People rally to protest billionaire's secret meeting (VIDEO)





a private dinner (and possible fundraiser) hosted by Charles Koch in 2007. If you’ll remember, Charles and his brother, David Koch, were the ones profiled in the August 2010 New Yorker piece “Covert Operations: the Billionaire Koch Brothers’ War on Obama.” To bring things full-circle, the Kochs are also major donors to the Federalist Society, a group dedicated to right-leaning reforms to the American legal system. 

Tea Party caucus. In an immediately infamous meeting Monday, the justice and conservative lawmakers (and four Democrats) spoke at length about the Constitution and where the country is headed, and the entire conversation was off the record and closed to reporters.


Hundreds march outside Koch brothers’ retreat

By Rich Connell and Tom Hamburger, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Rancho Mirage and Washington, D.C.

contributed $1 million to a failed ballot initiative to suspend California’s law to curb greenhouse gases.
“We cannot have democracy unless everyone has a voice,” said Cathy Riddle, a Temecula website developer who held a sign reading “Corporations are not people.” Donors like the Koch brothers are “drowning us out,” she said. “Their voices are louder.”
   The orderly protest, involving 800 to 1,000 people, ended after the arrest of 25 people for trespassing, according to authorities.
   Koch spokeswoman Nancy Pfotenhauer said the closed-door meeting, the eighth of its kind, “brings together some of America’s greatest philanthropists and job creators … who share a common belief that the current level of government spending in our nation is simply unsustainable.”
   The meeting is focusing on ways to reduce the rising federal deficit, she said, as well as “strategies to promote policies that will help grow our economy, foster free enterprise and create American jobs.”
   The guest list was confidential, but attendees included House Republican leader Eric Cantor of Virginia. In past years, guests or speakers have included other GOP leaders and conservative commentator Glenn Beck.
Sunday’s rally outside the Rancho Las Palmas resort came after a midterm election year of unprecedented attention on the Koch brothers and their role in the nation’s politics. For decades, the family has underwritten conservative organizations and campaigns, providing significant funding for the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
   Protesters held a Sunday morning panel discussion that mostly focused on a Supreme Court decision, Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, that permitted corporations and unions to contribute directly to political campaigns.
   Critics said Sunday that the Kochs, who have interests in oil, pipelines, chemicals and a range of consumer products, backed groups that supported the court’s decision.
   They echoed concerns of President Obama, who has criticized a group that David Koch helped form, Americans for Prosperity. The president cited AFP as an example of special-interest money that poured into last year’s campaigns after the high court decision. AFP had said it planned to spend $40 million in 2010 campaigns.
   This month, the watchdog group Common Cause delivered a letter to the Justice Department saying that Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas should have disqualified themselves from the Citizens United case if they had taken part in a meeting the Kochs sponsored. A Supreme Court spokesman said neither justice participated in the meeting but said Thomas “dropped by.”
   Bob Edgar, president of Common Cause and a former Democratic congressman, told rally participants that the Kochs “are at the center of a hard-core conservative political network” that wants to roll back consumer protections and undercut fair elections.
   “This is a fight for nothing short of the heart and soul of America,” he said.
   Republican defenders of the Kochs accuse Common Cause and other critics of being hypocritical, saying Democratic causes have similarly large donors.
   Grover Norquist, president of the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, has attended Koch meetings in the past. He said the brothers were simply encouraging political participation. (sic)
   “Common Cause pretends to be in favor of political engagement and free speech, and now they are shouting down a group that wants to be engaged,” he said.
   The Kochs “encourage people to get involved in politics, support think tanks, to start think tanks. It’s important work.”
   But Jeff McCall, 67, a retired Upland teacher who was near the crowded front lines of Sunday’s protest, said he felt compelled to demonstrate against the Supreme Court’s relaxation of corporate political contributing.
   “It’s putting American democracy in the hands of people like the Kochs and others,” he said. “It’s not who you vote for, it’s how much money you’ve got.”

Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times

EGYPT: The masses defiant



Roots of the Egyptian revolutionary moment (VIDEO)

THE SUDDEN EXPLOSION OF POPULAR IRE being seen in Egypt and other countries of the Middle East ensues from decades of brutal oppression and corruption by dictators and elites cynically supported by Israel and the United States. This video is courtesy of The Real News Network (TRNN). For continuous coverage of events in Egypt as they develop, watch history in the making on Al Jazeera television.


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