like The New Yorker, a favorite of affluent liberals, are enlisted to provide credibility to the accusations. (Getty Images/ The New Yorker)

An important question for us: can we consider that a person has stopped being a racist, homophobe, chauvinist, neo-Nazi, anti-Semite, if he simply stops expressing such views? Most Americans will say no. There should be at least some evidence that a person has realized the problems of xenophobia and bigotry, and its potential consequences for society.
If such a standard is applied in America, it should be in the rest of the world as well. When the highly respected US publication, The New Yorker, references a respected human rights organization, a contradictory phrase stands out: “Navalny did not renounce his past statements, but he hasn’t made new xenophobic statements for many years”. (

After Amnesty International declared that they no longer consider Navalny a "prisoner of conscience", it was as if a mental nuclear bomb had exploded in the media environment. But what are the views of the Russian oppositionist? What is the actual problem?

Let's go over a few examples. In 2009, Navalny called Jews “dudes in fox hats, lapserdaks, peys and all the other bells and whistles,” and the Arabs “chumaziks” - a derogatory term roughly translating to “dirty faced people” (

In 2013, the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post published an article in which it reported that at a party in the editorial office of The New Times, Navalny uttered a rhymed slogan: "First toast to the Holocaust!" (the original video has been removed from the web).

In addition, the publication quotes the words of the blogger that “those who want to live in Russia must become Russian in the full sense of the word” (the original publication has also been deleted). ( During the war in the Caucasus in 2008, the blogger called the Residents of Georgia - "rodents" (a play on words in Russian - "Groozeen-greezoon), and also suggested" to fire a cruise missile at the Georgian General Staff,” while calling for a complete blockade of the country and expulsion from Russia of all citizens of Georgia at once.

These words give the proper context to understanding why back in 2007 the blogger was expelled from the democratic Russian party Yabloko for promoting nationalism. [National chauvinism]. However, in 2009, during a live broadcast on the popular radio station Echo of Moscow, Navalny still called nationalism the defining point of his ideology, confirming, literally, that he could be called a "neo-Nazi." (

In addition, Alexei Navalny has many times openly declared his support for a right-wing nationalist event called "Russian March,” and attended this event in 2007-2011. And in 2013, in his personal blog Echo of Moscow, he wrote: “I still support the Russian March as an idea and as an event, I am ready to help with information or somehow, but I cannot participate in the new situation.” ( These words confirm our main thesis: silence is not yet denial.

Navalny's theses on other topics look no less bright. Alexei long had a habit of calling women “heifers.” By his own admission, he only stopped this in the hopes of winning feminist votes. (

On the LGBT community, Navalny's position is also known. “I believe that people have the right to formalize civil relations with each other as they want and need. [But] for example, [on] the issue of adoption of children, here I am categorically against." (

In the case of civic activism and political struggle, Navalny has always been in favor of a setup in which authorities, including, judges, can be dispensed with quickly, and then shot. (
While talk about the danger of social media rhetoric inciting violence is very prevalent across the United States these days, in 2020 Navalny announced publicly that he calls for the immediate forcible overthrow the government of Russia: "Such a government must be overthrown right now, quite possibly even by force." (

Looking over the history of Alexei Navalny's statements, there should be no questions as to why the Kremlin treats him with suspicion. A person who has been carrying such a thick mixture of stupidity and bigotry for years is unpredictable and dangerous. He is even more dangerous if engaged in “opaque business” and political scams.

But yet, such a person was recently awarded the highest prize of the Geneva Forum for Human Rights and Democracy - the Courage Prize. The opposition's website says that the award ceremony is scheduled for June. In response, we must repeat an important question, which we asked at the very beginning: can it really be considered that a person has ceased to be a racist, homophobe, chauvinist, neo-Nazi, anti-Semite, if he simply pretends for a short time that this is not so?

Caleb Maupin has worked as a journalist and political analyst for the last five years. He has reported from across the United States, as well as from Iran, the Gulf of Aden and Venezuela. He has been a featured speaker at many Universities, and at international conferences held in Tehran, Quito, and Brasilia. His writings have been translated and published in many languages including Farsi, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese. He is originally from Ohio. As a reporter with, Maupin's focus has been the United States. He has had many intense interactions with US State Department spokespeople including John Kirby, Mark Toner, and Heather Nauert confronting them about diverse issues like Syria, Russia, and the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons. Maupin was the primary US correspondent for RT’s international broadcasts during the 2016 Presidential elections. He reported from both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, and also directly from the riots in Oakland, California, during the aftermath of the vote.  


Rev. 11.11.20

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REAL left voices respond to Biden’s assault on Syria. (While complicit liberals applaud).

Please make sure these dispatches reach as many readers as possible. Share with kin, friends and workmates and ask them to do likewise.

Edited by Patrice Greanville

"Biden is war before relief"

The latest US bombing of Syria bearing this time Joe Biden's imprimatur should remind everyone that the empire never sleeps, never relents. Really "woke" people should be outraged, but we don't have really "woke" people in the United States, only a cynical simulacrum of woke, just like we only have a simulacrum of free media and democracy. The real left, which, constantly pummeled and betrayed, still thankfully exists, has summed up the situation well. Their battle cry, "Biden is war before relief", telegraphs the situation well; it is indeed a perfect snapshot of the US ruling class' appalling moral and political degeneracy. 

Not that imperialist war would ever be OK, or justified, even if the situation at home were "normal". But to choose a moment defined by such vast national penury—in the midst of a horrific pandemic, a broken economy with tens of millions unemployed and small businesses wiped out across the board, and with key state—Texas— still in the grip of a brutal winter storm that collapsed its libertarian electric grid—to pick this juncture for yet another cowardly assault on Syria, (a Nuremberg-class crime, mind you), demonstrates that the forces that Biden represents are not just completely and sociopathically indifferent to the plight of the American masses, but that they feel, wrapped in thick layers of cynical disinformation and shielded by the armed might of the US state, immune to any judicial or political punishment.

Viewed in that light, the bombing of Syria is more than just a case of extremely perverse priorities, an epic dereliction of duty worthy of incompetent despots. As Caleb Maupin notes, it is also an act of recklessness that threatens to drag all of humanity into the cauldron of a terminal nuclear war.

The videos below, authored by Jimmy Dore, Craig "Pasta" Jardulla and Fiorella Isabel (the tireless hosts of The Convo Couch), and Caleb Maupin, carry some of the best comment and analysis on the current situation. Their voices represent the true American left.

—The Editor
—The Editor

Biden Does Air Strikes Before Relief Checks!
The Jimmy Dore Show • Feb 26, 2021

Joe Bombs Syria, $15min wage SCRAPPED, Saudi Prince MBS on his way out? & more!

THE CONVO COUCH • Feb 26, 2021

Caleb Maupin: "Do not tell me the leaders of the US care for the American people!"
#204 - Late night update with Caleb! • Feb 26, 2021

While the real left denounces Biden, the liberals cheer

Meanwhile, at the liberals' cesspool, a typical "woke"—Amy Siskind—who, it would seem, is almost a caricature of the cluecomp affluent Democrat demographic, in a tweet that she soon deleted, could not help cheering the new commander in chief for acting presidential and showing "competence" while discharging his imperialist duties against the much vilified Bashir al-Assad, and his equally demonized Iranian allies.  Clearly, in Siskind's mind, one of these new online influencers, that is propagandists for the new technofascist regime infecting the West (and who for good measure proudly displays the LGBQT emblem), the orange man lacked finesse when blowing up brown and black people to smithereens.  Siskind justly caught some hell for her faux pas and glaring insensitivity, but still, she represents the majority opinion in this benighted nation. Just look at how many clueless people follow her: more than half a million! 

But, let's begin at the beginning—with Siskind's own Twitter card.  Her political allegiance and acumen are clear: Below, responses to her (withdrawn) tweet praising Biden for his aggression on Syria:

And so it goes, friends. 

This post is part of our Orphaned Truths series with leading cultural and political analysts. People you can trust.

The Jimmy Dore Show • Fiorella Isabel — Craig Pasta Jardula (The Convo Couch) • Abby Martin (The Empire Files)
Lee Camp's Redacted Tonight • Caleb Maupin

Max Blumenthal • Ben Norton • Aaron Maté (The Grayzone) • Caitlin Johnstone • Chris Hedges

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The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of The Greanville Post

All image captions, pull quotes, appendices, etc. by the editors not the authors. 
VIA A BACK LIVE LINK. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
